HomeMy WebLinkAbout1739 July 20 Lexington Tax Warrant 7�~
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� . �`rea�'urer and Receiver �eize��l of lE�is Ma�ef���� faid~Pr�vi=.��e,
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7o i%e Sele�-Mcn or. Pf�eiiors of i1'�e ?�awn Er Ds�,(�riE� of��� /X.ilt I�. Greeci���, ;.;c.
N �b('erv�nce o f an �Ict' n f the Cre�at cn�l General f_'ourt or �'�embly of�t,I�e f.faid 1 rovi�ce � Pc�rrn
� an�l Hel�l at I�ofton, upo� �Vednefd�y the Twenry-fifth DYy rf Po�'SaS�, r 7 � �. Ir� the
'�ecth �nd Eleventh rrars c f His M?jefty'.r Reogrs, Intitlefl, A,n A� tor fupplytn�; che I�rea-
�ucy �vith che Sum of �wenty 7hesafar�� Feuxid.r ir: (��ills of C,redit of tl�e new Tenor for dif-
char�ing ehe Publick i�e6ts, �c And for e(�ablilliing the �va�es of fundry l�e;fonc, �c.
inxhe Serviee of the Provincr, and for che dra�.wing �n of che faid I�i!]s into the Tre�fury
again ; and for i�ating tl�c Prcporcion between the 13ills of the alci and ne�v 'Tenor in pri-
. vace Pa�Tments.
CI'�H E S E �re is� Hi.r Majefty's Name to Will a�cl Reguire Jcu forth�vith to �ffefs the Sasrn of
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� d" d ATew Tenor,
fet and proportioncd upon your Town and D�ftri� in mariner followi��g ; That zs to ��y,
'T'o afief's all IZateable Iviale Pulls above the Age of fixteen Ye�rs at Three Sbillings �nd on�
Pen�oy per Poll : And all Ef�ates boch Rea1 and Perfonal, lying tvithin tl�eLimits aa�d Founds �
of your Toavn or Dif�ri&, or next unto che fame, not paying ellewhere, in �vl�eie I-`ar,�s,
Tenuce,Oceupaticn o:Puile�on foever ehe far.�e is or ihall be found and al�o che Incor�e l�y ,
Trade orFaculcy which an�Perfon orPerf'on� (except as in & by faid f?� is excepced; do or
ihallE�ercife in gaining:bylVloney or etherE{�are not partieularly etherwife af�et�ed�Ol'Ct�ITfl-
mif�ions of Profic in their Im�rovement,acc:�rdi�r� to theirf.7nderflandit�� �,Cunnin�;,at Or,e
�i'enny on rhe Pound, and to ahate �r mulrinly rhe fame, if need be, io as to n3�ke up, the Su�ia
hereby fet anc� ordeced for yc urTo�vn or�ii�ri&to pay. Ar.c� :r� maki:��,faid Af�el�mencs ro
ef�imare Houies &Lands ac fiY Years Incaome ot the y�early ��enrs i:��l�loney �vhereat �he f�irc�
may be r�alonabiy Set or Lec for in the Place where they lye (faE�ii�; ��l Contrae`�s bet�verz�
Landlord and Tenant, and where no fuch Conera� is, che Lardioi�d to rein�barle �fie h�!E
of the Tax fet upon fuch Houfes ai�d Lands) and co eftimare Indian, �;e�;ro ard I:�c;acto
Servants proportionabty as ocher Perfonal Ei�ate, �ccording to ��our icund ,Jud�t�.�enr a��c�
Difcretion ; as alfo to eftimate every Cl of four Yea�•s old and up��.�ards at Forry ,�hili1�yr,
every Cow of chree Years old and upwards at Zhir.*y SJ�illir�gs, every Iiorfe anci Il�arr.,of th�-ee
�'ears old an�i upwards at I�orty Sbillin�.�, every S�vine of one `.�ear o',�i and up�vards ar Lv,;;hc
Shill:ngJ, evecy Goat and Sheep af ene �'ear o1d and upwards at 76ree �,��;ll�'�;s : Anci 5�au
are Iikewife reyuiP-ed to mal�e � lair Li�i of the faid Ef3ei�ment, ;�ttin� forth in L iitin� �,c�-
lumns, a�ainf� euch particular �erioris '1�Tame, ho�v m�.:cl� i�e e�r f::e is a�Te�?ed ,�at fc�r P�ils,
and Ilo4v much for �Ie�f�s and L�i�ds, and hotv mucl� fo� Yer�o�al i.i�ace ��.a �ncan�e by
Trade or Faculry. And che I�i{� or I,if�s fo per�ec�ed ar,a Ggne�] Ly you, or cf;e major I'art
of you, to commit ro tl:e Cclle�'c�r, Confiabie or�c���tables oi ; �ur '�'ocv� c: �i{�rafr, anc{
to return a Gertificate ot rf�e �a:.�e or �lames of 4v�h C�i!ec`�ors, �s:n�a'�1� ar �orlf��d'o!�s,
togecher wich che Sum T�ral co eac� of t�em re�pe�ively c�mzn:cceci, t1i1�0 Y.iyfel�q scmc:tirti�
�etore the laft Dzy af O�tober nesro �-i�rPof�ou m�.y ncl fail,�,s �-c�a E��il: ai�'�c�e: ��cur �e�w
left at che 1'eril of the Law.
Given uncler�� Ha�rd c�n:� Seqln.r :�c���ors,rFe Twencieth I�ay e����jy', ���,;�. In tl.�'Tliireee�.l-.
x'eRr of�be Rei�n o�'our ����rre�,aa �cv����?��a� ,thP ��'��.�a��f. ,�f�'s�•ea��..�3t'�r3i���' c: �I'���
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