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JUNE 25 , 1925 .
The meeting war called to order by Uoderator Robert
holt at 8 P . L .
The readii- ' of the , arrant , except the return of the
Uonrtable thereon , was omitted by vote of the meetir,r ..
Art . 2 . Un motion of tjoeeph z . Cotton , ,Lrt ;. cle 2 - Jar taken
up and under "Lir Article i..:r . Cotton offered the following
notion :
" Voted : - That the fundanental idea of the propositi in
made to the Town in the letter from the Trustees of Iniac Harris
Cary Educational bund , c .ated February 15 , 1924 , would be of
substantial benefit to the Tov.n , and that when the Trustees are
prepared to present a definite proposition for the erection and
conveyance to the Town of a iv-emorial Building satisfactorily
located , designed , planned and equipped , to ue usedfor the pur -
poses ret forth in the trust an interpreted in the litter of
:_ oorfi eld :Morey , Lrauire , to hobe: rt P . Tapp , .Jr quire , dated
April 11 , 1924 , the Town should accept and anrc e to maintain
the same in a. c corcianc € with the terms oL such con,Te:anee , provided .
however , that at that time the financial condition of the Town
warrants it in undertaking the obli ,utionr which such acceptance
would impose and renuire . "
After considerable discussion and much questioning by .
Yr . Edwin A , . Jayley , Lr . o ydney R . uu r ' y htington moved to amend
Mr . Cotton ' s m ) tion by striking out thr . words " ac interpreted.
Ii the letter of Loorfif id :Morey , L, rquire to Robert Y . Clapp ,
Esquire , dated April 11 , 194 " .
A rising vote on t in amendment showed 53 in favor and
58 opposed , so the amendment was lost .
After ex ;.ended remarks on the original motion and on
the two propositions submitted by the Trustees recently ,
iayley moved indefinite postponement ana this motion was
carried unanimously at 9 : b0 P . . .
nrt . 3 . Un motion of J . Chest - r hutchinoon , it wan unanimously •
" toted : That the sum of five hundred dollars ( : 500 ) received
Townby the under the will of the late Orin . Fiske be appro -
priatea and ret apart an a perpbtual trust fund , to be known
h e the Battle Green Trurt Fund , the income of which only shall
be used for the maintenance of the Lexington Battle Green or
the monuments erected t E reon , and that the said principal sum
o f five hundred dollars ( 500 ) be held henceforth by the Trustees
o f Public Trusts under the provisions of the nets of 1913 ,
L)hapter 107 , and. the income therefran applied f - r the above
purpose . "
under thin article Mr . Hutchinson also presented the
following Preamble and Resolution which were unanimously
e ndorsed by the citizens .
illiERE S Cirin .+ Fiske , for many years a citizen of
Lexington , by his will bequeathed to the Lown of Lexington the
sumof five hundred dollars ( 4 500 ) which has recec; tly come into
the possession of the Town ; and
d iLI(th the Town desires to place upon its records an
expression of its appreciation of the benefaction of its former
citizen ;
�'LuULVLfl : 'That the Town in atit, de for the Rift of
the late Urin • Joke and ae a memorial of his loyal citizen-
chip , hereby recordr its thanks and directs that this preamble
and revolution be rec .frded in the minuter of this meeting~ .
nrt . 10 . Under this article hallie C . Blake explained that
amount of the vale of memorial half dollarr , that were i r' nued
in commemoration of the 150th Anniverrary of the Battle of
I:E xi rgton and the revenue from which was used to defray the
expense of the celeb :.at ion , was not known at prevent .
in view of this fact , on motion of Er . blake , it war
voted to indefinitely postpone this article .
Art . 4 . Under thio article Oe Che vter Hutchinson offered the
Following motion :
" Voted that the rum of $ 700 be appropriated and
aerereed for tt( pairr to the Hayes Liemorial Fountain . "
Edwin A . Bayley moved in -efini to postponement , but ,
on hearing explanation of the necernity of the expenditure
from Selectmen Theodore A . Curtance and Bartlett J . Harrington ,
withdrew hi r motion anc the original motion by Lir . Hutchinnon
wan parsed by unanimous vote at 9 : 50 F . �r. .
Litt . 9 . un motion of Roger Greeley , it was unanimously :
" Voted : that the 48 Flags of the States of the
Union and the provincial flags used in the sesquicentennial
celebration of the battle of Lc::ington , together with their
poler are hereby accepted by the town for their care and
custody , and for such use as the Selectmen shall iron time to
time determine . "
nrt . 5 . Under thin article . Cheater rlutchinron offered
the following motion :
' hat the Plumbing Regulations adopted by the
Board of health in 1914 and revised in 1925 be adopted by the
l' own .
Lr . hutchinron then proceeded to read the proposed
revision to the Plumbing regulation .
Edwin A . .oayley then offered a rubrtitute motion
that the revision be referred to a committee of five to be
appointed by the Liofierator ..
The following committee *der appointed :
Jilliam Roger Greeley
henry L . Wadsworth dalter G . Black
John Y . Tibbetts "harlee M . Collins .
On motion of Hallie C . Blake the meeting war adjourned
to + ednenday , July 15 , 1925 at 8 P . A .
Lieeting adjourned at 10 : 40 P . L .
ri true record , Attest :
ga-stri -egiil°reneer
Town Clerk .
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