HomeMy WebLinkAbout1925-03-16-ATM-MIN 11 ADJ OU RN ED TOWN kEET I I G Larch 16 , 1925 The meeting• war called to order by Eoderator , Robert H . Holt , at 7 : 30 1' . Art . 11 . Under thin article Roger Greeley . Chair - man of the Lorzmitte +- on the revision of 3uild ing Laver , read the report of the Committee . Under motion of .1.r . Fred H .Loulton the report war accepted . Sydney R . riRhtington moved that all the recommendationr of they Lom:rmittee , e .i ceptinp; Jecti. on 12 of article 7 . formerly Section 13 , be adopted . i r . iv_oulton moved the adoption ofth__i . particular rection . tvr . Jdrin A . Bayley moved than, the last claure of nrticle 7 , Section l3 , 14amely , " but the re - covering of any building more than one hundred yearn old which in at the time in the care of the Lexington historical Society shall he exempt from ouch requirement . " A riring vote war taken and 126 voted in the affirmative Lnd 62 in the negative , and the amendment war carried .1,, �"° "`�" The following are the Recomraendationr of the Committee on Revision of the Building Lawn . ( 1 ) . To amend the fifth paragraph of article II , Section 3 to read " It shall be the duty of the inrpe ctor to approve or reject any plane, filed with him , within ten dayo , but the Selectmen can , in rrecial car ^ r , extend thin time an reemr to them to be demanded by the public interest . r; o work shall be commenced until a permit in irrued . " ( 2 ) To amend nrticle Ii , Section 5 , to read : " Whoever rerforrmr or caunee to be performed any work , or maintains , alters or erects any structure in violation. . etc . ( 4 ) To correct the reference in nrticle II , Section 7 , para- graph ( b ) to read ; " Ordinary repairs an defined in nrticle VI , Section 1 , paragraph 1 . ( 5 ) To amend article IV by rtriking out Sections 2 to 18 ir. clu- rive and rub etituting , an a new Section 2 , the following ; " Derign of structural members rhall be bayed upon working strernes pre - vailing in good current engineering practice . " ( 6 ) To amend hrticle V , Section 1 , paragraph 2 , to read : " The erection , construction , demolition or alteration of such build- ings or structures an hereinrovided . r when rla. 11 , .m - en r, roceeded v-ith , be e :recuted in accordance with such approved planry and detailed dercriptionp , unlerr amended plans are filed and permit irrued . therefor . any permit which may be irrued by the lnrpector pur - ruant to the r. rovi_ rionr of thin rection , but under which - ork in rot commenced within rig' monthr of the time of irruance , or ; r abandoned before its crn-,pleti. on , rhall expire by limitations " ( 7 ) To add to article V , Jection 1 , a third paragraph to read : " The Inrpector , subject to the approval of the , Selectmen , may en - tablirh from time to time rearonable fees or charger for irruance of permi_ tr . " ( F ) To amend nrticle Vii , Section 1 , by adding the wor. dn : " All excavatiorr shall be at lcurt nix inches clear of foundation meal l r , and no backfilling rhall be done until approved by the Inspector . " ( 9 ) To amend :.rti cle i1 , bection on 2 , by adding ng to the firrt rent.ence , no that it shall read : " All foundation wally, if of brick or concrete rhall be at leant four inche e thicker than the firrt " tory wallr above , but rhall be at leant ten Inchon thick excQ in the cave of a private garage ' or outbuilding . " pt A 2o correct the reference to the Revised Lawn in the last paragraph .lrt . i1 , Lee . 3 to read : " bee G . L . . 1/4dha,p ter 1-_ 3 , Jecti on 6 . et req . " 'c 12 a ( 10 ) to amend nrticle V11 , section 5 , by rubrtitu tine for the lart five paragraphs the following : Lb . per rine ft . " For armories , arrembly halln and gymnasiums and wayr of egrerr therefrom 100 For factories , according to commirvioner 100 - 250 For garages ( private ) ►storage and repair floors 75 For garager ( public ) 150 For grandr Land r 100 For Office Buil dingy : - Firrt floor. 110 All other floors 75 For retie ence Buildings , Public portionr 75 For " " Except ar above 50 For rchoole : Arrembly halls 100 Clary hoomr , never to be ured ar armembly halls 50 For ridewalkr 250 For Storer 110 ( 11 ) 1' o amend nrticle V11 , Section 9 , lart paragraph by striking out the wordr " or steam" ro that it will react : " Po metal pipe ured to convey heatedair shall be placed v i thin one inch of any woodwork , unlerr it in enclosed in a roaprtone or earthen ring , or in a metal pipe with air space between , or otherwise shielded with metal or arbertor , in a manner satis - factory to the lnrpector . " ( 12 ) To omit Section 11 of nrticle 111 . Making recti ons 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 and 17 , Sections 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 are 16 respect- ively . ( 13 ) To amend bection 12 ( formerly Section 13 ) para&raphs 1 and 2 to read : " The roofs of all buildings , including the roofr of dormer vindowr , shall be covered with fire - resisting material . Roofs of out - building r ( other than garages ) having lens than two hundred square feet in area on the ground and afro flat roofr of piazzas and similar prof ecti one may be coveredwith canvas or three -ply roofing felt . 1h€ provisions o lea ,fftier' t sentence of this rection rhall apply to all builninse/erected or altered , on land laid out , owned , or plotted into lots or parcels for build - ing purposes , and on all parcels of land of ler than one acre in extent . In repairing the roof of any exirting building now covered with non- fire rerir ting material , if more than 20% of the roof it recovered within any one year the name s } :Tall be done with fire resirting material an specified for new roofs in the pre - ceding paragraph , but the re - covering of any bui ldirg more than one hundred years old which in at the time in the care of the Lexingtm historical Society Thall be exempt from such require _ meat . ( 14 ) To amend rirticle 1.;L , section 3 , by adding " In a girt frame there shall be a post from rill to plate at least every twenty ( 20 ) feet . ." ( 15 ) To amend the Title of nrticle X to read : " Special Build- ingn . tire (' and Rertric t ons . " ( 16 ) To amend nrticle X , Section 1 to read : "No billboards , advertising boardF or other structure , except buildings and rtruct - uree hereinafter specified , shall be erected upon or attached to any land or the exterior of any building . The foregoing shall not apply to ne ce r nary d ivi r on fences ured solely an fencer ; rtructuren erected and used solely for the rupport of vines , shrubbery or vegetation , flagpoles ; 111 awnings used rolely as ruch ; nigne advertising solely the letting or selling of , or bueinere conducted on the premirer to which they are attached ; or billboards , advertisement s , or other commercial di rp lays not exceeding twenty square feet in rurface area , nor ten feet in any dimension . " ( 17 ) To amend article X , bection 2 , no that the first rertence shall read ; "No external wall of any building or dwelling of the third clans shall be leer than 72 ft . from the line of any adjoining lot , nor less than ten feet from any other building ; and no external wall of any building of the record clans shall be leer than 74 ft . 