HomeMy WebLinkAbout1926-03-15-ATM-MIN _ , - _ - - - , ±.DJOUIH-E17 T0711 MEETING ti MARCH 15 , 1926 The meeting yas called to order. by Moderator , H . • Robert Holt , at 7 : 30 P . M . • Art . 6 . Under this arti cl- eon motion of Theoftre A . Custance , Chairman of the Selectmen , it len s Voted that the sum of 892 . 19 be appropriated and assessed for the payment of the bonded indebtedness of the town ms tur ; ng in 1926 . This is in addition to the sum already appropriated at the 1. 2 st meeting . [Art . 7 . On motion of Theodore A . Custance it was Voted that there be appropriated and assessed for the con- construction of sidewalks of concrete or other material where the . abutters will pay one -Ralf the expense , $1000 . 00 •• Art . B . On motion of Theodore A . Custance it was Voted that bore be appropriated and assessed for the sup- pression of gypsy and brown tail moths in accordance with Uhapter 132 of the General Laws , ` 4O00 . OO { :\rt . 9 . On motion of Theodore A . Custance it was Voted that .'" l22, assessed 5 be ap roprlated and for the pay- ment of pensions to retired town veterans under Chapter 72 , Sections 52 - 55 of the General Laws . • Art . 10 . On motion of Theodore A . Custance it was Voted that $2500 be appropriated and assessed as te ,_ e rve Fund for the current year under Chapter 40 , Sec . 6 , of the General Laws . • • Art . 11 . on Motion of Theodore (-instance It was Voted that . :870 be appropriated and assessed for pensions Tor retired members of the Police and Fire Departments under Chapter 32 of the General Laws . .rt . 13 . On motion of Theodore L . Custance it was Voted that the sum of . ,300 be apl--ropriate3d and assessed fn-1 • aid to Middlesex County bureau of Agriculture and Home ? nonomics . It was also voted that Rob 2rt P . Trock be e1_ e nted as Director . :art . 16 . On motion of Theodore A . Custance It s unanimously • Voted that the Town accent ►pec . 1O of Chapter 31 of the General Laws of 1921 , in reference ,to L' hief_ s of Police . • • 1. - .. . )7) 68 rTh ZD Art . 1.7 . On motinn of Theodore A . (instance it was Vot :;d , that the following recommendation of the Selectmen for the changes in Hames of certain streets , be accepted : Bowman Street from Redford St . southeasterly , Manning " trent Cedar Street from Reed St . Td . L . sorthwester. l. y , Marsh Street Rusti. s Street from i sbury St . to Bellf. ln'.,rer , nertiieasterl. Tr . �E rald St , Fairview AVO . from gohbi.ns to Eastern 11venue , northeast , Fairland ot . Fern Street Hazel to Farley , Northwest , . Ferndal. e St . Grove Street , . B &: M RR . Tv . L . to Locust St . southwest Garfield St . Pill St . Haywood :, ve , north Amherst St , Highland Ave . Haywood Ave north Beaumont S t . TIil lcrst Ave, Mass . , ktve . to Vood St . nor. tIheast Alpine St . Hillside .ve . Theresa Ave . south 0:k.ford St . Madison Ave . Independence Ave ,to Lexington Ave . Indepen_derc ce itve . Maple St .. Beech St . to Brook St , northeast rIvrtle St . Oak St . Centre to Pine St . northwest Avon St . • Reed St . Lowell St . to Orient Ave . east Hasirell St . Spring St . from Reed St . to B P, M RR northeast Acorn St . Sumrler St ; Redford St . to Bedford line , rest • ¶Th tview St . Summer St . Grove St . to Spring St . northwest . Poplar. St . Summit St . Colonial Ave . to Highland Ave . west Sunset St . Vine Street , Lowe ' Street . N . L . northwest Essex St . Walnut St ., Grove St , to Orchard St . northwest Birch St . Mbr St . _ Reed St . to Ward St . southwest Short S t . \ . 1Tomestead St . .ass . give . Piedmoint St . north Stratham bt . Bow Street , Vass . r.vn . northeasterly , Alderman St . Arcadia _eve . Melrose lyre . northerly • :'_lderman St . Wilson Ave . Bow St . northeasterly Alderman St . On motion of Charles J . Henrich it was voted that the above . vote be amended by changing the names of Bow Street , Arcadia Ave and Wilson livenue to Bow Street instead of Alderman Street . ' The amendment was accepted and the original motion as amended was voted . rt . 18 . On motion of Theodore A . Custance it was Voted that the Selectmen be instructed to install street lights in the following unaccepted streets : Jackson Ct . M. :life Avenue , Woodland Road , and Sunnyknoll Avenue . • • - Art . 19 . On motion of Theodore \ . Cisstance It 7as Voted that the Selectmen he authorized to furnish snow plow ^ ervi_ ce on Goodwin Road . Art . 