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Minutes of the
Lexington Capital Expenditures Committee (CEC) Meeting
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J P December 16, 2021 LIp 6A@bON M
Location and Time: Remote Meeting; 8:00 A.M.
CEC Members Present (remote participation): Charles Lamb, Chair; David Kanter,
Vice-Chair & Clerk; Sandy Beebee; Rod Cole; and Frank Smith
CEC Members Absent: None
Others Present(remote participation): Other Lexington Committees: Sara Cuthbertson,
School Committee; Staff: Town Manager's Office: Jim Malloy, Town Manager; Finance
Department: Carolyn Kosnoff, Assistant Town Manager for Finance; Jennifer Hewitt, Budget
Officer; Sara Arnold, Recording Secretary
Documents Presented:
• Notice of Public Meeting/Agenda CEC Meeting, December 16, 2021
• FY2023-FY2027 Capital Improvement Projects/Programs (CIPs) with CEC
Comments; December 14, 2021
Call to Order
Mr. Lamb called this Remote (Virtual) Meeting, which had been posted as such, to order at
8:00 A.M. As the Committee members present had been previously advised of the special
conditions of this meeting, he passed on repeating them (i.e., the authority to not require a
physical presence of a quorum and other selected terms under the Open Meeting Law in
legislation signed on June 16th of this year by Massachusetts Governor Charles D. Baker).
Mr. Lamb advised that materials provided electronically to the Committee or presented at the
meeting, would be available upon request and are those listed in the Minutes as Documents
Presented. Any votes during this meeting would be taken by a roll call. Further, this meeting
would be recorded to assist in preparing Minutes, and the recording would be deleted once
the Minutes is approved. Mr. Lamb took a roll-call attendance, determining that all five
members were present.
Review of the Spreadsheet with CEC Comments on the FY2023-FY2027 CIPs with the
Town Manager and Finance Staff
Mr. Malloy, Ms. Kosnoff, and Ms. Hewitt expressed appreciation for the comprehensive and
easy-to-use spreadsheet that they had received with all of this Committee's comments—all
of which will be considered. Using that spreadsheet for reference, Mr. Malloy responded
specifically to some of the specific CEC comments, as follows:
• Department of Public Works DPW-23-1 : Battle Green Streetscape Improvements:
There are plans to discuss the public process and timing for this project with the Select
Board (SB) in early January. Staff is proposing to post information on the website and
hold a public meeting later in January. Another concept that will be discussed with the
SB in early January is creating a Stormwater Utility Enterprise Fund.
• DPW #23-9: Cemetery Columbarium: There will be a review of the timing identified in
the CIP to correct any inconsistencies between text and the funding schedule.
• DPW-23-12: Water Tower(s) Replacement: There are a lot of issues associated with
replacing the water towers, including legal implications associated with the cellular
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Minutes of the Lexington Capital Expenditures Committee (CEC) Meeting
December 16, 2021
and other purpose antennas, and associated equipment, that are attached or adjacent
to the current towers. Additionally, a hydraulic study is being conducted to determine
the best locations for two water towers, which could result in a recommended land
acquisition of a new site (or sites) with the required elevation. Ms. Kosnoff added that
a new location would involve commercial property, and Mr. Malloy noted that if land
were leased, it would need to be a very long-term lease; purchasing would be
preferred. Two towers at two locations would likely be better than two towers at the
same location. It may be another year before there is a clear understanding of the
financial ramifications. The SB will be given a verbal update on December 20t"
• Department of Public Facilities (DPF): East Lexington Fire Station Replacement: That
Station, along with the Town Office Building and the School Administration Building,
need to be upgraded or replaced. The long-term future of 173 Bedford Street has also
not been determined. If the school administration offices were moved to
173 Bedford Street, the current School Administration Building—which faces needs
for significant improvements—could be demolished, creating space for a recreation
field. It is possible to add a second story to the East Lexington Fire Station, but there
is no space on the lot to expand outwards.
• DPF Implementation of its adoption of the data from the contracted 20-Year Funding
Requirements: Mike Cronin, Director of DPF, is developing a realistic five-year plan
based on the data in that 20-year plan. Their 20-year plan includes a detailed database
identifying the needs associated with Lexington's facilities—data which is expected to
provide justification for planning how to proceed. Mr. Cronin has initiated internal
discussions about adjustments that should be made to the plan, how the needs fit into
current programs, implementation, and how implementation would be tracked. In
response to Mr. Lamb's request for helping this Committee understand the 20-year
plan, Mr. Malloy suggested periodic briefings by Mr. Cronin.
• Fire Department 23-1 : Replace Pumpers: These vehicles are custom-built and
Lexington received a "lemon" that needs to be replaced "out-of-cycle". Because the
use of free cash for the operating budget is being phased out, it is possible to use
cash capital rather than debt for these vehicles.
• Department of Innovation &Technology (DIT): General Comment #1 :This department
is instituting new processes and addressing a backlog of tasks. Examples include:
➢ While many staff members have both a desktop and a laptop, there is a
transition to laptops only.
➢ Some staff are working part-time from home, which has triggered the use of
systems that have the work phone ring at their homes. This is less expensive
than installing whole new phone systems.
➢ There is less emphasis on the use of the phone system as email has been used
more extensively.
• Recreation-23-3: Town Pool Water Heater Replacement: Electric water-heater costs
will be identified.
Ms. Hewitt commented that it may be possible to use American Rescue Plan Act funds for
some capital items, such as the Network Redundancy Improvement Plan. There were
additional accolades regarding the spreadsheet that had been used during the meeting.
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Minutes of the Lexington Capital Expenditures Committee (CEC) Meeting
December 16, 2021
Mr. Lamb expressed appreciation for the work done by Mr. Kanter in preparing the
spreadsheet and thanks for the work provided by Ms. Kosnoff and Ms. Hewitt in supporting
this Committee.
A Motion was Made and Seconded at 8:53 A.M. to adjourn. Roll-Call Vote: 5-0
This Minutes was approved by the CEC at its meeting on December 30, 2021
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