HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-01-21-AHTSC-min �RECEIVED 2022 15 F'"e I „ "x:01 Ila u rn °OWN CLERK The Affordable Housing Trust Study Committee (ad hoc) 1.EXING1"ON M Meeting Minutes of January 21,2022 Affordable Housing Trust Study Committee members present for the public meeting: Betsey Weiss, Gretchen Reisig, Jeri Foutter, Kathryn Roy, Linda Prosnitz, Carol Marine, Tara Mizrahi. Lexington Staff present for the public meeting: Carol Kowalski, Assistant Town Manager for Development, Kiruthika Ramakrishnan, Administrative Assistant. Non-voting liaison of the Select Board: Mark Sandeen As the chair for the committee was selected at the meeting, Ms. Kowalski called the meeting to order at 10:16 am. The meeting was broadcast live on LexMedia and recorded for future on-demand viewing. 1. Introductions Ms. Kowalski, The Assistant Town Manager for Development, and the Department Head for Land Use Health and Development, introduced herself. Ms. Kowalski oversees the building, zoning, planning, conservation, economic development, and public health. And Ms. Kowalski also works closely with the Regional Housing Services Office. Ms. Kowalski then asked the committee members to introduce themselves and add what inspired them to be on the committee. Ms. Weiss introduced herself saying that she organized a fundraiser for Habitat for Humanity, to build affordable housing and built two units in Roxbury with the funds that were raised, which then led her to be on the Housing partnership since 2003. She was the co-chair of the CPA campaign to help raise funds for affordable housing, and was involved with CPC till 2011. Ms. Weiss feels the Affordable Housing Trust Study Committee is an opportunity to bring about the flexibility to get funds for affordable housing throughout the year. Ms. Foutter introduced herself as the chair of the Housing Partnership Board. She has been involved with the Housing Partnership Board from 2004. Ms. Foutter also helped in creating the Lexington Housing Foundation, which helps fund the activities of the Housing Partnership Board. Ms. Foutter was also a member of the Residential Policy Sub-Committee of The Planning Board. Ms. Foutter is interested in creating a pipeline of funds for the Affordable Housing Trust study committee and also wants to leverage her experience in community investment tax credit, which is offered by the Department of Housing and Community Development. Ms. Mizrahi introduced herself saying that she has been involved with affordable housing, LexHAB, very recently. But professionally she is a real estate developer and consultant and co- owns, The Affirmative Investments, which develops affordable housing projects and economic development projects on a larger scale. Ms. Mizrahi is committed to affordable housing and is keen on establishing the trust, which makes it easy to get funds. She is also interested in developing a non-profit or CDC, which will help build affordable housing at lower costs. Ms. Prosnitz, is professionally in affordable housing, works for the City of Cambridge which has an affordable housing trust and has a lot of experience with them. Ms. Prosnitz has also worked with a lot of non-profit organizations and also was a consultant in many towns. Ms. Prosnitz also worked with the Regional Housing Services Offices. Ms. Prosnitz has a lot of experience in the operations of a trust and the legal issues involved with the trust. Ms. Reisig introduced herself saying that she studied real estate law and has worked with low income housing. She has volunteered a lot in Lexington schools, has always been interested in affordable housing and has been watching other cities forming housing trusts and wanted to contribute towards affordable housing in Lexington. Ms. Kowalski briefly introduced Mr. Sandeen, who is a liaison with the Select Board, who will communicate the needs and progress of the committee to the Select Board and bring back policies and directions from the Select Board to the committee. Mr. Sandeen expressed his passion towards affordable housing, and worked on the affordable units built by Habitat for Humanity, spent an entire sabbatical, building affordable houses in Belmont. Mr. Sandeen is passionate about building more affordable units and also build them in a sustainable manner. Ms. Kowalski conducted a roll call to ensure all members of the committee and members of the staff present could hear and be heard. Ms. Mizrahi asked the members to share more about what they actually do in regards to affordable housing. Ms. Weiss explained the three definitions that were worked on by the Housing Partnership that was eventually sent to Town Meeting. The Housing Partnership Board is an advocacy group and has been in existence since 2003. LexHAB was formed in 1983 to build affordable homes in Lexington. LexHAB has around 78 units currently. With the help of CPA, LexHAB was able to get more funds and build more units. The original funds came from the town. And when Brookhaven was built, the initial linkage funds went to LexHAB. The Lexington Housing Authority has three villages, which cater to seniors and disabled individuals. Ms. Foutter explained that LexHAB owns, builds and manages property, whereas The Housing Partnership Board creates awareness and acts as an advocate and does not own, build, nor manage property. The Housing Partnership Board acts as an advocate for affordable housing initiatives in Lexington and the members are all appointed by the Select Board. Lexington Housing Authority is more of a quasi-public organization, and owns and manages housing. Ms. Weiss explained that Lexington Housing Authority is an elected board with five members, whereas The Housing Partnership Board is an appointed board through the Select Board and LexHAB members are also appointed by the Select Board. Ms. Prosnitz asked if LexHAB was an affiliate of the town. Ms. Mizrahi said it was and the second part of the charge for the committee is to make it a 501c3, which will enable access to various resources, give more flexibility and bring down cost. Ms. Roy joined the meeting and introduced herself as a board member of Charlesbank Homes Foundation, that provides funding to organizations that develop low income housing. Ms. Marine also joined the meeting and she has been involved with The Lexington Housing Partnership for many years. Ms. Marine is a Senior Program Manager with the Citizens Housing and Planning Association (CHAPA) on foreclosure mitigation. 