13 from the line of any other building , unlerr the ride wall of ruch proposed buildng of the second clasp in conrtructed of brick or other fireproof material , of a thi cknerr and in the manner pres - cribed for external walls of fireproof buildinc; r . " ( 1F ) To omit Section 10 of Article las Theodore E . Curtance Patrick F . Dacey Bartlett J . Harrington `4enley T . Wadman 'arch 1E , 1925 . C;121 R . Greeley , Ohairman . The following are the Building Lawn an adopted by the town at thin meeting : BUILD1LG LAYV S of the TO1 OF LEX1TFTON . Adopted May 15 , 19 . 3 . Approved by Attorney- General , Augur t 1 , 1913 . Revived December 9 , 1921 • hevired Lecember 12 , 1922 Revised March 16 , 1925 BLILDIUUG ARTICLE I . Title . Thin By- law : hall be known and cited an the Building Law . ARTICLE II . nuthoritiee Inrpector , Appointment , Salary , Etc . Section 1 . The Board of Selectmen rhall , within thirty days after the adoption of there ordinances and thereafter annually in Arril , appoint an Inspector of Buildirr n , who shall hold office for the term of one year or until ruch time an another in appointed in hir place . He rhall be an architect , civil engineer , or builder of at leant ten yearn ' practice or experience . Him coiapenration shall be regulated gu d by the Selectrnen unlPsc determined by a vote of the town at the annual March meeting pre - ceding hir appointment . He shall not be interested in any contract , or in the furnish- ing of materials for any building : provided , however . that he may , With the written approval of the ►selectmen , have ruch an interest if he wholly refrains from acting an Inrpector in the giver, care . In each ruch care the Selectmen shall appoint a eubrtitute to act therein with all the power r and duties of the regular Inrpector ; and the compensation paid tc much substitute rhall be deducted from the salary or compensation which would otherwise be due the regular Inrpector . Right to zinter .. Section 2 . The lnrpector of Buildings may , no far as in necernary for the performance of hie duties , enter any building or premi res within the town at any reasonable hour . t 1. 4 p Lu t i e r . Section 3 . he rhall keep a record of all burinerr of the den rtment , which record and all other books and napery relating to the transaction of the department rhall be open at all timer to the inspection of the relectmen , andhe rhall rubmit to them a yearly report on ruch bueinerr and ruch other rerortr ar they may require . He shall receive applicationr and irrue permitr for the erection and alteration of buil ( inFr ar hereinafter dercribed and shall keep detailed and rufficient reco .rde of euch applications and permits . he shall not give a permit for the erection or al - teration of any building until he ehall have carefully inspected the plans , rrecificatione and premirer , and ascertained that the building as proposed will conform to tl .ir by- law . He rhall , an often ar practicable , inspect all buildingr in the course of construction or alteration and shall make a record of all vio - lations of there by- lawn , with the name of the owner , occupant , architect , and master mechanic , and of any other matters perti - nent thereto . He shall grant permite for ruch erection or alteration , when the plane and detailed dercriptionr are in conformity with thin by- law and the laws of the Commonwealth . He rhall examine all buildingr reported dangerous or damaged by accident , or fire , and if it appears that ruch rtructure would be unsafe or danrreroue to life or limb in care of fire , or other - wise , it shall be deemed dangerous within the meaning hereof , and. the inspector may affix in a conrpicuour place upon its exterior wallr a notice of ite dangerous condition , which rhall not be removed or defaced without authority from him . It shall be the duty of the lnrpector to approve prrove or reject any planr filed with him , within ten days , but the Selectmen can , in special caner , extend thir time ar seems to them to be demanded by the public interest . No work rhall be commented until a permit is irrued . bee G . L . , Uhapter 143 , Section F , et req . Appeal . Section 4 . In cave the owner of any building or other structure , or an applicant for a permit to erect or alter a build- ing or other structure , it aggrieved by any order or decision of the Inspector of Buildings , he may file with the Inspector an objection in writing , and thereupon the matter rhall be referred to the ael ectmen who , within one week from raid reference . rhall hear the partie r , and after taking such expert opinion an may reem to the Selectmen to be necerrary , give their decir ion . In case the decision of the Inspector of Buildings be affirmed , the expense of such expert opinion taken by the Selectmen shall be paid to the town by the owner or applicant on demand ; otherwi re ruch expenee shall be borne by the town . Penalty . Section E . 'whoever performr or causer to be performed ary work , or maintainn , alters , or erects any rtructure , in violation of thin building law or any part thereof , or in any particular violater any of the provinione of thin building law , or any part thereof , shall be punirhed by a fine of not leer than fifty nor more than one hundred dollars for each violation . Enforcement . Section 6 . The Inspector of Bui ld in er , in the name of the town , may take ruch measurer an the public safety reouirer to carry thin by - law and every rection thereof into effect . Scope of the Law . Section 7 . r] o building rhall be cofrtructed or altered except in conformity with the provisions of thin by - law , but 15 nothing in thio by- law shall be construed to apply to : Exceptions . ( a ) Bridger , quays , w^rharve e or bui ldingr or land owned or occupied by the. United ' tater or the Lio ,lLuonv,realth . ( b ) ordinary repairs an deinfed. in article 6 , pec . 1 , paragraph 1 . 1/4c ) mall wooden bui ldingr not to be used for habitable purrorer , and not more than eight feet in length or breadth and seven feet in height . ARTICLE III . Definitions . ALTE.PJLnO/T . Any change or addition . APARTMENT HOUSE . See " Tenement house". AbsEm LY HALL . A room in any building other than a dwelling house used for public or private assembly having a greater floor area than nix hundred nnuare feet . BASl EJ T . That portion of a building in which the floor in located at leant one - half the average height from the floor to the ceiling of raid portion below the level of the sidewalk or ground at the principal point of entrance to the building . CELLAR . A cellar in a, rtory more than one - half below the level of the adjacent ground . JORNER LOT . A corner lot in a lot situated at the of two streets , each not lerr than twenty feet in width . Any Porti m of the width of :'uch lot distant more than seventy feet from such junction shall not be regarded an part of a corner lot . COTJSTRUC,T13TJ . Building' of the First Clans . A Luilding of fireproof construction throughout . Building of the Second Clam : A building not of the firrt clans, the external and party walls of which are of brick , stone , iron , or other equally rub - n tantial and incombustible , a teriale . building of the Third Clare : tiny building not of the firrt or second class . COURT . A court in an open unaccupi ed rpa. ce , other than a yard , on the same lot with a tenement houne . A court not extending to the rtreet or yard in an inner court . A court extending to the rtreet or yard in an outer court . D: ELLI ^J G . A building cared or constructed or adapted to be used wholly or principally for human habitation . FACTORY . Any rremi ren where steam , water or other mechanical rower is used in aid of any manufacturing process there carried on . �'JOTING . That part of any Masonry foundationv rertinr dir - ectly on the ground . FJU1 SATIOtl . That part of wall below the level of the nide - walk , or , if a wall in not on a street , that part of the wall below the level of the highest ground next to the wall , and that part of a party or partition wall , pier or column below the cellar floor . FRONT OF LOT . The front of a lot in that boundary line which bordern on the street . In the cave of a corner lot , the owner may elect by nte. tement on hie plane either rtreet boundary line an the front . The rear of the lot in the ride opposite to the front . 