HomeMy WebLinkAbout1926-02-09-STM-MIN • TOWN MEETI?'IG, FEBRUARY 9 , 1926 . • The meeting was called to order by the Moderator , Robert H . Poit at 7 : 47 P . i.� . The Warrant and, 'return thereon w=ire read by the Town Clerk . Tr . Edward L . Fenn outlined the object of the meeting and offered the following motion : " Voted , that a committee of five be appointed to investigate transportation problems of the town and the proposed changes in train service on the Boston & Maine Railroad , and , to take whatever action the committee deem necessary to employ counsel or experts ' advice and to cooperate or act with neighboring towns in improving Lexington ' s transit facilities by joint action . Further Voted , that the sum of 32500 . 00 be transfed from General Revenue and Surplus Account to be expended for legal or other expenses of the committee . " This motion was taken up in two sections and motions passed unanimously . In response to a request from Mr . Edwin A . bayley about a hearing before the State Department of Public Utilities at which time some Lexing- ton citizens were present , Mr . Holt replied calling Mr . Sydney h . ,iright + ington to the Chair pro tem. Mr . Frederick L . Emery and Mr , ueor. ge E . Briggs also informed the meeting about said hearing . A resolution was then presented by Mr . Edward L . Fenn which was adopted unanimously by rising vote . RESOLVED , THAT 'WHEREAS the transportation interests of the Town of Lexington have been served for many years , and to a large. extent , by the Boston & Maine Railroad , and WHEREAS such service has been a very important factor in the growth and development of the town and has furnished a very strong induce - • went not only to those who have made Lexington their home and place of business , but also to those who have come to reside her ? , whose' daily business takes them elsewhere , and Y i WHEREAS said Railroad having heretofore , sat various times , reduced Its transportation service to the town , under the plea of economy , now pro - Hoses to still farther reduce that service almost to the vanishing point , • NOW THEREFORE we , the Inhabitants of Lexington in special town meeting assembled , herebstrongly protest against any such sweeping reduction as is proposed : we fully believe that upon a fair and full con- sideration of the effect of the threatened reduction , not alone upon the ?tailroad , but also upon our town and its inhabitants , it would clearly appear that there exists no public necessity for such a reduction , and that the same would be inequitable and unwarranted , `7E THEREFORE HEREBY RESPECTFULLY i PPEAL to the Department of . Public Utilities of this Commonwealth. to protect us against the reduction in service as proposed , which we ?) elieve would be a very serious and per- manent setback to the growth and development of our town , and a great and unnecessary inconvenience and financial loss to our citizens , without any commendurate benefit to said Railroad , ' E HEREBY DIRECT that a copy of this iiesolution properly certified to by the Town Clerk , be duly presented at the Hearing upon this matter which is to take place before said Department of Public Utilities . 414 voted in favor of the Resolution and 0 in the negative . '!Committee appointed . The meeting adjourned at 8 : 45 P . 'J . / E . L . Fenn Edmund S . Childs 21 true record , Atte nt. ; 11 * Mulliken Sheldon Robinson a?tEe-(24 ,>/ Willard C ' Hill , Town Ulerk .