HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-10-21-LHRC-min RECEIVED Town of Lexington, Human Rights Committee Meeting 2021 29 IIMov, 3A,5 Ipui °m TOWN CLERK Thursday, October 21, 2021 LEXINGTON MA Virtual 8:30a.m.-9:36a.m. Present Members:Tanya Gisolfi [TG] (Chair), Monami D. Roy [MDR] (Vice Chair), Stephanie Hsu [SH] (Clerk), Chris Barry [CB] (Police Department), Scott Bokun [SB] (School Committee Member), Cleveland Coates, Melissa Interess [MI] (Town Manager's Office Member/Human Services Department)joined at 8:40am Meeting called to order at 8:32 AM, Quorum was present at 8:32 AM 1. Welcome 2. Minutes—SB moved to approve September 9, 2021 minutes with the request for co- sponsorship of Dyslexia/ADHD Awareness Month Activities attached.CB Second; Minutes approved unanimously 3. Co-Sponsorship request for Transgender Day of Remembrance—Valerie Overton presented the co-sponsorship request. Date November 20, 2021, 7pm. TG moved to approve; MR second; approved unanimously 4. No Hate November-SH reported Human Services will be a permanent co-sponsor of No Hate November. We have received great support from the community and that we will likely have between 5-6 interviews and 2 anonymous stories to share, along with videos and photos of support that will be posted on the website. The public discussion will take place on November 9, 5-6pm and staff from Human Services will help facilitate. LHS students who watch the videos or participate in discussion will earn service hours. The Munroe Center for the Arts will host a Kindness Rock making activity on November 19, 3-4:30pm. The No Hate November website and Kindness Challenge will be ready to launch by November 1. 5. Workgroups a. Impact of COVID on Persons with Disabilities—SH will take over chairing this committee. Notice to community for volunteers will be put out to form the workgroup. b. MLK Community Conversation on Race—TG—first meeting has taken place, and anyone interested please email us at the Human Rights Committee email address. MDR—topic still under discussion. 6. Updates from Members Committee members gave updates regarding meetings attended or planned. CB updated on an incident at Re-Discovery Day. SB indicated there have been several fighting incidents in the schools and investigations are underway. SH requested that Kate DeAngelis, the Therapeutic Recreation Specialist present on their adaptive programing come to HRC at a future meeting. MDR noted that October has been declared Hindu Heritage Month by the State. 7. Chair Report—TG gave a verbal report detailing many meetings attended and noted work with Julie Fenn at LHS and Sharon Gunda, Human Services Department, to work toward a larger Community Civility Discourse town encompassing event. Written report will be presented next month. 8. Unexpected Items Not Reasonably Anticipated in Advance Member asked whether should have a logo for the LHRC? MI recommended using Logo Tournament which is what they used for Human Services. Martha Duffield will find out if we can have a logo. Committee agreed we should investigate this and discuss further at the next meeting. 9. Public Comments For Items Not on the Agenda Public comments included concerns around the recent report on policing in Lexington through the town, appreciation of the LPD for looking into the Re-Discovery Day incident, and encouragement to support the Planning Board CSRD article. MDR Motion to adjourn; CB Second - Approved unanimously Next Meeting Date and Time: November 18, 2021, at 8:30am Attachments: Request for co-sponsorship of Transgender Day of Remembrance Chair Report