21 . Under this article Theodore A . Custance offered the following motion : Voted that that part of the vote passed at the Town Meeting March 16 , 1925 under Article 33 which is as follows ; " Until otherwise ordered as Inereinafter provided the fund shall be turned over to the Trustees of Public Trusts to be invested and held by them , together with the accumulations of income thereon , subject to the future vote or votes of the Town . The fund so held shall be designated as Veterans ' Memorial Fund , " be rescinded so that the vote under said article 33 will read as follows ; " Voted ; That the sum of $3 , 617 . 89 be arropriated ( the same being the amount returned to the Town under the provisions of Chapter 430 of the Acts of 1924 ) for the purpose or purposes of acquiring land , the construction of buildings or other structures , including cost of original equipment , to serve as and to be a permanent Memorial to all Veterans of all ears who went from the Town of Lexington to se , •ve with the Colors and hold or are entitled, to an Honorable Discharge from the United States Army , Davy or Morino Corps : Further Voted : That the present Commander of George G . in . ar3e Post Grand 2my of the Republic , the present Commander of Stanley rill Post , the American Legion , and a Veteran of the Spanish jar with two other citizens , the last three to be ap ) ointed by the Moderator , be named as a Committee of five to investigate .and report on the question of es - 69 tab ] fishing a permanent Memorial , said Committee to h any vacancies to be filled by te then Moderator b , theeselectio n of a member of the organization or group in which the vacancy may occur , and In case no member of the Grand _-army Post is able to serve ,represent € tive shall besetectnrfro the Sohn of Veterans . " It was voted to indefinitely postpone this article . Art . 22 . On notion of udiliam ii . Kallard it was Voted that the Town ap : )ropriai e thr sur of 11 , 500 to he expended under the direction of the ,_ c a hool 'a. ildin Committee for grading , furniture and equipment for the new High e chool property . - • Art . 23 . On motion of Francis Chamberlain Chairman of the Appro - priation Committee , it was • - • S Voted that the slue of e980 be appropriated and assessed to have the Fire Alarm system connected 77. th the Town of . Ar. l i » gtoxx 1''i re Al .rm system in order to have interchange of service in accordance with plans of the Metropolitan iistrict . Art . 24 . On motion of Francis Chamberlain , it was • Voted that the sum of S875 be appropriated and assessed for the installation of five fire alarm boxes of the l€itest non - interference ' nterference Art . 25 . On motion of Theodore A . U„ stance it was Voted that the town accept the lay- out as a town way of a Portion of Chase "venue from Taft 4-avenue to- Tucker Avenue , all as laid out by the Selectmen under the betterment Act , and as shown upon ] a on file in the Town ('lerk ' s Office . p p n And further voted that for the purpose of constructing this street under the betterment act the sum of :;;' 1450 . 00 is hereby appro - priated and assessed . The lay out of Chase avenue is as follows ; COMMONWEALTH EALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Middlesex , ss . Lexington , Mass , February 9 , 1 926 Town of. Lexington , Selectments Room . Atha meeting of the i3oard of Selectmen of the Town of Lexington , after havinggiven � xi-��igton , due written notice of the intention of said Board , as required by law , to lay out as a town way a portion of Chase _avenue from Taft Avenue to Tucker - . venue a distance of approximately 410 feet all as hereinafter more fully appears , and after public heart. . g thereon held this day , and no objections having been made ; • Novi , upon consideration of the matter , it is Ordered : that this Board of Selectmen is of the op ' nion that public necessity and- convenience require that said portion of. Chase . venue from Taft Avenue to Tucker Avenue laid out and established as a pub is way , as follows ; • heQ s Rer inning at a poi «t in the southerly line of. Taft avenue distant 160 . 