HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-01-07-HDC-minLynn Hopkins, Chair Anne Eccles Britta McCarthy Paul Ross Robert Warshawer PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION MINUTES FOR THURSDAY, January 7, 2016 Selectmen's Meeting Room 1625 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington, MA 7:00 PM Meeting broadcasted by LexMedia Commissioners present: Lynn Hopkins, Chairperson, Anne Eccles, Paul Ross, Robert Warshawer Associate Commissioners: Marilyn Fenollosa, Nancy Shepard and Robin Lovett, Jon Wardwell Department Clerk: Francis Dagle FORMAL HEARINGS 7:00 PM 3 Brigham Road: Anava and Gil Blander, exterior architectural changes in the Hancock - Clarke District • New windows: - Windsor Pinnacle Wood Casement XXXX -2 - Dimensions will be 48" x 39.75" - Match center window on the facade. - Pair of casements will be single lite. • New shutters, hung same way as existing • Patch in siding to match existing • Paint colors to match existing All Approved 7:05 PM 16 Belfry Terrace: Postponed. CONTINUED HEARINGS 502 -504 Massachusetts Avenue: Sepher Sadeghi, exterior architectural changes in the East Village District Stone retaining wall: • The stone color, size, coursing and mortar of the wall will match the adjacent, existing, dry stack fieldstone wall identified in the Exhibit H photograph of the 1/6/16 letter; • The height of wall will be level with the soil grade at upper entry level; • The soil will not be bermed back at a 50% grade; • Sufficient foundations and reinforcing for the wall must be determined and Lynn Hopkins, Chair Anne Eccles Britta McCarthy Paul Ross Robert Warshawer PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION Meeting broadcasted by LexMedia provided by the applicant as part of the construction; • The required width of the driveway and the resulting location of the adjacent wall must be confirmed by an instrument survey. Chimney Closest to Massachusetts Avenue • The chimney must have straight sides and no corbeling; • The chimney must be no taller than as required by code- 2' above any roof within 10'; • The brick used to build the extension must match the existing brick on chimney faces visible from the public way; • The existing chimney may be demolished as required to obtain salvage bricks for the visible faces; • New bricks, which shall also match the existing bricks as closely as possible, may be used on the rear, less visible sides of chimney; • The new chimney extension must have mortar color and brick coursing to match the existing portion of the chimney; and • The existing chimney cap shall be salvaged and reinstalled. Chimney further away from Massachusetts Avenue • The applicant shall confirm that the building code does not require extension of this chimney. • The existing extension was installed without a permit. If an extension is not required by code, the extension shall be removed, returning the chimney to its original height and configuration. • If the chimney extension is required to meet the building code, the applicant will submit a separate application for said extension. All Approved. 1792 Massachusetts Avenue: Imran H. Nawaz, exterior architectural changes in the Battle Green District • Sign and installation as shown on drawing labeled "Option 1" • Will measure 200" x 19.5" • PMS Red background with white lettering • Sign will be stud mounted. All Approved Lynn Hopkins, Chair Anne Eccles Britta McCarthy Paul Ross Robert Warshawer PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION Meeting broadcasted by LexMedia 15 -17 Bedford Street: Colin Smith, exterior architectural changes in the Battle Green District • Approve modifications to earlier design. • Paint colors will Benjamin Moore: o Base: HC -50 Georgian Brick o Body: HC -51 Audubon Russet o Doors and Sash: HC -100 Gloucester Sage • Porch design will have paneled base • Awning windows below porch deck. 16 lite divisions per window. • Triple window over garage doors. • Garage doors will have paneling and divided lites. • Clock is raised and with new window below. o Clock will read "Burr & Chittenden." • As shown on drawings dated 12/7/15, revised 1/4/16. All Approved INFORMAL HEARINGS 21 Hancock Street: Tom Timko, exterior architectural changes in the Hancock - Clarke District • Plans were presented to expand living space. 1575 Massachusetts Avenue: Dan Bilezikian, representing New Cingular Wireless, exterior architectural changes in the Battle Green District • The potential installation of a 110' tall cell phone tower near the police station was discussed. 24 Hancock Street: Steve Hurley, exterior architectural changes in the Hancock -Clark District • Plans were presented to reconstruct front porch, demolition and reconstruction of side porch and new barn. ACTION ITEMS Demolition by Neglect: Language to amend Chapter 19: Chair Hopkins requested that the Historic District Commission act to adopt language for a recommended motion at Town Meeting to amend this Bylaw. Marilyn Fenollosa proposed a motion: Lynn Hopkins, Chair Anne Eccles Britta McCarthy Paul Ross Robert Warshawer PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION Meeting broadcasted by LexMedia "Move that the Lexington Historic District Commission adopts the language as written and approved by Town Counsel with such other non - substantive changes as the Chair may in her discretion make, in order to extend Chapter 19 demolition by neglect protection to include the Lexington Historic Districts. The Commission further grants Lynn Hopkins, Chair, and Marilyn Fenollosa, Commissioner, the right to represent this body as voiced representatives at Town Meeting for these purposes." Motion was seconded by Robert Warshawer. All approved. Discussion items: Town Center Streetscape: Number of public meetings in the near future. Chair asked that Commissioners try to attend if possible. Minutes of November 17, 2015 approved Minutes of December 3, 2015 approved