HomeMy WebLinkAbout1926-05-12-STM-MIN Q., ,,R T O ' N L' E E T i U r MAY 12 , 1926 • The Meeting was called to order by Moderator Robert l-I . Bolt at 8 : 00 P . M . Art . 2 . On motion of Theodore A . Uustance it was unanimously , Voted that the Town accept chapter 221 of the Acts and Resolves of 1926 relating to sewer assessments in the Town of Lexington . Art . 3 . un motion of Theodore A . Custance it was unanimously , Voted that the Town accept Chapter 263 of the Acts and resolves of '1926 relating to surface and ground drainage in the Town of Lexington . Art , 4 . On motion of Theodore A . Custance it was unanimously , Voted that the S l tm n , be a thoriized to Dravida for the laying of acEgiir9i v i � � qs; ��s An � , nf9 eche° Ane ebh to the high School , in private land from Massachusetts Avenue to Highland Avenue , in Highland Avenue from Winthrop Road to Bloom- field Street , and in Bloomfield Street from Massachusetts Avenue to Highland Avenue , at an expense of $29 , 800 , and for the purpose of raising the money so appropriated the Town Treasurer be and hereby is authorized to sell , under the direction and with the approval of the Selectmen , bonds , or notes of the town bearing interest at a rate not to exceed 41% per annum , issued and payable in accordance with. the Town of Lexington , Sewer Loan Act of 1913 , and further voted that any unexpended balance after completion of the work may be used for other sewer construction . The above vote was approved by the Appropriation Committee . Art . 5 . On motion of Theodore A . Custance the following vote was passed , 112 voting the affirmative and 2 in the negative : Voted that the Selectmen be authorized to provide for the laying of a sewer in Forest Street Extension , at an expense of $2700 , and for the purpose of raising the money so appropriated the Town Treasurer be and hereby is authorized to sell , under the dir- ection and with the approval of the Selectmen , bonds or notes of the town bearing interest at a rate not to exceed 4'N per annum , issued and payable in accordance with the Town of Lexington , Sewer Loan Act of 1913 , and further voted that any unexpended balance after completion of the work may be used for other sewer construction . The above vote was approved by the Appropriation Committee . • Art . 6 . On motion of Theodore A . Custance the following vote was passed , 106 In the affirmative and 1 in the negative : Voted that the Selectmen be authorized to provide for the laying of a sewer in Meriam Street , from otetson Street to Abbott Road , at an expense of $7500 , Mad for the purpose of raising the money so appropriated the Town Treasurer be and hereby is authorized to sell , under the direction and with the approval of the Selectmen , bonds or notes of the town bearing interest at a rate not to exceed 4W% per annum , issued and payable in accordance with the Town of Lexington , Sewer Loan Act of 1913 , and further voted that any un- expended balance after completion of the work may be used for other sewer construction . The above vote was approved by the Appropriation Committee . 79 Art . 7 . on motion of Theodore Ac: A . ustance it was unanimously Voted , that the Town rescind the 22 , vote , insofar applied to the $ 12 , 000 in securities stall nissuedi s it authorization bar the Ton , May , ncludAd in l y22 of a bond issue of $35 , 000 for construction work on Maple and Lowell Streets and nd .�assachusetts . art . 8 . On motion of Theodor. e A . c u�zsta n e it was unanimously , Votedthat this article be indefinitely postponed . Art . 9 . On motion of Theodore A . Custance it was unanimously , Voted that the Selectmen be instructed to install street lights in the following unaccepted streets : W ng necLasery Avenue , Cary litTenue , and Bacon Street . e - 1inton Lane Art . 10 . After considerable discussion of this article it was Voted that Article 10 . be referred to a Committee of five be appointed by the Moderator to consider the advisabilityof to the Building Laws to provide for situations wf� ' ch have a rev - eing the last revision and which the Code does not cover .Comflittoe risen since ted . Ro3er .. reoley , Hi , 131z_cl: , C . T ' . Collin - , JJ- 1.11F Tibbetts . e_ .z f .,` �lsz: or%Hl , `:'�: ltcr G . Art . 20 . On motion of Theodore A . Custance it was unanimously Voted that this n rti cle be referred erred to the Committe appointed under article 10 , e to be Art . 