HomeMy WebLinkAboutVine Brook and Willards Brook Stream Shoreline Surveys_5.9.2009
Vine Brook and Willard’s Brook
Stream Shoreline Surveys
May 9, 2009
Lexington, Massachusetts
Conducted by the Watershed Stewardship Program,
a joint program of Lexington’s Conservation Division,
Engineering Division, and citizen volunteers
Compiled by Emily Schadler and Tom Whelan
December 8, 2009
Table of Contents
Abstract 3
Introduction 4
Study Area 5
Methods 6
Results 7
Action Items and Observations 12
Discussion 13
Appendix 1: Stream Survey Data 17
Appendix 2: Outfall Data 20
Appendix 3: Narrative & Priorities for Action Text 22
Section Page
We would like to offer a special thanks to the Directors of Lexington’s Watershed Stewardship
Program, who have generously contributed their time and effort to developing this program, and to the
Watershed Stewards who volunteered to conduct the pilot round of stream surveys.
Citizen volunteers conducted stream shoreline surveys on Vine Brook and Willard’s Brook in
Lexington, Massachusetts on May 9, 2009 to identify potential issues with stream health and function.
The surveys were the pilot project of Lexington’s new Watershed Stewardship Program, a citizen
science-based project that aims to survey all of Lexington’s 20 streams and follow-up with remediation
efforts. Volunteer stewards collected observational data on general stream characteristics (i.e. water
color, water odor, habitat features), potential problem areas (i.e. garbage, erosion, sedimentation), and
outfalls. Photographs were used to document notable features. Results indicate no major crises on the
stream at this time but a number of issues to be address in the near future. These include erosion and
sedimentation issues (particularly around outfalls), stream blockages, and garbage in the stream. The
preponderance of pavement, buildings, and lawn along Vine Brook suggests a need for outreach
efforts to citizens about run-off as well as water quality testing to investigate nutrient and other
pollutant levels in the water. Volunteers should use their experience from this survey to fine-tune
methods for future stream shorelines surveys in Lexington, which will show larger trends across town.
Watershed Steward volunteers collect data on a section of Vine Brook during the May 9, 2009 survey.
Lexington is home to 20 streams that drain into three major watersheds: the Charles River
Watershed, the Mystic River Watershed, and the Shawsheen River Watershed. All of the streams in
Lexington start within the town and flow outward to communities downstream (with the exception of
part of Reeds Brook), making Lexington a unique headwaters-only community. As in many urbanized
areas, these streams have faced increasing pressure over the years from stormwater run-off,
alterations in surrounding land-use, and aging infrastructure.
In response to concerns about issues with stream health and function, Lexington’s Conservation
Division, Engineering Division, and citizen volunteers recently collaborated on developing a
Watershed Stewardship Program. This program engages citizen volunteers in observation-based
stream shoreline surveys to gather data on characteristics and potential problems in and around the
streams. Using trends identified through these surveys, volunteers will develop and implement
strategies for addressing issues facing Lexington’s streams. The survey is modeled after two
successful programs with the same goal: the Charles River Watershed Association’s Find It and Fix It
program and the MassRiverways Stream Team program.
The Vine Brook (including the Vine Brook itself and an unnamed brook in the Vine Brook
watershed) and Willard’s Brook were selected as the study area for the pilot run of the stream shore-
line surveys. This report describes the Vine Brook and Willard’s Brook stream surveys conducted on
May 9, 2009.
What is Stormwater Run-off?
Stormwater is water that flows over the ground when it rains or
snows. When precipitation falls on vegetated areas, most of the
water soaks into the ground. But when precipitation falls on
impervious surfaces, such as driveways and streets, it can’t soak
into the ground, so it runs over the surface. This stormwater
run-off either flows directly into a stream or into a storm drain
that discharges into a stream. As stormwater runs over the ground,
it picks up pollutants, such as oil, fertilizer, sand, and trash, and
carries them with it as it flows into streams. These pollutants can
contaminate drinking water supplies, fish and wildlife habitat, and
swimming facilities. Stormwater can also cause erosion and
flooding problems.
The stormwater run-off diagram to the right is courtesy of the North Carolina
Department of Environment and Natural Resources.
