HomeMy WebLinkAbout1809 Lexington Tax Warrant ` _ __ ._ F. . � .. ._ . . . . � . .
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�I'�,�A�U�,ER, �ND �,ECE�VE�,-GE1�TE.l�.�L OF SAID �OiV.�l�iONWEALT'�o �'�� ;
To the SELECTMEN or �ISSESSO.I�S o the ` �.�-,�: f /' ' �/�_; ,;�,��.,
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�N obedience to a Ia�v of tt�e Commonwealt}i aforesaid, passed the�th day of March, 1809, entitled, '�An A�to�pportion and assess a Ta� ':${''�"��
of one hundred and Zhirt,y�three thous�nd tlaree huaaa'red und tr�o dollars and fifiJ-tza�o cents; and providing for tbe reimbursement of fort,y-�'ize �'�`�� � ..
thousand, seven hundred anrl Elairtr�-si.x�lollurs,�a.id out o£the Puulic'�reasury to the Members.�f the House of RepreseMtatives,for their atten- �
slance the l.hree last sessions of the General Court :" '��
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r� �equire you fortliwith to assess� in dollurs and ceyzts,the sum of ,f,l.ig�� ��,,.-�_� /L < <,� � E•.��,,�!f -l-�'��-�� ;� '
� ` `{� j l bein'the sum b3-said Act set upon sa.id ..,`,��,�.,,,� ��
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ihe same to be assessed in manner folle�wing, that i,c to saJ:.___To tax eacli male poll above the age oP sixteen ye�rs witliin said
z�,�_.,,: or other pl�ces atljoininti, belonging to no oiher towr�, disCriat, or plantation, provided such places were �
returned or includeci in tlie last valuation, at tz�ent�-seven cents each ; ancl all tlze polls afaresaid� being minors, under the immediate gov= �� .
ernment of a parent., master, or �nistress, livin�in said ;'�,___ >� of �,.�,�.< << m�y be taxed to sucli parent, � �
naaster, or mistress respectively, otherwise to be personali�tlxed� at the rate aforesaid f o r h i s o l l a s t b�u�^h h e w e r e o f f u l l a n e• a n d a f t e r '��` �
� p � 5 b , ��. �
� t�ec3uctin�the sums assesseci on the l�o�ls as a�f-o�resaid� the remainder of such surn, so set t� said %t,G,,,,, as aforesaid, to � '
assess oYi the inh�bitants of �aicl -�m-} . �_. accordin�; to tlie just v a l u e o f �h e r e a l es ta te o f eac l� in ha bi tan t o t sai c l � '"
gJ,--,,y_ or ot l�er p lace a djoinin�;as aforesaid, by him, her, or them possessed on the first day of May neYt, in his, .�yi�,��`''
�ier, or their own ri;ht or the rig��t c�f others,lyin; wil,hin said to�vn or I�(ace, in�proved or not improved, (except�ews in houses of public '°u�
avorship) or upo�i ZLe osvners of real estate in sucl� to�vn, district, plantacion, or other place, wliether such owners resicle witliin the same or ��°�
not,on the first day of 1�Iay, acc,ording to tl�e just value tl�ereof; and upon non-resident proprietors of real estate lying within siich town, �;;��`��
�3istrict, plantation, or other pl�ace, in tl�eir o�vn ri�;ht or the ri;;ht of others, improvecl or not improved ; savinb all abreements between �'" �
�`.' �.
