HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-07-08-TOUR2-min RECEIVED 0 3s 01? 775 2022 27 2auim, 12445 piiin 'roWN UERK APRIL 19' �FXI NGTO� L,. X,IING-rOIN M . Town of Lexington Tourism Committee Dawn McKenna, Chair (781) 862-0500 ext 84585 Tourism Committee Minutes July 8, 2021 3:30 — 6:00 pm Virtual via Zoom Members Present: Dawn McKenna, Kerry Brandin, Bebe Fallick, Marsha Baker, Wim Nijenberg, Jon Himmel, Sarah Boulos Staff Present: Casey Hagerty, Sandhya Iyer Liaisons Present: Doug Lucente- Select Board, Fred Johnson- Center Committee Guests: Chris Kauffman, Jessie Steigerwald, Betty Gau Staff Report Casey Hagerty provided an update to the Committee. Sales have been very strong in the Visitors Center. Over the 4th of July weekend, 1,500 people were in the Visitors Center. Most of the FY2021 marketing budget has been encumbered or spent. She informed the Committee of new businesses that have moved into Town. Benches Dawn McKenna explained that Kerry Brandin has identified a bench that will be appropriate for the Battle Green. A motion was made and seconded to use the general style of black metal bench as the preferred bench for the Battle Green. The motion passed by roll call vote 7-0. Panel on Presidents Dawn McKenna mentioned that it was brought to her attention that we did not have an exhibit panel for the Visitors Center highlighting the three presidents that have visited Lexington and asked the Committee if we should do so. Staff was open to the idea, but mentioned that Economic Development does not have a budget for it and that this new panel should not be placed on the first floor of the Visitors Center. A motion was made and seconded to request the opportunity to create a panel of the Presidents who have visited Lexington. The motion passed by roll call vote 7-0. Reappointments and Training Dawn McKenna explained that the appointments for all Tourism Committee members are up in September. Jon Himmel stated that he does not want to be reappointed. Dawn reminded the Committee that all members have to be up to date on their ethics training to be reappointed. 1625 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE•LEXINGTON,MASSACHUSETTS 02420 Lafayette Sign in Battle Green Master Plan Area Marsha Baker explained that the Lafeyette Trail would like to place monuments in the various locations that Marquis de Lafayette visited in the United States. One of those locations was Lexington in 1824. She will be going to the HDC for approval. A motion was made and seconded to approve the Lafeyette marker as presented with a final location to be determined in coordination with the Tourism Committee. The motion passed by roll call vote 7-0. Visitors Center Celebration The Committee discussed possible dates for the Visitors Center opening. A motion was made and seconded to request that the Department ofPublic Facilities host a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for the Visitors Center on Friday October 8'h. The motion passed by roll call vote 7-0. Fundraising Dawn McKenna explained that she is still working on fundraising for the Visitors Center. Location for Battle Green Plaque Dawn McKenna explained that there are three plaques on the Battle Green near the Flag Pole. There is discussion to moving one of the plaques to a different location. A motion was made and seconded to suggest keeping the two flag related plaques at the flag, but to move the third plaque to a more prominent location. The motion passed by roll call vote 6-0. LexSeeHer Monument and Location Jessie Steigerwald, Betty Gau of the LexSeeHer group presented to the committee an overview of what the group has been up to. They have raised a significant amount of money from the community and beyond and are in the process of putting out a call for artists to create a Women's Monument. The proposed monument location in the Visitors Center Lawn. The Committee discussed the presentation. Dawn McKenna was concerned that this monument would over shadow the existing monuments. She suggested they move the monument to East Lexington. Staff was supportive of the location siting the likelihood that this monument would increase visitorship and bring more people to the Visitors Center. The committee will discuss this in more detail at a future meeting. Liaison Reports Bebe Fallick reported that the 250th Committee has been working on ideas to celebrate the upcoming anniversary. They are planning a year of events and programs. If the committee has ideas for events, mementos, etc, reach out to Bebe. 6:09pm The meeting adjourned. Documents Available: ACROSS Lexington Map, GBH Ad, Upcoming meeting schedule, Style Guide for new logo, Reader Rail drafts, Photos of benches,pictures of plaques on the Battle Green,presentation from LexSeeHer Approved: 1/13/2022