Vine Brook, Lexington’s largest stream, is
centrally located, flowing from the Upper Vine
Brook conservation area through residential
areas and downtown Lexington to the
Burlington line, past the Burlington Mall, and
into Bedford where it joins the Shawsheen
River. It runs underground through the center
of Lexington, from Vine Brook Road to Hayes
Lane, through a network of pipes. Vine Brook
is classified by the Environmental Protection
Agency as an impaired stream with a history
of high bacteria counts.
Study Area
Volunteers in 5 teams surveyed the following
stream sections:
1. Willard’s Brook, from Longfellow Rd.
to North St.
2. An unnamed brook in the Willard’s
Woods conservation area in the Vine
Brook watershed
3. Lower Vine Brook, from East St.
to North St.
4. Lower Vine Brook, from Hayes Ln.
to East St.
5. Upper Vine Brook, from the headwaters
of the stream in the Upper Vine Brook
conservation area to the town center at
Vine Brook Road
Willard’s Brook is a much smaller stream
that joins Vine Brook across the Burlington
line. Willard’s Brook emerges from a culvert
at the end of Longfellow Road, then runs
primarily through Willard’s Woods conserva-
tion land. It enters a small pond before being
culverted under North Street.
25 citizen volunteers participated in the survey. Prior to the survey, volunteers attended two 1.5
hour training sessions. They learned how to make stream observations using the survey data catego-
ries. They also learned how to record observations using Trimble GeoExplorer 2008 GPS devices or
by filling out paper survey forms and annotating maps.
For the survey, 4 teams used a Trimble GPS device for data collection and 1 team collected on
paper. Teams also carried digital cameras to document outfalls and other points of interest. Each
team worked from approximately 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. to complete the survey in the field, with additional
time later to assemble the results and write the narratives. The objectives for the survey teams were
Characterize the stream itself
⇒ color, flow, depth, odor, sediment, in-stream vegetation, woody debris, habitat features
Characterize the stream banks, riparian area, and surrounding land use
⇒ bank slope, shade cover, habitat features, run-off from lawns and impervious surfaces
Collect specific location data
⇒ outfalls, debris, erosion, excess sediment, pollutants, in-stream vegetation, lawns
Characterize each outfall
⇒ material, size, flow level, condition, water color, odor, erosion
Photograph notable features
⇒ outfalls, blockages, the stream scene, other points of interest
Write a narrative describing each section
⇒ trends, unique features, priorities for action
Volunteers documented certain features with photographs, such as the duckweed and sediment above.
Data collected on overall stream characteristics (Table 1) indicate that Vine Brook and Willard’s
Brook are generally slow-flowing, shallow streams with tea/red coloring and sandy/silty streambeds.
Oily sheens, foam, algae, and dense in-stream vegetation were observed minimally. Woody debris
was observed in all sections, and excess sediment was observed near 9 outfalls.
Data collected on the stream bank, riparian area, and surrounding areas (Table 2) show that while
cover types vary throughout the stream sections, the most common stream bank cover observed was
trees/shrubs, and the most common riparian area covers observed were forests/shrubs and lawns.
The most common nearby land uses are residential and conservation areas. Severe erosion was ob-
served in some locations. Overhanging vegetation was moderately abundant, while undercut banks
were sparse. Frogs, snails, aquatic insects, and ducks/geese were observed using the streams, but
fish were not observed in any location.
Specific locations were recorded for certain features, including outfalls, woody debris, garbage,
other stream blockages (i.e. vegetation, sediment, organic material not classified as woody debris,
unidentified blockages), and possible stream bank or riparian issues (i.e. erosion, exposed roots, rip-
rap, lawns, buildings, pavement, invasive species). Counts of these locations by stream section are
presented in Table 3.
Raw data is provided in Appendix 1 and Appendix 2.
Table 1: Summary of overall stream characteristics in Vine Brook watershed and
Willard’s Brook
Streambed material Mainly sand and silt; some stones; no boulders
Streambed color Mainly brown; sometimes orange/red
Water color Tea/Red
Water depth Variable, generally > 1 foot and < 5 feet
Water odor Primarily none; mild odor in some areas
Stream flow rate Primarily slow, but quick in some locations
Oily sheen Minimal; observed in two sections
Foam Observed in 3 sections; natural colored where observed
Woody Debris Observed in all sections
Dense in-stream
Minimal; observed in two instances
Algae Minimal; observed in one instance
Excess sediment Observed near 9 outfalls
Table 2. Overall stream bank and riparian area characteristics in Vine Brook watershed and
Willard’s Brook.
