HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019.09.04 EB MinCARY MEMORIAL LIBRARY EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETING BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES 4:00 PM September 4, 2019 Learning Center Attendees: Howard Jaffe, Joe Pato, Suzie Barry; Trustees, Koren Stembridge, Emily Smith, Jennifer Webb, Alissa Lauzon and Cathie Ghorbani, Library staff. Call to Order Mr. Pato called the meeting to order at 4:09 PM. Public Comment - none Secretary’s Minutes – June 11, 2019 Ms. Barry suggested an edit in the minutes relating to the location of the plaques for the former directors. Mr. Jaffe made a motion to approve the executive board meeting minutes of June 11, 2019 with edits. Ms. Barry seconded the motion which was passed unanimously. Financial Updates Financial Reports Ms. Stembridge reviewed the FY 19 year end municipal financial report, noting that as a result of the pay increases for both FY18 and FY19 negotiated staff contract, we finished the year over budget by just over $83,000. This shortfall was expected and funds needed were transferred to the library after the close of the fiscal year. Regarding Trustee finances, the Foundation repaid the Transformative Spaces loan from the Library Endowment (nearly 2 years ahead of schedule). The Foundation also transferred $76,000 in proceeds from the Gala event and $100,000 toward library operating expenses. The Foundation also received a one-time payment of $60,000 negotiated by the Town from King Street Properties. In regards to the FY 20 financial reports, Ms. Stembridge reported that income and expenses are on track for both the trustees and municipal sides. Ms. Stembridge reported that the Endowment value reached the two million dollar mark by the end of FY 19. Transformative Spaces Payment Ms. Stembridge asked the Trustees to recognize the completion of the loan payment for the Transformative Spaces Project from the Foundation to the Endowment. Ms. Barry made a motion to approve a memorandum to that effect. The motion was seconded by Mr. Jaffe and passed unanimously. Administrative Update - Director’s Report Ms. Smith highlighted the 5 year data comparison noting that we hit one million uses of the collection. Ms. Smith pointed out other key milestones including programming reaching a new high. Ms. Stembridge referred trustees to the professional development budget detailing funding sources. Trustees support the expenditures noting they are hugely important. Ms. Stembridge asked Jen Webb to briefly share a book that was donated to the Turkish children’s collection. We will be adding this topic to the October agenda for discussion. Meeting Room Groups - none to discuss New Business Unclaimed checks process will be moved to the October agenda. Historic District Commission Appointee Mr. Pato asked to move this item to the October agenda. He will send a message to the full board. There is nothing to act on today. Pilot project for funding staff time at after hour’s events Ms. Stembridge asked the Trustees to consider a pilot project to fund personnel costs for events sponsored by the Foundation. These events require staff in attendance. In order to sustain these popular offerings, additional funding for personnel hours is necessary. Ms. Stembridge is requesting to transfer $5,000 of Foundation money to the Town. These funds will receive a payroll code to use when staff work these events. The Town is amenable to this type of arrangement. Mr. Jaffe made a motion to approve the request to use $5,000 of Foundation funds to pay for staff time at after hour events. Ms. Barry seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Endowment Annual 2% Distribution from Restricted Funds Ms. Stembridge asked the Trustees to approve a 2% distribution from the library’s restricted endowment to fund material purchases. Ms. Barry moved to request the distribution of 2% of the restricted endowment fund as of June 2019. Mr. Jaffe seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Endowment Distribution for Digitization of Minuteman Material Ms. Ghorbani detailed her research into the costs associated with digitizing the Lexington Minuteman newspapers and microfilms. The cost will be approximately $26,000. After a discussion, Mr. Jaffe made a motion to approve the distribution of $26,000 from the library’s unrestricted endowment to fund the digitization of the Lexington Minuteman. Ms. Barry seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Book store link added to library promotional listings/calendar Ms. Stembridge asked the Trustees if there are any concerns about putting a link on our calendar to purchase books from local book stores for authors who come to speak at the Library. The consensus from the Trustees is to ask Town Counsel for guidance. Convening Art Selection Committee Ms. Stembridge informed the Trustees that we will need to need to convene the Art Selection Committee. Trustees suggested asking at the full board meeting in October. Support v. Service Animals Ms. Smith asked the Trustees for guidance on patrons bringing emotional support or “comfort” animals into the building. The “Rules of Behavior” only allows for service animals. After discussion, the Trustees’ consensus is to consult with Town Counsel. Mr. Pato added that he will ask the Commission on Disabilities for guidance as well. Adjournment (vote) Ms. Barry made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Mr. Jaffe. The motion passed unanimously.