HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-09-02-SBFRC-min RECEIVED Ad Hoc Stone Building Feasibility/Reuse Committee 9991 99 11Mov, 157 pi7"i Town of Lexington, MA TOWN CLERK LEXINGTON MA September 2, 2021 MINUTES The meeting was held in the Hudson room of Cary Hall, with additional online access for committee members and members of the public. The meeting was called to order at 8:09 am. Attending: Cristina Burwell, Claire Feingold Thoryn (Cary Library Trustees Liaison Left! 8:30),Jeff Howry„ Mark Manasas, Meg Muckenhoupt (Appropriations Comm. Liaison), Melinda Nasardinov, Lester Savage (left early), Paul Smyke, Carolyn Goldstein (arrived 8:25), Anne Grady (arrived 8:36) Absent: Doug Lucente (Select Board Liaison) Guests: Elaine Ashton Recording Secretary: Cristina Burwell Minutes for 7/15 and 8/19 were approved unanimously with corrections to note that Jeff and Carolyn would report back (Cristina abstained), as motioned by Mark, and seconded by Lester. Alternate meeting days/times. It was recommended to move this discussion to a DoodlePoll that Mark will set up. OLD BUSINESS Committee Follow-up from Forum 2 The committee appreciated seeing a gathering of people that spanned a variety of expertise in town activities in discussing these ideas. The group would have liked to see a better discussion of what people seem to be interested in, but the forum wasn't set up to do this, so much as overview what the committee has learned in its process so far and receive feedback on that. It was encouraging to hear about the responsibility that the town feels about the building. It is understood that the Town owns it, but Library Trustees govern it. Our challenge remains to understand how it might be administered, and how it might be funded (vis a vis programming or other support). At this point in time,the process does not look to be short circuited by having an interested group come forward to provide administration or funding. The committee will continue to have conversations with groups on possible topics related to programming [multi-cultural center and] 1 people with vested interest in historical structures in town, in an effort to further crystalize a vision for the building's use. It was commented that the committee seems to have a lack of clarity about where the Select Board and other leaders stand. This was countered with our charge being to present what we see as the best uses for the building regardless of that. It was noted that the CPA has a deadline for November 1, and similarly noted that we won't have a plan together for that deadline. Further discussion regarding CPA funds was deferred until meeting with the chairperson. Jeff to put the 2008 Stone Building report that Marilyn Fenollosa gave him on the committee's shared drive. Melinda will send out paraphrased forum comments to the committee. NEW BUSINESS It was noted that the Library Executive Management Board will be meeting. Jeff will reach out to Claire about attending the meeting. The committee does not think that anything conclusive will come about in the near future, but are hoping to wrap up discussions and planning by the end of the year (including top recommendations, and recommendation of how they might be moved forward). It was noted that stakeholders include CPA, Historical Districts Committee and the Library Executive Management Board. Current partners in programming for the building currently stand out in the areas of racial/social/env justice, museum, multicultural center. Melinda will follow up with the Rec. Department on how they see this project intersecting with their goals and Community Needs Survey, and to report back to this committee. The Visitors' Center was brought up as a model on feasibility study scenarios. Jaclyn received the committee's blessing to send out email to groups for discussion on multicultural center, and she will send out a doodle poll to try to get the most attendees. Carolyn and Les and Jeff will work on a similar invitation for a gathering to discuss programming around a history museum. 2 Also discussed was an environmental justice focus group, and bringing together the town Sustainability director, conservation stewards, GWAC, Lex Zero Waste, etc. No action taken. 9:22 meeting was adjourned after unanimous approval, as motioned by Mark, and seconded by Carolyn 3