Stream bank cover Variable; trees/shrubs most common
Stream bank slope Variable
Stream bank erosion Most often mild; severe in key locations
Riparian cover Variable; forest/shrubs and lawn most common
Nearby land use Variable; residential and conservation land most common
Undercut banks Sparse
Overhanging vegetation Moderate
Pools and riffles Variable; none to moderate
Aquatic vegetation Variable
Aquatic life Frogs, snails, aquatic insects. No fish observed
Ducks/Geese Identified in 3 sections
Table 3: Summary of key locations in Vine Brook watershed and Willard’s Brook. Other stream blockages re-
fers to vegetation, sediment, organic material not classified as woody debris, and unidentified blockages. Pos-
sible stream bank or riparian issues refers to erosion, exposed roots, riprap, lawns, buildings, pavement, and
invasive species.
Outfalls Outfalls w/
Erosion or
Garbage Other
Bank or
1. Willard’s Brook 3 0 2 0 5 3
2. Unnamed brook in
Vine Brook watershed
10 3 1 4 2 2
3. Lower Vine Brook
(East St. to North St.)
10 6 5 1 1 1
4. Lower Vine Brook
(Hayes Ln. to East St.)
10 3 2 1 3 5
5. Upper Vine Brook 10 4 1 2 3 7
Totals 43 16 11 8 14 18
The Outfalls map to the right shows the
locations of all outfalls identified in the
survey. Volunteers were instructed to collect
data on all pipes draining into the stream, so
the map does not distinguish illicit connec-
tions. Outfalls with nearby excess sediment
deposits and erosion issues are noted
Outfall located on Vine Brook at Worthen Road.
The In-stream Debris map to the right
shows the location of 3 types of debris:
⇒ Garbage—includes any type of non-
natural trash located in stream.
⇒ Woody Debris—large and small
pieces of woody material (twigs,
branches, trunks) spanning the width
of the stream.
⇒ Other Stream Blockage—any
stream flow blockage that doesn’t fit
into the categories above, including
sediment, organic debris, in-stream
vegetation, and unidentified stream
Woody debris and other organic matter
spanning a stream bed.
The Bank and Riparian Areas map to
the right shows the location of possible
stream bank issues, including severe or
moderate erosion, riprap, exposed roots,
grass, and landscaping debris located in the
bank area, and possible riparian issue,
including lawns, buildings, pavement, and
invasive species in the riparian area.
Photographs taken by the volunteers
during the surveys and links to the locations
where they were taken is available in the
Lexington Community Development Office
from Emily Schadler, Conservation Assistant.
Bank erosion on a stretch of Vine Brook.
Volunteers were also asked to provide a narrative of their survey to describe trends that they
observed as well as to outline what they saw as priorities for follow-up action. The full text of these
narratives is provided in Appendix 1. A summary of these narratives is provided below.
Narrative Summary
In the headwaters of Vine Brook, a conservation area, there are relatively few issues. As the
stream flows through residential areas, the numbers of outfalls, trash sightings, erosion issues,
pollutant sightings, and invasive plants begin to mount.
There are profuse stands of Japanese knotweed (Polygonum cuspidatum), Oriental bittersweet
(Celastrus orbiculatus), and Multiflora rose (Rosa multiflora) along the banks of the stream in certain
areas. The numbers of lawns, other landscaping, and pavements near the stream increases in the
residential areas as well. On Willard’s Brook, which flows entirely through a conservation area
(Willard’s Woods), the major issues were erosion at stream crossings and invasive species in the
riparian area.
The streams were relatively free of aquatic invasive species and algae growth at this time of year,
although a few areas showed some algae growth or duckweed growth. (Duckweed is not invasive but
can be indicative of excess nutrients.) Stream wildlife sighted included small numbers of frogs and
other amphibians, but no fish. The teams saw a number of birds both in the stream (mainly mallards
and one Upland sandpiper) and in areas immediately adjacent to the stream.
The most commonly mentioned team priorities for follow-up action items were:
⇒ Clearing trash and blockages from the stream and outfalls
⇒ Controlling invasive/nuisance species, especially Japanese knotweed
(Polygonum cuspidatum), Oriental bittersweet (Celastrus orbiculatus), duckweed,
and Multiflora rose (Rosa multiflora)
⇒ Relieving erosion of stream and pond banks.
