HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-06-01-CLARKE-min PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE PIS APRIL 19T. Jonas Clarke Middle School School Site Council Meeting June l, 2O2l 3:00 PM Zoom Meeting, Jonas Clarke Middle School l7Stedman Road Lexington, MAO242l Meeting Zoom link: Attendance: DuneDeopreo, Principal; Dana Silverberg, Psychologist; SurahFattu|, Teacher; Stephanie Svviozcz, Teacher; Nutu]iyuPuquette, Teacher; Emily Sayre, Parent; Melanie, Tunionoo, Parent; Kim Lowrance, Parent; Hongmei Zhung, Parent; Barry-Ng,Assistant Principal; Jonathan Wettotone; Assistant Principal. U. Call toOrder, Welcome, & Public Comment 2. - motioned, 2Od' approved b. Phnoipa| - fina| meetingofUleyeac ||. Staff, F»mnont*Gumndimn' & Principal Notes a. Staff Notes ' ydA b. F»mnont/Fmmmi|yydotes i. Parent- LeningtonNevvoomene - tryingtoaooeoothemathvideooent out by the department. How does this affect placement? 1. Principal - video summarized changes over the last 0-8 months. I'll try tofix the link- ifbroken. The video showed the current program, how itconnects b» LHS, aowell aothe reduction oflevels. Thegoa| - keeptheoonveneadona|iveand aware ofthe math philosophy - keeping paths open with full options (less gatekeeping\. ii. Parent- why the school day shortened by an hour this year? 1. Principal - they're aware it's back to 2:40PM next year. This year, we had to supply discretionary time for staff (meetings), and to adhere to bus schedules, which were aligned with other schools in the district. iii. Parent- when is course registration coming out? 1. Tonight or tomorrow morning. iv. Parent- are staff excited for the shift back to the usual schedule and routine? 1. Teacher- the consistency with this schedule was nice - always had time to meet. 2. Teacher- better able to balance meetings and meet student needs. v. Parent- curious about volunteers for the PTO. 1. Principal - all those requests going through PTO vi. Parent- therapy dog? We have a connection here in town. 1. Principal - district has approved therapy dogs. We can start partnering. vii. Parent- process for 5th grade students? 1. Counselor setting up video sessions to meet with each group, ask questions and give a virtual tour of the building. c. Principal Notes i. 13 more school days - after today. ii. Working on end-of-the-year activities for all grades, but specifically making things more robust for 8th. iii. Reading Assessment- more of an inventory to assess where students' literacy skills (in particular comprehension) are. iv. MCAS -just wrapped up last week. Data from this year's MCAS is not valid, as students were provided different sessions. Thus, the reading inventory/assessment will provide us more information about where students are at with their reading skills. This will help us identify what interventions we need to provide at the tier 1 level, to every student. 1. Tier I - at the classroom level in order to support students (strategies) 2. Tier 11 - next level up in terms of supports - social, emotional, academic- anything to help that does not alter the students' schedule. 3. Tier III - formal interventions for students (Guided Learning, Math, Reading). More frequent check-ins - are we making progress? III. Discussing Clarke's School Improvement Plan 2021-2022 a. Goal 1: Improve Academic Performance for All Students i. Action - Scheduling - Implement anew middle school schedule to better utilize time during the school day for all students. 1. Currently have a 6-day rotating schedule that mirrors LHS. Continuing to work through the variables. 2. Staff- can we get a look at that schedule? Can we get one day to not be on? Social and emotional awareness. 3. Parent - this would be for all students? Is this at Diamond as well? Any changes at LHS? Proposed timeline of notification? a. Principal - summer letter to students and families will outline more of the details. ii. Action - SBRC - Promote equitable and informative grading practices and reporting of student progress by further developing the middle school standards-based report card. 1. Principal - summer working group with straff from both schools to develop a SBRC that better matches our needs. Process standards and how we do that equitably. We are working internally to get a SB tracking system, allowing for a more user friendly platform to use and share SB data. Also working on a survey to better assess what is needed. 2. Parent -was this in response to the pandemic or already in the works? a. Principal - already in the works -wanted to move away from letter based grades and work towards more equity in grading and communicating. b. Parent - permanent change? c. Principal -yes -feeling it will be a permanent change. d. Parent - the parent education piece is essential - need more information. How in-sync is the work with the elementary and their work with SBRC? As for me - it's confusing. We need some communication tools. e. Parent -what is the system at LHS? f. Principal -letter grades - not aware of plan to switch to SBRC. Zeros disproportionately affect a students'grade. They have some PD scheduled for the summer to address some of this. g. Parent - send out the SBRC video again, which was a great communication tool for parents. h. Parent -kids are not taking it seriously. What should they expect? i. Parent -you worked with a consultant around the SBRC? What were some of their responses? j. Principal - students feel the lack of clarity and consistency, which requires more of a daily conversation - normal, everyday. The more we can align and communicate the purpose -they more students will understand and get us through the implementation stage. k. Parent - how are students assessed throughout the school year? SB grading in the classroom? 