'fie r-na° thel-e t trite -e o e t . }�� i to �a the t, . In the cane of a triarlicular or gore lot the rear shall be the ride not bordering 16 Tin c:to 44, on a street . I ALF STORY . The top rtory included within a roof . HEIGHT OF BLILD1YG . The vertical distance from the mean grade of the rid ewalkr of all abutting rtreetr or the mean grade of the ground adjoining the building , to the highest point of the roof beamr , not includirg in ouch measurement of height cornices which do not e ;ctend :.yore than five feet above the highest , Dint of the roof beamr nor enclorurerfor the trn.tchinery of eie -ratnrs which do not exceed fifteen feet in height , nor enclorurer f -Dr tankr which do not exceed tverty feet in height above the roof beamr and do not e , seed in united area ten per cent of the area of the roof . HOTEL . ; 17 or iron or steel columns and which is not a bearing wall . Ex- ternal •. alls : Every outer vertical enclosure of a buildinw other than a party wall . Partition wall : Any interior call in a building . Party wall . A all that separates two or more buildings and is used or adapted for use of more than one bui i dingy~ . 2Llc: ESS OF WALL . 1'he minimum thickness of such wall . 'JOOULTT 3"l; 1 LDII G . r AnS building of which an external nil is c .ins tructed wholly or tartly of w , xl . ;Toot' framer covered with metal shall be deemed to be wood structures . ORrSHOP . Any premises , rooms , or Dlace , not being a factory as above defined , wherein any manual labor in exercised by way of trade , or for. _ urporer of gain or as incidental to any process of making , altering , repairing , ornamenting , finishing or adapting for sale any article or part of articles and to which or over which premises , room or place , the employer of the persons wor ' : i ,v therein hue the right of access or control ; provided , , that the exercise of such manual 1 labor n a eivate , hour - vate room b�, the family , 01 �" ° e ° ?, t . dwelling therein e : o e are niers ers 'or```b ` rk.RAc, such farlily , shall nit of itself constitute such house or room a workrhor within this cefinition . 42,RTiCLE IV . Quality , Calculated Ctrerres and Jtrength of Material festa and pality . Section 1 . New material of whatever nature s . . gall be sub - jected to such tests an the Int Te ctor shall direct : the tests shall be made under the rupervi Sion of raid inspector , or he may direct the architect or owner to file with him a certified copy of the results of tests such as he may direct shall be made . When second:- hand material in to be used that fact shall be stated in the app icat. iun filed , and no second - hand material halbe used it has been approved by the inspector . Section 2 . Leri n of structural materials shall be bared upon working stresses prevailing in good current engineering practice . ARTICLE V . Preliminary Requirements . r ermi. is . rection 1 . Before the erection , construction , demolition or alteration of any building or part of any building , structure or part of any structure , coming under the scope of thin b7 - law , as defined in article 11 , Section 7 , and before the construction or alteration of the plumbing or drainage system of any building structure , ur premieee is commenced , the owner or lessee , or agent of either , shall , e1. ordinary dept for ordinar repajr s , submit to the Inspector , a detailed work on proper blanks to be provided by the Inspector , and such full and complete coulee of the plans of such proposed work , and any structural detailed description of the locat - ion , purpose ;end cunstructiori of the proposed structure or drawings as the Inspector may require . Such plans and detailed drawings shall be furnished in duplicate and if approved by the Inspector one set shall be kept at the building during the progress of the work , open to the inspection of the Inspector or his representative and the other shall be kept on file in the office of the Inspector . The erection , c 4nrtruction , demolition or alterai such buildings or structures , as herein provided , sial _� , whenf proceeded with , be executed in accordance with such approved plans and detailed descriptions , unless amended plans are filed and Permit i s rued therefor . any pe rmi t which maybe issued by Inspector pursuant to the provisions of thin sectio the which work is not commenced within six months from thbut under time of issuance , or in abandoned before its completion shall expire by limitation . The inspector , subject to the approval of the Selectmen , may establish from time to time reasonable fees or charger fnr irsuance of permits . Street Lines and Grades . Section 2 . Every person before proceeding to erect any foundation , building or wall , or make any a. l terat i ons in the external wall of any structure , any part of which ir to be placed within ten feet of any public street , way , square , or other lands dedicated to public use , shall first apply to the Selectmen for the liner and grades of such public street , way , e ouare or other lands , and the Selectmen without charge , shall furnish the same togethEr with the location and grade of sewer if in their power to do so . Heights of Buildings . Section 3 . the height of any building or other structure hereafter erected , shall not be more than two timer the width of the widest street upon w hies it stands , but in no care shall it exceed eighty feet , excepting as provided below . The limits of heights for all buildings shall bf as follows : For first- class buildings , not exceeding eighty feet . For second - class buildings , not exceeding sixty feet . For third - class buildings , not exceedirr forty- eight feet . In any building of the second or third clasp , used as a tenement house , apartment house , hotel or lodging house if the cellar or basement is fitted up or used for stores , offices , work- rooms , or living rooms , other than for janitor ' s use , such cellar or basement shall be regarded as the first story , and the height rermitted for such building shall be its measurement from such cellar or basement floor upwards , ant the attic if so fitted ur or used shall be deemed a story within the meaning of this by- law . Ko limitation of the height of buildings in this by - law shall apply to churches , eteeples , towers , domes , cupolas , or belfries , not used for human habitation , nor to chimneys , gas holders , statuary , open balustrades , ekyl i ghtr , ventilators , flagstaffs , railings , weather vanes , roil pipes , steam exhausts , or other similar constructs one such as are usually erected above the roof line of buildings . r permit for the erection of a spire exceeding eighty feet in height , for a, church , or for the erection , location and use of an elevator for storage or sale of grain or coal . may be given by the inspector on the written a,p -oroval of the hoard of Selectmen . tRT1SLE Vi Repairs and Demolition Repairs . Section 1 . Ordinary repairs of buildings or structures , or of the plumbing thereof , may be made without nntice to the Inspector , but such repairs shall not be construed to iincluc1e the cutting away of any stone or brick wall . or any portion thereof , the removal or cutting of any beam or support , or the removal , change or cloning of any staircase , or the alteration or con - struction of any coil or waste pipe . 