2. Overview of current Lexington Housing activities, bodies, initiatives Ms. Kowalski went over the initiatives related to affordable housing in Lexington. The first one being the completion of the update of Lexington's Comprehensive Plan. The second one is to fix part of the zoning bylaw that allows alternatives to conventional subdivisions, with one requirement being to produce affordable housing units or payments in lieu of affordable housing. Ms. Kowalski briefly explained the role of other housing bodies in Lexington namely, Lexington Housing Assistance Board (LexHAB), the Housing Partnership Board, the Lexington Housing Authority, the Human Rights Commission, the Regional Housing Services Office (RHSO), the Human Services department and the Land Use Health and Development Department from the Town of Lexington. Ms. Kowalski also mentioned MBTA multifamily housing zoning requirements regarding communities that are eligible for certain grants and their need to comply with the new MBTA multifamily housing zoning requirements. Ms. Kowalski reviewed the charges and the objectives of the committee. The first, Objective A, being to bring a proposal to the Select Board and Town Meeting to adopt a Municipal Affordable Housing Trust. The second, Objective B, is to develop a proposal for a non-profit Housing Development Corporation or nonprofit Community Development Corporation or another entity, eligible to participate in the Massachusetts or other community investment tax credit programs. Ms. Kowalski also informed that the Select Board has authorized American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to assist this committee and Ms. Kowalski recommends that the funds be used for the second Objective. Ms. Kowalski mentioned the expertise like the Town Counsel who have helped in forming Trusts and Regional Housing and Servicing Offices which can be a great resource to the committee. Mr. Sandeen said that the Select Board specifically mulled over whether Objectives A and B should be implemented sequentially and decided that they can be done in parallel,just so that things can be done as quickly as possible. Mr. Sandeen then said that a lot of thought went in terms of the committee composition, with a hope that the committee will be looking with the lens of racial equity, accessibility, and sustainability along with affordable housing. 3. Determine future meeting date and time Ms. Weiss suggested meeting twice a month and it was agreed by all the members of the committee. The committee agreed to meet at 4.15 pm on the second and fourth Wednesdays of every month. 4. Elect Chair, Vice Chair Ms. Kowalski explained the responsibilities of the chair of the committee as to coordinate with the staff to set the agenda for the meetings, post the agenda on time in the town website, and review the prepared minutes, and post them in the Town website.The chair will organize visits to other boards and committees as appropriate. Mr. Sandeen explained the responsibilities of the vice chair being to step in, in the absence of the chair, and perform the responsibilities of the chair. And also help in the administrative setting up of the agenda for the meetings and take meeting minutes and posting it on website. Ms. Roy volunteered to be the Chair of the committee and Ms. Reisig offered to be the Vice Chair of the committee. On a motion of Ms. Marine, seconded by Ms. Mizrahi, the committee voted in favor to appoint Ms. Roy as the Chair and Ms. Reisig as the Vice Chair of the committee. (Ms. Weiss - yes; Ms. Foutter-yes; Ms. Mizrahi -yes; Ms. Prosnitz -yes; Ms. Marine -yes; Ms. Reisig-yes; Ms. Roy -yes) MOTION PASSED S. Discuss work plan and milestones for achieving Objective A Ms. Kowalski asked the committee members to review the Massachusetts Housing Partnership Affordable Housing Trust Handbook, which will serve as a guide for the committee. Ms. Kowalski recommended the committee to meet members of other committees, who will serve as valuable partners for the committee to achieve its goals, and explained the operations of these committees and the value in meeting their members. Some of them being the Community Preservation Committee, the Capital Expenditures Committee, the Planning Board, the Appropriation Committee, and the Regional Housing Services Office. Mr. Sandeen asked the members to look at the charter carefully and prepare the agendas. Ms. Weiss asked the members to look at the Regional Housing Services Office website, which has a lot of relevant information and also look at the surrounding towns who have formed affordable housing trusts to get some pointers. Ms. Kowalski said she will share some resources that she has. Adjourn Ms. Roy moved that The Affordable Housing Trust Study Committee adjourn the meeting held on January 21, 2022. Ms.Weiss seconded the motion.The Affordable Housing Trust Study committee voted in favor of the motion. (Ms. Weiss -yes; Ms. Foutter -yes; Ms. Mizrahi -yes; Ms. Prosnitz -yes; Ms. Marine -yes; Ms. Reisig-yes; Ms. Roy-yes) MOTION PASSED Meeting adjourned at 11:22 am.