Action items and observations
Red-winged black bird (Agelaius phoeniceus) in cattails in a wetland near the unnamed brook in Vine
Brook watershed.
The surveys identified no areas of extreme immediate concern (such as oil spills or signs of raw
sewage) but do indicate a number of areas of concern that should be investigated and addressed.
When considering the results from this study, it is important to remember these are urbanized
stream. In areas, they have been culverted, diverted, rip-rapped, or surrounded by impervious
surfaces that alter hydrology. Additionally, the surveys were conducted by volunteers who have vary-
ing levels of experience. While measures were taken to ensure consistency across the data, it is
inevitable that there are inconsistencies.
It is also important to recognize that these surveys were conducted on one day in the spring;
observations in different seasons and over longer time spans may reveal other trends. That said, a
number of trends do emerge from the May 9th data that can help to guide the Watershed Stewards in
remediation efforts.
Of the 43 outfalls identified, 16 show signs of sedimentation or erosion issues nearby. Sedimenta-
tion likely comes from road sand applied in the winter and from erosion on construction sites that
makes its way to streams. Stream bank erosion can stem from a number of factors, including improper
drainage and poor natural vegetation along banks. Follow-up communication with the Engineering
Division of Lexington’s DPW Department to take a closer look at the condition of these outfalls should
be conducted. Additionally, some of the identified outfalls may be illicit connections rather than
approved outfalls, particularly the PVC, metal, and small pipes. Illicit connections are illegal and can
be sources of pollutants. Follow-up work should be conducted to identify which, if any, of these outfalls
are actually illicit connections.
In-stream debris
Less garbage was identified in the streams than originally anticipated; for many stretches of Vine
Brook and Willard’s Brook, the water is trash-free. The most garbage-impacted area appears to be the
area behind the Diamond School and adjacent to Willard’s Woods conservation area. Garbage should
be removed as soon as possible to avoid contamination, beautify the stream, and remove blockage
Woody debris, both large and small, was identified in a number of areas on the stream, including
at some culverts. While woody debris can pose stream blockage and flooding issues, it also performs
a number of ecosystem functions for streams, including providing habitat features, promoting
oxygenation, and reducing down-stream flooding and erosion issues. The Watershed Stewards should
continue to work with Conservation and Engineering staff to develop a protocol that removes woody
debris when it poses a threat to neighboring properties and culverts but leaves it in place where
In-stream vegetation
The lack of observed areas of dense in-stream vegetation and algae in this survey may be due to
the time of year—early spring—that the survey was conducted. Informal observations from volunteers
later in the year indicate that more areas of duckweed and algae appeared over the summer and fall.
Follow-up work should be conducted to identify these areas to better understand the extent of
in-stream vegetation growth. This growth can often be an indicator of excess nutrients and eutrophica-
tion, which is likely in the survey area given the amount of lawn and pavement nearby.
Invasive species
The abundance of non-aquatic invasive species observed along the stream banks and in the
riparian areas is consistent with observations made throughout Lexington. Invasive species are
detrimental in that they crowd out native species, but in terms of stream health, they can also provide
shade cover and hold banks back from eroding. Therefore, any invasive species removal undertaken
along stream banks should include plans to re-plant native species and obtain proper permits through
the Conservation office. In general, invasive species management issues should be turned over to the
Lexington Conservation Stewards or other groups who are working on land stewardship issue.
Japanese knotweed growing along the banks of Vine Brook.
Run-off water quality
While much of the survey area is bordered by conservation land, lawns and residential areas also
occur frequently along the streams. Fertilizers from lawns and run-off from impervious surface can
greatly affect water quality and stream health. Further, vegetating stream bank and riparian areas
with lawn rather than forest can increase erosion and stream water temperatures, impacting the
aquatic biota. Outreach efforts should be made to citizens and businesses regarding steps can be
taken to reduce the run-off from their properties.
Previous water quality testing on the Vine Brook has shown it to be impaired with high bacteria
counts; the Town is working to remediate this problem. In the future, Watershed Stewards may want
to work with the Engineering Division to establish a volunteer-based water quality sampling program
to further investigate the impacts of run-off on the town’s streams. In the past, fish lived in Vine
Brook, but no fish have been seen in the stream for many years.
