HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-02-08-BOS-Packet-releasedSELEC T MEN'S MEETING Mo nday, Feb ruary 8, 2016 Selec tmen Meeting Room 5:30 PM AGENDA EXECUTIVE SESSION 1.Exemp tion 6: Up d ate o n Pelham Road Property (30 min.)5:30 PM PUBLIC COMMENTS Pub lic c o mments are allo wed fo r up to 10 minutes at the b eginning of eac h meeting. Eac h s p eaker is limited to 3 minutes for comment. Memb ers of the Board will neither c o mment no r respond , o ther than to as k q ues tions of clarific ation. Speakers are encouraged to notify the Selec tmen's Offic e at 781-698-4580 if they wis h to s peak during pub lic comment to assist the Chairman in managing meeting times. SELECTMAN CONCERNS AND LIAISON REPORTS TOWN MANAGER REPORT ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION 1.Pub lic Hearing - Intent to Layo ut Vic to ry Gard en Way as Public Way (5 min.)6:00 PM 2.Spec ial To wn Meeting 2016-1 and 2016-2 - Article Positio ns (10 min.)6:05 PM 3.Dis c us s Date for Debt Exc lusion and Review Questio ns (10 min.)6:15 PM 4.Deliberate and Vo te Center Streets c ape Projec t (30 min.)6:25 PM The Bo ard will no t take any p ublic c omments o n this item. 5.Rec es s to To wn Meeting 7:15 PM 6.Joint Meeting - Board o f Selectmen and S cho o l Co mmittee (1 hour) The Selec tmen and S cho o l Co mmittee will convene after To wn Meeting in the Selec tmen Meeting Ro o m to disc us s S cho o l Build ing Pro jects and Debt Exc lus io n Questio ns 7.Review FY2017 P reliminary Budget and Financ ing P lan (10 min.) 8.Approve P ro p o s ed Half-Staff Flag P o licy (5 min.) 9.Sign State Elec tion Warrant (5 min.) 10.Ac c ept Deed for Purchas e of 241 Grove S treet-Wright Farm (5 min.) 11.Approve LexHAB Acquiring Hous e at Keeler F arm (5 min.) CONSENT AGENDA 1.Approve One-Day Liq uor Lic ens e - LHS Bo ys Bas eb all Boosters 2.Approve One-Day Liq uor Lic ens e - EF GB (Ed uc ation Franc ais e Greater Bo s ton) 3.Community Center Program Advis ory C o mmittee - Designate as S p ecial Munic ipal Employees ADJOURN 1.Approximate Ad jo urn Time 10:00 PM Summit 5 is s ched uled fo r Wednes d ay, F eb ruary 10, 2016, at 7:00 p.m. in the Pub lic Services Building C afeteria, 201 Bedford Street. The next meeting of the Board o f Selec tmen is s ched uled fo r Mond ay, F eb ruary 22, 2016, at 7:00 p .m. in the S electmen Meeting Room. Hearing Assistance Devices Available on Request All agenda time and the order of items are approximate and subject to change. AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Exemption 6: Update on Pelham Road Property (30 min.) PRESENTER: Carl F. Valente, Town Manager ITEM NUMBER: E.1 SUMMARY: Sugges ted motio n fo r Exec utive Session: Move to go i nto Executive Session to consi der the purchase, exchange, lease or val ue of real property, 20 Pelham Road, and to reconvene i n Open Session. Further, as Chairm an I declare that an open meeting discussion m ay have a detrim ental effect on the negotiati ng position of the Tow n. The Bo ard will c ontinue its d is cus s io ns regard ing the nego tiatio ns to p urc has e the Pelham Ro ad property. SUGGESTED MOTION: FOLLOW-UP: Town Manager will continue the negotiations , bas ed o n the Board's d irection. DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 2/8/2016 5:30 P M AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Public Hearing - Intent to Layout Victory Garden Way as Public Way (5 min.) PRESENTER: David Pavlik, Engineering Assistant ITEM NUMBER: I.1 SUMMARY: This is a p ublic hearing fo r the Bo ard to rec eive c o mments /c o nc erns ab o ut Vic tory Garden Way bec o ming a p ublic way. SUGGESTED MOTION: FOLLOW-UP: The Selec tmen will vote to layo ut Vic tory Gard en Way at their meeting on February 22, 2016. DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 2/8/2016 6:00 P M ATTACHMENTS: Des crip tion Typ e Notice of Intent to Layout Victory Gardens Way - Signed by BOS 1/11/16 Backup Material Victory Gardens Way Drawing Backup Material Revised Street Acceptance Schedule Backup Material Lexington, Massachusetts January 11, 2016 Notice of Intention to Lay Out Victory Garden Way The Board of Selectmen hereby gives written notice that it intends to lay out as a town way: Victory Garden Way from Hancock Street a distance of 1,172 feet, more or less, to Hancock Street. This proposed town way is shown on a plan entitled “Street Acceptance Plan of Victory Garden Way, Lexington, Massachusetts, Scale: 1”= 40’ dated October 14, 2015, Keenan Survey”. The Board of Selectmen will meet in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room, Town Office Building, Lexington, Massachusetts, on Monday February 8, 2016 at 6:00 P.M. for the purpose of making and establishing said extension and layout. ____________________________ ____________________________ Selectmen ____________________________ of ____________________________ Lexington ____________________________ A true copy, Attest: Lexington, Massachusetts January 11, 2016 TIME SEQUENCE FOR FY17 STREET ACCEPTANCE 1. January 11, 2016 Vote of intent to layout by the Board of Selectmen; Board of Selectmen to sign "Notice of Intention to Layout" and notify Planning Board and Constable; 2. January 18, 2016 By this date, written notice delivered to abutters by Constable informing them that the Board of Selectmen intend to vote to layout as public way; 3. February 8, 2016 Public Hearing by Board of Selectmen in regard to their intent to layout public ways; 4. February 22, 2016 Vote to layout public ways by Board of Selectmen; 5. February 29, 2016 On or before this date layout plans filed with the Town Clerk by the Town Engineer; 6. March 7, 2016 After this date and before the close of Town Meeting, acceptance of the layout by the Town at a Town Meeting. Within thirty (30) days of the date of acceptance of layout by the Town Meeting, adoption of an Order of Taking by eminent domain by the Board of Selectmen and an award of damages, if any; 7. Within thirty (30) days of adoption of the Order of Taking, recording in Registry of Deeds of said Order and any betterment by the Town Engineer. AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Special Town Meeting 2016-1 and 2016-2 - Article Positions (10 min.) PRESENTER: Jo e Pato ITEM NUMBER: I.2 SUMMARY: You will be taking p o s itions on the February 8 S p ecial Town Meeting artic les . See attached tab le. SUGGESTED MOTION: FOLLOW-UP: Selec tmen's O ffic e DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 2/8/2016 6:05 P M ATTACHMENTS: Des crip tion Typ e Article Pos ition Table for STM 2016-1 and 2016-2 Backup Material Article As s ignments Backup Material ARTICLE POSITIONS FEBRUARY 8, 2016 SPECIAL TOWN MEETING 2016-1 ARTICLE SPECIAL TOWN MEETING PRESENTATION JP PK NC MC SB AC CEC SC Article 2 Amendments to the Regional School District Agreement of the Municipal Regional Vocational School District Article 3 Appropriate for Hastings School Feasibility Study Article 4 Establish, Rename and Appropriate to and from Specified Stabilization Funds ARTICLE POSITIONS FEBRUARY 8, 2016 SPECIAL TOWN MEETING 2016-2 ARTICLE SPECIAL TOWN MEETING PRESENTATION JP PK NC MC SB AC CEC SC Article 2 Land Purchase – 20 Pelham Road IP 1 Lynne Pease From:Joe Pato Sent:Wednesday, February 03, 2016 9:49 AM To:Norman Cohen; Peter Kelley; Michelle Ciccolo; Suzie Barry Cc:Lynne Pease; Carl Valente Subject:Article Assignmets for STM It should be a light load for the STMs next Monday. I've taken the liberty of making the following article assignments, let me know if you have any concerns. STM 2016-1 Art 2: Minuteman; BOS - Norman, Maker of the Motion - David Horton Art 3: Hastings MSBA Feasibility; BOS - Peter, Maker of Motion - School Committee Art 4: Stabilization Fund transfers; BOS - Suzie (maker of motion) STM 2016-2 Adjourn to future date - Joe Joe Pato Chairman Board of Selectmen 1625 Massachusetts Avenue Lexington, MA 02420 781 325-8631 (When writing or responding please understand that the Secretary of State has determined that emails are a public record and, therefore, may not be kept confidential.) AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Discuss Date for Debt Exclusion and Review Questions (10 min.) PRESENTER: Jo e Pato ITEM NUMBER: I.3 SUMMARY: This is a continuing dis c ussion from the February 1 meeting b efo re yo ur joint meeting with the S cho o l Committee. Staff will pres ent the lis t o f c ap ital p ro jects that may p o tentially be inc luded in the contemplated debt exc lusion elec tio n. At the February 1 meeting Tues day May 3 was identified as the likely d ate fo r that elec tio n. SUGGESTED MOTION: FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 2/8/2016 6:15 P M ATTACHMENTS: Des crip tion Typ e Schedule for May 3, 2016 Special Election-Debt Exclus ion Backup Material Candidate Projects for Debt Exclus ion Backup Material Schedule for May 3, 2016 Special Election - Debt ExclusionDateEvent ( assumes STM dissolves on 2/8)Notes and Relevant timeframes per statuteMonday, February 8, 2016STM for Hasting designMonday, March 21, 2016STM for Middle School projectspotential contingent vote by STM (MGL c.59§21C). See Note.Tuesday, March 29, 2016Deadline for Selectmen to call Election for May 3rddate and notify Town Clerk (35 days prior to May 3rd potential election, MGL c. 54§42C)Tuesday, April 05, 2016Warrant generally mailed to printer and distributor 2 weeks prior to posting (per L. Pease)Tuesday, April 19, 2016Deadline to legally post Warrant (14 days prior to potential Special Election, MGL c.39§10)Tuesday, May 03, 2016SPECIAL ELECTIONNote: If there is a vote by a Special Town Meeting that is contingent on a debt exclusion election, that debt exclusion election must be held no later than 90 days after dissolution of the Special Town Meeting (MGL c.59§21C)Prepared by Town Clerk and TMO2/5/2016 Town Meeting Date Amount Fire HQ Renovations Police HQ Renovations LCP Bridge Bridge - Standard Modulars Design / Purchase / Installation Bowman Bowman - Standard Modulars Design / Purchase / Installation Hastings Net of MSBA Harrington Fiske Fiske - Standard Modulars Design / Purchase / Installation Clarke Diamond High School 20 Pelham - Assessment/A cquisition Unallocated Total Authorized FY16 FY17 FY18 Mar-15 4,080,000$ -$ -$ 113,285$ 62,420$ 28,297$ 59,020$ 28,297$ 372,885$ 95,870$ 224,578$ 28,297$ 994,942$ 1,532,651$ -$ 92,000$ 447,458$ 4,080,000$ 16,980$ $95,200.0 1,328,914$ Dec-15 5,386,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 971,667$ 971,667$ -$ -$ -$ 971,667$ 739,000$ 1,212,000$ -$ -$ 520,000$ 5,386,000$ -$ -$ -$ Feb-16 1,050,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 1,050,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 1,050,000$ -$ $24,500 435,000$ Mar-16 65,806,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 21,264,100$ 44,541,900$ -$ -$ -$ 65,806,000$ -$ 100,189$ 386,445$ Mar-16 TBD -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ TBD -$ -$ -$ Mar-16 500,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 500,000$ -$ -$ 500,000$ -$ -$ -$ Mar-17 40,950,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 40,950,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 40,950,000$ -$ -$ -$ Mar-17 12,625,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 12,625,000$ -$ -$ 12,625,000$ -$ -$ -$ Mar-17 771,750$ -$ -$ 771,750$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 771,750$ -$ -$ -$ Mar-17 1,000,000$ 1,000,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 1,000,000$ -$ -$ -$ Mar-18 18,200,000$ 18,200,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 18,200,000$ -$ -$ -$ Mar-18 10,253,250$ -$ -$ 10,253,250$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 10,253,250$ -$ -$ -$ Mar-18 1,000,000$ -$ 1,000,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 1,000,000$ -$ -$ -$ Mar-19 18,800,000$ -$ 18,800,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 18,800,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ TOTAL 180,422,000$ 19,200,000$ 19,800,000$ 11,138,285$ 62,420$ 999,964$ 59,020$ 999,964$ 42,372,885$ 95,870$ 224,578$ 999,964$ 22,998,042$ 47,286,551$ 13,125,000$ 92,000$ 967,458$ 180,422,000$ 16,980$ 219,889$ 2,150,359$ Town Meeting Date Amount Fire HQ Renovations Police HQ Renovations LCP Bridge Bridge - Standard Modulars Design / Purchase / Installation Bowman Bowman - Standard Modulars Design / Purchase / Installation Hastings Net of MSBA Harrington Fiske Fiske - Standard Modulars Design / Purchase / Installation Clarke Diamond High School 20 Pelham - Assessment/A cquisition Unallocated Total Authorized FY16 FY17 FY18 Mar-15 4,080,000$ -$ -$ 113,285$ 62,420$ 28,297$ 59,020$ 28,297$ 372,885$ 95,870$ 224,578$ 28,297$ 994,942$ 1,532,651$ -$ 92,000$ 447,458$ 4,080,000$ 16,980$ $95,200 1,328,914$ Dec-15 5,386,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 971,667$ -$ 971,667$ -$ -$ -$ 971,667$ 739,000$ 1,212,000$ -$ -$ 520,000$ 5,386,000$ -$ -$ -$ Mar-16 65,806,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 21,264,100$ 44,541,900$ -$ -$ -$ 65,806,000$ -$ $100,189 386,445$ Mar-16 TBD -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ TBD -$ TBD -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ TOTAL 75,272,000$ -$ -$ 113,285$ 62,420$ 999,964$ 59,020$ 999,964$ 372,885$ 95,870$ 224,578$ 999,964$ 22,998,042$ 47,286,551$ -$ 92,000$ 967,458$ 75,272,000$ 16,980$ 195,389$ 1,715,359$ Within Levy Impact Without Debt Exclusion: Debt Service Due Dates ALL PROJECTS -CANDIDATES FOR DEBT EXCLUSION VOTE(S) CANDIDATES FOR DEBT EXCLUSION VOTE - MAY 2016 Within Levy Impact Without Debt Exclusion: Debt Service Due Dates AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Deliberate and Vote Center Streetscape Project (30 min.) PRESENTER: Bill Hadley, DP W Directo r ITEM NUMBER: I.4 SUMMARY: See the attac hed memo fro m To wn Engineer Jo hn Livs ey regard ing info rmatio n the S electmen req uested fo r the p ro p o s ed Center Streets c ap e projec t. SUGGESTED MOTION: Bo ard to c o ns id er taking a vo te o n the Woburn S treet intersec tion portio n of this projec t. FOLLOW-UP: Bo ard to c o ns id er taking a vo te o n the entire P has e 1 p o rtion of this projec t. DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 2/8/2016 6:25 P M ATTACHMENTS: Des crip tion Typ e Additional Engineering Information Backup Material E-mail from Peter Kelley to the Board Exhibit Pres entation Made on Center Streets cape 11/30/15 Backup Material L exingtonP age 2 L exingtonP age 3 Lexington Town Center Streetscape Project Page 1 October 19, 2015 Battle Green Improvements/Town Center Streetscape Project Intersections of: Bedford Street @ Hancock Street / Harrington Road (Presented on October 19, 2015) Massachusetts Avenue @ Woburn Street / Winthrop Road / Fletcher Avenue Board of Selectmen Meeting November 30, 2015 Lexington Town Center Streetscape Project Page 2 October 19, 2015 Discussion Points I.Massachusetts Avenue @ Woburn Street/Winthrop Road/Fletcher Street 1)Address questions from previous Board meetings Lexington Town Center Streetscape Project Page 3 October 19, 2015 Lexington Center Streetscape Project Questions and Answers 1.In lieu of a traffic signal at Woburn Street, would it be feasible to add pedestrian crossing at locations such as the Police Station, bike path, Muzzey School? Cost ? Visual Impact ? Effectiveness? Also, should turning restrictions (eg. No left turn) be added on Winthrop? Yes, it is feasible to add pedestrian beacon systems such as the RRFB (Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon) at these locations, provided a full signal system is not proposed at the Woburn Street intersection. The cost is approximately $30K/crosswalk. For visual impact, the flashing Beacons are bright strobe lights. Solar power system is not recommended due to the visual impact. Research indicates that the RRFB is effective. A Left Turn restriction on Winthrop Road would yield little benefit as the turn volumes are small (5 to 10 vehicles during the peak commuting hours). 2. Clarify the cost of just the traffic signal vs. the other aspects of the project. Approximately $150K to $200K. 3.What data did BETA use that suggests that a traffic signal is called for ? •Traffic Data (Volumes and Crash) Collected in 2013, 2014 and 2015 •MUTCD Warrants •Pedestrian and Bicycle Data •Special Events Observations Lexington Town Center Streetscape Project Page 4 October 19, 2015 Image Source: Google Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFB) Lexington Town Center Streetscape Project Page 5 October 19, 2015 Lexington Center Streetscape Project Questions and Answers 4. What is the projected cost of the entire streetscape project? Approximately $8 million. 5. We are using 2008-2010 data for this study. Can DPW provide/use more current data? Current available data was expanded to 2013, 2014 and 2015. 6. Are we examining the neighborhood impact and potential for cut thru traffic? Yes, additional data were collected in 2014 and another consultant was hired to evaluate the potential impact. 7. Can we do a low cost test of: No left turn out of Winthrop? Yes, however, a Left Turn restriction on Winthrop Road would yield little benefit as the turn volumes are small (5 to 10 vehicles during the peak commuting hours). 8. Can we test a no right turn lane on Mass Ave at Waltham St. to see the impact on eastbound traffic? Yes, the test would consist of coning off the existing right-turn lane, counting traffic and observing the queuing on Mass Ave eastbound. The traffic signal head display and timing would be adjusted too. Lexington Town Center Streetscape Project Page 6 October 19, 2015 Lexington Center Streetscape Project Questions and Answers 9. Can the Battle Green portion of this study be brought up to the same level of design as the rest of the project? The Battle Green Project can be advanced and direction on the Harrington Road/Bedford Street intersection will help these efforts. If it is the desire of the Board to advance the Battle Green Project to the level of the Center Streetscape Project, we can hold the Center project and work toward advancement of the Battle Green Project until it reaches the 25% design level. 10. If a round-about is installed at Woburn, how close would it be to the Russell Square condos? Approximately 20 feet. The current offset ranges between 45’ and 75’ 11. Can the Town lower the speed limit in the Center to 20 -25 mph and also add speed monitoring signs? Would like a tutorial on establishing speed limits and what the 85th percentile means. All regulatory speed limits are under MassDOT jurisdiction. Regulatory speed limits are established based on a speed study and the 85 th percentile speed. The 85th percentile speed is the speed at or below which 85% of all vehicles are observed to travel under free flowing conditions. 12. How do the engineers decide where to locate crosswalks in the Center? Crosswalks are located based on the ability to provide a safe crossing and pedestrian desire lines. A pedestrian desire line is a path that represents pedestrian’s desired route between an origin point and a destination point. A good example is the crosswalk located on Mass Ave at Meriam Street. Lexington Town Center Streetscape Project Page 7 October 19, 2015 Massachusetts Avenue / Woburn Street / Winthrop Road Option 6 - Intersection With Roundabout = Proposed Land Taking Legend Right-of-Way (Typ.) 20’ CLEAR (Existing: 45’-75’) Lexington Town Center Streetscape Project Page 8 October 19, 2015 Crosswalk at Meriam Street Proposed Crosswalk Location Existing Crosswalk Location Lexington Town Center Streetscape Project Page 9 October 19, 2015 Lexington Center Streetscape Project Questions and Answers 13. Is it possible to get a waiver on the speed limit setting requirements ? No ! The Town is liable for any non-conformance design regulations. 14. Can we move the MBTA bus stop at Winthrop to closer to the Baptist church? MBTA bus stop locations are under the MBTA jurisdiction. Bus stop locations are based on ridership demand at the desire location and the spacing between stops. The locations shown in the plan were derived based on meetings with users. 15. Should we put the utilities underground as part of this project? What would be the cost? The estimated cost for undergrounding the 11 poles from Lexx Restaurant to the Woburn Street intersection (1,000 ft ) is approximately $2 million. 16. What does prep for signals without the actual final install entail? Can this be done with the proposed geometry? The traffic signal underground electrical conduits and cable pull boxes can be installed with the proposed geometry. The remaining traffic signal equipment could be installed at a later date. The proposed geometry without a traffic signal would create significant delays and queues on Woburn Street. A graphic display of the impact is shown in an upcoming slide. Lexington Town Center Streetscape Project Page 10 October 19, 2015 Lexington Center Streetscape Project Questions and Answers 17. Have we looked at the types of accident date (ie. Rear end vs side swipe, etc…) Yes! A detailed analysis of accident data was performed. 18. What is the wait time versus the queue under the different scenarios ? A summary of the delay times and queue lengths is provided on the next two slides. 19. Has a CO reduction calculation been done for the signals? If not, can it be done ? No, a CO analysis was not performed. CO can be calculated. The estimated cost to complete a CO analysis is approximate $10K. The CO reduction could be minimal based on the traffic analysis results between the existing and proposed signal conditions. Lexington Town Center Streetscape Project Page 11 October 19, 2015 Massachusetts Avenue / Woburn Street/Winthrop Road/Fletcher Avenue Delay Times and Vehicle Queues – AM Peak Hour LEGEND Vehicle Queue Length: Existing Conditions Proposed Geometry - No Signal Proposed Geometry - With Signal #s - ##’: # average seconds of delay per vehicle ## vehicle queue length (feet) Proposed Geometry – No Signal Queue Extends additional 1,170 feet further than shown Lexington Town Center Streetscape Project Page 12 October 19, 2015 Massachusetts Avenue / Woburn Street/Winthrop Road/Fletcher Avenue Delay Times and Vehicle Queues – PM Peak Hour LEGEND Vehicle Queue Length: Existing Conditions Proposed Geometry - No Signal Proposed Geometry - With Signal #s - ##’: # average seconds of delay per vehicle ## vehicle queue length (feet) Lexington Town Center Streetscape Project Page 13 October 19, 2015 Thank You! AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Joint Meeting - Board of Selectmen and School Committee (1 hour) PRESENTER: Jo e Pato ITEM NUMBER: I.6 SUMMARY: This is a continuation of the disc ussion that the S electmen b egan earlier in the meeting. Staff will pres ent the lis t o f c ap ital p ro jects that may p o tentially be inc luded in the contemplated debt exc lusion elec tio n. At the February 1 meeting Tues day May 3 was identified as the likely d ate fo r that elec tio n. SUGGESTED MOTION: FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 2/8/2016 AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Review FY2017 Preliminary Budget and Financing Plan (10 min.) PRESENTER: Carl F. Valente, Town Manager; Rob Ad d els o n, As s is tant Town Manager for F inance ITEM NUMBER: I.7 SUMMARY: As req uested, attac hed is a lis t o f the p ro p os ed b ike acc o mmo d ations . The Bo ard will c ontinue its d elib erations regarding the F Y17 Preliminary Bud get. In particular, the Bo ard s hould c o nsid er: Program Imp ro vement Reques ts (reco mmended and not rec o mmend ed ) found in Sec tion XII; Rec o mmend ed Appropriatio n to the O PEB Trus t F und ($1,513,318) Rec o mmend ed Appropriatio n to the C ap ital Stab ilization F und ($4,996,947) Rec o mmend ed Appropriatio n from the Capital S tabilizatio n Fund ($751,000) Revenues Currently Unallo cated ($983,261) The Selec tmen are s c heduled to vo te the final FY17 Recommend ed Bud get o n February 22. SUGGESTED MOTION: Mo ve to amend the FY17 P reliminary Bud get and Financ ing P lan as follows : _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ FOLLOW-UP: TMO and Financ e will make any changes to the preliminary b udget, for inc lus io n into the FY17 Rec o mmended Bud get to be s ubmitted to the financial committees and Town Meeting (the Bro wn Book). DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 2/8/2016 ATTACHMENTS: Des crip tion Typ e Proposed Bke Accommodation Lis t Backup Material FY17 Preliminary Budget and Financing Plan Backup Material TOWN OF LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS FISCAL YEAR 2017 TOWN MANAGER’S PRELIMINARY BUDGET & FINANCING PLAN JANUARY 11, 2016 Town of Lexington Town Manager’s Office Carl F. Valente, Town Manager Tel: (781) 698-4545 Linda Crew Vine, Deputy Town Manager Fax: (781) 861-2921 1625 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE • LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02420 January 11, 2016 The Honorable Board of Selectmen, Appropriation Committee and Capital Expenditures Committee: I am hereby submitting the FY2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget and Financing Plan. Preliminary Budget - In Summary This budget, as submitted, is balanced given the revenue assumptions presented in Section II of this document and presented at Financial Summit II. Key Recommendations In light of the goals and priorities of the Board of Selectmen and the discussions at Financial Summits I-III, this preliminary budget includes the following key recommendations: · Municipal and School Department Revenue Allocations – The Superintendent of Schools and Town Manager’s recommended budgets are $1,896,947 less than the amounts allowable per the Revenue Allocation Formula presented at Financial Summit III. It is recommended that these funds be redirected to the Capital Stabilization Fund to potentially offset the costs of anticipated capital projects over the coming five years. · Municipal Program Improvement Requests (PIR’s) – $318,046 ($264,521 general fund only) of a total of $1,092,349 in municipal PIR’s requested are being recommended, which includes two part-time positions. Given the operating budget challenges the Town may face over the coming three years due to increasing school enrollments, the Town Manager and Superintendent of Schools have made a concerted effort to limit new programs that may not be sustainable in future years. · Capital Budget – It is recommended that certain projects planned for in the five- year capital improvement plan be deferred to future years. Deferring these capital projects will provide the Selectmen with flexibility in managing the operating and capital budget (i.e., debt service) over the next three years while the Town manages the impact of increasing school enrollments. 2 · Capital Stabilization Fund – Given the capital projects anticipated over the next five years, to be funded both within and outside of the property tax levy limit, every effort has been made to continue to appropriate funds to the Capital Stabilization fund. $4,996,947 is recommended to be added to this fund. · Contingency Budget Amount – In planning the proposed operating and capital budget, there are unknowns in revenue projections (e.g., State Aid), proposed operating budgets (e.g., employee benefits/health insurance), certain capital project estimates, as well as potentially competing funding priorities of the Board of Selectmen, School Committee and the financial committees. This preliminary budget provides for $983,261 in unallocated funds that can be directed towards any of these purposes during the review and vetting process. · School Expansion Projects - This Preliminary Budget includes preliminary construction estimates for the Town’s two middle schools. We know, however, that there are other elementary and high school capital projects in the planning stages. Section XI-Capital, Table V provides a list of all potential capital projects that may be candidates for a debt exclusion vote. This table includes an estimate of the related debt service for each of these projects. Budget Highlights This document includes General Fund operating budgets, the Capital budget, Enterprise Fund budgets and proposed Community Preservation Act funded projects. A comparison of the FY2016 appropriated budget to the FY2017 recommended General Fund budget is shown below: FY2016 Appropriated FY2017 Recommended Budget $ Change % Change Lexington Public Schools 92,060,316$ 97,727,216$ 5,666,900$ 6.16% Minuteman High School 1,172,736$ 1,493,400$ 320,664$ 27.34% Shared Expenses 50,614,515$ 51,310,873$ 696,357$ 1.38% Municipal Departments 33,594,270$ 34,621,920$ 1,027,650$ 3.06% Cash Capital-Tax Levy and Free Cash 4,871,905$ 5,474,789$ 602,884$ 12.37% Other 10,904,668$ 7,975,533$ (2,929,134)$ -26.86% Total - General Fund Only 193,218,411$ 198,603,731$ 5,385,321$ 2.8% LPS Recommended Budget for FY17 includes benefits for new proposed positions which, if approved, becomes a Shared Expense Budget Schedule This is a comprehensive budget, including both the Town Manager’s recommendations and the Superintendent of School’s proposed budget. In keeping with the schedule established by the Board of Selectmen, the key upcoming FY17 budget dates are: · January 14, 2016 – Summit IV to review this Preliminary budget; · February 11, 2016 – Summit V, if needed, to discuss outstanding FY17 operating and capital budget issues; · February 22, 2016 - Board of Selectmen vote of its final recommended budget; · February 29, 2016 - The recommended budget will be forwarded to the Appropriation Committee, Capital Expenditures Committee and Town Meeting. 3 · March 28, 2016 – Earliest date Town Meeting may consider financial articles. Preliminary Budget and Financing Plan To facilitate your review of this document, some of the salient aspects of this budget are highlighted below: 1. FY2017 Projected Revenues · Revenue Projections (Section II) – General fund operating revenues are projected to increase by $5,416,902 or 2.8 percent over FY2016 projected revenues. Lexington’s budgeted and actual revenue growth for prior years are shown below: Budgeted Actual FY2016 4.2% NA FY2015 3.6% 2.7% FY2014 6.9% 9.0% FY2013 4.7% 5.1% FY2012: 4.0% 4.6% FY2011: 3.9% 5.3% FY2010: 3.4% 4.6% FY2009: 5.8% 4.7% · Revenue Allocation Formula – Each year, the Town Manager recommends the allocation of projected revenues that can be applied to fund the operating budget in the next fiscal year. This formula was developed in 2006 by the Town Manager, Assistant Town Manager for Finance and Superintendent of Schools and was re-affirmed by the Selectmen, financial committees and School Committee at Financial Summit III (December 10, 2015). The amounts shown in this Preliminary Budget and Financing Plan represent the Town Manager’s and Superintendent of School’s recommended FY2017 budget, inclusive of benefits for new employees. The Superintendent’s budget is pending review and adoption by the School Committee. All budgets are pending review by the Board of Selectmen. The proposed municipal and school budgets compare to the revenue allocation as follows: Schools Municipal Total FY17 Revenue Allocation 98,654,323$ 35,983,383$ 134,637,706$ FY17 Recommended Budget 97,727,216$ 35,013,542$ 132,740,758$ Difference 927,107$ 969,840$ 1,896,947$ It is recommended that the total of these two amounts, $1,896,947, be added to the Capital Stabilization Fund, in addition to other amounts, which can then be 4 used to partially mitigate the debt service impacts for capital projects proposed in this and future years’ capital plans. · Potential New Revenue Sources for Future Consideration – The Town Manager is proposing the evaluation of five new revenue sources, pending concurrence by the Board of Selectmen: Stormwater Management Fee. With the federal mandates under the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), the Town is now expending nearly $1,000,000 annually as part of the capital budget to comply with its NPDES permit and the Town’s stormwater regulations, in addition to approximately 1.7 FTE of Engineering staff time. The NPDES permit is expected to be renewed in January 2016 and these capital and operating budget impacts will continue and possibly increase. In response to this mandated program, a number of municipalities nationwide including some in Massachusetts have instituted a Stormwater Management Fee to offset capital costs of managing stormwater emanating from private properties. Staff is seeking direction from the Board of Selectmen regarding its interest in considering such a fee. If so, an analysis and recommendations will be made at a future date. Cemetery Burial Fees – Because of the demands on the FY17 Capital budget, it is recommended that design funds for the replacement or rehabilitation of the DPW cemetery building at Westview Cemetery be deferred. A feasibility study, funded in FY16, is close to completion. We believe that an increase in cemetery burial plot fees could cover much of the capital debt service of this proposed facility. The fees were last increased in 2005. Staff is seeking direction from the Board of Selectmen regarding its interest in considering adjusting burial fees. If so, an analysis and recommendations will made at a future date. Tax Foreclosure on Delinquent Properties – While the Town has a very strong property tax collection rate, there are 10 properties that have outstanding balances greater than $100,000 and are more than five years overdue. There are tax liens on these properties and the Treasurer/Collector’s Office adds a statutory 16 percent interest rate on the overdue amount, so the Town will eventually collect the overdue amount plus interest. The Town has the potential to recover $2.1 million by moving these 10 properties into foreclosure. These funds could be used to augment the Capital Projects Stabilization Fund. We are recommending that the Treasurer’s budget be increased by $10,150 for the legal expenses associated with the foreclosure process. Parking Fee – Three years ago the Town received a grant to cover the purchase, installation and operating costs of an electric vehicle charging station. That charging station was installed in the Edison Way parking lot. Other than the $.25 per hour parking 5 rate (increasing to $.50 in March 2016), electric vehicle users pay no further amount for using this charging station. With this grant now ending, the Town has had to budget an additional $7,200 annually for the maintenance costs of this charging station. Staff is seeking direction from the Board of Selectmen regarding its interest in adjusting the parking meter rates for the spaces assigned solely for electric vehicle charging. If so, an analysis and recommendations will be made at a future date. Hartwell Avenue Solar – While not a new revenue source in the context of the items above, the Town is also working on a solar facility at the Hartwell Avenue Compost facility. With the approval of the Board of Selectmen, the Sustainable Lexington Committee and DPW are working to bring a 2.4 kWh solar array to the Compost facility. If this facility becomes a reality, it has the potential for offsetting $223,000 of the Town’s utility costs. This offset or savings would likely begin no sooner than January 2017. Due to the uncertainty on the timing of this project, no utility savings are included in this preliminary budget, although a prorated payment-in-lieu of taxes (PILOT) payment is included in the FY17 Revenue projections. 2. Departmental Budget Summary · Section III of this document reflects the School Department operating budget proposed by the Superintendent of Schools and summarized in the table shown below: Lexington Schools FY16 Appropriation FY17 Superintendent's Recommended Budget 1 $ Change % Change 2 Compensation/Expenses 92,060,316$ 97,727,216$ 5,666,900$ 6.2% 2 The percent increase from FY16, excluding the $433,917 in benefit costs, is 5.7 percent. 1 Includes $433,917 in employee benefit costs for proposed new positions which, if approved, will be transferred to the Employee Benefits budget. The Superintendent’s proposed budget, presented to the School Committee on January 12, 2016, can be found on the School Department Website at http://lps.lexingtonma.org/Page/7718 · Section IV of this document includes all Shared Expenses. Overall, Shared Expenses are increasing by approximately $934,579 or 1.9 percent. A summary table of Shared Expenses is shown below: 6 Shared Expenses FY2016 Appropriation FY2017 Recommended Budget $ Change % Change Contributory Retirement 5,255,537$ 5,505,537$ 250,000$ 4.8% Non-Contributory Retirement 13,810$ 13,837$ 27$ 0.2% Employee Benefits 25,250,981$ 25,816,987$ 566,006$ 2.2% Unemployment 200,000$ 200,000$ -$ 0.0% Workers Compensation 643,112$ 736,002$ 92,890$ 14.4% Property & Liability Insurance 860,309$ 675,952$ (184,356)$ -21.4% Uninsured Losses 200,000$ 225,000$ 25,000$ 12.5% Debt Service 1 7,212,135$ 7,244,443$ 32,308$ 0.4% Reserve Fund 900,000$ 900,000$ -$ 0.0% Facilities Department 10,078,631$ 9,993,116$ (85,515)$ -0.8% Total 50,614,515$ 51,310,873$ 696,358$ 1.4% 1 This is gross debt service, excluding any use of the Capital Projects Stabilization Fund to offset the High School Modulars debt service. · Sections V to X of this document include the recommended budgets for each municipal department. Municipal department managers initially submit level- service budget requests. A level-service budget is defined as the funds necessary to replicate the current level of services provided and to meet all legal requirements, including collective bargaining requirements and State or federal mandates. Any increases proposed beyond level-service are shown in each departmental budget as Program Improvement Requests (PIR) submitted by the Department manager for evaluation by the Town Manager. A table of all Program Improvements Requests can be found in the Appendix, located in Section XII of this document. Key PIR’s recommended by the Town Manager in the FY2017 municipal department budgets include: 1. Add one part-time staff person for the Department of Recreation and Community Programs. It is recommended that this position be funded from the General Fund in FY17, and the Recreation Enterprise Fund in subsequent fiscal years; 2. Add one part-time staff person to the Economic Development Department for staffing the Visitor’s Center, funded from revenues at the Gift Shop (Revolving Fund); 3. Increases to the DPW budget of $45,000 that are necessary to prepare the Hartwell Avenue Compost Facility for the solar project. 4. A $60,000 increase for the DPW budget for engineering consulting services in lieu of the $102,452 requested for a new senior engineer. While the workload in Engineering justifies this position, we believe it is not prudent to take on new staffing at this time. In the alternative, this 7 additional $60,000 will be used to for limited engineering consulting services to assist with the workload. The following table provides a summary of the FY2016 to FY2017 changes in municipal department budget requests, as recommended by the Town Manager: Municipal Budgets FY2016 Restated Budget 1 FY2017 Recommended Budget $ Change % Change Public Works 8,777,104$ 8,988,614$ 211,510$ 2.4% Police 6,741,405$ 6,774,543$ 33,138$ 0.5% Fire 6,379,387$ 6,425,755$ 46,368$ 0.7% Library 2,374,295$ 2,459,653$ 85,358$ 3.6% Human Services 1,206,234$ 1,207,314$ 1,080$ 0.1% Land Use Departments 2,129,848$ 2,232,642$ 102,794$ 4.8% Selectmen 665,512$ 673,249$ 7,736$ 1.2% Town Manager 761,255$ 814,149$ 52,894$ 6.9% Salary Adjustment Account 511,081$ 784,441$ 273,360$ 53.5% Town Committees 75,000$ 51,500$ (23,500)$ -31.3% Finance 1,821,137$ 1,892,924$ 71,787$ 3.9% Town Clerk 442,507$ 487,356$ 44,849$ 10.1% Information Services 1,709,505$ 1,829,781$ 120,276$ 7.0% Total 33,594,270$ 34,621,920$ 1,027,650$ 3.1% 1 Departmental budgets are restated when collective bargaining agreements are reached after Town Meeting. When this happens the Selectmen are asked to vote to transfer funds from the Salary Adjustment Account to the appropriate departmental budget. These anticipated transfers are reflected in the FY2016 Restated Budget column. 3. Reserves/Trusts – The Town maintains a variety of reserve funds. The reserve funds that are for unforeseen purposes, including a buffer for reductions in operating revenues, are generally adequate at the current levels. The proposed budget also includes recommendations to increase certain reserves/trusts that are for targeted purposes, as shown in the tables below: OPEB Trust Fund – The purpose of this Trust fund is to continue to fund the Town’s Retiree Health Insurance Liability. The present value (Town’s liability) of these future benefits is approximately $190,000,000. Trust Fund FY 2013 Appropriated FY 2014 Appropriated FY 2015 Appropriated FY 2016 Appropriated FY 2017 Recommended Other Post Employment Benefits Trust Fund 500,000$ 750,000$ 1,119,000$ 1,200,000$ 1,512,318$ The current balance in the OPEB Trust Fund is $6,978,443 as of 12/31/2015 8 Capital Projects Stabilization Fund - The Town is planning for a number of significant capital projects over the next five years including improvements/additions to four schools, a new fire station, a renovated police station, Center Streetscape improvements, Hartwell Avenue infrastructure improvements, an expanded Visitor’s Center, a new Hastings School, and the purchase of 20 Pelham Road, the former Armenian Elementary School property. It is recommended, and shown in the following table, that the Town appropriate to the Capital Stabilization Fund an additional $4,996,947 to be used to partially offset the debt service for these future projects. The sources of this proposed amount include: · $3,100,000 of Free Cash, proposed for this Stabilization fund at Summit II and Summit III; and · $1,896,947 in tax levy funds resulting from the Town Manager and Superintendent of Schools proposed FY17 operating budgets being less than allocated under the Revenue Allocation model. Capital Projects Stabilization Fund FY 2013 Appropriated FY 2014 Appropriated FY 2015 Appropriated FY 2016 Appropriated FY 2017 Recommended Appropriation To Stabilization Fund 1,600,000$ 3,983,240$ 5,910,726$ 9,447,832$ 4,996,947$ Prior Year Balance 1,600,000$ 3,983,240$ 8,024,966$ 16,637,231$ Subtotal-Available for Appropriation 1,600,000$ 5,583,240$ 9,893,966$ 17,472,798$ 21,634,178$ Appropriation From Stabilization Fund Bridge/Bowman/Estabrook Debt Service Tax Relief -$ 1,600,000$ 950,000$ 215,000$ -$ High School Modulars and Other Municipal Capital Projects -$ -$ 919,000$ 620,567$ 751,000$ Subtotal -$ 1,600,000$ 1,869,000$ 835,567$ 751,000$ Projected Balance of Fund 1,600,000$ 3,983,240$ 8,024,966$ 16,637,231$ 20,883,178$ excludes interest income earned Capital Projects Stabilization Fund Proposed Appropriation To and Uses Of 4. Capital Budget (Section XI) – Consistent with the 2009 recommendations of the Selectmen’s Fiscal Task Force, the proposed capital budget continues to make important progress in addressing the Town’s list of planned capital projects. Given the significant capital projects anticipated in coming years, however, a number of otherwise planned capital projects are being deferred to preserve flexibility for future year’s budgets. Deferred capital projects can be seen in Section XI-Capital, Table VIII. The capital budget recommendations include nearly $92 million for a variety of capital projects for FY2017, including approximately $68 million for likely excluded debt projects. 9 Free Cash/Tax Levy Other Financing Sources 1 Debt Total General Fund 5,214,164$ -$ 7,190,507$ 12,404,671$ Proposed Excluded Debt Projects -$ -$ 67,492,000$ 67,492,000$ Chapter 90/Other Funding -$ 8,633,790$ -$ 8,633,790$ Water Enterprise -$ 220,500$ -$ 220,500$ Sewer Enterprise -$ 177,500$ 1,768,000$ 1,945,500$ Recreation Enterprise -$ 65,000$ -$ 65,000$ Community Preservation Act 2 -$ 999,530$ -$ 999,530$ Total (all Funds) 5,214,164$ 10,096,320$ 76,450,507$ 91,760,991$ Capital Requests Summary 1 Chapter 90/Other Funding includes $973,165 in Chapter 90 Aid for street improvements, $850,000 of private funding for the Cary Library Internal Reconfiguration project, $230,625 from the Parking Meter Fund for parking meter replacements, $30,000 from the Traffic Mitigation Stabilization Fund for Transportation Mitigation, and $6,550,000 in state funding for the Massachusetts Avenue-3 Intersections Improvement project.2 Includes both Town and non-Town CPA funded projects. 5. Policy Issues: Policy issues to be reaffirmed or addressed by the Board of Selectmen in finalizing this preliminary budget include: · Appropriate to the Capital Stabilization Fund – Whether to support the appropriation of $4,996,947 to this Stabilization Fund to be used to offset the debt service for planned capital projects. · Appropriate from the Capital Stabilization Fund – Whether to continue to use funds from this Stabilization Fund to mitigate within-levy debt service for the High School Modular classroom project. For FY 17, $751,000 is recommended for this purpose. In FY16, $620,567 was used for this purpose. · Appropriate to the Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB) – Whether to support the appropriation of $1,512,318 to the OPEB Trust Fund. This amount is comprised of $312,318 in Medicare D rebates from the federal government and $1,200,000 made available from the Health Insurance Claims Trust Fund as a result of the Town joining the fully insured Group Insurance Commission program. · Unallocated Revenues for Contingencies – This recommended budget includes approximately $983,000 in revenues set aside for contingencies, primarily for two potential purposes: 1. State Aid less than projected; and/or 2. GIC health insurance premiums greater than estimated. State aid is currently estimated to increase by $236,000 or 2% in FY2017. The Governor’s proposed FY2017 budget will be presented on January 27, 2016, providing a first indication of State Aid for FY2017. The Legislature will likely approve the FY2017 State budget, however, after the conclusion of Town Meeting. The Town’s Group Insurance Commission (GIC) health insurance rates will not be known until early March. This $983,000 in unallocated revenues, therefore, would be available to offset lower than estimated State Aid or greater than estimated health insurance rates. 10 Concluding Thoughts A Sustainable and Transparent Budget Reflecting Board of Selectmen Goals and Priorities In his 2013 tribute to Nelson Mandela, A Man Can Make a Difference, Will Gumede writes of Mandela’s leadership qualities: “Someone who occupies a position of authority and exercises power is not necessarily a leader. Leadership is about the quality of an individual’s actions, behavior and vision.” In presenting this FY2017 Preliminary Budget, the Senior Management Team and I are committed to working with the Board of Selectmen and financial committees in striking a balance in the allocation of projected revenues for Town services, educational programs and capital improvements in a manner that will be sustainable for the community, as has been articulated through the leadership actions, behaviors and visions of the Selectmen and various policy and advisory committees. The budget decisions you will have to make are not easy ones, particularly in light of the many important capital projects facing the Town in the coming years. The previous policy decisions by the Board of Selectmen to establish reserve funds have placed the Town in a sound financial condition for FY2017. We must continue to be vigilant in our financial planning, however, as our school population continues to increase, placing new demands on operating and capital budgets. The Operating and Capital budgets are about priorities. These budgets should be strategic in explaining what we do, why we do it, when we do it, and how we propose to invest the resources of our taxpayers to achieve the results our community desires. While focusing on long-term priorities sometimes takes a back seat to the immediate demands placed on Town officials, it is important to effect a balance among these competing demands. We hope this document is helpful in this regard. In preparing this Preliminary Budget, Town and School Department staff strived to create a document that presents the budget in a manner that meets the requirements and expectations of our boards, committees, Town Meeting members and residents. The best way for the Selectmen, our financial committees, Town Meeting members and residents to explore Town operations in depth and with a critical eye is for us to be as transparent as we can in everything we do. This FY17 Preliminary Budget proposes close to $199,000,000 in General Fund spending, $22,000,000 in Enterprise Fund spending, $3,200,000 in Revolving Fund spending and $92,000,000 in capital projects. We hope it is comprehensive enough so that the readers understand where Town revenue comes from and what it is spent on, yet succinct enough that the details are not overwhelming. Each year I challenge myself and the staff to improve this budget document, but know we can always do better and welcome comments to do so. As I submit my eleventh operating and capital budget to the Board of Selectmen I continue to witness and appreciate the Board of Selectmen’s commitment to our residents through transparency and integrity in policy setting and management of Town affairs. This commitment is also seen by the dedication and actions of our hundreds of 11 volunteers, committee members and Town Meeting Members whose primary desire is to preserve Lexington as a quality community. The Board of Selectmen can be proud of the standard it has set that we are one Community, not a series of unrelated entities and constituent groups. The operating and capital budget the Board recommends to Town Meeting is the single most important policy document considered each year. It reflects many competing interests, but in the end has been and should continue to be a reflection on what is best for the Town as a whole. I look forward to working with the Selectmen to address the Town’s challenges in the coming years, as the one community we are. Very truly yours, Carl F. ValenteCarl F. ValenteCarl F. ValenteCarl F. Valente Town Manager Important DatesAugust 2015February 2016Issuance of Capital and Operating Budget Guidelines Summit V - Comment and Budget Deliberations February 11th (tent.)Board of Selectmen Vote on the FY2017 Recommended BudgetBudget Decisions and Deliberations Concluded February 22ndOctober 2015FY2017 Recommended Budget submitted to Town Meeting February 29thSummit I - Financial Indicators & Projections October 8thDiscuss Guidelines and DriversMarch 2016Town Manager Review of Capital Budget RequestsMunicipal Election March 7thNovember 2015Town Meeting Commences March 21stSummit II - Revenue Projection and Allocation November 12th Budget Presentations by Town ManagerMarch 23rd (tent.)Town Manager Review of Operating Budget Requestsand SuperintendantDecember 2015Town Meeting Begins Budget DeliberationsMarch 28th (tent.)Municipal Budget Workshops with SelectmenSchool Committee Hearings on BudgetSummit III - Revenue Allocation December 10thJanuary 2016Submittal of FY2017 Superintendent's Recommended Budget to SC January 5thSubmittal of FY2017 Manager's Recommended Budget to BOS January 11thSummit IV - Review of FY2017 Town Manager's Preliminary Budget January 14thFebruary March April May JuneCalendar Year 2016JanuaryJuly August September October November DecemberBOSSchool Cmte.Calendar Year 2015ElectionsTown MeetingTown ManagerSummitIIIIIIIVVIVIBudget Decisions Final Town of LexingtonFY2017 Budget ProcessIIIIIIIVVFY 2017 Town Manager's Preliminary Budget and Financing Plan FY 2017 Budget Calendar January 11, 2016 Section I Budget Overview Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 I-1 Summary of Revenues and Expenditures The summary below shows revenues & expenditures for the Town of Lexington for FY 2014-2017. It reflects actual results of FY2014 and FY2015, FY2016 estimated revenues and budgeted expenditures submitted to the Department of Revenue for the certification of the FY2016 tax rate, and the budget recommendations of the Town Manager and School Superintendent for FY2017 budget and projected revenues to support those recommendations. Revenue Summary FY2014 Actual FY2015 Actual FY2016 Recap FY2017 Projected Tax Levy 141,842,484$ 148,212,539$ 154,750,150$ 161,138,273$ State Aid 10,214,580$ 11,193,462$ 11,568,637$ 11,804,630$ Local Receipts 14,909,146$ 13,756,778$ 11,682,878$ 12,130,550$ Local Receipts not shown on Recap -$ -$ 197,336$ -$ Available Funds 12,473,510$ 11,012,293$ 15,654,839$ 13,093,204$ Other Available Fund: Use of Capital Stabilization Fund -$ 919,000$ 620,567$ 751,000$ Revenue Offsets (1,644,621)$ (2,492,221)$ (2,905,154)$ (1,943,061)$ Enterprise Funds (Indirect) 1,497,405$ 1,487,905$ 1,617,576$ 1,629,135$ Total General Fund 179,292,504$ 184,089,756$ 193,186,829$ 198,603,731$ General Fund Expenditure Summary Education Lexington Public Schools 79,964,816$ 85,272,802$ 92,060,316$ 97,727,216$ Minuteman Regional School 1,474,265$ 1,244,384$ 1,172,736$ 1,493,400$ sub-total Education 81,439,081$ 86,517,186$ 93,233,052$ 99,220,616$ Municipal Departments 30,406,706$ 31,764,082$ 33,594,270$ 34,621,920$ Shared Expenses Benefits & Insurance 26,780,824$ 27,637,044$ 32,423,749$ 33,173,314$ Debt (within-levy) 5,409,996$ 6,523,281$ 7,212,135$ 7,244,443$ Reserve Fund -$ -$ 900,000$ 900,000$ Facilities 9,667,013$ 9,894,474$ 10,078,631$ 9,993,116$ sub-total Shared Expenses 41,857,833$ 44,054,799$ 50,614,515$ 51,310,873$ Capital Cash Capital (designated) 6,919,202$ -$ 4,642,987$ 5,474,789$ sub-total Capital 6,919,202$ -$ 4,642,987$ 5,474,789$ Other Other (allocated) 5,101,056$ 7,049,726$ 10,904,668$ 6,992,272$ Other (unallocated) -$ -$ -$ 983,261$ sub-total Other 5,101,056$ 7,049,726$ 10,904,668$ 7,975,533$ Total General Fund 165,723,878$ 169,385,793$ 192,989,493$ 198,603,731$ Surplus/(Deficit) 13,568,626$ 14,703,963$ 197,337$ 0$ Section I Budget Overview Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 I-2 Program Summary AB C D E D EF (D-C) (E/C) FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 FY2017 FY2017 ELEMENT DESCRIPTION Actual Actual Appropriation Request Add/Delete Recommended Change $ Change % Operating Budget- General Fund Expenses Program 1000: Education 1100 Lexington Public Schools 79,964,816$ 85,272,802$ 92,060,316$ 97,727,216$ 97,727,216$ 5,666,900$ 6.16% 1200 Regional Schools 1,474,265$ 1,244,384$ 1,172,736$ 1,493,400$ 1,493,400$ 320,664$ 27.34% Total Education 81,439,081$ 86,517,186$ 93,233,052$ 99,220,616$ -$ 99,220,616$ 5,987,564$ 6.42% Program 2000: Shared Expenses 2110 Contributory Retirement 4,717,542$ 4,919,154$ 5,255,537$ 5,505,537$ -$ 5,505,537$ 250,000$ 4.76% 2120 Non-Contributory Retirement 13,087$ 13,447$ 13,810$ 13,837$ -$ 13,837$ 27$ 0.19% 2130 Employee Benefits (Hlth/Dental/Life/Medicare) 20,726,889$ 21,173,375$ 25,250,981$ 25,802,415$ 14,571$ 25,816,987$ 566,006$ 2.24% 2140 Unemployment 217,608$ 238,470$ 200,000$ 200,000$ -$ 200,000$ -$ 0.00% 2150 Workers' Comp.