HomeMy WebLinkAbout1926-03-08-ATM-MIN (32 DO CL 0 JDJ flu I NED TOWN MEETING . M .RCH 8 , 1926 . The meeting was called to order by Moderator , Robert H . Holt , '-. t 7 : 30 P . M . On motion the reading of the Warrant , excepting the return of the Constable , was omitted . Art . 2 . On motion of Francis Chamberlain , Chairman of the Appro- priation Committee , it was voted that the report of the Appropriation. Committee be accepted . It was then voted to lay article 2 upon the table . Art . 5 . On motion of Howard S . 0 . Nichols it was voted that the .% sum of,'; 179 , 839 . 00 be appropriated and assessed for the current year for the support of public schools and for the payment of tuition _: t vocational schools . rt . 4 . On motion ' of Theodore A . Custance , it was Voted that 2.. 50 be appropriated and assessed for the , proper observance of Memorial Day , to be expended under the directinn of Post 119 of the Grand Army of the Republic . Art . 5 . On motion of Theodore A . Custance , Chairman of the Selectmen , it was Voted that the following amounts be appropriated and assessed for the current year ; For the support of Outside Poor , :' 9 , 800 . 00 For the maintenance and care of highways 4F , 000 , 00 For permanent construction of highways 9 , 000 . 00 For the expense of street lights 18 , 400 . 00 For t120 support of the Fire Department . 26 , 400 . 00 For the expenses of the Appropriation Committee 1.50 . 00 For the maintenance of public parks 4 , 700 . 00 For the salaries and expenses of the Lngineeri.ng Dept . 7 , 600 . 00 For the salary and expenses of the Milk Inspector ( of which Y74)0 is for salary )) x: 50 . 00 Vor the salary and expenses of the Plumbing Inspector . 820 . 00 .icor the salary of the Slaughtering Inspector 600 . 00 For the expenses of April 19th Celebration 500 . 00 For construction and repair of street sic;ns 200 . 00 For maintenance and development of ' :'estview Cemetery 1 , 500 . 00 For maintenance and development of Munroe Cemetery 1 , 500 . 00 _ 63 : r. t . 6 . On motion of Thtcod_ one Custance , Chairman of. the Selectmen , It nras Voted , that the folloing amounts be appropriated and assessed for the current ;dear : For salary and expenses of Town Treasurer 860 . 00 ( of which700 is for salary ) For salnry and expenses of Town Cleric ( of which 0_700 is for salary ) 1 , 850 . 00 For salary and expenses of Tai- Collector ( of which 0.900 is for salary ) 2 , 425 . 00 For expenses of elections and registrations 1 , 450 . 00 For expenses of Town hall 4 , 500 . 00 For hydrant rental 2 , '860 . 00 For the maintenance of Village Hall 700 . 00 • For salary and expenses of the Sealer of Weights and . Measures 370 . 00 For the expense of forest fires 325 . 00 For the salary of Dog Officer 50 . 00 For maintenance of Hastings Park 5 . 00 For the ' inspection of animals 200 . 00 For the support of the mental Clinic in the Public Schools , 1 , 500 . 00 For vital statistics 50 . 00 For the expense of watering troughs 100 . 00 For soldiers ' burials 100 . 00 For soldiers ' relief 300 . 00 For military aid to be expended under Chapter 115 of the General Laws 100 . 00 For the administration of public trusts 85 . 00 For State Aid 500 . 00 For salary of Town Physician _ 100 . 00 For the payment of Interest upon the public debt 37 , 200 . 00 For the payment of the bonded Indebtedness of the town maturing In 1926 65 ,71. 5 . 62 .and that the sum of ?;x30 , 000 he transferred from the General Revenue and Surplus Account to Maturing Debt account . For the slap ) ort of the Police Department 23 , 500 . 00 For the support of the libraries 9 , 574% 50 For salary and expenses of the Supt . of Piib •i is ' ' orks ( of which •.: 4200 is for salary ) 4 , 350 . 00 For the expense of insurance 5 , 300 . 00 For salary and expenses of Town Accountant 2 , 650 . 00 ( of which ` 2500 iS for salary ) For salaries and expenses of the Board of ;Assessors ( of which 0400 is for salac• ies ) 4 , 280 . 00 a 1" or salaries and expenses of the Selectmen ' s Dept . ; 3 , 500 . 00 CC ( of which $250 is for expenses for Selectmen for 1926 ) For the maintenance of public ' health. and sanitation 2 , 500 . 00 For legal services 1 , 000 . 00 For unclassified expenses 200 . 00 For the protection of public shade trees and for the planting of shdde trees 1 , nnn , nn For the expense of removal of snow 25 , nnn , n0 For salary and expenses of the Building Inspector ( of which $920 iB for salary ) Oris; , nn For salary of the Treasurer of the Cary Memorial Library , 50 . 00 For the payment of the amount to become due during the current year upon the judgment against the town obtained by Mary Chisholm for the death of Daniel Chisholm , her husband . 290 . 00 For the expense of printing and publishing the Town Report 625 . 00 • _ _rt . 12 . On motion of Theodore A . Custance it was Voted , that the Town Treasurer with the approval of the Selectmen be and hereby is authorized to borrow money from time to time in anticipation of revenue of the present financial year , and to issue thorefoxe a note or notes payable within one year . Any debt or debts incurred under this vote to be paid . from the revenue of the present financial year . • Art . 14 . On motion of Theodore A . Custance it was Voted , that this article be indefinitely postponed . Art . 15 . on motion of Theodore h . uustance it was Voted , that this article T e indefinitely postponed . Art . 