HomeMy WebLinkAbout1741 Lexington Tax Warrant ��a������ 0� ��� .-..$
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�'r�afu�e� and R��eivex�General of Hi� �laje����s faid P���rynce�
�"'a cl�e Sel��-1VIen or Afiefiors of the T'ozvnor D�ftri�i of�.,�.�,�Z�fy�. __ �a�eeting, �=�s�>
�1�� Obfer�ance of an Acrt of the Gr��t and Ge�aeral Caurt er A�m�ly'of the faacl 1'rovince ; Begun
and I�eld at �oi�on, ahe Twenty-fixth Day af Ivilay i 7 � 6. l�n� cortancred by feveral 1 ro-
rogations ua�so �'edn�fday t�e �'dves�ty-fourth Day of Alovembe: following, �aaar� then 1Vfet�
�ntitled, l�n A� fQ.� fupp�y�ng che Treafary wich the Sum of,�ighteen �'hou,�'�nd Pcun�s ir�
�ills of Credit of the prefent Form and Tenor ; and Nzne �'houfaned P�unds i:�
�alls of Credit of a new Form, for difcharging the publick Debts, �c. 1�„nd for e�ablidhir,�
the Wages �f fundry Perfons, �c: zn the Service of the Province, and for the more ealy �,,�„�
�nd e$e�tual drativ�n� in the faid �Yghteen 7'boufand Pound� into the Tr�aCur�r �gain, and�for ,; ,";: ��
�pportioning the faid Nirse T"houf'and Poundr on the feveral and refpe�iiive ��wns in the '� � �>
� Province. � � � �' ,�
�H .�' S � are ��s I�as M'ajefl�y's 1�'ot�e to i�ill and'IZe�uire yo�a fr,rtr�:vzth �o a/J�fs tde Surn o�`'
• G�r�� / L,� �j�',�''"`"/ ���C?��✓�i c��i�x ., �Il�LP�-���-'r`.elL--'""_^�._�
� � Ne2� T'enc�r�'
, , Set and I�roporti�ned upor� your,'T"awn and Dift.ri�ir� tnanner follo�van�' �hat ir to fay,T�.Y
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�S�efs �l: rateable Il�Tale Polls above the Age of fixteen Years at �wa Sh.dlir�gs Rn� tl�ree Pea�:�
}�er poll. And all E{�ates both Real and Perfonal, lyin� withi�i the I,imics and Pounds of.
your °�oR,vn or Dif$ric.�, or next unto the fame, not paying ellewh�re, in wEacfe I-��rads, Te�
�ure, C)ccupation or Po1Tef�ion foever the faene is or 1ha11 he f�unc3; ��:c3 �'t� rtie Incom�
by Tradb or Faculty,which at�y Perfon or Perfans ( except as in and by faid L��is excep-;
ted ) do or fhall exercife in gaining hy A�Ioney or other Eftate, not parriciilarly otherwife
afiefIed, or Commif�ions of Profit in their Isnprovetnent, accordin� to r��eir �.Inderi�andin�;
and Cunning, at one Penny on the Pound; and to abate or multiply tc�e fam�., iE rFed be, fca
as to �ake up the Sum hereoy fet and ordered far your Town or Dif�ri� to pay. �nd i3a
making faid A�efsment to eftimate Houfes &Lands at fix Years Income of rhe � �arly Renr�
in Money, whereat the fame may be reafonably Set or Let for in the Place where they ly�
( faving all Contra�.}s between Landlord and Tenant, and where no fuch �oncrac`t is, th�p
Landlord to reimbuc•fe one half of the Tax fet upon fucli �-Ioufes � Lands ) and co ef�i�at�
indian, 1l�Tegro and Mr�latto Servants praportionably as other perional E�iate, accocdirag tc�
- your faund Jud�n�enr and Difcretion ; as alfo to eftimate every �x of four �ear� eld anc�
npwards at rorry ��l��ll�,sg�, every Gow oE� three Years old and up��ards at 7h�rt�y� Shillingr,
every Horfe and Mare of three Years old and upwards at Forty �shillin�s, evecy S�;i�e of on�
Year old and upwards at Ezght Shillingr, every Goat of one Year oid and upwards At �"lr�ee
Sl�illings, and 5!�ee� �vichin the County o£Duke'sCounty and N�zr�t�s�het ac tf�e A>ge afore��i��� -
�t �'hree-Shalling�s. And yau are like�nrife required to tnake a fair I,if} of tl�e�i�eisment. t�t�
tin�forth in dii�in��olutr�ns,againt� each particular Perfon's Tolume,ho;�� rnuch he or fhe i�
a�e�Ced at for Polls, and how much for I�oufes 8�L,and, and how much fer perfonal Ef�at�
and Income by 'Trade or Faculty: �nd the Lii} or Lifts fo perfe�$ed and fibne� by you, o�- �E
�he major Part of yau, to commit to the Colle�tors, Conftable or C:onCtable� �f your 'I'own ��'
oc Lifrri�, and to return a Certificate of tf�e Natne or �Tames of i�u�h ��Il��ors, Conftabl�
�r Co�ftables, together with the Surn Total co each of them refpe�fvely can�mirted, ur.t�
r��y felf, fosYaetime before the laCt �ay of O�tober next. Hereof y�u may r�� f�,i1, as you mvill
anii�c�er yaur I�legle� ac the Peri1 of t�e Law,
�iven carder n�y Hand at Seal Rt Boft�n, the Thit'tie�h D�ty of Jure g�q.r. I� the Fifteentl�'
;i'e�r of tl�c �eivn of aa�r ScveYe1�'�a �.or;� ��C?�,,�iF�ti�z Secon�, of�g`P�t ?':•,��t�:;�,�.�. T�I .N��
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