1. Teacher -we gather as teachers to create common (must do) assessments which are skill based and standards based in reporting. Terminology aligned with SBRC is used. m. Principal - are rubrics used to communicate the various levels of the skills? Yes. n. Parent - no longer getting a quiz that states 85% - they are instead getting "beginning, progressing, mastering" o. Teacher - clarity needed around re-assessment opportunities. I see much better results when I communicate - this is your only chance, versus multiple opportunities to reassess. p. Teacher - I'm better tracking student work, which turns into better communication with the kids. Every single thing gets them feedback. q. Parent - confusing for the parents -we don't know the everyday student work. iii. Action - RTI - Continue to develop the RtI process at the secondary level in order to more effectively meet the needs of our diverse learners. 1. Principal -this is the intervention process, which is supported by the student response team in a very thoughtful process. We want to tighten the communication turnaround. We want to pilot SEL interventions next year. We're seeing misbehaviors more than double with this full-return, which tells us we need more proactive skills and supports. b. Goal 2: Improve Social and Emotional Supports for All Students i. Action - School Culture - Establish&practice consistent Tier 1 SEL instruction across the building, helping students clearly understand and meet expectations and practice healthy social habits at Clarke Middle School. 1. Principal -top priority for our school. 2. Teacher - echo wanting to put parents into the teacher seat. System and routines -more consistency. ii. Action - In support of our restorative justice practices, Clarke will run regular "circle" discussions so that every student has at least one community circle experience during the school year. 1. This works towards a more equitable process for justice within the school community. Instead of using it as a reaction -work to be proactive - hosting circles on a regular basis. Counselors are going through training this summer, with the goal of hosting restorative circles in each homeroom. We eventually want this to be a staff-wide initiative. 2. Parent - can you give an example? 3. Principal -feelings around homework- how do we manage, how do we feel -what's in common -how can we support each other? 4. Parent - is there time built into the homeroom period for facilitation? 5. Principal -no -looking into the future for a possible advisory block. iii. Action - DEI - Develop new and revise current practices and systems to make Clarke a more equitable and inclusive school for our diverse community. 1. Principal -Anti-bullying, anti-bias training -build these back in proactively. Include career options - allowing kids to further explore interests. c. Goal 3: Improve School Safety & Discipline Procedures i. Action - School Discipline - In coordination with district-level administration and Diamond Middle School, Clarke will develop and pilot a tiered behavioral intervention model. 1. Principal -we have a student handbook and staff handbook. We need to further clarify what is truly owned in the classroom and what gets sent to the office. Build a systematic approach to addressing the various misbehaviors observed. We want to remove bias from disciplinary actions. 2. AP - meeting with K-12 representatives to address a few of these questions, which includes a common form and language. ii. Action - Review school safety procedures and provide informational sessions, professional learning opportunities, and collaboration opportunities with staff, students, parents, and public safety officials. N. Other action items or questions? a. Parent - transitions or processes needed in the move back to full-return? b. Parent - in-coming 5th grade students are not vaccinated -what does school look like? i. Principal -these might be good action items to include in the SIP. What next year will look like -we'll need to develop as the summer goes along. c. Teacher - students need time to discuss rules and protocols. Due to the pandemic and being at home - out of sync with the typical school day. d. Parent - reminders to continue washing hands and stopping the spread. Possibly wearing masks in the winter months, eating outside, etc. `19-'20 SIP: I��tt :!l oc oo Ili.coirn/docuii-neiiit/ !°IIkII::�II::::ii,nlK XIK2t9ZQ irff8Q111lIN00 11 AIMsto lediit uu qh'.1 v