0 feet easterly from the intersection of the easterly line of Baker livenue with the said southerly line of Taft l:venue and running in an nasterly direction along the said southerly line of Taft . venue distant 40 , 0 feet , thence turns , r to the right and- running in a solitherly direct - ion distant 410 . 0 feet , to the horther]$r li ,e of Tucker Avenue *thenceturning to t � 'running � he right and running in a westerly direction along the said T 70 O 0 northerly line of Tuc1--er avenue Distant 40 . 0 feet , thence t,'rni_ng to '' the right and running in a northerly direction distant 410 . 0 fet to the point rvf beginning . Said street to be nowhere less than 40 . 0 feet -ride . Said Chase Avenue is hereby laid out and established as shown on a plan entitled , " Plan of Chase Avenue , Lexington , Mass . , Feb . 2 , 1 Q26 , Scale 1 in- 40 ft . , Clarence B . French , Town mri. neer , i' ivhich plan is nn file in the Town Clerk ' s Office in said Lexington and a copy of rhich wi11 , be recorded with "i. ddl.esex South District Deeds nrith a copy of this order . And said Board having considered the question of damages sustained by the owners of lands across and through which said way has been laid out and established as aforesaid , hereby deter- mines that no damages are sustained and no damages are awarded , and said Board hereby declares that all acts done herein ure done under the provisions of law authorizing the assessment of better- ments . etter- ments . J . Chester Hutchinson ) Board Albert H . Burnham ) Charles H . Miles ) of Theodore A . Custance ) Selectmen . lir. t . 20 . On notion of Theodore A . Ulastance it was voted to i_nrlefini tc ) y postnone this Art . 26 . On motion of Theodore A . Custance it was Voted that the unexpended balance of Forest Street Extension Construction Ixccount , after completion of work , be transferred to Highland hvenu,e Construction Account . Art . 27 . On motion of Theodore 11 . 0ustance it was Voted that the unexpended balance of. C" rville d . venue Arcadia �_1renue , C1_ iCfe Avenue and Grant Street Construction =account , after completion of the work , be transferred to Various Street con- struction . Art . 28 . On motion of Theodore A . Custance it ..tas Voted that the sum of $100 . 00 be appropriated and assessed for the printing of the Town By-Laws i. m pamphlet form. . . rt . 29 . Under this article '7,dwi.n B . Worthen offered the follo! ' g report which was unanimously accepted . To the Citizens of Lexington . At a special town meeting held September 28 1925 the under- signed were appointed a Committee to report to the Town what action , If any , the Town should take in redog�}ition of the naming after thi Town b ,, the Navy Department the airplane carrier ' Lexington ' which was launched at Fore liver , October 3 , 1925 . Your Committee are unanimous that it is most fitting that this historic old town should make some recognition of the fact that the newest boat in the United States Navy bears our name : - a name which the Navy Department has perpetuated by using it for one hundrd and fifty years , for the first " Lexington" was authorized by Con- gress October 1 " , 1775 . It is the gen ; ral custom for States , Cities and Tons to recognize the use of their name by a naval vessel by the presentation of some gift , and in the past this has many times taken the form of a punch bowl or silver service . Your Committee feels ,s in this instance tab if this Town takes any action , the gift should be something ' which would in a more appropri ute way perpetur. te Lexington ' s historic nave and more closely visualize that event upon which rests the fame and the honored name of Tr . ton . If we dismiss the small and less expensive gifts , such as . ' 11 • • • ship ' s s clock , t�:P_. p find that a ship ' s bell would be a proper gift . This to be of bronze and cast in 1 igh relief , bearing lnsrriptions , the Town seal and designs of a local historic nature . A shi p ' s bell for a vessel of this size is 3 ft . high and 2 ft . in dirmeter . To provide such a bell with its -supports supports , etc . would cost possibly five thousand dollars . The City of Lenver provided its namesaire •d th a si v • �,bel1 , placed on the quarter deck which is used when the cru: st e inort . A similar imi ]_ar bronze hell about one foot high could be pr , pared at a lesser figure . A replica of our Liinuteman about 2 ft . 