HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-9-29-BOH-min RECEIVED 2021 21 1')ec, S Sl Ipim LEXINGTON BOARD OF HEALTH MEETING MINUTES Wednesday, September 29, 2021 TOWN C.LERK 7:00 PM Conducted by Remote Participation LEXINGTON Approved November 16.2021 Board of Health Members in Attendance: Wendy Heiger-Bernays, PhD, Burt Perlmutter, M.D., John "Jay" Flynn, J.D., David Geller, M.D., and Susan Wolf-Fordham, J.D., MPA (arrived at 7:15 PM) Office of Public Health Attendees: Joanne Belanger, RN, Public Health Director Casey Mellin, Assistant Health Director Others: Doug Lucente, Select Board Liaison Meeting Called to Order Chair Wendy Heiger-Bernays read Governor Baker's executive order regarding Open Meeting during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Call to Order Board of Health meeting of September 29, 2021 was called to order by Chair Heiger-Bernays at 7:06 PM Chair, Wendy Heiger-Bernays declared a quorum via Roll Call.Jay Flynn Yes, Burt Perlmutter, M.D. Yes Wendy Heiger-Bernays Yes, David Geller, M.D Yes Chair Wendy Heiger-Bernays stated the remote meeting rules for the record. And that the meeting was being recorded. Chair Heiger-Bernays introduced Joanne Belanger, the new Public Health Director for the Town of Lexington. Ms. Belanger introduced herself and stated that the topics will be discussed in order as posted on the Agenda. Minutes The Board will vote to approve the August 2021 Minutes at the next scheduled meeting. Environmental Health Lab Animals Regulations September 29, 2021 Minutes Board of Health Ms. Belanger stated that she met with Alicia McCartin, Health Agent, to discuss the Lab Animals Regulations and she requests more time to gain a better understanding for discussion at the next meeting. Chair Heiger-Bernays made a motion to continue the discussion on Lab Animals Regulations to the next meeting. Dr. Perlmutter seconded. Roll Call Vote: David Geller, MD Yes, Jay Flynn Yes, Burt Perlmutter, M.D. Yes, Wendy Heiger-Bernays Yes, Susan Wolf-Fordham, JD., MPA Yes Status of air quality measures in all Lexington buildings (including schools) Chair Heiger-Bernays stated that a consulting firm, Environmental Health and Engineering, were contracted to perform air exchange evaluations in schools prior to their opening and were to return once students were back in-person to confirm that air exchanges were in the range of 4 to 6 per hour. She said that the Board has not received this data yet and that an agreement was made with the public that the air quality was going to be evaluated. Mr. Mellin said that he spoke with Mr. Mike Cronin, Director of Public Facilities, and that Mr. Cronin did not have any new information to report to the Board. Mr. Cronin informed Mr. Mellin that carbon dioxide levels in the town buildings are being monitored and samplings are being taken in each space on Wednesdays. The current data is 800 parts per million for more than fifteen minutes. Chair Heiger-Bernays asked for clarification on whether the samplings are being performed in all town buildings or just the public schools. Ms. Belanger responded that in her discussions with Mr. Cronin, he mentioned to her that it was all public buildings and not just the schools. Mr. Mellin said that he will locate the documentation stating that the testing is being performed in all town buildings and that he will provide this to the Board. Complaint responses: Hearing for 208 Grove Street regarding OTC dated 9-9-21 Mr. Mellin stated that he sent an email to the Board of Health with his findings from an inspection he performed at 208 Grove Street on September 9, 2021. He noted chronic dampness and evidence of mold. The property owners, Ms. Liz Brown and Mr. David Adler, are not disagreeing with the complaint and are instead asking for guidance from staff and the Board of Health. Ms. Era Vuksani is the tenant of 208 Grove Street and informed the property owners of the presence of mold and dampness in the basement in August 2021. Mr. Adler stated that he asked the tenant to use a dehumidifier in the basement. He added that the tenant moved around furniture and because of this the mold continued to grow elsewhere around the house. Mr. Adler also stated that mold specialists had come to the September 29, 2021 Minutes Board of Health property and that in their opinion, no harsh chemical treatments would need to be done and that general household cleaning products could be used to treat the mold. According to Mr. Adler there is a drain outside the basement entryway that is clogged and caused a leak from outside into the basement. Many attempts have been made to clear the drain and Mr. Adler is getting estimates from professionals to have this fixed. A temporary tarp has been set up to prevent any additional overflow from coming into the basement. Mr. Mellin stated that, in his opinion, everyone involved is acting in good faith. Ms. Belanger said that chronic dampness is a violation under Article 2, the housing code. However, their personal belongings and where they put them is not a regulation and/or requirement of the code. That criteria will not be under the prevue of Article 2 until and unless it becomes a safety hazard. Ms. Wolf-Fordham asked if the basement floor was tile. Mr. Adler responded that the basement floor is the and laminate flooring, and that hardwood flooring is only upstairs. Chair Heiger-Bernays asked if the property was rented as a habitable space. Mr. Adler and Ms. Vuksani both responded and agreed that the property was rented as a habitable space. Ms. Vuksani said that she has rented the property at 208 Grove Street since 2014. There is currently significant moisture in all of the rooms and she was only using one dehumidifier. Chair Heiger-Bernays asked the property owner what the estimate of time is for the drain to be fixed. Mr. Adler responded that he has received one quote so far and would like to get a second quote. He added that the work should take less than a week once someone is hired. Mr. Flynn said that the Order to Complete should be rescinded and that this process is not the right way since the corrective actions are being taken. Ms. Brown said that she has a clear understanding of what the obligations are going forward, including containing the chronic dampness