Recommendations for methods in future surveys
An additional objective for the first survey is to form a core group to help lead others in later
surveys. Feedback from the May 9th survey indicates that volunteers who participated:
⇒ Enjoyed doing the survey
⇒ Learned about stream health and function issues
⇒ Seem willing to participate in watershed stewardship in 2010
In preparation for the next survey, a few issues that arose in the May 9th survey should be
Volunteers use a Trimble GPS device to collect data on Upper Vine Brook. Loppers and a walking
stick also came in handy.
addressed. First, each volunteer team should be responsible for checking that its data is complete
before submitting it. (A team mistakenly didn’t collect GPS locations with their data, and re-creating
the results was troublesome).
Putting the data together was time consuming, mostly because of bottlenecking due to the GIS/
GPS technology used. Initially, only one person with access to ArcGIS was able to assemble the
data, which greatly slowed progress. For future surveys, it would be more efficient for teams to collect
their data on paper rather than on Trimble devices and immediately hand-enter it into a pre-fabricated
spreadsheet at the end of the survey day. Teams that want to collect point locations that correspond
with the paper data on their own GPS devices could do so provided that the device was set up to
easily transfer data to ArcGIS (i.e. X/Y data provided in decimal degrees).
In some cases, matching photographs with locations and objects was difficult due to unclear
labeling. In the future, volunteers should clearly link a photograph number to the point on the map
where it was taken and provide a description of what the photo shows (i.e. “sediment in stream”,
“invasive species on stream bank”).
Some survey questions may need to be revised for the next survey round. For instance, the
questions about stream flow and depth caused some confusion. Providing a simple way to measure
stream flow (i.e. floating a stick over 10 feet and timing it) and clarifying the depth question would im-
prove the survey. Other questions should be reviewed for revisions as well.
Overall, however, the surveys were informative for the town and engaging for the citizens
volunteers. The Watershed Stewardship Program should continue to conduct surveys 20 of
Lexington’s streams to provide guidance regarding how to best improve the health and function of our
Hairy woodpecker near the unnamed brook in Willard’s Woods.
Appendix 1—Stream Survey Data
Streambed material Organic Organic Organic Gravel Gravel Sand
Silt Silt Sand Sand Silt
Sand Silt Silt Organic
Cobbles Boulders
Streambed color Black Brown Brown Brown Orange/Red Orange/Red
Sandy Sandy Brown Black
Grey Grey Brown
Water color Tea/Red Tea/Red Tea/Read Tea/Red Tea/Red Tea/Red
Clear Clear
Water odor None None None None None None
Water depth > or = 1 foot variable < 1 foot > or = 1 foot > or = 3 feet > or = 3 feet
Stream flow rate quickly Not at all Slowly Slow Quickly Quickly
Slowly Slowly
Stream flow blockages * Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Dense vegetation * Duck weed Clogging pipe No No Clogging stream No
Invasive species present
* No No No No Yes No
Algae presence * No No No Yes No No
Toxic garbage * No No Low No No No
Non-toxic garbage * Very low Low No Low Moderate Low
Lawns * No No Green/lush Mottled
Oily sheen or odor * No No No No Yes Yes
Sewage/ bacteria sources
* No No No No No No
Foam or scum * No No No Natural colored Natural colored Natural colored
Excess sediment * No No No No No No
Run-off * Roads Driveway No Bridge Lawn No
Parking lot Road
Road Lawn
Section Name
Willard's Book:
Road to North
stream (section
near Long-
fellow Road)
stream (section
from Burling-
ton Road to-
ward Brent
East Street to
North Street
Hayes Lane to
East Street
UVB Conserva-
tion Area to
Vine Brook
Section Number 1 2 2 3 4 5 & 6
Appendix 1—Stream Survey Data
Left stream bank cover
Exposed roots/
erosion (where
bridge crosses)
Wetlands Trees Trees Riprap Trees
Trees Brambles Moss Brambles Shrubs Shrubs
Moss Exposed roots/
erosion Trees Other
Wetlands Shrubs Moss
Grasses/flower Brambles
Left slope Slight Variable Steep Moderate Moderate Slight
Left erosion * Severe None Mild Mild Mild None