6 " high can be made in bronze at an expense of not over 4= w ` 2000 . �.hZ Q c�rp� pr_ esume crould have to be done by Mr . Kitson as our I/Iinuteman statue is copyrighted hted by him . Bronze tablets about 2 ft . by 3 ft . suitably inscribed bearing either the Minuteman in high relief or the Battle of Lexington which hangs in tH s building , and the Town 'seal would be a very appropriate gift . Such a tablet could be prepared at an expense of not over ;;750 . 00 . • Your Committee are of the opinion that it :-could be decidedly worthwhile to adopt one of these suggestions and in order that the matter may come up for immediate action we offer this specific recommendation in the form of a vote , provided that the Citizens accept this report . Voted ; - "That the Citizens of Lexington in recognition and apppreciat i on of the Navy Depa -- tment having dhristened the new airplane carrier " Lexington" ap trove the general plan of presenting a suitable memorial to be placed upon the vessel . The Moderator is • heroby instructed to appoint a Committee of five , of • whom the Town Treasurer shall be one . This . Committee shall have entire charge of collecting funds from the Uitizens to cover the cost of the memorial and of its design and preparation : and further the Committee shall , in cooperation with the Selectmen , present the memorial to the Navy 4 Department in the name of and in behalf of the• Town of Lexington . " Respectfully Submitted, • G . H . Wadleigh ) For the Feb . 26 , 1926 . Edwin B . 7Vorthen ) Committee The above vote off. erect in r . orthen ' s report .eras passed unanimously bTr the meet i n7 . Committee Appointeci : Willard C . Hill , Mrs . Warren Sherburne , Galen A . Russell , Roder S . Clapp , and Dr . John H . Kane . . rt . 30 . Tinder this E' t isle Theodore Vu tauCe offered the following otion ; Voted that the Board of. Selectmen be authorized to sell approximately 17 .acres of the almshouse property , and the contents of the Almshouse building . J . Henry Duffy offered a substitute motion that this article be referred to a committee of seven includIr..6 the Chairmen of. the Selectmen , of the School Committee , of the Planning ?-3o& rd and of the Appropriation Committee and three others to be appointed by the Moderator , this committee to report not later than the next . annual meeting , ,n , fu.ffy ' s subst , ti' te notion :'rpm c parsnr1 Th-r the nn et . :-, fl Committee Appointed : J . Henry Duffy , Edward H . Mara , Arthur if . Maddison , Theodore A . Custance , C iairnan Selectmen , Howard S . Q . ITichols , Chairman Art . " _! . On motion of Theodor. n . Custan c :; It t See # Voted that the town accept the 1n. " - out as a town bray of a portion of Ualcnount Circle from Meriam street , ap roximitaly 550 feet all as laid. out by the Selectmen under the betterment net , and vs sho 'n on plan on file in the Town Clerk ' s Office . And ffice . nd further voted that for the purpose of norlstructing this streot under the betterment act the sun of ' l900 . nn is hereby ap ro - nriated and assessed . �� ., r //See Page; 74 for order n f lon .Iti. on . Art . 32 On motion of 'Theodore i . . Custance It :• f1 . School Committee , Frederick L . 1'eery , Chairman Planning Board , and Francis S . Chamberlain , Chairman Appropriation Committee . 72 DO Voted that a committee of three be appoi ,lted by the ';ioderator to investigate the advisability of estnbl fishing a ' ' irc Inspection Department for the town and to report at s later Town Meeting . Committee appointed . John A . Proctor , Howard E . Cuatance , Gait F . Parsons . Art . 37 . On motion of Theodore A . Uustance It was Voted to indefinitely postponed this article . "t . J3 . On motion of Theodore 41 . Cll ^ tance it w �{ s Voted that a Committee of three be appointed by the ';ioderator to investigate and report the advisability of purchasing the traffic signals or beacons now placed in the town on trial or the advisability of installingo titer traffic signals , and to report at a later town meeting . Connittee appointed . William I . Brown , Lester E . Smith , Rockwell C . Tenney . . . rt . 