(MGL Ch. 40, Sec. 13A&13C)*360,179$ 402,508$ 643,112$ 734,765$ 1,237$ 736,002$ 92,890$ 14.44% 2160 Property & Liability Insurance 706,487$ 802,581$ 860,309$ 675,952$ -$ 675,952$ (184,357)$ -21.43% 2170 Uninsured Losses (MGL Ch. 40, Sec. 13)*39,033$ 87,510$ 200,000$ 225,000$ -$ 225,000$ 25,000$ 12.50% sub-total 2100 Benefits 26,780,824$ 27,637,044$ 32,423,749$ 33,157,506$ 15,808$ 33,173,314$ 749,565$ 2.31% 2210 Payment on Funded Debt 4,657,772$ 5,490,412$ 5,169,842$ 5,891,565$ -$ 5,891,565$ 721,722$ 13.96% 2220 Interest on Funded Debt 694,599$ 971,079$ 939,550$ 1,090,273$ -$ 1,090,273$ 150,723$ 16.04% 2230 Temporary Borrowing 57,625$ 61,790$ 1,102,743$ 262,605$ -$ 262,605$ (840,138)$ -76.19% sub-total 2200 Debt Services 5,409,996$ 6,523,281$ 7,212,135$ 7,244,443$ -$ 7,244,443$ 32,308$ 0.45% 2310 Reserve Fund 900,000$ 900,000$ -$ 900,000$ -$ 0.00% sub-total 2300 Reserve Fund -$ -$ 900,000$ 900,000$ -$ 900,000$ -$ 0.00% 2400 Facilities 9,667,013$ 9,894,474$ 10,078,631$ 9,993,116$ -$ 9,993,116$ (85,515)$ -0.85% Total Shared Expenses 41,857,833$ 44,054,799$ 50,614,515$ 51,295,065$ 15,808$ 51,310,873$ 696,357$ 1.38% Program 3000: Public Works 10,098,631$ 3100-3500 DPW Personal Services 3,664,252$ 3,997,277$ 3,781,947$ 3,805,156$ 25,000$ 3,830,156$ 48,209$ 1.27% 3100-3500 DPW Expenses 5,221,298$ 5,369,351$ 4,995,158$ 5,051,258$ 107,200$ 5,158,458$ 163,300$ 3.27% Total Public Works 8,885,551$ 9,366,628$ 8,777,104$ 8,856,414$ 132,200$ 8,988,614$ 211,510$ 2.41% Program 4000: Public Safety 4100 Law Enforcement Personal Services 5,481,197$ 5,580,343$ 5,920,136$ 5,931,169$ -$ 5,931,169$ 11,033$ 0.19% 4100 Law Enforcement Expenses 689,831$ 733,024$ 821,269$ 843,373$ -$ 843,373$ 22,104$ 2.69% sub-total 4100 Law Enforcement 6,171,028$ 6,313,367$ 6,741,405$ 6,774,543$ -$ 6,774,543$ 33,138$ 0.49% 4200 Fire Personal Services 4,860,501$ 5,398,636$ 5,811,037$ 5,867,505$ -$ 5,867,505$ 56,468$ 0.97% 4200 Fire Expenses 502,748$ 520,253$ 568,350$ 558,250$ -$ 558,250$ (10,100)$ -1.78% sub-total 4200 EMS/Fire 5,363,249$ 5,918,889$ 6,379,387$ 6,425,755$ -$ 6,425,755$ 46,368$ 0.73% Total Public Safety 11,534,278$ 12,232,256$ 13,120,792$ 13,200,298$ -$ 13,200,298$ 79,506$ 0.61% Program 5000: Culture & Recreation 5100 Library Personal Services 1,887,828$ 1,866,567$ 1,988,796$ 2,051,126$ -$ 2,051,126$ 62,330$ 3.13% 5100 Library Expenses 257,004$ 271,339$ 385,499$ 401,524$ 7,003$ 408,527$ 23,028$ 5.97% Total Culture & Recreation 2,144,832$ 2,137,906$ 2,374,295$ 2,452,650$ 7,003$ 2,459,653$ 85,358$ 3.60% Program 6000: Human Services 6000 Human Services Personal Services 479,473$ 463,004$ 498,591$ 514,935$ 10,000$ 524,935$ 26,344$ 5.28% 6000 Human Services Expenses 612,315$ 610,862$ 707,643$ 688,819$ (6,440)$ 682,379$ (25,264)$ -3.57% Total Human Services 1,091,789$ 1,073,867$ 1,206,234$ 1,203,754$ 3,560$ 1,207,314$ 1,080$ 0.09% Program 7000: Office of Land Use, Health and Development 7100 Office of LU/Health/Develop. Personal Services 1,358,506$ 1,513,599$ 1,771,691$ 1,818,489$ -$ 1,818,489$ 46,798$ 2.64% 7100 Office of LU/Health/Develop. Expenses 197,047$ 368,852$ 358,157$ 370,115$ 44,038$ 414,153$ 55,996$ 15.63% Total Office of LU/Health/Development 1,555,553$ 1,882,451$ 2,129,848$ 2,188,604$ 44,038$ 2,232,642$ 102,794$ 4.83% Section I Budget Overview Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 I-3 Program Summary AB C D E D EF (D-C) (E/C) FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 FY2017 FY2017 ELEMENT DESCRIPTION Actual Actual Appropriation Request Add/Delete Recommended Change $ Change % Program 8000: General Government 8110 Selectmen Personal Services 111,887$ 119,765$ 138,687$ 146,424$ -$ 146,424$ 7,736$ 5.58% 8110 Selectmen Expenses 68,854$ 91,934$ 103,325$ 104,325$ (1,000)$ 103,325$ -$ 0.00% 8120 Legal 416,621$ 434,000$ 410,000$ 410,000$ -$ 410,000$ -$ 0.00% 8130 Town Report 7,500$ 4,680$ 13,500$ 13,500$ -$ 13,500$ -$ 0.00% sub-total 8100 Board of Selectmen 604,862$ 650,379$ 665,512$ 674,249$ (1,000)$ 673,249$ 7,736$ 1.16% 8210-8220 Town Manager Personal Services 617,579$ 636,241$ 546,170$ 564,064$ -$ 564,064$ 17,894$ 3.28% 8210-8220 Town Manager Expenses 173,405$ 165,948$ 215,085$ 245,085$ 5,000$ 250,085$ 35,000$ 16.27% 8230 Salary Transfer Account* (MGL Ch.40, Sec 13D)673,588$ 290,690$ 511,081$ 784,441$ -$ 784,441$ 273,360$ 53.49% sub-total 8200 Town Manager 1,464,572$ 1,092,879$ 1,272,335$ 1,593,589$ 5,000$ 1,598,589$ 326,254$ 25.64% 8310 Financial Committees 7,559$ 6,476$ 7,500$ 8,000$ -$ 8,000$ 500$ 6.67% 8320 Misc. Boards and Committees 3,276$ 1,813$ 19,500$ 4,500$ -$ 4,500$ (15,000)$ -76.92% 8330 Town Celebrations Committee 29,956$ 40,980$ 48,000$ 38,000$ 1,000$ 39,000$ (9,000)$ -18.75% sub-total 8300 Town Committees 40,791$ 49,270$ 75,000$ 50,500$ 1,000$ 51,500$ (23,500)$ -31.33% 8400 Finance Personal Services 1,251,874$ 1,223,727$ 1,358,262$ 1,394,929$ -$ 1,394,929$ 36,667$ 2.70% 8400 Finance Expenses 374,901$ 431,907$ 462,875$ 487,845$ 10,150$ 497,995$ 35,120$ 7.59% sub-total 8400 Finance 1,626,774$ 1,655,633$ 1,821,137$ 1,882,774$ 10,150$ 1,892,924$ 71,787$ 3.94% 8500 Town Clerk Personal Services 347,171$ 312,420$ 333,132$ 362,681$ -$ 362,681$ 29,549$ 8.87% 8500 Town Clerk Expenses 123,249$ 114,059$ 109,375$ 124,675$ -$ 124,675$ 15,300$ 13.99% sub-total 8500 Town Clerk 470,420$ 426,480$ 442,507$ 487,356$ -$ 487,356$ 44,849$ 10.14% 8600 IS Personal Services 355,598$ 458,967$ 759,055$ 798,881$ -$ 798,881$ 39,826$ 5.25% 8600 IS Expenses 631,686$ 737,367$ 950,450$ 1,030,900$ -$ 1,030,900$ 80,450$ 8.46% sub-total 8600 IS 987,284$ 1,196,334$ 1,709,505$ 1,829,781$ -$ 1,829,781$ 120,276$ 7.04% Total General Government 5,194,704$ 5,070,974$ 5,985,996$ 6,518,249$ 15,150$ 6,533,399$ 547,403$ 9.14% Total Municipal 30,406,706$ 31,764,082$ 33,594,270$ 34,419,969$ 201,951$ 34,621,920$ 1,027,650$ 3.06% Operating Department Summary Education Operating 81,439,081$ 86,517,186$ 93,233,052$ 99,220,616$ -$ 99,220,616$ 5,987,564$ 6.42% Shared Expenses 41,857,833$ 44,054,799$ 50,614,515$ 51,295,065$ 15,808$ 51,310,873$ 696,357$ 1.38% Municipal Operating 30,406,706$ 31,764,082$ 33,594,270$ 34,419,969$ 201,951$ 34,621,920$ 1,027,650$ 3.06% 153,703,620$ 162,336,067$ 177,441,838$ 184,935,650$ 217,759$ 185,153,409$ 7,711,571$ 4.35% Capital Capital Requests (Cash-GF) 4,855,174$ 3,524,891$ 2,190,082$ 2,760,625$ -$ 2,760,625$ 570,543$ 26.05% Building Envelope & Systems Set-Aside 173,954$ 178,302$ 182,760$ 187,329$ -$ 187,329$ 4,569$ 2.50% Streets Set-Aside 1,890,074$ 2,254,924$ 2,270,145$ 2,526,835$ -$ 2,526,835$ 256,690$ 11.31%-$ $ Total Capital 6,919,202$ 5,958,117$ 4,642,987$ 5,474,789$ -$ 5,474,789$ 831,802$ 17.92% Other 3,560,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - 322,816$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 983,261$ -$ 983,261$ 983,261$ - Set-Aside for Unanticipated Current Fiscal Year Needs -$ -$ -$ 200,000$ -$ 200,000$ 200,000$ - -$ -$ 216,836$ 232,807$ 20,200$ 253,007$ 36,171$ - 3,983,240$ 5,910,726$ 9,447,832$ 3,100,000$ 1,896,947$ 4,996,947$ (4,450,885)$ -47.11% Senior Service Program 20,000$ 20,000$ 20,000$ 30,000$ -$ 30,000$ 10,000$ 50.00% OPEB Trust Fund 775,000$ 1,119,000$ 1,200,000$ 1,512,318$ -$ 1,512,318$ 312,318$ 26.03% Warrant Articles 20,000$ -$ -$ -$ (20,000)$ - Total Other Articles 8,661,056$ 7,049,726$ 10,904,668$ 6,058,386$ 1,917,147$ 7,975,533$ (2,929,134)$ -26.86% General Fund Total 169,283,878$ 175,343,910$ 192,989,493$ 196,468,825$ 2,134,906$ 198,603,731$ 5,614,239$ 2.91% Allocated to Debt Service/Capital Projects/Building Renewal Stabilization Fund 33 Marrett Road Property Acquisition Unallocated 33 Marrett Road Phase I Building Improvements Set-Aside for Tax Levy Support of Community Center Program (Transfer to Article 5, 2015 ATM) FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 II-1 Section II: Revenues This section includes detailed information about FY2017 Projected Revenues. It includes:  General Fund Revenue Description II-2 Section II Revenues Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 II-2 The summary below presents General Fund Operating Revenues, Total General Fund Revenues and Net General Fund Revenues. General Fund Operating Revenues include all revenues projected as available for use in FY2017 whose sources recur annually. Total General Fund Revenues include annually recurring and non-recurring sources of revenue. Net General Fund Revenues are Total General Fund Revenues less revenues recommended to be set-aside to fund designated expenses. In FY2017, Total General Fund Revenues are projected to increase by approximately $5.4 million, or 2.8%. Net General Fund Revenues, those available to support school and municipal operating budgets, are projected to increase by $8.3 million, or 4.7%. General Fund Revenue Summary FY14 Actual FY15 Actual FY16 Recap FY17 Projected $ % Property Tax Levy (Table 1)141,842,484$ 148,212,539$ 154,750,150$ 161,138,273$ 6,388,124$ 4.1% State Aid (Table 2)10,214,580$ 11,193,462$ 11,568,637$ 11,804,630$ 235,993$ 2.0% Local Receipts (Table 3)14,909,146$ 13,756,778$ 11,682,878$ 12,130,550$ 447,672$ 3.8% Local Receipts not shown on Recap -$ 197,336$ (197,336)$ - Total Local Receipts 14,909,146$ 13,756,778$ 11,880,214$ 12,130,550$ 250,336$ 2.1% Available Funds (Table 4)12,473,510$ 11,012,293$ 15,654,839$ 13,093,204$ (2,561,635)$ -16.4% -$ 919,000$ 620,567$ 751,000$ 130,433$ 21.0% Revenue Offsets (Table 5)(1,644,621)$ (2,492,221)$ (2,905,154)$ (1,943,061)$ 962,092$ -33.1% Enterprise Receipts (Table 6)1,497,405$ 1,487,905$ 1,617,576$ 1,629,135$ 11,559$ 0.7% 179,292,504$ 184,089,756$ 193,186,829$ 198,603,731$ 5,416,902$ 2.8% 16,129,376$ 14,405,660$ 16,348,222$ 13,513,181$ (2,835,041)$ -17.3% Net General Fund Revenues 163,163,128$ 169,684,096$ 176,838,607$ 185,090,550$ 8,251,943$ 4.7% Total General Fund Operating Revenues Less - Revenues Set-Aside for Designated Purposes FY 16-17 Change Other Available Funds - Use of Capital Stabilization Fund (Table 4a) Detailed Description: Property Tax Levy: The FY2017 property tax levy is projected to increase approximately $6.4 million, or 4.1%. The projected levy is a function of the FY2016 levy limit increased by 2.5% per Proposition 2 1/2, plus an increment for new growth. FY2017 new growth will be a function of construction activity for the period July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016. FY2017 new growth is estimated at $2,500,000 based on a review of historical data on new growth. State Aid: FY2017 state aid is projected to increase 2.0% from its FY2016 level. Final FY2017 state aid numbers are likely to be known in June 2016 when the Legislature adopts, and the Governor signs, the FY2017 State budget. Local Receipts: FY2017 projections for each category of receipt are based on the history of actual collections and projections of 3 and 5 year historical averages, unless otherwise specified in the supplemental tables of this document. FY2017 local receipts are estimated to increase by approximately $250,000 or 2.1% over FY16 estimates. A major contributor to this growth is an increase in the estimate for building permit fees of approximately $98,000 and an increase in rental revenue to underwrite projected debt service to finance the replacement of the roof at the Munroe Center for the Arts. Section II Revenues Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 II-3 Revenue Summary FY14 Actual FY15 Actual FY16 Recap FY17 Projected $% Table 1: Property Tax Levy Tax Levy 135,440,316$ 141,843,659$ 148,286,733$ 154,769,047$ 6,482,314$ 4.4% Prop. 2.5% 3,386,008$ 3,546,091$ 3,709,681$ 3,869,226$ 159,545$ 4.3% New Growth 3,017,335$ 2,896,983$ 2,772,633$ 2,500,000$ (272,633)$ -9.8% Override/Excess Levy Capacity (1,175)$ (74,194)$ (18,897)$ -$ 18,897$ - Subtotal 141,842,484$ 148,212,539$ 154,750,150$ 161,138,273$ 6,388,124$ 4.1% Table 2: State Aid Chapter 70 8,657,571$ 9,584,428$ 9,968,536$ 10,167,907$ 199,371$ 2.0% Charter School Reimbursement 12,628$ 1,786$ 893$ 900$ 7$ 0.8% Unrestricted General Government Aid 1,326,917$ 1,363,715$ 1,412,809$ 1,441,065$ 28,256$ 2.0% Veterans' Benefits & Exemptions 147,543$ 169,557$ 139,502$ 147,861$ 8,359$ 6.0% Offsets (School Lunch & Library) 69,921$ 73,976$ 46,897$ 46,897$ -$ 0.0% Subtotal 10,214,580$ 11,193,462$ 11,568,637$ 11,804,630$ 235,993$ 2.0% Table 3: Local Receipts Motor Vehicle Excise Tax 4,695,332$ 4,941,045$ 4,693,654$ 4,600,000$ (93,654)$ -2.0% Other Excise 1,608,573$ 1,698,096$ 1,401,644$ 1,496,300$ 94,656$ 6.8% Penalties & Interest 670,076$ 522,301$ 333,130$ 346,000$ 12,870$ 3.9% PILOT's 535,492$ 564,588$ 565,458$ 617,000$ 51,542$ 9.1% Rentals 384,180$ 287,082$ 253,592$ 350,670$ 97,078$ 38.3% Departmental-Schools 807,116$ 601,557$ 481,935$ 504,580$ 22,645$ 4.7% Departmental-Municipal 1,604,149$ 1,632,981$ 1,792,376$ 1,866,000$ 73,624$ 4.1% Licenses & Permits 1,689,164$ 1,836,144$ 1,533,613$ 1,702,000$ 168,387$ 11.0% Special Assessments 103,086$ 43,110$ 19,777$ 13,000$ (6,777)$ -34.3% Fines & Forfeits 376,800$ 284,355$ 331,210$ 321,000$ (10,210)$ -3.1% Investment Income 278,458$ 304,213$ 276,489$ 314,000$ 37,511$ 13.6% Miscellaneous Non-Recurring 2,156,721$ 1,041,307$ -$ -$ -$ - Local Receipts not shown on Recap -$ -$ 197,336$ -$ (197,336)$ - Subtotal 14,909,146$ 13,756,778$ 11,880,214$ 12,130,550$ 250,336$ 2.1% Table 4: Available Funds Parking 335,000$ 335,000$ 395,000$ 625,625$ 230,625$ 58.4% Cemetery 105,000$ 105,000$ 105,000$ 105,000$ -$ 0.0% Free Cash 11,650,931$ 9,380,309$ 13,087,810$ 10,995,579$ (2,092,231)$ -16.0% Health Claims Trust Fund -$ 1,000,000$ 1,858,947$ 1,200,000$ (658,947)$ -35.4% Transp.Demand Mgmt. Stab. Fund 90,000$ 88,000$ 137,000$ 137,000$ -$ 0.0% Traffic Mitigation Stabilization Fund -$ -$ -$ 30,000$ 30,000$ - 250,000$ 49,096$ -$ -$ -$ - 42,579$ 54,888$ 71,082$ -$ (71,082)$ -100.0% Subtotal 12,473,510$ 11,012,293$ 15,654,839$ 13,093,204$ (2,561,635)$ -16.4% Table 4a: Other Available Funds -$ 919,000$ 620,567$ 751,000$ 130,433$ 21.0% Subtotal -$ 919,000$ 620,567$ 751,000$ 130,433$ 21.0% Table 5: Revenue Offsets Cherry Sheet Assessments (795,309)$ (811,754)$ (817,550)$ (846,164)$ (28,614)$ 3.5% Cherry Sheet Offsets -$ - School Lunch (30,207)$ (26,514)$ -$ -$ -$ - Public Libraries (39,714)$ (47,462)$ (46,897)$ (46,897)$ -$ 0.0% Overlay (abatements) (779,391)$ (953,485)$ (750,000)$ (750,000)$ -$ 0.0% Health Withholding Account Deficit -$ -$ (647,057)$ -$ 647,057$ -100.0% Snow Deficit -$ (653,006)$ (643,650)$ (300,000)$ 343,650$ -53.4%$/Oeay ects $/0 Subtotal (1,644,621)$ (2,492,221)$ (2,905,154)$ (1,943,061)$ 962,092$ -33.1% Table 6: Enterprise Receipts Water 818,689$ 789,275$ 898,614$ 877,411$ (21,203)$ -2.4% Wastewater (Sewer) 450,116$ 465,030$ 478,354$ 503,898$ 25,544$ 5.3% Recreation 228,600$ 233,600$ 240,608$ 247,826$ 7,218$ 3.0% Subtotal 1,497,405$ 1,487,905$ 1,617,576$ 1,629,135$ 11,559$ 0.7% Gross General Fund Revenues 179,292,504$ 184,089,756$ 193,186,829$ 198,603,731$ 5,416,902$ 2.8% 16,129,376$ 14,405,660$ 16,348,222$ 13,513,181$ (2,835,041)$ -17.3% 163,163,128$ 169,684,096$ 176,838,607$ 185,090,550$ 8,251,943$ 4.7% FY16-17 Change Balances from Prior Yr. Capital Articles Avalon Bay School Enrollment Mitigation Fund Capital Stabilization Fund Revenues Set Aside for Designated Expenses Net General Fund Revenues Available for Appropriation Section II Revenues Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 II-4 Available Funds: Available Funds are projected to decrease by approximately $2.6 million or 16.4%. This decrease is driven predominantly by two factors. The first is a decrease in free cash. Approximately $13.087 million of free cash - inclusive of approximately $12.8 million from the 7/1/14 certification and $479,609 from the 7/1/15 certification - was used to support the FY16 operating budget, cash capital and contributions to the Capital Stabilization Fund. Free Cash was certified by the Department of Revenue as of 7/1/15 at $11,487,187. This amount, less the $479,608 that was appropriated at the November 2015 special town meeting, leaves a residual balance of free cash to support the FY17 budget of $10,995,579, thus accounting for the decrease in free cash from FY16 to FY17. The second factor is a decrease of approximately $659,000 in the proposed use of the Town's Health Claims Trust Fund to underwrite the Town's share of FY17 GIC premiums. In FY17, it is proposed that $1.2 million be used for this purpose thus freeing up $1.2 million in the tax levy to continue progress in funding the Town's OPEB liability. Other components of Available Funds include the proposed use of parking meter receipts, cemetery funds, and the Transportation Demand Management and Traffic Mitigation Stabilization Funds. The use of Parking Meter Funds is increasing by $230,625 to fund the continuing replacement of meters in the downtown area. In FY16, $620,567 was appropriated from the Capital Stabilization Fund to fund the ongoing mitigation of the within-levy debt service impacts of the financing of the LHS modular classrooms construction. It is proposed that $751,000 be appropriated in FY17 to continue mitigation of debt service to hold increases to a 5% target. Revenue Offsets: Revenue Offsets are projected to decrease by approximately $962,000 or 33.1%. Revenue Offsets represent the set-aside of a portion of projected revenues needed for particular purposes including: (1) the component of state aid (Public Library aid reimbursement) that is distributed as Cherry Sheet aid, but, in fact, is a categorical grant that is not available to support general fund operations; (2) cherry sheet assessments - estimated charges to be levied by the Commonwealth to cover the costs of state and regional services provided to the Town. Cherry Sheet Assessments assume a 3.5% increase in FY 2016; (3) the Assessor's Overlay account which covers the cost of abatements and exemptions granted to property taxpayers ; and, (4) potential snow and ice deficits. The FY17 decrease in total revenue offsets is driven primarily by 2 factors. The first is a decrease in the FY17 set-aside for snow and ice deficits from the FY16 actual of $643,650 to $300,000 in FY17 to cover the possibility of incurring a FY16 snow and ice deficit. The second is that in FY16 the DOR required the Town to finance a $647,000 Health Withholding Account deficit. This offset is $0.00 in FY17. Enterprise Receipts: Enterprise Receipts are increasing by 0.7%, or $11,560 based on an updated indirect cost analysis. This category of revenue represents transfers from the water, sewer and recreation enterprise funds to the general fund to cover general fund expenditures that support the operations of the water, sewer and recreation departments. Revenues Set Aside for Designated Expenses: This represents components of Gross General Fund Revenues that are set aside for designated purposes. The proposed purposes are shown in the table on the next page. Section II Revenues Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 II-5 Tax Levy Free Cash Other Total Notes 1 Set-Aside for Unanticipated Current Fiscal Year Needs 200,000$ 200,000$ 2 Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB) 1,200,000$ 312,318$ 1,512,318$ 3 Unallocated 983,261$ 983,261$ 4 Cash Capital -$ 260,625$ 260,625$ 5 Capital Stabilization Fund 1,896,947$ 3,100,000$ 4,996,947$ 6 Appropriate From Capital Stabilization Fund 751,000$ 751,000$ 7 Street Improvement Program 2,526,835$ 2,526,835$ 8 Municipal Building Envelope and Systems 187,329$ 187,329$ 9 Senior Tax Work-Off Program 30,000$ 30,000$ 10 Set-Aside for Tax Levy Support of Community Center Program (Transfer to Article 5) 253,007$ 253,007$ 11 Subtotal 6,094,118$ 4,595,579$ 1,011,625$ 11,701,322$ 12 Operating Budget -$ 3,900,000$ 3,900,000$ 13 Grand Total 6,094,118$ 8,495,579$ 1,011,625$ 15,601,322$ Reserved for appropriation at the 2016 annual town meeting to fund supplemental appropriations to the FY16 budget. Financing Sources Consistent with long-term street maintenance plan. 1 "Other" financing source for Debt Service Mitigation is the Capital Projects/Debts Service Reserve/Building Renewal Stabilization Fund. $3,900,000 of Free Cash to support the FY17 operating budget. Initially funded in 2006 override; increases by 2.5% per year. To mitigate debt service impact of LHS Modular Buildings construction financing. Preliminary debt service projections indicate no need to draw funds in FY17. To meet future capital/debt service needs. Set-aside for as yet identified FY17 purposes. $1.2 million in tax levy made available from the proposed use of this amount from the Health Insurance Claims Trust Fund to fund FY17 Health Insurance. FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 III-1 Section III: Program 1000: Education This section includes detailed information about the FY2017 Operating Budget & Financing Plan for education. It includes:  1100 Lexington Public Schools III-2  1200 Minuteman Regional School III-9 Program: Education 1100 Lexington Public Schools Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 III - 2 Mission/Vision Statement: The Lexington Public Schools serve to inspire and empower every student to become a lifelong learner prepared to be an active and resilient citizen who will lead a healthy and productive life. Educators, staff, parents, guardians and community members will honor diversity and work together to provide all students with an education that ensures academic excellence in a culture of caring and respectful relationships. The Lexington Public Schools is responsible for providing a high-quality education program to all school age residents residing within the boundaries of the Town of Lexington. Lexington Public Schools focuses on continuous improvement and strives to be a collaborative, high-performing District. This helps ensure that its mission is met and all students are successful. In order to support the curriculum, a myriad of support services are provided daily to our students. The school system provides competitive student-teacher ratios; programs such as arts, music, drama, physical education, wellness, athletics, world language, school counseling, interventions, enrichments, advanced placements; individualized education plan supports; and various specialists and coaches throughout the District.   Budget Guidelines: On September 8, 2015, the School Committee voted the FY17 budget guidelines and requested that the Superintendent present a level-service budget that addresses nine areas noted below. For purposes of clarification, a level-service budget is defined as the funds necessary to replicate the current level of services provided and to meet all legal requirements, including current collective bargaining requirements and special education laws. In order to provide for the educational needs of Lexington students, the Superintendent will develop a fiscal year 2017 budget that will: 1. Ensure all legal mandates will be met. 2. Include sufficient operating and capital funds to – (a) continue the current level of services; (b) be responsive to projected enrollment growth and corresponding needs: staffing, instructional supplies, and facility needs; (c) move the district forward in meeting the increasing demands for technology and technology services in our different education settings. 3. Ensure professional staffing guidelines will be met. 4. Maintain capital assets in order to support the instructional program, protect the physical assets of the Town of Lexington, and ensure the health and safety of our students and staff. 5. Continue to identify and plan alternatives that will provide services in more cost-effective ways. 6. Identify ways to reduce costs, if there are not sufficient monies available to fund a level- service budget. 7. Identify a small number of high leverage new academic or prosocial programs or supports in anticipation of the potential elimination of Thursday afternoon half-days at the elementary level, as a result of the potential implementation of a World Language program in FY2018 at Program: Education 1100 Lexington Public Schools Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 III - 3 the elementary level. 8. Identify those funds necessary, should the district adapt a re-districting plan that addresses space needs for all students, as well as feeder patterns for special education programs. 9. Complete year two (of two) addressing the adequacy of department and/or school per pupil expenditure levels. Recommended Budget and Summary of Significant Budget Changes: The recommended budget for 2016-2017 is $97,727,216, which requires an additional $5,666,900. The FY17 request represents an increase of 6.16% over the FY16 appropriation. Appropriation Summary FY 13 Actual FY 14 Actual FY 15 Actual FY 2016           Budget FY 2016           Budget (adj) FY 2017           Recommended Dollar           Increase Percent  Increase Salary and Wages 64,117,953$   68,264,740$    73,057,650$   78,675,324$      78,627,324$      81,785,398$       3,158,074$      4.02% Expenses 10,314,624$   10,807,819$    12,215,151$   13,384,992$      13,432,992$      15,507,901$       2,074,909$      15.45% Total  1100 Lexington Public Schools 74,432,577$   79,072,559$    85,272,801$   92,060,316$      92,060,316$      97,293,299$       5,232,983$      5.68% * Amounts  show are general  fund only and does not reflect spending supported by Labbb Credit,Circuit Breaker Funds, Revolving Funds, or local/state/federal grant funds Transfer to Unclassified (Health, Medicare, Workers Comp) Workers Comp) 433,917$             30.00 FTE Total  Recommended 97,727,216$       5,666,900$      6.16% Unallocated from Revenue  Allocation Model 927,107$              As described above, the total recommended budget increase is 6.16% over the FY2016 appropriation, inclusive of benefits, Medicare, and Worker’s Comp costs associated with new positions. For comparison, the FY16 budget recommended an increase of 7.00% ($6,060,171) above the FY15 appropriation, inclusive of benefits, Medicare, and Worker’s Comp costs associated with new positions. The FY17 budget recommends that the salaries and wages line increase by $3,158,074 (or 4.02%) to support the addition of 30.00FTE included in this budget. For comparison, the FY16 budget recommended an increase of $5,178,473 (or 7.05%) to accommodate the recommended increase of 46.61 FTE. The expense line is recommended to increase by $2,074,909 (or 15.45%) over the FY2016 appropriation. The increase in the expense budget is largely driven by three main factors. These include the increases in the Regular Ed Transportation, Special Ed Transportation, and Tuition budget lines. These three budget lines are recommended to increase by $1,738,970. This is approximately 84% of the recommended expense budget increase. The remaining 16% of the increase ($335,939) is a function of per-pupil adjustments, cost of living adjustments, and other minor expense requests. For comparison, the FY16 budget recommended an increase of $257,915 (or 1.96%), which was reduced by $773,580 due to the 50% reduction in High Risk Category of Tuition. The FY17 budget recommendation re-instates 100% funding of the High Risk category as described later in the Budget Overview.          Program: Education 1100 Lexington Public Schools Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 III - 4 The major drivers in the recommended school budget are a result of the following explained in further detail: Negotiated Salary Increases: The FY17 budget includes funding for all negotiated bargaining unit increases and non-union positions. This includes both step increases and cost of living adjustments (COLA). Estimated amounts are used for contracts that remain unsettled and also for non-bargaining units. The current status of contracts and expiration dates can be seen below:    Bargaining Unit Contract Term LEA  Unit  A 09/1/15‐8/31/18 LEA  Unit  C09/01/12‐08/31/15 LEA  Unit  D07/01/12‐06/30/15 LEA  Tech  Unit 07/01/12‐06/30/15 ALA ‐ Administrators 07/01/15‐06/30/17     Enrollment Increases and Corresponding New Positions: During the past five years, enrollment at Lexington Public Schools has increased by 552 students (+8.7%), or an average of 110 students per year (1.7% per year). Growth over the past five years has been most consistent and sustained when reviewing the last eight year period. These past increases have had a direct impact on the School Department operating budget each year to accommodate these new students and maintain the level of programming offered by Lexington Public Schools. The District has completed an update in the fall of 2015 to the projections completed by the Enrollment Working Group last year. The updated projections are higher than the last year’s Enrollment Working Group’s numbers with narrower confidence intervals. These projections show that next year, the K-12 enrollment is projected to increase by 149 students (6,866 to 7,015), which is an increase of 2.17%. Over the full five year period the projection shows a total increase of 612 students (for a total of 7,478 students) from FY2015-16 levels (or about 1.8% per year). In order to better demonstrate the full impact of increasing enrollment to date and the projected trends visually at the various levels (elementary, middle school, high school) three charts have been provided below:                                  Program: Education 1100 Lexington Public Schools Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 III - 5 Elementary School Enrollment: History and Forecast for FY2017 to FY2021 (HDM)                                 Middle School Enrollment: History and Forecast for FY2017 to FY2021 (CSM)                                       Program: Education 1100 Lexington Public Schools Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 III - 6 High School Enrollment: History and Forecast for FY2017 to FY2021 (CSM)     In order to address the increasing enrollment projected for FY2016-17 (149 students, or 2.17%), additional positions are included in the recommended budget. A total of 23.49 FTE is linked with the increasing enrollment in Lexington, and the necessary staffing needed to maintain the quality and level of service. In total, the recommended increase in staffing for the 2016-17 budget year is 30.0 FTE. Historical trends (based on FY14-16) indicate that approximately 14.25 FTEs are required to address enrollment and mandate requirements for every 1% increase in student population. FY2016- 17 is indicating a projected increase in enrollment of 2.17%. Based on this data, it would indicate a need of 30.93 additional FTE for FY2016-17, which is above the total recommended increase.     Re-districting, Capital Projects, and Salary Differential: The FY17 budget includes funding of $35,000 to have a consultant assist with further re-districting efforts as a result of the increasing enrollments, capacity constraints with current facilities, and upcoming major building projects. Additionally, the FY17 budget includes additional positions to address the re-allocation of resources that will happen as a result of re-districting decisions in the FY17 budget year. A review of the salary differential was conducted to evaluate whether an adjustment would be recommended. The salary line has continued to return funds consistently despite the actual FTEs exceeding the budgeted FTEs each year. Also, the addition of increased unallocated positions to address enrollment and re-districting have prepared us to better address new position requests after the approval of the FY17 budget. Based on this decision and past trends in salary differential it is recommended that this increase by $500,000 (from $500,000 to $1,000,000 as a budget offset). Program: Education 1100 Lexington Public Schools Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 III - 7 Increased Special Education Costs: The FY2017 budget includes an increase of $1,122,806 to fund the cost of out of district tuitions next year. The Fiscal Year 2015-16 budget included a recommendation to reduce the High Risk Category of the Tuition budget by 50%, or $773,580. This decision has been closely monitored by the School Department during the beginning of FY2015-16’s budget cycle. A detailed review of FY2015-16 and the last two budget year’s was conducted.   FY2014 FY2015 FY2016  (projected) High  Risk Budget $1,645,452 $1,195,325 $1,547,160 SC HR Budget Adjustments ‐$773,580 Net High Risk Budget $1,645,452 $1,195,325 $773,580 Total  Tuition Surplus / (Deficit) $852,485 $61,145 ‐$757,000 High Risk cut reversal $0 $0 $773,580 Difference $852,485 $61,145 $16,580 Percent of High  Risk Returned 51.81% 5.12% 1.07%    The table above outlines the tuition budget surplus (deficit) by fiscal year relative to the High Risk budget of that year. In Fiscal Year 2016 the High Risk budget was reduced by 50% based on the Fiscal Year 2014 actuals, which indicated a large surplus. It should be noted, at the time the Fiscal Year 2016 budget was being created Fiscal Year 2015 final figures were not available. Fiscal Year 2015 actual experience resulted in a significantly lower return of funds, indicating that the 50% cut in FY2016 would result in a deficit. The chart includes adjustments to Fiscal Year 2016 to have a consistent comparison with prior fiscal years where the High Risk budget was not reduced by 50%. Even if the FY2016 had not been reduced, it would provide a negligible return of funds, as highlighted in the table. In actuality, the school department will need to transfer funds into the High Risk Special Education budget in FY2016 to cover the deficit caused by the 50% cut in FY2016. As a result, the above table illustrates that budgeting practices in the Tuition line have improved over time and supports the practice of budgeting the High Risk portion of the Fiscal Year 2017 Tuition budget at 100%. This will continue to be monitored very closely to track trends. Based on this information, and the data from FY2014-15 and FY2015-16 budget cycles, the budget recommendation includes reinstating the High Risk portion of the Tuition line to 100%. This change is included in the $1,122,806 increase described above. The FY17 budget includes funds to add a total of 7.73 FTE for the Special Education Department that are required due to an increase in the number of students with special needs and students with more challenging needs. The increase in demand for special education services is related to the overall increase in the student population and more students with significant needs moving into Lexington. Our investment in building in-house capacity now means we can provide higher quality educational services in all nine schools and avoid some placements in out-of-district schools and the corresponding transportation costs. A detailed listing of all new positions can be found in the Recommended Budget section.   Program: Education 1100 Lexington Public Schools Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 III - 8 Transportation Costs   Regular Education Transportation ‐ Regular Education Transportation is recommended to increase $392,043 to address increases in enrollment. In FY2016, a total of three buses were added to address overcrowding on buses. Also, two additional after school buses were added to accommodate increased enrollment in the program. Further, an increase in rates for FY2017 is also included in the budget. The FY2017 budget plans for the potential addition of two additional buses. This recommendation is made based on historical trends along with the upcoming re-districting plans. FY2017 is the final year of a five-year agreement with C&W Transportation.    Special Education Transportation ‐ Special Education Transportation is recommended to increase $224,121 to address additional service needs for in-district transportation for expanding in-district programs, additional out of district student transportation, and the anticipated increase in rates. FY2017 is the 2nd year of a five year agreement.    Per Pupil Expenditure and Consumer Price Index (CPI) Adjustments: The FY17 budget includes funds to adjust expense budgets by a CPI of 1.8% to account for annual increases in costs. Additionally, those budgets with per pupil expenditures have been updated based on the October 1, 2015 enrollment data. Further, additional funding for year 2 of 2 to address the elementary principal school expense budgets is included. The total recommendation to address these increases is $223,317. A detailed listing of expense budgets can be found in the Expenses section of the budget.   Elementary World Language: At the request of the School Committee during its December 15, 2015 School Committee meeting, the recommended FY17 budget includes funds to add a 0.25 FTE position to assist the Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction with the development, planning, and details related to the K-5 World Language Program. Additional funding ($50,000) is also included to convene task forces to address the re-structuring of the elementary school day. This is required because additional programming would be needed if this program were phased in at the K-5 levels. Initial estimates presented by staff anticipate this program implementation to cost approximately $1,500,000 and $1,800,000.   Program Improvement Needs: The FY17 budget includes funds to add 1.95 positions to address important programmatic needs. The total cost of these recommended programmatic improvements is $143,683. Budget Documents are available at http://lps.lexingtonma.org/Page/7718 Program: Education 1200 Minuteman Regional School Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 III-9 Budget Overview: The Regional School subprogram provides funding to pay the assessment levied by the Minuteman Regional Vocational Technical School District to support the operations of the Minuteman Science-Technology High School. Minuteman Tech is a regional school, located in Lexington and Lincoln, which provides technical and academic education for students in grades 9-12 from the 16-town Minuteman district. Minuteman Tech’s programs include courses in biotechnology, environmental technology, computer programming, printing, commercial art, cosmetology, child care, carpentry, drafting, auto body repair and welding, as well as four-year academic and college preparatory programs. In addition, adults can pursue a variety of continuing education programs at Minuteman. Lexington’s historical enrollment at Minuteman is shown in the table below as of October 1st of each year, the date that enrollments from school districts throughout the Commonwealth are reported to the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. 10/1/2010 10/1/2011 10/1/2012 10/1/2013 10/1/2014 10/1/2015 High School Students 54 53 53 47 41.5 49.5 Post Graduate Students 987532 Total 6361605244.551.5 Program: Education 1200 Minuteman Regional School Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 III-10 Appropriated/Authorized Staffing: No staff is charged to this budget. Program: Education 1200 Minuteman Regional School Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 III-11 Budget Recommendations The FY2017 Town Manager’s recommended budget for the Minuteman Regional School assessment is $1,493,400. This is a preliminary estimate which is a $320,664, or 27.34% increase over the FY2016 budget. It is anticipated that final assessments for FY17 will be approved by the Minuteman School Committee in February. Program: Education 1200 Minuteman Regional School Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 III-12 Budget Summary: Funding Sources FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Actual Actual Appropriation Request Add/Del Recommended Increase Increase Tax Levy 1,474,266$ 1,244,384$ 1,172,736$ 1,493,400$ -$ 1,493,400$ 320,664$ 27.34% Enterprise Funds (Indirects) -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - Directed Funding (Revolving Funds) -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - Total 1200 Minuteman 1,474,266$ 1,244,384$ 1,172,736$ 1,493,400$ -$ 1,493,400$ 320,664$ 27.34% Appropriation Summary FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Actual Actual Appropriation Request Add/Del Recommended Increase Increase Compensation -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - Expenses 1,474,266$ 1,244,384$ 1,172,736$ 1,493,400$ -$ 1,493,400$ 320,664$ 27.34% Total 1200 Minuteman 1,474,266$ 1,244,384$ 1,172,736$ 1,493,400$ -$ 1,493,400$ 320,664$ 27.34% Level-Service Requests FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Actual Actual Appropriation Request Add/Del Recommended Increase Increase Total 1200 Minuteman Regional School 1,474,266$ 1,244,384$ 1,172,736$ 1,493,400$ -$ 1,493,400$ 320,664$ 27.34% Total 1200 Minuteman 1,474,266$ 1,244,384$ 1,172,736$ 1,493,400$ -$ 1,493,400$ 320,664$ 27.34% Object Code Summary FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Actual Actual Appropriation Request Add/Del Recommended Increase Increase Salaries & Wages -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - Overtime -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - Compensation -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - Contractual Services 1,474,266$ 1,244,384$ 1,172,736$ 1,493,400$ -$ 1,493,400$ 320,664$ 27.34% Utilities -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - Supplies -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - Small Capital -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - Expenses 1,474,266$ 1,244,384$ 1,172,736$ 1,493,400$ -$ 1,493,400$ 320,664$ 27.34% Total 1200 Minuteman 1,474,266$ 1,244,384$ 1,172,736$ 1,493,400$ -$ 1,493,400$ 320,664$ 27.34% FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 IV-1 Section IV: Program 2000: Shared Expenses This section includes detailed information about the FY2017 Operating Budget & Financing Plan for shared expenses. It includes:  2100 Employee Benefits IV-2  2200 Debt Service IV-8  2300 Reserve Fund IV-12  2400 Public Facilities IV-16 This Page Left Blank Intentionally Program: Shared Expenses 2100 Employee Benefits & Insurance Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 IV-2 Mission: To provide and manage a comprehensive benefits program for Town and School employees and retirees. Budget Overview: Included in the Employee Benefits and Insurance program are costs for the Town’s pension assessment, workers’ compensation, property and casualty insurance, unemployment insurance, health, dental and life insurance benefits and the Medicare tax. Employee Benefits is comprised of the following:  Contributory Retirement Assessment: The assessment of the Lexington Contributory Retirement System levied to the Town to finance a portion of retirement benefits of Town and non-teaching School employees. This assessment is issued pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws (MGL) Chapter 32 and is based on an actuarial valuation of the funding obligations of the Lexington Contributory Retirement System. In addition to this assessment, employee contributions - ranging from 5% to 11% depending on the date of hire - make up the majority of the funding of the pension system.  Non-Contributory Retirement: The cost of benefits for employees who retired prior to the creation of the Lexington Contributory Retirement System.  Employee/Retiree Benefits: The Town’s annual contribution to finance: (1) the cost of health insurance for active Town and School Department employees, and retirees; (2) the cost of dental insurance for active Town and School Department employees, and retirees; (3) the cost of life insurance for active Town and School Department employees and retirees; and (4) the Town’s 1.45% share of Medicare tax for all employees hired after 1986.  Unemployment Compensation: The cost of unemployment payments for eligible employees separated from Town or School Department employment. The Town self-insures for this expense.  Workers’ Compensation: The medical costs incurred by Town and School employees injured on the job, medical costs of former public safety employees who retired on accidental disability, and for “stop loss” insurance to mitigate the Town’s exposure to extraordinary work- related medical claims. The Town largely self-insures for this expense, but purchases premium-based stop loss coverage for extraordinary claims.  Property and Liability Insurance: The cost of premiums for policies that: (1) protect the Town against property loss and damage; (2) insure the Town’s vehicles; and (3) cover the Town against liability claims.  Uninsured Losses: A continuing balance account for uninsured property losses, settlements and deductibles contained in various insurance policies. Program: Shared Expenses 2100 Employee Benefits & Insurance Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 IV-3 Authorized/Appropriated Staffing: Staff support is provided through the Town Manager’s Office, Human Resources and Finance Department. Portions of the salaries of four employees are charged to the general fund health insurance budget and property and liability insurance budget. Budget Recommendations: The FY2017 recommended All Funds Employee Benefits and Insurance budget is $33,241,959. This is a $729,493 or 2.24% increase from the FY2016 budget. The recommended budget includes the benefits costs (health, dental, life, Medicare and workers’ compensation) for all proposed new benefits-eligible municipal positions. Changes Include: 1. A $250,000, or 4.76% increase in Contributory Retirement based on a funding schedule included in the January 1, 2015 actuarial valuation of the Lexington Retirement System. This schedule would result in full funding of the system’s unfunded liability by 2025. 2. A $52,034 or 3.52% increase in the Town’s contribution for Medicare Tax based on FY2015 actual costs, projected FY2016 and FY2017 salaries and wages, and historical rates of increase in this tax; 3. An $460,319 or 2.02% increase in the health insurance budget (All Funds). The FY2017 budget is based on an increase of 5.0% on health insurance premiums across all plans; the addition of thirty (30) School positions and one (1) Town position; the addition of eighty-two (82) subscribers (new retiree subscribers and active employees currently not enrolled in the Town’s plan subscribing in the future; which includes active employees switching from individual to family plans). 4. A $31,776 or 3.17% increase in dental insurance costs (All Funds) based on estimated increase in premium rates of 4% for FY 2017; 5. A $1,805 or 7.78% increase in life insurance costs based on projected enrollments; 6. Level-funding of unemployment insurance based on a projection of a consistent number of claimants for FY2017; 7. A $92,890 or 14.44% increase in workers’ compensation costs based on FY2015 actual experience, the continuation of $100,000 to finance the medical costs of former public safety employees who retired due to work-related injuries; the continuation of efforts to build a reserve balance in this continuing balance account; and stop-loss insurance for new municipal and school positions recommended in the FY17 budget; 8. A $184,357, or 21.43% decrease in the costs of property and liability insurance based on a rebid of the insurance package. 9. A $25,000, or 12.50% increase in the budget for uninsured losses. The balance in this continuing balance account as of December 30, 2015, is $645,198. Program: Shared Expenses 2100 Employee Benefits & Insurance Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 IV-4 Budget Summary: Funding Sources (All Funds) FY 2014 FY 2015 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Actual Actual Requested Add/Del Mgr's. Rec. Increase Increase Tax Levy 26,251,085$ 27,109,893$ 31,851,497$ 32,568,086$ 15,808$ 32,583,894$ 732,397$ 2.30% Enterprise Funds (Indirects) 529,739$ 526,378$ 572,252$ 589,420$ 589,420$ 17,168$ 3.00% Directed Funding (Revolving Funds) 79,009$ 83,502$ 88,717$ 68,645$ 68,645$ (20,072)$ -22.62% Total 2100 Employee Benefits 26,859,833$ 27,719,773$ 32,512,466$ 33,226,151$ 15,808$ 33,241,959$ 729,493$ 2.24% Appropriation Summary (All Funds) FY 2014 FY 2015 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Actual Actual Requested Add/Del Mgr's. Rec. Increase Increase Compensation -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - Benefits -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - Expenses 26,859,833$ 27,719,773$ 32,512,466$ 33,226,151$ 15,808$ 33,241,959$ 729,493$ 2.24% Total 2100 Employee Benefits 26,859,833$ 27,719,773$ 32,512,466$ 33,226,151$ 15,808$ 33,241,959$ 729,493$ 2.24% Level-Service Requests (All Funds) FY 2014 FY 2015 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Actual Actual Requested Add/Del Mgr's. Rec. Increase Increase Total 2110 Contributory Retirement 4,717,542$ 4,919,154$ 5,255,537$ 5,505,537$ 5,505,537$ 250,000$ 4.76% Total 2120 Non-Contributory Retirement 13,087$ 13,447$ 13,810$ 13,837$ 13,837$ 27$ 0.19% Total 2130 Medicare 1,312,882$ 1,404,332$ 1,478,328$ 1,530,069$ 293$ 1,530,362$ 52,034$ 3.52% Total 2130 Health Insurance General Fund 18,656,684$ 18,776,932$ 22,750,714$ 23,217,346$ 13,756$ 23,231,102$ 480,389$ 2.11% Total 2130 Health Insurance Non-General Fund 77,833$ 81,652$ 85,283$ 65,213$ 65,213$ (20,070)$ -23.53% Total 2130 Dental Insurance General Fund 739,287$ 968,888$ 998,745$ 1,030,000$ 522$ 1,030,522$ 31,778$ 3.18% Total 2130 Dental Insurance Non-General Fund 1,176$ 1,078$ 3,434$ 3,432$ 3,432$ (2)$ -0.07% Total 2130 Life Insurance 18,036$ 23,222$ 23,195$ 25,000$ 25,000$ 1,805$ 7.78% Total 2140 Unemployment 217,608$ 238,470$ 200,000$ 200,000$ 200,000$ -$ 0.00% Total 2150 Workers Compensation 360,179$ 402,508$ 643,112$ 734,765$ 1,237$ 736,002$ 92,890$ 14.44% Total 2160 Property & Liability Insurance 706,487$ 802,581$ 860,309$ 675,952$ 675,952$ (184,357)$ -21.43% Total 2170 Uninsured Losses 39,033$ 87,510$ 200,000$ 225,000$ 225,000$ 25,000$ 12.50% Total 2100 Employee Benefits 26,859,833$ 27,719,773$ 32,512,466$ 33,226,151$ 15,808$ 33,241,959$ 729,493$ 2.24% Object Code Summary (All Funds) FY 2014 FY 2015 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Actual Actual Requested Add/Del Mgr's. Rec. Increase Increase Salaries & Wages 93,640$ 91,365$ 111,587$ 112,256$ -$ 112,256$ 668$ 0.60% Overtime -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - Compensation 93,640$ 91,365$ 111,587$ 112,256$ -$ 112,256$ 668$ - Contractual Services 26,766,193$ 27,628,408$ 32,400,879$ 33,113,896$ 15,808$ 33,129,704$ 728,825$ 2.25% Utilities -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - Supplies -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - Small Capital -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - Expenses 26,766,193$ 27,628,408$ 32,400,879$ 33,113,896$ 15,808$ 33,129,704$ 728,825$ 2.25% Total 2100 Employee Benefits 26,859,833$ 27,719,773$ 32,512,466$ 33,226,151$ 15,808$ 33,241,959$ 729,493$ 2.24% Approprations Summary (General Fund Only) FY 2014 FY 2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Actual Actual Restated Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Compensation 93,640$ 91,365$ 111,587$ 112,256$ 112,256$ 668$ 0.60% Expenses 26,687,184$ 27,545,678$ 32,312,162$ 33,045,251$ 15,808$ 33,061,059$ 748,897$ 2.32% Total 2100 Employee Benefits 26,780,824$ 27,637,044$ 32,423,749$ 33,157,506$ 15,808$ 33,173,314$ 749,565$ 2.31% Approprations Summary (Non-General Fund) FY 2014 FY 2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Actual Actual Restated Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Compensation -$ -$ - Expenses 79,009$ 82,730$ 88,717$ 68,645$ 68,645$ (20,072)$ -22.62% Total 2100 Employee Benefits 79,009$ 82,730$ 88,717$ 68,645$ -$ 68,645$ (20,072)$ -22.62% FY 2016 Appropriated FY 2016 Appropriated FY 2016 Appropriated FY 2016 Appropriated Program: Shared Expenses 2100 Employee Benefits & Insurance Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 IV-5 Focus on: Health Benefits – Line Item 2130 While the cost of health insurance continues to be a concern for the Town of Lexington, as is the case with all public and private organizations in this region and across the country, the Town was successful in negotiating with the Employee Health Insurance Coalition to join the State’s Group Insurance Commission (GIC) health insurance program, which should help to slow the future growth of this large cost driver. The Town and the Public Employees Committee (PEC) have successfully negotiated a three (3) year successor agreement to remain in the GIC through Fiscal Year 2018. The table on the following page shows the number of employees and retirees enrolled in the Town’s health insurance program. Program: Shared Expenses 2100 Employee Benefits & Insurance Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 IV-6 FY 2016 Budget Based on Actual Subscribers plus A dditional Projected Lives shown below FY 2017 Budget Based on Actual Subscribers plus A dditional Projected Lives shown below Actual Subscribers November 2011 (FY 2012) Actual Subscribers November 2012 (FY 2013) Actual Subscribers November 2013 (FY 2014) November 2014 (FY 2015) November 2015 (FY 2016) Subscribers Town Individual 72 67 74 81 85 Family 192 186 191 187 176 subtotal 264 253 265 268 261 School Individual 321 317 333 337 358 Family 506 505 506 498 478 subtotal 827 822 839 835 836 Retirees 1034 1112 1152 1189 1,222 subtotal 2125 2187 2256 2292 2319 Individual 11 8 Family 17 12 subtotal 28 20 Individual 98 Family 16 28 Retirees 20 50 subtotal 45 86 Total 2125 2187 2256 2365 2425 School (3) 45 30 Municipal 13 1 Facilities Dept.00 subtotal 58 31 School Retirees (28) (35) Total 2125 2187 2256 2395 2421 (3) Based on the school budget as recommended by the Superintendent and assumes that each full-time equivalent will subscribe to Town's insurance. The cost is estimated at a composite rate based on school personnel enrollment. (2) The projection shown under open enrollment / qualifying events is based on an assumption of current employees losing coverage on their spouse's plans, and changes in marital status or dependent status. (1) The subscriber counts above do not include COBRA subscribers, but includes 9 employees who are not General Fund New Positions FY 2017 Estimated Reduction in Subscribers FY 2017 Position Vacancies Estimated Open Enrollment / Qualifying Events (2) Additional projected lives for budget purposes FY 2017 Table 1: Health Insurance Enrollments (1) Program: Shared Expenses 2100 Employee Benefits & Insurance Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 IV-7 Town (1)3,679,243$ 3,397,070$ 3,577,673$ 3,390,995$ 4,190,087$ 4,010,013$ -4.30% School (2)10,576,185$ 9,851,024$ 9,957,423$ 9,682,870$ 12,053,737$ 11,786,588$ -2.22% Retirees 6,976,588$ 5,026,524$ 5,364,397$ 5,547,215$ 6,390,235$ 7,035,114$ 10.09% Total 21,232,015$ 18,274,618$ 18,899,493$ 18,621,080$ 22,634,059$ 22,831,714$ 0.87% (557,007)$ -$ ------ --- --- --- -$ 1,120,000$ ------ --- 300,000$ --- Early Retiree Reinsurance Program (5)(336,492)$ -$ 101,205$ 93,683$ 89,886$ 116,655$ 99,388$ -14.80% 20,675,008$ 19,495,823$ 18,656,684$ 18,710,966$ 22,750,714$ 23,231,102$ 2.11% (2) FY2017 does not include costs of benefits for 30 new positions recommended by the Superintendent. Table 2: Health Insurance Budget: FY 2012 - 2017 FY2015 Actual Percentage Increase FY2016 to FY2017 EdJobs Offset (3) Medicare Part B Penalty (6) FY 2014 Actual FY 2013 Actual Mitigation Fund (4) Projected FY2017 FY 2012 Actual Net Budget Amount (4) Mitigation Fund is a one (1) time cost in FY17 per the agreement between the Town and the Public Employee Committee (PEC). (6) Medicare Part B Penalty is the penalty the Town must pay due to deferred migration of retirees from active plans to Medicare supplement plans. (3) EdJobs was a federal stimulus grant provided to school departments. Budgeted FY2016 (1) Portion of salaries attributable to health insurance administration is inclusive in these figures. (5) The Early Retiree Reinsurance Program was a federal grant to employers who provided health insurance to retirees under 65 years old. This Page Left Blank Intentionally Program: Shared Expenses 2200 Debt Service Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 IV-8 Mission: To manage the issuance of Town debt in a manner which contains issuance and interest costs and limits large increases or decreases in annual debt service. Budget Overview: Debt service includes general fund principal and interest payments for levy-supported (non-exempt) debt and temporary borrowing, both authorized by Town Meeting as well as for capital projects being proposed to the 2017 Annual Town Meeting. Also included in these figures are debt issuance costs and interest on abatements. Debt service on water and sewer enterprise projects is shown in elements 3610 and 3710. Debt voted to be exempt from Proposition 2 ½, while not appropriated by Town Meeting, is shown for informational purposes. Program: Shared Expenses 2200 Debt Service Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 IV-9 Authorized/Appropriated Staffing: There is no direct staff charged to this line-item. Staff support is provided through the Town Manager and Finance departments. Program: Shared Expenses 2200 Debt Service Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 IV-10 Budget Recommendations: Combined gross FY2017 debt service - inclusive of Within-Levy and Exempt debt service - is increasing by $828,002, or 5.37%. Within-Levy debt service is increasing by $32,308, or 0.45%. It should be noted that FY2016 budget is inclusive of a supplemental appropriation of $479,609 voted at the November, 2015 special town meeting to retire a short term note issued to finance the replacement of a fire truck. The original appropriation as adopted at the 2015 Annual Town Meeting was $6,732,527, which was mitigated by $620,567 from the Capital Stabilization Fund yielding net debt service of $6,111,960. FY17 debt service is recommended at $7,244,443 which is inclusive of one project that will be funded with new revenue. Debt Service net of this project is $7,172,923, which when mitigated with the proposed use of $751,000 in Capital Stabilization Funds, yields an increase in net debt service of 5% which is the target rate of increase used in managing within-levy debt service. The FY17 proposed capital projects are described in greater detail in the Section XI: Capital Investment in this book. FY16 gross exempt debt service was $8,539,697, which was mitigated by $215,000 from the Capital Stabilization Fund yielding net debt service of $8,324,697. FY17 gross exempt debt service is projected at $8,998,575. If no mitigation is applied, this yields an increase of $673,878, or 8.1%. The increase in debt service is driven by project costs to finance various school projects to address growing enrollment as well the prospective acquisition of a property on Pelham Road. These projects are described in greater detail in debt Section XI: Capital Investment. For the purpose of this exempt debt estimate, it is assumed that the various school projects and acquisition of the Pelham Road property will be placed on a debt exclusion ballot by the Board of Selectmen and approved by the voters. Program: Shared Expenses 2200 Debt Service Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 IV-11 Budget Summary: Funding Sources (All Funds)FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Actual Estimated Estimated Estimated Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Tax Levy 13,937,650$ 15,103,973$ 15,415,016$ 16,243,017$ -$ 16,243,017$ 828,002$ 5.37% Enterprise Funds (Indirects) -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.00% Fees & Charges -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.00% Total 2200 Debt Service 13,937,650$ 15,103,973$ 15,415,016$ 16,243,017$ -$ 16,243,017$ 828,002$ 5.37% Appropriation Summary (All Funds)FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Actual Actual Estimated Estimated Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Compensation -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - Expenses 13,937,650$ 15,103,973$ 15,415,016$ 16,243,017$ -$ 16,243,017$ 828,002$ 5.37% Total 2200 Debt Service 13,937,650$ 15,103,973$ 15,415,016$ 16,243,017$ -$ 16,243,017$ 828,002$ 5.37% Level-Service Requests (Within Levy Debt)FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Actual Actual Estimated Estimated Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Total 2210 Within-Levy Principal 4,657,772$ 5,490,412$ 5,169,842$ 5,891,565$ -$ 5,891,565$ 721,722$ 13.96% Total 2220 Within Levy Interest 694,599$ 971,079$ 939,550$ 1,090,273$ -$ 1,090,273$ 150,723$ 16.04% Total 2230 Temporary Borrowing1 57,625$ 61,790$ 1,102,743$ 262,605$ -$ 262,605$ (840,138)$ -76.19% Total 2200 Within-Levy Debt Service 5,409,996$ 6,523,281$ 7,212,135$ 7,244,443$ -$ 7,244,443$ 32,308$ 0.45% -$ (919,000)$ (620,567)$ (751,000)$ -$ (751,000)$ (130,433)$ 21.02% Net 2200 Within-Levy Debt Service 5,409,996$ 5,811,641$ 6,732,527$ 6,493,443$ -$ 6,493,443$ (239,084)$ -3.55% Level-Service Requests (Exempt Debt)FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Actual Actual Estimated Estimated Add/Del Mgr's Rec. ChangeChange Total 2200 Exempt Debt Service 8,527,654$ 8,373,332$ 8,539,697$ 8,998,575$ -$ 8,998,575$ 458,878$ 5.37% 1,600,000$ 950,000$ 215,000$ -$ -$ -$ (215,000)$ -100.00% Net 2200 Exempt Debt Service 6,927,654$ 7,423,332$ 8,324,697$ 8,998,575$ -$ 8,998,575$ 673,878$ 8.09% Total 2200 Debt Service 13,937,650$ 15,103,973$ 15,415,016$ 16,243,017$ -$ 16,243,017$ 828,002$ 5.37% Object Code Summary (All Funds)FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Actual Actual Estimated Estimated Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Salaries & Wages -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.00% Overtime -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.00% Compensation -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.00% Contractual Services 13,937,650$ 15,103,973$ 15,415,016$ 16,243,017$ -$ 16,243,017$ 828,002$ 5.37% Utilities -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.00% Supplies -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.00% Small Capital -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.00% Expenses 13,937,650$ 15,103,973$ 15,415,016$ 16,243,017$ -$ 16,243,017$ 828,002$ 7.54% Total 2200 Debt Service 13,937,650$ 15,103,973$ 15,415,016$ 16,243,017$ -$ 16,243,017$ 828,002$ 5.37% 1FY2016 adjusted for additional appropriation of $479,609 voted at the November, 2015 STM #2 to retire a short term note issued to finance the purchase of a Fire Truck replacement. Use of Capital Stabilization Fund to mitigate debt service impacts of LHS modular buildings construction and other Use of tax levy (FY2013) and Capital Stabilization Fund (FY2014-FY2016) to mitigate debt service impacts of Bridge/Bowman and Estabrook Projects Program: Shared Expenses 2300 Reserve Fund Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 IV-12 Mission: To provide for extraordinary and unforeseen expenses. Budget Overview: The Reserve Fund is under the jurisdiction of the Appropriation Committee. Program: Shared Expenses 2300 Reserve Fund Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 IV-13 Authorized/Appropriated Staffing: There is no direct staff charged to this line-item. Staff support is provided through the Town Manager and Finance departments. Program: Shared Expenses 2300 Reserve Fund Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 IV-14 Budget Recommendations: The FY2017 Town Manager’s recommendation for the Reserve Fund is $900,000, which represents no increase over the FY2016 appropriation. Program: Shared Expenses 2300 Reserve Fund Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 IV-15 Budget Summary: Funding Sources FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Actual Estimated Estimated Request Add/Del Projected Increase Increase Tax Levy -$ -$ 900,000$ 900,000$ -$ 900,000$ -$ 0.00% Enterprise Funds (Indirects) -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.00% Directed Funding (Revolving Funds) -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.00% Total 2300 Reserve Fund -$ -$ 900,000$ 900,000$ -$ 900,000$ -$ 0.00% Appropriation Summary FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Actual Appropriation Appropriation Request Add/Del Recommended Increase Increase Compensation -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.00% Expenses -$ -$ 900,000$ 900,000$ -$ 900,000$ -$ 0.00% Total 2300 Reserve Fund -$ -$ 900,000$ 900,000$ -$ 900,000$ -$ 0.00% Level-Service Requests FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Actual Appropriation Appropriation Request Add/Del Recommended Increase Increase Total 2300 Reserve Fund -$ -$ 900,000$ 900,000$ -$ 900,000$ -$ 0.00% Total 2300 Reserve Fund -$ -$ 900,000$ 900,000$ -$ 900,000$ -$ 0.00% Object Code Summary FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Actual Appropriation Appropriation Request Add/Del Recommended Increase Increase Salaries & Wages -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.00% Overtime -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.00% Compensation -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.00% Contractual Services -$ -$ 900,000$ 900,000$ -$ 900,000$ -$ 0.00% Utilities -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.00% Supplies -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.00% Small Capital -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.00% Expenses -$ -$ 900,000$ 900,000$ -$ 900,000$ -$ 0.00% Total 2300 Reserve Fund -$ -$ 900,000$ 900,000$ -$ 900,000$ -$ 0.00% Note: The FY2014 and FY2015 budgets for the Reserve Fund were $900,000 in each year. In FY2014, a total of $118,000 was transferred for supplemental funding of property and liability insurance ($76,000) and for Patriot’s Day security ($42,000). In FY2015, a total of $289,620 was transferred for supplemental funding for Economic Development contractual services ($69,120), Economic Development part-time wages ($17,500), Economic Development supplies ($17,500), Board of Health contractual services ($11,500), Facilities Capital - LHS Modular Classrooms ($150,000), and Board of Selectmen legal services ($24,000). The Economic Development transfers were in support of the Town assumption of operations of the Lexington Visitor Center in September of 2014. Program: Shared Expenses 2400 Public Facilities Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 IV-16 Mission: The mission of the Department of Public Facilities is to manage the efficient operation and maintenance of Town buildings, preserve facility and equipment assets of the Town, and plan and implement capital improvements. This mission will be accomplished through establishing appropriate services in support of building users, fostering continuous improvement in delivery of services, and by establishing a five-year capital plan in collaboration with the Permanent Building Committee and other Town committees. Budget Overview: The Department of Public Facilities (DPF) is responsible for the coordination and care of all Town-owned buildings inclusive of those under the control of the Town Manager, Library Trustees and School Committee. The primary areas of service include custodial care and cleaning, building maintenance and repair (including preventative maintenance), utilities, and landscaping and grounds (school buildings only). The DPF administrative staff develops and implements the programs that provide services for the Town buildings. In addition, the DPF Capital Budget and the Rental Revolving Fund are managed by the staff. Departmental Initiatives: 1. Support the operation of the Community Center. 