Right stream bank cover Exposed roots/
erosion Wetlands Trees Trees Riprap Wetlands
Shrubs Brambles Exposed roots/
erosion Riprap Shrubs Shrubs
Trees Moss Trees Trees
Grass/ flowers Shrubs Grass/flowers Grass/Flowers
Right slope Slight Variable Steep Mild Moderate Slight
Severe Steep Moderate
Right erosion * Mild None Mild Moderate Mild None
Left riparian cover Forest/shrubs Grass/ Flowers Forest/shrubs Forest/shrubs Forest/shrubs Forest/shrubs
Trail Parking Lot Sidewalk Lawn
Lawn Driveway
Trail House/building
Right riparian cover Pasture/
meadow Grass/ Flowers Forest/shrubs Forest/shrubs Forest/shrubs Forest/shrubs
Forest/shrubs Parking Lot Pasture/
meadow Lawn
Trail Lawn Grass/ flowers
Wetland Wetland
Section Name
Willard's Book:
Road to North
stream (section
near Long-
fellow Road)
stream (section
from Burling-
ton Road to-
ward Brent
East Street to
North Street
Hayes Lane to
East Street
UVB Conserva-
tion Area to
Vine Brook
Section Number 1 2 2 3 4 5 & 6
Appendix 1—Stream Survey Data
* indicates data categories that may have associated GPS location points
Land use visible from
stream Residential Residential Residential Pavement Residential Residential
Forest Conservation
land Conservation
Wetland Pavement Bike path Forest
Bike path Forest Wetland
Wetland Residential
Park/ballfields Forest
Large woody material Moderate Abundant Moderate Sparse None Sparse
Small organic material Moderate Adundant Abudant Sparse None Moderate
Undercut banks Sparse None None Sparse None None
Overhanging vegetation Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate
Aquatic vegetation Sparse Abundant None Moderate None None
Pools and riffles Sparse None Sparse Moderate Sparse None
Aquatic life evidence No Frogs None Snails Frogs None
Snails Aquatic insects Aquatic insects
Aquatic insects
Vernal pools * Sparse None None None None Sparse
Fallen limbs and trunks Moderate Moderate Moderate Abundant Abundant Moderate
Mast plant species Moderate Abundant Abundant Abdundant Moderate Sparse
Scattered rocks and boul-
ders Moderate Sparse Sparse Sparse Sparse Sparse
Stone walls Sparse Sparse Sparse Sparse None None
Standing dead trees Sparse Moderate Sparse Moderate Moderate Sparse
Animal evidence Holes in trees Holes in trees Holes in trees Holes in trees Holes in trees
Tracks Calls Calls Tracks Dens/nests
Calls Dens/nests Calls Teeth marks
Birds Tracks Calls
Owl pellet
Signs of ducks or geese * Yes Yes Yes No
Section Name
Willard's Book:
Road to North
stream (section
near Long-
fellow Road)
stream (section
from Burling-
ton Road to-
ward Brent
East Street to
North Street
Hayes Lane to
East Street
UVB Conserva-
tion Area to
Vine Brook
Section Number 1 2 2 3 4 5 & 6
Appendix 2—Outfall Data
type Headwall
material Headwall
condition Pipe
size Pipe
material Flow
level Erosion
Sed. Ac-
color Water
Section 1. Willard's Book: Longfellow Road to North Street
1 Straight
headwall Fieldstone Good 24" Concrete half minor minor clear none
2 Straight
headwall Fieldstone Fair 28" Concrete three
quarter minor minor clear none
Section 2. Unnamed Brook in Vine Brook watershed
1 Headwall/
Straight Concrete Good 24" Concrete quarter None None Col-
ored None
2 Headwall/
Straight Fieldstone Fair 36" Concrete three
quarters None Impeding
Flow Col-
ored None
3 Headwall/
Straight Fieldstone Poor 36" Concrete under
water Impeding
Flow Col-
ored None
4 Pipe with
NA NA 36" Concrete three
quarters Substantial Col-
ored None
5 No Head-
wall PVC none None Minor None
6 No Head-
wall 12" PVC none None Minor None
7 Headwall/
Straight Concrete Good 24" Concrete half None Minor Col-
ored None
Section 3. East Street to North Street
1 Headwall/
Straight Fieldstone Good 24" Concrete quarter None None Clear None
2 Headwall/
Straight Fieldstone Fair 12" Concrete none Minor None None
3 No Head-
wall NA NA 36" Concrete quarter Collapsed
Pipe Minor Foamy None
4 No Head-
wall NA NA 18" Concrete half None None Oily None
5 No Head-
wall NA NA 12" PVC quarter Substan-
tial Substantial Clear None
Appendix 2—Outfall Data
Section 4. Hayes Lane to East Street
1 No Head-
wall NA NA 18" quarter None None Clear None
2 No Head-
wall NA NA 24" Metal quarter None None Col-
ored None
3 No Head-
wall NA NA 18" Metal under
water None None Col-
ored Mild
4 No Head-
