HomeMy WebLinkAbout1925-03-26-ATM-MIN 30 ids • CECO L ADJOURNED TCI.Th Y EET m rq LARCH 26 , 1925 . The meeting war called to order by .; od.erator holt at 7 : 30 P . Liarch 26 , 1925 . Promptly on opening of the meeting , on motion of Chester Hutchinson Art . 7 war taken up . Art . 7 . motion of J . Uh€ rter Hutchinson it war Voted , that the following amount be appropri2ted and arrerred for ralary and experrec of the Superintendent of Public Worke , $4350 . 00 Art . 20 . On motion of Edward Taylor , Chief of the Fire Department thin article war taken from the table . Under this article , on a ririnp' vote of 361 to 43 , the following vote was parsed : " Voted : That the rum of $ 12 , 000 be appropriated and arreered for the purchase of a :,rotor Pump for the Fire Department , the Flame to be purchased by the Board of ► ele- ctmen . It rhall be of the capacity • recommended by the • eNv Lngland Inrurance Ercranre and rhall be arnroved by them before accepted . " Art . 6 . On motion of Edward As Taylor , the fo1lowinF vote war yarned : " Voted that the followdnr amount be aper. or...rii ted and arneered for the current year for the support .of the Fire Department , 4;20 , 750 . 00 Art . 7 . On motion of . Chester }-lutchinron , the f. ollow : nr vote war parried : " Voted that the following amount be appropriated and aererred for mislay and expenree of the Building Inrpector ( of which $ 720 it for rala.ry ) X745 . 00 Art . 34 . Under thir article Daniel 0 . O ' Connell offered the following motion : " Voted that the Town amend the Zoning By- Law and Zoning Map adopted Larch 17 , 1924 by creating a new business d ? strict comprising the following land - Lots 4 - 5 and 6 ae rhown on a plan of hiarrachurettr Avenue 'Ierruce , Lotr mearure 120 feet on Larr . Avenue ; 110 ft . on Lot 3 on raid plan ; 115 ft . on Lot 7 of raid plan 110 410 ft . on Bow Street , all mearuromente more or leer , containing according to raid plan 12 , 925 square feet . " A two thirds vote being required for the parrage of thir vote , Lr . U ' Uonne l lr motion war l ort by a riving vote of 218 to 201 . Art . 7 . Under thie article awn tor J . Chc rter Iiutchinron offered the following motiore which were par red uraniraourly : Voted that the following amountP be appropriated. -Ind arverred for the current year : For the ralary of the Trearurer of the C .ry _,. emorial Library ; 50 . 00 f 1 for the payment of the amount to become due during the current year upon the judgment a ;ainrt the town jbtainE-. d by Lary Chisholm for the death of Daniel Uhirholm , her husband . • $ 530 . 00 For the expense of printinv and publirhing the Town Report 1500 . 00 Art . 6 . Under thir article on motion of C , Chester Hutchinson it war " Voted , t : iat the Collaring amountr be appropriated and arrerred for the current year : For maintenance and develop .:rent of Westview Cemetery , $ 1500 . 13r rlairtenancE ar. d Levelor [ ent of 'unroe cemetery , $ 1F00 . For the raniute ; rr. ce of nuL is perks , $7a00 . Art . 29 . On . notion of c, ohn E . rL . u ]. li :: en , Uhairma.:; of the Cemetery Committee , it war " Voted : That the Ueiuetery Commirri. oners be authorized to clore the lower driveway to the Eunroe Cemetery , and that the land included in that area be added to the •:.unroe Echool Enure lot . And be it further Voted ; That about fifteen feet in width of the prevent EiFih , chool lot extending along the uprer driveway to raid uemetery be added to that driveway and that $ 1500 . be appropriated and arrerred to be expended under the direction of the Ldemetery Commivsionere in con1unctinn with the School Committee to improve said upper iri. -:reway and make a fitting entrance to Munroe Cemetery . " Art . 22 . On motion of Sydney R . OriF;hti. nrrton , Town dounrel , the following vote war. parsed : " Voted : That Section 6 of article XI of the By - Lawn of the Town be amended by inrerting the word " not " -1. ftcr the word " servicer " in the next to the l ;. rt rentence in the raid Section so that the rame shall read sr fol low r : ‘such reportr rha, ll giro thaw the separate amountr received by the Lown Counrel ar Uompenration and for dirburrementr in each of ruch actions during ruch "ear , and for all othEr E'en-deer not covered by hir regular ral ..Joy- . " Art . :. 