HomeMy WebLinkAboutLexington Bicycle Advisory Committee - LBAC - Charge - Revised January 2022 BICYCLE ADVISORY COMMITTEE
The Bicycle Advisory Committee (BAC) is an advisory committee to the Select Board. It replaces the
Minuteman Commuter Bikeway committee which was established in 1992 and has since been dissolved.
The functions to be performed by the reorganized committee are listed below These functions are to be
performed consistent with the terms of the License Agreement of December 1987 between the Massachusetts Bay
Transit Authonty(MBTA) and the Town of Lexington. The agreement specifies, "Lexington agrees that it will
use the line segment as 'a Bikeway', a way established for the passage of bicycles and other conveyances which
operate without motor power"
Members 9
Liaisons. Select Board, Conservation Commission, Planning Board and Recreation Committee,
High-School-aged Student
Appointed by Select Board
Length of Term. 3 years, staggered appointments
Appointments Made September 30
Description The Committee shall advise the Select Board on all matters relating to bicycle routes and
general bicycle policy to serve the best interests of the Town of Lexington and its citizens
and those of neighboring communities affected by these facilities These functions
include but are not limited to
1 Monitonng and advising on the Minuteman Commuter Bikeway and on other
approved routes in Town with attention to such factors as safety, landscaping,
drainage, signage, and other related factors
2 Monitonng and advising on the operation, maintenance, and security of the
Lexington bicycling facilities with the objective of encouraging their harmonious use
and enjoyment by a vanety of patrons,including all non-motonzed users
3 Working with Town officials, State agencies and representatives of nearby towns to
develop connecting bikeways and bicycle routes, agreed upon rules of the road and
consistent policies and procedures for the operation, maintenance and security of the
Bikeway and other bicycle routes
4 Collaborating with non-government groups and associations to encourage and
coordinate participation in the care and maintenance of Lexington bicycle facilities,
safety programs, and other educational efforts
5 Working with Town committees and employees and with commercial interests to
promote bicycling activities and amenities that will benefit Lexington and other
6 Articulating and responding to the concerns and interests of abutters, commuters, and
other users of the Lexington bicycling facilities
7 Reviewing and advising on proposals for the extension of the Minuteman Commuter
Bikeway and its linkage to bikeways in adjacent towns.
Criteria for
Membership The citizens should be committed to the functioning of the Committee Citizen members
will serve for three-year terms on a staggered basis,with three to be appointed or
reappointed each year at the end of September
A position of honorary membership shall be given for life to individuals by unanimous
committee vote for their extraordinary service to committee goals and to the community
at large
Policies and
Procedures Meetings will be held bimonthly throughout the year, alternating with Fnends of the
Minuteman Bikeway and at a specific date, time and place announced in advance All
meetings will be open to the public
Minutes will be taken at each meeting.
On its first meeting following the appointment process, the Committee will elect one of
its members to serve as Chair for the following year The Chair can be removed for
cause at any time by a majority vote of members present in public meeting,providing a
quorum of seven(7) Committee members are present.
The Chair may appoint ad hoc subcommittees from the membership from time to time to
study specific issues of concern to the Committee Such ad hoc groups shall serve for
penods not exceeding one year,unless formally extended, and their work will deal
exclusively with the purpose announced when created.
The Bicycle Advisory Committee Chair will appoint a high-school-aged student who
resides in or attends school in Lexington to be a student liaison for a one year term to the
Reference: Ongmal charge adopted by the Selectmen on October 21, 1992 revised November 1994
Charge revised November 2001
Board of Selectmen voted to designate as Special Municipal Employees on 1/18/06
Revised charge reflecting correction to membership and liaisons on October 6, 2014
Select Board revised charge on January 10, 2022 to reflect the addition of High-School-
aged Student Liaison, and the change of Selectmen to Select Board