2. Support the School Master Planning process. 3. Implement other priority projects. Program: Shared Expenses 2400 Public Facilities Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 IV-17 Authorized/Appropriated Staffing FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 School Facilties 2410 Budget Budget Budget Request Maintenance Staff 1 10 10 11 11 48 48 48 49 Sub-total FTE 58 58 59 60 Municipal Facilities 2420 Superintendent 0 0 0 0 Foreman 3 1100 Technician4 1100 Custodian5 991010 Sub-total FTE 11 11 10 10 Shared Facilities 2430 Administrative Asst - Facility Coordinator 1 1 1 1 Administrative Asst - Clerical/ Rental Administrator 1 1 1 1 Office Manager 1 1 1 1 Municipal Assistant - Part time 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Director of Public Facilties 1 1 1 1 Assistant Director of Public Facilties 1 1 1 1 Superintendent of Custodial Services 1 1 1 1 Project Mananger 1 1 1 1 Facility Superintendent 1 1 1 1 Facility Engineer 1 1 1 1 Event Mana ger6 1111 LHS Facility Manager 1 1 1 1 Sub-total FTE 7 11.5 11.5 11.5 11.5 Total FTE 80.5 80.5 80.5 81.5 Notes: Custodian2 4 Municipal Technician replaced by Electrican in School (townwide) Maintenance Staff 7 FTE count does not include full time Assistant Project Manager expensed to construction projects 1 Two additional maintenance staff in FY 2014, funded from a reduction in contractual services ( plumbing and carpentry) and due to new contract language that licensed staff can work in all DPF managed buildings. Re 2 FY17 includes 1 additional staff at LHS resulting from two prefab buildings. 5Three additional staff funded in FY14 to maintain the property at 39 Marret Road, the Community Center site. 3 Foreman position replaced by Head Custodian position. 6Event Manager hours increased to full time. Program: Shared Expenses 2400 Public Facilities Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 IV-18 Budget Recommendations: The FY2017 recommended All Funds Department of Public Facilities budget inclusive of the General Fund operating budget, the Building Rental Revolving Fund and the PEG Access Revolving Fund - which funds staff that provides technical support to governmental programming - is $10,472,877. The recommended budget is a $47,137, or 0.45% decrease from the FY2016 budget. The Department of Public Facilities FY2017 recommended General Fund operating budget – inclusive of the Education Facilities, Municipal Facilities and Shared Facilities divisions - is $9,993,116, which is an $85,515, or 0.85% decrease from the FY2016 General Fund budget. The General Fund operating budget for Compensation is $5,002,406, and reflects a $141,012, or 2.90% increase, which is attributable to the cost of prospective step increases and prospective cost-of-living adjustments. The General Fund operating budget for Expenses is $4,990,710 and reflects a $226,527, or 4.34% decrease which is, in large part, driven by reductions in utility costs for natural gas and electricity of $106,547 and a reduction in small capital of $86,000 from the one-time FY2016 purchase of an aerial bucket truck. The FY17 Facilities Department recommended PEG Access Revolving Fund request is $20,926 which is effectively level funding of the FY16 budget. The Board of Selectmen budget includes additional spending associated with the PEG Revolving Fund. The Building Rental Revolving Fund budget request is $458,835, an increase of $37,969, or 9.02% which is primarily attributable to prospective increases in wages for staff charged to this account and increases in utility costs. Program Improvement Requests: Description Salaries and Expenses Benefits (to be budgeted under Shared Expenses Total Requested Salaries and Expenses Benefits (to be budgeted under Shared Expenses) Total Not Recommended NONE REQUESTED Request Recommended Program: Shared Expenses 2400 Public Facilities Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 IV-19 Budget Summary: FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 Manager's FY 2017 Dollar Percent Funding Sources (All Funds)Actual Actual Estimated Projected Add/Del Mgr. Rec'd Increase Increase Tax Levy 9,669,741$ 9,898,969$ 10,078,631$ 9,993,116$ -$ 9,993,116$ (85,515)$ -0.85% Revolving Funds Building Rental Revolving Fund 391,166$ 383,781$ 420,866$ 458,835$ -$ 458,835$ 37,969$ 9.02% PEG Revolving Fund 10,000$ 13,970$ 20,516$ 20,926$ -$ 20,926$ 410$ 2.00% Total 2400 Public Facilities 10,070,907$ 10,296,720$ 10,520,014$ 10,472,877$ -$ 10,472,877$ (47,137)$ -0.45% FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 Manager's FY 2017 Dollar Percent Appropriation Summary (All Funds)Actual Actual Appropriated Request Add/Del Mgr. Rec'd Increase Increase Compensation 4,714,174$ 4,925,160$ 5,119,651$ 5,274,617$ -$ 5,274,617$ 154,966$ 3.03% Expenses 5,354,004$ 5,367,065$ 5,387,237$ 5,178,710$ -$ 5,178,710$ (208,527)$ -3.87% Benefits 2,728$ 4,495$ 13,126$ 19,550$ -$ 19,550$ 6,424$ 48.94% Total 2400 Public Facilities 10,070,907$ 10,296,720$ 10,520,014$ 10,472,877$ -$ 10,472,877$ (47,137)$ -0.45% ########## -$ FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 Manager's FY 2017 Dollar Percent Program Summary (All Funds)Actual Actual Appropriated Request Add/Del Mgr. Rec'd Increase Increase Education Facilities 7,206,946$ 7,385,377$ 7,318,860$ 7,343,998$ -$ 7,343,998$ 25,138$ 0.34% 1,793,617$ 1,754,897$ 1,954,776$ 1,919,262$ -$ 1,919,262$ (35,514)$ -1.82% Shared Facilities 1,070,344$ 1,156,446$ 1,246,378$ 1,209,616$ -$ 1,209,616$ (36,762)$ -2.95% Total 2400 Public Facilities 10,070,907$ 10,296,720$ 10,520,014$ 10,472,877$ -$ 10,472,877$ (47,137)$ -0.45% FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 Manager's FY 2017 Dollar Percent Object Code Summary (All Funds)Actual Actual Appropriated Request Add/Del Mgr. Rec'd Increase Increase Salaries & Wages 4,188,097$ 4,383,139$ 4,699,756$ 4,832,909$ -$ 4,832,909$ 133,152$ 2.83% Overtime 526,078$ 542,021$ 419,894$ 441,708$ -$ 441,708$ 21,814$ 5.20% Personal Services 4,714,174$ 4,925,160$ 5,119,651$ 5,274,617$ -$ 5,274,617$ 154,966$ 3.03% Contractual Services 1,343,433$ 1,386,048$ 1,348,060$ 1,346,560$ -$ 1,346,560$ (1,500)$ -0.11% Utilities 3,205,852$ 3,194,209$ 3,091,977$ 2,985,430$ -$ 2,985,430$ (106,547)$ -3.45% Supplies 699,331$ 685,871$ 732,200$ 717,720$ -$ 717,720$ (14,480)$ -1.98% Small Capital 105,389$ 100,937$ 215,000$ 129,000$ -$ 129,000$ (86,000)$ -40.00% Expenses 5,354,004$ 5,367,065$ 5,387,237$ 5,178,710$ -$ 5,178,710$ (208,527)$ -3.87% Benefits 2,728$ 4,495$ 13,126$ 19,550$ -$ 19,550$ 6,424$ 48.9% Total 2400 Public Facilities 10,070,907$ 10,296,720$ 10,520,014$ 10,472,877$ -$ 10,472,877$ (47,137)$ -0.45% FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 Manager's FY 2017 Dollar Percent Appropriations Summary (General Fund Only)Actual Actual Appropriated Request Add/Del Mgr. Rec'd Increase Increase Compensation 4,482,549$ 4,689,947$ 4,861,394$ 5,002,406$ -$ 5,002,406$ 141,012$ 2.90% Expenses 5,184,464$ 5,204,527$ 5,217,237$ 4,990,710$ -$ 4,990,710$ (226,527)$ -4.34% Total 2400 Public Facilities 9,667,013$ 9,894,474$ 10,078,631$ 9,993,116$ -$ 9,993,116$ (85,515)$ -0.85% FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 Manager's FY 2017 Dollar Percent Appropriations Summary (Non-General Fund)Actual Actual Appropriated Request Add/Del Mgr. Rec'd Increase Increase Personal Services 231,625$ 235,213$ 258,256$ 272,211$ -$ 272,211$ 13,954$ 5.40% Building Rental Revolving Fund 221,625$ 221,243$ 242,663$ 256,065$ -$ 256,065$ 13,402$ 5.52% PEG Revolving Fund 10,000$ 13,970$ 15,594$ 16,146$ -$ 16,146$ 552$ 3.54% Expenses 169,541$ 162,538$ 170,000$ 188,000$ -$ 188,000$ 18,000$ 10.59% Building Rental Revolving Fund 169,541$ 162,538$ 170,000$ 188,000$ -$ 188,000$ 18,000$ 10.59% Benefits 2,728$ 4,495$ 13,126$ 19,550$ -$ 19,550$ 6,424$ 48.94% Building Rental Revolving Fund 2,728$ 4,495$ 8,204$ 14,770$ -$ 14,770$ 6,566$ 80.04% PEG Revolving Fund -$ -$ 4,922$ 4,780$ -$ 4,780$ (143)$ -2.90% Total 2400 Public Facilities 403,894$ 402,246$ 441,382$ 479,761$ -$ 479,761$ 38,378$ 8.70% Municipal Facilities FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 V-1 Section V: Program 3000: Public Works This section includes detailed information about the FY2017 Operating Budget & Financing Plan for Public Works (DPW). It includes:  3000-3500 DPW Summary V-2  3100 DPW Administration & Engineering V-7  3200 Highway V-11  3300 Public Grounds V-15  3400 Environmental Services V-20  3600 Water Enterprise V-24  3700 Sewer Enterprise V-28 Program: Public Works 3000 – 3500 DPW Summary Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 V - 2 Mission: The Department of Public Works is a professional team dedicated to enhancing the quality of life in Lexington and supporting the Town's core values. The Department makes every effort to maximize the efficient, effective use of Town resources in the support, maintenance and upkeep of the infrastructure, public lands and programs. Staff is committed to public safety and providing prompt, courteous quality service to both customers and to each other. Budget Overview: The Department of Public Works is comprised of multiple divisions including Administration and Engineering, Highway, Public Grounds and Environmental Services. The services provided by Public Works include the maintenance, repair, and construction of the Town's infrastructure, roads, equipment, and property. The Department of Public Works is responsible for 284 lane miles of road, 154 miles of water mains, 34 miles of trunk sewer lines, 119 miles of street sewer lines, 4,700 catch basins, 160 pieces of equipment, 9 parks, 4 cemeteries, the Pine Meadows golf course, and the 5.5 mile-long Jack Edison Memorial Bikeway. Public Works supports Town functions through the maintenance and repair of facilities such as playing fields, and the bikeway. This program also includes the Town's water and sewer operations, which function as separate enterprise funds and are shown in separate enterprise budgets. Along with the day to day duties, many DPW staff are also actively involved or work with Town committees. Those committees include the Permanent Building Committee, the Tree Committee, the Center Committee, the Water/Sewer Abatement Board, the Sidewalk Committee, the Capital Expenditures Committee, the Energy Committee, the Electric Utility Ad-Hoc Committee, the Transportation Safety Group, the Bicycle Advisory Committee, and the Recreation Committee. These, and other staff, also work collaboratively on internal committees and teams. Departmental Initiatives: 1. Begin the American Public Works Association re-accreditation process. 2. Continue the storm water initiatives in preparation for the new NPDES permit. 3. Support the implementation of GIS. 4. Work with Energy Committee and Sustainability Committee to improve energy efficiencies. Program: Public Works 3000 – 3500 DPW Summary Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 V - 3 Authorized/Appropriated Staffing Authorized/Appropriated Staffing FY 2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Budget Budget Budget Recommended Department of Public Works - General Fund Director of Public Works 1 1 1 1 Manager of Operations 1 1 1 1 Management Analyst 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 Office Manager 1 1 1 1 Municipal Clerk 0 0 0 0 Department Account Clerk 1 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 Department Clerk - Pub Grounds/Cemetery 1 1 1 1 Department Lead Clerk 1 1 1 1 Town Engineer 1 1 1 1 Assistant Town Engineer 1 1 1 1 Senior Civil Engineer 1 1 1 1 Engineering Assistant 3 4 4 4 Engineering Aide 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 Supt of Equipment, Highways & Drains 1 1 1 1 Crew Chief 6 6 6 6 Laborer 0 0 0 0 Heavy Equipment Operators 10 10 12 12 Grader/Shovel Operator 1 1 1 1 Information Coordinator 1 1 1 1 Seasonal Laborer 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 Highways and Drains Foreman 1 1 1 1 Equipment Foreman 1 1 1 1 Mechanic 4 4 4 4 Superintendent of Public Grounds 1 1 1 1 Laborer-Truck Driver 3 3 1 1 Leadmen 7 7 7 7 Senior Arborist 2 2 2 2 Tree Climber 2 2 2 2 Cemetery Foreman 1 1 1 1 Department of Public Works - Compost Revolving Fund Superintendent of Environmental Services 1 1 1 1 Crew Chief 1 1 1 1 Heavy Equipment Operators 1 1 1 1 Seasonal Heavy Equipment Operator 0.5 0.5 0.5 Seasonal Laborer 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 Total FTE 61.8 63.3 63.3 63.3 Total FT/PT 57 FT/10 PT 58 FT/10 PT 58 FT/10 PT 58 FT/10 PT Explanatory Notes 1FT Dept. Acct. Clerk shown as 0.6 from General Fund; 0.4 is charged to Water and Sewer Enterprise. Program: Public Works 3000 – 3500 DPW Summary Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 V - 4 Budget Recommendations: The FY2017 recommended All Funds Public Works budget inclusive of the General Fund operating budget and the Burial Containers, Compost Operations, Lexington Tree Fund, Minuteman Household Hazardous Waste, and Regional Cache – Hartwell Avenue revolving funds is $9,873,220. The recommended budget is a $276,194, or 2.88% increase over the restated FY2016 budget. The budget is restated to reflect cost of living increases that were not included in the FY2016 budget as adopted at the 2015 annual town meeting. The FY2017 recommended Public Works General Fund operating budget is $8,988,614, which is a $211,510, or 2.41% increase from the restated FY2016 General Fund budget. The General Fund operating budget for Compensation is $3,830,156, and reflects a $48,209 or 1.27% increase, which is attributable to the cost of prospective salary step increases. FY17 Compensation does not include any estimate of prospective cost of living increases. Funds for prospective increases are budgeted for in the Salary Adjustment account within the Town Manager’s budget. The General Fund operating budget for Expenses is $5,158,458 and reflects a $163,300, or 3.27% increase. The combined FY16 recommended Revolving Fund budgets are $884,606 which is a $64,684 or 7.89% increase over FY16. Please see the division sections on the following pages for a detailed explanation of the FY2017 budget changes. Program Improvement Requests: Description Salaries and Expenses Benefits (to be budgeted under Shared Expenses) Total Requested Salaries and Expe ns es Benefits (to be budgeted under Shared Expenses) Total Not Recom mended Senior Civil Engineer 86,052$ 16,400$ 102,452$ 60,000$ -$ 60,000$ 42,452$ Pavement Markings 120,000$ 120,000$ -$ -$ -$ ## 120,000$ Increase OT Highway 25,000$ 363$ 25,363$ -$ -$ -$ ## 25,363$ Electric Vehicle Charging Station 7,200$ 7,200$ 7,200$ -$ 7,200$ ## -$ Leaf Vacuum System 15,000$ 15,000$ 15,000$ -$ 15,000$ $- Disposal Forestry Materials 15,000$ 15,000$ 15,000$ -$ 15,000$ $- Disposal of Excavated Materials - Cemetery 10,000$ 10,000$ 10,000$ -$ 10,000$ $- Landscape Maintenance - Cemetery 5,000$ 5,000$ -$ -$ -$ 5,000$ Increase OT Parks 25,000$ 363$ 25,363$ 25,000$ 363$ 25,363$ -$ Heavy Equip. Oper. To FT* 19,600$ 15,437$ 35,037$ -$ -$ -$ ## 35,037$ Disposal of Compost Tailings* 20,000$ -$ 20,000$ 20,000$ -$ 20,000$ ## -$ Request Recommended Program: Public Works 3000 – 3500 DPW Summary Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 V - 5 Budget Summary: Funding Sources FY 2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Actual Actual Estimated Estimated Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Tax Levy 7,911,618$ 8,339,049$ 7,740,677$ 7,800,556$ 132,200$ 7,932,756$ 192,079$ 0.77% Enterprise Funds (Indirects) 642,088$ 638,015$ 693,846$ 714,661$ -$ 714,661$ 20,815$ 3.00% Fees, Charges and Available Funds Parking Fund 42,616$ 89,698$ 72,074$ 72,074$ -$ 72,074$ -$ 0.00% Cemetery Trust 120,000$ 120,000$ 105,000$ 105,000$ -$ 105,000$ -$ 0.00% Cemetery Prep Fees 122,087$ 133,079$ 127,824$ 127,200$ -$ 127,200$ (624)$ -0.49% Misc. Charges for Service 883$ 629$ 3,094$ 700$ -$ 700$ (2,394)$ -77.38% Licenses & Permits 46,258$ 46,158$ 34,590$ 36,223$ -$ 36,223$ 1,633$ 4.72% Revolving Funds Burial Containers 26,538$ 29,060$ 40,000$ 40,000$ -$ 40,000$ -$ 0.00% Compost Operations 445,925$ 452,501$ 534,922$ 589,606$ 20,000$ 609,606$ 74,684$ 10.22% Tree 24,999$ 24,823$ 45,000$ 45,000$ -$ 45,000$ -$ 0.00% MMHP 145,727$ 147,420$ 180,000$ 180,000$ -$ 180,000$ -$ 0.00% Regional Cache at Hartwell Ave 942$ 1,669$ 20,000$ 10,000$ -$ 10,000$ (10,000)$ -50.00% Total 3100-3500 DPW All Funds 9,529,682$ 10,022,101$ 9,597,026$ 9,721,020$ 152,200$ 9,873,220$ 276,194$ 2.88% Appropriation Summary (All Funds) FY 2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Actual Actual Restated Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Compensation 3,871,183$ 4,229,394$ 4,034,031$ 4,075,531$ 25,000$ 4,100,531$ 66,501$ 1.65% Expenses 5,532,486$ 5,723,518$ 5,442,008$ 5,488,108$ 127,200$ 5,615,308$ 173,300$ 3.18% Benefits 42,614$ 29,526$ 57,094$ 55,000$ -$ 55,000$ (2,094)$ -3.67% Debt Service (Revolving Fund) 83,400$ 39,663$ 63,894$ 102,381$ -$ 102,381$ 38,487$ 60.24% Total 3100-3500 DPW 9,529,682$ 10,022,101$ 9,597,026$ 9,721,020$ 152,200$ 9,873,220$ 276,194$ 2.88%-$ -$ Program Summary (All Funds) FY 2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Actual Actual Restated Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Total 3110 Administration 572,026$ 589,273$ 610,294$ 610,568$ -$ 610,568$ 274$ 0.04% 644,420$ 649,149$ 769,436$ 770,059$ 60,000$ 830,059$ 60,623$ 7.88% Total 3130 Street Lighting 377,754$ 304,859$ 306,902$ 265,302$ -$ 265,302$ (41,600)$ -13.55% 1,100,483$ 1,075,496$ 1,287,363$ 1,288,959$ 7,200$ 1,296,159$ 8,796$ 0.68% 730,489$ 769,337$ 711,932$ 705,225$ -$ 705,225$ (6,707)$ -0.94% 1,744,540$ 2,235,573$ 1,128,216$ 1,172,216$ -$ 1,172,216$ 44,000$ 3.90% 1,009,264$ 978,175$ 1,053,859$ 1,064,519$ 40,000$ 1,104,519$ 50,661$ 4.81% 289,385$ 310,143$ 432,943$ 432,454$ 15,000$ 447,454$ 14,511$ 3.35% 310,834$ 300,534$ 341,983$ 343,085$ 10,000$ 353,085$ 11,102$ 3.25% Total 3410 Refuse Collection 764,603$ 779,561$ 795,153$ 811,056$ -$ 811,056$ 15,903$ 2.00% Total 3420 Recycling 1,391,711$ 1,416,101$ 1,585,946$ 1,656,983$ 20,000$ 1,676,983$ 91,037$ 5.74% Total 3430 Refuse Disposal 594,174$ 613,900$ 573,000$ 600,594$ -$ 600,594$ 27,594$ 4.82% Total 3100-3500 DPW All Funds 9,529,682$ 10,022,101$ 9,597,026$ 9,721,020$ 152,200$ 9,873,220$ 276,194$ 2.88% Object Code Summary (All Funds) FY 2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Actual Actual Restated Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Salaries & Wages 3,320,187$ 3,532,107$ 3,688,386$ 3,704,068$ -$ 3,704,068$ 15,682$ 0.43% Overtime 550,996$ 697,287$ 345,645$ 371,464$ 25,000$ 396,464$ 50,819$ 14.70% Personal Services 3,871,183$ 4,229,394$ 4,034,031$ 4,075,531$ 25,000$ 4,100,531$ 66,501$ 1.65% Contractual Services 3,883,061$ 3,988,885$ 3,844,532$ 3,869,732$ 105,000$ 3,974,732$ 130,200$ 3.39% Utilities 356,038$ 433,408$ 420,557$ 420,657$ -$ 420,657$ 100$ 0.02% Supplies 1,225,285$ 1,228,256$ 1,111,902$ 1,132,202$ 7,200$ 1,139,402$ 27,500$ 2.47% Small Capital 68,102$ 72,971$ 65,017$ 65,517$ 15,000$ 80,517$ 15,500$ 23.84% Expenses 5,532,486$ 5,723,518$ 5,442,008$ 5,488,108$ 127,200$ 5,615,308$ 173,300$ 3.18% Benefits 42,614$ 29,526$ 57,094$ 55,000$ -$ 55,000$ (2,094)$ -3.67% Debt 83,400$ 39,663$ 63,894$ 102,381$ -$ 102,381$ 38,487$ 60.24% Total 3100-3500 DPW All Funds 9,529,682$ 10,022,101$ 9,597,026$ 9,721,020$ 152,200$ 9,873,220$ 276,194$ 2.88% Object Code Summary (General Fund) FY 2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Actual Actual Restated Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Salaries & Wages 3,132,804$ 3,322,220$ 3,457,827$ 3,468,194$ -$ 3,468,194$ 10,367$ 0.30% Overtime 531,448$ 675,057$ 324,120$ 336,962$ 25,000$ 361,962$ 37,842$ 11.68% Personal Services 3,664,252$ 3,997,277$ 3,781,947$ 3,805,156$ 25,000$ 3,830,156$ 48,209$ 1.27% Contractual Services 3,632,603$ 3,697,060$ 3,511,332$ 3,536,532$ 85,000$ 3,621,532$ 110,200$ 3.14% Utilities 356,038$ 433,408$ 420,557$ 420,657$ -$ 420,657$ 100$ 0.02% Supplies 1,164,556$ 1,175,684$ 998,252$ 1,028,552$ 7,200$ 1,035,752$ 37,500$ 3.76% Small Capital 68,102$ 63,201$ 65,017$ 65,517$ 15,000$ 80,517$ 15,500$ 23.84% Expenses 5,221,298$ 5,369,351$ 4,995,158$ 5,051,258$ 107,200$ 5,158,458$ 163,300$ 3.27% Total 3100-3500 DPW General Fund 8,885,551$ 9,366,628$ 8,777,104$ 8,856,414$ 132,200$ 8,988,614$ 211,510$ 2.41% Approp Summary (General Fund) FY 2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Actual Actual Restated Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Compensation 3,664,252$ 3,997,277$ 3,781,947$ 3,805,156$ 25,000$ 3,830,156$ 48,209$ 1.27% Expenses 5,221,298$ 5,369,351$ 4,995,158$ 5,051,258$ 107,200$ 5,158,458$ 163,300$ 3.27% Total 3100-3500 DPW General Fund 8,885,551$ 9,366,628$ 8,777,104$ 8,856,414$ 132,200$ 8,988,614$ 211,510$ 2.41% Total 3310 Parks Total 3320 Forestry Total 3330 Cemetery Total 3230 Snow Removal Total 3120 Town Engineering Total 3220 Road Machinery Total 3210 Highway Program: Public Works 3000 – 3500 DPW Summary Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 V - 6 Budget Summary (continued): Approp Summary (Non-Gen Fund) FY 2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Actual Actual Restated Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Compensation 206,931$ 232,117$ 252,084$ 270,375$ -$ 270,375$ 18,291$ 7.26% Total 3420 Recycling: Compost 206,931$ 232,117$ 252,084$ 270,375$ -$ 270,375$ 18,291$ 7.26% Expenses 311,187$ 354,167$ 446,850$ 436,850$ 20,000$ 456,850$ 10,000$ 2.24% Total 3110 Admin: Regional Cache 942$ 1,669$ 20,000$ 10,000$ -$ 10,000$ (10,000)$ -50.00% Total 3320 Forestry: Tree Fund 24,999$ 24,823$ 45,000$ 45,000$ -$ 45,000$ -$ 0.00% Total 3330 Cemetery: Burial Containers 26,538$ 29,060$ 40,000$ 40,000$ -$ 40,000$ -$ 0.00% Total 3420 Recycling: Compost 112,981$ 151,195$ 161,850$ 161,850$ 20,000$ 181,850$ 20,000$ 12.36% Total 3420 Recycling: MMHP 145,727$ 147,420$ 180,000$ 180,000$ -$ 180,000$ -$ 0.00% Benefits 42,614$ 29,526$ 57,094$ 55,000$ -$ 55,000$ (2,094)$ -3.67% Total 3420 Recycling: Compost 42,614$ 29,526$ 57,094$ 55,000$ -$ 55,000$ (2,094)$ -3.67% Debt 83,400$ 39,663$ 63,894$ 102,381$ -$ 102,381$ 38,487$ 60.24% Total 3420 Recycling: Compost 83,400$ 39,663$ 63,894$ 102,381$ -$ 102,381$ 38,487$ 60.24% Total 3100-3500 DPW Non-General Fund 644,132$ 655,473$ 819,922$ 864,606$ 20,000$ 884,606$ 64,684$ 7.89% This Page Left Blank Intentionally Program: Public Works 3100 DPW Administration & Engineering Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 V-7 Mission: This element of the budget provides executive direction and leadership to all aspects of the Department of Public Works by promoting best management practices, administering Town policies and providing engineering support to other DPW divisions and Town departments. Budget Overview: DPW Administration includes Administration, Operations, Engineering and Street Lighting. DPW Administration and Oversight staff plan, manage, coordinate, schedule and direct the department's activities. Staff are responsible for preparing budgets, monitoring expenditures, developing bid specifications for DPW procurements, responding to citizens' questions and concerns, evaluating work performance, performing inspections, managing projects, and scheduling work assignments. Staff also support various committees including the Permanent Building Committee, Center Committee, Capital Expenditures Committee, Energy Conservation Committee, Bicycle Advisory Committee, Tree Committee, and Water and Sewer Abatement Board. Division Initiatives: 1. Continue to streamline Operations and Administration office assignments and functions for efficiency. 2. Begin the process of reaccreditation through the American Public Works Association. 3. Expand pavement management program techniques through research and application. 4. Improve asset management capabilities. 5. Continue to explore options to better track street lighting outages and methods to enhance response time to outages. 6. Continue to work with the Energy Committee and Lighting Options Committee to find energy savings for street lights. 7. Continue to proactively maintain a cost effective lighting system which reduces outage frequency and down time. Program: Public Works 3100 DPW Administration & Engineering Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 V-8 Authorized/Appropriated Staffing Authorized/Appropriated Staffing FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 Budget Budget Budget Recommended Element 3110: DPW Administration Director of Public Works 1 1 1 1 Manager of Operations 1 1 1 1 Management Analyst 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 Office Manager 1 1 1 1 Department Lead Clerk 1 1 1 1 Department Account Clerk* 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 sub-total FTE 7.2 7.2 7.2 7.2 sub-total FT/PT 6 FT/2 PT 6 FT/2 PT 6 FT/2 PT 6 FT/2 PT Element 3120: Engineering Town Engineer 1 1 1 1 Assistant Town Engineer 1 1 1 1 Senior Civil Engineer 1 1 1 1 Engineering Assistant 3 4 4 4 Engineering Aide 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 sub-total FTE 6.7 7.7 7.7 7.7 sub-total FT/PT 6 FT/1 PT 7 FT/1 PT 7 FT/1 PT 7 FT/1 PT Total FTE 13.9 14.9 14.9 14.9 Total Full/Part Time 12 FT/3 PT 13 FT/3 PT 13 FT/3 PT 13 FT/3 PT *1 FT Clerk split between DPW, Water & Sewer Program: Public Works 3100 DPW Administration & Engineering Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 V-9 Budget Recommendations: The FY2017 recommended All Funds Administration and Engineering budget inclusive of the General Fund operating budgets for Administration, Engineering and Street Lighting and the Regional Cache Revolving Fund which funds the operation of the cache - a repository of emergency equipment at the Hartwell Avenue compost facility for use by contributing member communities - is $1,705,929. The recommended budget is a $19,297 or 1.14% increase from the restated FY2016 budget. The budget is restated to reflect cost of living increases that were not included in the FY2016 budget as adopted at the 2015 annual town meeting. The recommended FY2017 Administration and Engineering General Fund operating budget is $1,695,929 which is a $29,297, or 1.76% increase from the restated FY2016 General Fund budget. Of this amount, $1,216,502 is for Compensation and reflects a $20,097 or 1.68% increase, which is attributable to the cost of prospective salary step increases. FY17 Compensation does not include any estimate of prospective cost of living increases. Funds for prospective increases are budgeted for in the Salary Adjustment account within the Town Manager’s budget. The recommended FY2017 Administration and Engineering General Fund operating budget for Expenses is $479,427 and reflects a $9,200, or 1.96% increase. The most notable changes in the Expense Budget are in the Street Lighting Division, which is decreasing by $41,800; a net change primarily driven by a decrease of $42,100 reflecting the end of a lease agreement that was in place to fund the purchase and installation of the induction street lights; offset by a recommended program improvement of $60,000 for Professional Services within the Engineering division for outside engineering services. The FY17 recommended Regional Cache Revolving Fund request is funded at $10,000, a $10,000 decrease from FY2016 to bring the budget in line with actual experience. Program Improvement Requests: Note: Request for additional Civil Engineer replaced by additional funds for outside engineering services. Description Salaries and Expenses Benefits (to be budgeted under Shared Expenses) Total Requested Salaries and Expenses Benefits (to be budgeted under Shared Expenses) Total Not Recommended Senior Civil Engineer 86,052$ 16,400$ 102,452$ 60,000$ -$ 60,000$ 42,452$ Request Recommended Program: Public Works 3100 DPW Administration & Engineering Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 V-10 Budget Summary: Funding Sources FY 2014 FY 2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Actual Actual Estimated Estimated Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Tax Levy 1,198,530$ 1,160,686$ 1,329,286$ 1,268,491$ 60,000$ 1,328,491$ (796)$ -0.06% Enterprise Funds (Indirects) 345,856$ 340,383$ 318,028$ 335,179$ -$ 335,179$ 17,151$ 5.39% Fees & Charges - - - - - - - - Charges for Service 883$ 629$ 3,094$ 700$ -$ 700$ (2,394)$ -77.38% Licenses & Permits 46,258$ 39,878$ 36,223$ 41,559$ -$ 41,559$ 5,336$ 14.73% Parking Fund 2,673$ 1,705$ 2,145$ 2,120$ -$ 2,120$ (26)$ -1.20% Regional Cache at Hartwell Ave 942$ 1,669$ 20,000$ 10,000$ -$ 10,000$ (10,000)$ -50.00% Total 3100 DPW Admin. & Engineering 1,594,200$ 1,543,281$ 1,686,632$ 1,645,929$ 60,000$ 1,705,929$ 19,297$ 1.14% Appropriation Summary (All Funds) FY 2014 FY 2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Actual Actual Restated Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Compensation 1,073,869$ 1,158,498$ 1,196,405$ 1,216,502$ -$ 1,216,502$ 20,097$ 1.68% Expenses 520,331$ 384,783$ 490,227$ 429,427$ 60,000$ 489,427$ (800)$ -0.16% Total 3100 DPW Admin. & Engineering 1,594,200$ 1,543,281$ 1,686,632$ 1,645,929$ 60,000$ 1,705,929$ 19,297$ 1.14% Program Summary (All Funds) FY 2014 FY 2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Actual Actual Restated Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Total 3110 DPW Administration 572,026$ 589,273$ 610,294$ 610,568$ -$ 610,568$ 274$ 0.04% 644,420$ 649,149$ 769,436$ 770,059$ 60,000$ 830,059$ 60,623$ 7.88% Total 3130 Street Lighting 377,754$ 304,859$ 306,902$ 265,302$ -$ 265,302$ (41,600)$ -13.55% Total 3100 DPW Admin. & Engineering 1,594,200$ 1,543,281$ 1,686,632$ 1,645,929$ 60,000$ 1,705,929$ 19,297$ 1.14% Object Code Summary (All Funds) FY 2014 FY 2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Actual Actual Restated Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Salaries & Wages 1,067,597$ 1,151,249$ 1,183,085$ 1,202,982$ -$ 1,202,982$ 19,898$ 1.68% Overtime 6,272$ 7,249$ 13,320$ 13,520$ -$ 13,520$ 200$ 1.50% Personal Services 1,073,869$ 1,158,498$ 1,196,405$ 1,216,502$ -$ 1,216,502$ 20,097$ 1.68% Contractual Services 315,361$ 239,951$ 274,525$ 219,625$ 60,000$ 279,625$ 5,100$ 1.86% Utilities 114,112$ 115,150$ 130,402$ 130,402$ -$ 130,402$ -$ 0.00% Supplies 90,551$ 27,759$ 84,800$ 78,400$ -$ 78,400$ (6,400)$ -7.55% Small Capital 308$ 1,922$ 500$ 1,000$ -$ 1,000$ 500$ 100.00% Expenses 520,331$ 384,783$ 490,227$ 429,427$ 60,000$ 489,427$ (800)$ -0.16% Total 3100 DPW Admin. & Engineering 1,594,200$ 1,543,281$ 1,686,632$ 1,645,929$ 60,000$ 1,705,929$ 19,297$ 1.14% Program Summary (General Fund) FY 2014 FY 2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Actual Actual Restated Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Compensation 1,073,869$ 1,158,498$ 1,196,405$ 1,216,502$ -$ 1,216,502$ 20,097$ 1.68% 519,389$ 383,114$ 470,227$ 419,427$ 60,000$ 479,427$ 9,200$ 1.96% Total 3100 DPW Admin. & Engineering 1,593,258$ 1,541,612$ 1,666,632$ 1,635,929$ 60,000$ 1,695,929$ 29,297$ 1.76% Appropriation Summary (Non-General Fund) FY 2014 FY 2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Actual Actual Restated Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Expenses 942$ 1,669$ 20,000$ 10,000$ -$ 10,000$ (10,000)$ -50.00% Total 3110 Admin: Regional Cache 942$ 1,669$ 20,000$ 10,000$ -$ 10,000$ (10,000)$ -50.00% Total 3100 DPW Admin. & Engineering 942$ 1,669$ 20,000$ 10,000$ -$ 10,000$ (10,000)$ -50.00% Total 3120 Engineering Expenses Program: Public Works 3200 Highway Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 V-11 Mission: The Highway Division maintains the town streets, sidewalks and storm water infrastructure, providing for the safe movement of vehicular and pedestrian traffic. The Highway Division performs minor construction repairs, snow and ice operations for roadways and sidewalks, maintains all traffic signage, traffic markings and supervises contractual service providers that perform repairs, cleaning and maintenance work. In addition, the Road Machinery Division ensures that the Town's fleet is operational and well maintained by performing repairs, preventative maintenance and managing the fuel management program. Budget Overview: The Highway Division includes Highway Maintenance, Road Machinery and Snow Removal. Highway Maintenance is responsible for all public streets, sidewalks, town parking lots, drainage infrastructure and brooks, performing minor construction repairs, as well as maintaining all traffic signage and traffic markings. Road Machinery is responsible for the repair and preventive maintenance of 160 vehicles, rolling stock and equipment. Snow Removal is responsible for removing snow and treating 155 miles of roads and 62 miles of sidewalks. The Highway Division staff works with and provides support to the Sidewalk and Center Committees. Division Initiatives: 1. Continue with the repair and replacement of regulatory signs per the Retro-reflectivity study conducted in 2013. 2. Take proactive measures to repair catch basins town wide. 3. Refine the preventative maintenance program with new technologies. 4. Implementation of web-based technologies that improve efficiency. 5. Refine the use of enhanced liquids with salt in order to enhance the treatment processes and reduce salt consumption. 6. Continue researching new technologies that will improve the efficiency of snow removal operations. 7. Continue researching and utilizing composite plow edge technology. Program: Public Works 3200 Highway Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 V-12 Authorized/Appropriated Staffing FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 Budget Budget Budget Recommended Element 3210: Highway Maintenance Supt. of Equipment, Highways & Drains 1 1 1 1 Highway Foreman 1 1 1 1 Crew Chief 2 2 2 2 Laborer/Truck Driver 0 1 0 0 Heavy Equipment Operators 5 4 5 5 Leadman 2 2 2 2 Gradel/Shovel Operator 1 1 1 1 Information Coordinator 1 1 1 1 Seasonal Laborer1 1110.5 sub-total FTE 14 14 14 13.5 sub-total FT/PT 13 FT/2 PT 13 FT/2 PT 13 FT/2 PT 13 FT/1 PT Element 3220: Road Machinery Equipment Foreman 1 1 1 1 Mechanic 4 4 4 4 sub-total FTE 5 5 5 5 sub-total FT/PT 5 FT/0 PT 5 FT/0 PT 5 FT/0 PT 5 FT/0 PT Total FTE 19 19 19 19 Total Full/Part Time 18 FT/2 PT 18 FT/2 PT 18 FT/2 PT 18 FT/2 PT Program: Public Works 3200 Highway Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 V-13 Budget Recommendations: The FY2017 recommended Highway budget inclusive of Highway Maintenance, Road Machinery and Snow Removal divisions is $3,173,600. The recommended budget is a $46,089, or 1.47%, increase over the restated FY2016 budget. The budget is restated to reflect cost of living increases that were not included in the FY2016 budget as adopted at the 2015 annual town meeting. The budget for Compensation is $1,271,851 and reflects a $5,112, or 0.40% decrease, which is attributable to replacement of retiring staff at lower steps partially offset by the cost of prospective step increases. FY17 Compensation does not include any estimate of prospective cost of living increases. Funds for prospective increases are budgeted for in the Salary Adjustment account within the Town Manager’s budget. The budget for Expenses is $1,901,749 and reflects a $51,200 or 2.77% increase which includes an addition of $7,200 in Highway expenses for a recommended program improvement for the operation of the electric vehicle charging station (triggered by the end of grant funding for the station), a decrease in Road Machinery expenses of $6,707 and an increase in Snow Removal expenses of $44,000. The biggest driver of the increase in Snow Removal expenses is for snow plow contractors and lease agreements. Program Improvement Requests: Description Salaries and Expenses Benefits (to be budgeted under Shared Expenses) Total Requested Salaries and Expenses Benefits (to be budgeted under Shared Expenses) Total Not Recommended Pavement Markings 120,000$ 120,000$ -$ -$ -$ ## 120,000$ Increase OT 25,000$ 363$ 25,363$ -$ -$ -$ ## 25,363$ Electric Vehicle Charging Station 7,200$ 7,200$ 7,200$ -$ 7,200$ ## -$ Request Recommended Program: Public Works 3200 Highway Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 V-14 Budget Summary: Funding Sources FY 2014 FY 2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Actual Actual Estimated Estimated Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Tax Levy 3,341,079$ 3,852,502$ 2,967,632$ 2,943,718$ 7,200$ 2,950,918$ (16,714)$ -0.6% Enterprise Funds (Indirects) 202,450$ 195,920$ 126,955$ 189,872$ -$ 189,872$ 62,917$ 33.1% Fees & Charges - - - - - - - - Parking Fund 31,983$ 31,983$ 32,924$ 32,810$ -$ 32,810$ (115)$ -0.3% Total 3200 Highway 3,575,512$ 4,080,405$ 3,127,511$ 3,166,400$ 7,200$ 3,173,600$ 46,089$ 1.47% Appropriation Summary (General Fund) FY 2014 FY 2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Actual Actual Restated Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Compensation 1,426,564$ 1,639,711$ 1,276,963$ 1,271,851$ -$ 1,271,851$ (5,112)$ -0.40% Expenses 2,148,948$ 2,440,695$ 1,850,549$ 1,894,549$ 7,200$ 1,901,749$ 51,200$ 2.77% Total 3200 Highway 3,575,512$ 4,080,405$ 3,127,511$ 3,166,400$ 7,200$ 3,173,600$ 46,089$ 1.47% Program Summary (General Fund) FY 2014 FY 2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Actual Actual Restated Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase 1,100,483$ 1,075,496$ 1,287,363$ 1,288,959$ 7,200$ 1,296,159$ 8,796$ 0.68% 730,489$ 769,337$ 711,932$ 705,225$ -$ 705,225$ (6,707)$ -0.94% 1,744,540$ 2,235,573$ 1,128,216$ 1,172,216$ -$ 1,172,216$ 44,000$ 3.90% Total 3200 Highway 3,575,512$ 4,080,405$ 3,127,511$ 3,166,400$ 7,200$ 3,173,600$ 46,089$ 1.47% Object Code Summary (General Fund) FY 2014 FY 2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Actual Actual Restated Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Salaries & Wages 1,016,078$ 1,098,811$ 1,042,906$ 1,025,154$ -$ 1,025,154$ (17,752)$ -1.70% Overtime 410,486$ 540,899$ 234,057$ 246,697$ -$ 246,697$ 12,640$ 5.40% Personal Services 1,426,564$ 1,639,711$ 1,276,963$ 1,271,851$ -$ 1,271,851$ (5,112)$ -0.40% Contractual Services 979,600$ 1,118,196$ 762,600$ 780,100$ -$ 780,100$ 17,500$ 2.29% Utilities 210,421$ 272,836$ 251,480$ 251,480$ -$ 251,480$ -$ 0.00% Supplies 913,714$ 996,323$ 779,652$ 806,152$ 7,200$ 813,352$ 33,700$ 4.32% Small Capital 45,213$ 53,340$ 56,817$ 56,817$ -$ 56,817$ -$ 0.00% Expenses 2,148,948$ 2,440,695$ 1,850,549$ 1,894,549$ 7,200$ 1,901,749$ 51,200$ 2.77% Total 3200 Highway 3,575,512$ 4,080,405$ 3,127,511$ 3,166,400$ 7,200$ 3,173,600$ 46,089$ 1.47% Total 3210 Highway Maintenance Total 3220 Road Machinery Total 3230 Snow Removal Program: Public Works 3300 Public Grounds Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 V-15 Mission: The Public Grounds Division, working with other Town Departments, user groups and concerned citizens, support various Town services and recreational opportunities that help to preserve the Town’s green character and open spaces and promote public safety. Through the Cemetery Division, it also serves bereaved families and provides well- maintained cemetery grounds. Budget Overview: The Public Grounds Division is comprised of the Parks, Forestry and Cemetery functions. The Parks staff maintain 9 parks, 12 playgrounds, 28 conservation areas, 41 athletic fields, 12 school grounds, 4 tennis facilities, 3 historical sites, the pool and reservoir complexes as well as the Town’s bicycle, fitness and conservation trails totaling approximately 630 acres. Lexington's athletic fields are used by many groups, which put excessive demands on these facilities. The new turf program has continued to make a marked improvement of the safety and playability of these fields. The Forestry staff maintains approximately 10,000 street trees, an undetermined number of trees on Park and Conservation lands and numerous shrub bed plantings on park, cemetery, school and conservation properties and along right-of-ways. The Cemetery staff is responsible for the administration and maintenance of four cemeteries including 21.5 acres in Westview, 6.9 acres in Munroe, 1.28 in Colonial and 0.5 acres in Robbins. Staff supports the Recreation, Tree and Bicycle Advisory Committees. Division Initiatives: 1. Develop a program to improve two turf areas per year. This past year the areas worked on were the Fiske and Diamond School fields. 2. Continue the implementation of planting at least one hundred and thirty trees per year in the Town Right-of Ways, parks, public grounds areas, and setback areas on private property. It is anticipated that the trees for the FY2017 plantings will come from the Tree Nursery and bare root trees from a supplier. 3. Continue the implementation of a proactive tree maintenance program to minimize hazard trees and perform timely tree pruning to promote good tree health, safety and aesthetics. 4. Continue the GPS location of graves at Westview Cemetery and begin plans for the other cemeteries. Program: Public Works 3300 Public Grounds Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 V-16 Program: Public Works 3300 Public Grounds Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 V-17 Authorized/Appropriated Staffing FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 Budget Budget Budget Recommended Element 3310: Parks Division Superintendent of Public Grounds 1 1 1 1 Crew Chief 3 3 3 3 Leadman 4 4 4 4 Heavy Equipment Operator 4 2 6 6 Laborer-Truck Driver 3 5 1 1 sub-total FTE 15 15 15 15 sub-total FT/PT 15 FT/0 PT 15 FT/0 PT 15 FT/0 PT 15 FT/0 PT Element 3320: Forestry Division Crew Chief 1 1 1 1 Senior Arborist 2 2 2 2 Laborer-Tree Climber 2 2 2 2 Seasonal Laborer* 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 sub-total FTE 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 sub-total FT/PT 5 FT/2 PT 5 FT/2 PT 5 FT/2 PT 5 FT/2 PT Element 3330: Cemetery Division Cemetery Foreman 1 1 1 1 Crew Chief 0 0 0 0 Leadman 1 1 1 1 Heavy Equipment Operator 1 1 1 1 Department Clerk 1 1 1 1 Seasonal Laborer 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 sub-total FTE 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.6 sub-total FT/PT 4 FT/2 PT 4 FT/2 PT 4 FT/2 PT 4 FT/2 PT Total FTE 25.2 25.2 25.2 25.2 Total Full/Part Time 24 FT/4 PT 24 FT/4 PT 24 FT/4 PT 24 FT/4 PT *Seasonal Laborers in 3320 Forestry have been funded since FY2013. Program: Public Works 3300 Public Grounds Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 V-18 Budget Recommendations: The FY2017 recommended All Funds Public Grounds budget inclusive of the General Fund operating budgets for the Parks, Forestry and Cemetery divisions and the Burial Containers and Lexington Tree Fund Revolving Funds is $1,905,058, which is a $76,274, or 4.17% increase over the restated FY2016 budget. The budget is restated to reflect cost of living increases that were not included in the FY2016 budget as adopted at the 2015 annual town meeting. The combined Parks, Forestry and Cemetery FY2016 recommended General Fund operating budget is $1,820,058 which is a $76,274 or 4.37% increase from the restated FY2016 General Fund budget. The combined Parks, Forestry and Cemetery General Fund operating budget for Compensation is $1,341,803 and reflects a $33,224 or 2.54% increase, which is attributable to a program improvement for additional Overtime of $25,000 as well as the cost of prospective step increases. FY17 Compensation does not include any estimate of prospective cost of living increases. Funds for prospective increases are budgeted for in the Salary Adjustment account within the Town Manager’s budget. The combined Parks, Forestry and Cemetery General Fund operating budget for Expenses is $478,255 and reflects a $43,050 or 9.89% increase. The Parks Division expense budget is increasing by $17,450, or 6.86%, driven primarily by the recommended Program Improvement Request of $15,000 for a leaf vacuum system. The Forestry Division expense budget is increasing $15,500, or 12.72% attributable to a recommended Program Improvement Request of $15,000 for additional funding for disposal of forestry materials. The Cemetery Division expense budget is increasing by $11,102, or 3.68%, driven primarily by a recommended Program Improvement Request of $10,000 for additional funding for disposal of cemetery materials. These two program improvement requests are solely driven by the Town’s plan to install a solar array at the Hartwell Compost Facility. The combined FY17 revolving fund budgets are level funded at $85,000. Program Improvement Requests: Description Salaries and Expenses Benefits (to be budgeted under Shared Expenses) Total Requested Salaries and Expe ns es Benefits (to be budgeted under Shared Expenses) Total Not Recommended Leaf Vacuum System 15,000$ 15,000$ 15,000$ -$ 15,000$ $- Disposal Forestry Materials 15,000$ 15,000$ 15,000$ -$ 15,000$ $- Disposal of Excavated Materials - Cemetery 10,000$ 10,000$ 10,000$ -$ 10,000$ $- Landscape Maintenance - Cemetery 5,000$ 5,000$ -$ -$ -$ 5,000$ Increase OT Parks 25,000$ 363$ 25,363$ 25,000$ 363$ 25,363$ -$ Request Recommended Program: Public Works 3300 Public Grounds Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 V-19 Budget Summary: Funding Sources FY 2014 FY 2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Actual Actual Estimated Estimated Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Tax Levy 1,177,587$ 1,171,353$ 1,386,880$ 1,409,274$ 65,000$ 1,474,274$ 87,394$ 6.30% Enterprise Funds (Indirects) 121,296$ 121,296$ 117,384$ 113,760$ -$ 113,760$ (3,624)$ -3.09% Fees & Charges - - - - - - - - Cemetery Prep Fees 139,063$ 122,321$ 134,520$ 127,024$ -$ 127,024$ (7,496)$ -5.57% Directed Funding - - - - - - - - Cemetery Trust 120,000$ 120,000$ 105,000$ 105,000$ -$ 105,000$ -$ 0.00% Revolving Funds - - - - - - - - Burial Containers 26,538$ 29,060$ 40,000$ 40,000$ -$ 40,000$ -$ 0.00% Tree 24,999$ 24,823$ 45,000$ 45,000$ -$ 45,000$ -$ 0.00% Total 3300 Public Grounds 1,609,483$ 1,588,853$ 1,828,784$ 1,840,058$ 65,000$ 1,905,058$ 76,274$ 4.17% Appropriation Summary (All Funds) FY 2014 FY 2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Actual Actual Restated Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Compensation 1,163,819$ 1,199,068$ 1,308,579$ 1,316,803$ 25,000$ 1,341,803$ 33,224$ 2.54% Expenses 445,664$ 389,785$ 520,205$ 523,255$ 40,000$ 563,255$ 43,050$ 8.28% Total 3300 Public Grounds 1,609,483$ 1,588,853$ 1,828,784$ 1,840,058$ 65,000$ 1,905,058$ 76,274$ 4.17% Program Summary (All Funds) FY 2014 FY 2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Actual Actua l Restate d Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec.Increase Increase 1,009,264$ 978,175$ 1,053,859$ 1,064,519$ 40,000$ 1,104,519$ 50,661$ 4.81% 289,385$ 310,143$ 432,943$ 432,454$ 15,000$ 447,454$ 14,511$ 3.35% 310,834$ 300,534$ 341,983$ 343,085$ 10,000$ 353,085$ 11,102$ 3.25% Total 3300 Public Grounds 1,609,483$ 1,588,853$ 1,828,784$ 1,840,058$ 65,000$ 1,905,058$ 76,274$ 4.17% Object Code Summary (All Funds) FY 2014 FY 2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Actual Actual Restated Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Salaries & Wages 1,049,129$ 1,072,159$ 1,231,836$ 1,240,058$ -$ 1,240,058$ 8,222$ 0.67% Overtime 114,690$ 126,909$ 76,743$ 76,745$ 25,000$ 101,745$ 25,002$ 32.58% Personal Services 1,163,819$ 1,199,068$ 1,308,579$ 1,316,803$ 25,000$ 1,341,803$ 33,224$ 2.54% Contractual Services 202,147$ 155,245$ 262,530$ 265,280$ 25,000$ 290,280$ 27,750$ 10.57% Utilities 31,504$ 45,422$ 38,675$ 38,775$ -$ 38,775$ 100$ 0.26% Supplies 189,431$ 181,180$ 211,300$ 211,500$ -$ 211,500$ 200$ 0.09% Small Capital 22,582$ 7,939$ 7,700$ 7,700$ 15,000$ 22,700$ 15,000$ 194.81% Expenses 445,664$ 389,785$ 520,205$ 523,255$ 40,000$ 563,255$ 43,050$ 8.28% Total 3300 Public Grounds 1,609,483$ 1,588,853$ 1,828,784$ 1,840,058$ 65,000$ 1,905,058$ 76,274$ 4.17% Appropriation Summary (General Fund Only) FY 2014 FY 2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Actual Actual Restated Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Compensation 1,163,819$ 1,199,068$ 1,308,579$ 1,316,803$ 25,000$ 1,341,803$ 33,224$ 2.54% Expenses 394,127$ 335,902$ 435,205$ 438,255$ 40,000$ 478,255$ 43,050$ 9.89% Total 3300 Public Grounds 1,557,946$ 1,534,970$ 1,743,784$ 1,755,058$ 65,000$ 1,820,058$ 76,274$ 4.37% Appropriation Summary (Non-General Fund) FY 2014 FY 2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Actual Actual Restated Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Compensation -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - Expenses 51,537$ 53,883$ 85,000$ 85,000$ -$ 85,000$ -$ 0.00% Total 3320 Forestry 24,999$ 24,823$ 45,000$ 45,000$ -$ 45,000$ -$ 0.00% Total 3330 Cemetery 26,538$ 29,060$ 40,000$ 40,000$ -$ 40,000$ -$ 0.00% Total 3300 Public Grounds 51,537$ 53,883$ 85,000$ 85,000$ -$ 85,000$ -$ 0.00% Total 3310 Parks Division Total 3320 Forestry Total 3330 Cemetery Program: Public Works 3400 Environmental Services Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY2017 Town Manager’s Recommended Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 V-20 Mission: The Environmental Services Division manages the solid waste, recyclables, yard waste and household hazardous products generated by the residents and at municipal facilities. The Division also provides educational materials on ways to reduce the solid waste, increase recycling and composting, and reduce the toxicity of the waste stream. Budget Overview: The Environmental Services Division includes Refuse Collection and Disposal, Recycling, Yard Waste and Appliance/Electronic Waste. Refuse collection is the curbside collection of non-recyclable residential solid waste and the separate collection of large appliances and yard waste. Recycling is the curbside collection of recyclable products, management of yard waste operations at the Hartwell Avenue Compost Facility, operation of the Minuteman Household Hazardous Products regional facility and curbside collection of televisions, computer monitors and other electronics (CRT’s) and drop off of corrugated cardboard. FY2017 is the fifth year of a five year contract with JRM Hauling and Recycling Inc. The total refuse and recycling contract was $1,489,200 in FY2014, $1,518,984 in FY2015 and $1,549,364 in FY2016. In FY2017, curbside refuse collection will increase $15,903, or 2%. The Town is currently under contract with Wheelabrator in North Andover for refuse disposal through June 30, 2020. Division Initiatives: 1. Continue to oversee enforcement of mandatory recycling by-law and State waste ban regulations implemented by curbside collection vendor. 2. Draft Refuse Collection Request for Proposal (RFP) Bid Specifications for next contract 3. Develop a new landscape contractor yard waste disposal permit program. 4. Participate in the implementation of solar panels at the Hartwell Avenue Compost Facility. 5. Examine recycling opportunities for the Lexington Business community. 6. Continue to explore future alternative disposal options for municipal solid waste. Program: Public Works 3400 Environmental Services Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY2017 Town Manager’s Recommended Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 V-21 Public Works Director Manager of Operations Superintendent of Environmental Services Seasonal Attendant Crew Chief Heavy Equipment Operator Authorized/Appropriated Staffing FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 Budget Budget Budget Recommended Element 3420: Recycling** (Compost Fac.) Superintendent of Environmental Services 1 1 1 1 Crew Chief 1 1 1 1 Heavy Equipment Operator 1 1 1 1 Seasonal Heavy Equipment Operator 0.5 0.5 0.5 Seasonal Attendant 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 sub-total FTE 3.7 4.2 4.2 4.2 sub-total FT/PT 3 FT/1 PT** 3 FT/1 PT** 3 FT/1 PT** 3 FT/1 PT** Total FTE 3.7 4.2 4.2 4.2 Total Full/Part Time 3 FT/1 PT 3 FT/1 PT 3 FT/1 PT 3 FT/1 PT Total FTE 61.8 63.3 63.3 62.8 Total Full/Part Time 57 FT/10 PT 58 FT/ 10 PT 58 FT/ 10 PT 58 FT/ 10 PT Explanatory Notes **The positions shown in Element 3420: Recycling are paid from the DPW Revolving Account. Program: Public Works 3400 Environmental Services Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY2017 Town Manager’s Recommended Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 V-22 Budget Recommendations: The recommended FY2017 All Funds Environmental Services budget inclusive of the General Fund operating budgets for the Refuse Collection, Recycling and Refuse Disposal divisions and the Compost Operations and Minuteman Household Hazardous Waste Program Revolving Funds is $3,088,633, which is a $134,534 or 4.55% increase over the restated FY2016 budget. The budget is restated to reflect cost of living increases that were not included in the FY2016 budget as adopted at the 2015 annual town meeting. There is no combined Refuse Collection, Recycling and Refuse Disposal General Fund operating budget for Compensation as all staff is funded within the Compost Operations Revolving Fund budget. The combined General Fund Refuse Collection, Recycling and Refuse Disposal operating budget for Expenses is $2,299,027 and reflects a $59,850 or 2.67% increase. The Refuse Collection expense budget is recommended at $811,056, an increase of $15,903, or 2.0% and is attributable to the cost escalator in the Town’s contract for refuse collection with JRM. The Recycling expense budget is recommended at $887,377 an increase of $16,353, or 1.88% to cover projected increases in the cost of curbside collection of paper & cardboard, containers, 24 curbside yard waste collections, appliances, large scrap metal items, and electronic waste. The Refuse Disposal expense budget is recommended at $600,594, an increase of $27,594 or 4.82% attributable to a 2.5%, or $1.58, increase in the Town’s tipping fee per ton. Total refuse disposal tonnage for FY17 is projected to be 9,300 tons. The FY17 revolving fund budgets are recommended at $789,606, a $74,684, or 10.45% increase. Minuteman Household Hazardous Waste Program Revolving Fund is level-funded at $180,000. The Compost Operations Revolving Fund is recommended at $609,606 a $78,684, or 13.96% increase which reflects an $18,291 increase in compensation (attributed to an increase in overtime of $12,977 as well as step and cost of living increases), a $20,000 increase in expenses driven totally by a recommended Program Improvement request of $20,000 for disposal of compost tailings related to the planned installation of solar panels at the Hartwell Avenue Compost Facility. In addition, debt service is increasing by $38,487 to reflect the projected cost of short-term financing and long-term debt issuance costs of a loader and windrow turner funded in the FY16 capital budget. Program Improvement Requests: Description Salaries and Expenses Benefits (to be budgeted under Shared Expenses) Total Requested Salaries and Expenses Benefits (to be budgeted under Shared Expenses) Total Not Recommended Heavy Equip. Oper. To FT 19,600$ 15,437$ 35,037$ -$ -$ -$ ## 35,037$ Disposal of Compost Tailings 20,000$ -$ 20,000$ 20,000$ -$ 20,000$ ## -$ Request Recommended Program: Public Works 3400 Environmental Services Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY2017 Town Manager’s Recommended Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 V-23 Budget Summary: Funding Sources FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Actual Actual Estimated Request Add/Del Projected Increase Increase Tax Levy 2,158,835$ 2,209,641$ 2,239,177$ 2,299,027$ -$ 2,299,027$ 59,850$ 2.67% Revolving Funds - - - - - - - - Compost Operations 445,925$ 452,501$ 534,922$ 589,606$ 20,000$ 609,606$ 74,684$ 13.96% MHHP Operations 145,727$ 147,420$ 180,000$ 180,000$ -$ 180,000$ -$ 0.00% Total 3400 Enviromental Services 2,750,487$ 2,809,562$ 2,954,099$ 3,068,633$ 20,000$ 3,088,633$ 134,534$ 4.55% Appropriation Summary (All Funds) FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Actual Actual Restated Request Add/Del Recommended Increase Increase Compensation 206,931$ 232,117$ 252,084$ 270,375$ -$ 270,375$ 18,291$ 7.26% Expenses 2,417,543$ 2,508,256$ 2,581,027$ 2,640,877$ 20,000$ 2,660,877$ 79,850$ 3.09% Benefits 42,614$ 29,526$ 57,094$ 55,000$ -$ 55,000$ (2,094)$ -3.67% Debt Service (Revolving Fund) 83,400$ 39,663$ 63,894$ 102,381$ -$ 102,381$ 38,487$ 60.24% Total 3400 Enviromental Services 2,750,487$ 2,809,562$ 2,954,099$ 3,068,633$ 20,000$ 3,088,633$ 134,534$ 4.55% Program Summary (All Funds) FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Actual Actual Restated Request Add/Del Recommended Increase Increase Total 3410 Refuse Collection 764,603$ 779,561$ 795,153$ 811,056$ -$ 811,056$ 15,903$ 2.00% 1,391,711$ 1,416,101$ 1,585,946$ 1,656,983$ 20,000$ 1,676,983$ 91,037$ 5.74% Total 3420 Refuse Disposal 594,174$ 613,900$ 573,000$ 600,594$ -$ 600,594$ 27,594$ 4.82% Total 3400 Enviromental Services 2,750,487$ 2,809,562$ 2,954,099$ 3,068,633$ 20,000$ 3,088,633$ 134,534$ 4.55% Object Code Summary (All Funds) FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Actual Actual Restated Request Add/Del Recommended Increase Increase Salaries & Wages 187,383$ 209,887$ 230,559$ 235,874$ -$ 235,874$ 5,315$ 2.31% Overtime 19,548$ 22,230$ 21,525$ 34,502$ -$ 34,502$ 12,977$ 60.29% Personal Services 206,931$ 232,117$ 252,084$ 270,375$ -$ 270,375$ 18,291$ 7.26% Contractual Services 2,385,953$ 2,475,492$ 2,544,877$ 2,604,727$ 20,000$ 2,624,727$ 79,850$ 3.14% Utilities -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - Supplies 31,590$ 22,994$ 36,150$ 36,150$ -$ 36,150$ -$ 0.00% Small Capital -$ 9,770$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - Expenses 2,417,543$ 2,508,256$ 2,581,027$ 2,640,877$ 20,000$ 2,660,877$ 79,850$ 3.09% Benefits 42,614$ 29,526$ 57,094$ 55,000$ -$ 55,000$ (2,094)$ -3.67% Debt 83,400$ 39,663$ 63,894$ 102,381$ -$ 102,381$ 38,487$ 60.24% Total 3400 Enviromental Services 2,750,487$ 2,809,562$ 2,954,099$ 3,068,633$ 20,000$ 3,088,633$ 134,534$ 4.55% #DIV/0! Appropriation Summary (General Fund Only) FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Actual Actual Restated Request Add/Del Recommended Increase Increase Compensation -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.00% Expenses 2,158,835$ 2,209,641$ 2,239,177$ 2,299,027$ -$ 2,299,027$ 59,850$ 2.67% Total 3400 Enviromental Services 2,158,835$ 2,209,641$ 2,239,177$ 2,299,027$ -$ 2,299,027$ 59,850$ 2.67% Appropriation Summary (Non-General Fund) FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Actual Actual Restated Request Add/Del Recommended Increase Increase Compensation 206,931$ 232,117$ 252,084$ 270,375$ -$ 270,375$ 18,291$ 7.26% Total 3420 Recycling 206,931$ 232,117$ 252,084$ 270,375$ -$ 270,375$ 18,291$ 7.26% Expenses 258,708$ 298,615$ 341,850$ 341,850$ 20,000$ 361,850$ 20,000$ 5.85% Total 3420 Recycling: Compost Operations 112,981$ 151,195$ 161,850$ 161,850$ 20,000$ 181,850$ 20,000$ 12.36% Total 3420 Recycling: MMHP 145,727$ 147,420$ 180,000$ 180,000$ 180,000$ -$ 0.00% Benefits 42,614$ 29,526$ 57,094$ 55,000$ -$ 55,000$ (2,094)$ -3.67% Total 3420 Recycling 42,614$ 29,526$ 57,094$ 55,000$ -$ 55,000$ (2,094)$ -3.67% Debt 83,400$ 39,663$ 63,894$ 102,381$ -$ 102,381$ 38,487$ 60.24% Total 3420 Recycling 83,400$ 39,663$ 63,894$ 102,381$ -$ 102,381$ 38,487$ 60.24% Total 3400 Enviromental Services 591,652$ 599,921$ 714,922$ 769,606$ 20,000$ 789,606$ 74,684$ 10.45% Total 3420 Recycling Program: Public Works 3600 Water Enterprise Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 V-24 Mission: The Water/Sewer Division provides safe drinking water by regular monitoring and testing of water and maintaining and improving the water system infrastructure. Budget Overview: The Water Division budget is comprised of Water Operations, Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA) purchases and indirect support from the General Fund. The Water Operations maintains and repairs the water system that delivers water to Lexington homes and businesses through 154 miles of water mains, 1500 fire hydrants and two water towers that store 3.24 million gallons of water. The Town has a three-block inclining rate structure to encourage water conservation. As a customer uses more water, the water rate for the additional units increases. Customers are billed twice per year. The Town also sells water to the Town of Bedford at the MWRA wholesale rate plus an administrative fee. The MWRA provides water to Lexington and greater Boston. Indirect support from the General Fund reflects Water Enterprise Fund expenses (benefits, insurance and engineering support) that are appropriated in the General Fund. The Water Enterprise Fund, therefore, reimburses the General Fund for these expenses through an indirect cost transfer. Departmental Initiatives: 1. Continue seeking out the last 2 percent of meters that have not been changed out. 2. Implement a backflow/cross connection program. 