3 . Under thir article 'iheodore A . Curt..Ince member ni the 7oar d of ►selectmen , read the report of the Selec .Lien on thu 1 _,.7 nit of Fo - •' rt otreet extenrion which in as followr : 001:1107. . n 1_flLli_ OF ... .a., eflICEL i. is . :: idc; lcrex . rs . lexirgton • liars . . September ] 7 , ] ? z Town of Lex ` ngtor., , Jelectmen ' r Room . :Lt a mr etir. r of the :3 (mrd of Selectmen of t}: r T ,,,-r r f Lr : ington , after having riven due written notice of thc- intention of raid BoLrd , as required by law , to lay out ar a town way the extenrl on 32 010 0 of Forert Street from its prerentterminup to La.aepachuret. tr ATrenue , all ae hereinaftE r non fully appears , and after public hearing thereon held thin day , and no objectionr having been mace ; Now , upon corrider . tion of the matter , it ie ORJ IL41) ; that thin Loard of Selectmen it of the opinion Meet public necereity and convenience require thwt raid Forert Street .Lrtcurion be laid out and ertablirhed ue a public town way , as follows : - f'he earterly line of raid yorert Street exterrion , UP shown on the plan hereinaftE. rnenti oned , begins :.at a point on the present earterly line of Forept Street , raid point being; the tc:. rminur of the easterly line of raid ion t Street ar at prevent ertablirhed as a public town way ; thence running north 36 degree © 21 ' 40 " Bert landr now or formerly of the Inhabitantr of Lexington , Raymond L Haeel hick( rror , and Lydia 6 . B . FE rgu ? on one hundred eighteen an ; thirty- two one - hued rE duan feet to a feint ; thence continuing on in a curved line with a radiur of 44 . 57 feet by land now or formerly of raid 'erguron forty- eight and eighty-nine one - hundredths feet to a point ; thence turning and running north-we rtes ly 63 degreer 30 ' 40 " Jievt by a private way , as crown on raid plan , forty feet ; thence turning and running by a curved line with a radiur of 25 . 13 feet in a Southerly and wider terly direction forty- one and twelve one - hundredthr feet by land now or formerly of J . i rrcer Seaver to a point ; :,hence cors tinuing or in a curved line with a radius of 443 . 05 • feet four hunc: red thirty- one and twenty- fire one hundredths feet by land now or formerly of raid Seaver and landnow or formerly of one Alexander . L . rucks r to a point ; thence continuinc on forth 3 degreep 59 ' 30 " Gert one hun tred rixty and ninety one hundredths • feet by land now or formerly of Paid i'ucker to a point ; thence con- tinuinw on in a curved line rith a radius of 29 . 93 feet forty- re ren and three one - hundre d the feet by land now or form_ rly of raid Tucker to a point in the prerent boutherly line of La Trac hurettr e.verue . the ideeterly line of raid Forert • StreetLxtenrior , ar ;-hown on raid plan , begins at a point on the prerent :Jc rterly line of :,or e et Street , raid point being the terminus of the werterly lire of paid For€ et Street ar at prerent ertablirhed at a public town way and being opporite and forty feet dirtant front the beginning of he aforeraid i4arterly line of raid Foreft Street extension ; thence running north o6 degreer el ' 40 " idert , by land now or formerly of Clara A . Glenn ri ty - seven and ninety- three one -hundredths feet to a point ; thence continuing on in a curved line of a radius? of 307 .44 feet 125 . 56 feet by lands now or formerly at raid Glenn and of raid Seaver to a point ; thence continuing on by a curved line with a radius of 483 . 05 feet by landr now or formerly of raid Seaver , of raid Tucker , and of Lary ea . Powerr four hundred reventy and eighteen one - hundredths, feet to a point ; thence running north 3 degrees 59 30 " Wept , one hundred sixty- one and fourteen one hunc' redthp feet by land now or formerly of raid Powerr to a point ; thence continuing on by a curved line with a radius of 30 . 