11 . On motion of Theodore A . Custance it was unanimously ly Voted that the following amounts be appropriated for the following accounts , and that the same be transferred frome Revenue and Surplus Account : the General Tax Collector , ;' 230 . 00 Town Treasurer , 85 . 00 Planning Board , 150 . 00 $465 . 00 Art . 12 . On motion of Theodore H . Custance it was unanimously Voted that the sum of $400 be appropriated and assessed for the purpose of clearing the brooks of the Town of obstructions . Art . 13 , and 14 . It was voted to take up these two articles together . On motion of Joseph K . Cotton , it was unanimously Voted that that part of the vote passed at the Town Meeting March 16 , 1925 under Article 33 which is as follows : " Until oter _wise ordered as hereinafter provided the fund shall be turned over to the Trustees of Public Trusts to be invested and held by them , together with the accumulations of income thereon , subject to t future vote or votes of the Town " , be rescinded so h e ot under said Article 33 will read as follows : " Voted : That the sums �$3 , 617 . 89 b e appropriated ( the same being the amount returned of Town under the provisions of Chapter 480 of the Acts of 1924 ) to the th purpose or purposes of acquiring land , the construction of buildings or other structures , including cost of original equipment , to serve as and to be a permanent Memorial to all Veterans of all ars who went from the Town of Lexington to serve with the Colors and hold r are entitled to an Honorable Discharge from the United States Aror Navy or Marine Corps : The fund so held shall be designated as Veterans Memorial Fund . terans SO) Further Voted : That the present Commander of George G . Meade Post , Grand Army of the Republic , the present Uommander of Stanley Hill Pbst , the American Legion , and a Veteran of the Spanish ' '!ar with two other citizens , the last three to be appointed by the Moderator , be named as a ( , ommittee of five to investigate and report on the question of establishing a permanent Memorial , the said Committee to be permanent , any vacancies to be filled by the then Moderator by the selection of a member of the organ 7ation or group In which the vacancy may occur , and in case no member of the Grand Army Post is able to serve , its representative shall he selected from the Sons of Veterans . " Art . 14 . Voted that the Trustees of Public Trusts he authorized and directed to pay and return the Veterans Memorial Fund to the Town Treasurer together with all accumulations of interest or in - come received by them thereon . Art . 1 . Under this article the Com : ittee appointed to investigate the advisability of establishing a Wire Inspection department reported as follows . REPORT OF THE COI'11AITTEE APPOINTED TO INVESTIGATE THE ADVISABILITY OF ESTABLISHING A .VIRE INSPECTION • DEPARTMENT FOR TEE TOWN of LEXI GTON . Atter due consideration of this subject , the Committee recom- mentlaaVsuch a department be established , and cites as reasons the following : The town of Lexington requires inspection of buildings and plumbing , whereas the almost equally important work of electric wiring may be performed without specific authority or subsequent inspection . As a very considerable fire hazard is present when electri - cal wiring or associated electrical apparatus are wrongly installed , we believe t,� at the property owner is oI. ti tied tr the added pro - L ction of his property , which an authorized wire Inspection will give . With the rapidly increasing use of electrical devices in the home , many of which require considerably more electrical tower than that ordinarily consumed by lighting circuits , the possibility of fire hazard is like wise increased . Not only will the property owner benefit by this propos :3d wire inspection system , but the architect , builder , and general contractor will be assured of proper and satisfactory work on the part of the electtical contractor . The proposed establishment of a wire inspection department has received the hearty endorsement of the Edison Electxic Illuminating Company , Charles H . Tenney & Company , and C . D . Parker & Company , operators and managers of electric power systems . Our own Fire Department thru its Chief , Mr . Taylor , is strongly in favor of an adequate wire inspection department . The New England Insurance Exchange advises that the establish - ment of such an inspection system would have a direct bearing upon the Insurance classification schedule of the town , and the Exchange most naturally favors the inbtallation of such a department . Lexington is one of the very few towns and cities in the vicinity of Boston that does not maintain its own wire inspection department . The neighbor%ing towns of jinchester , Belmont , '"ater- town , Arlington and Concord all provide this service at a cost varying between $ 100 . 