3. Reduce the amount of Pit Meters in Town and change out the manual reads on the ones that cannot be eliminated. 4. Continue to update all the water connection "paper tie cards" for GIS implementation. 5. Begin the reaccreditation process with the American Public Works Association. Program: Public Works 3600 Water Enterprise Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 V-25 Public Works Director Manager of Operations Crew Chief Water/Sewer Superintendent Cross Connector Inspector Laborer/Truck DriverHeavy Equipment Operator Grader/Shovel Operator Department Clerk Authorized/Appropriated Staffing Authorized/Appropriated Staf FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 Budget Budget Budget Recommended Supt of Water & Sewer 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Crew Chief 2 2 2 2 Grader-Shovel Operator 1 1 1 1 Leadman/Cross Connector Inspector 2 2 2 2 Heavy Equipment Operator 4 4 4 4 Laborer-Truck Driver 1 1 1 1 Department Clerk 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 Meter Reader/Laborer 0 0 0 0 Total FTE 10.7 10.7 10.7 10.7 Total Full/Part Time 10 FT/2 PT 10 FT/2 PT 10 FT/2 PT 10 FT/2 PT Program: Public Works 3600 Water Enterprise Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 V-26 Budget Recommendations: The FY2017 recommended Water operating budget is $10,682,638 inclusive of indirect costs. The recommended budget is a $659,687 or 6.58% increase over the FY2016 budget. The budget for Compensation is $699,218, and reflects a $3,539 or 0.51% increase, which is attributable to increases for the cost of prospective step increases and increases attributable to prospective cost-of-living adjustments. The budget for Expenses is $404,025 which is an increase of $14,625, or 3.76% over FY16 attributable to a recommended Program Improvement request of $13,125 for disposal of excavated materials related to the planned solar installation at the Hartwell Avenue Compost Facility. Debt service is recommended to decrease by $6,787 or 0.50%. The MWRA Assessment is projected at $7,364,658, which is a $659,514 or 10.00% increase from FY16. The MWRA will issue its preliminary assessment in February and its final assessment in June. Indirect payments to the General Fund to cover costs incurred by the General Fund in support of water operations are projected at $877,411, a decrease of $21,203, or 2.36%. Program Improvement Requests: Description Salaries and Expenses Benefits (to be budgeted under Shared Expense s) Total Requested Salaries and Expenses Benefits (to be budgeted under Shared Expenses) Total Not Recomm ended Disposal of Excavated Materials 13,125$ -$ 13,125$ 13,125$ -$ 13,125$ -$ Request Recommended Program: Public Works 3600 Water Enterprise Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 V-27 Budget Summary: FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Funding Sources Actual Actual Estimate Projected Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Tax Levy -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - Enterprise Funds -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - Retained Earnings 500,000$ 500,000$ 275,000$ 150,000$ -$ 150,000$ (125,000)$ 0.00% User Charges 8,971,238$ 9,440,624$ 9,448,950$ 10,220,513$ 13,125$ 10,233,638$ 784,687$ 8.30% Connection Fees -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.00% Investment Income 7,676$ 7,492$ 7,500$ 7,500$ -$ 7,500$ -$ 0.00% Fees & Charges 293,335$ 331,629$ 291,500$ 291,500$ -$ 291,500$ -$ 0.00% Total 3600 Water Enterprise 9,772,249$ 10,279,745$ 10,022,950$ 10,669,513$ 13,125$ 10,682,638$ 659,687$ 6.58% FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Appropriation Summary Actual Actual Appropriation Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec.Increase Increase Compensation 626,677$ 593,594$ 695,679$ 699,218$ -$ 699,218$ 3,539$ 0.51% Expenses 395,016$ 386,371$ 389,400$ 390,900$ 13,125$ 404,025$ 14,625$ 3.76% Debt 1,258,627$ 1,378,688$ 1,344,114$ 1,337,326$ -$ 1,337,326$ (6,787)$ -0.50% MWRA 5,555,065$ 6,035,893$ 6,695,144$ 7,364,658$ -$ 7,364,658$ 669,514$ 10.00% Indirects 818,689$ 789,275$ 898,614$ 877,411$ -$ 877,411$ (21,203)$ -2.36% Total 3600 Water Enterprise 8,654,075$ 9,183,821$ 10,022,950$ 10,669,513$ 13,125$ 10,682,638$ 659,687$ 6.58% FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Program Summary Actual Actual Appropriation Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec.Increase Increase Total 3610 Water Operations 2,280,321$ 2,358,653$ 2,429,192$ 2,427,444$ 13,125$ 2,440,569$ 11,377$ 0.47% Total 3620 MWRA 5,555,065$ 6,035,893$ 6,695,144$ 7,364,658$ -$ 7,364,658$ 669,514$ 10.00% Indirects 818,689$ 789,275$ 898,614$ 877,411$ -$ 877,411$ (21,203)$ -2.36% Total 3600 Water Enterprise 8,654,075$ 9,183,821$ 10,022,950$ 10,669,513$ 13,125$ 10,682,638$ 659,687$ 6.58% FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Object Code Summary Actual Actual Appropriation Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec.Increase Increase Salaries & Wages 498,974$ 444,411$ 554,783$ 551,907$ -$ 551,907$ (2,876)$ -0.52% Overtime 127,704$ 149,183$ 140,896$ 147,311$ -$ 147,311$ 6,415$ 4.55% Personal Services 626,677$ 593,594$ 695,679$ 699,218$ -$ 699,218$ 3,539$ 0.51% Contractual Services 120,239$ 158,228$ 188,900$ 189,900$ 13,125$ 203,025$ 14,125$ 7.48% Utilities 10,993$ 13,025$ 5,500$ 5,500$ -$ 5,500$ -$ 0.00% Supplies 251,794$ 188,934$ 161,000$ 161,500$ -$ 161,500$ 500$ 0.31% Small Capital 11,990$ 26,184$ 34,000$ 34,000$ -$ 34,000$ -$ 0.00% Expenses 395,016$ 386,371$ 389,400$ 390,900$ 13,125$ 404,025$ 14,625$ 3.76% Debt 1,258,627$ 1,378,688$ 1,344,114$ 1,337,326$ -$ 1,337,326$ (6,787)$ -0.50% MWRA 5,555,065$ 6,035,893$ 6,695,144$ 7,364,658$ -$ 7,364,658$ 669,514$ 10.00% Indirects 818,689$ 789,275$ 898,614$ 877,411$ -$ 877,411$ (21,203)$ -2.36% Total 3600 Water Enterprise 8,654,075$ 9,183,821$ 10,022,950$ 10,669,513$ 13,125$ 10,682,638$ 659,687$ 6.58% Program: Public Works 3700 Sewer Enterprise Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 V-28 Mission: The Sewer Division ensures the proper and safe discharge of wastewater through the operation of pumping stations and by maintaining and improving the wastewater system infrastructure. Budget Overview: The Sewer Division budget is comprised of Wastewater Operations, Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA) purchases and indirect support from the General Fund. The Sewer Division maintains the wastewater system that serves 99 percent of Town residences and businesses through 34 miles of trunk lines, 119 miles of street lines and 9,524 service connections. There are also ten sewage-pumping stations operated by the Sewer Division. The Town has a three-block inclining rate structure to encourage conservation. Customer sewer usage is determined based on water usage over the same period. The MWRA provides wastewater treatment to Lexington and greater Boston at the Deer Island treatment facility. Indirect support from the General Fund reflects Wastewater Enterprise Fund expenses (benefits, insurance, engineering support) that are appropriated in the General Fund. The Wastewater Enterprise Fund, therefore, reimburses the General Fund for these expenses through an indirect cost transfer. Departmental Initiatives: 1. Continue the Sewer Collection System flushing program and root removal in all problem areas. 2. Continue to educate the public as to the costs and problems created by Inflow & Infiltration. 3. Begin the reaccreditation process through the American Public Works Association. Program: Public Works 3700 Sewer Enterprise Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 V-29 Public Works Director Manager of Operations Water/Sewer Superintendent Crew Chief Department Clerk Heavy Equipment Operator Laborer/Truck DriverSeasonal Laborer Seasonal Clerk Authorized/Appropriated Staffing Authorized/Appropriated Staffing FY 2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Budget Budget Budget Request Supt of Water & Sewer 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Crew Chief 1 1 1 1 Heavy Equipment Operator 2 2 2 2 Department Clerk 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 Seasonal Clerk 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 Seasonal Laborer 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 Total FTE 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 Total Full/Part Time 3 FT/4 PT 3 FT/4 PT 3 FT/4 PT 3 FT/4 PT Explanatory Notes: Seasonal Clerk works out of the Engineering Office but is funded by Sewer Enterprise. Program: Public Works 3700 Sewer Enterprise Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 V-30 Budget Recommendations: The FY2017 recommended Sewer operating budget, inclusive of indirect costs, is $9,838,684 a $687,131, or 7.51% increase over the FY2016 budget. The budget for Compensation is $298,234 and reflects a $1,317 or 0.44% increase, which is a net change attributable to increases for the cost of prospective step increases, increases attributable to prospective cost-of-living adjustments, and replacement of staff at lower steps. The budget for Expenses is $347,525 which is an increase of $1,875, or 0.54% attributable to a recommended Program Improvement Request of $1,875 for disposal of excavated materials related to the planned solar installation at the Hartwell Avenue Compost Facility. Debt service is recommended to decrease by $38,622 or 3.64%. The MWRA Assessment is projected at $7,667,194, which is a $687,131 or 10.00% increase from FY16. The MWRA will issue its preliminary assessment in February and its final assessment in June. Indirect payments to the General Fund for those costs borne by the General Fund in support of sewer operations are projected at $503,898, an increase of $25,544 or 5.34%. Program Improvement Requests: Description Salaries and Expenses Benefits (to be budgeted under Shared Expenses) Total Requested Salaries and Expenses Benefits (to be budgeted under Shared Expenses) Total Not Recommended Disposal of Excavated Materials 1,875$ -$ 1,875$ 1,875$ -$ 1,875$ -$ Request Recommended Program: Public Works 3700 Sewer Enterprise Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 V-31 Budget Summary: FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Actual Actual Estimate Projected Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Tax Levy - - - - - - - - Enterprise Funds - - - - - - - - Retained Earnings 100,000$ 50,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ --- User Charges 9,449,498$ 9,313,395$ 8,831,553$ 9,516,809$ 1,875$ 9,518,684$ 687,131$ 7.78% Connection Fees 3,334$ 1,802$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ --- Investment Income 7,056$ 6,241$ 6,000$ 6,000$ -$ 6,000$ -$ 0.00% Fees & Charges 541,778$ 554,798$ 314,000$ 314,000$ -$ 314,000$ -$ 0.00% Total 3700 Sewer Enterprise 10,101,666$ 9,926,236$ 9,151,553$ 9,836,809$ 1,875$ 9,838,684$ 687,131$ 7.51% -$ FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Appropriation Summary Actual Actual Appropriation Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Compensation 174,223$ 217,497$ 296,917$ 298,234$ -$ 298,234$ 1,317$ 0.44% Expenses 336,397$ 334,817$ 345,650$ 345,650$ 1,875$ 347,525$ 1,875$ 0.54% Debt 1,112,818$ 1,199,243$ 1,060,456$ 1,021,834$ -$ 1,021,834$ (38,622)$ -3.64% MWRA 7,014,300$ 7,177,387$ 6,970,176$ 7,667,194$ -$ 7,667,194$ 697,018$ 10.00% Indirects 450,116$ 465,030$ 478,354$ 503,898$ -$ 503,898$ 25,544$ 5.34% Total 3700 Sewer Enterprise 9,087,854$ 9,393,974$ 9,151,553$ 9,836,809$ 1,875$ 9,838,684$ 687,131$ 7.51% FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Program Summary Actual Actual Appropriation Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Total 3710 Sewer Enterprise 1,623,438$ 1,751,557$ 1,703,023$ 1,665,718$ 1,875$ 1,667,593$ (35,430)$ -2.08% Total 3720 MWRA 7,014,300$ 7,177,387$ 6,970,176$ 7,667,194$ -$ 7,667,194$ 697,018$ 10.00% Indirects 450,116$ 465,030$ 478,354$ 503,898$ -$ 503,898$ 25,544$ 5.34% Total 3700 Sewer Enterprise 9,087,854$ 9,393,974$ 9,151,553$ 9,836,809$ 1,875$ 9,838,684$ 687,131$ 7.51% FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Object Code Summary Actual Actual Appropriation Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Salaries & Wages 142,464$ 166,303$ 231,972$ 230,334$ -$ 230,334$ (1,639)$ -0.71% Overtime 31,760$ 51,194$ 64,944$ 67,900$ -$ 67,900$ 2,956$ 4.55% Personal Services 174,223$ 217,497$ 296,917$ 298,234$ -$ 298,234$ 1,317$ 0.44% Contractual Services 99,058$ 146,556$ 144,900$ 144,900$ 1,875$ 146,775$ 1,875$ 1.29% Utilities 100,975$ 137,161$ 119,500$ 119,500$ -$ 119,500$ -$ 0.00% Supplies 124,979$ 38,241$ 67,750$ 67,750$ -$ 67,750$ -$ 0.00% Small Capital 11,385$ 12,859$ 13,500$ 13,500$ -$ 13,500$ -$ 0.00% Expenses 336,397$ 334,817$ 345,650$ 345,650$ 1,875$ 347,525$ 1,875$ 0.54% Debt 1,112,818$ 1,199,243$ 1,060,456$ 1,021,834$ -$ 1,021,834$ (38,622)$ -3.64% MWRA 7,014,300$ 7,177,387$ 6,970,176$ 7,667,194$ -$ 7,667,194$ 697,018$ 10.00% Indirects 450,116$ 465,030$ 478,354$ 503,898$ -$ 503,898$ 25,544$ 5.34% Total 3700 Sewer Enterprise 9,087,854$ 9,393,974$ 9,151,553$ 9,836,809$ 1,875$ 9,838,684$ 687,131$ 7.51% Funding Sources FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 VI-1 Section VI: Program 4000: Public Safety This section includes detailed information about the FY2017 Operating Budget & Financing Plan for public safety. It includes:  4100 Law Enforcement VI-2  4200 Fire & Rescue VI-7 This Page Left Blank Intentionally Program: Public Safety 4100 Law Enforcement Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 VI-2 Mission: The Lexington Police Department provides public safety services to enhance the quality of life in Lexington. A team of dedicated police officers, detectives, dispatchers and support staff work in a coordinated manner to effectively intervene in emergencies, promote traffic safety, suppress crime, reduce fear and deliver services to the community through a variety of prevention, problem solving and law enforcement programs. Budget Overview: The Police Department is comprised of seven divisions: Administration, Patrol and Enforcement, Traffic Bureau, Investigations, Dispatch, Animal Control and Crossing Guards. In FY2015, the Police Department responded to 14,336 calls for service with 603 crimes investigated. The Administration division is comprised of 11 full-time and 4 part-time employees including: the Chief and two Captains who oversee administrative and operational functions including budget, planning, training, personnel administration, public affairs and policy development; four Lieutenants who each lead a workgroup consisting of patrol officers, dispatchers and a Sergeant providing 24/7 policing services; an administrative Sergeant who tends to the accreditation program as well as detail assignments and event planning; an office manager and clerk who handle records management, accounting and payroll; 4 cadets who provide administrative support; and a mechanic who purchases, equips and maintains the vehicle fleet and other specialized equipment. The Patrol and Enforcement division is comprised of 34 officers (29 patrol officers and five sergeants) responsible for responding to a variety of critical front-line services 24/7 including intervening in emergencies, promoting crime prevention and traffic safety as well as suppressing crime. The Traffic Bureau has one supervisor who oversees the Parking Enforcement Officer (PEO), one account clerk and eight parking lot attendants. Meter and parking enforcement in Lexington Center is done by the PEO while the parking lot attendants manage the public/permit parking lot on Meriam Street. The Traffic Bureau supervisor also manages the school crossing guard program. The Investigations division is supervised by a Detective Lieutenant who is assisted by the Sergeant Prosecutor and oversees six detectives responsible for investigation and prevention including: two major case detectives, a family services detective, a narcotics/vice investigator, a Community Resource Officer (CRO) and a School Resource Officer (SRO). The Dispatch division is comprised of nine civilian dispatchers responsible for directing the proper resources to over 15,500 service calls that require a police, fire or medical unit response; in FY2015 they answered 5,800 9-1-1 calls and almost 30,000 telephone calls. The Animal Control division entered into an agreement to share a full-time Animal Control Officer (ACO) with the Town of Bedford in October of 2015 with 70%, or 27 hours per week allocated to Lexington. The ACO is an employee of the Town of Bedford, but will continue to work collaboratively with the Lexington Board of Health regarding animal related health issues. The School Crossing guard program has 16 part-time civilian members who cover 14 school crossings during the school year. Program: Public Safety 4100 Law Enforcement Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 VI-3 Departmental Initiatives: 1. Identify and begin implementation of a Police/Fire/Emergency dispatching and record keeping software application. 2. Review and realign current staffing to meet current trends in call volume and traffic/pedestrian/bicycle safety initiatives. 3. Assist the Board of Selectmen with planning, budgeting and constructing a new police station and improvements to the Hartwell Avenue outdoor firing range. Chief of Police Captain of Operations Captain of AdministrationOffice Manager Traffic Bureau Supervisor Department Clerk Parking Enforcement Officer Account Clerk Parking Lot Attendants Crossing Guards Patrol Lieutenents Animal Control MechanicPatrol Sergeants Dispatchers Night Patrol Officers Cadets Day Patrol Officers Administrative Sergeant Detective Lieutenant Detective Major Cases Detective Sergeant Prosecutor Detective Narcotics Detective Family Services Detective School Resource Detective Community Resource Program: Public Safety 4100 Law Enforcement Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 VI-4 Authorized/Appropriated Staffing Authorized/Appropriated Staffing FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 Budget Budget Budget Recommended Chief 1 1 1 1 Captain of Operations 1 1 1 1 Captain of Administration 1 1 1 1 Administrative Sergeant 1 1 1 1 Lieutenants (Patrol) 4 4 4 4 Sergeants (Patrol) 5 5 5 5 Police Officers 28 28 29 29 Lieutenant (Detective) 1 1 1 1 Sergeant (Detective-Prosecutor) 1 1 1 1 Detectives; Major Case 2 2 2 2 Family Services Detective 1 1 1 1 School Resource Officer 1 1 1 1 Community Resource Officer 1 1 1 1 Narcotics/Vice Detective 1 1 1 1 Cadets 1.03 1.03 2.06 2.04 Parking Enforcement Officer 1 1 1 1 Dispatcher 9 9 9 9 Office Manager 1 1 1 1 Traffic Bureau Supervisor 1 1 1 1 Department Clerk 1 1 1 1 Department Account Clerk 1 1 1 1 Mechanic 1 1 1 1 Animal Control - 1 part-time 0.54 0.54 0.54 0 Parking Lot Attendants - 8 part-time 3.1 3.1 3.1 2.81 Crossing Guards - 16 part-time 3.48 3.48 3.48 3.48 FTE Total 72.2 72.2 74.18 73.33 49 Officers 49 Officers 50 Officers 50 Officers FT - PT Total 64FT/27PT 64FT/27PT 65FT/29PT 65FT/29PT Overall staff changes from FY2014 to FY2017: FY 16 - Cadets increased from 2 to 4 in FY2016. Cadets work 18 hours per week. FY 16 - Additional funding for the 50th officer FY 17 - Animal Control changed to a contracted service from the Town of Bedford at 27 hours/week FY 14 - New Administrative Sergeant position funded; Middle School SRO replaced with Community Resource Officer Program: Public Safety 4100 Law Enforcement Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 VI-5 Budget Recommendations: The FY2017 recommended Police Department budget is $6,774,543 a $33,138, or 0.49% increase over the restated FY2016 budget. The budget is restated to reflect cost of living increases that were not included in the FY2016 budget as adopted at the 2015 annual town meeting as well as the recent settlement of the LPA contract. The budget for Compensation is $5,931,169, and reflects an $11,033, or 0.19% increase, which is a net change attributable to the cost of prospective step increases. FY17 Compensation does not include any estimate of prospective cost of living increases. Funds for prospective increases are budgeted for in the Salary Adjustment account within the Town Manager’s budget. The budget for Expenses is $843,373 and reflects a $22,104, or 2.69% increase which is a net change primarily due to the Animal Control Officer function changing from on-staff personnel to an inter-municipal agreement with the Town of Bedford. Program Improvement Requests: Description Salaries and Expenses Benefits (to be budgeted under Shared Expenses) Total Requested Salaries and Expense s Benefits (to be budgeted under Shared Expenses) Total Not Recom mended NONE REQUESTED -$ -$ -$ -$ $- Request Recom mended Program: Public Safety 4100 Law Enforcement Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 VI-6 Budget Summary FY 2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Funding Sources (All Funds) Actual Actual Estimated Estimated Add/Del Estimate Increase Increase Tax Levy 5,410,949$ 5,646,681$ 5,980,179$ 6,033,693$ 6,033,693$ 53,514$ 0.89% Fees & Charges Fees 116,654$ 114,067$ 108,354$ 112,545$ -$ 112,545$ 4,191$ 3.87% Fines & Forfeitures 376,800$ 284,355$ 345,000$ 321,000$ -$ 321,000$ (24,000)$ -6.96% Licenses & Permits 3,700$ 2,350$ 2,918$ 2,350$ -$ 2,350$ (568)$ -19.45% Parking Meter Fund* 262,926$ 265,914$ 304,954$ 304,954$ 304,954$ -$ 0.00% Total 4100 Law Enforcement 6,171,028$ 6,313,367$ 6,741,405$ 6,774,543$ -$ 6,774,543$ 33,138$ 0.49% FY 2014 FY2015 FY20161 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Appropriation Summary Actual Actual Restated Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Compensation 5,481,197$ 5,580,343$ 5,920,136$ 5,931,169$ -$ 5,931,169$ 11,033$ 0.19% Expenses 689,831$ 733,024$ 821,269$ 843,373$ -$ 843,373$ 22,104$ 2.69% Total 4100 Law Enforcement 6,171,028$ 6,313,367$ 6,741,405$ 6,774,543$ -$ 6,774,543$ 33,138$ 0.49% FY 2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Program Summary Actual Actual Restated Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Total 4110 Police Administration 1,215,805$ 1,253,235$ 1,340,482$ 1,350,283$ -$ 1,350,283$ 9,801$ 0.73% Total 4120 Patrol & Enforcement 3,115,541$ 3,275,029$ 3,415,798$ 3,455,592$ -$ 3,455,592$ 39,794$ 1.16% Total 4130 Traffic Bureau 304,806$ 308,275$ 377,247$ 382,560$ -$ 382,560$ 5,314$ 1.41% Total 4140 Investigations 757,596$ 714,475$ 752,998$ 747,150$ -$ 747,150$ (5,848)$ -0.78% Total 4150 Dispatch 598,205$ 594,708$ 664,845$ 631,030$ -$ 631,030$ (33,816)$ -5.09% Total 4160 Animal Control 35,321$ 23,892$ 40,706$ 58,600$ -$ 58,600$ 17,893$ 43.96% Total 4170 Crossing Guards 143,756$ 143,752$ 149,329$ 149,329$ -$ 149,329$ -$ 0.00% Total 4100 Law Enforcement 6,171,028$ 6,313,367$ 6,741,405$ 6,774,543$ -$ 6,774,543$ 33,138$ 0.49% FY 2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Object Code Summary Actual Actual Restated Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Salaries & Wages 4,704,023$ 4,697,976$ 5,170,661$ 5,178,516$ -$ 5,178,516$ 7,855$ 0.15% Overtime 777,174$ 882,367$ 749,475$ 752,653$ -$ 752,653$ 3,179$ 0.42% Personal Services 5,481,197$ 5,580,343$ 5,920,136$ 5,931,169$ -$ 5,931,169$ 11,033$ 0.19% Contractual Services 226,237$ 200,363$ 263,800$ 315,474$ -$ 315,474$ 51,674$ 19.59% Utilities 135,823$ 130,489$ 138,007$ 114,845$ -$ 114,845$ (23,162)$ -16.78% Supplies 152,657$ 201,715$ 196,750$ 186,660$ -$ 186,660$ (10,090)$ -5.13% Small Capital 175,114$ 200,456$ 222,712$ 226,394$ -$ 226,394$ 3,682$ 1.65% Expenses 689,831$ 733,024$ 821,269$ 843,373$ -$ 843,373$ 22,104$ 2.69% Total 4100 Law Enforcement 6,171,028$ 6,313,367$ 6,741,405$ 6,774,543$ -$ 6,774,543$ 33,138$ 0.49% *The revenue from the Parking Meter Fund includes parking permits, fees from the Depot Square lot, and meter revenue. 1FY2016 Salaries have been restated to reflect the settlement of the LPA contract for FY13-FY15, and the LMEA settlement for FY16-FY17. Program: Public Safety 4200 Fire & Rescue Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 VI-7 Mission: The Lexington Fire & Rescue Department protects the people, homes, and businesses in our community from fire, medical emergencies, hazardous material incidents, and natural disasters. This is accomplished through public education, safety code management, and emergency response. Budget Overview: The Fire & Rescue Department is comprised of five divisions: Administration, Fire Prevention, Fire Suppression, Emergency Medical Services and Emergency Management. The Administration division is responsible for developing policies and procedures, training, inventory control, financial and budgetary oversight and managing the day-to-day operations of the Department. The Fire Prevention division is responsible for fire code enforcement activities, public education, plan review, permit application and approval, flammable/combustible liquid storage approval and regulatory enforcement of blasting applications and permits. The Fire Suppression division is staffed 24/7, operating out of two stations and responding to emergency calls including: fire suppression, motor vehicle accidents, medical emergencies, hazardous material responses, and other emergency incidents. The Emergency Medical Services division operates in conjunction with the Fire Suppression division, staffing one ambulance 24/7 at the Advanced Life Support (ALS) level, and a second ambulance operating at the ALS level—From 8:00 am Monday through 8:00 am Saturday, and available over the weekend through cross-staffing when the ladder truck is available. These vehicles respond annually to over 2,500 calls for assistance. The Emergency Management division is responsible for communications with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) as well as reviewing and commenting on numerous Town-wide emergency operation plans. The Chief serves as the Emergency Management Director and the department’s administrative staff serves as support to this division. Departmental Initiatives: 1. Identify suitable location for a new fire headquarters. 2. Continue steps to implement new public safety software. 3. Increase fire safety education to Lexington seniors. Program: Public Safety 4200 Fire & Rescue Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 VI-8 Fire Chief Assistant Fire Chief Operations/Prevention Office ManagerAssistant Fire Chief Training/EMS Fire Prevention Clerk (PT) Shift Commander Captain (Per shift) Fire Inspector Company Officer Lieutenant (3 per shift) Fire Fighters EMT/Paramedic 2 shifts @ 10/shift 2 shifts @ 11/shift Authorized/Appropriated Staffing Authorized/Appropriated Staffing FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 Budget Budget Budget Recommended Fire Chief 1 1 1 1 Assistant Fire Chief 2 2 2 2 Office Manager 1 1 1 1 Fire Inspector 1 1 1 1 Fire Captains 4 4 4 4 Fire Lieutenants 12 12 12 12 Firefighters/Paramedics 38 38 42 42 Firefighters/Paramedics (Grant Funding)* 4 4 0 0 Municipal Clerk 0.71 0.86 0.86 0.86 FTE Total 63.71 63.86 63.86 63.86 Full-Time/Part-time Total 63FT/1PT 63FT/1PT 63FT/1PT 63FT/1PT Explanatory Notes: There are currently 2 vacant fire fighter positions. Hiring for these positions is pending ongoing un *4 full-time positions were funded through the SAFER grant award, but federal funding expired as of January 2015. At the expiration of the grant, the Town assumed funding of these positions, which accounts for the increase of Firefighters/Paramedics from 28 in FY15 to 42 in FY16. Program: Public Safety 4200 Fire & Rescue Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 VI-9 Budget Recommendations: The FY2017 recommended General Fund Fire Department budget is $6,425,755. The recommended budget is a $46,368 or 0.73% increase over the restated FY2016 budget. The FY2016 budget is restated to reflect cost of living increases that resulted from the conclusion of collective bargaining after the FY2016 budget was adopted at the 2015 annual town meeting. The recommended budget for Compensation is $5,867,505, and reflects a $56,468, or 0.97% increase, which is attributable to the cost of contractually obligated step increases. Compensation does not include any estimate of prospective cost of living increases. Funds for these prospective increases are budgeted for in the Salary Adjustment account within the Town Manager’s budget. The budget for Expenses is $558,250 and reflects a $10,100 or 1.78% decrease. The reduction is due to lower fuel costs and a reduction in the repair budget due to the newer age of the fleet. Program Improvement Requests: Description Salaries and Expenses Benefits (to be budgeted under Shared Expenses) Total Requested Salaries and Expens es Benefits (to be budgeted under Shared Expenses) Total Not Recommended Additional Ambulance Staffing (2FTEs) 140,600$ 31,857$ 172,457$ -$ -$ -$ 172,457$ Request Recom mended Program: Public Safety 4200 Fire & Rescue Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 VI-10 Budget Summary: Funding Sources (All Funds) FY 2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Actual Actual Estimated Projected Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Tax Levy 4,329,068$ 4,854,365$ 5,060,603$ 5,107,644$ -$ 5,107,644$ 47,040$ 0.93% Enterprise Funds (Indirects) - - - - - - - - Fees & Charges - - - - - - - - Ambulance Fees 1 963,526$ 1,012,005$ 1,267,255$ 1,267,255$ -$ 1,267,255$ -$ 0.00% Fire Department Fees 66,955$ 50,170$ 48,612$ 48,507$ -$ 48,507$ (105)$ -0.22% Licenses & Permits 3,700$ 2,350$ 2,918$ 2,350$ -$ 2,350$ (568)$ -19.45% SAFER Grant 238,018$ 193,087$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - Total 4200 Fire/EMS 5,601,267$ 6,111,977$ 6,379,387$ 6,425,755$ -$ 6,425,755$ 46,368$ 0.73% Appropriation Summary (All Funds) FY 2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Actual Actual Restated Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Compensation 5,098,519$ 5,591,724$ 5,811,037$ 5,867,505$ -$ 5,867,505$ 56,468$ 0.97% Expenses 502,748$ 520,253$ 568,350$ 558,250$ -$ 558,250$ (10,100)$ -1.78% Total 4200 Fire/EMS 5,601,267$ 6,111,977$ 6,379,387$ 6,425,755$ -$ 6,425,755$ 46,368$ 0.73% Program Summary (All Funds) FY 2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Actual Actual Restated Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Total 4210 Fire Administration 396,051$ 439,534$ 436,683$ 445,416$ -$ 445,416$ 8,734$ 2.00% Total 4220 Fire Prevention 203,715$ 215,544$ 226,929$ 228,213$ -$ 228,213$ 1,284$ 0.57% Total 4320 Fire Suppression 4,863,155$ 5,322,377$ 5,557,176$ 5,586,626$ -$ 5,586,626$ 29,449$ 0.53% Total 4240 Emergency Medical Services 133,892$ 130,559$ 152,600$ 159,500$ -$ 159,500$ 6,900$ 4.52% Total 4250 Emergency Management 4,454$ 3,964$ 6,000$ 6,000$ -$ 6,000$ -$ 0.00% Total 4200 Fire/EMS 5,601,267$ 6,111,977$ 6,379,387$ 6,425,755$ -$ 6,425,755$ 46,368$ 0.73% Object Code Summary (All Funds) FY 2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Actual Actual Restated Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Salaries & Wages 4,410,060$ 4,706,466$ 4,976,037$ 5,012,505$ -$ 5,012,505$ 36,468$ 0.73% Overtime 688,459$ 885,259$ 835,000$ 855,000$ -$ 855,000$ 20,000$ 2.40% Personal Services 5,098,519$ 5,591,724$ 5,811,037$ 5,867,505$ -$ 5,867,505$ 56,468$ 0.97% Contractual Services 275,209$ 242,364$ 305,850$ 297,200$ -$ 297,200$ (8,650)$ -2.83% Utilities 59,072$ 56,849$ 62,350$ 57,400$ -$ 57,400$ (4,950)$ -7.94% Supplies 151,526$ 135,038$ 163,650$ 162,550$ -$ 162,550$ (1,100)$ -0.67% Small Capital 16,942$ 86,002$ 36,500$ 41,100$ -$ 41,100$ 4,600$ 12.60% Expenses 502,748$ 520,253$ 568,350$ 558,250$ -$ 558,250$ (10,100)$ -1.78% Total 4200 Fire/EMS 5,601,267$ 6,111,977$ 6,379,387$ 6,425,755$ -$ 6,425,755$ 46,368$ 0.73% Appropriation Summary (General Fund Only) FY 2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Actual Actual Restated Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Compensation 4,860,501$ 5,398,636$ 5,811,037$ 5,867,505$ -$ 5,867,505$ 56,468$ 0.97% Expenses 502,748$ 520,253$ 568,350$ 558,250$ -$ 558,250$ (10,100)$ -1.78% Total 4200 Fire/EMS 5,363,249$ 5,918,889$ 6,379,387$ 6,425,755$ -$ 6,425,755$ 46,368$ 0.73% Appropriation Summary (Non General Fund) FY 2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Actual Actual Restated Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Compensation -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - 4230 Fire Suppression 238,018$ 193,087$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - Total 4200 Fire/EMS 238,018$ 193,087$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - 1 The FY2016 increase in ambulance  fees includes only the compensation portion of the fees associated with the new paramedic positions approved for FY16.  The  balance of the increase is attributed to fees collected to cover the benefits portion of the positions and is reflected in the benefits summary on page IV‐4. FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 VII-1 Section VII: Program 5000: Culture & Recreation/Community Programs This section includes detailed information about the FY 2017 Operating Budget & Financing Plan for culture & recreation services. It includes:  5100 Cary Memorial Library VII-2  5200 Recreation and Community Programs VII-6 Program: Culture & Recreation 5100 Cary Memorial Library Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 VII-2 Mission: The Cary Memorial Library's mission is to ignite curiosity, engage minds, and connect our community. Budget Overview: Cary Memorial Library is comprised of three divisions: General and Technical Services, Adult Services, and Youth Services.  General and Technical Services includes the administrative staff as well as the supply, equipment, and network membership costs.  Adult Services includes all adult library, technology, and bibliographic services staff as well as adult, teen, and audiovisual materials.  Youth Services includes all children’s library staff and also includes library materials for children. Departmental Initiatives: 1. Books and Information: To build and maintain a collection to reflect community needs and expectations, to include varying points of view, and to respond to changing interests and demographics. To keep abreast of an ever-evolving variety of materials and to provide the content users want in the format they prefer. 2. People and Connections: To foster connections by helping users find exactly what they need and by putting them in touch with the intellectual and creative resources of the community. Library staff provides personal service both in the library and online. 3. Ideas and Inspiration: To be more than a place where books are stored. To be a place where ideas are created, discovered, and shared. Recognize that users are inspired by more than words on a page - users find value in music, art, multimedia, and all forms of expression. To provide a venue to find and explore content, and also to create and share it. 4. Technology and Innovation: The world is changing and the ways in which users experience books, gather information, and create content will continue to evolve. The Library will help users navigate these changes, explore new formats, and experiment with innovative devices in an environment where both experts and novices are welcome. 5. Generations and Cultures: The Library’s collections, services, and programs reflect the broad and deep interests of the community. The staff will strive to be responsive to user’s needs across generations and cultures. 6. Individual and Community: To be a vibrant, bustling facility located in the heart of Lexington. To provide a quiet space to read, write, and think as well as space to talk, laugh, and learn together. Program: Culture & Recreation 5100 Cary Memorial Library Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 VII-3 Authorized/Appropriated Staffing: FY 2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Budget Budget Budget Recommended Librar y Director 1 1 1 1 Assistant Director/Head of Technolo gy 11 1 1 Office Manager 1 1 1 1 Head of Adult Services 1 1 1 1 Head of Technolo gy 11 0 0 Head of Youth Services 1 1 1 1 Circulation Supervisor 1 1 1 0 Librarians 9 9 10 10 Librar y Associates 2 2 2 6 Librar y Technicians 14.6 14.6 14.6 11.3 Adult Pages 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.6 Student Pages 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 Total FTE 34.5 34.5 34.5 34.5 Total FT/PT 26FT/22PT 26FT/22PT 26FT/22PT 26FT/22PT Program: Culture & Recreation 5100 Cary Memorial Library Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 VII-4 Budget Recommendations: The FY2017 recommended General Fund Library budget is $2,459,653, which is an $85,358, or 3.60% increase over the appropriated FY2016 budget. The General Fund operating budget for Compensation is $2,051,126, and reflects a $62,330, or 3.13% increase, which is attributable to the cost of contractually obligated step increases. FY17 Compensation does not include any estimate of prospective cost of living increases. Funds for prospective increases are budgeted for in the Salary Adjustment account within the Town Manager’s budget. The General Fund operating budget for Expenses is $408,527 and reflects a $23,028, or 5.97% increase, which is primarily driven by increases for supplies and materials and a program improvement request of $7,003 for collaborative technology. To retain certification by the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners, the Library must expend the equivalent of 13 percent of its annual municipal appropriation on materials. Prior to FY2016, the Town’s appropriation had been less than one half of this required amount, with the balance coming from the Library Foundation and Friends of the Library. In FY2016 the Town approved a program request which substantially closed this funding gap. Program Improvement Requests: Description Salaries and Expenses Benefits (to be budgeted in Shared Expenses) Total Requested Salaries and Expenses Benefits (to be budgeted under Shared Expenses) Total Not Recommended Clickshare System 7,003$ -$ 7,003$ 7,003$ -$ 7,003$ -$ Request Recom mended Program: Culture & Recreation 5100 Cary Memorial Library Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 VII-5 Budget Summary: FY 2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Funding Sources Actual Actual Estimated Estimated Add/Del Projected Increase Increase Tax Levy 2,144,832$ 2,137,906$ 2,374,295$ 2,452,650$ 7,003$ 2,459,653$ 85,358$ 3.60% Total 5100 Library 2,144,832$ 2,137,906$ 2,374,295$ 2,452,650$ 7,003$ 2,459,653$ 85,358$ 3.60% FY 2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Appropriation Summary Actual Actual Appropriation Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Compensation 1,887,828$ 1,866,567$ 1,988,796$ 2,051,126$ -$ 2,051,126$ 62,330$ 3.13% Expenses 257,004$ 271,339$ 385,499$ 401,524$ 7,003$ 408,527$ 23,028$ 5.97% Total 5100 Library 2,144,832$ 2,137,906$ 2,374,295$ 2,452,650$ 7,003$ 2,459,653$ 85,358$ 3.60% FY 2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Program Summary Actual Actual Appropriation Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Total 5110 General & Technical Services 394,997$ 397,396$ 428,974$ 444,747$ 7,003$ 451,750$ 22,776$ 5.31% Total 5120 Adult Library 1,358,525$ 1,326,903$ 1,481,632$ 1,443,969$ -$ 1,443,969$ (37,663)$ -2.54% Total 5130 Children's Library 391,310$ 413,607$ 463,689$ 563,935$ -$ 563,935$ 100,245$ 21.62% Total 5100 Library 2,144,832$ 2,137,906$ 2,374,295$ 2,452,650$ 7,003$ 2,459,653$ 85,358$ 3.60% FY 2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Object Code Summary Actual Actual Appropriation Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Salaries & Wages 1,844,910$ 1,821,736$ 1,945,796$ 2,007,266$ -$ 2,007,266$ 61,470$ 3.16% Overtime (Sunday Premium) 42,918$ 44,831$ 43,000$ 43,860$ -$ 43,860$ 860$ 2.00% Personal Services 1,887,828$ 1,866,567$ 1,988,796$ 2,051,126$ -$ 2,051,126$ 62,330$ 3.13% Contractual Services 79,529$ 82,459$ 91,031$ 95,831$ -$ 95,831$ 4,800$ 5.27% Utilities 9,801$ 10,502$ 12,200$ 12,200$ -$ 12,200$ -$ 0.00% Supplies 135,363$ 146,426$ 246,268$ 257,493$ -$ 257,493$ 11,225$ 4.56% Small Capital 32,310$ 31,952$ 36,000$ 36,000$ 7,003$ 43,003$ 7,003$ 19.45% Expenses 257,004$ 271,339$ 385,499$ 401,524$ 7,003$ 408,527$ 23,028$ 5.97% Total 5100 Library 2,144,832$ 2,137,906$ 2,374,295$ 2,452,650$ 7,003$ 2,459,653$ 85,358$ 3.60% This Page Left Blank Intentionally Program: Culture & Recreation 5200 Recreation & Community Programs Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 VII-6 Mission: The Department of Recreation and Community Programs strives to provide affordable, quality programs meeting the needs of the community. The Department is committed to providing active and passive leisure opportunities that are educational, fun and life-enriching. The Department promotes participation by all Lexington residents in safe, accessible and well-maintained facilities. Budget Overview: In 1991, the Recreation Department began to operate as an Enterprise Fund whereby program and facility fees cover the cost of operations. As such, the operating budget may increase or decrease year to year to meet changes in enrollment and facility use demands. In 2015, the Recreation Department was reorganized and renamed the Department of Recreation and Community Programs. The Director of Recreation and Community Programs, through the Recreation Committee, sets program fees with the approval of the Board of Selectmen. The operating budget supports staff who manage and deliver programs along with the supplies needed to operate those programs. Program revenues (Recreation, Pine Meadows Golf Club and Lexington Community Center) also help fund Capital Improvement Projects and financially support other Town services through indirect transfers. In FY2017, the Department is contributing $247,826 to the General Fund to cover the costs of employee benefits and indirect services funded in the General Fund that support the services provided by the Department’s Recreation and Pine Meadows Golf Course Divisions. The Fund also contributes $100,000 towards the debt payment for Lincoln Park. The Department offers a wide variety of leisure, socialization and recreational opportunities for individuals of all ages and abilities. Recreation and leisure programs that were formerly provided by the Human Services Department are now being offered by the Department of Recreation and Community Programs. General program areas include: summer youth clinics, camps and classes, tennis, aquatics, youth, adult & “Forever Young” programs, leagues and special events. Departmental staff plan, schedule and coordinate programs, activities and special events using facilities that include the Lexington Community Center, schools, Cary Hall, neighborhood parks and playgrounds, tennis and basketball courts, playing fields, the Irving H. Mabee Pool Complex, the Old Reservoir, Pine Meadows Golf Club, the Jack Eddison Memorial Bikeway, Teresa & Roberta Lee Fitness-Nature Path and other hiking/nature trails. Departmental Initiatives: 1. Continue to implement a comprehensive Community Center Program. 2. Provide a comprehensive, on-going training program for all staff and volunteers at the Community Center. 3. Continued implementation of the Recreation Strategic Plan. Program: Culture & Recreation 5200 Recreation & Community Programs Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 VII-7 4. Manage active Recreation construction projects. 5. Complete an ADA accessibility study to develop a transition plan to be incorporated into future Recreation capital improvements. Note: Pine Meadows staffing is provided via a contractual service. Oversight is provided by the Director of Recreation and Community Programs. Program: Culture & Recreation 5200 Recreation & Community Programs Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 VII-8 Authorized/Appropriated Staffing Program: 5000 Culture & Recreation Subprogram: 5210 Recreation Authorized/Appropriated Staffing FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 Budget Budget Budget Request 0011 1100 Assistant Director 1 1 1 1 Municipal Assistant (Clerk) 1.34 1.34 1.34 1.34 Administrative Assistant 1 1 1 1 Recreation Supervisor 1 1 1 1 Seasonal (Part Time) 175+/- 175+/- 175+/- 175+/- Total FTE 5.34 FTE + Seasonal 5.34 FTE + Seasonal 5.34 FTE + Seasonal 5.34 FTE + Seasonal Total 5FT/1PT + Seasonal 5FT/1PT + Seasonal 5FT/1PT + Seasonal 5FT/1PT + Seasonal Program: 5000 Culture & Recreation Subprogram: 5230 Community Center Authorized/Appropriated Staffing FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 Budget Budget Request Request 0011 Office Manager 0 0 1 1 001.52 0011 0011 Seasonal (Part Time)0050+/-50+/- Total FTE 0 0 5.5 FTE + Seasonal 6 FTE + Seasonal Total 0 0 5FT/1PT + Seasonal 6 FTE + Seasonal 1Municipal Assistant (Clerk) hours increased to full-time in FY17. Municipal Assistant (Clerk)1 Program Coordinator Evening/Weekend Bld Supervisor Community Center Director Director of Recreation and Community Programs Director of Recreation Program: Culture & Recreation 5200 Recreation & Community Programs Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 VII-9 Budget Recommendations: The FY2017 recommended budget for the Department of Recreation and Community Programs - comprised of the Pine Meadows Golf Course operation, and Recreation and Community Center programming - is $2,874,113. The recommended budget is a $31,674 or 1.11% increase over the FY2016 budget and is driven primarily by the addition of funding for the operation and programming of the Lexington Community Center, which opened in FY2016. It should be noted that historically the Recreation and Community Programs Department operating budget has been supported solely from program fees. In FY16, with the addition of the operation and programming of the Community Center, it was proposed that the tax levy contribute to funding for the Department budget. This tax levy support will continue in FY2017, with $253,007 being proposed in General Fund support of the Community Center operations, which includes a recommended Program Improvement Request for additional hours for the Transaction Counter Clerk, which is described in greater detail below. The Community Center budget supports staff that plans, schedules, coordinates, manages, supervises and delivers community programs along with the supplies needed to operate these programs. The Community Center provides drop-in program space and offers leisure opportunities to promote social, emotional, cognitive well-being and wellness for residents of all ages and abilities. It provides residents a wide variety of programs that are fun, educational and life-enriching. The customer service counter at the Center provides support for the Community Center, the Human Services Department and the Recreation Division, allowing for one-stop shopping for services and programs. The recommended budget for Compensation is $1,190,742, and reflects a $63,112, or 5.60% increase which is driven by the cost of prospective step increases, prospective cost-of-living adjustments as well as a recommended Program Improvement Request increasing the Transaction Counter Clerk (Municipal Assistant) from a part-time to a full-time position, adding $20,200 (plus benefits to be budgeted in Shared Expenses) to the FY2017 General Fund support of the Community Center. This will allow the department to increase programming and it is expected that in FY2018 this increase in hours will be offset by additional revenues generated by the augmented programming allowing these costs to be absorbed in the Enterprise Fund. The recommended budget for Expenses is $1,335,545 and reflects a $38,656 or 2.81% decrease from FY2016 due to the removal of a one-time vehicle replacement in FY2016. The recommended budget for Expenses for the operation of the Pine Meadows Golf Course of $541,575 reflects a net increase of $2,730, or 0.51% due to adjustments of multiple budget line items with the most notable being a $2,000 increase in the annual cost of the contract for the management of the golf course and a $2,500 increase in lease costs for the utility and golf carts. These increases are offset by small decreases in other line items. Program: Culture & Recreation 5200 Recreation & Community Programs Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 VII-10 There is an increase of $7,218, or 3.0% in indirect payments to the General Fund to support those costs incurred in the general fund that support the Recreation Enterprise Fund. Budget Summary FY 2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Funding Sources Actual Actual Estimated Estimated Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Tax Levy -$ -$ 216,836$ 232,807$ 20,200$ 253,007$ 36,171$ 16.68% Enterprise Funds -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - - Retained Earnings 375,000$ 375,000$ 375,000$ 375,000$ -$ 375,000$ -$ - Recreation User Charges 1,246,469$ 1,280,593$ 1,009,079$ 1,012,996$ -$ 1,012,996$ 3,917$ 0.39% Community Center User Charges -$ -$ 435,187$ 454,810$ 454,810$ 19,623$ 4.51% Golf User Charges 762,688$ 775,337$ 800,000$ 775,000$ -$ 775,000$ (25,000)$ -3.13% Bond Premiums & Proceeds -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.00% Investment Income 3,898$ 3,353$ 3,300$ 3,300$ -$ 3,300$ -$ 0.00% Total 5200 Recreation 2,388,054$ 2,434,282$ 2,842,439$ 2,853,913$ 20,200$ 2,874,113$ 31,675$ 1.11% FY 2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Appropriation Summary Actual Actual Appropriation Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Compensation 648,607$ 657,739$ 1,127,630$ 1,170,542$ 20,200$ 1,190,742$ 63,112$ 5.60% Expenses 963,274$ 981,628$ 1,374,201$ 1,335,545$ -$ 1,335,545$ (38,656)$ -2.81% Debt Service 100,000$ 100,000$ 100,000$ 100,000$ -$ 100,000$ -$ 0.00% Indirect Costs (Trans. to Gen. Fund) 228,600$ 233,600$ 240,608$ 247,826$ -$ 247,826$ 7,218$ 3.00% Total 5200 Recreation 1,940,481$ 1,972,967$ 2,842,439$ 2,853,913$ 20,200$ 2,874,113$ 31,674$ 1.11% FY 2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Program Summary Actual Actual Appropriation Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Total 5210 Recreation 1,221,115$ 1,254,496$ 1,411,062$ 1,357,054$ -$ 1,357,054$ (54,009)$ -3.83% Total 5220 Pine Meadows 490,766$ 484,870$ 538,745$ 541,475$ -$ 541,475$ 2,730$ 0.51% Total 5230 Community Center -$ -$ 652,023$ 707,558$ 20,200$ 727,758$ 75,735$ 11.62% Indirect Costs 228,600$ 233,600$ 240,608$ 247,826$ -$ 247,826$ 7,218$ 3.00% Total 5200 Recreation 1,940,481$ 1,972,967$ 2,842,439$ 2,853,913$ 20,200$ 2,874,113$ 31,674$ 1.11% FY 2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Object Code Summary Actual Actual Appropriation Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Salaries & Wages 648,607$ 657,739$ 1,127,630$ 1,170,542$ 20,200$ 1,190,742$ 63,112$ 5.60% Overtime -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.00% Personal Services 648,607$ 657,739$ 1,127,630$ 1,170,542$ 20,200$ 1,190,742$ 63,112$ 5.60% Contractual Services 836,079$ 820,744$ 1,146,891$ 1,136,425$ -$ 1,136,425$ (10,466)$ -0.91% Utilities 52,183$ 51,320$ 62,845$ 61,575$ -$ 61,575$ (1,270)$ -2.02% Supplies 73,772$ 77,210$ 130,165$ 128,045$ -$ 128,045$ (2,120)$ -1.63% Small Capital 1,240$ 32,353$ 34,300$ 9,500$ -$ 9,500$ (24,800)$ -72.30% Expenses 963,274$ 981,628$ 1,374,201$ 1,335,545$ -$ 1,335,545$ (38,656)$ -2.81% Debt 100,000$ 100,000$ 100,000$ 100,000$ -$ 100,000$ -$ 0.00% Indirect 228,600$ 233,600$ 240,608$ 247,826$ -$ 247,826$ 7,218$ 3.00% Total 5200 Recreation 1,940,481$ 1,972,967$ 2,842,439$ 2,853,913$ 20,200$ 2,874,113$ 31,674$ 1.11% Program Improvement Requests: Description Salaries and Expenses Benefits (to be budgeted in Shared Expenses) Total Requested Salaries and Expenses Benefits (to be budgeted under Shared Expenses) Total Not Recomm ended Community Center Clerk part-time to full time 20,200$ 15,445$ 35,645$ 20,200$ 15,445$ 35,645$ -$ Request Recommended FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 VIII-1 Section VIII: Program 6000: Human Services This section includes detailed information about the FY2017 Operating Budget & Financing Plan for Human Services. It includes:  6100-6200 Administration; Community Programs; Supportive Living; VIII - 2 Veterans’ Services; Youth and Family Services; Senior Services; and Transportation Services This Page Left Blank Intentionally Program: Human Services 6100-6200 Human Services Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 VIII-2 Mission: The Lexington Human Services Department ensures that core social services – which include outreach, assessment, advocacy, financial support, educational programming, cultural outreach and the promotion of health and well-being for residents of all ages—are provided to the community. In collaboration with other Town and school departments, community groups and government agencies, the Lexington Human Services Department is committed to providing leadership in identifying unmet needs and making sure that service delivery is available and accessible to all. The department is dedicated to the delivery of services in a professional manner that respects the dignity of each individual served. Budget Overview: The Human Services Department is organized to provide service delivery to residents of all ages. Assistant Directors, Managers and Coordinators oversee the following department divisions: Administration and Community Programs, Senior Services, Youth and Family Services, Veterans’ Services, and Transportation Services. In February 2013, the towns of Lexington and Bedford signed an inter-municipal agreement forming the Lexington-Bedford Veterans District. Under this agreement, Lexington’s Veterans Services Officer became the District Director, and the town of Lexington hired a PT Veterans Services Officer to work primarily in the Town of Bedford. The towns of Lexington and Bedford share expenses, with Bedford providing a portion of the District Director salary, and assuming full responsibility for the salary and expenses of the PT Veterans Services Officer. Both towns have benefited from this new district with increased outreach and support to veterans. Departmental Initiatives: 1. Evaluate efficiencies in the operation and administration of the Human Services and Transportation programs. 2. Collaborate with the Department of Recreation and Community Programs to provide best practices in shared customer service, operations and safety at the Community Center. 3. Collaborate with Town departments, schools and the community to assess unmet needs for youth and families and provide relevant programming at the Community Center and in the community. 