HomeMy WebLinkAbout1751 Lexington Tax Warrant .. , � �. _;;.
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�1V Ob.fervn,nce of an .�2� of the Gre�t`and GeneralCourt or ��mbly of tbe faid Province, &egurs
and I�eld at Sof�on; on Wednefday the'�'wenty-ninth.Day of May i 7�r r, in the Twenty�-
fourth and 'I`wenty-fifel� 2"ears of His 1Vlajefty's Reig`�, Intitl�d, An Aft for apgortioniii� y
and ai�'e[i'ing a Tax of !'hirty thoufand three hundred and nincty four Pa�nds cig�rt Shillings ani�
eiaht Penee ; and alfo for apport�onmg and af�'efi'ing a further Tax of�'ive thouf�nd two hundred
�nd ninety Pounds ele^�en Shillinga a'nd four Pence paid the Reprefentatives for tlieir Service and P�t-
tendance in the General-Court, and Travel, �nd for Fines laid on feveral Towns fornot fending a
Reprefentative ; amounting in the whole to`I birty-five thoufana'fix bundrec�and eigdrty-five I'ousads;
�1� S E c�a^e in His Majefty's �Tt��� tQ l'Yill cand�equire y�u forthzvith to a�efs th� Sum of'
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�et upon yotir Town or Dif�ric� ir► 1Vlanner�'ollowing, 2'hat is to fay, °I'o afi°efs all rate�.ble N1ale
�'olls above the Age of Sixteen Years, within your Town or Diftri�, or next adjoininb thereta;,
belonging to no oeher Towrr, Five Shillings _per Po�l; and proportionably in affieiiing the Fine�
mentioned in the A�•, and the additional Sum received ou"t of tl�e Treafilry for the Yayment o�
�he Keprefentatives ;"And all Ei�ates both Real and Perfonal; lying within the�amits of yaur Towa
orDif�ri�, or next unto the fame; rtot paying elfewhere, in whofe I�ands9 Tenure, �ecupation ox�
I'oi�'ed�'ion foever the fame is or iliall be found ;and alfo the Incotnes or Pronts which any Perfo�t
c�r Perfons ( except as in and by the faid A� is excepted ) do or tha�l receive from any Trade,
�aculty; Bufinefs or Emplmyment whatfoever ; ar�d all Profits that fhall or may arife by Money
�r ather F.i�ate; no� particularly bther�vife af�'ef,�ed, or Commili'ions of Profit, in• their Imp�ove-
anent, according to their Underftanding and Cunning, at One Penny on the Pound, and to abat�
or multiply the �'ame, if need be9 fo as to make up the Sum fet and orderec� hereby for yot�r
Town or Dii�ri� to pay : And in making the faid Aii'efsment, you are to e��mate H�ufes anc�
�ands at fix3�ears Income o�the yearly Rents, whereat the fame may be reafonably fet ot� let for in
the Plaee where they lye� faving all Contra�s between Landlord and Tenant;and where n.o Con-
�ra� is; the Land�ord to reimburfe one half of the Tax �et upon fuch Houfes and Lands ; ar►d tt�
ei�imate Negro, Indian and'Molatto Servants propertionably as other Perfonal�,f�ate, accardir�g;
ao your found Judgment and Difcretion ; as alfm to ef�imate every Ox of Four Years old an�
a�pwards at Forty Shillings, ever� Cow of ehree Years old and upwards at�I'hiP ty Shillings, e�=e_v
Horfe and Mare of three Years old and upwards at Fos^ty Shillings, every Swine of o�e Year• oa��
and upwards at Eight Shillings, Goats and Sheep or one �'ear old 1'hree Sh�llings eacl�. ����
yau are likewife required to make a fair I�if� ofthe faid Ai�'efsment, fetting forth in diE'tin�c Caa
lumns9 againi� each particular Perfons Name,how much he or fhe is af�'etie�at for Polls ; arad hoz�
rnuch for IIoufes and Lands, and how mueh far perfonal Ef�are and Income �yTrade orFacuI�: :
,And if asGuarc�ian, or for any�i�ate in his or her Improvetnen� in'�'ruf�, to he diftinc`�ly e�pre a�:ca
. And the Li{� or Lif�s fo perfe�ed�nd fi�nec� by you, ':or the majcr Part of yo«, to cor�mit to til�
Colle�ors, Conf�able or Coni�abies of your Town or I)i{�ri� ; and to return a Cer�ificatL of c�y�
s`�.Tatne or liTames of fi3ch Col1e�`�ors, Conftable or Conftables, eogether ��ith tile Sum ��tal to
��ch c€ them commicted, unto inyfel�, fomet:ine before thL laf� I3ay of C��ober rext. �e;eof'
* you may not fail, as you will anfwer your TaTe�le� ae the Perzl of the �,aws
�iven �trr�l�r r,ay Hrznd � Seal�st I�at�on, the 7['weir`th DQy of July �75a. In t�e '�'=xrent;T-�ft'i
�''ea�� o,f thc IZei�n a�OZ41" SO'J�rc°�4w�?<lnrd�C�'(,��tCE the S.cord, of Great-�rit<ing �G 's3_n�`F�
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