wall NA NA 18" Metal under
water None None Col-
ored Mild
5 No Head-
wall NA NA 18" Metal quarter None None Clear None
6 Headwall/
Straight Concrete Fair 12" Clay none None None None
7 No Head-
wall NA NA 16" Metal quarter Collapsed
Pipe None Clear None
8 No Head-
wall NA NA 18" Metal quarter Collapsed
Pipe None Clear None
9 Headwall/
Straight Concrete Fair 24" Con-
crete quarter None None Clear None
10 Headwall/
Straight Concrete Fair 36" Con-
crete quarter None None Clear Mild
11 Headwall/
Straight Concrete Fair 24" Con-
crete none None
Section 5. UVB Conservation Area to Vine Brook Road
1 No Head-
2 No Head-
wall NA Good 18" Con-
3 No Head-
wall NA Poor 16" Metal under
water None Minor None
4 Con-
crete none None Substantial None
5 Headwall/
Straight Concrete Good 16" Con-
crete half None Impeding
Flow Clear None
6 No Head-
wall NA NA 36" Con-
crete quarter Minor None Clear None
type Headwall
material Headwall
condition Pipe
size Pipe
material Flow
level Erosion
Sed. Ac-
color Water
Section 1: Willard’s Brook (Willard’s Book watershed), Longfellow Road toward North Street
This section of the stream flows exclusively through Conservation area. The flow is quick with clear/tea colored water. The
stream bottom alternates between sandy and thick organic mud/silt. Throughout the stream there are periodic blockages from dead
wood/logs or vegetation. The stream banks are generally in good condition other than where the path crossed the stream. At the bridge
and the pond each side had major erosion due to foot/dog traffic. The outflow from the pond was largely blocked with broken branches
and small logs. The outflows on either end of this section were in good condition and not blocked. We encountered many people with
dogs whenever we approached the path. Area around the stream was conservation land with presence of some invasive plant species,
poison ivy, multiflora, bittersweet and garlic mustard.
Section 2: Unnamed brooks in the Lower Vine Brook watershed from Longfellow Road toward Suz-
anne Road
Team 2 discovered today two distinct areas of note:
• Brook at Brent Street Entrance. R — flows well, minimum obstructions (one trash can). L — clogged, little/no flow, opens into
marshy area, flowing into yards at #29-27 Hathaway Rd. (Relatively clean, no debris, lots of wildlife)
• Brook at Longfellow Rd. (# 15 + #17) at Hawthorne Rd. Water flowing into storm drain, couldn’t see pipe — not drawing prop-
erly. Wire bale near origin of our route parallel to Diamond Driveway and Chabad Ctr. causing blockage
Section 3: Lower Vine Brook from East St. to North St.
The overall stream quality was good; the stream was consistent from one end to the other in terms of depth, flow, vegetation,
and lack of litter and pollution. However, there were a few trees blocking the stream flow, the largest being at Emerson Street. There
are also a few fast flow spots. Landscaping is also close to the stream, which should be noted.
Section 4: Lower Vine Brook from Hayes Lane to East St
The stream ran through residential areas except for a section bounded by a conservation area. The water was clear and tea-brown
throughout. At the Hayes Lane end, the stream bed is rocky, but for the most part it is fine sand or silt. About 1/8th of the brook has
some obstruction by fallen tree limbs and silting midstream. As the stream approaches East Street, it narrows, becomes swifter in
places, and obstructions become an issue.
Appendix 3—Narrative & Priorities for Action Text
Problems The main problem in this section is periodic blockages and partial blockages from fallen branches/logs and vegetation.
A second localized problem is major erosion in two places: the bridge and around the pond. This is due to foot/dog
traffic. There is also an abundance of invasive species around the stream.
Assets This is a very scenic area with an abundance of wildlife, including birds, deer, rabbits and one fish observed in the
pond. There were also several valuable native species observed, such as lady slipper and partridge berry.
for action
Clear blockage throughout stream.
Find a way to block access to the areas with major erosion so they can recover.
Develop a plan to remove invasive species from Willard’s Woods.
Problems, Assets,
Priorities for action
No data submitted.
