HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021.09.09 EB Minutes FinalCARY MEMORIAL LIBRARY EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETING BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES 4:00 PM September 9, 2021 Virtual Meeting Attendees: Trustees: Suzie Barry, Joe Pato, Eileen Jay, Rev. Claire Feingold Thoryn, Rabbi Howard Jaffe, Staff: Koren Stembridge, Emily Smith, Susan Lusk Call to Order Ms. Barry called the meeting to order at 4:02 PM. Public Comment Former TM member Elaine Ashton spoke regarding the importance of the Stone Building Secretary’s Minutes for June 2, 2021 The minutes of the June 2, 2021 Executive Board meeting were approved with corrections. Motion: Barry. Second: Feingold Thoryn. Vote: 4-0 to approve; Ms. Jay abstained as she was not present at the meeting. Old Business (this agenda item taken out of order) Rev. Feingold Thoryn introduced Jeff Howry, Chair of the Stone Building Reuse Committee who gave a brief overview of the committees’ work and shared a 5-slide presentation. Ms. Barry requested preliminary comments from the five members of the Executive Board, but asked that this item be on the agenda of the Full Board meeting in October. Mr. Pato stated he needed to read the presentation in order to absorb the info in a meaningful way. Ms. Jay stated that the ideas were of interest to the community but making them operational and sustainable is an issue. Rev. Feingold Thoryn agreed that finding a sustainable option is the biggest challenge. Mr. Howry stated there is one more community forum scheduled. Financial Reports Ms. Stembridge referenced a memo in the packet sent to the Executive Board in advance of the meeting a change in the reporting process for the libraries’ financial updates from a monthly to quarterly process. Ms. Jay requested that a year-end report being included with the September Executive Board meeting agenda; questions can be answered if needed but without a formal presentation. Ms. Barry suggested the board approve the change and include a year-end report be put into the September agenda. Motion: Jaffe. Second: Pato. Vote 5-0 to approve. Ms. Stembridge gave an overview of the library’s FY23 Operating Budget request. The library is asking for an increase in the materials budget as well as a new position in Teen Services. The library has no capital articles this year. Mr. Pato requested information about plans for HVAC capital projects. Ms. Stembridge has invited Mike Cronin, Head of Public Facilities, to give an update of library facilities projects at the October meeting of the Full Board. Administrative Updates Director’s Report FY17-FY21 Data Comparison – As expected, the impact of the pandemic on library services is reflected the usage statistics for FY21. Adult Programming attendance actually increased over the course of the year and we believe that the convenience of virtual programs will continue to appeal to our adult patrons. Children’s program attendance did not enjoy the same increase as we saw for adult programs – parents reported that they just weren’t interested in MORE screen time for children. Outdoor in-person programs were well attended. Use of digital content (eBooks, eAudio, streaming, etc.) increased significantly. As of September the library was back to 68 hours per week. Ms. Stembridge requests endorsement from the board that the library will not make public meeting rooms available for the rest of the calendar year. Motion: Pato. Second: Feingold Thoryn. Vote 5-0 to approve. Staffing Update: Multiple vacancies have been filled; two page positions are left. Website Overview – Kevin Grocki, Webmaster The goal was to keep the structure of the website similar but to improve accessibility and make it function better on mobile devices. We will be updating the Trustees page and will take a photo of the group in the spring when we are back meeting in person.   Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Update (DEI): Work was paused over the summer but work will resume in the fall. Building Updates Center Streetscape project has begun; DPW has designated a tree that needs to be removed; the footing for the new library sign install has been started; Storywalk will be completed before the winter weather; Mass Ave railing is scheduled for repair and Facilities has been in contact with a vendor. Ms. Barry requested an addenda item for the next Full Board meeting to address lighting on the trees in the front of the building. Area is extremely dark, especially in the winter months.    New Business 2021 (revision) and 2022 Holiday Hours & Closures Ms. Smith shared two change requests: 1) Library will be closed on Sunday, 12/26 2) To change Columbus Day to Indigenous Peoples Day Motion to approve: Feingold Thoryn. Second: Jaffe. Vote 5-0 to approve.   Announcements No announcements. Adjournment Ms. Barry offered a motion to adjourn at 5:12. Second: Jay. Vote 5-0 to approve.