HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-08-18-HC-min RECEIVED 2021 d IIP°) , 224, pui °m HISTORICAL COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES TOWN CLERK August 18'2021 LEXINGTON MA Call to Order: A public hearing of the Historical Commission was held remotely through Zoom. The meeting convened at 7:02PM Historical Commission Members in Attendance: Marilyn Fenollosa, Chair, Wendall Kalsow, Susan Bennett, Diane Pursley and David Kelland AGENDA ITEM#1 (7:06PM) Public hearing regarding the full building demolition change at 15 Washington Street. APPLICANT (S) PRESENT: Jay Berglund, Homeowner Steve Stratford, Representative ABUTTER(S) PRESENT: Gerry Paul, 43 Highland Avenue Sejal Patel, 91 Outlook Drive Marci Cemenska, 59 Outlook Drive DOCUMENT(S): 15 Washington Street MLS Listing 15 Washington Street Mailer 15 Washington Street Relief Request SUMMARY: Mr. Stratford went over updates regarding 15 Washington Street. Since the last hearing Mr. Stratford has tried to market the home but received no bids. They have had multiple listings, open houses and showings. HC COMMENTS: The Commission expressed their concern regarding the listing price. The Commission suggested marketing the home at a more reasonable price. Ms. Fenollosa read Mr. Stratford's relief request letter to the Commission. PUBLIC COMMENTS: -Mr. Paul of 43 Highland Avenue lives a few houses down from 15 Washington Street. Mr. Paul questioned the price of 15 Washington Street. Mr. Paul feels the price is what brand new homes cost and this home needs a lot of work. Mr. Stratford said it's based off a number of factors including an escalating market. -Ms. Patel of 91 Outlook Drive said most people search for a home by price and would miss this one since the pricier is higher than most. -Ms. Cemenska of 59 Outlook Drive has been looking for a new home in Lexington and would not bid on this house since it's over her price range. MOTION: Moved by Mr. Kalsow to find 15 Washington Street preferably preserved but the owner has made a reasonable effort to sell the home and therefore the requested demolition should be permitted. Seconded by Ms. Fenollosa VOTE: 2 in favor: Mr. Kalsow and Ms. Fenollosa with 3 in opposition: Ms. Bennett, Mr. Kelland and Ms. Pursley - The 12 month demolition delay imposed in April 2021 remains. AGENDA ITEM#2 (7:54PM) Public hearing regarding the full building demolition at 75 Outlook Drive APPLICANT (S) PRESENT: Eduardo Alvarez, Homeowner ABUTTER(S) PRESENT: Leslie Mosley Fehm, 22 Fair Oaks Drive DOCUMENT(S): Photos of the original structure Proposed home and barn elevations dated August 4th 2021 SUMMARY: Mr. Alvarez is hoping to subdivide the land at 75 Outlook Drive. He is proposing to build four houses and preserve the current home on the property. Mr. Alvarez is looking to do a site sensitive subdivision. He wants to submit this request for a full building demolition in case the site sensitive development doesn't get approved. HC COMMENTS: Mr. Kalsow said he did not hear anything to necessitate the demolition at 75 Outlook Drive. It seems Mr. Alvarez wants to retain the home but because of the Planning Board process he wants to get the demolition delay period started. Ms. Fenollosa went over the history of 75 Outlook Drive: Built in 1910, Willard Brown home in the Fair Oaks Development, of colonial revival design. PUBLIC COMMENTS: -Ms. Fehm of 22 Fair Oaks Drive wanted to know why the home was never put on the market. 75 Outlook Drive is a gorgeous house. Ms. Fenollosa said this is not something that anyone can control. MOTION: Moved by Mr. Kalsow to find 75 Outlook Drive preferably preserved and impose a one year demolition delay expiring August 181h 2022. Seconded by Ms. Pursley. VOTE: 5-0 In favor of imposing demolition delay: Mr. Kalsow, Ms. Pursley, Ms. Bennett, Mr. Kelland and Ms. Fenollosa. AGENDA ITEM#3 (8:08PM) Public hearing regarding the partial demolition at 50 Hancock Street APPLICANT (S) PRESENT: John Vining, Architect ABUTTER(S) PRESENT: None DOCUMENT(S): Existing and proposed elevations dated June 23rd 2021 Photos of the existing house Proposed plot plan Abutter letter of support SUMMARY: Mr. Vining described the plans at 50 Hancock Street. Mr. Vining is proposing a modest addition to expand the kitchen and add a two car garage. The exterior siding and trim will all be matching to the existing house. HC COMMENTS: Mr. Kalsow felt comfortable that the proposed addition was sensitive to the historic house. The Commission agreed. PUBLIC COMMENTS: None MOTION: Moved by Mr. Kalsow to find 50 Hancock Street preferably preserved