HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-06-03-CPC-min Minutes of the Community Preservation Committee Thursday, June 3, 2021 Remote Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 9316775 3890 4:00 PM Committee Members Present: Marilyn Fenollosa (Chair); Charles Hornig (Vice-Chair), David Horton,Jeanne Krieger, Joe Pato (arrived at 4:10PM), Bob Pressman, Lisah Rhodes, Melinda Walker. Administrative Assistant: Gina Federico Absent: David Langseth Other Attendees: Wendy Manz, Capital Expenditures Committee liaison to the CPC; Suzie Barry, Select Board Committee liaison to the Recreation Committee; Melissa Battite, Director of Recreation and Community Programs; Peter Coleman, Assistant Director of Recreation; Mike Cronin, Director of Public Facilities; Christine Dean, Community Center Director; Carolyn Kosnoff, Assistant Town Manager for Finance; Karen Mullins, Conservation Administrator; Lisa O'Brien, Recreation Committee (arrived 4:23 PM); Dave Pinsonneault, Director of Public (arrived 4:25PM); Charles Wyman, Conservation Commission Land Acquisition Committee. Ms. Fenollosa called the meeting to order at 4:02 PM. Discuss timing/ requirements of applications to CPC for STM protects-The Committee discussed timing and requirements for applications for Special Town Meeting (STM) projects. Ms. Fenollosa explained that the Committee typically only entertained STM requests when a project was unanticipated or time sensitive such as a land acquisition. Ms. Walker explained that she is concerned about fairness and if the Committee should consider opening this opportunity to all stakeholders for STM. Mr. Hornig stated that the Committee should treat STM similar to the Select Board (SB) and only consider projects if they need special consideration. Mr. Pato stated that if a project is worthy the Committee should consider it only if the need is critical and have it ready if STM is called. Ms. Rhodes stated that the Committee should be flexible. The Committee agreed that projects for STM should be considered if there is a critical need. Discussion of change in scope of Art. 14x/19 Old Reservoir Bathhouse Renovation-Ms. Battite updated the Committee on the Old Reservoir Bathhouse renovation and explained that the project came in over bid. As a way to save costs a prefabricated building is proposed in place of a rebuilt building. Ms. Battite stated that by using a prefabricated building the project would come in under the $620,000 budget. The original building will either be demolished or 1 repurposed into storage. Mr. Horton asked if the project needs to be re-voted at Town Meeting. Ms. Battite explained that Town Counsel advised that the revised scope is within the original project scope and does not need Town Meeting approval. After a motion duly made and seconded, the Committee voted by a roll call vote to approve the change in scope to the Old Reservoir Bathhouse as described in the memo dated 6-1-21. (8-0) Discussion of supplemental funding request for Art. 10i/19 Park and Playground Improvements-Sutherland Park--2020 Annual Town meeting appropriated $95,000 for park and playground improvements at Sutherland Park. Ms. Battite explained that after the play structure for Sutherland Park was purchased Town Staff and the Select Board received feedback from the community that the new structure would not be inclusive for all ages of children in the neighborhood. The previous structure was predominantly used by children under the age of five based on observation. The new structure is suitable for children ages 2-5 with elements for older children as well. After neighborhood feedback an area at Sutherland Park was identified to add an additional structure for older children. Ms. Battite would like to request supplemental funding for FSTM instead of ATM because installation of the additional structure will be pushed six or seven months if the project waits for ATM and the life span of the two structures will differ. The approximate cost of the additional structure is $50,000. Mr. Pato stated that he strongly supports the idea of funding the supplemental request and the process will generate better designs for future parks. Mr. Hornig asked if there was any reason why this request could not wait until FY23. Ms. Battite stated that requesting supplemental funding for FY23 would push the project back six or seven months. Mr. Hornig stated that he is having trouble justifying the supplemental request because a new structure is wanted six months earlier. After a motion duly made and seconded, the Committee voted by a roll call vote in a straw poll to be willing to bring forward a supplemental request to FSTM on the basis of Melissa Battite's 6-1-21 memo (6-2). Mr. Hornig and Ms. Walker voted not to support the motion. Ms. Barry, Ms. Battite, Mr. Coleman, Ms. Dean, Ms. O'Brien, and Mr. Pinsonneault left the meeting at 4:56 PM. Conservation Land Acquisition Planning- Mr. Wyman informed the Committee of a possible land donation for a parcel located on Meadowbrook Ave that is approximately 25,000 sq ft. The approximate due diligence cost is $35,000. The owners would like to donate the property before 2022 ATM because of income tax filing and to relieve the quarterly tax burden. Mr. Pato left the meeting at 5:05 PM. 2 Ms. Fenollosa