HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-12-15- PB-min PLANNING BOARD MINUTES MEETING OF DECEMBER 15, 2021 Minutes of the Lexington Planning Board Held on December 15, 2021, Virtual Meeting at 7:00 pm Present: Charles Hornig, Chair; Robert Peters, Vice-Chair; Michael Schanbacher, Clerk; Robert Creech, Melanie Thompson. Also present were Eve Tapper, Administrative Interim Planner and Molly Belanger, Planner. Charles Hornig, Chair, called to order the meeting of the Lexington Planning Board on Wednesday, December 15, 2021, at 7:03 pm. For this meeting, the Planning Board is convening by video conference via Zoom. LexMedia may broadcast this meeting live and will record it for future viewing. Detailed information for remote participation by the public may be found on the Planning Office web page. Mr. Hornig conducted a roll call to ensure all members of the Planning Board and members of staff present could hear and be heard. Mr. Hornig provided a summary of instructions for members of the public in attendance. It was further noted that written materials for this meeting are available on the Town's NovusAGENDA dashboard. *******************DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION******************** 840 Emerson Gardens, Public Hearing Modification to Special Permit: Mr. Hornig opened the public hearing. Present were for the project team were Mr. John Farrington, attorney; Mr. Scott Seaver; owner applicant; and Mr. Tim Sullivan, project manager. Mr. Farrington explained that the applicant wanted to eliminate the requirement for the carport and solar panels that would be on top of the carport. Mr. Farrington provided some alternatives for either a ground mounted solar panel array or solar panels to the roof of one of the buildings that were already built. Mr. Sullivan presented the specific information on the solar panel array and for the energy that would be generated by the panels. The cost would be just under $38,000 and there would be enough surety being offered in exchange for the issuance of certificates of occupancy. Planning Board Comments and Questions:  Mr. Hornig said it seemed like surety was in the ballpark for cost.  Ms. Thompson was not on the Board in March and wanted to hear from others first.  Mr. Creech was fine as long as we are talking about doing some kind of solar array and had no questions.  Mr. Schanbacher asked for clarification on what was the relative power that would be generated in the original proposal as opposed to what is now being proposed.  Mr. Peters asked for clarification on whether the roof-mounted solar array was the preferred option.  Mr. Hornig asked if they were up against the site coverage limit. Mr. Hornig said Page 2 Minutes for the Meeting of December 15, 2021 it was cheaper to put solar panels on the roof. He recommended the best way to address this is to put in a condition that you install so many KW DC of solar panels somewhere on the site as long as you meet all the other constraints and add the estimated cost to the surety plus a 15% contingency and provide $50,000 to $60,000 for surety. Public Comments on the discussion of the solar:  There was a question on why you were not proposing to provide enough solar to for the entire needs of this development? The Town has voted a number of times on the commitment to reduce the carbon footprint and if you have the capability you might consider it a possibility which would show a great commitment to Lexington. Mr. Farrington and the Board discussed a calculation on the amount proposed for the surety of $100,000 which included the solar array plus $15,000 contingency for a total of $115,000. This would be in the form of a performance bond. Board Comments and Questions:  Ms. Thompson had no problem with the surety.  Mr. Creech asked for clarification on the size of the solar array. He had no problem with the surety.  Mr. Schanbacher had no problem with the surety.  Mr. Peters asked if there was any tree canopy that would shade the roof. He had no issue with the surety. The only open issues are the easement of the trails that are before the Select Board on th December 20 for acceptance and the a plan of common open space for a minimum of 33% of common open space. Robert Peters moved that the Planning Board close the public hearing for the special permit modification for 840 Emerson Gardens. Michael Schanbacher seconded the motion. The Planning Board voted in favor of the motion 5-0-0 (roll call: Bob Creech – yes; Robert Peters – yes; Michael Schanbacher – yes; Melanie Thompson – yes; Charles Hornig - yes) MOTION PASSED Robert Peters moved that the Planning Board amend the special permit for condition #53 to construct and operate the installation of a solar energy system to produce a minimum of 12.6 KW DC. Michael Schanbacher seconded the motion. The Planning Board voted in favor of the motion 5-0-0 (roll call: Bob Creech – yes; Robert Peters – yes; Michael Schanbacher – yes; Melanie Thompson – yes; Charles Hornig - yes) MOTION PASSED Robert Peters moved that the Planning Board accept a performance bond in the amount of $115,000 as a performance guarantee to insure compliance with all the conditions of the special permit and permit the Building Department to issue Certificates of Occupancy. Michael Schanbacher seconded