HomeMy WebLinkAbout1754 Lexington Tax Warrant - �% �3,�:��� ' :��� � � �
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2're,�f'�re� anc� Recei�er-G�ne�°al of �Ias 1��a'�y's uzd 1��°ovinc�,
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�'o t�e Sele�-Meri or Af�'efi'ors of the I'own or Da,/tri�t of�,�G�1 �j�_.-� Greeting; �i°:
�N �bferv�tnce of c�si!1� of the Grecit and Gener�l Court ar embly of the faad P�°ovisae29
be�un c�nd held at�of�on on I�ednefc�ay the Twent}'-ninth Day of May, i�54, in t1�eT wenty-
feventh ?''ec�r of flis 1Vlajefty s Reign, Intadled, An A� for the Supply of the Treafury with
ghe Sum of Nine I"houjr�nd four Hundred fifty-fix Pounds jeven Shillings and eight Pence9 and
for drawing the fame into che Tre�fury again. flljo, for .Apportioning and Af�'efi'ing a Tax o�
Ei�hteen 1'houfand Pounds : �'nd �lfo, for Apportioning and Aii'efi'ing a further Ta� of 1'avr�
I'houfand f oasr Hundred �nd twenty•three Pounds one Shilling pai�i the Reprefentatives for theip
Service and Attendance in the General Court andTravel, and for Fines laid on feveral Tc�wns
for not fendin; a Reprefentative ; both �vhich Sums amount in the whole to �wenty I'houfand
four Hundred twenty-three Pounds one Shilling.
H,,E S E are in His Mc�je,/ty's .1�TR�ne to,T�all c�nd Requirt you f brthze�sth to a�efs the Sui�i of
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fet upon you Tov�t►..,pr Diftric`t in Manner following, �h�tt is ta fciy, '$'o af�°efs all ratea4�l�
Male �c�l!s above the Age of Sixteen Year�, within your Town'or Diftrit�, or next adjoinin�
thereto� belonging to no other 'I'own, I'hYee Shillirags per Yoll ; and proportianably in
afi'ef�'in; the Fines mentione�i in the A�, and the additional St�m received out of tl�e Treafi�r�
for the Paymer.t of the Reprefentatives. And all Ef�ates both Real and Perfonal, lvrng withiii
th� Limits uf your Town or Dit�ri�, or next unto the fame, not paying elfewhere; in whof�
Hands, Tenure,Occupation or Pof�efiioh foever the fame is or ff�all be found ; and alfo ehe In�
eomes or Profits which any Perfon or Perfons � e�cept as in and by the iaid Ac`� is excepted ) da
or fl�all recei�e from any Tradeg Faculty, Bufinefs or Employment wliatfoever ; and all Profit�
which fhall or may arife by Money or other Ef�ate, not particularly otherw'tfe af3"ef�ed, or Com�
mi1I'ions of Yroi�t in their Improvement, accordinb to their Underftanding or Cunntng9 at On�
Penny on the Yound ; and to abate or multiply the fame, if need be, fo as to ci�ake up the
Sum fet and ordered hereby for yonrTown or Dif�rift to pay: And in cnaking the faid,�f�efsment�
�ou are to ef�imate I-�oufes and Lands at fix Years Incorrie of the yearly Rents, whereat the fam�
tnay be reafonably fet or let fo�'in the Place where they lye; favin�;all Contrafts between Landlord
and Tenant, and where no ContracR is,the Landlord to reiEnburfe one half of the Tax Fet upora
fuch Houfes and Lands ; and to ef�imate Negro, Indian and Molatto Servanes proportionably
as other Yerfor�al Eftate, according to yoar found Judgment and Difcretion ; as alfo to ef�imate
every Ox of Four Years old and upwards at Forty Shillings, every Cow of three Years old and
i�pwards at 2'hsrty Shsllings, every Horfe and Mare of threP Y�ars old and upwards at Forty
Shillings; every Swine of one Year old and upwa�ds at Eight Sl�allings, Goats and Sheep of
one Year old !'hree Shillings each. And qou are likewife required to make a fair L't{� of t�e
faid Ai�'efsmene, fetting €orth in dif�in� Co�umns, againf� each particalar Perfon's I�Ta�e; how
��uch he �r fhe is af�ef�ed a� for Polls, and how mueh for Houfes and Lands, and how mticl�for
perfonal �ftate and Incame by Trade or Faculty : And if as Guardian; ar for any E{�ate in his
or her Improvemene in Truf�, co b� diftin�ly exprefi'eci. And the Li{� or Lifts fo perfec'�ecf
and figned by youg or the major Part of you, to eommit to the Colle�tors; Conftabte or Cora�
�ables of your Town or Di�ri�, and to returr� a Certificate of the 1\Tame or Names of�uch CoI�
le�ors, Conf�able or Conl�ables, with the Sum-Total to each of them commiteed; unto n�yfelf,
fomeeime before the laft Day of O�tober next. Hereof you tnay not fail, as you will anfwer youa°
�V�blet� at the Peril of the Law.
�iven under my H�nd �nd Se�l at Bofton, the I'hird Day of July, i 75�.. in tl�e I'��enl.y-eibl.�P�*
�'`es;r of the Reigya of our So�ereign �ord G�01'c��'tl�e Secoa��l, of C�reat-�ritaxn �� . �I?`?G,
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