HomeMy WebLinkAbout1927-03-14-ATM-MIN 119 ADJOURNED T01 T1•,T r,IEr,,TT; G MARCH 14 , 1927 Meeting was called to order by Moderator Robert U . Holt at 7 : 30 P . M . on motion the reading of. the Warrant , excepting the return of the Constable , was omitted . Article 2 . On motion of William R . S . Eaton , Chairman of the Appropriation Committee , it was voted that the report of the Appropriation Committee be accepted . It was then voted to lay Article 2 upon the table . 1irti_ cle 4 . On motion of James G . Robertson , Selectman , It ova s voted that � ?250 be appropriated ppropriated and assessed for the proper observance of Memorial Day , to be expended under the direction of Post 119 of the Grand Army of the Republic . . Article 12 . On motion of James G . Robertson , it was Voted that the Town Treasurer with the approval of. the Selectlen be and hereby is authorized to borrow money fror time to time in anticipation of revenue of the present financial year , and to issue therefor a nate or notes payable within one year . Any debt or debts incurred under this irote to be paid from the revenue of the present f inar: cial year . Article 5 . On r' otinn of James G . Robertson , it was Voted that the following amounts be a ''Pro"'riated and year : For the support of public schools and for the payment of tuition at Vocational Schools , $ 189 , 000 . 00 For the support of Outside Poor . ' 8 , 900 . 00 For the maintenance and care of highways , 4'2 , 500 . 00 For permanent construction of highways , 3 , 000 . 00 For the expense of street lights , 20 600 . 00 For the support of the Fire Department , 28 , 760 . 00 For the expenses of the Approiriati. on Committee 150 . 00 4 For the maintenance of Public Parks , 4 , 500 . 00 For the salaries and expenses of the Engineering Dept , F� ( of which $ 1500 is for Block Plan System ) 9 , 30(1 , nn Frederick L . Erery offered an amendment that the sum of $ 1500 for blocklan system be expended _ neering department and f. ot for servicesoutside icof ou engi - neering engineers , e This amendment was lost and the original motion of Mr . Robertson was passed . ' For the salary and expenses of the Milk Inspector , 500 . 00 ( of which $300 is for salary ) For the salary and expenses of the Plumbing Inspector , 860 . 0u ( of which $ 820 is for salary ) For the salary of Inspector of Slaughtering , 600 . 00 120 M r For the expenses of April 19th Celebration , 1'' 500 .100 For the construction and repair of street signs , 300 . 00 For the maintenance and development of:junroe Cemett? ry , 1 , 512 . 00 For the maintenance and development of Wectview Cemetery , 1 , 500 . 00 For the salary and expenses of Wire Inspector 675 . 00 ( of which $ 600 is for salary ) For expenses of Lowell & Maple Sts , and Mass . Ave . highway construction , 546 . 85 Total , $313 , 703 . 85 Article 6 . On motion of James G . Robertson , It was Voted that the fol. low1ng amounts he appro ')riated and assessed for the current year : For salary and expenses of Town Treasurer 950 . 00 ( of which $700 is for salary ) For salary and expenses of Town Clerk , 1 . 850 . u0 ( of which $ 1700 is for salary ) For salary and expenses of Collector 2 , 730 . 00 ( of which $2100 is for salary ) Under this item the Chairman of the Appropriation Committee explained that an allowance was made in the Selectmen ' s Account for a clerk to assist the Collector . Byron C . Earle , Collector of Taxes , explained that he felt he should have a Clerk in his own depart - ment and requested an amendment to the original motion that $ 1000 additional he allowed him for clerical hire . This amendment was passed and the total ar- nunt allowed for this department was $3730 , 00 For expenses of Election and Registrations 500 . 00 For the expenses of Town Hall , 4 , 500 . 00 For Hydrant rental , 4 . 605 . 00 For the maintenance of Village Hall , 550 . 00 For salary and expenses of Sealer of "eights and Mea sures , ( of which ; 300 is for salary ) 400 . 00 For experise Of -Forest est Fires , 500 . 00 For the salary of. Dog Officer , 50 . 00 For maintenance of Hastings 7'ark , 5 . 