Problems Dam caused fallen trees and man-made rock dam. Broken pipes. Some invasive species.
Assets A lot of native wetland plants. Scenic.
for action
Remove the large tree near Emerson Street. Repairing two or three of the pipes. Remove some invasive species.
There were some areas of native species along the sides but the vast majority of the stream was surrounded by invasive plant
species , including multiflora rose, Norway maple, honeysuckle, garlic mustard, with some significant stands of knotweed (see photo 7).
We saw 2 pairs of mallards and an Upland Sandpiper in or by the stream. There is evidence of many birds nesting in the area.
There were several areas of significant trash, including tires on the stream bank. There was a curious large yellow tarp (address of
neighbor on the GPS data collector, see photo 3) that the neighbors said started out as a floating barrier across the stream near the
Hayes Lane end and then collapsed and migrated down the brook. It seems to have been part of a DPW project. An outfall near the
Brookwood area seemed to contribute to the scum and oily surface of the downstream zone.
Section 5: Upper Vine Brook Conservation Area to Vine Brook Road
Vine Brook rises in the wooded Upper Vine Brook conservation property. The stream descends through a series of lovely open
wooded wet meadows to a point where it empties into a large red maple swamp. Along the south side of the swamp bordering Marrett
Road there are extensive healthy cattail marshes with nary a clump of phragmites in sight. We did locate one extensive stand of Japa-
nese Knotweed which we fixed through a Trimble entry. This is located along what appears to be a man-made berm that looked to be
the spoils from a former stream channelization effort that was no doubt intended to improve farming opportunities along Marrett Road.
We weren’t able to determine if this swamp is infested with purple loosestrife but other than the JKW, the swamp looks surprisingly free
of invasive species down to Apollo Circle.
Vine Brook exits the large red maple swamp opposite the Apollo Circle cul-de-sac, meanders through a residential development
which was not surveyed and crosses under Kendall Road. This section looks to be heavily overgrown with a combination of invasive
species including multi-flora rose and naturally occurring shrubby growth.
The section between Kendall Road and Worthen Road is a placid stretch with little gradient, a silty muddy stream bottom, low
banks and traverses mature wet woodlands with an under story of invasive plant species (primarily multiflora rose and buckthorn).
The section between Worthen and Winthrop was not surveyed but looks equally placid but with significantly steeper banks over-
grown with invasive plant species as above. This section is bordered on both sides by house lots down to Winthrop.
The section from Winthrop to the culvert conveying Vine Brook under the town center closely resembles the Worthen/Winthrop
section, picking up gradient in the last 100’ approaching the culvert. There is a large (48” +/-) outfall pipe just before said culvert that
apparently drains from the Lincoln Park branch of the Vine Brook watershed. This had a steady flow of water. The left bank is bounded
by house lots. The right bank is forested town land heavily invaded by garlic mustard, multi-flora rose, JKW and bittersweet. The ex-
tended riparian zone on the right bank becomes a flooded forest about 200’ from the bank with significant standing water and wide-
spread dead standing mature trees.
Also note the alteration of the stream bank through landscaping (mulch, lack of tree cover for shade) at Winthrop Road.
Problems Sediment buildup on west side of Kendall Road culvert.
Large downed tree across brook between Worthen Rd and Vine Brook Rd.
Heavy infestation of invasive plant species between Worthen Rd and Vine Brook Rd.
Assets Large red maple swamp with adjoining cattail margins that appear to be largely free of invasives opposite Marrett
Priorities for
Remove downed tree. Seasonal monitoring of culverts at Winthrop Road and Vine Brook Road for blockages.
Problems Trash, flow blockage by fallen limbs, shoreline invasive species. Also, many residents clearly use fertilizer and in-
secticide on lawns within 10-25 feet of the stream.
Assets This is a very pretty stream and there is considerable interest by the neighbors we met to improve the quality of the
stream. Easy access from the trail along the stream makes it an important asset for passive recreation.
for action
Removal of the yellow tarp, tires, and other trash (possibly as a Boy Scout or high school community service pro-
ject). Clearing limbs, debris, and silt in narrow spots removal to improve flow. Invasive species management could
start with the stands of multiflora rose. (Another possible Boy Scout or high school community service project).
Community outreach to involve people in cleaning up their stream and in reducing the use of chemicals in their gar-
Appendix 3—Narrative & Priorities for Action Text