17 feet by land now or formerly of raid Powern forty- seven and twenty- one one hundredths feet to a point in the prerent Southtrly line of raid .:arrachurettr Avenue , raid point being South 86 degrees 20 ' 30 " pert one hundred feet from the terminus of the above dercribed Easterly line of raid Forert Street Extenrion . The line recond above dercribed is parallel with and dirtant werterly forty feet from the line firrt above dercribed Po that raid Forert Jtreet Extenrion Pha,ll have a uniform width of forty feet , with the exceptions of the curved interrectionp of raid liner with k:arractiurettr Avenue and with raid private way . Said Forert Street Lxtenrior. it hereby laid out and ertabliehed as, shown on a plan entitled : "Plan of orept Street extension and Ja.ckpon (Mufti, Lexington , Mare . , September 17 , 1923 , J . Henr r Town Engineer " . which plan it on file in the Town Clerk ' s Jfflc icfy , raid Lexington and a copy of which will be recorded with Midd e in South Qis=arict Jeedr with a copy of thio order . leflex And raid Board having considered the quertion of damages curtained by the ownerp of lande acror © and through which raid have been laid out and ertabliahed ac aforesaid , hereby . ways determiner that no damages are ru rtaine d and no damages are awarded . and raid Board hereby declarer that all acts done herein are done under the provi ei mnr of law authorizirc the arserpment of better - mente . illiam C . bcamman ) Board Albert h . Burnham ) Fred H . ,Doulton ) of . Chester Hutchinson ) Hallie C . Blake ) Selectmen . After considerable dircurrion about arrerrment of betterments it war decided that no betterments be asrerred and the following vote was passed 168 to 1 . Un motion of Lir . Custance , it war Voted : That the Town accept the lay out at a town way o 1 the extension of 2orrilt Street from i tr present terminus to Liar r'achurettr Avenue . ay laid Out by the Lelectmen , Septemoer 17 , 1923 , and shown on a certain plan on file in the Town Clerk ' r Office , entitled , " Plan of Forert Street £xtenrinn and Jacknon Court , Lexington , Liars . , 3eptembu: r 17 , 1923 , henry Duffy , Town .ngineer . " r And further voted that for the purpose of constructing this street the rum of $ 7500 be appropriated and arrepred . Art . 5 . Voted that $250 be appropriated and arrerred for the proper observance of themorial Day , to be expended under the dir - ection of Port 119 of the Grand Army of the Republic . Art . 19 . On motion of J . eherter hutchinron it war voted to accept Chapter 496 , Sectione 119 and 120 of the Acts of 1924 , being an «ct regulating the fee for Licensee for Slaughter Houres , Art . 9 . On motion of J . Chester hutchinron it war Voted that there be appropriated and arrerred for the suppression of gypsy and brown tail mothr in accordance with Chapter 132 of the General Laws. $4500 . On motion of t, . Ohe iter Hutchinson the following votes were pae red : Art . 8 . Voted that there be appropriated and assessed for the construction of sidewalks of concrete or other material where the abuttore will pay one -half the expense , $ 2000 . 00 Art . 10 . Voted that $ 1225 be appropriated and assessed_ for the payment of jensionr to retired town veterans under Chapter 32 , Section 52- 55 of the General Lawe . Art . 11 . Voted that $ 2500 be appropriated and aseeeped as a Reserve Fund for the current year under Chapter 40 . Sec . 6 , of the General Laws . Art . 12 . Voted that $870 be appropriated and assessed for pensions for retired membiers of the Police and Fire Departments under Chap . 32 of the General Laws . Art . 14 . Voted that the sum of $300 . be appropriated and assessed for aid to Middlesex County bureau of Agriculture and Home Economics . It was also voted that Robert P . Trask be elected as Director . Art . 15 . Voted that the belectmen be authorized to install nix • • • � Lu - - - - .. 34 _,/1 t CD inch :rater main in aaltham Street , a dirtance of EDO feet , nub - j ect to the urual guarantee , and that for the pur-none of fli ninR the money , the 'Town Treasurer be and hereby in authorized to sell , under the dir ( ction of and with the approval of the Selectmen , oondn or notes of the town to the _.A. ount of $ 2000 bearing interert at a rate not to exceed 5A . inrurd Lnc, payable an provided by law . The above vote war unanir_:our . Art . 