00 For the inspection of animals , 700 , 00 For the support of the Dental Clinic in the Public Schools , 1 , 600 . 00 For vital statistics , 50 , 00 For the expense of watering troughs , 100 . 00 121 . Art . 6 Continued . For. Soldiers ' burials , ; : 100 . 00 For Soldiers ' relief , 500 . 20 For. 1 ilitary aid to be expended under Chaptnr 1 :15 of the General Laws , 100 . 00 For the administration of nubile trusts , 80 . 00 For State Aid , 400 . 00 For Town Physician , 25 . 00 For patent of Interest upon the public debt , 38 , 000 . 00 . For the payment of the bonded indebtedness of the town maturing in 1927 , 6f which S25 , 000 shall be transferred from General Revenue and Surplus Account 100 , 800 . 00 J For the support of the Police Department , 25 , 925 . 00 For the support of the libraries , 9 , 777 . 00 For the salary and expenses of the Supt of Public "corks , ( of which : 4200 is for salary ) 4 , 540 , 00 Vor the expense of insurance , .5 ,500 . 00 For salary and expens s of Town Accountant , 2800 . 00 ( of wl ch : 2600 is for salary ) ' -_. 3 For salaries and expenses of the Board of Assessors , ( of which $ 600 is for salary of Assessors ) 3 , 990 . 00 For salaries and expenses of the Selectmen ' s , Dept . ( of which ch $ 250 is for expenses of Selectren for 1927 ) 4 , 600 . 00 For the riaintenance of public health and. sanitation , 2 , 050 . 00 For legal services ( of. which ". .SOC) s for salary of Town Counsel ) 1 , 500 . 00 For uncldssified expenses , 200 , 00 For protection of public shade trees and for the planting of shade trees , 1 , 000 . 00 For the expense of removal of snow , 20 , 000 . 00 For salary and expenses of the BuildifIg Inspector , ( of which $1000 is for salary ) 1 , 040 . 00 For salary of the Treasurer of the Cary ' 'emorial library ,:ill ' s 50 . 00 For expense of printing and publishing the Town Report , • 728 . 90 For expenses of the Planning Board , 150 . 00 For removal of as'-. es and care of dumps , 2 , 000 . 00 For. Bedford St . Damages for land taken , 2 , 126 , 00 Total , On motion of James G . Robertson the following votes were passed unan:inously : Article 7 . Voted that there be appropriated and assessed for the ___ - - - -- - - _ . 1. v----- --. - - _ . , 122 Cad0 construction of sidewall- s of concrete or other material where the abutters will pay one -half the expense , ";'750 . 00 Article 8 . Voted tmst there be appropriated and assessed for the suppression of gypsy and brown tail moths in accordance with Chapter 132 of the General Laws , 4 , 500 . 00 Article 9 . Voted that there be appropriated and assessed for the payr7ent of pensions to tin -tired town veterans ' under . Chdpter 32 , Section 52 - 55 of the General Laws , 1 , 225 . 00 Article 10 . Voted that there be appropriated and assessed as a Res " rve Fund for the current year under Chapter 40 , Sec . 6 of the General Laws , 2 , 500 . 00 Article 11 . Voted that there be appropriated and assessed for • pensions for retired members of the Police and Fire Departrients under Chapter 32 of the General Laws , 1 , 630 . 00 Article 13 . Voted that the sum of. $300 be appropriated and assessed for aid to -Tiddlesex County Bureau of Agri c, , , turf and Home Econorri cs . It was also voted ti- t Robert 7 . Trask be elected !. s Director . Article 14 . Voted that the sum of ;;' 10 , 910 . 00 he appropriated for Sewer Maintenance Account , the same to be appropriated from the Depart/rental receipts . Voted that the sum of F . 60 , 430 . 20 be appropriated for ;?iter Maintenance Account , the same to be appropriated from the Departmental receipts . Voted that the sum of $20 , 000 . 