landlords and ten�nts, a►id Evhere there is nc�agreement, the landlord to reimburse to such tenant one half tt�e tax; and also on the inhabitanfs ��"�*'x��
of such town9 district� plant�tion, or other place, and all other persons possessing estates wit.hin the same on the said first day of May, ac-
coraing to the �r,oportion of the amount of their respective personal estates, iucluding�ll money at interest more than they p�,y interest for,
and all other debfs ciue to tliein mo�-e tlran tliey are inclebted for, monies of all kinds ori hand, public securities of all kinds a(1 bank sto -
and shares, or propert,y in any incor��orlted bridge� or turnpil�e road, or shares in any otl�er inc.orporated comg�any possessing taxable pro-
perty, according to tl�e just value tliereof, and also the amount of all goods, wares, and merchanciiaea or any otlier stock in trade, vessels of
�,Il kinds, at home or al�road, with all tl�eir st�res and appurt.enances� and all pleasure carria;es drawn by one or more horses; horses, mules� =��;
and neat cattle� each of one year old and u�wa�ds, and swine of six months old and upwarc�s, and also the amount of ilieincoines of the in- �`� '
habitants within your respective preciracts,as aforesaid,from any profession� handicraft, trade, or employinent, or gained by tradinb by sea ;;:�� ;
mr on land, and �,11 other property of the several kinds returned in the last.valuation, exce ptinb sheep� housel�old furniture, wearin� apparel, ¢�`
farming uf.ensils, tools af ineci��nics� and salt works for the mannfa�ure of salt. And every owner of horses� mules, or neat cattle, is to be
� «
� taxed therefor in tiie town,district, p�antation, or other place� wherein he may be an inhabitant on the said first day of 1VIay, notwithstanding ��
�`�a� , any of said c�eatures n�ay have 6een sent fo some other place or state for pasturage only, before that time. And you•are to estimate all the '
, .___ --
kinds of praperf,y=wliici� by t}iis aF.�you are required to tax, at six per centum on the value thereof, exceptina wood lands and unimproved
_ .
� �ands, tvhich�,re to be estiinateel ;�t two,�er centum only on the value thereof. And you�re also required to assess on the polls and estates as
�,���� ,' �foresaic�,wit�ain tP�e saici toc�s�n of " �
--�s.y��� ��� the additional sum of �'h� s��.�.��..��' y'✓.`�<';✓ .>e.�, .���.�_.-«�,
uein�t,he sn►n el�ar�ecl to tlae saicl tosvn,by tl��*s�,�aforesaid, for the pay of Representatives ; and to apportion said addit onal sum in the pro�
portion �vhic�a suetz polts ancl estates shall be�•espe�ively set, for raising the sum of one hundred and thirty-three thousand three hundred and tze�o
�Zold�crs� and jcf�Ja�z�o c�nls.—You are likewise required to make a fair list of such assessments, setting fortl�, in distin�columns, against each
�erson's raarn��3aow inuctl.hc or sPje is assessed at for polls, how much for real estate, and I�ow much for personal estate and income,as aforesaid,
��1•ee�bly 4c.ti�e�'«rm }�rescri13ti�1 at the foot of the said Tax A�, and if as guaraian� or for any est�te in his or lier possession� in trust, to be
ilistinctd�e���essed ; a»a also insert in the rate bills�the number of acres of unimprowed land which you may tag ta each of the non�resident
��ro��reetc�rs of lancls «�itIiin s<�id . �, or otl�er plaee adjoinin�, as aforesaid; and also tlie real va,lue at
. ,�.r�
�vlaich you ynay estimate tt�e san�e; anc�tlie list or lists so completed, and signed b you, in manner as aforesaid,or by the major part of you,
�o comir�it to tt3e collector or collectors, const�ble or constables of said �,.
forrn of law, for coll�cfing and p�yin;the same to the Treasurer of this Commonwealth�on or before the first day of Ap il, 1810� ancl to etur�
i certific�te caf tt�e n�,���e or names of such collector or collectors, constable or constables� with the sum total to each of tl�em eommitted� to the 7 �
��-easury-oifce,sonie time I�efore tl�e first day of December next; and make anci subscri}�e a. certificate ofthe same in due form of la�v.—IIereof V� �
� �
you�reno�to f�i��as 3�ou tivill adisweryour�7e�lect at tl�e peril vf theiaw�
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