and the selective demolition and addition is sensitive to the historic character of the house and to permit the changes as presented tonight. Seconded by Mr. Kelland. VOTE: 5-0 In favor of partial building demolition: Mr. Kalsow, Mr. Kelland, Ms. Pursley, Ms. Bennett and Ms. Fenollosa. AGENDA ITEM#4 (8:30PM) Discussion of Mass DOT Route 2A/1\4arrett Road "Repaving and Road Improvement"project -Ms. Fenollosa went over the Route 2A project. The project is to pave and improve the road at Route 2A/Marrett Road. They are suggesting that the lanes be narrowed and bike lanes be expanded, and add more pedestrian crossings and more flashing lights for pedestrians. This is a national historic landmark and we as a Historical Commission should be participating with our comments. The Commission expressed their concerns with the project. The Commission agreed that they should be involved in the process and act as a consultant. Ms. Fenollosa will write a letter saying the Commission was not contacted but strongly supports the position of the National Park Service and would like to be part of the design review process. Mr. Kalsow and Mr. Kelland agreed to be the primary contacts for the project. AGENDA ITEM# 5 (8:40PM) Vote to support new Mt. Independence Historic District at Town Meeting -Mr. Kalsow went over a presentation regarding the proposed Mr. Independence Historic District. Mr. Kalsow spoke as a neighbor and recused himself from any vote taken. The proposed district will have 6 houses and 2 vacant lots which are heavily wooded. This will be the first new local Historic District created in over 50 years and will help recognize the architectural and historical significance in the proposed district, to be created under Mass. General Laws Chapter 40C. They are currently in a 60- day waiting period from the date the preliminary study was filed with MHC and the Planning Board. The tentative date for the public hearing will be September 23rd. Town Meeting must discuss and approve by a 2/3rds vote. Then there is a 30 day waiting period following the Town Meeting vote. We need the Attorney General's review since we are a town, not a city. There also needs to be a recording/filing at the Registry of Deeds. The demolition delay for 12 Summit Road expires February 17th 2022; all protection would be lost after this. A motion was made by Ms. Pursley to support the adoption of Mass. General Laws Chapter 40C and the proposed new Mount Independence Historic District. Seconded by Ms. Bennett. 4 in favor: Ms. Pursley, Ms. Bennett, Mr. Kelland and Ms. Fenollosa and 1 recusal: Mr. Kalsow. AGENDA ITEM#6 (9:06PM) Public hearing regarding the roofline change at 7 Angier Road APPLICANT (S) PRESENT: KT Huang, Architect ABUTTER(S) PRESENT: None DOCUMENT(S): Existing and proposed elevations dated July 21st, 2021 Photos of the existing house Existing conditions Site model SUMMARY: 7 Angier Road was built in 1962. It is a mid-century modern home. The homeowners love the trees on the property and want to preserve as many as they can but want to expand the house. Mr. Huang described the proposed plans at 7 Angier Road. HC COMMENTS: Mr. Kalsow feels the proposed select demolition overwhelms the mid-century modern house and is not in keeping with the historic house. The Commission agreed. Ms. Pursley asked if the wetlands were part of the reasoning for the design. Mr. Huang said in order to save as many trees as possible, they wanted to make a design sensitive to that. Ms. Fenollosa said she hoped after the last presentation and plans submitted at a previous meeting, that the proposed boxy addition would be different. Ms. Bennett suggested looking at other homes in the neighborhood that have been expanded to get a better idea. Mr. Huang asked to be continued to the meeting next month. No vote was taken. PUBLIC COMMENTS: None AGENDA ITEM#7 (9:35PM) Updates -Update on the Historic Houses Review Study. Ms. Bennett went over updates on the Historic Houses Study. Ms. Bennett sent the Commission the Form B link for the 12 houses in the study. Next steps will be to look at National Register nominations and candidates for dendrochronology. AGENDA ITEM#8 (9:37PM) Vote to accept meeting minutes dated June 16th 2021 - Motion made by Mr. Kalsow to approve minutes dated June 16th 2021. Seconded by Ms. Pursley 5-0 in favor of approving minutes: Ms. Pursley, Mr. Kalsow, Ms. Bennett, Ms. Fenollosa and Mr. Kelland AGENDA ITEM#9 (9:39PM) Motion to adjourn made by Ms. Bennett. Seconded by Mr. Kalsow 5-0 favor to adjourn Ms. Bennett, Mr. Kalsow, Ms. Fenollosa, Mr. Kelland and Ms. Pursley Adjourn.