00 to $3000 . 00 per annum paid the Inspector . The wide variance in the amounts Offered as salaries depends on whether the Inspector devotes his entire time to the position , or 81 combines it with other activities , Respectfully submitted , JQhn A . Proctor , Chairman , Howard E . Custance , Galt F . Parsons May 12 , 1926 It was voted to accept the above report and to discharge the Committee . Art . 15 . On motion of. Theodore A . Custance it was Tnanimously , Voted that the sum of 4375 be appropriated and assessed for a Wire Inspection Department . Art . 16 . On motion of Theodore A . Custance it was unanimously , Voted that the Zoning By- law be amended in the following particular : namely that a business district be established at the locality of the junction of Lowell and North Streets , specifically as follows : - On both sides of. Lowell Street a distance of 300 feet northerly and southerly from the point of intersection of center lines of Lowell Street and North Street northwesterly , and on both sides of North Street a distance of 250 feet from the point of intersection of the center lines of Lowell and North Streets north- westerly , and on both sides of North Street northeasterly a distance of 2Q0 feet from the intersect ; on of the center lines of Lowell and' North Streets northeasterly , subject to provisions of section 18 of the Zoning byCaw . 14r . Edwin B . Worthen of the Planning oard informed the meeting that this proposed amendment had the unanimous approval of the Planning Board . The Planning Board also recommended that Lowell Street be widened to 60 feet and North Street to 50 feet . Mr . Worthen read a letter from Mr . Robert h . Ryder , owner of property abutting on the street , in which he stated that he would give the land for the street widenings . Art . 17 . * 0 - motion of Theodo e A . Uustance i was unanimo y , Voted - at the Seiectme s be authorized to _ stall a dra nage system across p ivate lands fro Highland Avenue to Vine Brook , at an expense of 4 . . 00 , and for the rpose of raising the money so appropriated and - sessed , the Town + reasurer be an. ereby is authorized to sell , under the direct _. on and with the asproval of the Selectmen , bond - or notes of the t . rn bearing ante est at a rate not to exceed 41;" per annum , issue . and payable i a c cordanc with law . Art . 18 .4 On motion of The . dore A . 0ustance t was unanimc sly , Vote that the Sele nen be authorized to nstall a d linage system in land Avenue f .• m Winthrop Aoad to loomfield S . 'eet , at an expens of $7000 , and f . the purpose of ra _ sing the mo so approptiate and assessed the Town Treasurer be and hereby 1 - authorized to se 1 , under the di ection and with th approval o ' the Selectmen , bonds r notes of the •wn bearing inter st at a rate of to exceed 4'W% per nnum , issued and . ayable In actor ance with la . Art . 19 . On motion of Theodore A . Custance it was unanimously , Voted that the Selectmen be authorized to install 6 Inch water mains in Downing Road and Wachusett Drive , subject to the usual guarantee , at an expense of 87500 , and that for the purpose of raising the money , the Town Treasurer be and hereby Is authorized to sell under the direction of and with the approval of the Selectmen , bonds or not, es of the Town bearing interest at a rate not to exceed • 99 5% , issued and payable as provided by law , and further voted C.7) that any unexpended balance after completion of the work may be used for other water construction . On motion of Theodore A . Custance it was unanimously , * Art . 17 . Voted that the Selectmen be authorized to install a drainage system across private lands from. highland Avenue to Vine Brook , at an expense of $ 6000 , and that the money for this purpose be appropriated and assessed . - Art . 18 . on motion of Theodore h . . Custance it was unanimously , Voted that the Selectmen be authorized to install a drainage system in Highland Avenue from viinthrop Road to Bloomfield Street , at an expense of $7000 , and that the money for this purpose be appropriated and assessed . The meeting dissolved at 9 : 55 P . M . • A true record , attest ; I ' ir C Town Clerk . 111• • •