21 . Voted that the Doard of Selectmen in behalf of the iorn , be authorized to execute anc. acknowledge and deliver in the name and behalf of the l'own a deed. releasing J. 11 interert o f the sown acquired in a certain parcel of real estate situated o n ifertminrter nvenue . Lexington , Atars . , and bounded and dencribed ar fol lover : Jerterly by Jertminrter Avenue one hundred ; 100 ) feet ; Northerly by Lot L. 0 on a Plan hereinafter referred to one hundred and fifty ( 150 ) feet ; Earterly by LoL 5k on raid Plan one hundred ( ] 00 ) feet ; and Southerly by Lot 22 on raid Plan one hun - dred and fifty ( 1E. 0 ) feet , containing 15 , 900 square feet of land , ;. ore or leen , and being Lot numbered 21 on a "Plan of CreEcent Lill , nrl ir. gton , and Lexington " , dated --pr1l 29 , P76 , and recorded with .Iiddlesex :south District .eedr , Plan book 30 , Plan 1 . Meaning and intending to authorize raid. Oelectren to release all tnterert in the above described real (state acquired under a deed from Leonard A . Saville . Collector of Taxes , of raid Town , dated October 21 , 1C95 , and recorded with ✓ aid Deedr ,, book 2414 , rage k., 03 . Art . 24 . Voted that the electmen be authorized to install e " water mainr in Dee Lioad , Harding Load , vi it liamr Road and Simondr Road . rubject to the urual guarantee , for a dirtance o f approximately 2500 feet , at an expenre of '4; 9 , 000 , and that for the purpore of rairirR the money , the town Trearvrer be and hereby in authorized to Nelly unser the airectiorof and with the approval of the Selectmen , bondr or notes of the Town bearing interert at a rate not to el%: ceed inrued and payable as provided by law . She above vote ,Iour . Art . 25 . On motion of ;:illiam Roger Greeley thin article war indefinitely portponed . Art . 26 . On rioti on of Vd liam Roger Greeley thin article. War indefinitely portr_ oned . On motion of . Chester Hutchinson the followirr voter Art . 2E . were pawed : Voted : That the :Selectmen be authorized tT Lnrtail street lights : n Locurt avenue . Art .. 2 ? . Voted : that mow plow res vice on Ore scent Hill Avenue be authorized at tat di rcretion of the Selectmen . nrt . 36 . Voted that the .electraen be authorized to install 6 " �a er raainn in OedLr ., Balfour , Arbury , Greenwood . And 3i�rbel l Streets and Old County Road , rubject to the urual cu}. r .. ntee , for a dirtance of a -proYil lately 3140 feet , at An ex -etre of :271 , 000 , and that _ of r. , imoney , ' ,r Tr r h for the rurpo . . c. _ a r �_ :�� the the 10�,, n . ., F ,�. rl� _ Fr be u. nc. h(_ reby ir authorizes to cell , ung- cr the direction of and with the approval of the ,:)electmen , boner or note () of the town el. ri nr intf rert at 4 rate Lot to exceed 5 ,, knrued and rayable as provided by lute . l'he abovrE vete war unar iriour• Art . 16 . Voted that thin article be indefinitely pertponed . 35 art. 4 • Voted , that Idv.ard O . :iia ;u:; re an john L . Burr ,- , 1 , , F. elected Field Jriverr . Art 7 . voted , th.A. t the rum of $ 1500 be arrropriated ar =e ar erred for leF;al rervicee , of which $ 500 it for salary of the tori counr el . Art . : 2 . Under this article Chairman , Joseph R . Cottor of the "Conference Committee of eleven appointed to confer with the Trurteer of Ir& ac Carir . ducatiorL.. 1 Fund , in a comprehensive raper rerortrd procecdingr and recommendations of raid committee and the resort was ._accepted and the Committer dircharged . ( See Committee REpertr for report - Vol 2 , Page 250 ; Robert f . Clapp then read a report from the Trurteer of t }-. F iraac harris wary Educational Fund incorporating a legal opinion . ror:l . _oorfield Morey . ,,ee Committee neportr - 'Vol 2 , Page 260 ) .: r . Cotton moved that the report of the Trurteer be accepted anL made a part of the record . Ihir motion war carried unanimously . A general dis curri Dn war then entered into und Emery then offered the following motion : " Voted : That the fundamental idea of the proponi. tion - made to the Town in the letter from the Trurteer of Iraac Harrir