HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-04-13-TAC-min Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) Minutes
April 13, 2021—Virtual Meeting
Place and Time: Remote Participation via a Zoom teleconferencing session that was open to
the public; 7:05 p.m.
Members Present: Sally Castleman, Co-Chair; Elaine Dratch; Sara Arnold; Pamela Lyons;
Andra Bennett; Vinita Verma
Liaisons Present: Mark Sandeen, Select Board (SB); Melanie Thompson, Planning Board;
Sudhir Jain, Council on Aging; Shefali Verma, Lexington High School
Staff: Susan Barrett, Manager, Transportation Services
Other Attendee: Nagarjuna Venna
In accordance with the Governor's March 12, 2020 Order Suspending Certain Provisions of the
Open Meeting Law; Ms. Lyons reviewed the guidelines for holding a remote meeting and
reported that the meeting was being called to order at approximately 7:05 p.m. on April 13,
2021. Ms. Castleman confirmed attendance by roll call.
Minutes: After discussion, a motion was made and seconded to accept the March 91h & March
13th, 2021 Minutes. A roll call vote was taken. VOTE: March 91h Minutes 4-0; March 131h Minutes
Liaison Update by Mr. Jain: The proposal of the Senior Parking Program was passed
unanimously by the board of Council on Aging (COA) and it was decided that the proposal be
included in the Select Board's agenda for the next meeting along with a letter explaining the
purpose of this program, and the objections that were raised by the Parking Management Group
and others. Ms. Dratch wanted to know if the Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) should
have an opinion on this proposal, on which Ms. Castleman pointed out that TAC could not take
any decision as the proposal has not been presented to TAC yet. Ms. Dratch expressed that
previously TAC was hesitant to support it because it was separating the senior area and
marking off more restrictions; and it also depended on if the Select Board would ask for TAC's
opinion. Ms. Castleman requested Mr. Jain to send the proposal to TAC.
According to Ms. Lyons, the Council on Aging (COA) met twice with the Parking Management
Group. It is anticipated that the COA will return with their modified parking proposal for seniors,
as the Parking Management Group is authorized by the Select Board to make the first
determination of it. The current Parking Management scheme follows the differential pricing
where the most expensive spaces are in the most desirable locations and gets cheaper as it
gets distant from the Center. However, there is a provision of getting 20 free minutes by pushing
a button in the parking meters on Mass. Ave. According to Ms. Lyons, the pricing is the way
parking is managed and if the pricing is not taken into consideration, the parking will clog up in
the most desirable spaces. Although bus commuters, people with strollers, and others were
briefly considered a break, the group adopted a policy in which no one was given a break in
order to maximize the benefits for everyone.
Welcome of Ms. Thompson: Ms. Castleman welcomed Ms. Thompson as it was her first
meeting as a liaison representing the Planning Board, since she got elected as a member of the
Planning Board in March 2021. Ms. Thompson was interested in understanding the traffic and
parking issues being discussed.
Ms. Barrett conveyed to Ms. Thompson that it would be helpful if TAC could get information
about new developments being made and it would be beneficial to see the agreements in terms
of traffic mitigation. Ms. Barrett recommended Ms. Thompson to look at the Transportation
Demand Management (TDM) plan as it covers all the different aspects of the development that
affects the traffic, parking, bus riding, single occupancy vehicles, access to bus stops, and
amenities to biking and walking etc. It will give an idea regarding the scope of things when
looked at for planning or zoning changes; or other things that affect surroundings.
MBTA Update by Ms. Barret: Ms. Barrett shared the results of the "Lex Lights the Night" post
event survey. This event was organized on March 121h and had 602 participants from 284
households of which 48 of them responded to the survey. The event's focus was to find out the
efficacy of the program in raising awareness about the safety issues. The result showed that
approximately 44% of people thought it was very effective, 35% of people thought it was
somewhat effective, and 20% of people knew all of this before. Around 32% of people said they
would be willing to use active transportation, 52% somewhat likely, and 50% not likely, in the
survey. Around 37% of people said they would use stickers for.Q u..c F c:. (Dutch Reach has
been included in the RMV manual since 2017 where drivers & passengers each use a far hand
to open the car-door. This act forces them to swivel and automatically look out at the mirror and
easily back for bikes and traffic). Several other questions were included relating to
transportation programs in the survey, including any barriers to choosing active transportation
the Town should know about. There were some great responses that would be beneficial for the
Town to consider.
