HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-12-02-GCC-min �RECEIVED 2022 07 If ellj,9 30 aiin I CLERK Greenways Corridor Committee UEM �:TO Accepted Minutes 2 December 2021 4:00 to 5:30 pm via Zoom Conference Members Present: Mal Crawford, Alex Dohan, Peggy Enders, Eileen Entin, Bob Hausslein, Bobak Moshiri, Keith Ohmart (chair), Stephen Perkins Members Absent: Mike Tabaczynski Other Attendees: Bob Creech (Planning Board liaison) Mark Sandeen (Select Board liaison), Vinita Verma (Transportation Advisory Committee liaison), Susan Kenyon Meeting Minutes of November 4, 2021 approved. Reports/Updates All attendees briefly introduced themselves to new GCC member Bobak Moshiri. The first Thursday of each month was confirmed as the meeting dates for 2022. No meeting in January. Meeting time is 4:00 — 5:30 pm, subject to possible change to 4:30 to 6:00. • 475 Bedford Street. Keith thanked Bob Creech for ensuring that the developer works with GCC on the trail connection behind the property. Bob said the developer would be back to the Planning Board with a succession of more detailed plans. After PB approval, it would be voted on at Town Meeting in April. Keith said that he and Mike are seeking discussion with Karen Mullins and have proposed, as a public benefit condition of approval, that the developer improve the seasonal wet patches on the trial behind the property, possibly with crushed stone. • Jefferson Drive Trail Connector. Both the Lexington and Burlington Conservation Commissions have approved. Mike has scheduled a trail build for Saturday, December 11 from 9 am to 1 pm, which will include the construction of a forty foot boardwalk bridge. Volunteers are encouraged. NEMBA will provide all necessary tools. Assuming permission is granted to put up trail signs in the Landlocked Forest, GCC can then plan an ACROSS loop trail which includes Wright Farm, Paint Mine, and Simonds Brook Forest. • Pending Website Discussion with Kathy Santos. Keith reported delay expected for several months because of priority of town website upgrade. Ongoing Business • Routes 12 and13. Route 12 is now completed and designated Route N with all signs installed (probably the fastest from inception to completion). Mike will update the map on the website. The likelihood is low that the app will be updated. Susan requested that Keith to follow up with Kathy Santos regarding posting an updated route map when completed. • Bob Creech mentioned that the applicant for a large area development between Spring Street and Hayden Avenue was interested in the locations of trail connections. Keith recommended he contact Amber Carr to be sure the trail map in Hayden Woods is up to date. • Regarding Route 13 (Manor District), Keith has begun discussion with the head of the Cider Mill Lane homeowners association about installing ACROSS signage at the entrance to the trail easement. Absent approval, the Route would go east along Bedford Street and down Valley Road, less desirable. The other choke point is the narrow footpath at the end of Blake Road, which Dave Pinsonneault has no objection to widening, but Keith will check with neighbors. • Bike/Ped Plan Funding. Peggy and Mark reviewed the history and current status. Mark feels that Jim Malloy is favorably disposed but if the past is a guide, higher priority items may push funding of a bike/ped plan down the list. Mark commented that with recent memos in favor from GCC, TAC, LBAC, and the Sustainability Committee that the message to the Select Board has been loud and clear. Peggy suggested hiring a consultant as an alternative and also noted that the DPW has been cooperative in the past without a formal plan. Keith will continue to coordinate with Betty Gau (LBAC) and Vinita (TAC) with the guidance of Mark in lobbying for plan funding. • GCC Liaison to Transportation Safety Group. Though this item was not on the agenda, the need for a liaison position with the TSG was discussed. Assuming the town manager approves of its creation, Peggy volunteered to fill it. • Expanded Role of GCC. Keith solicited comment on whether GCC should initiate trail improvement projects that require permitting, supervision, etc. such as was recently done by Mal at Bridge School and now volunteered to be done by Peggy at Meagerville. • A motion was unanimously approved by GCC members present to apply for an NOI permit for the Meagerville "Muddy Angle" • Another example of an expanded role in broader pedestrian issues is snowplowing the Lower Vine Brook bike path. Peggy is seeking Dave Pinsonneault's approval. We would also need permission from the homeowners association at Morrow Crossing, which Keith is looking into. Meeting adjourned at 5:22 pm Next Meeting: February 3, 2022 at 4 pm via Zoom