00 be appropriated for "rater Construction , Account , and that for the purpose of rai sink; the money , the Town Treasurer be and hereby is authorized to sell under the direction of and with the approval of the Selectipen , bonds or notes of the town bearing interest at a rate not to exceed 5% per annum issued and payable as provided by law . Article 15 . Voted that the sum of $400 be appropriated and assessed for Lowering of Brooks . article 16 . Voted that the su?; of $8 , 000 be appropriated and assessed for the construction of 7altham Street from ' diddle itrent to Allen Street . Also voted that any unexpended balance from this account be applied to other construction . Article 17 . Voted that the sum of $9 , 000 he appropriated and assessed for the construction of Massachusetts Avenue from "ralthatn Street to Hayes Fountain , and Bedford Street from Hayes Fountain to Elm Avenue . Also voted that any unexpended balance from this account be applied to other construction . Article 18 . Voted that the Board of Selectmen be authorized to enter into a contract with the :dassachusetts Department of Public Works , Division of Highways , for the construction of any State • Highway which may be laid out during the year 1927 within the Town of Lexington . • Article 19 . Voted that the town will indemnify the Commonwealth of lassf chusetts against any and all cl. air, s for land , grade and drainage damages which may be caused by or rsu1 t from the laying out , alter- ation , construction , or r'' construetion of State Highway or. section 123 of State Highway in Lexington , and that the Selectmen he authorized to sign an Indemnity agreement therefor in behalf of the town Indemnifying the Commonwealth as aforesaid . Article 20 . Voted that the sun of $ 2 , 950 be appropriated and assessed to purchase the beacon traffic signals for the town , :'article 21 . Voted that the Selectmen be instructed to install street lights in the following unaccepted streets : .fount Vernon Terrace , Fletcher Avenue , Hayes Avenue , Hillside . Terrace , Bridle Path , and Hamblen Street . Article 22 . Voted that the Board of Selectr,:en of the Town of Lexington , be , and they hereby are , authorized , instructed , and directed , toexecute , acirnowledge , and deliverin the namand behalf of said Town , a deed running in favor of Jessie E . Keenan of said Lexington , releasing all the right , title , and interest of said Town , if any , in lots No . 541 , and 545 , on a " Plan of lots at Liberty Heights , belonging to Jacob W . Wilbur , " said plan being made by Alfred L . Eliot , C . E . dated November. 19 , 191a, and recorded with Middlesex South District Deeds ,dBook of Plans 182 ,Plan 41 , . meaning and intending , hereby to athorizee said Board of Selectmen to release I "1 the name and behalf of said Town , all right , title and interest of said. Town , if any it still has in the above described real estate , Originally 4celuired under a deed from the Collector of Taxes to said Town of Lexington , dated April 1 , 1915 , and recorded with said deeds , Book 3957 , page 455 . :article 23 . Voted that the sum of $4 , 0' '0 be appropriated and assessed for the construction of a sewer � Avenue -° r in '. ass � . chusetts venue from Middle Street to the end of Curve Street north , and frnm Curve Ptreet south to the East Lexington Station . Voted that the sum of $9 , n00 be appropriated for the construction of a sewer in Massachusetts Aireni, e from Middle Street to the end of Curve Street north , and from Curve Street south to the East Lexington Station , and that for the purpose of raising the money so appropriated the Town Treasurer be and hereby is authorized to sell , under the direct ; on and with the approval of the SES t .ectmen bonds or notes of the town bearing merest at a rate not to exceed 5j'7 per annum , issued and payable in accordance with the Town of Lexington , Sewer Loan Act of 1913 , and • Voted that the sum of $14 , 000 be appropr ; ated for the construction of a sewer in Massachusetts Avenue from Middle Street to the end of Curve Street north. , and from Curve Street south to the Mast Iexi ' tgton Station , and that for the purpose of raising the money so appropriated the Town Treasurer he and hereby is authorized to sell , under the direction and with the approval of the Selectmen bonds or notes of the town bearing interest at a rate not to exceed 5% par annum , issued and payable in accordance with law . And further voted that any unexpended balance after . construction of the sewer in Massachusetts Avenue be applied to other sewer construction . Article 24 . On motion of James G . itobertson it was Voted : That the Seri: tr on bo and they are hereby authorized , for such consideration and on such terns as to them may seer best , to sell and convey the premises at 516 Massachusetts Avenue , Lexington , which was conveyed to the Town by Frederick H . Rindge uner date of April 29 , 1885 upon condition that the grantee •,will execute an agree - ment under seal wiLh the Town , for the benefit of the Town and of 124 ZD CC the parties to the agreement hereinafter mentioned , restricting the use of the property in accordance with the mutual agreement of Leroy S . Brown , et als , dated Marcb. 