Cary Educat ' ir. _; 1 Punch dated February 15 , 1924 , Would . be of rub - rtantial benefit to the Lown , and that when the Trurteer are rP _ pared to prerEr, t a definite proposition for the erectior and cm - veyance to the 1 Jwn of a Memorial Buildinr: ratirfactorily located , derigned , planned and equipped , to be ur € d for the purporer ret forth in the trurt ar interpreted in the letter of ioorfield Storey , Lrquire , to Robert P . Clapp , .. :rcuire , dated .'own should accept and agree to maintain the�pame in 'c9 ,4 , tre accordance �,T xth the terms of ruck , cor:vey snce , provided , however , that at that time the f inanciul condition of the Town warrantr it in un ' ertaking the obligations- which much acceptance would impose anc require . " After rome discussion Ir . irederick+ L . .1 _1eiy agreed to 7 E• -;.ve out that part of the votr that reads as follows : far interpreted in the letter of Loorfield storey , inquire . to Robert F . Clapp , inquire , dated npril 11 , 194 , " A rather lengthy dip cup► eion war entered into and Er . Emery agreed. to withdraw kiln motion , Ezra 7 . Breed then moved that no further . action be t& ken until itch time ar both the heport of the Conference Committee and the report of the srunteev be printed and circulated among the citizenr by the Trustees . ir.e above motion of :.:r . Breed wan unanil.ourly carried . Art H . On motion of J . Cis rtEr Lutc hirron , it w;.t r " Voted that the iov:n purc : hare , rubj ect to the urual u .r - a rt ee , the 6 " water main laid in Wore rt ;street 2xtenrion , an un - accepted street , from Roy A . ZErguron , for the rum of alF0 , raid ar:ount to be appropriated and. arrE rr ed , : ote :-art . 1 ? below . At true record , fzttert : I / / ‘slerk . Art . 17 . noted that the ie1e ctr•.en be authorized to prDvide for the laying of a seg,:er riwin in nancock utreet from Alm .tvenue to .tdame :street , a dirtance of approximat ( ly 3700 feet , at an Expenre of 31 , 000 , and any balance to be applied to nanc ,Jck revenue and .,damr Lit , and for the purpore if raining the money so appropri .4ted the Town Treanurnr be and hereby in authorized to yell , under the direction and with thf a . pro of the .selectmen , bondr or notes of the town bearing r P val not to exceed 4k, ,� 1• Er annum , irr�Ued and • a � ir. teret :�,t a rate Town of Lexington , Jewer Loan Act of lJ gable in accordance withVote of 188 in favor and ). aga ist . 36 Lexington , Mass . . May 8 , 1925 . Amendmen t to Lexingt -n Town By - Lawn . March 26 . 1925 • Article SII . Voted : That bection 6 of article XI of the By- Lawn of the Town be amended by inserting the word " not " after the word " servicer " in the next to the last sentence in the said ►lection no that the same shall read as follows : " Such reportn shall also show the separate amounts received by the Town Counsel as Compensation and for disbursements in each of such actions during such year , and for all other services not covered by his regular salary . " Lexington , Mass . , :arch 30 , 1925 . 1 hereby certify that the foregoirg it a true copy of a vote panned at a town meeting held Larch 26 , 192E , at which time nr t i c l e Xi , Section 6 was amended . A true copy . ntte nt : Helen U . ual la. ghe r rise ' t Town Clerk . Boston , Mare . , npril 13 , 1925 . The foregoing by- law it hereby approved . Jay H . Benton , Attorney General . Lexington , Lars . , Lay 8 , 1925 . 1 hereby certify that the foregoing by- law ran published in the Lexington Times on npril 24 , 192E , May 1 , 1925 and May 8 , 1925 . nttert : 2-efivrtYlaililCi//vt- Town L1 erk . • . 1 37 Lexington , 'Mars . , May 15 , 1925 . I hereby certify that the building Lawr adopted by the Town at a 1' own i :eeting held March 16 , 1925 were approved by the Attorney General April 24 , 1925 with the exception of Article II , Section E . Under this article and section the words " leer than fifty nor " were stricken out by the Attorney General . I also certify that the foregoing by- law was, published in the Lexington Timer , Lay 1 , 1925 , Lay 8 , 192S and May 15 1925 . Attest : • Town clerk . J • ' _ .• .. = ,