13 . Under this article Frederick L . LmerY , Chairman of the Planning Board , offered the following motion . Voted : That the Ry-Laws of the Town be amended by changing the designation of Section 55 of Article XXVII to Section 55 A , and inserting before the same and under the same article , a new Section 55 , reading as follows ; - Jcceptance of Town ' .'ays - Rules of Procedure . • I . All petitions for laying out , widening , altering or discon- tinuing any street or way shall_ be ,resented to the Board of Selectmen . II . No street or way , or portion thereof , constructed on private lands by any other than the town, shall be hereafter laid out by the Selectmen and reported to the town for rtcceptance as a t o"fn way , un- less at the time so reported it shall be cohstructed'and Completed for the length reported and for its entire width in accordance with the following specifications , ;rhich shall constitute the minimum requirements ; - Specificationq . ( a ) A , plan and profile of every such street or way shall be filed in the office of the Town Engineers who shall then designate g thereon the design , grades and cross section t i. on a.nd the requirements as to drainage and construction to be complied i th . Sary d plan and pro - file shall be drawn in accordance with such general rules and r. egu- lations as the Town Engineer shall , from time to time , prescribe and which shall be furnished by the Town Engineer upon applicction . ( b ) All stumps , roots , brush , loam or other unsuitable material , and all trees not intended for preservation , shall. be removed from the limits of the street , inclusive of sidewalks , to a depth required by the Town Engineer . All trees intended for preservation shall be ade - quately protected from damage , during construction .. . ( c ) All work , shall be brought accurately to a subgrade of not less than six inches for the roadway and four inches for the sidewalk ; below the finished grades , as shown by said profile and ' cross section . • Unless sut tably retained , all side slopes of fills and in earth exca - vations on the adjoining lands shall he at the ratio of at least • one and one -half horizontal to one vertical to a berm not less than one foot in width , outside the limits of the street . ( d ) Fills shall be made of clean sand , gravel , cinders , furnace slag , broken stone or other suitable material , ap r�roved by th 'Conn Engineer . ( e ) : hove subgrade and to finished grade , good binding gravel , free from ::n injurious amount of clay or vegetable material , upon a stone ,or other suitable foundation when necessary or , in place of such gravel , other material or materials as specified by the Town Engineer shall be used , except along the edges of the s i- dewal)rs , 'here loam shall be placed in accordance with the cross -section plan, all to be as specified by the Town Engineer . 73 ( See Pelow ) TTI . upon recommendation of the Selectmen when reporting a street for acceptance hereunder , any street or way or portion thereof nay be reported for accentance if already built accurately to the sub - grade specified but , in such case , the street or way ehall thereafter be brought forthwith to surface grade , including all further necoss - sre construction under paragraphs ( e ) . ( f ) ( g ) , and ( h ) , under the lav authorizing the assessment of betterments . ( F ) Side Butt -: rs on c-Tery street having a grade of five ( 5 ) per rent or over , shall . '�e paved , at least three feet wide , with stones , coal tar , concrete , arti f. icial stone or other suitable material , ap - proved by the Town �,��ngineer , ( g ) Catch basi :is shall be built in such locations as the T o!..►n Engineer shall designate and shall be of the forms , materials and dimensions approved by the Town 7in_gineer and s1 all be connected by suitable drains , having manholes at intervals of not over. four hundred feet , with a permanent drainage outlet duly secured to the town by a proper legal instrument , or such drains may be constructed to the limits of a public way of the town , intersoct7 ng such street . ( 1:) ) a3. 