'Then plans and detailed descriptions are filed with the I'ire ector for the ere ctl on of a new building , which necessitated the demolition of any part of an existing' building , such fact shall be stated in the description filed . Demolition . Section 2 . In demolishing any building , sto commencing with the 'to stor rY after story , p y , shall be completely removed . !To material shall be allowed to remain upon the floor of any such building , but toe brick , timbers ani other structural parts of 19 each rt )r;- r hall be lowered to the ground upon dirplace 'nent . If the building to be demolished in within fifty feet of a public street or within one hun (. red feet of any other building , the material to be removed ehall be properly wet down to lay the durt incident to itr removal . The owner , architect , builder or contractor for any building , structure , wall , platform or flooring to be deraolinhed rhall give not lee ' than twenty- four hourr ' notice to the inrpector of ruch intended demolition . ARTICLE VII . uonrtruction , General Renuirementr . axecava, tion . section 1 . nil exc .vationr for buildingr rhall be properly guarded and protected no ar to pre -- ent the name from becoming dan - gerour to life or limb , and rhall be r heathe - _ iled by the person , or perronr causing the eicavationr to be made when necerrary to prevent the adjoining earth from caving in . :ill excavationr rhall be at leapt rix incher clear of founda - tion vrallr and no back filling ehall be done until approved in the inrpoctor . Foundatirnn . Section 2 . all foundation wallr , if of brick or concrete , rhall be at leant four inchep thicker than the f it rt story wall above but rhall be at leant ten inches thick ey. cept in the care of a private garage or outbuilding . Rubble rtone foundation walle rhall in all caner be at leant eighteen incher thick at the top and twenty- four incher at the bottom ; and if they exceed eight feet in height above finished grade they shall be at leant twenty- four incher thick at the top and thirty at the bottom . All stoner or block' above grade in the foundation wallr enclosing cel ] ar or banerent , except for one rtory buildinrr of the third clap ' , barn ' and rtable r , rhall be firmly bedded w i th cement mortar and all rpacep and jointr thoroughly filled . If of block rtone , laid in horizontal courree , the foundation wally rhall be an follows : For buildingr not over twenty - five feet in height , not lerr than eighteen inches thick ; over twenty - five feet and not exceeding forty - five feet , not levy than twenty inches thick ; and over forty- five feet , not lee ' than tvcenty- four inchep thick . All foundationr ehall be thick enough in e .-i ceen of the above to renirt lateral prerrure , and the snrpector may order an increase of thicknerr for that purpose . n11 buildingr except an LE rE in provided and new wall ' in alterationv rhall have continuous foundationr of brick , rtone or concrete . 1ooden building- r- not exceeding one rtory in height and not uvea for habitation may be erected upon maronry piers or woolen l' or .r I " . .._aronry nadir , aicknere . lection 3 . nil maronry external and party wallr of buildinne urcd for dwellings not exceeding trenty - five feet in height , shall be at leant trelve archer thick in barement , aLd at leapt eight inches above ; for buildingr exceeding twenty- five feet andnot exceeding sixty feet in height , not leer than twelve incher the whole height . All masonry external and party wade of bui lh ingn other than Owe l lingr shall be an follows : For building ' not exceeding fifteen feet in height , at leant eight inchep thick throughout ; for thore exceeding fifteen feet and not e1 ceeding twenty- five feet in heig h at leart twelve inches thick throughout ; for buildings exceedingt � twenty- five feet and not e: ceeding forty feet in height , six teenirchep thick in the barement any? first rtory and twelve inches thick above ; and for buildings exceeding forty feet and not exceeding Do CL rirty feet in height , twenty incher thick in basement and first ."") n' tory , and rirteen incher thick in the recondand third ntnricar ,and OC twelve inches thick above . faulted wally rhall contain exclusive of wither , the same amount of material ar ir required for valid walir , and the wall on thr side ) f the air r'pace carriring a floor rhall be not lrrr than eighty, incher thick . 1uch wallr shall be securely tied tnnether by tier not more than two feet apart . External walir may , if approved by the Inrpect ?r , with the concent of the selectmen , be built in part of iron or rteel , and I •rien r ) built , may be of lerr thicknerr than ir hereinbefore pro - vided or required , provided that all co nrtructi oral parte are thoroughly .;rotected from fire by brick , terra - cotta , or niarter - ing upi_m metal furring , and provided the strength of all rur. nortr ir enuivalent to that of brick wane other ; Ire herein renuired . Floor upp o rt r . Section 4 . Lo building hereafter erected r } _allhave floor bearing ruprortr over thirty feet apart which supports may be trick walls , trurrer , columnr , or girders . if brick walls , they may be four incher lerr in thicknerr than it required by this by - la for the party walir of the rame height , provided that in no care shall they be lerr than twelve incher in t ' i cknerr . If trurrer , columnr , or gi rderr , are u re d they ars their rurrortr rhall be m .