4. Continued focus on outreach to the Lexington community to inform residents of the programs and services available for all ages. Program: Human Services 6100-6200 Human Services Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 VIII-3 Program: Human Services 6100-6200 Human Services Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 VIII-4 Authorized/Appropriated Staffing: Authorized/Appropriated Staffing FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 Budget Budget Budget Recommended Director of Human Services 1 1 1 1 Assistant Director of Senior Services1 0.8 0.8 1 1 Youth and Family Services Social Worker 2 11 1 1 Youth and Family Services Program Coordinator3 -0.8 - - Municipal Clerk (Part Time)3 0.5 0.5 - - Senior Services Coordinator 1 1 1 1 Senior Services Nurse 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42 Office Manager 1 1 1 1 Municipal Clerk (Part Time) 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Veterans' Services District Director 4 11 1 1 Veterans' Services Officer 0.4 0.4 0.51 0.51 Youth Program Coordinator 0.8 - - - Transportation Services Manager 5 1 1 0.69 0.69 Transportation Clerk 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 Total FTE 10.0 10.0 8.7 8.7 Total FT/PT 5 (FT)/8 (PT) 6(FT)/7(PT) 6(FT)/5(PT) 6 (FT) 5 (PT) Explanatory Notes: (1) The Assistant Director of Senior Services hours increased from 28 to 35 hours'/week in FY2014. (2) The Assistant Director of Youth Service position was reorganized in FY2014 to create a Full Time Assistant Director of Youth and Family Services and part time (28hrs/week) Youth and Family Program Services Coordinator. In 2014, the Assistant Director of Youth and Family Services position was renamed to Youth and Family Services Social Worker. (3) The Youth and Family Program Coordinator position was moved to the Department of Recreation and Community Programs in FY2016. (4) This position was the Veterans' Services Officer in FY12 and FY13. As part of Veterans' District agreement with the Town of Bedford, the Veterans' Services District Director supervises the part time Veterans' Services Officer (VSO). The VSO is 100% funded by the Town of Bedford. (5) The Transportation Services Manager hours increased from 28 to 35 hours/week in FY2014, and decreased to 24 hours (.69) in FY2016. Program: Human Services 6100-6200 Human Services Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 VIII-5 Budget Recommendations: The FY2017 recommended All Funds Human Services budget inclusive of the General Fund operating budget, Executive Office of Elderly Affairs and MBTA grants, and the Community Programs Revolving Fund is $1,444,966. The recommended budget is a $1,010 or 0.07% increase over the restated FY2016 budget. The budget is restated to reflect cost of living increases that were not included in the FY2016 budget as adopted at the 2015 annual town meeting. The Human Services FY2017 recommended General Fund operating budget is $1,207,314, which is a $1,080 or 0.09% increase from the restated FY2016 General Fund budget. The General Fund operating budget for Compensation is $524,935, and reflects a $26,344, or 5.28% increase, which is attributable to the cost of prospective step increases as well as the transfer of $10,000 in expenses from Youth and Family Services contractual services to Senior Services part-time wages to increase the hours of the Outreach Assistant. FY17 Compensation does not include any estimate of prospective cost of living increases. Funds for prospective increases are budgeted for in the Salary Adjustment account within the Town Manager’s budget. The General Fund operating budget for Expenses is $682,379 and reflects a $25,264, or 3.57% decrease, which is a net change primarily driven by a decrease in projected Veteran’s Benefits of $20,000, the transfer of $10,000 from Youth and Family contractual services to Senior Services part-time wages, and $3,560 for passenger counters for the Lexpress busses ($1,400 one-time cost for four tablets and $2,160 for annual software support). Program Improvement Requests: Description Salaries and Expenses Benefits (to be budgeted in Shared Expenses) Total Requested Salaries and Expenses Benefits (to be budgeted under Shared Expenses) Total Not Recommended 6120 - Senior Services Outreach Assistant 10,000$ -$ 10,000$ -$ -$ -$ 10,000$ 6210 - Transportation Passenger Counter 3,560$ 3,560$ 3,560$ -$ 3,560$ -$ Request Recom mended Program: Human Services 6100-6200 Human Services Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 VIII-6 Budget Summary: Funding Sources (All Funds) FY 2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Actual Actual Estimated Projected Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Tax Levy 931,431$ 897,068$ 939,410$ 956,286$ 3,560$ 959,846$ 20,436$ 2.18% Veteran Benefits Reimbursement 70,490$ 92,504$ 72,437$ 70,468$ -$ 70,468$ (1,969)$ -2.72% Community Program Revolving Fund 63,617$ 45,701$ 100,000$ 75,000$ -$ 75,000$ (25,000)$ -25.00% Fees Lexpress Fares 89,867$ 80,215$ 88,707$ 86,000$ -$ 86,000$ (2,707)$ -3.05% Available Funds -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - Grants/Regional Funding Veterans 123,322$ 145,778$ 151,802$ 162,652$ -$ 162,652$ 10,850$ 7.15% TDM Allocation 90,000$ 88,000$ 91,600$ 91,000$ 91,000$ (600)$ -0.66% Total 6000 Human Services All Funds 1,278,727$ 1,261,266$ 1,443,956$ 1,441,406$ 3,560$ 1,444,966$ 1,010$ 0.07% Appropriation Summary (All Funds) FY 2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Actual Actual Restated Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Compensation 554,269$ 542,101$ 579,889$ 599,186$ 10,000$ 609,186$ 29,297$ 5.05% Expenses 724,458$ 719,164$ 864,067$ 842,220$ (6,440)$ 835,780$ (28,287)$ -3.27% Total 6000 Human Services All Funds 1,278,727$ 1,261,266$ 1,443,956$ 1,441,406$ 3,560$ 1,444,966$ 1,010$ 0.07% Program Summary (All Funds) FY 2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Actual Actual Restated Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Total 6110 Administration 199,953$ 217,358$ 197,601$ 205,961$ -$ 205,961$ 8,361$ 4.23% Total 6120 Community Programs 107,260$ 93,631$ 142,263$ 121,892$ -$ 121,892$ (20,371)$ -14.32% Total 6130 Supportive Living 1,832$ 3,250$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.00% Total 6140 Veterans' Services 193,256$ 188,193$ 245,573$ 232,773$ -$ 232,773$ (12,799)$ -5.21% Total 6150 Youth & Family Services 69,755$ 54,470$ 99,745$ 95,564$ (10,000)$ 85,564$ (14,181)$ -14.22% Total 6160 Services for Youth 41,335$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - Total 6170 Senior Services 122,599$ 123,375$ 168,794$ 178,953$ 10,000$ 188,953$ 20,160$ 11.94% Total 6210 Transportation Services 542,737$ 580,989$ 589,980$ 606,261$ 3,560$ 609,821$ 19,841$ 3.36% Total 6000 Human Services 1,278,727$ 1,261,266$ 1,443,956$ 1,441,406$ 3,560$ 1,444,966$ 1,010$ 0.07% Object Code Summary (All Funds) FY 2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Actual Actual Restated Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Salaries & Wages 554,269$ 542,101$ 579,889$ 599,186$ 10,000$ 609,186$ 29,297$ 5.05% Overtime -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - Personal Services 554,269$ 542,101$ 579,889$ 599,186$ 10,000$ 609,186$ 29,297$ 5.05% Contractual Services 697,515$ 682,364$ 823,242$ 799,689$ (6,440)$ 793,249$ (29,993)$ -3.64% Utilities 2,284$ 2,745$ 3,624$ 3,924$ -$ 3,924$ 300$ 8.28% Supplies 24,659$ 32,055$ 34,701$ 35,607$ -$ 35,607$ 906$ 2.61% Small Capital -$ 2,000$ 2,500$ 3,000$ -$ 3,000$ 500$ 20.00% Expenses 724,458$ 719,164$ 864,067$ 842,220$ (6,440)$ 835,780$ (28,287)$ -3.27% Total 6000 Human Services 1,278,727$ 1,261,266$ 1,443,956$ 1,441,406$ 3,560$ 1,444,966$ 1,010$ 0.07% ] Approprations Summary (General Fund Only) FY 2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Actual Actual Restated Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Compensation 479,473$ 463,004$ 498,591$ 514,935$ 10,000$ 524,935$ 26,344$ 5.28% Expenses 612,315$ 610,862$ 707,643$ 688,819$ (6,440)$ 682,379$ (25,264)$ -3.57% Total 6000 Human Services 1,091,789$ 1,073,867$ 1,206,234$ 1,203,754$ 3,560$ 1,207,314$ 1,080$ 0.09% Approprations Summary (Non-General Fund) FY 2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Actual Actual Restated Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Compensation 74,796$ 79,097$ 81,298$ 84,251$ -$ 84,251$ 2,953$ 3.63% 6120 Community Programs EOEA Grant 9,655$ 9,655$ 9,655$ 9,655$ -$ 9,655$ -$ 0.00% 6140 Veterans' Services: Regional Funding 26,221$ 30,522$ 32,723$ 35,676$ 35,676$ 2,953$ 9.02% 6170 Senior Services: EOEA Grant 38,920$ 38,920$ 38,920$ 38,920$ -$ 38,920$ -$ 0.00% Expenses 112,143$ 108,302$ 156,424$ 153,401$ -$ 153,401$ (3,023)$ -1.93% 6120 Community Programs: EOEA Grant 6,711$ 7,699$ 10,200$ 14,506$ -$ 14,506$ 4,306$ 42.22% 6120 Community Programs: Revolving 63,617$ 45,701$ 100,000$ 75,000$ 75,000$ (25,000)$ -25.00% 6140 Veterans' Services: Regional Funding 1,815$ 1,493$ 1,815$ 1,815$ 1,815$ -$ 0.00% 6170 Senior Services: EOEA Grant -$ 3,409$ 4,409$ 8,000$ -$ 8,000$ 3,591$ 81.45% 6210 Transportation Services: MBTA Grant 40,000$ 50,000$ 40,000$ 54,080$ -$ 54,080$ 14,080$ 35.20% Total 6000 Human Services 186,939$ 187,399$ 237,722$ 237,652$ -$ 237,652$ (70)$ -0.03% FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 IX-1 Section IX: Program 7000: Office of Land Use, Health and Development This section includes detailed information about the FY2017 Operating Budget & Financing Plan for community development. It includes:  7110-7300 Summary IX-2  7110 Building and Zoning IX-7  7120 Administration IX-11  7130 Conservation IX-15  7140 Health IX-19  7200 Planning IX-23  7300 Economic Development IX-27 This Page Left Blank Intentionally Program: Office of Land Use, Health and Development 7100 Program Summary Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 IX-2 Mission: The Office of Land Use, Health and Development includes those departments that manage and promote residential and commercial development in Lexington while protecting the health and safety of residents through local bylaws and regulations, as well as state statutes and regulations, in the areas of public health, building code, zoning, wetland protection and land-use. By consolidating these various operations under the management of an Assistant Town Manager, the Town is able to further streamline code enforcement, program and policy development, and outreach and educational activities related to commercial, residential and public development. Budget Overview: The Office of Land Use, Inspectional Services and Economic Development is comprised of: Building and Zoning, Conservation, Health, the Planning Department and the Economic Development Office. The Building and Zoning Department is responsible for enforcing the State building, electrical, gas, and plumbing codes, the local zoning bylaw, and Architectural Access Board Regulations. The Conservation Office is responsible for administering and enforcing the State and local wetland protection codes and the State Stormwater Management Regulations, managing over 1,400 acres of Town-owned conservation land, and providing outreach and education concerning natural and watershed resources. The Health Department is responsible for enforcing State and local health codes, administering health screening and vaccination programs, evaluating community health needs and developing intervention programs to prevent disease and disability. The Planning Department supports the Planning Board in the administration of the Subdivision Regulations, the determination of adequacy of unaccepted streets, the granting of special permits for residential development, site plan review and granting of special permits within the CM District, and the review of planned development district proposals that go to Town Meeting. In addition, the staff engages in short and long term planning in regard to growth and development issues in Lexington, being active participants in various committees dealing with issues of transportation, affordable housing and economic development, as well as participating in regional and statewide initiatives. The Economic Development Office works to encourage new investment and support our local businesses. It serves as a liaison for businesses and works to address business-related issues from Center parking to updating land use policy. The Office also works to retain and expand local businesses by providing information, conducting research, supporting a visitor-based economy, and leveraging State economic development tools and resources designed to improve the business environment. In September, 2014, the Economic Development Office took over responsibility for managing the Visitors Center after the Chamber of Commerce ended their long- time agreement with the Town to do so. In addition, at the request of the Board of Selectmen the Economic Development Office will provide additional staff support to the Tourism Committee regarding their operational activities and visitor programs. Program: Office of Land Use, Health and Development 7100 Program Summary Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 IX-3 Office Initiatives: 1. Effect the transition to the newly created Office of Land Use, Inspectional Services and Economic Development. Program: Office of Land Use, Health and Development 7100 Program Summary Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 IX-4 Authorized/Appropriated Staffing Authorized/Appropriated Staffing FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 Budget Budget Budget Request Assistant Town Manager 11 Administration Department Office Manager 1111 Administration DepartmentAssistants 4444 Economic Development Director 1111 Economic Development/Visitor Center Coordinator 11 Visitor Services Manager1 11 Visitor Center Staff (6PT)1 4.75 4.75 Visitor Center PT Assistant Manager2 0.56 Battle Green Guides 1 1 Seasonal Seasonal Liberty Ride Coordinator 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 Liberty Ride Guides 0 0 Seasonal Seasonal Planning Director 1111 Assistant Planning Director 1111 Planner 0.63 1 1 1 Planning Dept. Clerk/Admin. Assistant 1111 Conservation Administrator 1111 Stewardship Coordinator 1111 Land Use Ranger 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 Land Management Interns Seasonal Seasonal Seasonal Seasonal Public Health Director 1111 Health Agent 1111 Health Nurse 3 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 Building Commissioner 1111 Building Inspectors 2222 Plumbing and Gas Inspector 1111 Zoning Enforcement Administrator 1111 Electric Inspectors 1111 Part-Time Electric Inspector PT PT PT PT Part-time Plumbing Inspector PT PT PT PT sub-total FTE 22.78 23.15 29.9 30.45714286 Total FT/PT 19FT/6PT + Seas. 20FT/5PT + Seas. 22FT/11PT + Seas. 22FT/11PT + Seas. Explanatory Notes: 1These Visitor Center positions were previously employees of the Chamber of Commerce via a contract with the Town. The Chamber funded the staff support of the Visitors Center through the gift shop revenues. In September 2014 the Town took over the Visitor Center Operations at the request of the Chamber. 3The Full-Time Public Health Nurse is shared between Lexington (.6) and Belmont (.4) per Nursing Services Agreement executed in FY 2009. 2Position added in FY2017. Program: Office of Land Use, Health and Development 7100 Program Summary Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 IX-5 Budget Recommendations: The FY2017 recommended All Funds Office of Land Use, Health and Development budget inclusive of the General Fund operating budget, the Liberty Ride, Visitor Center and Health Program Revolving Funds, is $2,721,047. The recommended budget is a $180,328 or 7.10% increase over the restated FY2016 budget. The FY2016 budget is restated to reflect cost of living increases that were not included in the FY2016 budget as adopted at the 2015 annual town meeting. The FY2017 recommended Land Use, Health and Development General Fund operating budget is $2,232,642 which is a $102,794, or 4.83% increase from the restated FY2016 General Fund budget. The General Fund operating budget for Compensation is $1,818,489 and reflects a $46,798 or 2.64% increase, which is attributable to the cost of prospective step increases. FY17 Compensation does not include any estimate of prospective cost of living increases. Funds for prospective increases are budgeted for in the Salary Adjustment account within the Town Manager’s budget. The General Fund operating budget for Expenses is $414,153 and reflects a $55,996 or 15.63% increase which is primarily driven by recommended program improvements throughout the budget. The FY17 recommended budget for the Health Program, Liberty Ride, and Visitor Center revolving funds is $488,405, a $77,534, or 18.87%, increase driven primarily by increases for expenses for the Visitor Center as well as a recommended program improvement for additional staffing at the Visitor Center. Program Improvement Requests: Description Salaries and Expenses Benefits (to be budgeted in Shared Expenses) Total Requested Salaries and Expenses Benefits (to be budgeted under Shared Expenses) Total Not Recommended 7110 - Building and Zoning: Massachusetts Building Code Update 2,900$ 2,900$ 2,900$ -$ 7120 - Administration: Land Study Master Plan 1 50,000$ 50,000$ 25,000$ 25,000$ 7120 - Administration: Land Study Master Plan 2 60,000$ 60,000$ 25,000$ 35,000$ 7130 - Conservation: Conservation Tractor Implements 1,700$ 1,700$ 1,700$ -$ 7200 - Planning : Comprehensive Plan Update 150,000$ 150,000$ 150,000$ 7340 - Visitor's Center: Part-time Assistant Manager (Revolving Fund) 18,525$ 18,525$ 18,525$ -$ Request Recommended Program: Office of Land Use, Health and Development 7100 Program Summary Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 IX-6 Budget Summary: Funding Sources (All Funds) FY 2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Actual Actual Estimated Estimated Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Tax Levy (724)$ 194,269$ 618,077$ 587,701$ 44,038$ 631,739$ 13,661$ 2.21% TDM Stabilization Fund -$ -$ 45,400$ 46,000$ 46,000$ 600$ 1.32% Liberty Ride Revolving Fund 212,347$ 201,735$ 279,871$ 284,174$ -$ 284,174$ 4,303$ 1.54% Visitor Center Revolving Fund -$ 82,595$ 117,000$ 171,706$ 18,525$ 190,231$ 73,231$ 62.59% Health Department Revolving Fund 9,141$ 12,447$ 14,000$ 14,000$ -$ 14,000$ -$ 0.00% Fees & Charges - -$ Departmental Fees 93,312$ 90,469$ 82,889$ 82,891$ 82,891$ 2$ 0.002% Licenses & Permits 1,462,964$ 1,597,712$ 1,383,482$ 1,472,013$ 1,472,013$ 88,530$ 6.40% Total 7100 1,777,041$ 2,179,228$ 2,540,719$ 2,658,484$ 62,563$ 2,721,047$ 180,328$ 7.10% Appropriation Summary (All Funds) FY 2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Actual Actual Restated Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Compensation 1,413,417$ 1,600,798$ 1,914,896$ 1,974,245$ 18,525$ 1,992,770$ 77,874$ 4.07% Expenses 363,624$ 578,430$ 625,823$ 684,239$ 44,038$ 728,277$ 102,454$ 16.37% Total 7100 1,777,041$ 2,179,228$ 2,540,719$ 2,658,484$ 62,563$ 2,721,047$ 180,328$ 7.10%-$ -$ Level-Service Requests (All Funds) FY 2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Actual Actual Restated Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Total 7110 Building & Zoning 444,824$ 533,694$ 569,425$ 582,454$ 2,900$ 585,354$ 15,929$ 2.80% Total 7120 Administration 233,290$ 249,321$ 380,811$ 416,277$ 50,000$ 466,277$ 85,465$ 22.44% Total 7130 Conservation 195,697$ 235,258$ 239,667$ 234,103$ 1,700$ 235,803$ (3,864)$ -1.61% Total 7140 Health 264,609$ 282,438$ 302,425$ 304,457$ -$ 304,457$ 2,032$ 0.67% Total 7200 Planning 304,223$ 331,118$ 362,087$ 355,097$ -$ 355,097$ (6,990)$ -1.93% Total 7310 Economic Development 334,399$ 547,399$ 686,305$ 766,097$ 7,963$ 774,060$ 87,755$ 12.79% Total 7100 1,777,041$ 2,179,228$ 2,540,719$ 2,658,484$ 62,563$ 2,721,047$ 180,328$ 7.10% Object Code Summary (All Funds) FY 2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Actual Actual Restated Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Salaries & Wages 1,407,434$ 1,584,011$ 1,894,044$ 1,949,254$ 18,525$ 1,967,779$ 73,734$ 3.89% Overtime 5,984$ 16,787$ 20,852$ 24,991$ -$ 24,991$ 4,139$ 19.85% Personal Services 1,413,417$ 1,600,798$ 1,914,896$ 1,974,245$ 18,525$ 1,992,770$ 77,874$ 4.07% Contractual Services1 318,788$ 455,352$ 498,275$ 512,377$ 39,150$ 551,527$ 53,252$ 10.69% Utilities 9,963$ 10,155$ 13,752$ 13,752$ -$ 13,752$ -$ 0.00% Supplies 33,885$ 101,105$ 102,796$ 155,110$ 4,888$ 159,998$ 57,202$ 55.65% Small Capital 988$ 11,819$ 11,000$ 3,000$ -$ 3,000$ (8,000)$ -72.73% Expenses 363,624$ 578,430$ 625,823$ 684,239$ 44,038$ 728,277$ 102,454$ 16.37% Total 7100 1,777,041$ 2,179,228$ 2,540,719$ 2,658,484$ 62,563$ 2,721,047$ 180,328$ 7.10% Appropriation Summary (General Fund) FY 2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Actual Actual Restated Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Compensation 1,358,506$ 1,513,599$ 1,771,691$ 1,818,489$ -$ 1,818,489$ 46,798$ 2.64% Expenses 197,047$ 368,852$ 358,157$ 370,115$ 44,038$ 414,153$ 55,996$ 15.63% Total 7100 1,555,553$ 1,882,451$ 2,129,848$ 2,188,604$ 44,038$ 2,232,642$ 102,794$ 4.83% Appropriation Summary (Non-General Fund) FY 2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Actual Actual Restated Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Compensation 7320 - Liberty Ride Revolving Fund 54,911$ 56,515$ 83,255$ 78,800$ -$ 78,800$ (4,455)$ -5.35% 7340 - Visitor Center -$ 30,684$ 59,950$ 76,956$ 18,525$ 95,481$ 35,531$ 59.27% 54,911$ 87,199$ 143,205$ 155,756$ 18,525$ 174,281$ 31,076$ 21.70% Expenses 7140 - Health Program Revolving Fund 9,141$ 12,447$ 14,000$ 14,000$ -$ 14,000$ -$ - 7320 - Liberty Ride Revolving Fund 157,436$ 145,220$ 196,616$ 205,374$ -$ 205,374$ 8,758$ 4.45% 7340 - Visitor Center -$ 51,911$ 57,050$ 94,750$ -$ 94,750$ 37,700$ 66.08% 166,577$ 209,578$ 267,666$ 314,124$ -$ 314,124$ 46,458$ 17.36% Total 7100 221,488$ 296,777$ 410,871$ 469,880$ 18,525$ 488,405$ 77,534$ 18.87% Program: Office of Land Use, Health and Development 7110 Building and Zoning Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 IX-7 Mission: The Building and Zoning Office Department a regulatory function with the goal of protecting the health and safety of residents. This role is fulfilled through the enforcement of building, zoning and land use regulations Budget Overview: The Building and Zoning Department enforces state building, electrical, plumbing, gas and mechanical codes, Architectural Access Board Regulations, and local zoning by- laws. Staff, comprised of the Building Commissioner, Building Inspectors, Electrical Inspector, Plumbing & Gas Inspector, and Zoning Enforcement Administrator, review construction drawings and specifications, issue permits, conducts inspections of new construction, conduct periodic inspections of restaurants, day care centers, schools, religious instructions, museums, places of public assembly and multi-family housing, levy fines or prosecute when necessary to maintain code compliance. Departmental Initiatives: 1. Implement transition from the Eight Edition of the Massachusetts State Building Code to the Ninth Edition, including training for local contractors. 2. Continue to streamline the on-line permitting process and shorten approval time. 3. Implement View Permit for zoning requests. Program: Office of Land Use, Health and Development 7110 Building and Zoning Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 IX-8 Authorized/Appropriated Staffing Authorized/Appropriated Staffing FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 Budget Budget Budget Request Building Commissioner 1 1 1 1 Building Inspectors 2 2 2 2 Plumbing and Gas Inspector 1 1 1 1 Zoning Enforcement Administrator 1 1 1 1 Electric Inspectors 1 1 1 1 Part-Time Electric Inspector PT PT PT PT Part-time Plumbing Inspector PT PT PT PT Part-time Building Inspector - - PT PT Total FTE 66 66 Total FT/PT 6FT/2PT 6FT/2PT 6FT/3PT 6FT/3PT Assistant Town Manager for Development Office Manager- Office of Land Use Department Assistants Building Commissioner Building Inspectors Zoning Enforcement AdministratorElectric Inspectors Plumbing/Gas Inspectors Program: Office of Land Use, Health and Development 7110 Building and Zoning Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 IX-9 Budget Recommendations: The FY2017 recommended Building and Zoning budget is $585,354 a $15,929 or 2.80% increase over the restated FY2016 budget. The FY2016 budget is restated to reflect cost of living increases that were not included in the FY2016 budget as adopted at the 2015 annual town meeting. The recommended budget for Compensation is $516,814 and reflects a $13,029, or 2.59% increase, which is attributable to staff step increases. FY17 Compensation does not include any estimate of prospective cost of living increases. Funds for prospective increases are budgeted for in the Salary Adjustment account within the Town Manager’s budget. The recommended budget for Expenses is $68,540 and reflects a $2,900, or 4.42% increase over FY16 attributable to a program improvement of $2,900 to update the Massachusetts State Building Code books to the Ninth Edition. Program Improvement Requests: Description Salaries and Expenses Benefits (to be budgeted in Shared Expenses) Total Requested Salaries and Expenses Benefits (to be budgeted under Shared Expenses) Total Not Recommended Massachusetts Code Book Update 2,900$ 2,900$ 2,900$ 2,900$ -$ Request Recommended Program: Office of Land Use, Health and Development 7110 Building and Zoning Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 IX-10 Budget Summary: FY 2014 FY 2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Funding Sources Actual Actual Estimated Estimated Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Tax Levy (979,820)$ (1,049,808)$ (787,226)$ (873,909)$ 2,900$ (871,009)$ (83,783)$ 10.64% Directed Funding Departmental Fees 11,765$ 15,155$ 13,646$ 14,350$ 14,350$ 704$ 5.16% Licenses and Permits 1,412,878$ 1,568,347$ 1,343,005$ 1,442,013$ 1,442,013$ 99,007$ 7.37% Total 7110 Building and Zoning 444,824$ 533,694$ 569,425$ 582,454$ 2,900$ 585,354$ 15,929$ 2.80% FY 2014 FY 2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Appropriation Summary Actual Actual Restated Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Compensation 403,267$ 474,736$ 503,785$ 516,814$ -$ 516,814$ 13,029$ 2.59% Expenses 41,556$ 58,959$ 65,640$ 65,640$ 2,900$ 68,540$ 2,900$ 4.42% Total 7110 Building and Zoning 444,824$ 533,694$ 569,425$ 582,454$ 2,900$ 585,354$ 15,929$ 2.80% FY 2014 FY 2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Program Summary Actual Actual Restated Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Total 7110 Building and Zoning 444,824$ 533,694$ 569,425$ 582,454$ 2,900$ 585,354$ 15,929$ 2.80% Total 7110 Building and Zoning 444,824$ 533,694$ 569,425$ 582,454$ 2,900$ 585,354$ 15,929$ 2.80% FY 2014 FY 2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Object Code Summary Actual Actual Restated Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Salaries & Wages 401,895$ 471,059$ 498,785$ 511,253$ -$ 511,253$ 12,468$ 2.50% Overtime 1,373$ 3,677$ 5,000$ 5,561$ -$ 5,561$ 561$ 11.22% Personal Services 403,267$ 474,736$ 503,785$ 516,814$ -$ 516,814$ 13,029$ 2.59% Contractual Services 28,126$ 49,962$ 54,060$ 54,060$ -$ 54,060$ -$ 0.00% Utilities 6,150$ 6,372$ 7,480$ 7,480$ -$ 7,480$ -$ 0.00% Supplies 7,280$ 2,624$ 4,100$ 4,100$ 2,900$ 7,000$ 2,900$ 70.73% Small Capital -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - Expenses 41,556$ 58,959$ 65,640$ 65,640$ 2,900$ 68,540$ 2,900$ 4.42% Total 7110 Building and Zoning 444,824$ 533,694$ 569,425$ 582,454$ 2,900$ 585,354$ 15,929$ 2.80% Program: Office of Land Use, Health and Development 7120 Administration Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2016 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 IX-11 Mission: To develop comprehensive regulatory and technical assistance services to town residents and commercial entities transacting development business with the Town. Budget Overview: Administration provides management oversight and administrative support to the Building and Zoning, Health, Conservation, Planning and Economic Development Departments and to the numerous boards and commissions, including the Zoning Board of Appeals and Historic Districts Commission, and coordinates their daily operations. The staff, comprised of an Assistant Town Manager, an Office Manager and four Department Clerks, schedules and coordinates hearings, prepares legal notices, sets agendas, processes applications and permits, inputs data into access databases, maintains files, circulates petitions among Town boards and officials, prepares meeting notices, agendas and minutes, determines and notifies abutters, communicates with the public, attends meetings, performs payroll and accounts payable functions, makes daily deposits, and files all final documentation. The Assistant Town Manager position oversees all operations of the departments included in the re-organized Office of Land Use, Health and Development program. Departmental Initiatives: 1. Transition responsibilities from Town Manager to the Assistant Town Manager for Development. 2. Improve public information regarding permitting requirements and procedures for prospective business owners and commercial tenants. 3. Increase efficiency in providing administrative support to boards and committees. Program: Office of Land Use, Health and Development 7120 Administration Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2016 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 IX-12 Authorized/Appropriated Staffing Authorized/Appropriated Staffing FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 Budget Budget Budget Request Assistant Town Manager 1 1 Department Assistants 4 4 4 4 Office Manager 1 1 1 1 Total FTE 55 66 Total FT/PT 5 5 6 6 Assistant Town Manager for Development Administration Office Manager Administration Office Assistants Program: Office of Land Use, Health and Development 7120 Administration Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2016 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 IX-13 Budget Recommendations: The recommended FY2017 General Fund budget for the Office of Administration is $466,277, an $85,465, or 22.44%, increase over the restated FY2016 budget. The General Fund operating budget for Compensation is $393,671 and reflects a $28,919, or 7.93% increase, which is attributable mainly to the hiring of new staff at a salary greater than projected during the FY16 planning process. FY17 Compensation does not include any estimate of prospective cost of living increases. Funds for prospective increases are budgeted for in the Salary Adjustment account within the Town Manager’s budget. The General Fund operating budget for Expenses is $72,606 and reflects a $56,546, or 352.09% increase which is primarily driven by the recommendation of two program improvements for land studies totaling $50,000 and additional expenses associated with the hiring of the Assistant Town Manager for Development. Program Improvement Requests: Description Salaries and Expenses Benefits (to be budgeted in Shared Expenses) Total Requested Salaries and Expenses Benefits (to be budgeted under Shared Expenses) Total Not Recommended Land Study Master Plan 1 50,000$ 50,000$ 25,000$ 25,000$ 25,000$ Land Study Master Plan 2 60,000$ 60,000$ 25,000$ 25,000$ 35,000$ Request Recommended Program: Office of Land Use, Health and Development 7120 Administration Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2016 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 IX-14 Budget Summary: FY 2014 FY 2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Funding Sources Actual Actual Estimated Estimated Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Tax Levy 219,763$ 232,883$ 362,941$ 399,137$ 50,000$ 449,137$ 86,195$ 23.75% 13,526$ 16,438$ 17,870$ 17,140$ 17,140$ (730)$ -4.08% Total 7120 Administration 233,290$ 249,321$ 380,811$ 416,277$ 50,000$ 466,277$ 85,465$ 22.44% FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Appropriation Summary Actual Actual Appropriation Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Compensation 223,857$ 224,550$ 364,751$ 393,671$ -$ 393,671$ 28,919$ 7.93% Expenses 9,432$ 24,770$ 16,060$ 22,606$ 50,000$ 72,606$ 56,546$ 352.09% Total 7120 Administration 233,290$ 249,321$ 380,811$ 416,277$ 50,000$ 466,277$ 85,465$ 22.44% FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Program Summary Actual Actual Appropriation Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Total 7120 Administration 233,290$ 249,321$ 380,811$ 416,277$ 50,000$ 466,277$ 85,465$ 22.44% Total 7120 Administration 233,290$ 249,321$ 380,811$ 416,277$ 50,000$ 466,277$ 85,465$ 22.44% FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Object Code Summary Actual Actual Appropriation Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Salaries & Wages 220,510$ 218,585$ 357,351$ 384,224$ -$ 384,224$ 26,872$ 7.52% Overtime 3,348$ 5,966$ 7,400$ 9,447$ -$ 9,447$ 2,047$ 27.66% Personal Services 223,857$ 224,550$ 364,751$ 393,671$ -$ 393,671$ 28,919$ 7.93% Contractual Services 5,400$ 7,708$ 7,994$ 10,506$ 50,000$ 60,506$ 52,512$ 656.89% Utilities -$ -$ -$ 600$ -$ 600$ 600$ 0.00% Supplies 4,032$ 6,562$ 8,066$ 11,500$ -$ 11,500$ 3,434$ 42.57% Small Capital -$ 10,500$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - Expenses 9,432$ 24,770$ 16,060$ 22,606$ 50,000$ 72,606$ 56,546$ 352.09% Total 7120 Administration 233,290$ 249,321$ 380,811$ 416,277$ 50,000$ 466,277$ 85,465$ 22.44% Directed Funding Departmental Fees Program: Office of Land Use, Health and Development 7130 Conservation Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 IX-15 Mission: To protect the health and safety of Town residents through education about and regulation of natural areas and wetlands. Budget Overview: The Conservation Office responsibilities include administering, interpreting, and enforcing all applicable State laws and Local codes; counseling, guiding, and educating the public on environmental issues; researching and reporting on relevant issues for the Commission meetings to aid the Commission in key decision making; enforcing permit conditions through construction inspections, and managing conservation areas and the Land and Watershed Stewardship Program. The Conservation Administrator manages and supervises the Conservation staff and operations and, along with the Conservation Stewardship Coordinator, performs administrative, supervisory, professional, and technical work in connection with managing and directing comprehensive environmental programs. The Conservation Division is responsible for administering and enforcing the State and local wetland protection codes and the State Stormwater Management Regulations, managing over 1,400 acres of Town-owned conservation land, and providing outreach and education concerning natural and watershed resources. Departmental Initiatives: 1. Continue to implement the Laserfiche Document Imaging Software for conservation records. 2. Implement the conservation module of the View Permit on-line permitting software. 3. Implement the numerous conservation land management projects including meadows preservation, Lower Vine Brook path reconstruction and Parker Meadow ADA Trail Design. 4. Support the Greenway Corridor Committee with the implementing the ACROSS Lexington project. Program: Office of Land Use, Health and Development 7130 Conservation Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 IX-16 Authorized/Appropriated Staffing Authorized/Appropriated Staffing FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 Budget Budget Budget Request Conservation Administrator 1 1 1 1 Stewardship Coordinator 1 1 1 1 Land Use Ranger 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 Seasonal Land Management Interns Seasonal Seasonal Seasonal Seasonal Total FTE 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.25 Total FT/PT 2FT/1PT +Seas. 2FT/1PT +Seas. 2FT/1PT +Seas. 2FT/1PT +Seas. Assistant Town Manager for Development Conservation Administrator Conservation Stewardship Coordinator Town Ranger Program: Office of Land Use, Health and Development 7130 Conservation Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 IX-17 Budget Recommendations: The recommended FY2017 General Fund Conservation budget is $235,803, a $3,864, or 1.61% decrease from the restated FY2016 budget. The FY2016 budget is restated to reflect cost of living increases that were not included in the FY2016 budget as adopted at the 2015 annual town meeting. The General Fund operating budget for Compensation is $201,846 and reflects a $4,931, or 2.50% increase, which is attributable to the cost of prospective step increases. FY17 Compensation does not include any estimate of prospective cost of living increases. Funds for prospective increases are budgeted for in the Salary Adjustment account within the Town Manager’s budget. The General Fund operating budget for Expenses is $33,957 and reflects an $8,795, or 20.57% decrease which is primarily driven by the elimination of one-time expenses for FY2016 partially offset by an FY17 program improvement for the purchase of conservation tractor implements. Program Improvement Requests: Description Salaries and Expenses Benefits (to be budgeted in Shared Expenses) Total Requested Salaries and Expenses Benefits (to be budgeted under Shared Expenses) Total Not Recommended Conservation Tractor Implements 1,700$ 1,700$ 1,700$ 1,700$ -$ Request Recommended Program: Office of Land Use, Health and Development 7130 Conservation Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 IX-18 Budget Summary: FY 2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Funding Sources Actual Actual Estimated Estimated Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Tax Levy 162,946$ 198,931$ 210,994$ 205,403$ 1,700$ 207,103$ (3,891)$ -1.84% Directed Funding Fees 32,751$ 36,326$ 28,672$ 28,700$ 28,700$ 28$ 0.10% Total 7130 Conservation 195,697$ 235,258$ 239,667$ 234,103$ 1,700$ 235,803$ (3,864)$ -1.61% FY 2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Appropriation Summary Actual Actual Restated Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Compensation 161,407$ 186,253$ 196,915$ 201,846$ -$ 201,846$ 4,931$ 2.50% Expenses 34,290$ 49,005$ 42,752$ 32,257$ 1,700$ 33,957$ (8,795)$ -20.57% Total 7130 Conservation 195,697$ 235,258$ 239,667$ 234,103$ 1,700$ 235,803$ (3,864)$ -1.61% FY 2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Program Summary Actual Actual Restated Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Total 7130 Conservation 195,697$ 235,258$ 239,667$ 234,103$ 1,700$ 235,803$ (3,864)$ -1.61% Total 7130 Conservation 195,697$ 235,258$ 239,667$ 234,103$ 1,700$ 235,803$ (3,864)$ -1.61% FY 2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Object Code Summary Actual Actual Restated Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Salaries & Wages 161,079$ 183,937$ 194,940$ 199,739$ -$ 199,739$ 4,800$ 2.46% Overtime 328$ 2,316$ 1,975$ 2,106$ -$ 2,106$ 131$ 6.64% Personal Services 161,407$ 186,253$ 196,915$ 201,846$ -$ 201,846$ 4,931$ 2.50% Contractual Services 24,765$ 41,456$ 30,561$ 24,286$ -$ 24,286$ (6,275)$ -20.53% Utilities 2,012$ 2,143$ 2,371$ 2,371$ -$ 2,371$ -$ 0.00% Supplies 7,512$ 5,406$ 9,820$ 5,600$ 1,700$ 7,300$ (2,520)$ -25.66% Small Capital -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - Expenses 34,290$ 49,005$ 42,752$ 32,257$ 1,700$ 33,957$ (8,795)$ -20.57% Total 7130 Conservation 195,697$ 235,258$ 239,667$ 234,103$ 1,700$ 235,803$ (3,864)$ -1.61% Program: Office of Land Use, Health and Development 7140 Health Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 IX-19 Mission: Under the direction of the Lexington Board of Health, the mission of the Lexington Health Department is to prevent disease and to promote wellness in order to protect and improve the health and quality of life of its residents, visitors and work force. Budget Overview: The Health Department manages disease prevention and surveillance programs designed to protect the health of the community. Programs include but are not limited to public health education empowerment programs, environmental health code enforcement activities, mosquito control, vaccination clinics and public health emergency planning and recovery efforts in partnership with the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, (MDPH). The Health Department staff is comprised of the Health Director, Health Agent, and a part time Public Health Nurse. Departmental Initiatives: 1. Continue Public Health emergency planning and recovery efforts due to a communicable disease threat, (Pandemic Influenza Response). 2. Continue Food Establishment Emergency Operations planning efforts to prevent disease transmission due to loss of utilities or water & sewer service infrastructure. 3. Continue partnering with Human Services, Police, Fire and Building to plan a unified response to occupied properties found to be in an unsanitary condition or unfit for human habitation. Abandoned properties may also be discussed as necessary. 4. Provide food safety and public health disease prevention educational outreach to targeted demographics based on needs identified in the Demographic Task Force’s Report. 5. Implement View Permit software to improve the customer’s experience in obtaining various Board of Health permits. Permits include but are not limited to retail food service, temporary food service events, swimming pool operation, retail tobacco sales, rDNA Biosafety, Animal Keeping and Summer Camps.         Program: Office of Land Use, Health and Development 7140 Health Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 IX-20 Authorized/Appropriated Staffing Authorized/Appropriated Staffing FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 Budget Budget Budget Request Public Health Director 1 1 1 1 Health Agent 1 1 1 1 Health Nurse * 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 Total FTE 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 Total FT/PT 2FT/1PT 2FT/1PT 2FT/1PT 2FT/1PT *The  full‐time Public Health  Nurse is shared between Lexington (.6) and Belmont (.4) per Nursing Services     Agreement executed in FY 2009. Program: Office of Land Use, Health and Development 7140 Health Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 IX-21 Budget Recommendations: The recommended FY2017 All Funds Health budget inclusive of the General Fund operating budget and the Health Program Revolving Fund, which funds health clinics, is $304,457. The recommended budget is a $2,032, or 0.67% increase over the restated FY2016 budget. The FY2016 budget is restated to reflect cost of living increases that were not included in the FY2016 budget as adopted at the 2015 annual town meeting. The FY2017 recommended Health General Fund operating budget is $290,457, which is a $2,032, or 0.70% increase over the restated FY2016 General Fund budget. The General Fund operating budget for Compensation is $228,995 and reflects a $4,912, or 2.19% increase, which is attributable to the cost of prospective step increases. FY17 Compensation does not include any estimate of prospective cost of living increases. Funds for prospective increases are budgeted for in the Salary Adjustment account within the Town Manager’s budget. The General Fund operating budget for Expenses is $61,462 and reflects a $2,880, or 4.48% decrease which is primarily driven by the reduction of one-time expenses for FY16 partially offset by increases in staff education and the contract for the annual mosquito control program. The FY17 recommended Health Programs Revolving Fund is recommended at $14,000 which is unchanged from the FY16 authorization. Program Improvement Requests: Description Salaries and Expenses Benefits (to be budgeted in Shared Expenses) Total Requested Salaries and Expenses Benefits (to be budgeted under Shared Expenses) Total Not Recommended NONE REQUESTED -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Request Recommended Program: Office of Land Use, Health and Development 7140 Health Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 IX-22 Budget Summary: FY 2014 FY 2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Funding Sources Actual Actual Estimated Estimated Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Tax Levy 205,382$ 240,626$ 247,948$ 260,457$ -$ 260,457$ 12,509$ 5.05% Permits 50,086$ 29,365$ 40,477$ 30,000$ 30,000$ (10,477)$ -25.88% Health Department Revolving Fund 9,141$ 12,447$ 14,000$ 14,000$ 14,000$ -$ 0.00% Total 7140 Health 264,609$ 282,438$ 302,425$ 304,457$ -$ 304,457$ 2,032$ 0.67% FY 2014 FY 2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Appropriation Summary (All Funds) Actual Actual Restated Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Compensation 203,508$ 211,931$ 224,083$ 228,995$ -$ 228,995$ 4,912$ 2.19% Expenses 61,101$ 70,507$ 78,342$ 75,462$ -$ 75,462$ (2,880)$ -3.68% Total 7140 Health 264,609$ 282,438$ 302,425$ 304,457$ -$ 304,457$ 2,032$ 0.67% FY 2014 FY 2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Program Summary (All Funds) Actual Actual Restated Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Total 7140 Health 264,609$ 282,438$ 302,425$ 304,457$ -$ 304,457$ 2,032$ 0.67% Total 7140 Health 264,609$ 282,438$ 302,425$ 304,457$ -$ 304,457$ 2,032$ 0.67% FY 2014 FY 2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Object Code Summary (All Funds) Actual Actual Restated Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Salaries & Wages 203,392$ 211,605$ 221,856$ 226,768$ -$ 226,768$ 4,912$ 2.21% Overtime 117$ 326$ 2,227$ 2,227$ -$ 2,227$ 0$ 0.00% Personal Services 203,508$ 211,931$ 224,083$ 228,995$ -$ 228,995$ 4,912$ 2.19% Contractual Services 48,602$ 56,004$ 64,281$ 61,401$ -$ 61,401$ (2,880)$ -4.48% Utilities 1,363$ 1,640$ 1,801$ 1,801$ -$ 1,801$ -$ 0.00% Supplies 11,136$ 12,863$ 12,260$ 12,260$ -$ 12,260$ -$ 0.00% Small Capital -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - Expenses 61,101$ 70,507$ 78,342$ 75,462$ -$ 75,462$ (2,880)$ -3.68% Total 7140 Health 264,609$ 282,438$ 302,425$ 304,457$ -$ 304,457$ 2,032$ 0.67% Approprations Summary (General Fund) FY 2014 FY 2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Actual Actual Restated Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Compensation 203,508$ 211,931$ 224,083$ 228,995$ -$ 228,995$ 4,912$ 2.19% Expenses 51,960$ 58,060$ 64,342$ 61,462$ -$ 61,462$ (2,880)$ -4.48% Total 7140 Health 255,468$ 269,991$ 288,425$ 290,457$ -$ 290,457$ 2,032$ 0.70% Approprations Summary (Non-General Fund) FY 2014 FY 2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Actual Actual Restated Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Expenses 7140 Health Programs Revolving Fund 9,141$ 12,447$ 14,000$ 14,000$ -$ 14,000$ -$ 0.00% Total 7140 Health 9,141$ 12,447$ 14,000$ 14,000$ -$ 14,000$ -$ 0.00% Program: Office of Land Use, Health and Development 7200 Planning Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 IX-23 Mission: The Planning Board and the Planning Department helps residents to envision and work toward a community that serves the need of all its citizens and to manage growth and change. Supported by the Planning staff, the Board administers the Zoning By-law and reviews and permits applications for residential and commercial development. Budget Overview: The Planning Department supports the Planning Board in the administration of the Subdivision Regulations, the determination of adequacy of unaccepted streets, the granting of special permits for residential development, site plan review and granting of special permits within the CM District and the review of planned development district proposals that go to Town Meeting. In addition, the staff engages in short and long term planning in regard to growth and development issues in Lexington, being active participants in various committees dealing with issues of transportation, affordable housing and economic development, as well as participating in regional and statewide initiatives. The planning staff participates on the Development Review Team, the Economic Development Advisory Committee, the Housing Partnership Board, the Traffic Safety Group, Parking Management Group, Transportation Forum and the HOME Consortium. Departmental Initiatives: 1. Complete the update to the Board’s Subdivision and Zoning Regulations, including administrative aspects (permit tracking and online access). 2. Continue to develop and enhance the Town’s various transportation initiatives. 3. Continue to develop and draft zoning bylaw changes identified as highly desirable during the 2014 recodification. Program: Office of Land Use, Health and Development 7200 Planning Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 IX-24 Authorized/Appropriated Staffing Authorized/Appropriated Staffing FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 Budget Budget Budget Request Planning Director 1 1 1 1 Assistant Planning Director 1 1 1 1 Planner 0.63 1 1 1 Department Clerk/Adminstrative Assistant 1 1 1 1 Total FTE 3.63 4 4 4 Total FT/PT 3 (FT)/1 (PT) 4(FT) 4(FT) 4(FT) Assistant Town Manager for Development Planning Director Planner ClerkAssistant Planning Director Program: Office of Land Use, Health and Development 7200 Planning Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 IX-25 Budget Recommendations: The FY2017 recommended Planning Department budget is $355,097. The recommended budget is a $6,990, or 1.93% decrease from the restated FY2016 budget. The budget is restated to reflect cost of living increases that were not included in the FY2016 budget as adopted at the 2015 annual town meeting. The recommended budget for Compensation is $308,397 and reflects an $11,015 or 3.45% decrease, which is attributable to the replacement of retired staff with lower salary positions, partially offset by step increases for current staff. FY17 Compensation does not include any estimate of prospective cost of living increases. Funds for prospective increases are budgeted for in the Salary Adjustment account within the Town Manager’s budget. The recommended budget for Expenses is $46,700 and reflects a $4,025, or 9.43% increase, attributable mainly to the increase in cost for the Town’s participation in the Regional Housing Services Office. Program Improvement Requests: Description Salaries and Expenses Benefits (to be budgeted in Shared Expenses) Total Requested Salaries and Expenses Benefits (to be budgeted under Shared Expenses) Total Not Recommended Comprehensive Plan Update 150,000$ 150,000$ -$ 150,000$ Request Recommended Program: Office of Land Use, Health and Development 7200 Planning Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 IX-26 Budget Summary: FY 2014 FY 2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Funding Sources Actual Actual Estimated Estimated Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Tax Levy 268,953$ 308,568$ 339,386$ 332,396$ -$ 332,396$ (6,990)$ -2.06% Fees 35,270$ 22,550$ 22,701$ 22,701$ -$ 22,701$ -$ 0.00% Total 7200 Planning 304,223$ 331,118$ 362,087$ 355,097$ -$ 355,097$ (6,990)$ -1.93% FY 2014 FY 2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Appropriation Summary Actual Actual Restated Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Compensation 275,503$ 302,467$ 319,412$ 308,397$ -$ 308,397$ (11,015)$ -3.45% Expenses 28,720$ 28,651$ 42,675$ 46,700$ -$ 46,700$ 4,025$ 9.43% Total 7200 Planning 304,223$ 331,118$ 362,087$ 355,097$ -$ 355,097$ (6,990)$ -1.93% FY 2014 FY 2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Program Summary Actual Actual Restated Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Total 7200 Planning 304,223$ 331,118$ 362,087$ 355,097$ -$ 355,097$ (6,990)$ -1.93% Total 7200 Planning 304,223$ 331,118$ 362,087$ 355,097$ -$ 355,097$ (6,990)$ -1.93% FY 2014 FY 2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Object Code Summary Actual Actual Restated Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Salaries & Wages 274,684$ 300,042$ 315,162$ 304,147$ -$ 304,147$ (11,015)$ -3.50% Overtime 819$ 2,425$ 4,250$ 4,250$ -$ 4,250$ -$ 0.00% Personal Services 275,503$ 302,467$ 319,412$ 308,397$ -$ 308,397$ (11,015)$ -3.45% Contractual Services 26,008$ 26,605$ 38,375$ 42,400$ -$ 42,400$ 4,025$ 10.49% Utilities -$ -$ 600$ -$ -$ -$ (600)$ 0.00% Supplies 2,712$ 2,046$ 3,700$ 4,300$ -$ 4,300$ 600$ 16.22% Small Capital -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - Expenses 28,720$ 28,651$ 42,675$ 46,700$ -$ 46,700$ 4,025$ 9.43% Total 7200 Planning 304,223$ 331,118$ 362,087$ 355,097$ -$ 355,097$ (6,990)$ -1.93% This Page Left Blank Intentionally Program: Office of Land Use, Health and Development 7300 Economic Development Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 IX-27 Mission: The Economic Development Office works to encourage new investment and support our local businesses – big and small. A strong local business sector is a critical component of a healthy and sustainable community creating places to eat and shop, as well as opportunities for employment and added revenue to support local services. To that end, the Economic Development Office serves as a liaison for businesses and works to address business-related issues from parking to updating land use policy. The Office also works to retain and expand local businesses by providing information, conducting research, and leveraging State economic development tools and resources designed to improve the business environment. The Economic Development Office also cultivates and maintains relationships with State-level partners for business development and infrastructure investment opportunities. In addition, the Economic Development Office works to leverage economic opportunities from tourism. The three programs—the Liberty Ride, the Battle Green Guides and the regional marketing program—are aimed at enhancing Lexington’s visitor-based economy. Budget Overview: the Economic Development budget is divided into four elements: the Economic Development Office, the Liberty Ride, Tourism and the Visitor Center. Economic Development: The Economic Development Director is tasked with strengthening the commercial tax base and providing services to existing and prospective businesses. The Economic Development Office is supported by the Economic Development Advisory Committee and the Economic Development Director serves as liaison to the Lexington Center Committee and the Tourism Committee. The Liberty Ride: This trolley tour of Lexington and Concord serves as the only public transportation link to the area’s historic sites. The ridership continues to increase, and in 2017 the Liberty Ride will celebrate its 15th season. As a revolving fund, the Liberty Ride is funded through ticket sales. Tourism: The Battle Green Guides, who serve as ambassadors for the Town, teach residents and visitors about our rich history, and encourage them to visit our historic sites and shop and dine in town. The funding from this program provides guide coverage on the Battle Green form April through October. Marketing funds enabled the production and distribution of Lexington’s first official Visitor’s Guide and new international marketing materials. Visitors Center: The Visitors Center serves as gateway for over 115,000 people who come to visit Lexington every year. The Visitors Center operates with sales revenue generated from the gift shop. Program: Office of Land Use, Health and Development 7300 Economic Development Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 IX-28 Departmental Initiatives: Economic Development Office 1. Implement parking rate recommendations from the Lexington Center Parking Management Plan. 2. Secure twenty-five parking spaces that are currently not part of the public parking inventory. 3. Secure funding for year four of the REV Shuttle Bus. 4. Engage stakeholders in Hartwell and East Lexington to identify long-term development opportunities. Tourism/Visitor Activities 1. Engage the new Economic Development Coordinator in marketing efforts. 2. Develop standards to track and measure the impact of tourism investments. 3. Install new point of sale system at the Visitors Center. 