and removing any remaining mold. Ms. Brown and Mr. Adler do not have any other questions for the Board. Ms. Belanger said she is willing to work with the timeframes and requests that the property owners provide a plan for the timeline and next steps. Chair Heiger-Bernays stated that the plan presented by the property owners should be given to staff in the next week. Ms. Wolf-Fordham requests that Mr. Mellin perform a comprehensive inspection both upstairs and downstairs at the property. September 29, 2021 Minutes Board of Health Chair Heiger-Bernays made a motion that will allow the property owners to provide a plan to town staff within the next week, allow town staff to perform a re-inspection, and that the property owners will move forward as quickly as possible to remediate the issue. Dr. Geller seconded. Roll Call Vote: David Geller, MD Yes, Jay Flynn Yes, Burt Perlmutter, M.D. Yes, Wendy Heiger-Bernays Yes, David Geller, MD Yes Review of inspections and reinspections Mr. Mellin said that he is not involved in many of the inspections for the month of August but did provide the health report sheet to the Board. He said that there is one housing case assigned to Ms. McCartin. She is not present to discuss her findings but Mr. Mellin said his understanding is that the case is being wrapped up. Dr. Perlmutter asked Mr. Mellin that if there are repeat critical violations, especially in the same category, that the offender be invited to come before the Board. Mr. Mellin responded yes. Chair Heiger-Bernays asked about town staff using tablets for inspections and thought this was being implanted years ago. Mr. Mellin responded that the ViewPoint Cloud permitting system does work the same as a tablet however more staff and additional time is needed to pull it all together. Chair Heiger-Bernays requested to see who performs which inspection. Mr. Mellin responded that the inspections marked with "AM"were performed by Ms. McCartin and that staff will be more consistent with identifying who performed the inspection moving forward. Ms. Belanger stated that she spoke with Julie Krakauer, IT Project Manager, regarding new software and the use of tablets and hopes to have changes implemented soon. Mr. Mellin informed the Board that many of the establishments on the inspections/re- inspections are not open yet. Mr. Flynn requests that owners of new restaurants and new owners of restaurants, come to the Board of Health to briefly introduce themselves and provide their background. Community Health COVID-19 disease rates/vaccination update Mr. Mellin stated that Mr. Neylon, Public Health Nurse,provided the Board with the community health report. The focus is on upcoming flu clinics and states that there are two flu clinics dedicated to seniors and their caregivers on October 7h and October 13''. Ms. Belanger informed the Board that registration is full for the flu clinic on October 7' and that more dates will be announced soon. September 29, 2021 Minutes Board of Health Chair Heiger-Bernays, reviewing the community health report, stated the contract tracing is continuing and there are two people assisting with that. She added that town staff are continuing to work with school nurses and congregate care settings as well. The report also states that Mr. Neylon is working on a cluster of respiratory illnesses and Ms. Belanger responded that the cluster is taken care of based on conversations with Mr. Neylon. Lexington Mask Mandate status Chair Heiger-Bernays stated that the Board will be revisiting the mask mandate prior to November 5, 2021 and opened up the discussion to the Board and staff for any updates. Mr. Mellin informed the Board that he received about fifteen complaints about various business employees' not wearing masks, and that these complaints were initially in the first 1-2 weeks of the recent mask mandate. He said that most of the complaints seem to be outside of the center of Lexington. Ms. Belanger stated that, as of September 29, 2021, there are: 1,390 cumulative cases, 14 cases since September 23, 2021 (one week period), 29 cases since September 16, 2021 (two week period). She added that the positive rate is 0.54% and that this number has dropped since previously reported. Mr. David Moschella, 195 Follen Rd, said he doesn't understand why there is a mask mandate and asks why the Board of Health continues this requirement. Chair Heiger-Bernays responded that while the Covid case numbers are trending down, the rates among the town are not as low. The objective is to keep these numbers low. Chair Heiger-Bernays added that there are many unvaccinated children, and many tourists visiting the town, and that the mask mandate will be revised on November 5, 2021. Dr. Geller agrees to revisit the mask mandate on or prior to November 5, 2021. Ms. Wolf-Fordham supports the decision of the Board to revisit the mask mandate. She added that Lexington is not a bubble and has a concern for the unvaccinated children. Non-COVID Reportable Disease Update Status of EDS Plan Mr. Mellin stated that there is a final document and it is his understanding that it is complete and only needs to be signed. Ms. Belanger stated that the Town of Lexington is up to date with its deliverables. Health Office September 29, 2021 Minutes Board of Health Administrative Operations Report; corrective action plan for meeting scheduling and minutes, staffing status and plans (Health Director, Administrative Assistant) Ms. Belanger informed the Board that the new Department Assistant for the Board of Health will be starting on October 4, 2021. Ms. Kathleen Lenihan, School Committee representative, said that the Amherst Regional school district is the first Massachusetts district to require that students aged 16 through 18 be vaccinated for Covid to attend school. Specific individual status of all actions taken under the BOH authority; permits,inspections, approvals, and public health issues. Dr. Perlmutter requested a regularly scheduled day and time for a more consistent Board of Health meeting. Adiournment Dr. Perlmutter made a motion to adjourn at 8:45 PM. Dr. Geller seconded. Roll Call Vote: Wolf-Fordham—Yes, Flynn - Yes, Geller—Yes, Perlmutter—Yes, Heiger- Bernays- Yes. Motion carried 5 to 0. September 29, 2021 Minutes Board of Health