�de to conform to the reouirerents for strength ar provided for in article 1V . Floors , ►-itrength of . Section E . All nen or renewed floors shall be so con - rtructed ar to carry rarely the weight to which the Fropored ure of the building Trill rubject them , but the leart capacity per superficial foot , el:clurive of materials rhall be : Lb per Eq . ft . For armorier , arrerublir hallr aid gymnariumr and wayr or egrerr therefrom 100 For factories 100 - 250 :' For garages ( private ) :storage and repair flcorr 75 For garages ( public ) ►' 1E0 For grand r tand r 100 For Office Juildingr ; First floor 110 All other floors 75 For Reridence Buildingr , Fub . ic portionr 75 For ' F.Ycept ar above 50 For rchoolr : nrrembly hah n 100 Clare dooms , never to be used as nrsembly Tial lr 50 For sidewalkr For rtores 110 The amount within there limitr ir to b ' fixed in each specific care by the lnrpector . Chimneys ard Flue r . Section 6 . Lo chimney rhall be corbelled from a wall more than the thicknerr of the wall , nor be hun_ r from a wall lerr than helve incher thick , nor rest or be , rup torted in any way by wood . All chimneyr rhall be built of rtone or other incom- bustible material , laid up in be rt lime or cement mortar . rill brick chimneyr rhall have terra cotta flue lining , except chimneyr eight incher or more thick . The endr of such lining piper rhall be made to fit elope together ; the ;taints rhall be filled with cement mortar ; and the lining rha ' l be built in as the flue or fluer are carried up . The sectional area of every chimney court be at Part eoual to the combined area of all smoke flue ; entering it . All chimneys () hall be topped out or can pe0 with brick , terra cotta , rtone , iron or cement . £hey rhall extendfour feet above any flat roof . 1n other carer , unless the roof is 21 of incomburtible or fire - renirting material , they rhall �oe carried up to at leant one foot above the highest point of the roof . No woodwork of any kind rhall be placed at a distance lerr than one inch from the outride wall of any flue ; and no nail rhall be driven into the masonry of any chimney , Unrafe Chimneys . Jection 7 . l f any chimney flue or heating apparatus rhall , in the opinion of the l nrpector be unsafe , he : hall at once n -otify in rriting the owner , who , upon receiving raid notice , rhall L^,ake the flame cafe to the ratirfact. ion of the Lnrrector . Fireplacer and hearthr . .recti m 6 . The jambe and backr of all fireplacer and range or grate openings rhall be of maronry , not lerr than eight inches thick ( including both the rough and finirhed T^:o rk ) if of brick , and not leer than twelve incher , if wholly or partly of rtone . 3r ckv ork or rtonework over fireplace or similar openings rhall be rupported by proper iron burr or by brick or rtone archer . All portions of chimneyr or fireplacer no conrtructed an to receive a lateral thrust , not taken care of by iron members thoroughly anchored to the maronry , shall be at leant eight incher thick . The interior of all fireplace throaty rhall be thoroughly covered with a coat of cement mortar , carried up to a rolid connection with the flue lining , and every rake in the chimney rhall be plartered with a good thick coat of cement mortar on both the outride and the inf ic: e . Ill hearthr shad be laid on maronry trimmer archer , or on barn of iron support ir. g a proper bed of maronry , and shall extend at leant eight incher beyond each ride of the finirhed fireplace opening . Jheyr rhall have a uniform width of at leapt eighteen inches in front of the finiraed jambr and fireplace . Protection of isooc.work . Jection 9 . lb rmoke pipe rhall project through any external wall , windom or roof . No rmokepipe rhall parr through any wooden partition without a roappton_ e ring or r fety thimble of fireproof material of the thicknerr of the partition . The top of all heating furnaces net in brick rhall be covered with brick , rupported by iron ba:- r , and no constructed an to be perfectly tight ; raid covering to be in addition to , and not lerr than nix , • T incher from the ordinary co rPr _; ng of the hot air chambers . 1'he topr of all heating furnaces not ret in brick rha11 be at leapt twelve inches below the nearest wooden beams or ceiling , with a shield of metal made tight , rurrended not lerr than two inches below such beans or ceiling , and extending one foot beyond the top of the furnace on all rider except where metal lathing ir ured . rill hot - Lir rE gir ter boxes hereafter placed in the floorr or partitions of buildings , rhall be ret in or roaprtone equally s ood p u :�. 11�r r. incomburtible borderr not leen that: two ineher in r: idth , anal rhall be made of tin plate and properly fitted . Hot- air piper and rc girter bores ret in floorr or rartitionr rhall be at least one inch from any woodwork , except that regio ter boxer fifteen by twenty - five incher , or larger , and their connecting pipes shall be two incher from any woodwork . The piper and boxer hall be either double iit. re they parr through the floors or pard tions or be otherwire thoroughly protected by metal casings shielding the woodwork and made tight . to uetal pipe ured to convey heated air shall be placed within one inch of any woodwork , unlet r it in enclosed in a roap - rtone or eartliern ring , or in a mE tal pipe with air space between , or otherwins rhielcied with metal or aeberton , in a manner ratip _ factory to the lurpector . 22 a o ' t� fh bine . C) ►section 10 . iJeporitorier for artier in the interior of any building rhall be built of incomburtible material . I' ernlit for Lathing . Section 11 . No wall or ceiling of any buil '-1n r nl. 1 be lathed or otherwire covered , until the snrpector har been notified in writing that the building it ready for ruch work , anduntil he bar given et ritten coi: rent therefor . The .- nrpector shall act on ruch notice within forty - eight hourr of receipt of rame . hoof Goveri.ngr .. Section 12 . file roofr of all buildinwn , including the roof " of dormer windowr , rhall be covered, with fire - renirting material . Roof of out- building " other than garapee ) having lern than two hundred square feet in area on the ground and also flat roofs or -planar and rimilar projections may be covered with curvan of three - ply roofing felt . The provisions of the firrt sentence of thin rection :hall apply to all builc. ingr hereafter erected or altered on land laid out , owned , or plotted , into lotr or. Parcels for build- ing purposer , and on all parcelr of land of lerr than one acre in extent . In repairing the roof of any existing buildinp' now covered i th non - fire rerirting material , if more than twenty per cent Df the roof it re - covered within any one year the same shall be done with fire re - rip tine' material ar rpecified for new roofr in the preced - ing paragraph : Fire - renirtin material ,, ppecified above , :,::311 include elate , tile , arbert, op , cement , tar and gravel , plastic plate , copper , tin , and heavy arphal. t - felt r' hingler of which the expored surface in compared )f elate chips or gravel . Rain 4ater . Section 13 . dater from leaders shall not flow upon the side - walk , and no part of any building rhall be conrtructed in such a way an to discharge water , snow , ice or other lir:Aerial upon a public way . ro j ectionr . Section 14 . ro bay window or other structure , other than cornices or mouldings , except fire ercal er rhall be placed upon any building no ar to project over any public way without the permission of the 3oard of Selectmen , given after due notice and hearing , and then only in such manner ars rhall be ap ;,roved by the Inrpector . Ico bare , plinth , or rtepr , "mall project upon any public way . ihenever any perr : rn it about t .