Ms. Barrett also presented slides about Lexington Transportation's May events, which included
events like Minuteman Bikeway Clean Up & Beautification, Cycling Basics Skillshare, `Mass.
Walk, Bike & Roll to School Day', E-Bike Info Session, Practice Using Bus Bike Racks, Bike
Smart, Flat Tire Clinic, National Bike to Work Week, and Becoming a Certified Bike Instructor
Info Session etc. Some events will be held virtually, while some will be held in person. Ms.
Barrett stressed the need for more certified bike instructors. There was a meeting held for all
Lexpress drivers to go over COVID safety protocols and tips for getting the COVID vaccine.
Ms. Barrett mentioned about the project kick off with Mobility Management that will be in a
week. She reached out to Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) service planning
team, Lowell Regional Transit Authority (LRTA), 128 Business Council and Middlesex 3
Transportation Management Association, to see if they could have a service planning meeting
ahead of the fall to facilitate transfer among the different services. For the summer, MBTA is
proposing to keep route 62 & 76 (the combined route) and will increase the frequency at every
20 minutes during the peak time to accommodate social distancing. Ms. Barrett also mentioned
the rail connecting to Lexington is of interest to many people. There is a discussion about
migrating from commuter rail to regional rail, meaning moving away from peak time commuting
hours to more frequent service throughout the day. This kind of rail service has started in
Worcester (runs every 1 hour throughout the day) and Newburyport line (every 30 minutes
throughout the day) and might start the Fitchburg line, the one closest to Lexington by 2030
along with electrification of rails in consideration.
Other Topics Discussed:
• Lexington resident Nagarjuna Venna showed interest in joining TAC. He reflected on his
expertise, and that he would be a helpful addition to the team.
• Two transportation related books were recommended in the meeting (`Transport for
Suburbia' and `The high cost of free parking').
• There was a discussion about adding an additional bus stop to the REV and the process
involved to have the stops. Ms. Castleman noted that the Town pays $50K to REV per
year for a stop at Lexington Depot which she thought was too high. Ms. Lyons
suggested to have an additional stop on Pleasant Street, to which Ms. Barrett responded
that the new stop should be complementing the service, not competing with the other
services such as the MBTA.
• Ms. Lyons shared information regarding her conversation with Sheila Page about how
the REV stops at Hartwell Ave, but they are not open to Lexington residents but only to
the people who are employed there. Ms. Lyons wanted to explore the possibility for
Lexington residents to be able to park in the parking lots of these office areas and get to
the REV or possibly get a drop off without using the parking space.
• Ms. Castleman questioned if the marketing campaign for the Lexpress and other
transportation options available, should be done now or stay on hold until normalcy
returns. She discussed TDM where it states that employees are given a choice of
receiving a parking space, a cash payment, or some other attractive benefit. This
proposal would help if the employee decided not to drive to work, and it would help new
places where they want to limit their parking.
• Ms. Barrett updated the attendees about the Safe Route to School team who would like
to go ahead of the curve on the new design of the High School, to make sure that it is
designed for walkers, bikers and transit users. This team is interested in encouraging
students to walk and bike to school as congestion is a huge issue.
• The discussion was over the transportation component of the Comprehensive Plan and
was suggested that the Comprehensive Plan be updated to include new things that are
underway like the 2040 Plan, more sidewalks, more bus shelters, shoveling of bus stops,
age friendly transportation services, more investment in basic infrastructure and parking
etc. The emphasis was on doing things holistically to better our transportation needs.
Future Meetings: It was agreed that TAC would meet on May 41 2021 from 7-9 p.m.
Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:58 PM.
Respectfully Submitted, Vinita Verma