4. Create a social media program for the Visitors Center and other visitor services. Program: Office of Land Use, Health and Development 7300 Economic Development Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 IX-29 Authorized/Appropriated Staffing Authorized/Appropriated Staffing FY 2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Budget Budget Budget Request Economic Development Director 1 111 Economic Development Coordinator 11 Visitor Center Manager 11 Visitor Center Staff (6PT)4.75 4.75 Visitor Center Assistant Manager1 0.56 Battle Green Guides Seasonal Seasonal Seasonal Seasonal Liberty Ride Coordinator 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 Liberty Ride Guides Seasonal Seasonal Seasonal Seasonal Total FTE 1.7 1.7 8.45 9.01 Total FT/PT 1FT/1PT + Seas. 1FT/1PT + Seas. 3FT/7PT + Seas. 3FT/8PT + Seas. Note: Visitor Center staffing is included above as this function was transferred from Chamber of Commerce in FY2015. There are 7 Visitor Center staff, 1 works full-time and 6 work part-time. 1New position proposed for FY17. Program: Office of Land Use, Health and Development 7300 Economic Development Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 IX-30 Budget Recommendations: The FY2017 recommended All Funds Economic Development budget inclusive of the General Fund operating budget and the Liberty Ride and Visitor Center Revolving Funds is $774,060. The recommended budget is a $87,755, or 12.79% increase over the restated FY2016 budget. The budget is restated to reflect cost of living increases that were not included in the FY2016 budget as adopted at the 2015 annual town meeting. The FY2017 recommended General Fund Economic Development operating budget is $299,655, which is a $10,221, or 3.53% increase from the restated FY2016 General Fund budget. The recommended General Fund operating budget for Compensation is $168,767, and reflects a $6,021, or 3.70% increase, which is attributable to the a new position being hired at a salary greater than the FY16 projection, as well as the cost of prospective step increases. FY17 Compensation does not include any estimate of prospective cost of living increases. Funds for prospective increases are budgeted for in the Salary Adjustment account within the Town Manager’s budget. The recommended General Fund operating budget for Expenses is $130,888, a $4,200, or 3.32% increase which is attributed to a $3,000 increase in professional development as well as several small increases in several line items. Contractual costs include expenses associated with the REV Bus, a business-serving shuttle that runs between the Hartwell Avenue corridor and the Alewife Red Line Station, as well as level-funded costs associated with tourism and marketing events. Additionally, the Town provides a limited amount of General Fund support in the amount of $18,788 to the Visitor Center (level funded from FY2016) while they transition to a self-supporting operation. The Town’s share of the REV bus is proposed to be funded with an appropriation from the Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Stabilization Fund. In addition, the recommended expense budget includes $1,000 in expenses transferred from the Board of Selectmen budget to cover the Town’s memberships in the Boston and Greater Merrimack Valley Visitor Centers. The recommended FY17 Liberty Ride Revolving Fund request is $284,174 which is a $4,303, or 1.54% increase over FY16. This increase attributed to small increases in several expense line items, offset by a savings created by a change in the method of payment for the Liberty Ride Coordinator from an annual stipend to an hourly basis. Program Improvement Requests: Description Salaries and Expenses Benefits (to be budgeted in Shared Expenses) Total Requested Salaries and Expenses Benefits (to be budgeted under Shared Expenses) Total Not Recommended Part-time Assistant Manager - Visitor Center 18,525$ 18,525$ 18,525$ 18,525$ -$ Request Recommended Program: Office of Land Use, Health and Development 7300 Economic Development Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 IX-31 Budget Summary: FY 2014 FY 2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Funding Sources Actual Actual Estimated Estimated Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Tax Levy 122,052$ 345,664$ 244,034$ 264,217$ 1,000$ 253,655$ 9,621$ 3.94% TDM Stabilization Fund -$ -$ 45,400$ 46,000$ -$ 46,000$ 600$ 1.32% Liberty Ride Revolving Fund 212,347$ 201,735$ 279,871$ 284,174$ 284,174$ 4,303$ 1.54% Visitor Center Revolving Fund -$ 82,595$ 117,000$ 171,706$ 18,525$ 190,231$ 73,231$ 62.59% Total 7300 Economic Development 334,399$ 547,399$ 686,305$ 766,097$ 19,525$ 774,060$ 87,755$ 12.79% FY 2014 FY 2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Appropriation Summary (All Funds) Actual Actual Restated Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Compensation 145,874$ 200,861$ 305,951$ 324,523$ 18,525$ 343,048$ 37,097$ 12.13% Expenses 188,525$ 346,538$ 380,354$ 441,574$ (10,562)$ 431,012$ 50,658$ 13.32% Total 7300 Economic Development 334,399$ 547,399$ 686,305$ 766,097$ 7,963$ 774,060$ 87,755$ 12.79% FY 2014 FY 2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Program Summary (All Funds) Actual Actual Restated Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Total 7310 Economic Development Office 87,045$ 226,927$ 249,634$ 271,417$ (11,562)$ 259,855$ 10,221$ 4.09% Total 7320 Liberty Ride 212,347$ 201,735$ 279,871$ 284,174$ -$ 284,174$ 4,303$ 1.54% Total 7330 Tourism 35,007$ 36,141$ 39,800$ 38,800$ 1,000$ 39,800$ -$ 0.00% Total 7340 Visitor Center -$ 82,595$ 117,000$ 171,706$ 18,525$ 190,231$ 73,231$ 62.59% Total 7300 Economic Development 334,399$ 547,399$ 686,305$ 766,097$ 7,963$ 774,060$ 87,755$ 12.79% FY 2014 FY 2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Object Code Summary (All Funds) Actual Actual Restated Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Salaries & Wages 145,874$ 198,783$ 305,951$ 323,123$ 18,525$ 341,648$ 35,697$ 11.67% Overtime -$ 2,078$ -$ 1,400$ -$ 1,400$ 1,400$ - Personal Services 145,874$ 200,861$ 305,951$ 324,523$ 18,525$ 343,048$ 37,097$ 12.13% Contractual Services 185,887$ 273,616$ 303,004$ 319,724$ (10,850)$ 308,874$ 5,870$ 1.94% Utilities 438$ -$ 1,500$ 1,500$ -$ 1,500$ -$ 0.00% Supplies 1,211$ 71,603$ 64,850$ 117,350$ 288$ 117,638$ 52,788$ 81.40% Small Capital 988$ 1,319$ 11,000$ 3,000$ -$ 3,000$ (8,000)$ - Expenses 188,525$ 346,538$ 380,354$ 441,574$ (10,562)$ 431,012$ 50,658$ 13.32% Total 7300 Economic Development 334,399$ 547,399$ 686,305$ 766,097$ 7,963$ 774,060$ 87,755$ 12.79% Approprations Summary (General Fund) FY 2014 FY 2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Actual Actual Restated Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Compensation 90,963$ 113,662$ 162,746$ 168,767$ -$ 168,767$ 6,021$ 3.70% Expenses 31,089$ 149,407$ 126,688$ 141,450$ (10,562)$ 130,888$ 4,200$ 3.32% Total 7300 Economic Development 122,052$ 263,069$ 289,434$ 310,217$ (10,562)$ 299,655$ 10,221$ 3.53% Approprations Summary (Non-General Fund) FY 2014 FY 2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Actual Actual Restated Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Compensation 7320 Liberty Ride 54,911$ 56,515$ 83,255$ 78,800$ -$ 78,800$ (4,455)$ -5.35% 7340 Visitor Center -$ 30,684$ 59,950$ 76,956$ 18,525$ 95,481$ 35,531$ 59.27% 54,911$ 87,199$ 143,205$ 155,756$ 18,525$ 174,281$ 31,076$ 21.70% Expenses 7320 Liberty Ride 157,436$ 145,220$ 196,616$ 205,374$ -$ 205,374$ 8,758$ 4.45% 7340 Visitor Center -$ 51,911$ 57,050$ 94,750$ -$ 94,750$ 37,700$ 66.08% 157,436$ 197,131$ 253,666$ 300,124$ -$ 300,124$ 46,458$ 18.31% Total 7300 Economic Development 212,347$ 284,330$ 396,871$ 455,880$ 18,525$ 474,405$ 77,534$ 16.34% FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 X-1 Section X: Program 8000: General Government This section includes detailed information about the FY2017 Operating Budget & Financing Plan for general government. It includes:  8100 Board of Selectmen X-2  8200 Town Manager X-6  8300 Town Committees X-10  8400 Finance X-14  8500 Town Clerk X-19  8600 Information Services X-23 Program: General Government 8100 Board of Selectmen Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 X-2 Mission: The Board of Selectmen, together with the Town Manager, represents the executive branch of the Town government. The Board consists of five members, elected for three-year terms. Selectmen serve without compensation. The Board acts as the Town’s primary policy making body for a wide variety of issues affecting service delivery, finance and Town infrastructure. They provide oversight in matters of litigation, act as the licensing authority, enact rules and regulations regarding traffic control and are responsible for calling Town Meetings and approving the Town Meeting Warrant. Budget Overview: This budget includes funding for the Selectmen’s Office, Town Counsel and the Annual Town Report. Day-to-day operation of the Selectmen’s Office is under the direction of the Executive Clerk and the Municipal Clerk who assist the Selectmen and coordinate activities with the Town Manager’s Office. The staff prepare the Annual and Special Town Meeting Warrants and assist the Selectmen in responding to questions and inquiries from the public. They also receive all contributions to Selectmen gift accounts, the Fund for Lexington, PTA Council Scholarship, Lexington Education Fund and all other Trustees of Public Trusts funds. Staff manage the licensing and permitting process for the Board (the licensing authority). These licenses include alcoholic beverage, auctioneer, cable television, common victualler, entertainment, flammable storage, innkeeper, lodging house, theater, Class I, II and III for the sale of used cars, vehicles for hire such as common carrier, limousine and taxi cab and automatic amusement machines. Staff maintain over 300 Selectmen appointments to more than 40 committees. In addition, the Selectmen's Office notifies Lexington residents of all national, state and local elections. Town Counsel represents the Town, through the Board of Selectmen and Town Manager, on all legal matters including litigation, contracts, drafting of Town bylaws and enforcement of bylaws through the Court system. The Town Report is the official proceeding and activities of Town Government. It is required to be prepared annually under State law. Departmental Initiatives: 1. Evaluate sites for a main Fire Station and develop plans for renovation and/or reconstruction of Fire and Police stations. Program: General Government 8100 Board of Selectmen Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 X-3 Board of Selectmen Executive Clerk Municipal Clerk Authorized/Appropriated Staffing FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 Budget Budget Budget Request Executive Clerk 0.94 0.94 1 1 Municipal Clerk 1.00 1 1 1 Total FTE 1.94 1.94 2.00 2.00 Total FT/PT 1 FT/ 1 PT 1 FT/ 1 PT 2FT 2FT Program: General Government 8100 Board of Selectmen Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 X-4 Budget Recommendations: The FY2017 recommended All Funds Board of Selectmen budget inclusive of the General Fund operating budget and the PEG Access Revolving Fund which funds the Town’s annual contract with LexMedia, is $1,223,394. The recommended budget is a $3,882, or 0.32% increase over the restated FY2016 budget. The budget is restated to reflect cost of living increases that were not included in the FY2016 budget as adopted at the 2015 annual town meeting. The Selectmen’s FY2017 recommended General Fund operating budget is $673,249, which is a $7,736, or 1.16% increase from the restated FY2016 General Fund budget. The General Fund operating budget for Compensation is $151,424, and reflects a $7,736, or 5.38% increase, which is attributable to the cost of prospective salary increases. FY17 Compensation does not include any estimate of prospective cost of living increases. Funds for prospective increases are budgeted for in the Salary Adjustment account within the Town Manager’s budget. The General Fund operating budget for Expenses is $521,825 and has been reduced by $1,000 to reflect the transfer of this amount to the Economic Development/Tourism budget for the Merrimack Valley and Greater Boston Visitor’s Center dues. The recommended FY17 budget for legal expenses is unchanged from FY16 at $410,000. The recommended budget for the annual Town Report is $13,500 which is unchanged from FY16. The FY16 recommended PEG Access Revolving Fund request is $550,146 which is a $3,854 or 0.70% decrease from FY16. Program Improvement Requests: Description Salaries and Expenses Benefits (to be budgeted under Shared Expenses) Total Requested Salaries and Expenses Benefits (to be budgeted under Shared Expenses) Total Not Recommended NONE REQUESTED -$ -$ -$ -$ $- Request Recommended Program: General Government 8100 Board of Selectmen Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 X-5 Budget Summary: Funding Sources (All Funds) FY 2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Actual Actual Estimated Estimated Add/Del 1 Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Tax Levy 518,666$ 570,380$ 585,259$ 593,963$ (1,000)$ 592,963$ 7,703$ 1.32% Enterprise Funds (Indirects) 1,021$ 1,015$ 1,103$ 1,136$ -$ 1,136$ 33$ 0.00% Revolving Funds PEG Access 514,209$ 430,031$ 554,000$ 550,146$ -$ 550,146$ (3,854)$ -0.70% Fees Licenses & Permits 85,175$ 78,985$ 79,150$ 79,150$ 79,150$ -$ 0.00% Total 8100 Board of Selectmen 1,119,071$ 1,080,410$ 1,219,512$ 1,224,394$ (1,000)$ 1,223,394$ 3,882$ 0.32% Appropriation Summary (All Funds) FY 2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Actual Actual Restated Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Compensation 135,161$ 133,735$ 163,687$ 167,569$ 167,569$ 3,882$ 2.37% Expenses 983,910$ 946,675$ 1,055,825$ 1,056,825$ (1,000)$ 1,055,825$ -$ 0.00% Total 8100 Board of Selectmen 1,119,071$ 1,080,410$ 1,219,512$ 1,224,394$ (1,000)$ 1,223,394$ 3,882$ 0.32% Program Summary (All Funds) FY 2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Actual Actual Restated Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Total 8110 Selectmen's Office 180,741$ 211,699$ 242,012$ 250,749$ (1,000)$ 249,749$ 7,736$ 3.20% Total 8120 Legal 416,621$ 434,000$ 410,000$ 410,000$ -$ 410,000$ -$ 0.00% Total 8130 Town Report 7,500$ 4,680$ 13,500$ 13,500$ -$ 13,500$ -$ 0.00% Total 8140 PEG Access 514,209$ 430,031$ 554,000$ 550,146$ -$ 550,146$ (3,854)$ -0.70% Total 8100 Board of Selectmen 1,119,071$ 1,080,410$ 1,219,512$ 1,224,394$ (1,000)$ 1,223,394$ 3,882$ 0.32% Object Code Summary (All Funds) FY 2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Actual Actual Restated Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Salaries & Wages 135,161$ 133,735$ 163,687$ 167,569$ -$ 167,569$ 3,882$ 2.37% Overtime -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.00% Personal Services 135,161$ 133,735$ 163,687$ 167,569$ -$ 167,569$ 3,882$ 2.37% Contractual Services 966,283$ 919,256$ 1,029,825$ 1,030,825$ -$ 1,030,825$ 1,000$ 0.10% Utilities -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - Supplies 17,626$ 19,469$ 25,000$ 25,000$ (1,000)$ 24,000$ (1,000)$ -4.00% Small Capital -$ 7,950$ 1,000$ 1,000$ -$ 1,000$ -$ - Expenses 983,910$ 946,675$ 1,055,825$ 1,056,825$ (1,000)$ 1,055,825$ -$ 0.00% Total 8100 Board of Selectmen 1,119,071$ 1,080,410$ 1,219,512$ 1,224,394$ (1,000)$ 1,223,394$ 3,882$ 0.32% Appropriation Summary (General Fund) FY 2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Actual Actual Restated Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Compensation 111,887$ 119,765$ 143,687$ 151,424$ -$ 151,424$ 7,736$ 5.38% Expenses 492,975$ 530,614$ 521,825$ 522,825$ (1,000)$ 521,825$ -$ 0.00% Total 8100 Board of Selectmen 604,862$ 650,379$ 665,512$ 674,249$ (1,000)$ 673,249$ 7,736$ 1.16% Appropriation Summary (Non General Fund) FY 2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Actual Actual Restated Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Compensation 23,274$ 13,970$ 20,000$ 16,146$ -$ 16,146$ (3,854)$ -19.27% Expenses 490,935 416,061 534,000 534,000 - 534,000$ -$ 0.00% PEG Access 514,209$ 430,031$ 554,000$ 550,146$ -$ 550,146$ (3,854)$ -0.70% Total 8100 Board of Selectmen 514,209$ 430,031$ 554,000$ 550,146$ -$ 550,146$ (3,854)$ -0.70% 1,080,410$ 1,219,512$ 1,224,394$ 1Fees for membership in the Greater Boston and Greater Merrimack Valley Visitor's Centers transferred to Economic Development in FY17. Program: General Government 8200 Town Manager Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 X-6 Mission: The Board of Selectmen appoints the Town Manager, who oversees the daily operations of all general government departments, implements the policies of the Board of Selectmen, proposes an annual operating and capital budget, and enforces Town bylaws and regulations. The Town Manager's authority and responsibilities are established in the Selectmen-Town Manager Act of 1968. In addition, the Town Manager's Office is responsible for human resources, benefits administration and risk management. Budget Overview: The Town Manager’s Office budget is comprised of two elements; Organizational Direction and Administration and Human Resources. Organizational Direction and Administration includes day-to-day oversight for all Town departments, town-wide staff training and professional development and special projects. This function also implements all decisions of the Board of Selectmen and provides staff support to various Town committees. The Town Manager's Office, through the Human Resource function, is responsible for personnel administration, benefits administration, collective bargaining agreements, workers compensation and unemployment benefits. Departmental Initiatives: 1. Continue to work on internal controls by revising existing policies and developing new policies that may be necessary to ensure the protection of assets that are vulnerable to abuse. 2. Continue the work of the Technology Committee and identify ways to best use technology to meet both the internal needs of the organization as well as the needs of residents and customers. 3. Develop organizational sustainability by passing on institutional knowledge, engaging mid-level managers in organization decision-making and selecting and training qualified individuals. It is anticipated that in FY17 it will be necessary to recruit 4-5 Senior Managers. 4. Work to ensure that municipal services address the needs of Lexington's culturally diverse community. 5. Expand public communications by developing a comprehensive and coordinated plan for engaging the community. Program: General Government 8200 Town Manager Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 X-7 Authorized/Appropriated Staffing Authorized/Appropriated Staffing FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 Budget Budget Budget Request Town Manager 1 1 1 1 Deputy Town Manager 1 1 1 1 Office Manager/Special Events Coordinator 1 1 1 1 Benefits Coordinator 1 1 1 1 Assistant to the Town Manager 1 11 0 0 Human Resources Director 1 1 1 1 Hearing Officers2 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 Management Fellow/Analyst 1 1 1 1 Human Resources Assistant 1 1 1 1 Total FTE 8.12 8.12 7.12 7.12 Total Full/Part Time 8 FT / 2 PT 8 FT / 2 PT 8 FT / 2 PT 8 FT / 2 PT (2) Two hearing officers hear appeals for parking fines; one municipal hearing officer hears appeals for fines issued by the Fire Department (regional position, shared with Winchester and Woburn) (1) Position reassigned to Information Technology in FY2015 Program: General Government 8200 Town Manager Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 X-8 Budget Recommendations: The FY2017 recommended Town Manager’s budget inclusive of the Town Manager’s Office and Human Resources is $814,149. The recommended budget is a $52,894, or 6.95% increase over the restated FY2016 restated budget. The budget is restated to reflect cost of living increases that were not included in the FY2016 budget as adopted at the 2015 annual town meeting. The recommended FY17 budget for Compensation is $564,064, and reflects a $17,894, or 3.28% increase, attributable to the cost of prospective step increases as well as additional compensation for the Management Fellow. FY17 Compensation does not include any estimate of prospective cost of living increases. Funds for prospective increases are budgeted for in the Salary Adjustment account within the Town Manager’s budget. The recommended FY17 budget for Expenses is $250,085 and reflects a $35,000, or 16.27% increase which is net change attributable to a $10,000 increase in legal services for labor counsel and a $25,000 increase in professional services for the Human Resources department. Professional Services includes a $20,000 program improvement for a classification study for the AFSCME Local 1703 (DPW workers) as well as increases for assessment centers held every three years for Fire Captains and Lieutenants. The department's budget also includes prospective amounts for all municipal department contractual settlements for FY2017 in the Salary Adjustment Account. The Account is for anticipated collective bargaining settlements, other wage increases and for compensated leave payments due certain employees at retirement. Once contractual settlements are reached, funds are transferred from this account to the appropriate departmental budget upon a vote of the Board of Selectmen. Contracts that are currently being negotiated whose outcome will affect the Salary Adjustment Account include AFSCME DPW; AFSCME Dispatch; AFSCME Custodians and Police Superiors and Patrolmen. Contracts that expire at the end of FY16 are also included in the Salary Adjustment account and are comprised of Crossing Guards, Fire Fighters, and the Lexington Municipal Management Association. Program Improvement Requests: Description Salaries and Expenses Benefits (to be budgeted under Shared Expenses) Total Requested Salaries and Expenses Benefits (to be budgeted under Shared Expenses) Total Not Recom mended Classification and Compensation Study $20,000 -$ 20,000$ 20,000$ -$ 20,000$ Administrative Assistant 53,144$ 15,923$ 69,067$ -$ -$ -$ 69,067$ Request Recommended Program: General Government 8200 Town Manager Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 X-9 Budget Summary: FY 2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Funding Sources Actual Actual Estimated Projected Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Tax Levy 364,383$ 472,955$ 451,280$ 484,179$ 5,000$ 489,179$ 37,899$ 8.40% Enterprise Funds (Indirect) 42,421$ 42,152$ 45,825$ 47,200$ -$ 47,200$ 1,375$ 3.00% Available Funds - - - - - - Rentals*384,180$ 287,082$ 264,150$ 277,770$ -$ 277,770$ 13,620$ 5.16% Total 8200 Town Manager 790,984$ 802,189$ 761,255$ 809,149$ 5,000$ 814,149$ 52,894$ 6.95% FY 2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Appropriation Summary Actual Actual Restated Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Compensation 617,579$ 636,241$ 546,170$ 564,064$ -$ 564,064$ 17,894$ 3.28% Expenses 173,405$ 165,948$ 215,085$ 245,085$ 5,000$ 250,085$ 35,000$ 16.27% Total 8200 Town Manager 790,984$ 802,189$ 761,255$ 809,149$ 5,000$ 814,149$ 52,894$ 6.95% FY 2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Program Summary Actual Actual Restated Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Total 8210 Organizational Dir. & Admin. 556,302$ 569,583$ 515,691$ 531,028$ -$ 531,028$ 15,337$ 2.97% Total 8220 Human Resources 234,682$ 232,605$ 245,564$ 278,121$ 5,000$ 283,121$ 37,557$ 15.29% Total 8200 Town Manager 790,984$ 802,189$ 761,255$ 809,149$ 5,000$ 814,149$ 52,894$ 6.95% FY 2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Object Code Summary Actual Actual Restated Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Salaries & Wages 617,579$ 636,241$ 546,170$ 564,064$ -$ 564,064$ 17,894$ 3.28% Overtime -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - Personal Services 617,579$ 636,241$ 546,170$ 564,064$ -$ 564,064$ 17,894$ 3.28% Contractual Services 150,281$ 132,707$ 180,850$ 210,850$ 5,000$ 215,850$ 35,000$ 19.35% Utilities -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - Supplies 19,510$ 15,176$ 14,735$ 14,735$ -$ 14,735$ -$ 0.00% Small Capital 3,613$ 18,066$ 19,500$ 19,500$ -$ 19,500$ -$ 0.00% Expenses 173,405$ 165,948$ 215,085$ 245,085$ 5,000$ 250,085$ 35,000$ 16.27% Total 8200 Town Manager 790,984$ 802,189$ 761,255$ 809,149$ 5,000$ 814,149$ 52,894$ 6.95% Budget Summary - Salary Adjustment (8230) FY 2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Funding Sources Balance Balance Restated Projected Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Tax Levy 673,588$ 290,690$ 511,081$ 784,441$ -$ 784,441$ 273,360$ 53.49% Total 8200 Town Manager 673,588$ 290,690$ 511,081$ 784,441$ -$ 784,441$ 273,360$ 53.49% FY 2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Program Summary Balance Balance Restated Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Total 8230 Salary Adjustment 673,588$ 290,690$ 511,081$ 784,441$ -$ 784,441$ 273,360$ 53.49% Total 8200 Town Manager 673,588$ 290,690$ 511,081$ 784,441$ -$ 784,441$ 273,360$ 53.49% *Rentals are comprised of rental receipts from the Waldorf School, Bertucci's Italian Restaurant, LexFarm and Peet's Coffee & Tea sidewalk rentals, cell tower lease revenue and the sublease of Kline Hall to LexMedia. Program: General Government 8300 Town Committees Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 X-10 Mission: Town Committees includes the Appropriation Committee, Capital Expenditures Committee, Town Celebrations Committee and various boards and committees appointed by the Board of Selectmen, Moderator and the Town Manager. Budget Overview: The Town Committees budget provides limited funding for a variety of statutory and advisory committees that are an integral part of the operation of local government in Lexington. The financial committees—the Appropriation Committee and the Capital Expenditures Committee—provide detailed financial review and analysis to Town Meeting. The Town Celebrations Committee, appointed by the Board of selectmen, plans the Town's annual celebrations, including parades on Veterans’, Memorial, Patriots’ Day as well as the Martin Luther King Day celebration. Program: General Government 8300 Town Committees Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 X-11 Authorized/Appropriated Staffing Limited staff support is provided through the Town Manager’s Office and Finance Department, and a part-time Recording Secretary takes meeting minutes. Program: General Government 8300 Town Committees Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 X-12 Budget Recommendations: The FY2017 Town Manager’s recommended Town Committees budget is $51,500. This is a $23,500 or 31.33% decrease from the FY2016 budget. Compensation is increasing $500, or 8.33% with expenses decreasing by $24,000 or 34.78%. The expense decrease is attributed to a one-time FY2016 expenditure for contractual services ($15,000) for a Vision 20/20 study on demographic changes in Lexington as well as for a one-time FY2016 supplies expense for staging ($6,000). The FY2017 budget includes a program improvement of $1,000 for supplies for the Martin Luther King Day celebration. Program Improvement Requests: Description Salaries and Expenses Benefits (to be budgeted under Shared Expe ns es ) Total Requested Salaries and Expenses Benefits (to be budgeted under Shared Expenses) Total Not Recommended Martin Luther King Celebration 1,000$ 1,000$ 1,000$ 1,000$ Request Recommended Program: General Government 8300 Town Committees Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 X-13 Budget Summary: FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Funding Sources Actual Actual Estimated Estimated Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Tax Levy 40,791$ 49,270$ 75,000$ 50,500$ 1,000$ 51,500$ (23,500)$ -31.33% Total 8300 Town Committees 40,791$ 49,270$ 75,000$ 50,500$ 1,000$ 51,500$ (23,500)$ -31.33% FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Appropriation Summary Actual Actual Appropriation Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Compensation 4,283$ 6,143$ 6,000$ 6,500$ -$ 6,500$ 500$ 8.33% 36,509$ 43,126$ 69,000$ 44,000$ 1,000$ 45,000$ (24,000)$ -34.78% Total 8300 Town Committees 40,791$ 49,270$ 75,000$ 50,500$ 1,000$ 51,500$ (23,500)$ -31.33% FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Program Summary Actual Actual Appropriation Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Total 8310 Financial Committees 7,559$ 6,476$ 7,500$ 8,000$ -$ 8,000$ 500$ 6.67% 3,276$ 1,813$ 19,500$ 4,500$ -$ 4,500$ (15,000)$ -76.92% Total 8330 Town Celebrations 29,956$ 40,980$ 48,000$ 38,000$ 1,000$ 39,000$ (9,000)$ -18.75% Total 8300 Town Committees 40,791$ 49,270$ 75,000$ 50,500$ 1,000$ 51,500$ (23,500)$ -31.33% FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Object Code Summary Actual Actual Appropriation Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase 4,283$ 6,143$ 6,000$ 6,500$ -$ 6,500$ 500$ 8.33% -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - 4,283$ 6,143$ 6,000$ 6,500$ -$ 6,500$ 500$ 8.33% 2,292$ 1,107$ 19,000$ 4,000$ -$ 4,000$ (15,000)$ -78.95% -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - 34,216$ 42,020$ 50,000$ 40,000$ 1,000$ 41,000$ (9,000)$ -18.00% -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - 36,509$ 43,126$ 69,000$ 44,000$ 1,000$ 45,000$ (24,000)$ -34.78% Total 8300 Town Committees 40,791$ 49,270$ 75,000$ 50,500$ 1,000$ 51,500$ (23,500)$ -31.33% Total 8320 Misc. Boards & Committees Expenses Small Capital Expenses Salaries & Wages Overtime Compensation Contractual Services Utilities Supplies This Page Left Blank Intentionally Program: General Government 8400 Finance Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 X-14 Mission: The Finance Department is responsible for: (1) maintaining timely and accurate records on all financial activities of the Town; (2) administering internal financial controls; 3) facilitating the evaluation of the Town’s financial condition; (4) ensuring that the delivery of Town services is done in compliance with Massachusetts General Laws that govern municipal finance; (5) providing timely and accurate financial information to managers of Town services to facilitate the evaluation of the cost effectiveness and efficiency of Town programs; (6) providing timely and accurate financial information to Town boards and committees to facilitate policy deliberation and formulation; and (7) safeguarding the financial assets of the Town. Budget Overview: The Finance Department is comprised of the following divisions: the Comptroller's Office, the Treasurer/Collector’s Office, the Assessing Office and the Utility Billing Office. The Comptroller's Office is responsible for maintaining the Town's general ledger (accounting), accounts payable, payroll, and centralized purchasing. The Comptroller's budget is also inclusive of funding for the Assistant Town Manager for Finance, who oversees all financial operations of the Town, and the Budget Officer, who in concert with the Assistant Town Manager for Finance and the Town Manager develops and monitors the annual capital and operating budgets. The Treasurer/Collector's Office has three primary responsibilities: the collection and deposit of all Town taxes, fees and charges including property taxes, motor vehicle excise, utility billing and other local receipts (permit and license fees, fines, etc.); the management and investment of all revenues collected; and the issuance and servicing of debt. The Assessing Office's primary function is the development of assessed values of real and personal property. The Utility Division's primary function is the operation of the Town's utility billing system and the issuance of monthly and semi-annual water and sewer bills. Program: General Government 8400 Finance Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 X-15 Departmental Initiatives: Assessing: 1. Administer a 6-year, cyclical annual inspection program for interior and exterior inspection and comply with requirements of the DOR pertaining to the FY18 triennial recertification of values. 2. Develop a protocol for regular data entry of permits and deeds into Vision to mitigate backlogs. 3. Embark on cross-training program among Assessing Department employees to promote staff capacity at all times. 4. Activate GIS functionality in Vision software and train staff in its use. Comptroller: 1. Implement general billing for miscellaneous receivables. Treasurer/Collector: 1. Bid bill printing services. 2. Develop tax foreclosure policy recommendation. Assistant Town Manager for Finance/ Comptroller Budget Officer Procurement OfficerTown Accountant Utility Enterprise Business ManagerTreasurer/Collector Administrative AssistantDirector of Assessing Retirement Administrator PT Municipal ClerkStaff Accountant Financial ClerkTreasury Assistant Departmental Accounting Clerk Assistant Tax Collector PT Municipal Clerk Residential Analyst/ Inspectors Administrative Assistant Residential Field Manager Municipal Clerk Program: General Government 8400 Finance Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 X-16 Authorized/Appropriated Staffing FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 Element 8410: Comptroller Budget Budget Budget Requested Asst. Town Manager for Finance/Comptroller 1 1 1 1 Town Accountant 1 1 1 1 Staff Accountant 1 1 1 1 Procurement Officer 1 1 1 1 Financial Clerk 1 1 1 1 Budget Officer 1 1 1 1 Administrative Assistant 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 sub-total FTE 6.40 6.40 6.40 6.40 sub-total FT/PT 6 FT / 1PT 6 FT / 1PT 6 FT / 1PT 6 FT / 1PT Element 8420: Treasurer/Collector Treasurer/Collector 1 1 1 1 Assistant Tax Collector 1 1 1 1 Treasury Assistant 1 1 1 1 Account Clerk 1 1 1 1 Municipal Clerk 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.46 sub-total FTE 4.46 4.46 4.46 4.46 sub-total FT/PT 4 FT/1 PT 4 FT/1 PT 4 FT/1 PT 4 FT/1 PT Element 8430: Assessor Director of Assessing 1 1 1 1 Residential Field Manager 1 21 1 1 Residential Analyst/Inspector 1 2 2 2 Office Manager 2 11 1 1 Municipal Clerks 0.60 0.60 1.10 1.10 sub-total FTE 5.60 5.60 6.10 6.10 sub-total FT/PT 5FT/2PT 5FT/2PT 5FT/3PT 5FT/3PT Element 8440: Utility Billing Utility Enterprise Business Manager 1 1 1 1 sub-total FTE 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 sub-total FT/PT 1 FT/0 PT 1 FT/0 PT 1 FT/0 PT 1 FT/0 PT Total FTE 17.46 17.46 17.96 17.96 Total FT/PT 16 FT/4 PT 16 FT/4 PT 16 FT/5 PT 16 FT/5 PT 1 In FY15 this position was classified as Commercial Appraiser. It was recast as Residential Field Manager as a result of a reorganization of the Assessing Office implemented in the Fall of 2015. 2 In FY15 this position was classified as Administrative Assistant. It was recast as Office Manager as a result of a reorganization of the Assessing Office implemented in the fall of 2015. Program: General Government 8400 Finance Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 X-17 Budget Recommendations: The FY2017 recommended Finance Department budget is 1,892,924. The recommended budget is a $71,787, or 3.94% increase over the restated FY2016 budget. The budget is restated to reflect cost of living increases that resulted from the conclusion of collective bargaining after the FY2016 budget as adopted at the 2015 annual town meeting. The recommended budget for Compensation is $1,394,929, and reflects a $36,667, or 2.70% increase, which is attributable primarily to the cost of contractually obligated step increases. FY17 Compensation does not include any estimate of prospective cost of living increases for personnel whose contracts expire on 6/30/16. Funds for prospective cost of living increases for these personnel are budgeted for in the Salary Adjustment account within the Town Manager’s budget. The recommended budget for Expenses is $497,995 and reflects a $35,120 or 7.59% attributable to increases in lease costs for a copier and mail machine, increases in legal and appraisal services for defending commercial and industrial assessed values at the Appellate Tax Board, as well as a recommended Program Improvement Request for Tax Title Foreclosure services. Program Improvement Requests: Description Salaries and Expenses Benefits (to be budgeted under Shared Expenses) Total Requested Salaries and Expenses Benefits (to be budgeted under Shared Expenses) Total Not Recommended Assessor-Administrative Assistant 45,000$ 15,805$ 60,805$ -$ -$ -$ 60,805$ Treasurer-Tax Title Foreclosure 10,150$ -$ 10,150$ 10,150$ -$ 10,150$ Request Recommended Program: General Government 8400 Finance Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 X-18 Budget Summary: FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Funding Sources Actual Actual Estimated Estimated Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Tax Levy 1,369,601$ 1,397,463$ 1,536,497$ 1,594,321$ 10,150$ 1,604,471$ 57,824$ 3.76% Enterprise Funds (Indirects) 225,094$ 223,666$ 243,159$ 250,453$ -$ 250,453$ 7,295$ 3.00% Fees & Charges Charges for Services 32,079$ 34,504$ 41,482$ 38,000$ -$ 38,000$ (3,482)$ -8.39% Total 8400 Finance 1,626,774$ 1,655,633$ 1,821,137$ 1,882,774$ 10,150$ 1,892,924$ 71,787$ 3.94% FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Appropriation Summary Actual Actual Restated Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Compensation 1,251,874$ 1,223,727$ 1,358,262$ 1,394,929$ -$ 1,394,929$ 36,667$ 2.70% Expenses 374,901$ 431,907$ 462,875$ 487,845$ 10,150$ 497,995$ 35,120$ 7.59% Total 8400 Finance 1,626,774$ 1,655,633$ 1,821,137$ 1,882,774$ 10,150$ 1,892,924$ 71,787$ 3.94% FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Program Summary Actual Actual Restated Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Total 8410 Comptroller 632,251$ 609,342$ 675,443$ 692,756$ -$ 692,756$ 17,313$ 2.56% Total 8420 Treasurer/Collector 390,489$ 378,209$ 384,676$ 387,108$ 10,150$ 397,258$ 12,582$ 3.27% Total 8430 Assessing 528,568$ 592,533$ 684,451$ 725,408$ -$ 725,408$ 40,957$ 5.98% Total 8440 Utility Billing 75,467$ 75,550$ 76,567$ 77,503$ -$ 77,503$ 935$ 1.22% Total 8400 Finance 1,626,774$ 1,655,633$ 1,821,137$ 1,882,774$ 10,150$ 1,892,924$ 71,787$ 3.94% FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Object Code Summary Actual Actual Restated Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Salaries & Wages 1,251,874$ 1,223,727$ 1,358,262$ 1,394,929$ -$ 1,394,929$ 36,667$ 2.70% Overtime -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - Personal Services 1,251,874$ 1,223,727$ 1,358,262$ 1,394,929$ -$ 1,394,929$ 36,667$ 2.70% Contractual Services 329,199$ 384,915$ 413,665$ 438,305$ 10,150$ 448,455$ 34,790$ 8.41% Utilities 5,901$ 345$ 2,070$ 1,350$ -$ 1,350$ (720)$ -34.78% Supplies 39,800$ 45,937$ 47,140$ 48,190$ -$ 48,190$ 1,050$ 2.23% Small Capital -$ 710$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - Expenses 374,901$ 431,907$ 462,875$ 487,845$ 10,150$ 497,995$ 35,120$ 7.59% Total 8400 Finance 1,626,774$ 1,655,633$ 1,821,137$ 1,882,774$ 10,150$ 1,892,924$ 71,787$ 3.94% Program: General Government 8500 Town Clerk Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 X-19 Mission: The Town Clerk is the keeper of records for the Town. The Office of the Town Clerk is the primary repository of official documents for the Town, and the custodian of and recording office for official Town and vital records. Responsibilities include issuing marriage licenses, recording vital statistics, issuing dog licenses, registering businesses, and conducting the annual Town Census. The Town Clerk's Office conducts elections in conformance with State and local laws and, with the Board of Registrars, processes voter registrations and certifications. The Town Clerk reports to the Chief Information Officer (whose position is funded in the Information Services Budget – 8600). Budget Overview: The four elements comprising the Office of the Town Clerk include Town Clerk Administration, Registration, Elections, and Archives & Records Management. Town Clerk Administration: The Town Clerk acts as the Town's recording officer, registrar of vital statistics, and chief election official. The Town Clerk is the official record-keeper of Town Meeting, certifies bylaws, Town Meeting appropriations and other official actions, signs notes for borrowing, and certifies official documents. The Town Clerk also registers all vital events within Lexington, records and preserves birth, marriage and death records to provide a basis for the Commonwealth's central vital records system and serves as Burial Agent. The Town Clerk is the keeper of the seal, administers the oath of office to elected and appointed members of boards and committees, maintains records of adopted municipal codes, regulations, bylaws, oaths of office, resignations, appointments, and submits general bylaws and zoning bylaws to the Attorney General for approval. The Town Clerk’s office issues licenses and permits and serves as a central information point for residents. Registration: Registrars, appointed by the Board of Selectmen, are responsible for promoting voter registration, overseeing voter records, and ruling on voter eligibilities. Stipends for the Board of Registrars remain level funded. Annual voter confirmations are conducted in accordance with State statute. The Annual Town Census and the publishing of the List of Residents is funded through this element. Elections: This element includes administration of local, state and national elections along with the monitoring of candidate certifications and referenda and initiative petitions. Staff provide information on campaign finance laws, election procedures, ballot initiatives, and voter information. Election preparations are coordinated with, and receives support from, various town departments including Public Works, Public Facilities, Police, and Lexington Public Schools. Archives & Records Management: This element addresses inventory and retention of records and documents, proper maintenance and storage of records, preservation of documents, and public access to public records and information. A part-time Archivist/Records Manager is responsible for overseeing the conservation, preservation, digitization and cataloging of Lexington’s historic documents and records. Program: General Government 8500 Town Clerk Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 X-20 Departmental Initiatives: 1. Continued development of coordinated Archives & Records Management Program; 2. Enhancement and further implementation of Laserfiche Document Imaging System for records retention, electronic access, and archives/records portal. 3. Elections: Ongoing review of town/state/federal elections with statutory requirements to provide legal and accessible elections to Lexington voters, while identifying potential location/building issues due to municipal and school construction projects. 4. Implementation of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Electronic Vital Records Systems for births and marriages. Chief Information Officer Town Clerk Assistant Town Clerk Administrative Assistant PT Municipal Clerks PT Archivist/ Records Manager Authorized/Appropriated Staffing Authorized/Appropriated Staffing FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 Budget Budget Budget Request Town Clerk 1 1 1 1 Assistant Town Clerk 1 1 1 1 Administrative Assistant 1 1 1 1 Municipal Clerk 0.91 1.03 1.03 1.03 Archivist/Records Manager 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.46 Total FTE 4.37 4.49 4.49 4.49 Total FT/PT 3 FT/ 3 PT 3 FT/ 3 PT 3 FT/ 3 PT 3 FT/ 3 PT Program: General Government 8500 Town Clerk Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 X-21 Budget Recommendations: The FY2017 recommended Town Clerk budget is $487,356 which is a $44,849 or 10.14% increase from the FY2016 budget. The budget for Compensation is $362,681 and reflects a $29,549, or 8.87% increase, which is attributable to (1) increases in staffing and expenses for three elections in FY2017 versus the two to be held in FY16 and (2) contractually obligated step increases. FY2017 compensation does not include any estimate for cost of living increases. Funds for prospective increases are budgeted for in the Salary Adjustment account within the Town Manager’s budget. The budget for Expenses is $124,675 and reflects a $15,300, or 13.99% increase which is driven primarily by the increase in the number of elections in FY2017. Program Improvement Requests: Description Salaries and Expenses Benefits (to be budgeted under Shared Expenses) Total Requested Salaries and Expense s Benefits (to be budgeted under Shared Expenses) Total Not Recommended Municipal Assistant - Additional Hours 8,842$ 15,281$ 24,123$ -$ -$ -$ 24,123$ Request Recommended Program: General Government 8500 Town Clerk Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 X-22 Budget Summary: FY 2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Funding Sources Actual Actual Estimated Projected Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Tax Levy 383,851$ 340,319$ 359,805$ 403,435$ -$ 403,435$ 43,630$ 12.13% Enterprise Funds (Indirects) -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - Directed Funding -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.00% Fees: Town Clerk 37,085$ 37,041$ 35,955$ 35,800$ -$ 35,800$ (155)$ -0.43% Licenses & Permits: Town Clerk 49,485$ 49,120$ 46,748$ 48,122$ -$ 48,122$ 1,374$ 2.94% Total 8500 Town Clerk 470,420$ 426,480$ 442,507$ 487,356$ -$ 487,356$ 44,849$ 10.14% FY 2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Appropriation Summary Actual Actual Restated Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Compensation 347,171$ 312,420$ 333,132$ 362,681$ -$ 362,681$ 29,549$ 8.87% Expenses 123,249$ 114,059$ 109,375$ 124,675$ -$ 124,675$ 15,300$ 13.99% Total 8500 Town Clerk 470,420$ 426,480$ 442,507$ 487,356$ -$ 487,356$ 44,849$ 10.14% FY 2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Program Summary Actual Actual Restated Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Total 8510 Town Clerk Administration 289,688$ 254,618$ 281,552$ 288,585$ -$ 288,585$ 7,033$ 2.50% Total 8520 Board of Registrars 15,316$ 14,763$ 16,825$ 17,325$ -$ 17,325$ 500$ 2.97% Total 8530 Elections 127,985$ 118,684$ 95,725$ 131,114$ -$ 131,114$ 35,389$ 36.97% Total 8540 Records Management 37,431$ 38,415$ 48,405$ 50,333$ -$ 50,333$ 1,928$ 3.98% Total 8500 Town Clerk 470,420$ 426,480$ 442,507$ 487,356$ -$ 487,356$ 44,849$ 10.14% FY 2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Object Code Summary Actual Actual Restated Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Salaries & Wages 341,458$ 305,226$ 330,132$ 354,317$ -$ 354,317$ 24,185$ 7.33% Overtime 5,713$ 7,194$ 3,000$ 8,364$ -$ 8,364$ 5,364$ 178.80% Personal Services 347,171$ 312,420$ 333,132$ 362,681$ -$ 362,681$ 29,549$ 8.87% Contractual Services 85,802$ 101,920$ 95,600$ 109,800$ -$ 109,800$ 14,200$ 14.85% Utilities 1,830$ 2,520$ 3,500$ 3,500$ -$ 3,500$ -$ 0.00% Supplies 9,891$ 9,620$ 10,075$ 11,175$ -$ 11,175$ 1,100$ 10.92% Small Capital 25,726$ -$ 200$ 200$ -$ 200$ -$ 0.00% Expenses 123,249$ 114,059$ 109,375$ 124,675$ -$ 124,675$ 15,300$ 13.99% Total 8500 Town Clerk 470,420$ 426,480$ 442,507$ 487,356$ -$ 487,356$ 44,849$ 10.14% Program: General Government 8600 Information Services Department Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 X-23 Mission: The Information Services Department provides information technology services and resources to all Town staff, including accounting and payroll applications, along with other core technology related services for municipal and school departments. Budget Overview: The Information Services Department (IS) supports, maintains and manages the Town's information technology systems (hardware, software and web sites) that are critical elements of service delivery and program management for all of the Town's departmental operations. Services provided include: hardware and software support for all information technology activities in all municipal operations; staff training; maintenance of financial management hardware and software (MUNIS) that serves town and school departments; electronic mail and internet access; support of the Town’s website on the internet and intranet; phone voice over internet protocol (VoIP) infrastructure and applications; head end management and support; and co-management, with School Department Information Technology staff, of the Town's wide-area network that connects 30 town and school buildings. Departmental Initiatives: 1. Improve network and services resiliency through installation of redundant network pathways and failover hardware (switches and servers). 2. Expand wireless capability to additional municipal buildings. 3. Manage self service enhancements and improvements for Town employees and residents including on-line permitting and improved on-line document management and resources. 4. Continue implementation of VoIP phone systems to municipal and school buildings. 5. Develop GIS based improvements, including meeting new state GIS standards and delivering GIS on-line with improved function and information. 6. Update and support Town website capabilities for departments and users. 7. Identify, create and support “born digital” paperless workflow and efficiencies. 8. Through the use of technology, build a sustainable communications framework and develop methods for community engagement to meet organizational goals. Program: General Government 8600 Information Services Department Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 X-24 Authorized and Appropriated Staffing: FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Budget Budget Budget Recommended Chief Information Officer 0 1 1 1 Information Technology Director 1 1 1 1 Project Manager1, 2 001.81.8 Network Administrator 1 1 1 1 GIS/Database Administrator 1 1 1 1 Support Technician 1 1 1 1 Applications Administrator 0 0 1 1 Webmaster 1 1 2 2 Total FT/PT 5 FT 6 FT 9.8 9.8 Total FTE 5 6 9.8 9.8 1The Project Manager position was transferred from the Town Manager's Office to the Information Services Department in FY2015. The funding remained in the TMO budget for FY2015 and transferred to the IS budget in FY2016. In FY2016 the position was reduced to a 0.8 FTE. 2 T he Project Manager position was partially funded via Capital Article 2015/11P for FY2016. The split for FY16 was 80% Capital and 20% IS. The funding to support this position will be transitioned into the Information Services operating budget. In FY2017 the IS budget will fund 60% of the salary and the capital article will fund the remaining 40% of the salary. Program: General Government 8600 Information Services Department Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 X-25 Budget Recommendations: The FY2017 recommended Information Services budget is $1,829,781. The recommended budget is a $120,276, or 7.04% increase over the restated FY2016 budget. The budget is restated to reflect cost of living increases that were not included in the FY2016 budget as adopted at the 2015 annual town meeting. The recommended budget for Compensation is $798,881, and reflects a $39,826, or 5.25% increase, which includes adjustments in compensation due to employee contractual settlements and prospective step increases, as well as an increase in the portion of the full-time Project Manager’s salary borne by the operating budget from 20% in FY16 to 60% in FY17. FY17 Compensation does not include any estimate of prospective cost of living increases for contracts that expire on 6/30/16. Funds for prospective increases are budgeted for in the Salary Adjustment account within the Town Manager’s budget. The recommended budget for Expenses is $1,030,900 and reflects an $80,450, or 8.46% increase. Major factors driving the increase are the growing cost of software maintenance for both existing licenses as well as new application support contracts, the continuation of the transfer of responsibility for Town phone systems and the accompanying utility costs, an increase in mobile services costs due to mobile data needs and the additional costs for LAN hardware and software costs for IS support of the Library. Program Improvement Requests: Description Salaries and Expenses Benefits (to be budgeted in Shared Expenses) Total Requested Salaries and Expenses Benefits (to be budgeted under Shared Expenses) Total Not Recommended NONE REQUESTED Request Recommended Program: General Government 8600 Information Services Department Town of Lexington, Massachusetts FY 2017 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 X-26 Budget Summary: FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Actual Actual Estimated Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Tax Levy 930,243$ 1,139,654$ 1,647,885$ 1,766,313$ -$ 1,766,313$ 118,428$ 7.19% Enterprise Funds (Indirects) 57,041$ 56,680$ 61,619$ 63,468$ -$ 63,468$ 1,849$ 3.00% Total 8600 Information Services 987,284$ 1,196,334$ 1,709,505$ 1,829,781$ -$ 1,829,781$ 120,276$ 7.04% FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Actual Actual Restated Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Compensation 355,598$ 458,967$ 759,055$ 798,881$ -$ 798,881$ 39,826$ 5.25% Expenses 631,686$ 737,367$ 950,450$ 1,030,900$ -$ 1,030,900$ 80,450$ 8.46% Total 8600 Information Services 987,284$ 1,196,334$ 1,709,505$ 1,829,781$ -$ 1,829,781$ 120,276$ 7.04% FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Actual Actual Restated Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Total 8610 IT Administration 987,284$ 1,196,334$ 1,709,505$ 1,829,781$ -$ 1,829,781$ 120,276$ 7.04% Total 8600 Information Services 987,284$ 1,196,334$ 1,709,505$ 1,829,781$ -$ 1,829,781$ 120,276$ 7.04% FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Manager's FY2017 Dollar Percent Object Code Summary Actual Actual Restated Request Add/Del Mgr's Rec. Increase Increase Salaries & Wages 353,511$ 457,185$ 756,055$ 795,744$ -$ 795,744$ 39,690$ 5.25% Overtime 2,087$ 1,781$ 3,000$ 3,137$ -$ 3,137$ 137$ 4.55% Personal Services 355,598$ 458,967$ 759,055$ 798,881$ -$ 798,881$ 39,826$ 5.25% Contractual Services 443,188$ 474,980$ 700,500$ 757,000$ -$ 757,000$ 56,500$ 8.07% Utilities 1,800$ 37,043$ 80,200$ 93,400$ -$ 93,400$ 13,200$ 16.46% Supplies 32,273$ 3,561$ 24,250$ 26,500$ -$ 26,500$ 2,250$ 9.28% Small Capital 154,425$ 221,783$ 145,500$ 154,000$ -$ 154,000$ 8,500$ 5.84% Expenses 631,686$ 737,367$ 950,450$ 1,030,900$ -$ 1,030,900$ 80,450$ 8.46% Total 8600 Information Services 987,284$ 1,196,334$ 1,709,505$ 1,829,781$ -$ 1,829,781$ 120,276$ 7.04% Appropriation Summary Program Summary Funding Sources FY 2017 Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 XI - 1 Section XI: Capital Investment INTRODUCTION A crucial aspect of the Town’s operations, from providing services to its residents and businesses to equipping employees to effectively perform their jobs, requires the existence of certain basic physical assets. These assets include streets, water mains, parks, buildings, large equipment and technology. They must be purchased, maintained and replaced on a timely basis or their usefulness in providing public services will diminish. The Town’s five-year Capital Improvements Program and annual Capital Budget are developed to ensure adequate capital investment in the Town’s assets. DEFINITION OF CAPITAL PROJECTS A capital project is defined as a major, non-recurring expenditure that generally meets all of the following criteria:  Massachusetts General Laws permit the Town to issue bonds to finance the expenditure;  The expenditure is $25,000 or more;  The expenditure will have a useful life of 10 years or more for buildings or building components and 5 years for vehicles and equipment; and  Planning, engineering, or design services may be considered capital when such services are integral to a construction, renewal, or replacement project that meets the criteria for a capital expenditure. CAPITAL POLICY FRAMEWORK The FY2017 Capital Budget was developed within the capital policy framework initially adopted by the Board of Selectmen in 1991, and subsequently amended in 2006 and 2009 to ensure adequate planning and funding for capital investment, particularly cash capital projects within the general fund. This capital investment strategy includes the following major elements:  Multi-year planning for capital investment;  Debt exclusions for major capital projects; and  Ensuring sufficient operating budget resources for maintaining capital assets. FIVE-YEAR CAPITAL PROGRAM Five-year capital improvement planning has been part of Lexington’s budget development process for many years. Multi-year planning allows proper staging and sequencing of capital projects to smooth financing plans and to make funding needs more predictable. Capital investment requirements can vary, involving unique large projects such as a fire vehicle or a school building. Other capital investment needs are recurring such as the annual program to resurface roadways. The five-year Capital Improvement Program includes all anticipated capital projects identified by school and municipal departments over the next five years. FY 2017 Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 XI - 2 The following are potential funding sources for financing the Town’s capital investments:  Cash Financing – The Town regularly appropriates available funds (i.e., cash financing) from the general and enterprise funds to finance certain capital investment projects. Examples of available funds are unreserved fund balance (free cash), tax levy, enterprise fund retained earnings, specialized stabilization funds and, when available, unexpended balances of prior years’ capital articles.  Debt – The Town has traditionally financed large dollar value capital projects with debt. Depending upon the project, the debt service resulting from debt-funded capital projects can be financed from a variety of sources including the General Fund (either within the Levy Limit or from a voter approved Proposition 2 ½ debt exclusion), Enterprise and Revolving Funds or the Community Preservation Fund (see discussion of the CPA below).  Other Sources – The Town uses dedicated state aid and grant funding to finance capital investment when these funds are available.  Community Preservation Act (CPA) Funds – Beginning in FY07, following voter approval, the Town began to assess a Community Preservation Surcharge of 3% of the property tax levied against all taxable real property. For owners of residential property, the assessed value used to calculate the surcharge is net of a $100,000 residential exemption. Community Preservation funds can be used for those purposes defined by the Community Preservation Act, MGL Ch. 44B. Such purposes include the acquisition and preservation of open space, the creation and support of community (affordable) housing, the acquisition and preservation of historic resources, and the creation and support of recreational facilities. Beginning in FY08, the Town began to receive State matching funds to supplement the local surcharge. Receipts for FY16 from the surcharge and state matching funds are preliminarily estimated at $5 million. FY 2017 CAPITAL FINANCING STRATEGY The proposed financing plan for the recommended FY2017 capital budget is shown in the table below. Free Cash/Tax Levy Other Financing Sources 1 Debt Total General Fund 5,214,164$ -$ 6,970,507$ 12,184,671$ Proposed Excluded Debt Projects -$ -$ 67,806,000$ 67,806,000$ Chapter 90/Other Funding -$ 8,853,790$ -$ 8,853,790$ Water Enterprise -$ 220,500$ -$ 220,500$ Sewer Enterprise -$ 177,500$ 1,768,000$ 1,945,500$ Recreation Enterprise -$ 65,000$ -$ 65,000$ Community Preservation Act 2 -$ 999,530$ -$ 999,530$ Total (all Funds)5,214,164$ 10,316,320$ 76,544,507$ 92,074,991$ Capital Requests Summary 1 Chapter 90/Other Funding includes $973,165 in Chapter 90 Aid for street improvements, $850,000 of private funding for the Cary Library Internal Reconfiguration project, $230,625 from the Parking Meter Fund for parking meter replacements, $30,000 from the Traffic Mitigation Stabilization Fund for Transportation Mitigation, and $6,550,000 in state funding for the Massachusetts Avenue-3 Intersections Improvement project.2 Includes both Town and non-Town CPA funded projects. FY 2017 Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 XI - 3 The following table, FY2017 Recommended Capital Budget, lists all FY2017 projects recommended by the Town Manager for consideration and their estimated costs by program area and funding source. The Capital Expenditures Committee has also been evaluating these requests and will issue a report and recommendations to Town Meeting. Department Project Description Recommendation Requested Funding Source(s) Economic Development Parking Meter Replacements - Phase 2 230,625$ Parking Meter Fund Economic Development Grain Mill Alley Improvements TBD CPA Conservation Wright Farm Needs Assessment and Feasibility Study 35,000$ CPA Traffic Safety Group (TSG)Transportation Mitigation 30,000$ Traffic Mitigation Stab. Fund Total Community/Economic Development 295,625$ Fire & Rescue Ladder Truck Replacement 875,000$ GF Debt Fire & Rescue Public Safety Radio Stabilization 90,000$ Free Cash Total Public Safety 965,000$ Library Cary Library Internal Reconfiguration Project 850,000$ Private Funding Rec.& Community Programs Pine Meadows Improvements 65,000$ Recreation RE Rec.& Community Programs Park and Playground Improvements 75,000$ CPA Rec.& Community Programs Town Pool Renovation 166,000$ CPA Rec.& Community Programs Park Improvements - Athletic Fields 120,000$ CPA Rec.& Community Programs Park Improvements- Hard Court Resurfacing 61,000$ CPA Rec.& Community Programs Granite Forest at Lincoln Park 30,000$ CPA Total Culture and Recreation 1,367,000$ Public Facilities Townwide Roofing Program 176,400$ GF Debt Public Facilities School Building Envelopes and Systems Program 215,000$ Free Cash Public Facilities LHS Heating Systems Upgrade 500,000$ GF Debt (Exempt) Public Facilities Municipal Building Envelopes and Systems 187,329$ Tax Levy Public Facilities Building Flooring Program 150,000$ Free Cash Public Facilities Public Facilities Bid Documents 100,000$ Free Cash Public Facilities Hastings School Renovation/Replacement 1,500,000$ GF Debt (Exempt) Public Facilities Diamond Middle School Renovations -Construction 44,541,900$ GF Debt (Exempt) Public Facilities Clarke Middle School Renovations -Construction 21,264,100$ GF Debt (Exempt) Public Facilities School Traffic Safety Improvements 25,000$ GF Debt Public Facilities Security Camera Upgrade to Digital from Analog 49,500$ Free Cash Public Facilities Munroe School Roof 298,000$ GF Debt/Lease Revenue Public Facilities LHS Security Evaluation and Upgrade 25,000$ Free Cash Public Facilities LHS Guidance Space Mining - Design 13,800$ Free Cash Public Facilities LHS Nurse Office and Treatment Space - Design 17,000$ Free Cash Public Facilities LHS Fitness Center/Athletic Training Floor 41,220$ Free Cash Public Facilities Munroe Center for the Arts Window Study 30,000$ CPA Total Public Facilities Department 69,134,249$ FY 2017 Recommended Capital Budget FY 2017 Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 XI - 4 CAPITAL PLAN BY FINANCING SOURCE The following pages include tables that show the recommended FY2017 capital projects by financing source: General fund debt; Water fund debt; Wastewater fund debt; Recreation and Community Programs fund debt; Proposition 2 ½ excluded debt; Revolving fund debt; and Cash capital (i.e., current revenue). Each debt-related table includes the projected debt service impact of recommended projects, actual debt service on debt authorized and issued, and projected debt service on debt authorized and unissued. Finally, each table is accompanied by a written description of each recommended project. Department Project Description Recommendation Requested Funding Source(s) Public Works Center Streetscape Improvements 2,700,000$ GF Debt Public Works DPW Equipment Replacement 755,000$ GF Debt/Free Cash/Water RE/Wastewater REPublic Works Street Improvements 3,500,000$ Tax Levy/Chapter 90 Public Works Storm Drainage Improvements and NPDES Compliance 340,000$ GF Debt Public Works Sanitary Sewer System Investigation and Improvements 1,000,000$ Wastewater Debt/Wastewater RE Public Works Hydrant Replacement Program 150,000$ Free Cash/Water RE Public Works Pump Station Upgrades 800,000$ Wastewater Debt Public Works Comprehensive Watershed Stormwater Management Study and Implementation 390,000$ GF Debt Public Works Mass Ave - Three Intersections Improvement $ 6,900,000 Free Cash / State Funding Public Works Sidewalk Improvements, Additions and Designs $ 600,000 GF Debt Public Works Town Wide Culvert Replacement 390,000$ GF Debt Public Works Town-wide Signalization Improvements 125,000$ Free Cash Public Works Minuteman Bikeway Wayfinding 120,000$ CPA Public Works Antony Park Construction 60,000$ CPA Public Works Cary Memorial Library Walkway Replacement 149,500$ GF Debt Public Works Munroe Center for the Arts Parking Lot 220,000$ Private Funding Public Works Pleasant Street sidewalk 175,000$ GF Debt Total Public Works Department 18,374,500$ ` Lexington Public Schools School Furniture, Equipment & Systems Program 186,087$ Free Cash Lexington Public Schools LPS Technology Capital Request 1,198,000$ Free Cash/GF Debt Total Lexington Public Schools 1,384,087$ Information Services Replace Town Wide Phone Systems-Phase V 21,000$ Free Cash Information Services Head End Equipment Replacement/Packet Shaper - Phase V 150,000$ Free Cash Town Clerk Election System Upgrade 81,000$ Free Cash Selectmen Pelham Road Property Acquisition TBD GF Debt (Exempt) Total General Government 252,000$ 0 Non-Governmental Projects Munroe Tavern Archaeological Dig 15,000$ CPA Non-Governmental Projects Lexington Arts and Crafts Society - Parson's Gallery Lighting Renovation 24,280$ CPA Non-Governmental Projects Keeler Farm Community Housing Acquisition TBD CPA Non-Governmental Projects Greeley Village Rear Door and Porch Preservation 263,250$ CPA Total Non-Governmental Projects 302,530$ Total FY 2017 Recommendations - All Funds 92,074,991$ FY 2017 Recommended Capital Budget (continued) FY 2017 Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 XI - 5 FY2017 RECOMMENDED PROJECTS - GENERAL FUND DEBT (Table I) Municipal Projects 1. Ladder Truck Replacement - $875,000 (General Fund Debt): This FY17 request would fund the purchase of a new aerial ladder truck for the Fire Department. The current truck is almost 17 years old and used on a daily basis. The required repairs for the aging truck have steadily increased, with over $60,000 spent for major repairs in FY12. Front line apparatus are generally utilized as first line vehicles for 10-12 years and then in a reserved capacity but the ladder truck has been used in a primary position for its entire life span. FY17 funding would be used to purchase a vehicle similar in size and equipped comparably to the existing truck. The primary design of the ladder truck allows the vehicle to conduct rescues, perform roof ventilation and provide firefighting capabilities through the water way at the end of the ladder. 