-' erect or alter the exterior wally of a buildin1r , within five feet of the line of a etreet , he rhall cause the portion of the cite of the building bordering upon the street to be Enclored by a proper fence , not lent than four feet high and at least five feet from the line of such buildings , and the fence rhall be made ae much hipther an the snrpector rhall direct , and the rame ©hall be maintained until all liability to accident from the falling material twin € r , and aaid person rhall maintain proper lights , if ro required by the snrpector at both ends of such enclored "pace from Punnet to nunrire . nccerr to Roof . Section nil buildingr other than single dwellingr .9 and all building ', over two rtorier high , rhall have permanent and con - venient meanr of accerr to the roof from the inside . The opei ingr in the roof rhall be not lert than twenty by thirty inches . 23 Nuirance . aectior le . Lv € ry r.uirance within the scope of thir by- law shall be unlawful and the lnrpector shall take all rtepr nece: rrary to remove thy came . ARTICLE V111 . Construction , Pirrt _ vlarr Buildings . Scope . ;section 1 . -very buifling hereafter erected or altered to be used ar a hotel , lodging- houre , theatre w jail , police rtation , ; _oppital , arylum or inrtitution for the care or treatment of persons , the he fight of which exceeds thirty - five feet to the ce it ung of the uprer story , and every othe= r building hereafter erected , altered or raised to over eixty feet in height shad be a first - class building , excepting , however , ar is provided for in article V , Section 3 , of this by - law . :.iaterialr .. Section 2 . The following material - ehr. l i , for the purpnre of this law , be deemed to be incombustible , fireproof or rire - rerirting material - : ( a ) Brickwork constructed of good bricks or terra c :; tta , well burned , hard and round , properly bonded , and rolidly put torether with good mortar , c .Jmpoun. ed of good lime or cement , or both , and sharp , clean rand . ( b ) Granite and other stone ruitable for building pu .rponer by reuron of itr solidity and durability . ( c ) Iron , steel and copper . ( d ) Concrete eompored of broken brick , stone chiprinpr ,, or ballast snd lime ce ::ent of calcined ryprum when used for f i ' li np in be tYeen joints of floor - . height . section 3 . No first - class buildinr shall exceed eighty feet in heir,ht . i,etaile of oorrtructi un . Sectidn 4 . ?ireproof building - i- al be constructed with walls of brick , ', tone , cement , concrete , iron , or steel , in which wood beam- or lintel - shall not be placed , and in which the floor - and roofs shall be of material - described in section 2 of thir Article . £hc stairs and rtaircare landings ', hall be built entirely of brick , stone , cement , concrete , iron or steel . No woodwork or other inflammable material shall be used in any of the partitionr , furring', , or ceilings , in any such fireproof buil7ing , excepting , however , that the doors and windows and their framer' , the tr ,i mr , the ca iingr , the interior finish when filled solid at the back with firepr )of material . and the floor boards and nleeterr ' irectly there - under . may be of _ od , but the ',pace between the rleeperr shall he solidly filled with fireproof material ', and extend up to the underr1 ide of the floor boards . X11 hull partition , or permanent partitions between roomy in fireproof buildings- shall be bu ' It of fireproof material , and shall not be "started on wood eillr ,, nor on wood floor boardf , but, b �' built upon the fireproof conrtructi on sof the floor and extend to t c fire - proof beam filling- above . The topr of all door and wind )ww: openinpr in such partiti onr ',hall be at least t7 c 1ve incher below the ceiling line . In all buildings- of the firrt clan - hereafter erected , all partitionr rAlall rest directly upon the fireproof floor conrtructi �n and extend to the fireproof floor slab above . 24 r, ♦-.err C ARTICLE lx . Conr tru et ion , Second and lhi r. d Clapp building: . Scope . Section 1 . Every building hereafter erected or altered to be ured an a ; ubli c buil' ing , store , office building , factory or mercantile eE table nhment , rhall be of the first or record clarc . nll other buildingr may be' of the third clams . height . Section 2 . iso second cleave building rhall exceed 60 feet in height and nn third clarr bui ] ding 48 feet , except that a wooden rpire for churches may be 63 feet in height . Frame . SE ction b . £very wooden building: of two or more rtorier o r exceeding five hundred feet in a.r : a , shall have rills , portr , girt ' , and plater pr ^perly mortired , tenoned , pinned and braced . The sectional area of the rims 'hall not be ler ' than thirty- two incher , and of portr and girtr not lent than twenty- four inches . Studding for outer wa. 11r end bearing partitionr rhaf 1 be not lerr than two by four incher , nor placed more than sixteen inches on centers . i l -jor timber rhall not be lens than two incher thick . Ico ledger boards rhall be ured in place of girtr in any building where the ports exceed fifteen feet in height . The bottom of the rill ' of wooden dti^.el l ung hour er rhall be placed not lest than twelve incher above the surface of the ground at any point . In a girt frame there (" hall be a port from Bill t _: plate at leant e very twenty feet . Fire ells . Section 4 . :frame dwellingr built in block' of two or nore rhall have a brick , terra cotta or concrete party wall , not lerr than eight incher in thicknern between each mingle dwelling and the one d j o ininr , t : extend up to the under ride of the roof boarding which f : .all be laid in m Irtar on the 'rai l Fire . tops . Section 5 . nll buildingr ured for dwel liner , officer . or public purporer , hereafter erected , , hall ha?TF fire - rtopr in the interior composed of cement , planter , mortar , or r Dne ircom- burtible m Lterial , ret rolid in mortar in the following manner : In brick and rtone buildings the space between all Purring o n vallr and between the rtuddinp of all partitionr shall be filed rolid and flurh to a height of nix incher above the floor joirte in each rtory . The 'pacer between ruch parte of floor joirtr an rept upon partition heads rhall also be filled to the 'lame width ar rtuddinr above . in wooden buildinvr , the spacer between the rtudr of bearin < partitionr in the firrt rtory ; between the study of each exterior wall in the first story ; and between the studs o f ruch exterior wall in the firrt rtrry ; and between the studs . of tut exterior wally above the first rtory ae carry the ends of floor j oirtr , shall reverally be rtopped by rolid 'Filling brought up at leant to the level of the finirhed floor ; alio all macer betveen fl ' > or joirts directly abDve a bearing partition , in whatever ' tory constructed , rhall of rtopped wi Lh ruch fil in all carer ro as to check effectively any draught fr 'nm one rtory to anothF , or from the horizontal rpaces between floor i oistr to thevertical rpacee in wal lr and partitions . in all buildingr the spacer between the :stringers rf . stairs and joictr of landingr , unlerr unceiled , rhall be fire - stopped sufficiently to prevent the parruc;e of air . The rpaceo around chimneys inside of studding or furrinr making air ductr are to be thoroughly fire - stopped with suitable i rcor:bu r - tible materials . Exceptionr . section 6 . Temporary buildingr may be erected for the use of builderr within the limit '" of the lotr whereon buildingr are in c iurre of erection , or on adjoining vacant lotr , and other temporary r tru cturec , including pl? tformr , r tandr , election booths , and