1Stl, 1916 s shown on a plan entitled " Plan of Land around the Common at Lexington . " dated January 1 , 1917 and recorded in Middlesex South District Registry of Deeds in Book 4122 , page 563 , et seq . and plan fl2 in Plan Book 258 . Frederick L . Emery then offered the following amendment " and upon the further condition that the purchaser agree to restore the building to the original style of architecture ;' Mr . Emery ' s amendment was accepted and the original vote as amended was passed unanimously as follows : Voted : That the Selectmen be and they are hereby authorized , for such consideration and on such terms as to them may seem best , to sell and convey the premises at 516 Massachusetts Avenue , Lexington , which was co-weyed to the Town by Frederick H . Rindge under date of April 29 , 1885 upon condition that the grantee will execute an agreement under seal with the Town , for the benefit of the Town and of the parties to the agreement hereinafter nafter mentioned , restricting the use of the property in accordance "pith. the mutual agreement of Leroy S . Brown , et als , dated March 13 , 1916 as shown on a plan entitled " Flan of Land around the Common at Lexington , " dated January 1 , 1917 and recorded in Middlesex South District Registry of Deeds in Book 4122 , page 563 , et seq . and plan H2 in Plan Book 258 , and upon the further condition. that the purchaser agree to restore the building to the original style of architecture . Article 25 . On motion of James G . Robertson • it was voted to indefinitely postpone this ar. ticle . Article 28 . On motion of James G . Robertson it was voted to adopt the following by-law : " The Board of Selectmen are hereby authorized to adopt regulations establishing rates and charges for the use of water supplied by public water works and for the inspection , materials , construction , alteration , or use Of pipes and fixtures through which water is supplied by public water works , either throughout the town or within a limited portion thereof , and to prohibit the use of such water by persons neglecting or refusicig to comply therewith : and the Town hereby prohibits the use of such water by such persons neglecting or refusing to . comply therewith" . • Article 29 . On motion of James G . Robertson it was unanimously Voted that the sum of , • 1500 be appropriated and assessed to extend the wire rence around the Munroe Cemetery , and that said sum be. expended under the direction of the Cemetery Commissioners . • Article 30 . On motion of Jamns G . Robertson it was unanimously , Voted teat the sum of 0. . 2 3 be transferred from Cliffe Avenue , Arcadia Avenue , C€irville i:venue and Grant Street ncoount to Highway Construction , Lowell St , Maple Street and Massachusetts Avenue . Article 71 . On motion of James G . Robertson it was unanimously Voted that this article be indefi ! ii_ tely postponed . Article 32 . On motion of James G . Robertson it was unanimously , • 125 Voted that this article be indefinitely postponed . Meeting adjourned at 9 : 50 P . M . to Monday , March 28 , 1927 at 8 P . M . A true record , Attest : Cd/(- Clen )W Town Clerk . RECOUNT Off' VOTES FOR SELECTMEN March 17 , 1927 At the recount of vote Selectmen for l .� e c tmen a t the annual Town Meeting March 7 , 1927 , the registrars of voters of the Town of Lexington find on March 16th , 1927 that the-) vote for • Selectmen 3 s as -follows : Francis Eugene Burke 892 Francis Chamberlain 941 Theodore A . Custance 1139 John E . Gilcreast 875 Bartholomew D . Callahan ) Registrars • Clef rence S . ' 'alknr of • John U . Cane ) Voters .. 1 :, � .__ .