1. corners of intersecting strPis shall be rounded in a manner satisfactory to the Town Engineer and curbing of granite er other permanent material , ap 'roved by the Torn Engineer , may be reti- quir ed to be set on the gutter line for the full lenjths of such rounded corners . Granf to bounds or other permanent nw. rks shall be set at all angles and curves when required by the Town Engineer and under his direction , TIT ( Incort here ) IV . No street or way shall be laid out or accepted of a ,•ri_dth less than forty feet . V . Any street or way that has been actually opened to public travel prior to January 1 , 1926 , the width or construction of which does not conform to the f oregoiug requirements , may be laid out and reported by the Selectmen to the town for acceptance : Provided however said layout and report shall be under the law authorizing the assess - ment of betterments , and all petitions for such layouts shall be accompanied by releases of damages from owners and mortgagees of at least seventy- five per cent of the properties abutting on said street and also containing agreements by such owners , to pay their propi t. - ionate parts of the betterments asses :meats , in the event of ec, cept - ance of the street or way by the town . After some discussion as to phraseology T. r . Bayley recommended g " in section IT that the word be in the line " unless at the time so reported it shall be " be changed to " unless at the time so reported it shall have been and then is constructed and completed : The suggestion ,,.,as accepted by Mr . Emery . Several citizens expressed theopinion thatatthe vote demanded too much of the abuttors and- the - motion was lost . Art . 3 . Under this article Edward C , Maguire and John C . Russell were chosen Field Drivers by nomination . The meeting dissolved at 1O : 7)9 P . M . • J. true r ) en - , , .ttes't : • er 74 :7) p 7. Art . 31 . ( order Location )ocation ) ; Commonwealth of Massachusetts . . i_ r1dlesex , s3 . Lexington , Mass . , Fehrui: ry 9 , 1926 . Town of Lexi lgton , Selectmen ' s Room. At a meeting of the Board of Selectmen of the Town of 111 Lexington , after having given due written notice of the Intention ' � - of said board , as required by law , to lay out as a town way Oakmount Circle from Meriam Street a distance of approximately 550 feet , all as hereinafter more fully appears , and after public hearing thereon held th. i s day , and no objections having been made : Now , upon nonsideration of the matter , it is Ordered : that this Board of Selectman is of the opinion that public necessity and convenience require that Oakmount Circle be laid out and established as a public town `:'ray as follows ; - Beginning ollows ; -Beginning at a point in the easterly line of Meriam Street at a point 67 . 00 feet northerly of the nl opo ? ty line of lands now or formerly of Katie G . Reed and Mabel Gray '-`inloeic, thence 75th a curve to the right with a radius of 30 . 0 feet distant 18 . 70 feet to a point of compound curvature , thence with a curve to the right with a radius of 386 . 96 feet distant 775 . 20 feet to a point of com- pound curvature , thence with a curve to the right with a radius of 179 . 57 feet distant 167 . 26 feet , thence turning to the left and running easterly on a radial line distant 40 . 00 feet to the north- easterly line of Oalrmount circle , thence turning to the left and running with a curvy^ to the left with a radius of `' l9 . 57 feet distant 204 . 51 feet to a point of compound curvature , thence with a curve to the left :rith a radius of 426 . 96 feet disant 282 . 83 feet to a point of reverse curvature , thence •vi th n curve to the right lNith a radius of 16 . 30 feet distant 78 , 50 feet more or less to a point in the said easterly line of Meriam ,atrent , said point being 118 . 04 feet northerly from point of beginning and said street to be nowhere less than 40 . 00 feet wide . a Said Oalrmount circle is hereby laid out and established as shown on a plan entitl � d " 71 an of Oakmount Circle , Lexington , Mass . , Jan . 25 , 1926 , Scale 1 " - 40 feet , Clarence B . French , Town Engineer , " which plan is on file in the Town C ' said Lexington lrk s Office air. . and a copy of which will be recorded with Middlesex South District Deeds with a copy of this order . And said Board having considered the question of damages sustained by the owners of lands across and through which said way has beeli laid out and established as aforesaid , hereby determines _ that no damages are su :: tained and no damages are awarded , and said foard hereby declares that all acts done herein are done under the provisions of law authorizing the assessment of betterments . J . Chester Hutchinson ) Board Albert H . Burnham ) Charles H . Miles ) of Theodore A . Custance ) Selectmen .