the motion. The Planning Board voted in favor of the motion 5-0-0 (roll call: Bob Creech – yes; Robert Peters – yes; Michael Schanbacher – yes; Melanie Thompson – yes; Charles Hornig - yes) MOTION PASSED Minutes for the Meeting of December 15, 2021 Page 3 *******************DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION******************** 10 Maguire Road, Continued Public hearing Definitive Subdivision (non- residential): Mr. Hornig opened the continued public hearing. Present was Terry Ford from Greatland Realty Partners who said that comments were sent to the staff with some slight changes to Conditions of Approval numbers 17 & 18 and in findings to add that the Board of Health had no comments. Mr. Hornig had an issue with the proposed changes to 17, which was not accepted, but was fine with the changes to number 18 if it was relocated somewhere else in the decision. Robert Peters moved that the Planning Board close the public hearing on the definitive subdivision plan for 10 Maguire Road. Michael Schanbacher seconded the motion. The Planning Board voted in favor of the motion 5-0-0 (roll call: Bob Creech – yes; Robert Peters – yes; Michael Schanbacher – yes; Melanie Thompson – yes; Charles Hornig - yes) MOTION PASSED Robert Peters moved that the Planning Board approve the definitive subdivision plan for 10 Maguire Road as amended at the meeting tonight and the chair be authorized to correct any further errors or edits needed to correct the plan. Michael Schanbacher seconded the motion. The Planning Board voted in favor of the motion 5-0-0 (roll call: Bob Creech – yes; Robert Peters – yes; Michael Schanbacher – yes; Melanie Thompson – yes; Charles Hornig - yes) MOTION PASSED 109 Reed Street (Kay Tiffany Way), Lot release: Mr. Cataldo, applicant was present and asked for a lot release for Kay Tiffany Way in exchange for surety in the amount of $80,000. Robert Peters moved that the Planning Board accept surety in the amount of $80,000 for the release of lots at 109 Reed Street / Kay Tiffany Way and to authorize the chair to execute any documents to effectuate the surety release. Michael Schanbacher seconded the motion. The Planning Board voted in favor of the motion 5-0-0 (roll call: Bob Creech – yes; Robert Peters – yes; Michael Schanbacher – yes; Melanie Thompson – yes; Charles Hornig - yes) MOTION PASSED 29 Rangeway, Lot Release: Mr. Peters recused himself with regards to this matter. Michael Schanbacher moved that the Planning Board accept the Tri-Partite Agreement in the amount of $79,550 for the release of covenant at 29 Rangeway so the lot can be sold and a building permit can be issued and to authorize the chair to execute any documents to effectuate the surety release. Bob Creech seconded the motion. The Planning Board voted in favor of the motion 4-0-0 (roll call: Bob Creech – yes; Michael Schanbacher – yes; Melanie Thompson – yes; Charles Hornig - yes) MOTION PASSED Page 4 Minutes for the Meeting of December 15, 2021 Mr. Peters rejoined the meeting. Mr. Leon joined the meeting in progress at 8:27 p.m. 22 & 24 Muzzey Street, Approval Not Required: Robert Peters moved that the Planning Board endorse the ANR plan at 22 & 24 Muzzey Street as it does not show a subdivision. Michael Schanbacher seconded the motion. The Planning Board voted in favor of the motion 5-0-0 (roll call: Bob Creech – yes; Robert Peters – yes; Michael Schanbacher – yes; Melanie Thompson – yes; Charles Hornig - yes) MOTION PASSED ***************************TOWN MEETING***************************** Annual Town Meeting Warrant: Mr. Hornig presented three proposed warrant articles to request that the Select Board add to the warrant for the 2022 Annual Town Meeting. 1. Amend the Special Act to permit the Chair of the Planning Board to participate in Town Meeting deliberations. Robert Peters moved that the Planning Board request the Select Board place this proposed article in substantially this form on the 2022 Annual Spring Town Meeting warrant. Michael Schanbacher seconded the motion. The Planning Board voted in favor of the motion 4-1-0 (roll call: Bob Creech – no; Robert Peters – yes; Michael Schanbacher – yes; Melanie Thompson – yes; Charles Hornig - yes) MOTION PASSED 2. Amend the Zoning Bylaw for Open Space Residential Developments Board Comments:  Mr. Creech did not like this proposal since it was by right instead of by special permit.  Mr. Peters supported asking this to be placed on the warrant for the Annual Spring Town Meeting.  Mr. Leon believed the language may be too limited and should be broadened to allow for accommodations that may come up between now and the Annual Spring Town Meeting with the SPRD committee and state guidelines. Public Comments:  There was concern expressed that there were a lot of fairly big questions at the last Fall Town Meeting about what could really end up happening and what this really means. We need to give a more in-depth study to this issue. Robert Peters moved that the Planning Board request that the Select Board place this proposed article in substantially this form on the 2022 Annual Spring Town Meeting warrant. Michael Schanbacher seconded the motion. The Planning Board voted in favor of the motion 4-1-0 (roll call: Bob Creech – no; Robert Peters – yes; Michael Schanbacher – yes; Melanie Thompson – yes; Charles Hornig - yes) MOTION PASSED Minutes for the Meeting of December 15, 2021 Page 5 3. Mr. Hornig said that Town Counsel asked that a placeholder be added to the warrant for the 2022 Spring Annual Town Meeting to make a technical correction on the language that was inadvertently deleted from the Structures in Yards zoning bylaw amendment approved at the last Town Meeting. The language is not available at this time since it is a last minute addition, but will be before it goes to print. Robert Peters moved that the Planning Board request that the Select Board insert a placeholder on the 2022 Annual Spring Town Meeting warrant to confirm the vote of Fall 2021 Special Town meeting regarding the height of solar canopies. Michael Schanbacher seconded the motion. The Planning Board voted in favor of the motion 5- 0-0 (roll call: Bob Creech – yes; Robert Peters – yes; Michael Schanbacher – yes; Melanie Thompson – yes; Charles Hornig - yes) MOTION PASSED 4. Mr. Hornig presented the proposed article to Amend Zoning Bylaw and Zoning Map for Mixed-Use Developments and Multi-Family Housing. Some possible locations in town were discussed. Board Comments:  Ms. Thompson believed this is very big for Lexington and without a lot of staff support maybe do something smaller that helps to explain the “Housing Choice Law”. Do a smaller piece, but explain a lot.  Mr. Creech would be interested in doing something in the Lexington Center.  Mr. Schanbacher agreed with Ms. Thompson we need to lay the groundwork and have an incremental approach.  Mr. Peters agreed with Mr. Schanbacher on doing an incremental approach and have a placeholder put on the warrant for the Annual Town Meeting. He supported bringing forward something.  Mr. Leon agreed that it should be brought forward and could be withdrawn if it became too complicated with the boundaries of the areas/districts. This could be hard to figure out. There was discussion on inclusionary housing. Robert Peters moved that the Planning Board request that the Select Board place this proposed article in substantially this form on the 2022 Annual Spring Town Meeting warrant. Michael Schanbacher seconded the motion. The Planning Board voted in favor of the motion 5-0-0 (roll call: Bob Creech – yes; Robert Peters – yes; Michael Schanbacher – yes; Melanie Thompson – yes; Charles Hornig – yes) MOTION PASSED Mr. Hornig will draft a letter to the Select Board and in January the Board will have to agree on the draft language. Mr. Leon asked if there could be additional technical support or have a consultant to supplement the limited staff resources to help to support this effort. Mr. Hornig was not sure. Page 6 Minutes for the Meeting of December 15, 2021 ***********************BOARD ADMINISTRATION************************ Discussion of Lexington Next Progress: Ms. Thompson said this has been pushed out since it is not ready. Mr. Creech said the working groups have more to do and there are no working groups for diversity and sustainability at this time. There is a CPAC meeting tomorrow night. The Board discussed the desire to have a timeline for the possible completion of the Comprehensive Plan. **********************BOARD ADMINISTRATION************************ Board Member Updates: Mr. Hornig said the Town has posted an advertisement for a new Planning Director. Mr. Creech attended the Greenway Committee Meeting. Upcoming Meetings: thth The Planning Board briefly discussed upcoming meetings for January 5 and 19 with two site sensitive developments at 69 Pleasant Street and 75 Outlook Drive. There will be two meetings in February. Review Meeting Minutes for November 3, 2021: Robert Peters moved that the Planning Board approve the minutes of November 3, 2021. Michael Schanbacher seconded the motion. The Planning Board voted in favor of the motion 5-0-0 (Roll call: Bob Creech – yes; Robert Peters – yes; Michael Schanbacher – yes; Melanie Thompson – yes; Charles Hornig – yes). MOTION PASSED. Adjourn Robert Peters moved that the Planning Board adjourn the meeting of December 15, 2021. Michael Schanbacher seconded the motion. The Planning Board voted in favor of the motion 5-0-0 (Roll call: Bob Creech – yes; Robert Peters – yes; Michael Schanbacher – yes; Melanie Thompson – yes; Charles Hornig – yes). MOTION PASSED Meeting adjourned at 9:42 pm Lex Media recorded the meeting. The following documents used at the meeting can be found on the Planning Board website in Planning Board packets. 10 Maguire Road:  Draft decision (8 Pages). 840 Emerson Gardens:  Staff memo to Planning Board dated December 6, 2021 (2 pages).  Applicant memo to Planning Board dated October 19, 2021 (1 Page).  Application dated October 19, 2021 (5 pages). 109 Reed Street (Kay Tiffany Way):  Release of lots (2 Pages). Minutes for the Meeting of December 15, 2021 Page 7  Supplemental Release of lots (2 Pages).  Performance Secured by deposit of money (3 Pages).  Cost to Construct dated November 15, 2021 )2 Pages). 29 Rangeway:  Tripartite Agreement dated December 2021 (4 Pages).  Release of Lots (2 Pages). 22 & 24 Muzzey Street:  Stamped in Application dated September 7, 2021 (5 Pages).  Plan of land ANR dated September 3, 2021 (1 Page). Planning Board Work Plan dated October 13, 2021 (3 pages). Michael Schanbacher, Clerk of the Planning Board