2. Center Streetscape Improvements – Phase 1 of 3 - $2,700,000 (General Fund Debt): This project requests funds to improve and restore the sidewalk surface, streetscape and pedestrian safety in Lexington Center. Project improvements will also include lighting, intersection upgrades and lane configuration adjustments. Previous appropriations for the project have funded traffic modeling and design and development plans. Additional requests for construction are expected in future funding cycles. The estimated total cost of all three phases in $8 million. Town of Lexington - FY 2016 Budget FY 2017 Manager's Recommended Budget: Capital Projects TABLE I: FY2017 RECOMMENDED PROJECTS - GENERAL FUND DEBT AMOUNT FINANCED TERM INTEREST RATE FY2016 FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 MUNICIPAL PROJECTS 1 Ladder Truck Replacement 875,000$ 10 4.0%-$ 17,500$ 122,500$ 119,000$ 115,500$ 2 Center Streetscape Improvements 2,700,000$ 20 4.0%-$ 54,000$ 243,000$ 237,600$ 232,200$ 3 DPW Equipment Replacement ($755,000)449,000$ 5 4.0%8,980$ 107,760$ 104,168$ 100,576$ 96,984$ 4 Storm Drainage Improvements and NPDES Compliance 340,000$ 10 4.0%6,800$ 47,600$ 46,240$ 44,880$ 43,520$ 5 Comprehensive Watershed Stormwater Management Study and Implementation 390,000$ 10 4.0%7,800$ 54,600$ 53,040$ 51,480$ 49,920$ 6 Sidewalk Improvements, Additions and Designs 600,000$ 5 4.0%12,000$ 144,000$ 139,200$ 134,400$ 129,600$ 7 Town Wide Culvert Replacement 390,000$ 10 4.0%7,800$ 54,600$ 53,040$ 51,480$ 49,920$ 8 Cary Memorial Library Walkway Replacement 149,500$ 5 4.0%2,990$ 35,880$ 34,684$ 33,488$ 32,292$ 9 Pleasant Street sidewalk 175,000$ 5 4.0%3,500$ 42,000$ 40,600$ 39,200$ 37,800$ Subtotal 6,068,500$ 49,870$ 557,940$ 836,472$ 812,104$ 787,736$ FACILITIES PROJECTS 1 Townwide Roofing Program 176,400$ 10 4.0%3,528$ 24,696$ 23,990$ 23,285$ 22,579$ Subtotal 176,400$ 3,528$ 24,696$ 23,990$ 23,285$ 22,579$ SCHOOL PROJECTS 1 LPS Technology Capital Request ($1,198,000)427,607$ 5 4.0%8,552$ 102,626$ 99,205$ 95,784$ 92,363$ Subtotal 427,607$ 8,552$ 102,626$ 99,205$ 95,784$ 92,363$ PROJECTS TO BE FUNDED WITH NEW REVENUE 1 Munroe School Roof 298,000$ 5 4.0%71,520$ 69,136$ 66,752$ 64,368$ 59,600$ Subtotal 298,000$ 71,520$ 69,136$ 66,752$ 64,368$ 59,600$ TOTAL LEVY SUPPORTED GROSS DEBT SERVICE 6,970,507$ 133,470$ 754,398$ 1,026,419$ 995,541$ 962,278$ AUTHORIZED LEVY SUPPPORTED DEBT SERVICE FY2016 FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 A Subtotal - Approved and Issued Levy Supported Debt Service 5,236,236$ 3,939,100$ 3,258,135$ 2,239,948$ 1,487,808$ B Subtotal - Estimated Debt Service - Approved and Unissued Levy Supported Debt Service (short and long-term debt) 1,826,160$ 2,746,796$ 2,936,278$ 2,783,993$ 2,684,843$ C Summary - Debt Service on authorized debt 7,062,396$ 6,685,896$ 6,194,413$ 5,023,941$ 4,172,650$ D Subtotal - Projected New Levy Supported Net Debt Service 133,470$ 754,398$ 1,026,419$ 995,541$ 962,278$ E Subtotal - Other Debt-related costs 48,577$ 38,640$ 39,992$ 41,392$ 42,841$ F TOTAL - PROJECTED LEVY SUPPORTED DEBT SERVICE 6,732,527$ 7,244,443$ 7,478,933$ 7,260,825$ 6,060,873$ 5,177,769$ G (620,567)$ (751,000)$ (785,000)$ (1,190,000)$ (620,000)$ (233,000)$ H 6,111,960$ 6,493,443$ 6,693,933$ 6,070,825$ 5,440,873$ 4,944,769$ I 6,111,960$ 6,420,273$ 6,624,797$ 6,004,073$ 5,376,505$ 4,885,169$ PROJECTED LEVY SUPPORTED DEBT SERVICE PROPOSED USE OF STABILIZATION FUNDS TO MITIGATE DEBT SERVICE IMPACTS OF LHS MODULAR BUILDINGS CONSTRUCTION PROJECT PROJECTED NET LEVY SUPPORTED DEBT SERVICE (ex. Projects to be Funded with New Revenue) FY 2017 Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 XI - 6 3. DPW Equipment Replacement - $755,000 ($449,000 General Fund Debt, $15,000 Free Cash, $145,500 Water Fund Retained Earnings, $145,500 Wastewater Fund Retained Earnings): This is an annual request to replace equipment that is beyond its useful life and whose mechanical condition no longer meets the requirements of the Department of Public Works (DPW). The DPW has an inventory of 146 pieces of equipment including sedans, hybrid SUVs, construction vehicles and specialized equipment used to mow parks, plow snow, repair streets and complete a variety of other projects. Without regular equipment replacement, the efficiency and cost effectiveness of the DPW's operations would be handicapped due to equipment down time and excessive repair costs. The FY2017 request, by funding source, is shown in the table below. Each piece of equipment is inventoried with original and current replacement cost, state of condition and replacement time interval. Replacement intervals vary from 5 to 25 years, and are based on manufacturer recommendations and use (type and duration). The selection of vehicles to be replaced begins with the proposed replacement date. Then each vehicle is assessed as to its mechanical condition and work requirements. The systematic replacement program defines what equipment is expected to need replacement during the next five years, with the intent of preventing any unexpected emergency purchases. Annual updates are conducted by the Road Machinery Division, Division Superintendents and reviewed by the Manager of Operations and the Director of Public Works. The table below shows each piece of equipment recommended and its proposed financing source. 4. Storm Drainage Improvements and NPDES Compliance - $340,000 (General Fund Debt): This is an annual request. $40,000 is estimated for the compliance with the construction related portions of the National Pollutant Discharge and Elimination System (NPDES) minimum control measures as mandated by EPA in the storm water general permit issued to the Town. This includes the development and submittal of the Notice of Intent and Stormwater Management Program (SWMP) as required by the EPA as well as illicit discharge, detection and elimination. A new EPA NPDES permit is expected to be issued to the Town in January 2016. Requirements measures include illicit discharge detection and elimination, and BMP (best management practices) installation and retrofits. $300,000 will be used to repair/replace drainage structures encountered during the road resurfacing program, repair other drainage areas of concern in town and improve stormwater issues discovered during the NPDES investigation work. This request will provide funds to restore the function of select town drainage systems. Much of the town has been developed and old systems are inadequate. There are many trouble spots in the watersheds of the Vine Brook, Mill Brook, Beaver Brook, and Kiln Brook as well as other areas throughout town. Recent drainage installation and rehabilitation included Spring Street and Woburn Street. Paul Revere Road has been completed. Illicit discharge detection and elimination has been ongoing in the Vine Brook and Mill Brook which are areas identified to have contamination. GF Debt Free Cash Water RE Sewer RE Total 1-F550 Pick Up with Plow 9,000$ 60,500$ 60,500$ 130,000$ 1-Rubber Tire Loader with 3 Yard Capacity 85,000$ 85,000$ 170,000$ 2- F450 Dump Trucks with Plows (Public Grounds)200,000$ 200,000$ 1-Holder Tractor with Snow Blower (Public Grounds)140,000$ 15,000$ 155,000$ 1-F450 Dump Truck with Plow (Highway Division)100,000$ 100,000$ 449,000$ 15,000$ 145,500$ 145,500$ 755,000$ FY 2017 Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 XI - 7 5. Comprehensive Watershed Storm Water Management Implementation - $390,000 (General Fund Debt): This is an annual request. DPW-Engineering and Conservation are collaborating on addressing drainage/brook management issues. The Charles River, Shawsheen River, and Mystic River watershed management plans have all been completed with funding from prior authorizations. Design work is completed and construction is underway for the daylighting and drainage improvements at Willards Woods and the bank stabilization at Vine Brook in the Saddle Club Road area. The Whipple Brook area design is also underway. This request is for the continuing design / implementation of the watershed plans and for the construction of priorities established in the watershed plans. Staff has reviewed the three watershed plans and developed a likely prioritization schedule with built-in flexibility pending unforeseen changes. The requested funding will be used to move forward with the determined prioritized areas. Please note that there is some overlap with the Town Wide Culvert Replacement project, as some of these projects include culvert work as well as stream management work. Possible priority areas include the Valleyfield area design (which is within the Clematis Brook area) and the Whipple Brook area construction. 6. Sidewalk Improvements, Additions and Design- $600,000 (General Fund Debt): This is an annual request to rebuild and/or repave existing asphalt sidewalks and to begin design work on new sidewalks. FY16 funding was increased from prior years in order to address the Selectmen’s goal of improving the overall condition of existing sidewalks and providing new sidewalks. Recommended FY17 funding continues funding at this accelerated level. DPW, in conjunction with various committees and other town departments develops a list each year of the sidewalks most in need of repair/replacement. There are four determining factors that dictate the repair of a sidewalk 1) Is the sidewalk unsafe for travel due to trip hazards, defects, etc. 2) Is the sidewalk within the Safe Routes to School Program 3) Is the volume of pedestrian traffic heavy, light or average, and 4) Is the general condition of the sidewalk poor, fair or good which dictates treatments such as full reconstruction, overlay or patching? All work will be ADA compliant. DPW has worked with Fay, Spofford & Thorndike, a pavement consulting firm, to compile a sidewalk condition survey that will help prioritize sidewalk repair locations. Candidate projects for funding in FY17 include Emerson Garden Road (north and south), Hathaway Road, Waltham Street – from LHS Driveway to Forest Street and Brookside to Blossomcrest, Massachusetts Avenue – Bow Street to Fottler Avenue (north and south), Turning Mill Road – phase II from #18 to end, Charles Street, Daniels Street and Aerial Street. The history of prior Sidewalk appropriations is: 7. Town Wide Culvert Replacement - $390,000 (General Fund Debt): This is an annual program request. On-going culvert inspections and ongoing watershed management planning efforts have identified culverts in town that are near or at failure. The Watershed Management Plans have identified a number of these failing culverts. FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 1 FY15 FY16 100,000$ 275,000$ -$ 200,000$ 200,000$ 300,000$ 400,000$ 400,000$ 600,000$ 1 Does not include $200,000 of a $600,000 appropriation that was designated for the construction of a Hartwell Avenue mixed use path. FY 2017 Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 XI - 8 Of the funding requested, $250,000 is an estimate of construction costs necessary for culvert replacement with $65,000 for design, permitting, and bidding. The remainder is for contingencies. The North Lexington Brook culvert at Revere Street, the Bikeway culvert near Camellia place and the Concord Avenue culvert at Hardy’s Brook are all permitted with bids having been awarded, and are currently in the early stage of construction. Future designs and replacements include but are not limited to the following: Valleyfield and Waltham Street at the Clematis Brook which has been identified in the Watershed Management Plan. Please note that there is some overlap with the Comprehensive Stormwater Management project as some of these projects include culvert work as well as stream management work. 8. Cary Memorial Library Walkway Replacement - $149,500 (General Fund Debt): The walkway surrounding the Cary Memorial Library is in disrepair and poses a hazard to library patrons and personnel. FY17 funds are requested for replacement of the walkway in its entirety. The walkway receives regular maintenance for areas with significant segregation of the stones from the concrete mixture but they are expected to continue to degrade over time and repair work would be extensive. Replacement of the current walkway will significantly improve safety and accessibility to the building and also minimize maintenance work and related costs. 9. Pleasant Street Sidewalk - $175,000 (General Fund Debt): This funding would be used to complete the sidewalks along Pleasant Street in those areas that currently have no sidewalks. The section of roadway near the proposed sidewalk installations was identified as an area of high priority in a recent report on sidewalk conditions. Nearby schools, the Minuteman Bikeway, MBTA bus stops and a local farm are all in proximity and the proposed project would improve pedestrian safety and provide greater mobility for those utilizing the nearby destinations. Department of Public Facilities Projects 1. Town Wide Roofing Program - $176,400 (General Fund Debt): The Central Administration Building’s roof has been identified as a priority in the Department of Public Facilities 20-year Roof Master Plan. FY17 funds are requested to stop water infiltration with a specific focus on the A-framed roof. An internal venting system and external heat tape were installed but have proven ineffective due to significant snow totals. The proposal includes removal of the roof shingles from the front elevation, the addition of an ice and water shield under the new shingles and added venting. In addition to preventing water leaks, ice dams and associated damage, the replacement of the roofing systems may result in the reduction of funds budgeted for emergency roof repairs. School Projects 1. LPS Technology - $1,198,000 ($427,607 General Fund Debt and $770,393 Free Cash): This request addresses the District’s Strategic Goal for enhancing the capacity to utilize technology as an instructional and administrative tool. This technology equipment includes technology workstations (desktops, laptops, and mobile devices), printers/peripherals, interactive projection systems, network head-end equipment, and improved wireless network delivery systems for the High School and middle schools. FY 2017 Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 XI - 9 This capital improvement project would provide the funding for:  Technology Workstations (Desktops, Laptops, Mobile Devices) - $550,000 is requested of which $490,000 is to replace aging computers that will be 5-6 years old during FY16 with up-to-date technology workstations. Approximately 525 computers during FY17 will need replacement. $60,000 will be allocated to the final year of a three year plan to make sure all six of our elementary schools are equitable in their technology.  Expanding One-To-One Mobile Technology Initiative at Grade 8 Middle Schools - $295,000 is requested to provide every Grade 7 student (590 students) at Diamond and Clarke Middle schools an iPad for use at home and school.  Expanding Individualized Mobile Tablet initiative in High School - $55,000 is requested to expand and further embed our current mobile technology initiative at the High School to provide mobile tablets (e.g., iPads) to additional 9th grade classrooms so that these classes can utilize the iPads on a regular basis to engage in classroom activities supported by technology.  Technology Peripherals - $30,000 is requested to purchase and replace old printers, document readers, and projection systems through the district as the building needs arise.  Upgrading District and Building Networks - $178,000 is requested to upgrade networks at schools. In FY16, the existing wireless network topology at the high school and two middle schools was successfully reconfigured through the doubling of the number existing access points at all three schools and through the replacement of existing wireless access points by more powerful units at the high school. However, additional work is needed to be done in order to handle the geometric growth in the use of mobile technology at the schools over the last several years as well as for the need to handle other technology devices such as VOIP phone systems. Accordingly, money is requested to (1) upgrade the backbone to 10GB from the district head-end to Fiske, Bridge, Bowman, Harrington, and Hastings ($105,000), (2) upgrade the connections at Clarke and Diamond between the main network cabinets (MDF) and the secondary network cabinets ( IDF) and ($55,000), and (3) install the necessary technology system in order to upgrade to Active Directory for all users ($18,000)  Interactive Projector/Whiteboards Units - $90,000 is requested allow the Lexington School District to replace SMART interactive projection systems and existing ceiling projector systems purchased 2009 and earlier with replacement projectors and interactive projectors. Current units have come to end of life and need to be replaced. Twenty-two classrooms grades 3-12 require such replacement units. The request will also allow us for the installation of new units in three High School rooms without such units in place. During the last fiscal year, the school district completed a four year process of equipping nearly all Grade 3 through 12 classrooms with interactive projector/whiteboard units. Projects to be Funded with New Revenue 1. Munroe School Roof - $298,000 (General Fund Debt to be financed with increased lease fees from the Munroe School for the Arts): A building assessment completed in 2007 identified that a new roof would likely be required for the Munroe School during calendar year 2016. During the last year, building users have reported leaks in the roof and the Munroe Center provided funds to make the repairs. This FY17 request is for FY 2017 Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 XI - 10 funds to install a new roof on the building in order to prevent continued leaks and potential damage to structural elements and personal property. The project will be financed through the issuance of debt whose debt service will be funded with an increase in lease payments by the Munroe Center for the Arts to the Town. FY2017 RECOMMENDED PROJECTS - WATER FUND DEBT (Table II) No recommendations for debt financing. FY2017 RECOMMENDED PROJECTS - WASTEWATER FUND DEBT (Table III) 1. Wastewater System Investigation and Improvements - $1,000,000 ($968,000 Wastewater Debt, $32,000 Wastewater Retained Earnings): This is an annual request for rehabilitation of sanitary sewer infrastructure. Engineering investigation and evaluation will be done on sewers in various watersheds. Work will include replacement or repair of deteriorated sewers and manholes identified throughout Town. Sewage leaks and Town of Lexington - FY 2016 Budget FY 2017 Manager's Recommended Budget: Capital Projects TABLE II: FY2017 RECOMMENDED PROJECTS - WATER DEBT PROJECT AMOUNT FINANCED DEBT SERV. YEARS ESTIMATED INT. RATE FY2016 FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 1 None Proposed -$ 0 0.0%-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ TOTAL -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ AUTHORIZED WATER DEBT SERVICE FY2016 FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 A Subtotal: Authorized and Issued Water Debt Service 1,188,079$ 1,137,057$ 1,042,887$ 820,347$ 785,878$ B 149,247$ 128,474$ 139,264$ 135,092$ 130,920$ C Summary: Debt Service on Authorized Debt 1,337,326$ 1,265,532$ 1,182,150$ 955,439$ 916,797$ D Subtotal: Projected Debt Service on Proposed Capital Projects -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ E Subtotal - Other Debt-related costs -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ F TOTAL PROJECTED WATER DEBT SERVICE 1,379,622$ 1,337,326$ 1,265,532$ 1,182,150$ 955,439$ 916,797$ Subtotal - Estimated Debt Service - Approved and Unissued Water Debt Service (short and long-term debt) Town of Lexington - FY 2017 Budget Table III: FY 2017 Manager's Recommended Budget: Capital Projects TABLE III: FY2017 RECOMMENDED PROJECTS - WASTEWATER DEBT PROJECT AMOUNT FINANCED DEBT SERV. YEARS ESTIMATED INT. RATE FY2016 FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 1 Sanitary Sewer System Investigation and Improvements ($1,000,000)$968,000 10 4.0%19,360$ 135,520$ 131,648$ 127,776$ 123,904$ 2 Pump Station Upgrades 800,000$ 10 4.0%16,000$ 112,000$ 108,800$ 105,600$ 102,400$ TOTAL 1,768,000 35,360$ 247,520$ 240,448$ 233,376$ 226,304$ AUTHORIZED SEWER DEBT SERV.FY2016 FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 A Subtotal: Authorized and Issued Sewer Debt Service 888,624$ 784,755$ 739,532$ 698,920$ 555,611$ B 87,851$ 301,598$ 302,026$ 293,093$ 284,161$ C Summary: Debt Service on Authorized Debt 976,474$ 1,086,353$ 1,041,558$ 992,013$ 284,161$ D Subtotal: Projected Debt Service on Proposed Capital Projects 35,360$ 247,520$ 240,448$ 233,376$ 226,304$ E Subtotal - Other Debt-related costs 10,000$ 10,350$ 10,712$ 11,087$ 11,475$ F TOTAL PROJECTED SEWER DEBT SERVICE 1,220,843$ 1,021,834$ 1,344,223$ 1,292,718$ 1,236,476$ 521,940$ Subtotal - Estimated Debt Service - Approved and Unissued Sewer Debt Service (short and long-term debt) FY 2017 Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 XI - 11 overflows present a direct danger to the health of the community through transmission of waterborne diseases. In addition, the Town’s assessment by the MWRA for sewage treatment is based, in part, on total flow through the meter at the Arlington town line, so excessive flow of storm water in the sewer results in unnecessarily higher sewage bills. Projects may be eligible for MWRA grant/loan program funding. Further identification, prioritization, and repair of sanitary sewer in the town reducing inflow and infiltration into the system has been ongoing in several sewer basins in town. Recent completed work in town includes sewer basin Area 6 (Tophet swamp), Area 7 (Reed St area), Area 10 (Marrett, Lincoln, School Street areas), Area 3 (Adams Street, Grant Street, Saddle Club area), Area 9 (Parker Street area), and Area 14 (Bow Street area.) Possible future areas of removal are Area 4 and Area 5 which are along the easterly and westerly side of Lowell Street from Laconia Street to the Arlington Town line. 2. Pump Station Upgrades - $800,000 (Wastewater Debt): This is an ongoing program for upgrade of the stations including bringing them in compliance with federal (OSHA) regulations, equipment replacement and generator installations. Lexington has 10 Sewer pumping stations valued at over $6 million. In July 2013 a detailed evaluation and capital plan was developed for the town with the assistance of Wright-Pierce. This includes a detailed engineering survey of the pumps stations to determine current and future needs as well as a time table and probable costs for the proposed work. FY17 funding is requested for full pump station replacement which will likely be used for the Marshall Road Pump Station as shown in year 4 of the Capital Improvement Plan developed by Wright-Pierce. Installation of back-up generators at Concord Avenue and Potter Pond pump stations as well as other upgrades at Potter Pond have recently been completed and significant improvements to the main pump station are underway that include HVAC upgrades, the installation of variable frequency drives on all the pumps to minimize wear and tear, save energy and eliminate hammering in the force main, and the installation of a surge tank. FY2017 RECOMMENDED PROJECTS – RECREATION FUND DEBT (Table IV) No recommendations for debt financing. Town of Lexington - FY 2017 Budget FY 2017 Manager's Recommended Budget: Capital Projects TABLE IV: FY2017 RECOMMENDED PROJECTS - RECREATION and COMMUNITY PROGRAMS DEBT PROJECT AMOUNT FINANCED DEBT SERV. YEARS ESTIMATED INT. RATE FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 None Proposed -$ 1 0.0%-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ TOTAL -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ AUTHORIZED REVENUE SUPPPORTED DEBT SERV.FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 A Subtotal Approved and Issued Revenue Supported Debt Service 1 100,000$ 100,000$ 100,000$ -$ -$ B Subtotal Approved and Unissued Revenue Supported Debt Service -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ C Summary Approved Revenue Supported Debt Service 100,000$ 100,000$ 100,000$ -$ -$ D Subtotal Projected Debt Service on Proposed Capital Projects -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ E Other Debt-related costs -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ F TOTAL PROJECTED DEBT SERVICE 100,000$ 100,000$ 100,000$ 100,000$ -$ -$ 1 $100,000 is an offset to the exempt debt service for bonds issued pursuant to a 2002 authorization for the reconstruction of the Lincoln Park athletic field and parking lot. The source of the offset is the Recreation and Community Programs Enterprise Fund FY 2017 Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 XI - 12 FY2017 RECOMMENDED PROJECTS – FUNDING THROUGH PROPOSITION 2 ½ DEBT EXCLUSION (Table V) 1. LHS Heating Systems Upgrade – Design - $500,000 (Candidate for Debt Exclusion vote): The 2014 Annual Town Meeting appropriated $75,000 to evaluate options to determine the most cost effective approach to replace HVAC systems at Lexington High School that have operated beyond their life cycles. The analysis presented by the consulting engineers presented several options and the 2015 Annual Town Meeting appropriated $150,000 to fund the design of one of those options. The proposed project includes converting the steam boilers and steam unit ventilators to a highly efficient condensing boiler and hot water distribution system. This FY17 request seeks funds for design development and construction documents as the next step in the process. It is expected that construction funds will be requested at a future Town Meeting. The new HVAC system will improve the educational environment while also making the systems energy efficient, easier to maintain and more reliable. 2. Hastings School Renovation/Replacement - $1,500,000 (Candidate for Debt Exclusion vote): The School Committee and Board of Selectmen approved for the Superintendent to submit a Statement of Interest (SOI) to the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA) in February and March of 2015. The SOI outline the districts need to have a study performed on the Hastings Elementary School due to overcrowding and the age of existing building systems. Response from the MSBA is anticipated in January 2016. If the response is positive, the Town would have 90 days to seek Town Meeting approval of Town of Lexington - FY 2017 Budget FY 2017 Manager's Recommended Budget: Capital Projects TABLE V: FY2017 RECOMMENDED PROJECTS - FUNDING THROUGH PROPOSITION 2 1/2 DEBT EXCLUSION PROJECT AMOUNT FINANCED DEBT SERV. YEARS ESTIMATED INT. RATE FY2016 FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 Projects for Consideration - Spring 2015 Town Meeting 1 LHS Heating Systems Upgrade - Design 500,000$ 10 4%10,000$ 70,000$ 68,000$ 66,000$ 64,000$ 2 Hastings School Renovation/Replacement - Design 1,500,000$ 30 4%30,000$ 110,000$ 108,000$ 106,000$ 104,000$ 3 Diamond Middle School Renovations -Construction 44,541,900$ 30 4%-$ 3,266,406$ 3,207,017$ 3,147,628$ 3,088,238$ 4 Clarke Middle School Renovations -Construction 21,264,100$ 30 4%-$ 1,559,367$ 1,531,015$ 1,502,663$ 1,474,311$ 5 Pelham Road Property Acquisition TBD 30 4%TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD PROJ. NEW EXCLUDED DEBT SERVICE 67,806,000$ 40,000$ 5,005,773$ 4,914,032$ 4,822,291$ 4,730,549$ Authorizations Voted for School Master Plan Design 1 Article 2 - March 23, 2015 Annual Town Meeting 4,080,000$ variable 4%126,488 677,674 656,355 635,037 158,384 2 Article 2 - December 2, 2015 Annual Town Meeting 5,386,000$ variable 4%143,627 1,141,466 1,104,425 1,067,384 1,030,343 3 Article 4 - Engineering Study - 20 Pelham Road 150,000$ 5 4%3,000 36,000 34,800 33,600 32,400 273,115 1,855,140 1,795,580 1,736,020 1,221,127 Projected Debt Service - Potential Future Projects 1 Hastings School Renovation/Replacement - Construction (2017 ATM) (assumed MSBA reimbursement at 32%) 39,780,000$ 30 4% -$ -$ 2,917,200 2,864,160 2,811,120 2 Pre-Kindergarten Program Space Renovations - Design (2017 ATM) 771,750$ 30 4% -$ -$ 56,595 55,566 54,537 3 Pre-Kindergarten Program Space Renovations - Construction (2018 ATM) 10,253,250$ 30 4% -$ -$ 751,905 738,234 4 LHS Heating Systems Upgrade - Improvements (2017 ATM) 12,625,000$ 10 4%-$ 110,888.89$ 693,056 1,258,589 1,696,600 5 Fire Station - Design (2017 ATM)1,000,000$ 30 4%-$ -$ 73,333 72,000 70,667 6 Fire Station - Construction (2018 ATM)18,200,000$ 30 4%-$ -$ 1,334,667 1,310,400 7 Police Station - Design (2018 ATM)1,000,000$ 30 4%-$ -$ 73,333 72,000 8 Police Station - Construction (2019 ATM)18,800,000$ 30 4%-$ -$ 1,378,667 -$ 110,889$ 3,740,184$ 6,410,220$ 8,132,224$ APPROVED AND PROPOSED EXCLUDED DEBT SERVICE FY2016 FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 Subtotal Approved and Issued Excluded Debt Service 7,938,830 7,690,949 7,327,631 7,051,468$ 6,353,004 Subtotal Approved and Unissued Excluded Debt Service 133,086$ 729,866$ 706,987$ 684,108$ 205,896 TOTAL Approved Excluded Debt Service 8,071,917 8,420,814 8,034,618 7,735,577 6,558,900 Subtotal Projects for Consideration - Spring 2015 Town Meeting 237,333$ 5,556,946$ 5,454,998$ 5,353,049$ 5,251,101$ Subtotal Authorizations Voted for School Master Plan Design 273,115$ 1,855,140$ 1,795,580$ 1,736,020$ 1,221,127$ Subtotal Projected Debt Service - Potential Future Projects -$ 110,889$ 3,740,184$ 6,410,220$ 8,132,224$ Subtotal Other Debt Related Costs 416,209$ 299,828$ 163,001.89$ 104,044.06$ -$ TOTAL APPROVED AND PROPOSED EXCLUDED DEBT SERVICE 8,539,697 8,998,575 16,243,617 19,188,382 21,338,910 21,163,353 215,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Net Debt Service 8,324,697 8,998,575 16,243,617 19,188,382 21,338,910 21,163,353 Less use of Capital Project Stablization Funds to Mitigate Debt Service Impacts of Bridge/Bowman and Estabrook Projects Note: All debt service is projected on the basis of annual level principal and declining debt service. Total Approved and Proposed Excluded Debt Service is inclusive of projections for the financing of the purchase of the Pelham Road property. FY 2017 Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 XI - 13 project funding for a Feasibility and Schematic Design Study. If all this comes to pass, the MSBA would reimburse Lexington for part of the work, at a percentage to be determined, but the percentage is expected to be a minimum of 32%. 3. Diamond Middle School Renovations – Construction Funding - $44,541,900 (Candidate for Debt Exclusion vote): Funding for design of renovations to the Diamond Middle School was voted at special town meetings in March and December 2015 to address enrollment that exceeds the carrying capacity of the school. This request is for construction funding for these renovations. 4. Clarke Middle School Renovations – Construction Funding - $21,264,100 (Candidate for Debt Exclusion vote): Funding for design of renovations to the Clarke Middle School was voted at special town meetings in March and December 2015 to address enrollment that exceeds the carrying capacity of the school. This request is for construction funding for these renovations. 5. Pelham Road Property Acquisition - $TBD (Candidate for Debt Exclusion vote): The Town is in the process of negotiating with the Armenian Sisters for the purchase of their property, a former elementary school, located at 20 Pelham Road. It is anticipated that this 8.5 acre site, adjacent to the Lexington Community Center, will be used for school or municipal purposes. At the December 2014 Special Town Meeting, $150,000 was appropriated for engineering purposes to study vehicular and pedestrian access to this site including access from Pelham Road to the Community Center and Marrett Road. FY2017 RECOMMENDED PROJECTS – Compost Revolving Fund (Table VI) No recommendations for debt financing. Town of Lexington - FY 2017 Budget FY 2017 Manager's Recommended Budget: Capital Projects TABLE VI: FY2017 RECOMMENDED PROJECTS -Compost Revolving Fund PROJECT AMOUNT FINANCED DEBT SERV. YEARS ESTIMATED INT. RATE FY2016 FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 None Proposed -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ TOTAL -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ AUTHORIZED REVENUE SUPPPORTED DEBT SERV.FY2016 FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 A Subtotal Approved and Issued Revenue Supported Debt Service 43,088$ 36,725$ 35,525$ 34,325$ 28,125$ B Subtotal Approved and Unissued Revenue Supported Debt Service 59,293$ 189,428$ 182,896$ 176,364$ 169,832$ C Summary Approved Revenue Supported Debt Service 102,381$ 226,153$ 218,421$ 210,689$ 197,957$ D Subtotal Projected Debt Service on Proposed Capital Projects -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ E Other Debt-related costs -$ -$ -$ -$ F TOTAL PROJECTED DEBT SERVICE -$ 102,381$ 226,153$ 218,421$ 210,689$ 197,957$ FY 2017 Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 XI - 14 FY2017 RECOMMENDED PROJECTS – CASH CAPITAL (Table VII) School Projects 1. System Wide School Furniture, Equipment and Systems - $186,087 (Free Cash): The School Department submits annual requests for replacement of classroom and office furniture that has reached the end of its useful life. The FY17 request will support new furniture for increased enrollment and staff and additional classroom space for Lexington Children’s Place. The FY17 Furniture, Equipment and Systems Replacement Program includes requests for:  Student, Teacher and Staff Desks and Chairs  Additional Classroom Furniture and Equipment for Lexington Children’s Place  Principal’s Office furniture at Harrington  Cafeteria Tables Town of Lexington - FY 2017 Budget FY 2017Manager's Recommended Budget: Capital Projects TABLE VII: FY2017 RECOMMENDED FUNDING FROM REVENUES (Cash by Source) PROJECT Free Cash Tax Levy Water Retained Earnings Sewer Retained Earnings Recreation Retained Earnings CPA 1 Other Funding 2 TOTAL COST SCHOOL PROJECTS 1 School Furniture, Equipment & Systems Program 186,087$ 186,087$ 2 LPS Technology Capital Request 770,393$ 770,393$ SUBTOTAL 956,480$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 956,480$ FACILITIES 1 Cary Library Internal Reconfiguration Project 850,000$ 850,000$ 2 School Building Envelopes and Systems Program 215,000$ 215,000$ 3 Municipal Building Envelopes and Systems 187,329$ 187,329$ 4 Building Flooring Program 150,000$ 150,000$ 5 Public Facilities Bid Documents 100,000$ 100,000$ 6 Security Camera Upgrade to Digital from Analog 49,500$ 49,500$ 7 LHS Security Evaluation and Upgrade 25,000$ 25,000$ 8 LHS Guidance Space Mining - Design 13,800$ 13,800$ 9 LHS Nurse Office and Treatment Space - Design 17,000$ 17,000$ 10 LHS Fitness Center/Athletic Training Floor 41,220$ 41,220$ 11 Munroe Center for the Arts Window Study 30,000$ 30,000$ 12 School Traffic Safety Improvements 25,000$ 25,000$ SUBTOTAL 636,520$ 187,329$ -$ -$ -$ 30,000$ 850,000$ 853,849$ MUNICIPAL PROJECTS 1 Parking Meter Replacements - Phase 2 230,625$ 2 Grain Mill Alley Improvements TBD TBD 3 Public Safety Radio Stabilization 90,000$ 90,000$ 4 Wright Farm Needs Assessment and Feasibility Study 35,000$ 35,000$ 5 Replace Town Wide Phone Systems-Phase V 21,000$ 6 Head End Equipment Replacement/Packet Shaper - Phase V 150,000$ 150,000$ 7 Transportation Mitigation 30,000$ 30,000$ 8 DPW Equipment Replacement 15,000$ 145,500$ 145,500$ 306,000$ 9 Street Improvements 2,526,835$ 973,165$ 3,500,000$ 10 Wastewater System Investigation and Improvements ($1,000,000)32,000$ 32,000$ 11 Hydrant Replacement Program 75,000$ 75,000$ 150,000$ 12 Mass Ave - Three Intersections Improvement 350,000$ 6,550,000$ 6,900,000$ 13 Town-wide Signalization Improvements 125,000$ 125,000$ 14 Minuteman Bikeway Wayfinding 120,000$ 120,000$ 15 Antony Park Construction 60,000$ 60,000$ 16 Munroe Center for the Arts Parking Lot 220,000$ 220,000$ 17 Pine Meadows Improvements 65,000$ 65,000$ 18 Park and Playground Improvements 75,000$ 75,000$ 19 Town Pool Renovation 166,000$ 166,000$ 20 Park Improvements - Athletic Fields 120,000$ 120,000$ 21 Park Improvements- Hard Court Resurfacing 61,000$ 61,000$ 22 Granite Forest at Lincoln Park 30,000$ 30,000$ 23 Election System Upgrade 81,000$ 81,000$ SUBTOTAL 907,000$ 2,526,835$ 220,500$ 177,500$ 65,000$ 667,000$ 8,003,790$ 12,316,000$ OTHER CPA FUNDED PROJECTS 1 Munroe Tavern Archaeological Dig 15,000$ 15,000$ 2 Lexington Arts and Crafts Society - Parson's Gallery Lighting Renovation 24,280$ 24,280$ 3 Keeler Farm Community Housing Acquisition TBD -$ 4 Greeley Village Rear Door and Porch Preservation 263,250$ 263,250$ SUBTOTAL -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 302,530$ -$ 302,530$ TOTAL 2,500,000$ 2,714,164$ 220,500$ 177,500$ 65,000$ 999,530$ 8,853,790$ 15,530,484$ 2 Proposed funding for the annual street resurfacing program is comprised of $2,526,835 of tax levy dollars of which $624,061 derives from a 2001 operating budget override, and an anticipated distribution of $973,165 of Chapter 90 funds. Over and above the $624,061 in tax levy dollars from the 2001 override, additional amounts are recommended and are based on the following: the continued funding of $281,234 of tax levy support that was initiated in FY12 and maintained in FY13; the continued funding of $164,850 of tax levy support that was initiated in FY13; $1.1 million derived from health insurance savings, which reflects an increase from the $850,000 allocated in FY14 for street improvements, and $341,089 from FY17 estimated tax levy revenue to provide a level of funding estimated to move the Town toward a targeted pavement condition index (PCI) of 85. 1 CPA totals do not include proposed FY2017 administrative budget of $150,000, $25,000 for the Community Center Preservation Restriction Endowment and $1.7 million for debt service. FY 2017 Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 XI - 15  Bookshelves  Activity Tables  Stand-Up Student Desks  Corkboard/ Markerboards  Stools  Supply Cabinets  Computer Tables  Filing Cabinets Total: $112,421 Special Education:  (5) Augmentative Communication Devices for Students: $29,656.00  Five-Year Replacement Cycle for Upgrades on Classroom FM Sound Systems: $5,000 Total: $34,656 Health Services:  Hearing and Vision Equipment o (7) Optec Vision Testing System o (10) Interacoustics Screening Audiometer Total: $29,010 District:  LPS District Redistricting Furniture Purchases Total: $10,000 2. LPS Technology - $1,198,000 ($427,607 General Fund Debt and $770,393 Free Cash): see detailed description in section I - General Fund Debt financed projects. Department of Public Facilities Projects 1. Cary Library Internal Reconfiguration Project - $850,000 (Private Funding): The Cary Memorial Library plans to reconfigure several library spaces. The project includes creating a new teen space on the library’s lower level, moving the Adult Fiction and World Languages collections to the main level, adding four study rooms and a public engagement space, and reconfiguring the main desk, computers and copy/print services. This project is a result of the library’s 2014 Strategic Planning Process and identifies areas for improvement to enhance library services. The library has experienced an influx of teens in the afternoons who currently utilize areas on the main level. Relocating the space to the lower level provides more opportunities for teens to work in groups and study socially. In addition to mitigating the impact on the main level, the move allows the library to house their highly circulated Chinese collection and World Language collection on the main floor. Reconfiguring the main desk and electronic resources allows staff to easily assist patrons and putting bookshelves on wheels will allow for the creation of auditorium space when needed. A public engagement space will allow for thoughtful, creative and participatory projects for the community. This project will be funded through private donations. FY 2017 Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 XI - 16 2. School Building Envelope and Systems - $215,000 (Free Cash): This project involves performing annual prioritized design, repairs and modifications to prevent deterioration of school building exteriors and building systems. Proper maintenance of school buildings requires continual investment in the building envelope and building systems. This includes but is not limited to repair of damaged panels and siding, re-caulking and weatherproofing windows and doors, repainting the wood exterior and extraordinary repairs to mechanical systems. Small, individual items such as failure of a specific door or window or small painting projects will continue to be funded through the operating budget. FY 2017 will prioritize the Central Administration Building's window repairs and caulking replacement. 3. Municipal Building Envelope and Systems - $187,329 (Tax Levy): This ongoing capital request, originally approved for funding in the 2006 Proposition 2 ½ Override, includes repair/replacement projects for the maintenance and upgrade of municipal buildings and systems. Repairs to roofs, windows, mechanical and electrical systems, and interior finishes are required on a continual basis to maintain town facilities for their intended function. The public building infrastructure will always need to be maintained, repaired, and upgraded to prevent structural deterioration and avoid safety hazards. The projects within this program do not increase the size of the public building stock and therefore do not result in increased utility usage or maintenance costs. This year's request intends to implement extraordinary repairs at Cary Memorial Library, including the south entrance door system and improvements to mitigate large amounts of ice dams that form during the winter season. 4. School Building Flooring Program - $150,000 (Free Cash): This is a multi-year project that will replace carpet, vinyl tile, and ceramic tile flooring systems are beyond their useful life. Flooring systems must be replaced periodically to insure the surfaces are safe and cleanable. Worn or broken flooring creates a tripping hazard, can provide harborage for bacteria and water, and is difficult to clean. Smaller repairs of flooring components are funded through the operating budget. This is the seventh year of this program and new flooring systems have been installed in Clarke stairwells, classrooms, and auditorium, Hastings main corridor, Diamond School, and Central Administration and LHS. In FY 2017, flooring systems in Cary Memorial Library will be replaced at a value of approximately $50,000, in coordination with a planned renovation of interior spaces. Replacement of additional spaces will be prioritized in the spring of 2016. 5. Public Facilities Bid Documents - $100,000 (Free Cash): This is an annual request for funding of professional services to produce design development, construction documents, and/or bid administration services for smaller school projects in anticipation of requests for construction funding at town meeting that that have a high probability of approval. This will insure that the projects can be completed in the then-current construction season, which is particularly important for the timely completion of such projects given the short window between the end of school in June and the beginning of school the following August. 6. Security Camera Upgrade to Digital from Analog - $49,500 (Free Cash): This project requests funds to upgrade the older analog security camera system to the newer evacqVision digital security camera system at the Public Services Building. FY16 funding was approved for camera system upgrades for the Fiske and Harrington Elementary Schools and the Lexington High School request was consolidated with a new request to evaluate its specific needs. The older analog cameras, some in service since 2005, are losing picture FY 2017 Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 XI - 17 quality and require replacement. The new camera monitoring system requires installation of a network server and software licenses for IP addressable digital cameras. All other systems are currently on the IP based network. 7. LHS Security Evaluation and Upgrade - $25,000 (Free Cash): This project will assess the current security systems and door hardware issues at Lexington High School and generate a recommendation of a security standard to be employed in all buildings due to its campus structure. The entire high school requires updates to key entry and alarm and security systems. LHS is an older facility in an isolated location and has multiple outside doors. An adequate security system would safeguard school assets in terms of equipment and building and reduce the potential for disruption of educational services due to vandalism. FY17 funding will be used to provide engineering and design for school security systems, including locking systems, access control, monitoring and video surveillance. 8. LHS Guidance Space Mining – Design - $13,800 (Free Cash): Increased student enrollment has necessitated the hiring of additional school counselors and space in the high school is at a premium. The proposed project would make more efficient use of existing space by space mining the Dean/Counselor space in the Math Building. The high school has an existing student support model that clusters each Dean/Counselor team in a specific location on campus. The cluster model provides a ‘home base’ for students and student teams, organized by homeroom location. One of the goals of this model is to provide a smaller feel on a larger campus and to ensure that Dean/Counselor teams are in close proximity throughout the day. Space mining this area in the Math Building would create a calm, private place for counselors to meet with students. Funds requested are for design of these proposed projects. 9. LHS Nurse Office and Treatment Space – Design - $17,000 (Free Cash): The Health Office at LHS requires a remodel of the existing space in order to adequately care for the needs of the student population. Higher enrollment and special programming have caused student health care needs to increase and the current facility does have the capability to meet such demand. The three nurses have limited space for confidential evaluations, treatment and monitoring. The request includes the addition of approximately five treatment/rest beds, improvements to the treatment area and improved efficiency to the welcome and evaluation areas. The existing office has some potential for reconfiguration but additional space is likely needed to accommodate approximately 300 square feet for the treatment bed area. An adjacent storage area could potentially be used for the expansion. Funds requested are for design of these proposed projects. 10. LHS Fitness Center/Athletic Training Floor - $41,220 (Free Cash): This project proposes the installation of a new interlocking floor system in the Athletic Training Room and Fitness Center at LHS. Currently, the Athletic Training Room and half of the Fitness Center have a painted cement floor and the other half of the Fitness Room has an interlocking rubber floor system which is approximately 12-14 years old. The proposal would install a new interlocking rubber floor system in both areas. Scheduled PE classes are held in both areas during the school day. The Athletic Training Room serves as the after- school sports healthcare facility, logging over 6,000 student visits per year. The Fitness Center is open before and after school and experiences consistently high traffic from both students and staff. The current rubber flooring in the Fitness Room has a significant loss of traction, making the area unsafe for students performing weight bearing exercises. The painted cement area is also an injury-prone surface. Both the rubber floor and painted FY 2017 Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 XI - 18 cement surfaces are impossible to clean, despite custodians best efforts. The athletic training staff faces constant challenges trying ensure an effective level of cleanliness for the floor surface when caring for student athletes in what is considered a healthcare facility. Current conditions are not conducive to both the health and safety of staff and students. 11. Munroe Center for the Arts Window Study - $30,000 (CPA): The Munroe Center for the Arts seeks funds to complete a study of the 117 windows at their facility. The windows are believed to be original to the 110 year-old building and thus in poor condition. The proposed engineering study will provide recommendations for the replacement or restoration of the windows, construction documents and cost estimates. The Munroe Center anticipates that additional CPA funds will be requested in FY18 to complete the replacement or restoration, based on the study’s recommendation. 12. School Traffic Safety Improvements - $25,000 (Free Cash): The School Committee commissioned a Traffic and Mitigation Study of school sites in February 2014. The resulting report contained findings that indicated additional study and mitigation measures were required to improve traffic safety in and around Lexington’s schools. A multi-year program was implemented to include studies, design and construction documents and implementation. The 2014 Annual Town Meeting appropriated funds for studies at the Bridge Elementary School and Lexington High School (LHS). The Bridge study is complete but $25,000 in additional funds are required to complete the LHS study. This FY17 request seeks those supplemental funds to complete the LHS study. Additional funding requests are expected in future fiscal years as each school site progresses through study, construction document and construction funding phases. The goal of the project is to improve safety for students and staff by providing clear and uniform traffic safety and mitigation on school properties. Municipal Projects 1. Parking Meter Replacements – Phase 2 - $230,265 (Parking Meter Fund): In 2015, Town Meeting approved funding for the replacement of 121 parking meters along Mass Ave. This FY17 request would replace the remaining 402 meters with the new technology meters. Updating the parking meters is part of a comprehensive parking management plan designed to optimize Lexington Center’s parking supply for both long and short-term users. The new technology provides users with various payment options, including the ability to pay with credit cards and smartphones. The new meters also offer flexibility to implement rate changes and provide an enhanced ability to collect and report parking utilization data to make informed policy decisions. 2. Grain Mill Alley Design Implementation – TBD (CPA): This project is pending acceptance of a legal agreement between the Town and the property’s adjacent property owners. If the project moves forward, the request would bring the conceptual design to completion and fund construction of the project. 3. Public Safety Radio Stabilization - $90,000 (Free Cash): This FY17 request will fund Phase II of the Public Safety Radio Stabilization Project. $90,000 was appropriated in FY16 for Phase I which is currently underway and includes the relocation of some equipment, FY 2017 Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 XI - 19 conversion from copper lines to fiber optic lines and addressing emergency power to additional repeater sites. The Motorola radios in dispatch may require an upgrade due to software issues and may delay completion of Phase I. Phase II includes expansion of the wireless connection between the main system and outlying devices by adding antennae locations to the Cary Memorial Building and the Public Services Building and the creation of a redundant repeater system at the DOT site. This two-phase project addresses the recommendations of a 2013 radio study that identified options for improving reliability and redundancy to the Public Safety Radio System. 4. Wright Farm Barn Needs Assessment and Feasibility Study - $35,000 (CPA): At the 2012 Annual Town Meeting, voters approved the purchase of a significant portion of the Wright Farm, a 12.6 acre parcel of land located on Grove Street. The Wright Family retained one lot (approximately one acre), including a house, garage and barn on which there was granted an option of later purchase by the Town. At the 2015 Annual Town Meeting, voters approved $618,000 to fund the purchase of the remaining parcel of land by the Town, including the barn which is in some disrepair. This project requests funds to conduct a feasibility study of the barn to determine if it can be utilized as an environmental education facility. The feasibility study would consist of a structural analysis, needs assessment and architectural assessment. 5. Replace Town Wide Phone Systems-Phase V - $21,000 (Free Cash): The FY17 request for this multi-phase project will fund Phase V of the Town Wide Telephone Replacement Project. At the 2008 Annual Town Meeting, $30,000 was appropriated to fund a needs assessment for the replacement of phone systems in all town and school buildings. The recommendation of the consultant was for the Town to replace existing municipal and school phone systems with VoIP phone systems. Subsequent Town Meetings have appropriated additional funds for the various phases of the project. To-date, the new VoIP phone systems have been installed in the Town Office Building, Lexington High School, the School Administration Building and the Community Center. The bulk of the system cores were installed at Lexington High School and Public Services Building in FY14. Project completion is expected during FY16 at the two fire stations, Cary Memorial Building and Clarke and Diamond Middle. Phase V proposes the replacement of the phone systems at the Cary Memorial Library. The unified phone system replaces existing telephone systems that have become unreliable and expensive to maintain. The VoIP phones provide enhanced technology and centralized administration by offering better call quality and delivering better customer service. 6. Head End Equipment Replacement/Packet Shaper - Phase V - $150,000 (Free Cash): This project is a multi-phase project to replace aging equipment or add equipment that functions as the Town wide core or head end for the Town network. The head end is made up of many components including, but not limited to, routers, switches, DNS servers, firewalls, access control devices, e-mail spam filters, and web access control devices. The overall purpose of the head end is to provide security and to manage network traffic. This capital covers the cost to replace aged end-of-life (EOL) equipment and to cover the cost of purchasing additional equipment for core security as new security needs are defined. The FY2017 request is for the purchase of a bandwidth management and packet shaping appliance for installation in the Town core to serve the needs of municipal and school users. Our bandwidth needs and utilization within the Town have grown significantly. As we add bandwidth to meet these needs, we wish to add intelligent management and control over the use of the bandwidth to help control the utilization. This will also help ensure that FY 2017 Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 XI - 20 critical services that require bandwidth get the bandwidth needed through bandwidth prioritization. 7. Transportation Mitigation - $30,000 (Traffic Mitigation Stabilization Fund): This request supports the efforts of the Transportation Safety Group. TSG is staffed by the Planning, Engineering, School, and Police Departments. FY17 funds will be used to evaluate and develop construction cost estimates for future capital requests. Between FY 2008 and 2011, Town Meeting appropriated funds to collect data, perform analyses, review citizen requests, and make recommendations for various town-wide transportation improvements in support of the Traffic Mitigation Group. When TMG was dissolved in 2012, the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee became the group charged with overseeing these funds. In October of 2014, the Town further reorganized its operations, reconstituting TSAC as the Transportation Safety Group. This request is also part of the response to the 2015 Annual Town Meeting’s adoption of Article 45, which prioritized town-wide pedestrian and cyclist safety improvements. Transportation safety plays a critical role in Lexington’s high quality of life. Investigating potential problems and maintaining compliance with current standards and best practices help to ensure the safety of drivers, bicyclists and pedestrians in Lexington. Determining the need, or lack thereof, for new enhancements or facilities is vital to maintaining public safety. 8. DPW Equipment Replacement - $755,000 ($449,000 General Fund Debt, $15,000 Free Cash, $145,500 Water Fund Retained Earnings, $145,500 Wastewater Fund Retained Earnings): see detailed description in section I - General Fund Debt financed projects. 9. Street Improvements - $3,500,000 ($2,526,835 Tax Levy, $973,165 of Chapter 90 funds): This is an annual request for the street resurfacing and maintenance program. It is comprised of $2,526,835 of Town funds and $973,165 of the estimated FY17 Chapter 90 distribution. Funds will be used for design, inspections, planning, repair, patching, crack sealing and construction of roadways and roadway related infrastructure including repair and installation of sidewalks. A preliminary list of the streets to be repaired under this article is currently under development. A pavement management system is utilized to assist in analyzing the road network and selecting roadways for repairs. This model is kept updated on a regular basis. The funding requested will provide a level of funding estimated to move the Town toward a targeted pavement condition index (PCI) of 85. FY17 St. Improvements 2001 Override Increased by 2.5% per year 639,662$ Maintenance of unallocated revenue from FY12 Revenue Allocation Model 281,234$ Maintenance of unallocated revenue from FY13 Revenue Allocation Model 164,850$ FY14 Health Insurance Savings 1,100,000$ Additional FY17 Tax Levy Funding 341,089$ Estimated Chapter 90 Aid 973,165$ 3,500,000$ Street Improvements - Financing Components FY 2017 Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 XI - 21 10. Wastewater System Investigation and Improvements - $1,000,000 ($968,000 Wastewater Debt, $32,000 Wastewater Retained Earnings): see detailed description in section III – Wastewater Fund Debt financed projects. 11. Hydrant Replacement Program - $150,000 ($75,000 Free Cash, $75,000 from Water Enterprise Retained Earnings): This is an ongoing replacement program designed to maintain the integrity of the fire protection system throughout town. The Town of Lexington has 1,500 fire hydrants in its fire protection system. Faulty hydrants need to be replaced annually to meet safety requirements. A list of hydrants needing replacement each year is generated during the annual inspection and flushing of hydrants by the Water Department and the Fire Department as well as hydrants being replaced for Based on discussions between the Water Department and the Fire Department the target goal is to replace approximately 60 hydrants per year. With a replacement cost of approximately $2,500 per hydrant the capital request will ensure the continued operability of the fire protection system. A total of 328 hydrants (approximately 22% of the system) have been replaced. Hydrants typically have a 50 year life unless they are damaged. 12. Mass Ave - Three Intersections Improvement - $6,900,000 ($6,550,000 of State Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) funding; $350,000 Free Cash): This ongoing project includes the design of the major intersections on Mass Ave from Marrett Road to Pleasant Street (intersections include Pleasant Street, Maple Street and Marrett Road) to mitigate congestion and address safety concerns for vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians. $125,000 was appropriated by the 2010 Annual Town Meeting for 25% of the design. $500,000 was appropriated by the 2014 Annual Town Meeting to complete the design plans and bid specifications. The 25% design plans were submitted to MassDOT and all comments received as of September 2014. Public hearings and meetings have also been held. MassDOT Transportation Improvement Plan (T.I.P) construction funding is anticipated to cover the cost of the project. Construction estimates value the project at approximately $6.5 million. The project has scored high in project ratings which help determine eligibility and scheduling. The FY17 request seeks funds for temporary construction easements; permanent acquisition is not anticipated. Federal requirements for land acquisition require the Town to appraise and offer to purchase the temporary easement based on the appraised value. As the process moves forward, it will be determined if there are any potential non-participatory costs that the Town will be responsible for funding. 13. Town-wide Signalization Improvements - $125,000 (Free Cash): This is an annual request for funds to update traffic and pedestrian signals in Lexington. A signal inventory and compliance study has been completed. The study includes ADA compliance, condition assessment; signal timing, delays, and prioritized recommendations. FY17 funding is to implement items that have been identified in the study and other issues that are identified by the Transportation Safety Group (TSG) to improve the signals for all users. Potential locations for FY17 funding includes the intersections of Bedford Street at Worthen Road, Lowell Street at East Street, Lowell Street at North Road and improved pedestrian crossings along Mass Avenue. Data Collection analysis and design is assumed to be approximately 20% of the total cost. Recent funding has been applied to the construction of the Concord Ave at Waltham Street signal upgrades and to develop conceptual roundabout and signal FY 2017 Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 XI - 22 alternatives for the intersection of Massachusetts Avenue and Worthen Road. Additionally, traffic data and analysis was conducted at several locations as a precursor to design. 