tests may be erected upon pe rmitr it ru €- d by the Inspector and may be maintained for the period of time rtated in the permit . in obser - vation '" tang '" ball be constructed or maintained except in accordance with planr approved by the inspector . ARTICLE X . Special buildingr . Leer and Rertrictionr . Billboards Section 1 . No billboardr , advertirinv board'" or other structure , except buildingr and structure '" hereinafter rpeci fied , rhall be erected upon or attached to any land or the exterior of any build - ing . The fore °oarg rhall r. ot a pl - - divirion y to " seer '"ar, r dlvi , _ on fences ured rolely ar fencer ; structures erectedand ured solely for the ruprort of vine '" , shrubbery or vegetation , flagpoles ; awninrr ured rolely as ruch ; rignr advertiring solely the letting or relli.ng of , or burinerr conducted on the rremirer to v; hick they are attached ; or billboards , adverti rements , or other commercial dl ,' rp1a�Ts not exceeding twenty square feet in ,surface area , nor ten feet in any dimension . Lir tance From Lot Line and Percentage of Lot . erection 2 . Lo external wall of any building or dwellinc' of the third clarr shall be leer than seven and one -half feet from the 1 Lne of any adjoining lot , nor lees than ten feet from any other building ; and no external wall of any building of the record clam rhall be lepr than reven and one - half feet from the line of any adjoining lot nor lerr than ten feet from the line of any other bui l. d ing . unlerr the ride wall of ruch proposed building of the record class i r constructed of brick or other fireproof material . of a thicknerr and in the manner rrercribed for external wallr of fire - proof buildingr . nll ore nir. gr in ruch fireproof wall rhall be protected by rtandard wired glare w lndowr in metal framer and rash or rtandard fire alarm doorr or rhuttero ar provided for by the ruler and regulati onr of National 3oard of 'ire Underwriters . Yo buildinrp of the third clavr rhall cover more than rixty per cent of the area of the lot . All buildings built or altered over for the purr re of utilizing a part of came for living purporer and a Fart for buriners or manufac wrjn r nurporer , rhalbe so built or altered that such portion intended to be utilized for burinerr or manufacturing rhall be separated entirely from the rortion intended for liv tng purporer by ouch fireproof material as may be aurroved by the lnrpector . • Drying ROOM* . Section 3 . All walls , ceilingo and partitions i. ncloring drying rooms rhall be made of fireproof material . 0 26 C) Elevators . PC Section 4 . In all buileingr except dwellings occupied by not more than two families in v; : rich there rhall be any hoistay or freight elevator or wellhole not enclored in walls conrtructed of brick or other incombustible material and provided with fire doors , the openingr thereof opening through and upon each floor of such building rhall be provided with and protected by a substantial guard o r gate , anwith good and ruf fici ent automatic trapdoors , covered with Itnxametywit,h:good. andxrafficient) automa. ttcxlracpd3araTru rerffd with tin on the under ride and edger , in accordance with rtandard for fire doors , and ro conrtructed ar to form a rubrtantial floor surface when cloned . The guardr or gates and railingr shall be o f ruch material and. form of construction ar may be approved by the Inrpector . The elevatorr and hoirtr fnr freight which rY) rot run above the fir rt story may be conrtructed without fireproof e nclorurer . Freight and parrEnger elevat [ rr may be placed in areas and hallways where the came are cortinuour and unbroken , ruch ele - vators to be prote c -ue by metal grille . except as abDve provided and excert in dwellings outride of the fire l i.a itr occupied by not more than two families , all shafts for elevatorr , hoists , dumbvraflerr , lifts and clother or durt chuter rhall be constructed of firerrnof material . The topr of all such rhaftr rhall be covered with incom- bustible anterial unlern the rhaft extends above the upper floor of the building , and in that care the rhaft shall be carried at leapt three feet above- the roof and shall be covered vri th rkv ] fight . Such rhaftr if for freight or parrenger elevatorr rhall be of brie, o r terra cotta at leart eight inches thick , or of metal civered on both riser with at least one inch of plarter arplied im_aediatelir to the metal . Outride windowr or openingr of every elevator shaft shall have vertical iron rods equally rpaced in ruch wir ows or openingr but not over nine inches apart ; nil clothes and durt chuter in buildingr not provided for above shall be constructed of or l : ned with inc omburtibl e. mater .ial r . factories . Section buildingr to be used as a factory , or for the manufacture of exploriver , or for chemical or rendering; -orks or stable in which more than four horser are kept , shall be erected or gasfor erected , and no rteam o gas engine , dynamo or boiler motive power , rhall be ret , or erected or moved without a permit from the lr ,ctor , counterrigned by the Board of Selectmen , and ruch permit rhall not be granted until after a public hearing before the Selectmen , who shall give notice of such hearing by porting a written notice of such hearing in each port office in the t ) n , on pub , i c bulletin boards in the town , and by mailing a copy of the came to all the owners of premirer within five hundred feet of the proposed location of the building , addrerred to their last known residence , or place of burinern and by publishing the raaie in the newspaper publirhed in the town , or if there be no such paper , in one published in Boston . Notice of hearirgr required under this section shall be rent by the Selectmen to the .J oar d of health . Ercapes . Section 6 . 2LE owner or ownerr of a buildingr uron w Lich a fire ercape in erected rhall keep the name in good repair and properly painted . Fire ercaper on the outride of buildings rhall consist of open balconies and rtairwayp and be constructed in accordance tltth , or equal to the requiremeitr of the Mann tchuret tr District Police . Fire ercaper may rr _ject not more than four feet over a public way or beyond a building line , in which care they shall have a clearance of not leer than eight feet above the ground . The balcony on the top floor except in the cane of a front fire ercape , shall be provided with a gooseneck ladder leading from raid balcony to and above the roof . 6 27 • • Garages . Section 7 . the conrtructidn and alteration of buildings to be used as garages , whether public or private . rhall be rine in ruch manner and with such materials ar to comply not only with the requirements of the general laws of the commonwealth ( including the rules and regulationr of the Department of Public Safety ) .relating to garages , ar from time to time in force in the District , but also with the provisions of thie Building Law ro far ar consistent with raid laws , ruler and regulationLr . lcehoures . Section P . Buildings to be used exclurively for the rtorage of ice may be erected in isolated localities and carrtructed of ruch materials and under ruch conditions ar the Inspector may prescribe . Public Buildin gr Egrerr . Section 9 . 