HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-09-14-NAC-min Town of Lexington Noise Advisory Committee(NAC) Minutes of Meeting September 14, 2021 A meeting of the Noise Advisory Committee ("NAC")was held via Zoom videoconference on Tuesday September 14, 2021, at 7:00 PM. A quorum of three members was present. NAC Members Present: Dan Koretz (Chair),Vicki Blier, Nick Afshartous, Stewart Smith,April Wang Others Present: Dave Pinsonneault (joined meeting at approximately 7:10) 1. Introductory Remarks Dan briefed the Committee on developments since the September 2nd meeting. He noted that during conversations with Dave Pinsonneault of the Lexington DPW, DPW confirmed that it was comfortable with the phase-out of GLBs on the two-to-three-year schedule discussed by the NAC in past meetings. He indicated that Dave planned to join this evening's meeting. Dan also noted that he had circulated to the Committee a revised draft proposal based on decisions made during the September 2nd NAC meeting. He noted that he would like to change the terminology in the proposal from "landscape contractors" to "commercial landscapers" however that wording would likely be decided by the Town's legal counsel. Members of the Committee had no further changes to the proposal circulated by Dan. 2. New Business Dan indicated that there were two main items of business for the Committee to consider and decide: a) Formalization and approval of the proposed phase-out period. b) The potential for a resident exemption to the phase-out period. a) Phase-Out of GLB usage in Lexington Dan expanded on his discussion regarding the DPW. Dave had indicated that, independent of equipment, his department will require a year to purchase new battery powered equipment in accordance with the Town's budget cycle. Dave and Dan agreed on a suggestion of making the phase- out effective on March 15, 2024, 30 months from now. Accordingly, if the proposal was approved and the clock started,the DPW will have enough time to plan for the expenses and to re-train employees. The Committee discussed the earlier proposal for a proposed 3-year phase-out and there was unanimous agreement that the clock had already begun running on the 3 years and that the final phase- out period should be consistent with that timing. Dave joined the meeting at this point and confirmed this understanding, He also noted that in his opinion the proposed phase-out effective on March 15, 2024 would also be fair to commercial landscapers. After discussion concerning the proposed phase-out period the following motion was made: Motion Dan made a motion that the draft proposal be amended to recommend that the phase-out period for GLB's coincide with the end of the Spring clean-up period in 2024 (i.e., GLB usage will no longer be permitted in Lexington after March 15, 2024).The motion was seconded by Nick and following a rollcall vote,the motion was approved unanimously. b) Resident Exemption from GLB Phase-out Proposal Dan outlined the various arguments in favor and against providing an exemption or longer phase-out period to residents. Arguments in favor of carving out a longer phase-out included the facts that residents did not use GLB's as intensively at commercial landscapers and residents would likely only operate one GLB versus commercial crews who operate several units simultaneously. Dan also noted that battery costs were a larger issue for homeowners. The Committee discussed the fact that a fairly small percentage of residents used GLB's themselves and Nick noted that creating different phase-out times for residents versus commercial landscapers may create additional problems of enforcement. The Committee considered the feedback received to date from homeowners and landscapers and it was noted that despite the Committee's requests for proposals, little of substance had been received. After discussion,the following motion was made: Motion Nick moved that the draft proposal reflect that the Committee does not recommend a resident exemption to the March 15, 2024 phase-out of GLBs.The motion was seconded by Vicki and after a rollcall vote the motion was approved unanimously. In accordance with the decisions made by the Committee Dan indicated that he would incorporate the approved changes into the draft proposal (if needed) and will create a presentation for both the Select Board and Town meeting reflecting the changes. It was agreed that the Committee would meet to review the draft presentations. Dave also agreed to being involved in a question-and-answer session with commercial landscapers regarding the conversion to battery powered equipment if needed. 3. Other Business There was no other business. 4. Next Meeting The Committee agreed that the next meeting of the NAC take place at 7:OOpm on September 23, 2021. 5. Adjournment There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:35 pm.