HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020.11.04 CML EB Minutes FinalCARY MEMORIAL LIBRARY
4:00 PM
November 4, 2020
Virtual Meeting
Trustees: Joe Pato, Rabbi Howard Jaffe, Suzie Barry (had to leave 15 minutes into meeting; JP
noted), Eileen Jay.
Staff: Koren Stembridge, Emily Smith, Andrea Morrison, Alissa Lauzon
Call to Order
Mr. Pato called the meeting to order at 4:02 PM.
Public Comment
There was no public comment.
Secretary’s Minutes for September 9, 2020
Rabbi Jaffe made a motion to approve the minutes of the September 9, 2020 meeting with minor edits.
Ms. Barry seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0 to approve the minutes with edits noted.
Financial Reports
Municipal Budget: The municipal budget is approximately 25% expended which is where we expect to
be at this point in the year. Our supply line is higher than usual due to COVID expenses. The Town has
submitted requests to the State for reimbursement for COVID expenses so we are hoping much of that
spending will be covered by those funds.
Non-municipal Funds: We have had little income to date but fortunately have carryover from FY20. The
first quarter endowment figures are up slightly since previous quarter.
Administrative Update
Director’s Report
The library continues to provide services in a myriad of ways. Our programs continue
virtually as does our reference and readers’ advisory service. Curbside is serving somewhere
in the neighborhood of 1,500 people/week. We continue to receive positive feedback from
the community about all that we are able to provide.
Tomorrow we’ll offer our first Pop-up Browsing Library event. Patrons visiting the library
tomorrow from 1-4 will be able to browse and check out a selection of adult/youth high-
demand items. First time we’re trying this – if it goes well we’ll offer it as much as we can
until the weather makes it impossible.
Staffing Update
Susan Lusk, who is currently an administrative assistant in the Facilities Department has
been hired as our next Office Manager. Susan will be joining us in mid-November and will
overlap with Andrea for a couple of weeks. In December, Andrea will reduce her time to
approximately one day/week until Susan is fully up to speed.
The Library has formed a staff working group to work on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion
activities. We will report on our DEI work for you at the Full Board meeting on the 18th.
Building Updates
Facilities Updates – HVAC/EH&E findings- This will be discussed as part of our Phased reopening
New Business
Holiday Memo
Juneteenth is now a Town holiday and has been added to the memo for the first time
Independence Day falls on a Sunday this year, so it will be recognized on Monday, the 5th
The Library would like to change Columbus Day to Indigenous Peoples Day on our list of
holiday closures. Ms. Jay stated that the LPS also has Indigenous Day listed on their
calendar. Mr. Pato indicated that this discussion was happening at the Town and
recommended that this change should be discussed by the Full Board. Holiday memo was
approved 3-0.
Old Business
Service Options for Cold Weather Season
Curbside was difficult last week due to freezing rain/snow which reinforced the need for an
indoor model for the winter. Ms. Stembridge stated the Board had two questions put forth from
the September 9 meeting that needed answers:
HVAC Review: Ms. Smith stated that EH&E found seven items that needed mitigation.
The issues have been resolved and we presume that when EH&E returns to retest, the
levels will be in compliance. Mike Cronin, Dept. of Public Facilities Director, has agreed
to attend the Full Board Meeting on 11/18/20. Overall, the results of this evaluation
were much better than expected.
Board of Health Guidance: Ms. Stembridge visited BOH and showed them our Phase 3
Service Model as well as our Phase 2.5/curbside model. They questioned mostly about
the 2.5 model with staff providing such a concentrated service in a small space. They
felt that Phases 3 model was fine. Building is so large, a large number of public is still
below occupancy levels that the governor has put forth. Quarantine practices were
discussed and Health Department staff indicated that the library’s 2-day quarantine was
Phase 3 Model: Ms. Smith discussed the limited options currently in place for winter regarding
Phase 3 “Grab and Go,” (see attachments). Mr. Pato wondered about the number of patrons
per 30 minutes (30 qty) which would only allow for approximately 1,500 patrons per week if
each stayed the entire time. Ms. Stembridge agreed and stated that we could increase the
number of patrons if we were reaching capacity consistently. She did note that the surrounding
communities did not find this to be an issue.
Indoor Curbside (Phase 2.5): Ms. Stembridge discussed the pros and cons of the 2.5 model (see
attachments). Lobby diagram shown that can hold 5 patrons at a time and the flow of the
Ms. Stembridge requested from guidance from the Board for:
1.Approving the move to Phase 3 or Phase 2.5
2.What metrics should the library use to trigger scaling back services
Ms. Jay had questions about both models. Teen spaces and children’s spaces. How to monitor
capacity but choose a level that makes sense. Example - Teens = 3 patrons at a time would they
actually utilize? Ms. Lauzon spoke to this issue stating that she understands teens might not
find an interest with only 3 allowed at a time, but this is the only way we can socially distance
and monitor capacity. The Phase 3 model is about allowing access to resources, not space to
Ms. Jay asked if the library would keep offering curbside services. Ms. Stembridge discussed
Wellesley and Newton who have similar numbers to ours. They have found most patrons are
happy to enter the building and find their materials. Staff now put out one cart (about 20 bags
per day) for a quick grab and go. Curbside is so labor intensive that the library cannot offer
curbside AND Phase 3 access to the building at the same time. Patrons who cannot enter the
building due to medical issues will be accommodated. Ms. Jay questioned Phase 2 specifically
the small space for the pick-up in addition to the amount of staff this would take.
Rabbi Jaffe stated he appreciated all of the work that went into these models. He fully
understands the interests and desires for patrons to participate in the offerings from the library,
but we are not providing an essential service and should be conservative regarding the safety
our staff as well.
Mr. Pato agrees to the conservative approach. Need to look at the triggers more. We are an
organization serving more than just Lexington residents and have patrons from red
communities. We aren’t essential but we have a community hungry for even a little bit of
access. Weighing options against all this is difficult. Staff have done a great job in providing the
information for us to make a final decision.
Ms. Jay asked how the staff feel regarding the different options.
Staff Comments:
Ms. Ghorbani stated that some staff would be concerned about points of contact and
some but most are ready for the patrons to have limited access to the building. It is a
hard time to be a public servant in a building open to the public.
Ms. Leppanen stated that there is a mixed bag of reactions from staff regarding the
options but feels very confident about letting patrons back in. It is going to be a great
service for the public to browse and interface safely with us and satisfying to all.
Ms. Dennehy stated that patrons have mentioned they are ready to come in and pick up
holds. On visits to other libraries, she became very comfortable with Phase 3 and feel it
would work well in Lexington.
Ms. Jain states that other libraries felt fearful at the beginning but then realized how
respectful patrons were and they were more confident opening.
Vote postponed until 11/18/20 meeting of the Full Board
Nominating Committee
Ms. Stembridge states Mark Sandeen has put forward a slate for the next meeting with the Full
Board remaining in their current positions through May 2021.
Stone Building Committee Update
Mr. Pato stated that the Select Board has populated the Stone Building Review Committee.
They received 20 applications for nine spots with a number of residents who are new to being
involved in town affairs. Reverend Feingold-Thoryn applied to be a member but was not
selected and expressed being the liaison if that was the case. Howard expressed willingness if
drafted. No one was formally appointed as a liaison. Mr. Pato put forth motion for Ms. Thoryn.
Ms. Jay nominated Ms. Feingold-Thoryn to be the liaison and Rev. Jaffe seconded. Board voted
Mr. Pato made a motion to adjourn at 5:16 PM. The motion was seconded by Rabbi Jaffe. Vote 3-0.