stated that she was surprised by the $35,000 estimate since in earlier discussion the estimated due diligence cost ranged from $5,000- $20,000. Mr. Hornig asked how much due diligence is needed for a donation because this seems expensive and funding the cost with CPA funds increases the cost by $5,000 because of the required conservation restriction. Ms. Kosnoff stated that there would be more push back for using Town funds instead of CPA funds. After a motion duly made and seconded, the Committee voted by a roll call vote in a straw poll to be willing to bring forward a request to FSTM up to $35,000 in due diligence costs to acquire a property at Meadowbrook Ave. (6-0-1). Mr. Hornig abstained. Discussion of supplemental funding request for Art. 10k/20 Parker Meadow Accessible Trail Construction-Ms. Mullins explained that the bid for the accessible trail came in over budget and Conservation is seeking an additional $253,750 in supplemental funding for FSTM. Without supplemental funding the project will not be fully accessible. Funding is requested for FSTM instead of ATM because work would be pushed to 2021 and construction costs are increasing. Ms. Mullins stated that the project has gone through 1.5 years of design and engineering and if it is scaled back there wouldn't be access to the pond nor would there be a connection to the bike path. After a motion duly made and seconded, the Committee voted by a roll call vote in a straw poll to be willing to bring forward a request to FSTM to fund an additional $235,750 in supplemental funding for the Parker Meadow accessible trail. (7-0). Ms. Fenollosa reminded Ms. Mullins that the Committee needs a formal application. Discuss late applications for ATM- The Committee discussed the process of accepting late applications for ATM. Ms. Fenollosa explained that the application deadline is November 11t and that it has always been common practice to work with project proponents if they cannot make the deadline or if modifications are needed for the proposed project, so long as they have notified the Chair or Administrative Assistant before the deadline. Mr. Hornig stated that if a project is submitted past the November 1st deadline it should be considered on a case by case basis and there should be reasonable justification for the late application. The Committee agreed to continue the November 11t deadline for ATM submissions and to consider late applications on a case by case basis. Briefing on Alternative Affordable Housing Measures- Ms. Fenollosa informed the Committee that she was invited to attend the Select Board meeting on 5-17-21 to discuss Alternative Affordable Housing measures, specifically Affordable Housing Trusts and Housing Development Corporations as detailed in Carol Kowalski's memo to the Town Manager dated 1-26-21. As presented CPA funds would be a major funding source in addition to other resources. Ms. Fenollosa explained that she is concerned that Town Meeting might not support the proposed new model because in the past LexHAB set aside funds were not supported at ATM since Town 3 Meeting had no control over how the funds would ultimately be spent. Another concern is the lack of CPA control measures these models allow. Mr. Hornig stated that the alternative models should be explored and legally any entity using CPA funds needs to follow the CPF allowable spending purposes. Ms. Walker stated that similar models in other communities are highly successful and have the potential to produce Affordable Housing at a greater rate than LexHAB because of additional available funding sources. Committee Business- Ms. Federico informed the Committee that the Lexington Housing Authority submitted their second and final request for payment for Art. 101/20 Greeley Village Community Center Preservation and approximately$5,600 of the $130,000 appropriation will be returned back to the Community Preservation Fund. Minutes-After a motion duly made and seconded, the Committee voted by a roll call vote to approve the minutes with Committee members edits from the Public Meeting on 2-18-2021 (7- 0). After a motion duly made and seconded, the Committee voted by a roll call vote to approve and release the Executive Session minutes from the Meetings on 12-15-2016, 10-4-2018, 11-15- 2018,1-10-2019, 11-7-2019, 1-16-2020, 8-5-2020, and 10-1-2020 (7-0). After a motion duly made and seconded, the Committee voted by a roll call vote to adjourn at 5:59 PM The following documents were used at the meeting: 1) Minutes 2-18-21 2) Minutes with member edits 2-18-2021 3) Excel listing of Executive Session minutes to be released 4) Meadowbrook Ave Connectivity Map 5) Meadowbrook Wetland Resources Map 6) Meadowbrook FSTM request dated 5-28-21 7) Parker Meadow CDs for Bidding 8) Parker Meadow Map 9) Parker Meadow Supplemental FSTM request dated 5-28-21 10)Article 14g/19- Old Reservoir Bathhouse Renovation memo dated 6-1-21 11)Article 10i/20- Park and Playground Improvements memo dated 6-1-21 12) Email- Conservation CPA admin fund eligibility dated 5-15-21 13) Email-Affordable Housing Trust/Corporations dated 5-18-21 14)Affordable Housing Trust, Housing Development Corporations memo dated 1-26-21 Respectfully submitted, 4 Gina Federico Administrative Assistant Community Preservation Committee 5