HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020.05.06 EB MinCARY MEMORIAL LIBRARY EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETING BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES 4:00 PM May 6, 2020 Virtual Meeting Attendees: Rabbi Howard Jaffe,Joe Pato, Suzie Barry, Eileen Jay, Rev. Claire Feingold Thoryn, Trustees; Koren Stembridge, Emily Smith, Michelle Techler, Alissa Lauzon, Cathie Ghorbani, Library staff; Mary Ellen Ringo, Innessa Manning, Foundation. Virtual Meeting Recording Approval Prior to the start of the meeting, a request by Mr. Pato was made to approve the video recording of the meeting. Upon a motion duly made, by roll call, the Board voted 5-0 to approve the recording of the meeting. Ms. Smith read initial instructions from the Select Board titled “Remote Meeting Opening”, and Mr. Pato summarized the remainder of the script. There were no objections. Call to Order Mr. Pato called the meeting to order at 4:07 PM. Public Comment Ms. Manning reported that the Foundation has finished their main appeal ahead of budget and has sent out a limited spring appeal letter. The Foundation also ran a digital campaign in support of National Library Giving day in April. The Foundation transferred $170,000 to the library. A second transfer is anticipated before the end of the fiscal year. Mr. Pato and Rev. Feingold Thoryn thanked the Foundation for their financial support of the library. Secretary’s Minutes of February 5, 2020 Ms. Barry noted an edit to the minutes of February 5. Rabbi Jaffe moved to approve the minutes with the edits. Ms. Barry seconded the motion. Upon a motion duly made, by roll call, the Board voted 5-0 to approve the minutes with edits. Financial Reports FY20 Update: Ms. Stembridge reported that the municipal budget is 79% expended for the end of April, as expected. The library will leave funds unexpended this fiscal year, as requested by the Town Manager due to concerns about the financial impact of the pandemic. On the Trustee budget, Ms. Stembridge reported there has been less income from fines and fees while the library remains closed. The library has also reduced spending in order to carry over funds to FY21. FY21 Proposed Trustee Budget: Ms. Stembridge gave a summary of the proposed FY21 Trustee budget. There is a significant reduction in the budget request. The estimated Foundation grant has been decreased from $100,000 to $70,000. The Friends grant has been removed for FY21 since the Friends’ fund raising operations (including the book sales) are all currently on hold due to the pandemic. Ms. Jay asked if the FY20 remaining funds carry forward. Ms. Stembridge confirmed that yes, they will. Administrative Update Ms. Stembridge reported that, while the library remains closed the staff have done great work keeping in touch with patrons through email, virtual programming, and social media platforms. The adult services team has been making instructional videos for the library digital content for patrons who need assistance. Ms. Stembridge also noted that the library is working on increasing the digital content and reducing wait times for popular titles. Ms. Barry complimented the online content the staff has produced. Ms. Stembridge also reported that the Summer Reading and Learning programs would be offered virtually. There was a discussion about the safety measures being taken when hosting virtual programs. The consensus was that appropriate measures were being taken to provide adequate virtual safety. Building Updates Facilities Update Ms. Stembridge reported that staff from the Department of Public Facilities will join the June meeting in order to provide updates on building issues including HVAC, lighting and refinishing the South Lobby stairs. There will also be more information provided on the library’s phased reopening plan. Resumption of Business Draft Plan Ms. Stembridge gave a summary of the Resumption of Business Draft Plan. The library anticipates opening in June for Phase 1, which would allow staff into the building to work on a backlog of materials. There was a discussion of the later phases, including allowing the public into the building and a discussion of safety guidelines. Ms. Barry inquired about availability of PPE for the staff. Ms. Stembridge reported that PPE availability is an issue that is being discussed with the Town Manager. Ms. Barry also asked if the library would be doing patron temperature checks. Ms. Stembridge answered that would need to be a discussion with the attorney. Ms. Jay offered to help source a donation of PPE from the community. Ms. Stembridge thanked Ms. Jay for the offer. ChiRP! Project Ms. Stembridge advised that the ChiRP project be put on hold, to be reviewed again in six months. She presented language to this effect to share with the public. Ms. Barry suggested adding language to indicate the Trustees’ approval of this pause. Rev. Feingold Thoryn made a motion to approve the language with the edits. Ms. Jay seconded the motion. Upon a motion duly made, by roll call, the Board voted 5-0 to approve the hold on the ChiRP project with edited language. New Business Postpone Executive Board Elections (vote) Mr. Pato requested a vote to postpone the Executive Board elections until the fall. Ms. Jay made a motion to approve, and Rev. Feingold Thoryn seconded the motion. Upon a motion duly made, by roll call, the Board voted 5-0 to approve the postponement. Closure of the Library Meeting spaces through October 1, 2020 (vote) Ms. Stembridge requested a vote to close the library’s public meeting rooms through October 1, 2020. Rabbi Jaffe made a motion to approve and Ms. Barry seconded the motion. Upon a motion duly made, by roll call, the Board voted 5-0 to approve the closure of library public meeting rooms through October 1, 2020. Large partner events at Cary Library in the fall (vote) Ms. Stembridge recommended that the library pause hosting large partnered events until January 1, 2021. Ms. Barry made a motion to approve. Ms. Jay seconded the motion. Upon a motion duly made, by roll call, the Board voted 5-0 to approve pausing large partnered events hosted by the library until January 1, 2021. 2020 Graduation Community Support Ms. Barry inquired if it would be possible to have the library show support to the LHS graduates of 2020 using lighting on the outside of the building in Lexington colors during what would’ve been the graduation week. Ms. Stembridge replied she will work on that and also look in to adding a banner. Old Business Ms. Barry had a question to see if the exterior sign was still moving forward. Ms. Stembridge replied that yes, it is underway. Reverend Feingold Thoryn asked if there was going to be a bike share. Mr. Pato indicated that he did not think there would be a bike share this summer. Ms. Barry reported that the next Executive Board meeting is scheduled during Town Meeting. Ms. Stembridge replied that we would select another date. Adjournment Ms. Barry made a motion to adjourn at 5:08 PM. The motion was seconded by Ms. Jay. Upon a motion duly made, by roll call, the Board voted 5-0 to adjourn.