14. Minuteman Bikeway Wayfinding - $120,000 (CPA): The 2015 Annual Town Meeting approved $39,000 to fund the design of wayfinding and etiquette signage relating to the Minuteman Bikeway in Lexington. This FY17 request would fund the purchase and installation of approximately 220 signs containing information on bikeway access and etiquette and nearby attractions. The signage is one of the recommendations in the report entitled ‘Navigating the Minuteman Bikeway’ which was completed with the cooperation of the Bicycle Advisory Committee and representatives from the towns of Arlington and Bedford. 15. Antony Park Construction - $60,000 (CPA): In 2010, the Board of Selectmen authorized the Tourism Committee to build a park within Tower Park to commemorate Lexington’s sister city, Antony, France. The Town has worked with the Tourism Committee to install a water line at the site and complete initial grading but bids for further construction came back with exceedingly higher costs than what was raised in private donations. This request is for additional funds to complete the construction and supplement private donations. The design will include a sitting wall, pathways, landscaping and a memorial linking the two cities. 16. Munroe Center for the Arts parking lot - $220,000 (Private Funding): The parking lot of the Munroe Center for the Arts is in disrepair and requires full reconstruction. The proposed project will reconstruct the parking lot to include additional parking spaces, improved circulation and the installation of a drainage system. The request also recommends the replacement of the Mass Ave crossing controls with rectangular rapid flashing beacons. The improvements will provide a more functional parking area and improved safety for Munroe Center patrons and those who utilize the rear fields for other activities. The project will be financed through the issuance of debt whose debt service will be funded with an increase in lease payments by the Munroe Center for the Arts to the Town. 17. Pine Meadows Improvements - $65,000 (Recreation and Community Programs Retained Earnings): This FY17 request will fund the reconstruction of the 4th putting green and the men’s tee box on the 8th hole. The unfavorable contours on the 4thgreen have resulted in significant turf injury during the last several winters. Poor surface drainage and underlying drainage have resulted in significant winter kill and a poor putting surface from the loos of turf grass. A Senior Agronomist for the USGA and Pine Meadow’s golf course architect have recommended reconstruction of the fourth green to include proper drainage and construction methods. The new green should eliminate past problems of turf loss and disruption of play to golfers supporting Pine Meadows. Reconstruction of the men’s tee box on the 8th hole (middle tee) would also be funded under this request. The back tee is located in an environmentally sensitive and densely wooded part of the golf course with very little sun. It’s also relatively small, which results in fair turf quality that is just able to handle the significant play throughout the golf season. A temporary area in front of the back tee was cut down and is currently used as a middle tee periodically throughout the golf season for the second set of tee markers. This project would reconstruct the middle tee at a slightly higher elevation and greater size with quality FY 2017 Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 XI - 23 soil and a level tee surface. The existing forward and back tee will be used while the new middle tee is under construction. 18. Park and Playground Improvements - $75,000 (CPA): Replacement of the 40 year- old safety fencing at the Center Recreation Complex and at the Muzzey Multipurpose Field comprises this FY17 request. Frost heaves have caused the fence posts to come out of the ground, resulting in fencing that has fallen over. The proposed improvements include the removal, disposal and installation of new chain link fences at both locations. The project also includes installation of an eight foot fence next to the baseball and softballs fields at the Center Recreation Complex to minimize balls from hitting cars along Worthen Road. 19. Town Pool Renovation Design and Engineering Costs - $166,000 (CPA): This request will partially fund Phase III of a multi-phase renovation program to the Irving H. Mabee Pool Complex. Phases I and II (approved in 2010 and 2011) are complete. The FY17 request seeks funding to determine the design and engineering costs for replacement of the existing filtration system and additional work required to ensure the successful operation of the pool complex. It is expected that a subsequent FY18 request will fund the construction and implementation of the proposed Phase III upgrades. 20. Park Improvements- Athletic Fields - $120,000 (CPA): The FY17 request is for $120,000 to renovate the Adams Park Multipurpose Athletic Field located behind the Waldorf School. Renovations will include laser grading the athletic field, grading for proper drainage and adding permanent park benches. The athletic field is utilized by the Waldorf School and youth organizations and undergoes excessive wear. Timely renovations and replacements are critical in order to provide safe and playable fields for all user groups. 21. Park Improvements- Hard Court Resurfacing - $61,000 (CPA): The FY17 request is for $61,000 to rehabilitate the basketball courts at Rindge Park and Kineens Park. This project will include reconstruction of the courts and installation of new backboards and poles. The current surfaces have extensive cracks and frost heaves which require reconstruction. It will also include funding to purchase and permanently install a bike rack at each site. 22. Granite Forest Pocket Park Construction at Lincoln Park - $30,000 (CPA): This project proposes construction of a pocket park within Lincoln Park, creating a greenway corridor that will connect the lower park to the upper park. The request for $30,000 in CPA funds would supplement $45,000 in private donations raised by the Lincoln Park Sub- Committee. Design plans call for the installation of granite benches and fixtures and 11 granite pieces donated from the site of the Isaac Mulliken House will be utilized for that purpose. 23. Election System Upgrade - $81,000 (Free Cash): FY17 funds are requested for the replacement of the electronic voting system currently used for all elections. Replacement needs include new digital scan tabulators, ballot boxes and related expenses. The current voting system, purchased and implemented in 1999, is supported and serviced on an annual basis to ensure continued operation but has a limited remaining lifespan. Conducting accurate and efficient elections is a critical responsibility of the Town. FY 2017 Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 XI - 24 Other CPA-Funded Projects 1. Munroe Tavern Archaeological Dig - $15,000 (CPA): The Lexington Historical Society plans to add an addition to the Munroe Tavern to house archives and make them more accessible to the public. Their FY17 request for $15,000 would fund the required archaeological dig that precedes construction. In addition to the dig, the project would also include a ground penetrating radar survey of the entire Munroe Tavern site. The survey can help identify other significant features on the property worthy of future exploration. 2. Lexington Arts and Crafts Society Parsons Gallery Lighting Renovation - $24,280 (CPA): The Lexington Arts and Crafts Society plans to remove and replace the lighting system in its Parsons Gallery and requests $24,280 in CPA funds to complete the renovation. The Society is also contributing private funds towards the project. After 40 years of use, the existing light fixtures are worn, some are electrically unsafe or cannot be aimed or adjusted and the track system is failing in some locations. The proposal includes replacement of all current fixtures and the track system with an LED system designed for an art gallery. 3. Keeler Farm Housing Acquisition - $TBD (CPA): LexHAB requested $185,000 to potentially fund the purchase of one unit of affordable housing at the new Keeler Farm development. The request was presented as a placeholder since LexHAB is pursuing alternate funding for the purchase. If received, the alternate funding would be used to purchase the property in its entirety. 4. Greeley Village Rear Door and Porch Preservation - $263,250 (CPA): The Lexington Housing Authority (LHA) requests CPA funds to help finance the preservation of all rear exit doors and porches at Greeley Village. LHA has identified the failing doors and porches as priority needs and will utilize CPA funds in conjunction with an allocation received from the State. The proposal includes replacement of the dilapidated rear doors with new doors and doorframes. The rear porches would be rehabilitated with new steps and railings. FY 2017 Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 XI - 25 Department Project Name Deferred 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 TOTALS Office of Land Use, Health and Development Transportation Mitigation (Planning)-$ 50,000$ 50,000$ 50,000$ 50,000$ 200,000$ Hartwell Avenue Area Transportation Improvements 75,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 75,000$ 75,000$ 50,000$ 50,000$ 50,000$ 50,000$ 275,000$ Economic Development Grain Mill Alley Improvements $ - TBD $ - $ - -$ TBD -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Fire and Rescue Ambulance Replacement -$ 280,000$ -$ -$ 280,000$ 560,000$ Fire HQ Exercise Room 80,000$ -$ 80,000$ Fire Station Headquarters Replacement -$ TBD TBD -$ -$ TBD 80,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 80,000$ Information Services Replace Town Wide Phone Systems-Phase V 203,000$ 100,000$ -$ -$ -$ 303,000$ Head End Equipment Replacement - unfunded year -$ 250,000$ -$ 250,000$ 180,000$ 680,000$ Municipal Technology Improvement Program- Phase IV -$ 250,000$ -$ 250,000$ 180,000$ 680,000$ 203,000$ 600,000$ -$ 500,000$ 360,000$ 1,663,000$ Police Police Station; Renovation and Add-on Design and Engineering -$ -$ -$ TBD TBD TBD Police Outdoor/Indoor Firing Range - Hartwell Avenue -$ TBD -$ -$ -$ TBD -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Public Facilities Townwide Roofing Program -$ 433,200$ 1,058,500$ 1,933,384$ 4,344,595$ 7,769,679$ School Building Envelope and Systems Program -$ 221,000$ 226,000$ 231,600$ 237,400$ 916,000$ LHS Heating Systems Upgrade -$ 12,864,000$ -$ -$ -$ 12,864,000$ Municipal Building Envelope and Systems -$ 192,012$ 196,812$ 201,732$ 206,850$ 797,406$ School Building Flooring Program -$ 150,000$ 125,000$ 125,000$ 125,000$ 525,000$ School Paving Program 153,750$ 157,593$ 161,901$ 166,000$ 169,848$ 809,092$ Public Facilities Bid Documents -$ 100,000$ 100,000$ 100,000$ 100,000$ 400,000$ Visitors Center 3,000,000$ -$ -$ -$ 3,000,000$ Hastings School Renovation/Replacement -$ 58,500,000$ -$ -$ -$ 58,500,000$ School Traffic Safety Improvements 203,800$ 1,311,200$ 2,234,500$ 1,235,300$ 1,077,000$ 6,061,800$ Public Facilities Mechanical/Electrical System Replacements 423,500$ 489,000$ 544,500$ 605,000$ 672,000$ 2,734,000$ LHS Security Evaluation and Upgrade -$ 289,500$ -$ -$ -$ 289,500$ Construction 138,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 138,000$ LHS Nurse Office and Treatment Space - Design 161,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 161,000$ Building Resiliency Plan 50,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 50,000$ Lexington High School Visual Arts Sinks 32,729$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 32,729$ Hastings Elementary Window Air Conditioning 74,650$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 74,650$ 4,237,429$ 74,707,505$ 4,647,213$ 4,598,016$ 6,932,693$ 95,122,856$ Public Works Center Streetscape Improvements -$ 2,500,000$ 2,500,000$ -$ -$ 5,000,000$ Automatic Meter Reading System -$ 657,250$ 496,000$ 496,000$ -$ 1,649,250$ Equipment Replacement -$ 973,000$ 970,000$ 850,000$ 925,000$ 3,718,000$ Street Improvements -$ 2,526,835$ 2,526,835$ 2,526,835$ 2,526,835$ 10,107,340$ Storm Drainage Improvements and NPDES compliance -$ 340,000$ 340,000$ 340,000$ 340,000$ 1,360,000$ Sanitary Sewer System Investigation and Improvements -$ 1,000,000$ 1,000,000$ 1,000,000$ 1,000,000$ 4,000,000$ Hydrant Replacement Program -$ 150,000$ 150,000$ 150,000$ 150,000$ 600,000$ Pump Station Upgrades -$ 800,000$ 800,000$ 800,000$ 800,000$ 3,200,000$ Comprehensive Watershed Storm Water Management Study and Implementation -$ 390,000$ 390,000$ 390,000$ 390,000$ 1,560,000$ Water Distribution System Improvements -$ 1,000,000$ 1,000,000$ 1,000,000$ 1,000,000$ 4,000,000$ Sidewalk Improvement 200,000$ 800,000$ 800,000$ 800,000$ 800,000$ 3,400,000$ Dam Repair -$ 530,000$ -$ -$ -$ 530,000$ Battle Green Master Plan - Phase 3 -$ 570,438$ -$ -$ -$ 570,438$ Town Wide Culvert Replacement -$ 390,000$ 390,000$ 390,000$ 390,000$ 1,560,000$ Town-wide Signalization Improvements -$ 125,000$ 125,000$ 125,000$ 125,000$ 500,000$ Hartwell Avenue Infrastructure Improvements -$ 0 -$ TBD -$ TBD Municipal Parking lot improvements -$ 40,000$ 440,000$ -$ -$ 480,000$ Hartwell Avenue Compost Site Improvements -$ 500,000$ -$ -$ -$ 500,000$ Battle Green Streetscape Improvements -$ 900,000$ -$ -$ -$ 900,000$ Westview Cemetery Building Renovations Assessment -$ TBD -$ -$ -$ TBD Public Parking lot Improvement Program -$ 40,000$ 440,000$ -$ -$ 480,000$ Bikeway Bridge Renovations -$ 368,000$ -$ -$ -$ 368,000$ Hartwell Avenue Compost Site Improvements 200,000$ 175,000$ -$ -$ -$ 375,000$ Battle Green Streetscape Improvements -$ 3,000,000$ -$ -$ -$ 3,000,000$ Westview Cemetery Building Assessment 270,000$ 2,930,000$ -$ -$ -$ 3,200,000$ Public Parking lot Improvement Program 100,000$ 500,000$ 500,000$ 500,000$ 500,000$ 2,100,000$ Staging for Special Events 60,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 60,000$ 830,000$ 21,205,523$ 12,867,835$ 9,367,835$ 8,946,835$ 53,218,028$ TABLE VIII: DEFERRED FY2017 AND PROPOSED FY2018 TO FY2021 CAPITAL REQUESTS FY 2017 Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan January 11, 2016 XI - 26 Department Project Name Deferred 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 TOTALS Recreation Athletic Facility Lighting -$ 350,000$ 505,000$ -$ -$ 855,000$ Pine Meadows Improvements -$ -$ -$ 80,000$ -$ 80,000$ Park and Playground Improvements -$ 60,000$ -$ 70,000$ 70,000$ 200,000$ Town Pool Renovation -$ 1,620,000$ -$ -$ -$ 1,620,000$ Park Improvements - Athletic Fields -$ 125,000$ 150,000$ 400,000$ 75,000$ 750,000$ Pine Meadows Equipment -$ 55,000$ 55,000$ 50,000$ 60,000$ 220,000$ Park Improvements- Hard Court Resurfacing -$ -$ 58,000$ 43,000$ 65,000$ 166,000$ Center Track and Field Reconstruction -$ -$ 3,000,000$ -$ -$ 3,000,000$ 2,210,000$ 3,768,000$ 643,000$ 270,000$ 6,891,000$ Schools Food Service Equipment -$ 35,000$ 35,000$ 35,000$ 35,000$ 140,000$ School Furniture, Equipment & Systems Program -$ 200,000$ 200,000$ 200,000$ 200,000$ 800,000$ LPS Technology Capital Request -$ 1,320,000$ 1,320,000$ 1,320,000$ 1,320,000$ 5,280,000$ 1,555,000$ 1,555,000$ 1,555,000$ 1,555,000$ 6,220,000$ Town Clerk -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Archives & Records Management/Records Conservation & Preservation -$ 20,000$ 20,000$ 20,000$ 20,000$ 80,000$ 20,000$ 20,000$ 20,000$ 20,000$ 80,000$ GRAND TOTAL 5,425,429$ 100,348,028$ 22,908,048$ 16,733,851$ 18,134,528$ 163,549,884$ TABLE VIII: DEFERRED FY2017 AND PROPOSED FY2018 TO FY2021 CAPITAL REQUESTS (continued) Section XII: Appendices A: Program Improvement Requests B: Glossary C: CPA Use Summary Appendix A: Program Improvement Request Summary Program Description Public Works Compensation Expenses Benefits Total Recommended Not Recommended 3120 - Engineering Senior Civil Engineer 86,052$ 16,400$ 102,452$ 60,000$ 42,452$ 3210 - Highway Pavement Markings 120,000$ 120,000$ 120,000$ 3210 - Highway Increase in Overtime Budget 25,000$ 363$ 25,363$ 25,363$ 3210 - Highway Electric Vehicle Charging Station 7,200$ 7,200$ 7,200$ 3320 - Forestry Disposal of Forestry Materials 15,000$ 15,000$ 15,000$ 3310 - Parks Leaf Vacuum System 15,000$ 15,000$ 15,000$ 3310 - Parks Increase in Overtime Budget 25,000$ 363$ 25,363$ 25,363$ 3330 - Cemetery Landscape Maintenance 5,000$ 5,000$ 5,000$ 3330 - Cemetery Disposal of Excavated Materials 10,000$ 10,000$ 10,000$ 3400 - Compost Revolving Heavy Equipment Operator to full-time 19,600$ 15,437$ 35,037$ 35,037$ 3400 - Compost Revolving Disposal of Compost Tailings 20,000$ 20,000$ 20,000$ 600 - 610 Water/Sewer Disposal of Excavated Materials 15,000$ 15,000$ 15,000$ Total Public Works 155,652$ 207,200$ 32,562$ 395,414$ 167,563$ 227,852$ Fire Compensation Expenses Benefits Total Recommended Not Recommended 4240 - EMS Ambulance Staffing - 2 FTEs for 24/7 Coverage 136,600$ 4,000$ 31,857$ 172,457$ 172,457$ Total Fire 136,600$ 4,000$ 31,857$ 172,457$ -$ 172,457$ Library Compensation Expenses Benefits Total Recommended Not Recommended 5100 - Library Collaborative Technology Tools -$ 7,003$ -$ 7,003$ 7,003$ Total Library -$ 7,003$ -$ 7,003$ 7,003$ -$ Recreation & Community Programs Compensation Expenses Benefits Total Recommended Not Recommended 700 - Community Center Transaction Counter Clerk PT - FT 20,200$ 15,445$ 35,645$ 35,645$ Total Recreation/Community Center 20,200$ -$ 15,445$ 35,645$ 35,645$ -$ Human Services Compensation Expenses Benefits Total Recommended Not Recommended 6120 - Senior Services Increase Hours for PT Outreach Assistant 10,000$ 10,000$ 10,000$ 6210 - Transportation Diver Assisted Passenger Counter 3,560$ 3,560$ 3,560$ Total Human Services 10,000$ 3,560$ -$ 13,560$ 3,560$ 10,000$ Office of Land Use, Health and Development Compensation Expenses Benefits Total Recommended Not Recommended 7110 - Bldg & Zoning Massachusetts Building Code Update -$ 2,900$ -$ 2,900$ 2,900$ 7120 - Administration Land Study Master Plan 1 50,000$ 50,000$ 25,000$ 25,000$ 7120 - Administration Land Study Master Plan 2 60,000$ 60,000$ 25,000$ 35,000$ 7130 - Conservation Conservation Tractor Implements -$ 1,700$ -$ 1,700$ 1,700$ 7200 - Planning Comprehensive Plan Update -$ 150,000$ -$ 150,000$ 150,000$ 7340 - Visitor Center PT Assistant Manager Visitor Center 18,525$ -$ -$ 18,525$ 18,525$ Total Office of Land Use, Health and Development 18,525$ 264,600$ -$ 283,125$ 73,125$ 210,000$ Town Manager's Office Compensation Expenses Benefits Total Recommended Not Recommended 8220 - Human Resources Administative Assistant 53,144$ 15,923$ 69,067$ 69,067$ 8220 - Human Resources Classification and Compensation Study 20,000$ 20,000$ 20,000$ Total Town Manager's Office 53,144$ 20,000$ 15,923$ 89,067$ 20,000$ 69,067$ Town Committees Compensation Expenses Benefits Total Recommended Not Recommended 8330 - Town Celebrations Martin Luther King Day Celebration 1,000$ 1,000$ 1,000$ Total Town Committees -$ 1,000$ -$ 1,000$ 1,000$ -$ Finance Compensation Expenses Benefits Total Recommended Not Recommended 8420 - Treasurer Tax Title Foreclosure 10,150$ 10,150$ 10,150$ 8430 - Assessor Administrative Assistant 45,000$ 15,805$ 60,805$ 60,805$ Total Finance 45,000$ 10,150$ 15,805$ 70,955$ 10,150$ 60,805$ Town Clerk Compensation Expenses Benefits Total Recommended Not Recommended 8510 - Administration Municipal Assistant Hours 8,842$ 15,281$ 24,123$ 24,123$ Total Town Clerk 8,842$ -$ 15,281$ 24,123$ -$ 24,123$ TOTAL 447,963$ 517,513$ 126,873$ 1,092,349$ 318,046$ 774,303$ General Fund 264,521$ Non-General Fund 53,525$ Departmental Request Recommendation Appendix A: Program Improvement Requests Shared & Municipal Programs 2000-8000 FY2017 Recommended Budget and Financing Plan Appendix B: Glossary FY 2016 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan Appendix B: Glossary B - 1 Glossary ABATEMENT – an Abatement is a reduction of a tax liability. The Board of Assessors grants abatements for real estate and personal property taxes in cases where an individual’s assessed valuation is determined to be in excess of fair market value. ACCRUAL BASIS FOR ACCOUNTING – A method of accounting that recognizes revenue when earned, rather than when collected, and recognizes expenses when incurred, rather than when paid. In Massachusetts, cities and towns must use this basis of accounting for the audited financial statements of Enterprise funds. (Also see Modified Accrual Basis of Accounting). APPROPRIATION - An authorization granted by the Town Meeting to make expenditures and to incur obligations for specific purposes. Appropriations for any expenditure specify dollar amounts, funding sources, and a period of time within which the funds must be spent. Any funds not expended within the specified time (usually one fiscal year) revert to the Unreserved Fund Balance. APPROPRIATED BUDGET – As used in fund summaries and department summaries within the budget document, represents the current year budget as originally adopted by Town Meeting. It does not include prior year encumbrances. ARTICLE - An article or item on the Town Warrant. There are four standard financial articles that appear in the Warrant every year: the Operating Budget Article; an Article for “Supplementary Appropriations for the Current Fiscal Year” (the current fiscal year is the one that was appropriated at the previous year’s Town Meeting); an Article for Prior Years’ Unpaid Bills; and an Article for supplementary appropriations for previously authorized capital improvement projects. “New” capital project requests and other special items generally appear as individual articles without a predetermined order. ARTICLE TRANSFERS- Projects from previous year Town Meeting article appropriations occasionally have unexpended balances not required once the project is complete. The unexpended balance becomes available for future Town Meeting appropriation. ASSESSED VALUATION - The valuation of real estate or other property determined by the Town Assessor for tax levying purposes. The Commonwealth certifies the values and methodology in determining values every three years. ASSETS – Property, plant and equipment owned by the Town. AUDIT – An examination of the town’s financial systems, procedures, and data by a certified public accountant (independent auditor), and a report on the fairness of financial statements and on local compliance with statues and regulations. The audit serves as a valuable management tool for evaluation of the fiscal performance of a community. BUDGETARY FUND BALANCE (ALSO FREE CASH) – Remaining, unrestricted funds from operations of the previous fiscal year including unexpended free cash from the previous year, actual receipts in excess of revenue estimates shown on the tax recapitulation sheet, and unspent amounts in budget line-items. Unpaid property taxes and certain deficits reduce the amount that can be certified as free cash. The calculation of free cash is based on the balance sheet as of June 30, which is submitted by the Comptroller. Free cash is not available for appropriation until certified by the Director of Accounts. BOND - A written promise to pay a specified sum of money—called the face value or principal amount—at a specified date in the future, called the maturity date(s), together with periodic interest at a specified rate. The difference between notes, usually one year or two years in length, and a bond is that the latter runs for a longer period of time. State statute and the Board of Selectmen establish the length of a bond repayment. FY 2016 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan Appendix B: Glossary B - 2 BOND ANTICIPATION NOTE (BAN) – A temporary note issued for no more than one or two years. This is commonly used to defer the initial pay down of debt or to accommodate reimbursement for borrowed notes from a private source or other governmental entity. BUDGET - A plan of financial operation embodying an estimate of proposed expenditures for a given period with proposed means of financing. Lexington’s budget is a financial plan that is established for a single fiscal year that begins on July 1 and ends on June 30. BUDGET MESSAGE (Town Manager’s Transmittal Letter) – The opening section of the budget that provides the Board of Selectmen, Town Meeting Members, and the general public with a general summary of the most important aspects of the budget, changes from the current and previous fiscal years, and the recommendations of the Town Manager. CAPITAL EXPENDITURE - A major, non-recurring expenditure involving land acquisition, construction or major rehabilitation of a facility, or purchase of equipment costing $25,000 or more with a useful life of five years or more. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP) - A financial planning and management tool that identifies public facility and equipment requirements, presents these requirements in order of priority, and schedules them for funding and implementation. CEMETERY FUND - See Special Revenue Fund. CHAPTER 90 - Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 90, Section 34 authorizes the Commonwealth to allocate funds to municipalities through the Transportation Bond Issue for highway construction, preservation and improvement projects that create or extend the life of capital facilities. Routine maintenance operations such as pothole filling and snow and ice removal are not covered. The formula for determining the Chapter 90 level of funding is based on a municipality’s miles of public ways, population and level of employment. Municipalities receive Chapter 90 funds on pre-approved projects on a reimbursement basis. CHERRY SHEET - The State allocates a portion of generated revenue to municipalities each year for education and general governmental expenditures. The amount of state aid each community will receive is itemized in a financial statement printed on cherry colored paper (thus the name). The amount of reimbursement is a function of the State budget. Towns usually receive notification in late summer, subsequent to the beginning of the fiscal year. COMMUNITY PRESERVATION ACT (CPA) – is a local acceptance statute approved by Lexington voters in 2006. The purpose of the CPA is to fund open space, affordable housing, historic preservation and recreation projects that meet the eligibility criteria of the Act. Funding for projects comes from an annual property tax surcharge of up to three percent, which is the percentage adopted in Lexington. The local surcharge is matched by State funds collected as part of the deeds excise tax. The matching funds have ranged from 100% in 2006 to 36% in 2009. COMMUNITY PRESERVATION COMMITTEE (CPC) – this nine-member appointed Committee reviews projects and determines their eligibility under the CPA. Projects that are approved by the Committee are then recommended to Town Meeting, which has the final vote on appropriating funds for each project. Members of the CPC are appointed by the Board of Selectmen (3), Planning Board, Conservation Commission, Recreation Committee, Housing Authority, Housing Partnership and Historical Commission. FY 2016 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan Appendix B: Glossary B - 3 COMPETITIVE BIDDING PROCESS – the process following State law requiring that for purchases of $25,000 or more a Town must advertise, solicit and publicly open sealed bids from prospective vendors. After a review period, the Town Manager then awards a contract to the successful bidder. CONTINUING BALANCE ACCOUNTS – At the end of a fiscal year, any unexpended balance in a continuing balance account carries forward to the next year as a type of reserve against future liabilities related to the account. Massachusetts General Laws provides for a number of continuing balance accounts including those for: workers compensation claims, property and liability uninsured losses, and unemployment compensation claims. A continuing balance account is also typically used to fund compensated absence liabilities, facility repair accounts and equipment replacement accounts. DEBT EXCLUSION - The amount of taxes assessed in excess of the Proposition 2-1/2 levy limit for the payment of debt service costs, subject to a popular referendum. Two-thirds of the Selectmen and a majority of citizens voting must approve the exclusion. These funds are raised to retire the debt service for the project. They are not added to the tax levy limit for the following fiscal year. DEBT SERVICE - Payment of interest and principal on an obligation resulting from the issuance of bonds. DEPARTMENT – A division of the Town that has overall management responsibility for an operation or group of related operations within a functional area. DEPRECIATION – 1) Expiration in the service life of capital assets attributable to wear and tear, deterioration, and inadequacy of obsolescence. 2) That portion of the cost of a capital asset that is charged as an expense during a particular period. Depreciation is based on historic costs not replacement value. EFFICIENCY MEASURES – Indicate how well resources are being used. They include cost-per-unit and productivity indicators. ELEMENT - The smallest unit of budgetary accountability, which encompasses specific and distinguishable lines of work performed for the purpose of accomplishing a function for which the Town is responsible. ENCUMBRANCE – To encumber funds means to set aside or commit funds for a future expenditure. Encumbrances include obligations in the form of purchase orders, contracts or salary commitments, which are chargeable to an appropriation and for which a part of the appropriation is reserved. ENTERPRISE FUND - An account supported by user fees for a specific service that the Town operates as a separate "business" (e.g. Water, Sewer, Recreation). Enterprise funds do not depend on taxes for operating revenue as user fee revenue and expenses are balanced over the long run. Budgeting for all Enterprise Funds is done on a Generally Accepted Accounting Practices (GAAP) basis. EXPENDITURE – Decrease in net financial resources for the purpose of acquiring and providing goods and services. EXPENSES – Outflows or other using up of assets or incurring of liabilities during a period from delivering or producing goods, rendering services or carrying out other activities that constitute the entity’s ongoing major or central operations. Expenses consist of the following objects of expenditure: Utilities, Supplies and Materials, Contractual Services, and Equipment. FINES & FORFEITURES - Revenue collected from court fines, penalty charges for overdue taxes along with non-criminal fines are included in this category. FY 2016 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan Appendix B: Glossary B - 4 FREE CASH - see Budgetary Fund Balance. FUND BALANCE – The excess of assets over liabilities. FUNDING SOURCE – The specifically identified funds allocated to meet budget requirements/expenses. GENERAL FUND - Revenues derived from the tax levy, state aid, local receipts and available funds are considered General Fund revenues. The General Fund is distinguished from Enterprise Funds and Special Revenue Funds. GFOA – Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada. The G.F.O.A.is a professional organization of governmental finance officers. GRANT – A contribution by one government unit or outside agency to another governmental unit. The contribution is usually made for a specific purpose but is sometimes for general purposes. INVESTMENT INCOME - The Town earns interest on cash held in savings accounts and invested in short term securities. The investment goal is to ensure that all funds are invested in short-term, risk-averse investments. The Treasurer is very restricted as to the instruments in which investments can be made. The amount of investment income is a function of the amount of funds invested and the interest rate. LIABILITY – Debt or other legal obligation which must be paid, renewed or refunded at some future date, but does not include encumbrances. LOCAL RECEIPTS - A category of revenue sources including school department charges for services, investment income, fines and forfeitures, building permits and excise taxes. These revenues are not considered part of the Proposition 2 ½ Tax Levy. MODIFIED ACCRUAL BASIS FOR ACCOUNTING – A method of accounting that recognizes revenue when it is actually received and recognizes expenditures when a commitment is made. In Massachusetts, cities and towns must use this basis for accounting for the general government. MOTOR VEHICLE EXCISE - All Massachusetts vehicle owners who have their vehicle(s) registered in the State of Massachusetts pay an annual motor vehicle excise tax to the city or town in which they reside. The Registry of Motor Vehicles creates a listing of all vehicles registered in Lexington and the book value assigned to each vehicle. The Town uses this information to bill all owners an annual tax equal to 2 ½ percent or $25 for each $1,000 of the vehicle's value. MWRA – Massachusetts Water Resources Authority, from which the Town purchases water at a wholesale rate in the form of annual assessments to the Water and Wastewater (Sewer) departments. OPERATING BUDGET – The portion of the budget that pertains to daily operations, which provide basic services for the fiscal year. The operating budget contains appropriations for such expenditures as personnel, supplies, utilities, materials, travel, and fuel and the proposed means of financing them. OPERATING EXPENDITURE - An ongoing or recurring cost of performing a function or providing a service. Operating expenditures include personal services, supplies and materials, utilities, contractual services, minor equipment, and debt service. OTHER EXCISE (Hotel/Motel and Jet Fuel) - Lexington hotels and motels charge an 11.7% room tax to guests in accordance with local option legislation. The Town of Lexington receives 6% of this tax in semi-annual installments (See page 12 of the Revenue Section). FY 2016 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan Appendix B: Glossary B - 5 OTHER FEES AND CHARGES - Revenue is received from fees or charges by the Inspectional Services, Engineering and Planning Departments, and the Department of Public Works. Also included in this category are collections from ambulance fees, municipal liens, and building rentals. OVERLAY - The amount reserved for funding property tax abatements and exemptions granted by the Board of Assessors. OVERRIDE - An action taken by the voters of the town to exceed the limit placed on tax revenue growth by the State tax limitation law known as Proposition 2 ½. The tax levy limit can be exceeded only if a majority of residents voting approve an override. This sum is then added to the base levy for the next fiscal year and becomes a permanent addition to the tax levy limit. PARKING METER FUNDS - Revenue from town parking meters and parking lot permits are deposited into the Parking Fund. This fund helps offset the costs of Police Department personal services, parking lot maintenance costs, and Department of Public Works expenses directly related to parking lot maintenance. PERFORMANCE MEASURES – Specific quantitative and qualitative measures of work performed as an objective of the department. Performance Measurement Systems are generally comprised of the following indicators: workload measures, efficiency measures and outcome measures. PERSONAL SERVICES – A line on the program, subprogram and element sheets which refers to the total of the following objects of expenditure: Wages, Overtime, and Other Compensation. PROGRAM - A group of related activities performed by one or more organizational units for the purpose of accomplishing a function for which the Town is responsible. PROPOSITION 2 ½ - A tax limitation measure passed by Massachusetts voters in 1980 which limits the growth of the total property tax levy to 2.5% per year. In other words, the total revenue allowed to be raised through real estate and personal property taxes cannot increase by more than 2.5% from one fiscal year to the next. New construction values are in addition to this limit. Two provisions within Proposition 2 ½ allow the citizens of a community by popular vote to authorize the Town to raise taxes above the tax levy limit: an operating override or a debt exclusion. RECREATION FEES - Users of Town recreational facilities and teams participating in Town sponsored sports pay fees for these services. Revenue collected from these fees covers the costs of maintaining facilities, providing coaches and referees, and recreation program management, as well as some Recreation related capital improvements. These recreation programs are managed through a Recreation Enterprise Fund. RESERVE FUND - An amount set aside annually within the budget of a city or town to provide a funding source for "extraordinary and unforeseen" expenditures. In a town, the Finance (or Appropriation) Committee can authorize transfers from this fund. RETAINED EARNINGS – The equity account reflecting the accumulated earnings of the enterprise funds. REVENUE - Budgetary resources. The various revenues the Town receives are listed in the Revenue Summary in the Budget Overview section. MASSACHUSETTS SCHOOL BUILDING AUTHORITY (MSBA) – A program of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for the purpose of assisting municipalities in the reconstruction and renewal of its public schools. FY 2016 Town Manager’s Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan Appendix B: Glossary B - 6 SCHOOL REVENUE - Revenue received by Lexington Public Schools from athletic fees, as well as applicable bus transportation fees. SENIOR MANAGEMENT TEAM – A group of top managers including department heads from eleven departments and the Town Manager’s Office. SEWER & WATER CHARGES - The Town operates Water and Sewer Enterprise Funds to manage these municipal operations. Users of sewer and water services provided by the Town pay charges depending upon metered usage. Revenue received from charges for sewer and water services is used to fully support the costs of utility operations, such as Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA) assessments, debt service obligations, personal service costs, and capital projects. Charges for services are based on a three-tier block rate structure corresponding to usage. Charges rise as usage increases. The Town pays the MWRA assessments to supply water and dispose of Town sewage. SPECIAL REVENUE FUND - A group of accounts that are funded by revenues from other sources such as the Parking and Cemetery Funds. STABILIZATION FUND – Massachusetts General Law Ch.40, Sec. 5B, allows a municipality to appropriate in any year an amount not exceeding ten percent of the amount raised in the preceding fiscal year; the aggregate amount in the fund shall not exceed ten percent of the equalized valuation of the municipality. The treasurer shall be custodian of the fund and may invest the proceeds legally; any interest earned shall remain with the fund. Money from the Stabilization Fund may be appropriated for any lawful purpose by two-thirds vote of Town Meeting. In addition to the General Stabilization Fund, the town has stabilization funds for specific purposes, including the Transportation Demand Management Fund, Traffic Mitigation Fund, Special Education Fund, Other Post Employment Benefits (OPEB) Fund, and the Capital Projects/Debt Service/Building Renewal Fund. TAX LEVY - The total amount to be raised through real estate and personal property taxes. Lexington property owners pay taxes to the Town based on the assessed value of their real and/or personal property. Each year the Board of Selectmen conducts a tax classification hearing to determine a tax rate. The Town Assessor makes adjustments to real estate values in order to properly reflect fair market value. In addition to real estate, businesses may also pay a personal property tax (set at the commercial rate) based on the value of their professional equipment, furniture and fixtures. The amount of taxes a property owner pays is determined by multiplying the applicable tax rate by the valuation. For example, if the tax rate is $10 and a property's assessed value is $100,000, the property owner will pay $10 times $100,000/1,000, or $1,000. Tax levy revenues are the largest source of funding for the Town. TAX LEVY LIMIT - The maximum amount that can be raised by a municipality within Proposition 2 ½. TAX RATE - The amount of tax levied for each $1,000 of assessed valuation. USER FEES - Fees paid for direct receipt of a public service by the user or beneficiary of the service. Appendix C: CPA Use Summary CPA SUMMARY TO BE PROVIDED UNDER SEPARATE COVER AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approve Proposed Half-Staff Flag Policy (5 min.) PRESENTER: Carl Valente ITEM NUMBER: I.8 SUMMARY: Attac hed is the propos ed Half-S taff Flag Polic y fo r yo ur ap p ro val. SUGGESTED MOTION: Mo tion to app ro ve the proposed Half-Staff F lag Polic y. FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 2/8/2016 ATTACHMENTS: Des crip tion Typ e Proposed Half-Staff Flag Policy Backup Material D R A F T BOARD OF SELECTMEN POLICY HALF-STAFF DISPLAY OF US FLAG ON TOWN PROPERTY Date Approved by BOS: Signature of Chair: Half-staff display of the United States flag on Town property is intended as a visible, public symbol of respect, upon their death, for the heroic service and sacrifice of military personnel and the service of public officials. Flag on the Battle Green: The United States flag on the Battle Green will be lowered to half- staff at the direction of the Board of Selectmen or its designee, or in accordance with an order issued by the President of the United States or the Governor of the Commonwealth. See Board of Selectmen policy, Lowering the Flag on the Battle Green, dated November 28, 2005. Flag at Municipal Buildings or Grounds: The United State flag on municipal buildings and grounds under the jurisdiction of the Town Manager will be lowered to half-staff in accordance with the Memorial Events schedule set forth below, or in accordance with an order issued by the President of the United States or the Governor of the Commonwealth. Memorial Events: On Death of Flag Displayed at Half-Staff U.S. President or Former President For 30 Days from the Date of Death U.S. Vice President; Chief Justice or Retired Chief Justice of the U.S.; Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives For 10 Days from the Date of Death Associate Justice of Supreme Court; Cabinet Member; Former Vice President; Governor of a State, territory or possession; U. S. House; Minority Leader of U. S. House On the Day of Death until Interment U.S. Senator from Massachusetts; U.S. Representative from Massachusetts Representing Lexington; Member of Congress On the Day of Death and the following day Governor of Massachusetts On the Day of Death until Interment Lexington Police Officer, Firefighter or military personnel killed in the line of Duty On the Day of Death until Interment Peace Officers Memorial Day This Day Unless that Day is also Armed Forces Day Lexington Townwide Elected Officials On the day of Death until Interment Former Lexington Townwide Elected Officials On the Day of Interment Other Individuals As Determined by the Board of Selectmen AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Sign State Election Warrant (5 min.) PRESENTER: Jo e Pato ITEM NUMBER: I.9 SUMMARY: Attac hed is the warrant for the 3/1/16 Presidential P rimary fo r your signature. SUGGESTED MOTION: Mo tion to sign the warrant fo r the March 1, 2016 Pres idential Primary. FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 2/8/2016 ATTACHMENTS: Des crip tion Typ e 3/1/16 Pres idential Primary Warrant Backup Material COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS WILLIAM FRANCIS GALVIN SECRETARY OF THE COMMONWEALTH WARRANT FOR PRESIDENTIAL PRIMARY Middlesex, ss. To the Constables or Town Clerk of the Town of Lexington GREETINGS: In the name of the Commonwealth, you are hereby required to notify and warn the inhabitants of the Town of Lexington who are qualified to vote in Primaries to vote at: PRECINCT ONE, SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION BUILDING; PRECINCT TWO, BOWMAN SCHOOL; PRECINCT THREE, LEXINGTON COMMUNITY CENTER; PRECINCT FOUR, CARY MEMORIAL BUILDING; PRECINCT FIVE, SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION BUILDING; PRECINCT SIX, CARY MEMORIAL BUILDING; PRECINCT SEVEN, ESTABROOK SCHOOL; PRECINCT EIGHT, SAMUEL HADLEY PUBLIC SERVICES BUILDING; PRECINCT NINE, MARIA HASTINGS SCHOOL, on TUESDAY, THE FIRST DAY OF MARCH, 2016, from 7:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. for the following purpose: To cast their votes in the Presidential Primary for the candidates of political parties for the following offices: PRESIDENTIAL PREFERENCE ........................................................ FOR THIS COMMONWEALTH STATE COMMITTEE MAN precincts 3,8,9) .................................. THIRD MIDDLESEX DISTRICT STATE COMMITTEE MAN (precincts 1,2,4-7) .......................... FOURTH MIDDLESEX DISTRICT STATE COMMITTEE WOMAN (precincts 3,8,9) .......................... THIRD MIDDLESEX DISTRICT STATE COMMITTEE WOMAN (precincts 1,2,4-7) ................... FOURTH MIDDLESEX DISTRICT TOWN COMMITTEE ....................................................................................................... LEXINGTON Hereof fail not and make return of this warrant with your doings thereon at the time and place of said voting. Given under our hands this 8th day of February, 2016. _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Selectmen of Lexington I have served the foregoing warrant by posting a printed copy thereof in the Town Office Building, 7 days at least before the time of said Primary. _____________________________________ February , 2016. Michael R. Barry, Constable of Lexington AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Accept Deed for Purchase of 241 Grove Street-Wright Farm (5 min.) PRESENTER: Carl F. Valente, Town Manager ITEM NUMBER: I.11 SUMMARY: The Town is s c hed uled to close o n the purchas e o f 241 Grove S treet (Wright F arm ho use and b arn) o n Thurs d ay, Feb ruary 11. Ac tion by the Bo ard is required to ac cept the d eed and to authorize the To wn Manager to sign the related closing d o cuments . SUGGESTED MOTION: 1. Mo ve that we, b eing a majo rity of the und ers igned members o f the Board o f S electmen o f the Town of Lexingto n, Mas s ac hus etts , hereby app ro ve and d o hereb y acc ep t this Deed o f land as evidenced by the Deed to the Town o f Lexingto n, ac ting by and through its Board o f Selec tmen that will be recorded herewith. 2. Mo ve to autho rize the Town Manager to take all actio ns o n b ehalf of the Board o f S electmen that are reas o nab ly nec es s ary o r advis ab le, in the judgment of the To wn Manager, to c o mp lete the purchas e o f 241 Grove S treet, Wright F arm Parcel 2, in acc o rd anc e with the Purc has e and Sale Agreement and the ap p licab le To wn Meeting Vo te, including without limitatio n s igning c los ing fo rms , d o cuments and s ettlement s tatements . FOLLOW-UP: TMO will exec ute c lo s ing doc uments fo r this purc has e. DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 2/8/2016 ATTACHMENTS: Des crip tion Typ e Draft Form of Deed-Exhibit {A0351804.1 } QUITCLAIM DEED I, Kathleen Cormier, individually and as sole Trustee of the Thomas C. Wright Revocable Trust u/d/t dated January 5, 1988 and recorded with Middlesex South Registry of Deeds in Book 25247, Page 406, as amended by the First Amendment dated February 21, 1991 and recorded with said deeds in Book 25247, Page 431, holder of a one-half undivided interest in the property described below, as tenant in common; and I, Kathleen Cormier, individually and as sole Trustee of the Sara M. Wright Revocable Trust u/d/t dated January 5, 1988 and recorded with said deeds in Book 25247, Page 435, as amended by the First Amendment recorded with said deeds in Book 25247, Page 460, holder of a one-half undivided interest in the property described below, as tenant in common; and I, Kathleen Cormier, individually and as Trustee of the Grove Street Trust, a Trust created pursuant to the terms of Articles 7 and 8 of each of said Thomas C. Wright Revocable Trust and said Sara M. Wright Revocable Trust, to hold and deal with the property, for consideration paid and in full consideration of FIVE HUNDRED TWENTY ONE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED ($521,700.00) and 00/100 DOLLARS. grant to the Town of Lexington, a Massachusetts municipal corporation having its principal office at Town Office Building, 1625 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington, Middlesex County, Massachusetts 02420, acting by and through the Town of Lexington Conservation Commission, with Quitclaim Covenants, Land containing approximately 43,446 square feet identified as "Parcel 2" (the "Property") on that certain Plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Massachusetts prepared for Kathleen Wright" dated October 22, 2012 and recorded with the Middlesex Southern District Registry of Deeds as Plan 808 of 2012. Being a portion of the premises granted to Thomas C. Wright and Sara M. Wright dated May 3, 1998 and recorded with the Middlesex South Registry of Deeds in Book 19065, Page 52, and Probates of the Estates of Thomas C. Wright, Middlesex Probate Docket No. 91P4747E, and Sara M. Wright, Middlesex Probate Docket No. 91P4746E (Frances M. Wright, Co-Trustee, Middlesex Probate 12P0350). Property Address: 241 Grove Street, Lexington, MA 2{A0351804.1 } 2 The undersigned as Trustee of each of the aforesaid Trusts hereby certifies that the Property is not the homestead property of any of the beneficiaries of any of said Trusts or of any of the spouses of such beneficiaries. No Massachusetts Deed Excise Stamps have been affixed hereto as the grantee is a municipality. [The remainder of this page has been intentionally left blank.] 3{A0351804.1 } 3 Executed under seal as of the ____ day of February, 2016. _________________________________ Kathleen Cormier, individually THOMAS C. WRIGHT REVOCABLE TRUST By: _____________________________ Kathleen Cormier, as Trustee SARA M. WRIGHT REVOCABLE TRUST By: _____________________________ Kathleen Cormier, as Trustee GROVE STREET TRUST By: _____________________________ Kathleen Cormier, as Trustee 4{A0351804.1 } 4 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Middlesex, ss On this ___ day of February 2016, before me, the undersigned notary public, personally appeared Kathleen Cormier, individually, proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification, personally known to me, to be the person whose name is signed on the preceding or attached document, and acknowledged to me that she signed it voluntarily for its stated purpose. _________________________ Notary Public Alan A. Wrigley My Commission Expires: 2/2/18 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Middlesex, ss On this ___ day of February, 2016, before me, the undersigned notary public, personally appeared Kathleen Cormier, Trustee of the Thomas C. Wright Revocable Trust, proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification, personally known to me, to be the person whose name is signed on the preceding or attached document, and acknowledged to me that she signed it voluntarily for its stated purpose, as Trustee as aforesaid. _________________________ Notary Public Alan A. Wrigley My Commission Expires: 2/2/18 5{A0351804.1 } 5 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Middlesex, ss On this ___ day of February, 2016, before me, the undersigned notary public, personally appeared Kathleen Wright, Trustee of the Sara M. Wright Revocable Trust, proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification, personally known to me, to be the person whose name is signed on the preceding or attached document, and acknowledged to me that she signed it voluntarily for its stated purpose, as Trustee as aforesaid. _________________________ Notary Public Alan A. Wrigley My Commission Expires: 2/2/18 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Middlesex, ss On this ___ day of February, 2016, before me, the undersigned notary public, personally appeared Kathleen Cormier, Trustee of the Gove Street Trust, proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification, personally known to me, to be the person whose name is signed on the preceding or attached document, and acknowledged to me that she signed it voluntarily for its stated purpose, as Trustee as aforesaid. _________________________ Notary Public Alan A. Wrigley My Commission Expires: 2/2/18 AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approve LexHAB Acquiring House at Keeler Farm (5 min.) PRESENTER: No rman Cohen ITEM NUMBER: I.11 SUMMARY: See attached "Offer to P Urc hase Real Estate" for the Keeler F arm ho use at 5 Keeler F arm Way. Yo u are jus t b eing asked to authorize LexHAB to purs ue purc has e of the ho use. SUGGESTED MOTION: Mo tion to authorize LexHAB to purs ue p urc has e of the Keeler F arm ho use. FOLLOW-UP: LexHAB DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 2/8/2016 ATTACHMENTS: Des crip tion Typ e Offer to Purchas e Keeler Farm Hous e Backup Material Offer to Purchase Xek\btL i*n* LL ( (Seller)Dot",- - I'tb Ileal Estate t'o:{, Re: l'hc property * S K*dtn- ttr"-l.r.flFY (thc "Premises") (For titlc, sec:__) Wc hercby offer to buy the Premiscs lionr you, rthich has been offered to the Assistancc lloard, Inc. ("Lexl-lAB") by the sulrject to lhc lblkrrving ternrs and conditions: l. Lcxl{Al] *'ill pay for the Prcntiscs $ I {15,000. ol'rvhich: (a) $ 1,000.00 is paid hcrcrvith as a dcposit to ralidate this Oll.:r, to bu lwld in escros'by __- ou lenns providcd hcrein. (b) $_o is to bc paid as an additional deposit uporl thc cxcculloll of tlre Purchase and Sale Agrccntetrt providcd I'or bclorv: and (c) S I &a.000.00 is to bc paid at thc tinre of delivery of the Deed. 2, TSis Ofter is good until 5 (P.M.) on January 6.2016 at or before t'lrich time a copy of this OlTcr rnust br-. signcd by you and retumed to us or elsc this Olfcr shall tre void and of no force or cl'iec1 axd thc- nlonc)' paid u'ith this Offer shall be returned to us ininlcdialely. 3. 'l'he Closing shall take placc at l0:00 A.lvl. on lr,lay 2, 2016 at the Otllce of Lerl{AI}'s attonlcy. Patricia S - N e I sqlgf I art \\.eJ I A+trurrg.- Le.r i n g to u ill A. Wt*iffi Ifi fr Wl6f Tfdsf ng- *tr+ ftf ferfr't/I 4. If rftis Oflbr is accefted by you, then our obligation to buy the Prentises is subject to arxl corrditioned upon: (a) Exccution by you axl us. on or bglbrs I;cbruary 9,2016 of a nrutually satis{irctory l)urchasc and Sale Agreenrent setting forth all of thc tcrrus and condilions of this transaction, rvhich shall lhcn beconre the agreenrent ol'thc partics: and. (b) Our obtainin-s. on or bclirrc ljcbruln, 9, 20i6 appror,al fronr tlte Tsrst of Lcxirrgron Iloard ol Sclecttnen of this purchasc. (c) Pre-nrises to be in ucrr conclition n'ith onc vear builder's \rarranl)' against defccts in constnrction and nraterials, ou nrutually' satislilctor!, lernts arrd conditions to lrc inclrrded in tlrc- l'urclrase and Sale Acrecntent. 11't1c abgt'c con<Jitions are not sarislicd alicr thc acccptanca of this Offer- this agrr.'cntelrt slnll tcrnlinfltc. you slrall rcl'und our deposit, and nrithcr party shall havc iirrtltcr rccourse againsl eaclt othcr. -{. ll'rvc do not fullrll our obligatiolrs undsr this Ofl'cr alter it has trccn acceptcd by you. thc dr-'posit slrall iurrncdiately bcconrc your ptopcrty u'ithout lirrtlrcr liability by us to yoll. 6.'l'inrc is of thc cssence of this Olfer. ?. 'l'he ridcrs, ifany, attachcd hercto arc ittcorporatcd try rcft:rcncc. Esccutcd undcr scal tlris - day of January, 20 I 6 Lcxington Ilousing Lexington Address: 1620 Massachusetts Avenuc, Lexington MA0242l ACCEPTAIICE This Olfer is hereby accepted upon the foregoing terms and conditions and th€ receipt of tlrc deposit of S 1,000 is hereby acloowledged. Sciler Addr€ss of Sellen RECEIrT FOR DDPOSIT Rcccived from Buyer lhc sum of $as a deposit undcr the terms of th€ abovc Offcr, In the ev€ot of any disag;rcement bctween the partrec tbe Broker $ay relain lhc d€posit pending instnrctions murually given by the Seller and tbe Buyer. Esorow Agent All rights resened. Thisform n ay not bc apied or reproduced in whole or in pan, escept by a ntentber of the Real Estcttc Bar Associaliott far Massachusetts, nithout the prior mpress written consent ol the Real Estate Bar A ssoc iol ion for Msssflc hus e tl s. 20 (r r28-88)REBAFormNo.9 AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approve One-Day Liquor License - LHS Boys Baseball Boosters PRESENTER: Jo e Pato ITEM NUMBER: C.1 SUMMARY: LHS Bo ys Bas eball Bo o s ters has req uested a one-d ay liq uor licens e to serve wine and beer at the Parent Night Out Fund rais er o n Saturday, Marc h 5, 2016, fro m 7:00 p.m. to 10:30 p.m., at the Dep o t Building, 13 Depo t Square. SUGGESTED MOTION: Mo tion to app ro ve the c o nsent agend a. FOLLOW-UP: Selec tmen's O ffic e DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 2/8/2016 ATTACHMENTS: Des crip tion Typ e Application fornOne-Day from LHS Boys Baseball Boos ters Backup Material AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approve One-Day Liquor License - EFGB (Education Francaise Greater Boston) PRESENTER: Jo e Pato ITEM NUMBER: C.2 SUMMARY: EF GB has req ues ted a o ne-day liquo r lic ense to s erve wine and b eer at the EFGB Gala and F und rais er Event o n Friday, Ap ril 1, 2016, fro m 7:00 p.m. to 11:30 p.m., at the Depot Build ing, 13 Depot S q uare. SUGGESTED MOTION: Mo tion to app ro ve the c o nsent agend a. FOLLOW-UP: Selec tmen's O ffic e DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 2/8/2016 ATTACHMENTS: Des crip tion Typ e Application for 1-day liquor from EFGB Backup Material AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Community Center Program Advisory Committee - Designate as Special Municipal Employees PRESENTER: Jo e Pato ITEM NUMBER: C.3 SUMMARY: You are b eing as ked to d es ignate all members of the Co mmunity Center Program Advis o ry Committee as Spec ial Munic ipal Employees SUGGESTED MOTION: Mo tion to app ro ve the c o nsent agend a. FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 2/8/2016 ATTACHMENTS: Des crip tion Typ e Community Center Program Advis ory Committee Charge Backup Material Community Center Program Advisory Committee Members: 7 Ex-Officio Members: 3 Appointed by: Town Manager with Board of Selectmen’s approval Length of Term: 2 years Appointments Made: May 30 Meeting Times: Monthly or as needed Description: To provide guidance to the Town Manager, Director of Recreation and Community Programs and Community Center Director in the areas of programming, community use of the building and grounds, and building-use prioritization. To promote collaboration and communication among the Community Center stakeholders in order to provide a comprehensive and integrated array of community programs. Criteria for Membership: Two (2) community members, member or designee of the School Committee, the Recreation Committee, the Council on Aging, the Youth Service Council, and Cary Memorial Library. The Chairman will be designated by the Town Manager. Ex-Officio Members/Staff: The Director of Recreation and Community Programs, the Human Services Director, and the Community Center Director are ex-officio nonvoting members and their staff shall support, at their direction, this committee. Liaison: Historical Society, Board of Selectmen Prior to serving as a member of this Committee, appointees are required to: 1. Acknowledge receipt of the Summary of the Conflict of Interest Statute. Further, to continue to serve on the Committee, the member must acknowledge annually receipt of the summary of the Conflict of Interest Statute. Said summary will be provided by, and member’s acknowledgement shall be sent to, the Town Clerk. 2. Provide evidence to the Town Clerk that the appointee has completed the on-line training requirement required by the Conflict of Interest Statute. Further, to continue to serve on the Committee, the member must acknowledge every two years to the Town Clerk completion of the on-line training requirement. Ref.: The Board of Selectmen adopted this charge on February 1, 2016. Members were designated as Special Municipal Employees on February 8, 2016.