1n all buildingr of a public character ruch ar hotels , churches , theatrer , rertaurantr , railroad stations , public halle and other buildingr used or intended to be used for purpores of public arrewbl T . ami.rerent or instruction , and including depart - ment Storer and other busing rr and ,manufacturing buildingr *.There • large number " of people are congregated , the hallo , doors . rtairways reatr , parragewayr and airier and all lighting and heating arpartus shall be arranged to facilitate egress in care of fire or accident , and to :afford proper accommodation for the public protection in ruch cases . x11 airier and parragewayr in ruch building shall be kept free from camp rtoolr , chairs , Polar and other obrtructionr , and no Perron rhall be allowed to rtand in or occupy any of raid airles or parsagewayr , during any performance . service , exhibition . lecture . concert , ball or other public arremblage . :Jchoolhourev . Section 10 . 1111 rchool buildin1e rhall hav" fire T^rallr of Inc ) mburtible material ratirfactory to the inspector and where raid lnrpeetor rhall deri rate . £Wo at leart of the rtairways rhall be enclored on three rider vitt. fireproof partitions , in rchool build - ingr of record clary conrtruction the wallr on three rides of rtairwayr shall be of brick twelve inchc r thick , T't of the rtairwayr filial ]. be of fireproof conrtruction . two at . leart Article 1E . Cin motion of y, m hoper Greeley it war then , " Voted , ihat ;, 190 be arpimpriia,ted and arreefled for printing the Building Lawr and the Zoning Law Article 33 . Under thin article j oreph P • Cotton offered the following motion : " Voted : That the rum of $ 3 . 617 . 89 be appropriated ( the same being the amount returned to the Ton under the provisions of Chapter 480 of the Actr of 1924 ) for the purpore orur .gores of acquiring land , the conrtruction of buildingr or other rtructures , including cort of oririnal equipment , to rerve ur an to be a . r- manent :11cmorial to all Veterans of all uarr who went from the Town of Lexington to verve with the Colorr and hold or are entitled to an Honorable yircharge from the United Stater 4irril , Navy or ;,, Lorpr ; Y Marine Further Voted : That the prevent Commander of George n , iCeaee Port , Grand Army of the Republic , the prevent Commander of Starley 11i 11 Pont . the nmeri can Legion , a n d a Veteran of the Spanish liar with two other citizen ° , the lart three to be appointed by the Moderator .tor , be namedur a Committee of five to a on thus quertion of ertablis4 i. ng a permanent Uemor jal . Taiate d ��,no t7rt al , sateor.2- 28 0 mittee to be permanent . ary vacancies to be filled by the then ::ioderator by the relection of a member of the or. cani7ation or t0 group i n w hi c h the va c an cy may occur . and in care n o member of the Grand nrmy Port it able to nerve , its reprerentative shall be selected froze the Sonr of Veteranr . ,<obert P . ; la.pp then moved the following amendment : "Until otherwire orderf c ar hcreine . t U r provided the fund ri .all be turned over to the Trurte € r of Public Trurtr to be inverted and helli by them , together with the accumulati -nrof income thereon . rubj ect : the future vote or voter of the To'tt . The fund ro held shall be designated as Veteranr ' u.emorial Fund . " .. r . ' otton r original :Notion ar amended by 4,r . 'J1app ' r amend - ment war parred unanimously by the meeting . /1 See End for Committee . article ' II . Under this article , on .oti .Dn of C . Cberter hutchinron , it was doted , th'It the following amountr be a;jrroprisited and a. rrrrr ;= d for the current year : For the maintenance of Larti ►g r i rk 5 . 00 For the expenrer of the own Planning Board 150 . 00 For the inspection of animals 200 . 00 F'or the support or the Lenta. 1 Clinic in the Public Schools 1500 . 00 For vital rtatitticr 50 . 00 For the expenre of 'lluatering Troughs 100 . 00 For roldierr ' burials 100 . 00 For roldierr ' relief 300 . 00 For military aid to be expensed unrIer UhaptEr 115 of the General Laws 100 . 00 For the adminrtra.tion of public trurts 75 . 00 For otate raid 500 . 00 For the ralary of the Town Physician 100 . 00 For the payers nt of Interest upon the public Jebt 34900 . 00 Voted that the rum of $ 15 , 000 be transferred from the General Revenue and Surplus Account to M •sturi rF Debt . For the payment of the bonded indebtedness of the town -maturing in 1925 79232 . 25 For the support of the Police De rrartment 23000 . 00 For the support of the libraries E850 . 00 For the expense of insurance 10300 . 00 For salary and expenses of the Town .lccountant . 2659 . 00 ( of which $ 2500 is for salary ) For salaries and expense © of the Board of Arrersorr 4000 . 00 ( of which $400 is for ralry of xsrerrorr ) For salaries and expenses of the Selectmen ' s Dept . 2600 . 00 ( of which $250is for expenses of Selectmen for 1924 and $ 250 for expenses of 1925 ) 29 For the maintenance of public health and rani tat i on 2500 . 00 • For the e :cpenre of removal of snow 7350 . 00 For unclarrified expenrer 200 . 00 For the protection of public rr .ade treer and for the planting of rhade trees 1500 . 00 Cr . J . Claes ter hutchinson moved that S1 , 350 be appropriated and arrenred for the ralary and expenrer for the Superintendent of Public 7 orkr . Edwin A . Bayley , in the course of remarks upon thi r motion , asked the Superintendent of Public Works to state what his ralar7Thad been before he began working for the Town . The Moderator ruled the quertion out of order and .sr . Bayley thereupon appealed from the decision of the moderator and his motion war reconded by four or more voterr . £Le moderator then vtated that the appeal involved the decirion of the moderator on a quertion of order and called attention to the fact that General Laws , Chapter 39 , Section 15 , rrovi c: e that " The Wioderator rhall pre ride and regulate the proceedings , decide all quertionr of order , . . . a . . . . " y while the By- larr , article kr , Section 5 , provide with respect to the moderator that rhall decide all auertione rubject to an appeal . . . . . . . . . " and aectior. 8 of raid article provider "Any voter may appeal from the decirion of the moderator and. . hen properly seconded by four or more voters , etc . . . . . . niter reading an opinion of .4•oorfield 'Jtorey , Erq . to the effect that the Town cannot by by- lawr affect the power riven to the moderator to decide any quertion of order finally , the moderator ruled that the provirionr of the by- lawn providing for az: atrea. 1 inso - far as they cover que rti onr of order are contrary to the statute and void . lie thereupon refused to entertain the motion for an appeal . At th . r point a motion wur made that when the meeting adjourn , it be adjourned to ihurraay , March 26 , 1925 at 7 : 30 P . M . ::'seder ick L . Lmery , under the motion for appropriatinn of $ 745 for the Building inspector , prevented written moti pn to the I.'ocerator concerning. feer for Building perritr . After d. ircurrion the natter war laid on the table us ter . Emery asked for further time . l,:ee ting adjourned at 11 P . L . A true record , 4ttert : 017(dbee Town Clerk . Committee appointed : George L . Gilmore Minnie S . Seaver Charles M . Blake Commander American Legion . Captain William F . Young, Veteran, of Spanish . ar William B . Foster, Com. G . A . H . Post 119 .