33 . On motion of Theodore A . Custance it was • Voted that the sum of 06000 be appropriated and assessed for construction of Redford Street from the end of the present State Highway to the B Er. M RR crossing, provided the State will take over and construct same as a State Highway . Art . 34 . On motion of Theodore A . 0ustance it was Voted that the sum of 15000 be apr)ropriated and assessed for the ' construction of "altham Street from Concord :ilrenue to the Utham line , the work to he done in conjunction with the State and County . :art . 75 . On motion of Theodore s. , Uustance It s Vot ,-? d , that this article be indefinitely postponed . art . 36 . Under tris article , Theodore A . Custance offered the following motion , Voted that the sum of ; 4014 . 90 b e appropriated o 9 - . pp printed a.nd assessed for the widening and taking made by the County Commissioners on " Thitham CtDeet . After discussion of this article on motion of Thomas J . Doherty it was voted to indefinitely postpone antion on same . Art . 39 . On motion of Theodore A . Custance it was " Voted that the Selectmen be authorized to install 6 inch water mains in Joseph Road from Massachusetts Avenue to Spender Street and Spencer Street , subject to the usual guarantee , for a distance of approximately 550 feet , at an expense of , 1700 . 00 , and that for the purpose of raising the money , the Town Treasurer he and hereby is authorized to sell • under the direction of and with the approval of the Selectmen , bonds or notes of the town bearing interest t a r. s to n �, - - � not to exceed issued and payable as provided by lav ' 5% , Voted that the Selectmen be authorized to install 6 inch water mains in Hillcrest Avenue from " ottler Avenue northeasterly a distance of 1200 feet , subject to the usual guarantee , at an expense of $4800 , and that for the purpose of raising the money , the To".'n Treasurer be and hereby is authorized to sell under the direct - ion of and with the approval of the Selectmen , bonds or notes of the town bearing interest at a rate not to exceed 5% , issued and payable as provided by law . Voted that the Selectmen be authorized to install 6 inch water mains in Walnut Street from Concord Avenue southeasterly a distance of 800 feet , subject to the usualguarantee , at an expense of ; 3000 , and that for the purpose of raising the money, the Tam Treasurer be and hereby is authorized to sell under the direction . of and vrith the approval of the •Selectmen , bonds or notes of the town bear _sng interest at a rate not to exceed 5% , issued and payable as provided by law . Voted that the Selectmen be authorized to install 6 inch water mains in Kendall Road from Grape ~vine Avenue northwesterly a distance of approximately 450 feet , subject to the usual guarantee , • at an. expense of $2000 , and that for the purpose of raising the money , . the Town Treasurer be and hereby is authorized to sell under the dir- ectionof and with the approval of the Selectmen , bonds or notes of the Town bearing interest at a rate not to exceed 5 , , issued and payable as provided by law . All votes under Article 79 were passed unanimously . Art . 40 . On motion of Theodore 1, . Custance it "ras voted that this article be indefinitely postponed . . _rt , 41 . On motion of Theodore A . Custance it was voted that tills . article be indefinitely postponed . i .rt . 42 . On motion of Theodore A . Custance it was voted that this • article be indefinitely postponed . Art . 43 . On motion of Thoodrre Custance it was " Voted that the Board of Selectmen be authorized to enter into a contract v .rith the Massachusetts Department of Public Works , Division of Highways , for the construction of any State Highway which may be laid out during the year 1926 . On motion of Edwin A . L3ayley it was voted that this ?lotion apply only to Bedford. Street . Art . 44 . Voted that the town will indemnify the Commonw'; alth of Mass - achusetts against any and all claims for land , grade and drainage damages which may be caused by or result from the laying out , alters tion construction , or reconstruction of State Highway or section of State Highway on Bedford Street in Lexington , , and that the Selectmen be authorized to sign an indemnity agreement therefor in behalf of the . 66 JD CL town indemnifying the Commonw :, alth as aforesaid , r nd that the .� sum of $ 100 he appropriated and assessed . Art . 45 . On motion of Francis Chamberlain it 'vas " Voted that on and after January 1 , 1927 , the Water and 'ewer Departments be included 7iith other departments in the budget and thit expendi - tures be limited to the amounts appropriated ther. for , or as pro- vided by the General Laws . " Art . 46 . On motion of C . Edward Glynn it was " Voted ; That the Town ratify and adopt the act of the Chairman of the Board of Selectmen in petitioning the Legislature for passage of a bill relative to improving surface and ground drainage in the Town of Lexington and in adjoining towns substantially as set forth in House Bill #232 . " Art . 47 . On motion of Edwin B . Worthen it was " Voted ; That the town ratify and adopt the action of the Chairman of the Planning Board in petitioning the Legislature for passage of a bill to change the method and rate of sewer assessment In the Town of Lexington substantially as set forth in House Bill /782 . " The meeting adjourned at 10 : 50 P . 111 . A true record , Attest ; (21 A' Town Clerk.