HomeMy WebLinkAbout1807 Lexington Tax Warrant l
Tax for the Year � So7a ;��=�
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������r'"`��'�,�`" d` '`'��'`����� N obedi�nce to a la�v of the Com�nom�ealth af�resaicl, j�assed the 27th day of�'ebru�r�J, 1807, entitle� `�1� �et 9a a����oi�tiou �r��
� �'assess a tax of one hu��d��ed asarl thirty-tfzree thoi�sand three Iaunclred czncl t°wo dollars an�l fifi��t�z " ce�ats ; ai�d provic'iii��fo� the
reimbursement of tl�ir•ty-eight tlaouscr�d,fi�ve Izu�ada�ed and ninety doZlczrs, ��aid ottt c�f the }.'tiiaiic 1�rea�ury to tlz� l�r�e�:.b.,rs of tl:e
Iclouse of Representatives,for tl�,eir attendanee the�last sessions of the General �ourt :"
a�� ��z ��e name o� ��ie `�ommpn�uea��� o� �i�a�ac�iuQe���, �'o
��� � _ ���c��' r 7�..�.���t� �.�"'.e...� �� ..�� ��.� ��ill and re- ;
'-���- ` quire you forth��ith to assess, in dollars and cents, the sum of � � ��"��� � �
— being the sum by said Act set upon said �a-�,�s' G-
the sarne t Ue assessed 'an manner following, that is to say...To tax eacl� male poll, above the age o� sixteen 3�ears; ���ithin saici
���vy�� or other places ad�oining, belongin,to no other town, district, or plautation ; providec�, sucl� places �vere �
, - returned or included in tl�e last valuation, at t2venty-seven ccnts eac ; and all the polis af�re�id, being;miiaors, uncler the iinniediate ��
government of a parent,inaster, or mistress, living in said ,G ,��.x� o�` ��.-�,� ,�_.c_ - may be taxed to su�la �.,��F�
` paren't, master, or mistress.respectively, otherwise to Ue personally taxed, at the rate a�resaid; for hi;, poll, as tl�ough e «-ere of full ���,� ;=.
�ge; aud after deducting the stiins assessed on the polls as�f'oresaid,tI�e remainder of such st�rn,so set to saitl ��-���,i � �'�
• �,-
as aforesaid,to assess on the inhabitar�ts of sud ___���„� according to tl�e just value of the real estate oi each in��
` ' � �atiitant of saicl ��,�� ;��_-� - or other place adjoining as aforesaid, by him, her, or them possesset� on the first day �i'
of May next, iti his, her, or their own right or the right of others, lying within said town or place, impi'ov�d or not improved, (except �"
pews in houses of p�Ulic worship} or upan tl�e owners of real estate in SLlCh town, district, plantation, or other place, ��rl�etlier sucta
owners reside witliin the same or not, on the first dag of 1VIay,according to the just val«e thereof; and u�af� non-residen� pro�rietors of'
real estate,lying within such towr�, district, plantation, or other place, in their own right ar the ri�ht of athers, improved or not im-
proved; saving ail agreexneiits hetweeu landlords and tenants, and where there is no agr�ernent,tl�e lanc�lord to reirni.�iirse to such tenant
one half the tax ; and also on the inhauitants of such towi�,.district, plhTltZt1011� or otl��r place, ai�� a11 otl�er person5 posses�in5 estate�
, x��
within the same, on ihe saiu first day of May, �ccording ta the proportion of the amou�It of their resl�ective personal esfiates, inciuclii�� .,�,�
all money at interest more thari they pay interest for, and all other debts due to theln n�ore th«n they ��re inclebted for ; n�onic� o#� ��il <
� eY�����
kinds on hand, publie seeurities of all kinds, all bank stoek, and shares oi• proi�erty in a��y ineorlle�ratecl bri���e or t�lrnpihe roacl, or ,.,��;
shares in any other incorporated co�lpany, possessing taxable property, aecer�ii�� to i�e�u5t ��ad�ie tla�,reof; a.�cl u�;�o tl�e ai�3oui�t oE�aI1 "'�;"y``"'
i �, ,�
goods ��vares and merchandize or an other stock in trade • vessels of all l:i��cis �t h�n�e oc• abro.;cl �r�ti� a:l t't�eir �torc� ai�ti a �u:-- �""`�
> > > y > > � � I�l �-
teuanc�s, and all pleasure carri��ges clrawn by one or more �ic�rses; hot�ses,mu:cs,an�l riea¢c�t�Pe, eacl� o`r o.,e �eaY o�ct ancl �t��d-a�cls, �:i;cl ��'�
s��-ine of six inonths old and upwai�ds; and, al�o, the amount of tl�e incoines of the inl��i�ita�,t�.v�-itl�i�a }�o�r iis�l�c�ive �reci��c�s, a;
aforesaid, fro�n any �rofession,handieraft, trade, or einploy meiit, or gain�:d by tratl:ng l�y sea or oi� lancl ; anc� ali utlie� p��ca��ert3� of tl�e
several kinds returned i1i the last valt�ation, excepting sheep, housel�olc� €iirnitui�e, wearing a���arel, f irrtiine7 u�en�siis, €oals oi���ecl���c�ic4,
and salt works for the manufacture of salt. And evzry owner of horses, muies, or neat c<2Etle, is to Le t�,�.ecT th�i�c�orr, in tl�e t�i�-n, clis-
trict, plantation, ar other place, wherein he may be an inhabitant on tl�� said first da3-oi i°�ay�, notE�>� I,�t<<nc�i�z�;a�iy o��.aid crea}ur��s a����-
� $ b� ha��e been sent to some other place or state for pasturage only, l�efo•.•e that ti:ne. AYicl �-au are to �sti i-�.<<e atE t11e l�:nc�s of p�•o�;�a t�-
y t/ which b tl�is act oti are re uired to tax at six er centurn on the value thereof exce�tin�� ur�ii.�x���o���:d lan:.�s zv,�i:;l� «�-e to t�e esti-
Y Y 9 � P > > I � , �
� -- ---�----��- mated at t�j�o per centtz onl�, on the value thereo§:—And y�ou are also reqtii�-�d to ass�ss on tlie I�olls ��.,�c� ��4at�;�;, as aioresaxc�, �vitl�i�}
f the said to«n of �,t i.�.,�- ,1�v�2s , the additioi�al sum of' ,�hZ.G��,�,,,�-,f�.� �� �`�,�,����r .��e�l�-�
� � ___ `�, being the sum cY�arged to the sa�ici town, by the act aforesaid,for the pay of�ZepresenLative>; ancl to �a I:or�i�,� �ai�i <dc4-4�1tt�onal sum iza
� the proportion which such polts and e�t�ites shall be respectively set, for raisirig the st:m of o�ae Iiu�ac��•cd ancl tlLirty-tlare� tlaousancl thr�ec
hun�lred and two dollars cand fifty-two cents.—You are like`vise required to make a f�ir list of such assessrne��ts, s��td;�� #crtt�, i�� dis-
tiuct column�, against each person's narne, ho�v inuch he or she is assessed at fe�r polls, ho`v rrauch f�Y' re,�l es�atf�,an�� ;�o:v mi�ch fc�r
�ersanal estate and iiicome, as afore�aid ; agrcelbly to tl}e form prescribed at ti�e foot of the said Ta:� �ct;and �f'�� ;uardian, o: for
, , any estate in his or her possession,in trust, tc� be distinctly expressed ; and also insert i�i tl�e sate biils, ti,;,�_�»rr�ber o�ac��es oa unf�n-
proved land which yotq niay ta:� to each of tl�e non-i�esident proprietors of lands wi�l�in sair_l �_`��e..-,.t
or other place adjoining, as aforesaid; and also the real value at which you rnay estirnate the s3nle ; ancl tl;e ii�t or l�s<s so ca�n��l�t:��,
and si�ned by you, i manner as afoi•esaid, or Uy the major part_of you, to coinmit to tl�e coliectof� or c�itect�rs, constabie car cai�s�.��-
bles of said ���,e-r1 witli a w�li�rant or warr�nt�, in due form of la�v, ior col3ec�i��� a.�icl Z�ay��3�; t��e �anlc: to �t��
'�'reasurer of this Common�-ealth, on or Uefore the first day of April, 1808, and to return a certifica:e of tiae n����e ar n�rnPs of s�ac��
coilector.or collectors, constable or �onstat�lcs, with tl�e sun�total to each of thern cot,.mittec�, to tfl�e grea��arc--o�i�°e, t,oine tisne Lcfc�.•e
t1�e first clay of I�ecember next ; and make and s�il�scribe a certiFicaYe of the salne il� cli�� fo�i_z of ia�v :...�Is�:r�e�i"' s�c�u �:r�� :;�t ;o ��«�', ` �
as =:ou `vill answer your neglect at the�er�l of the la«-. ,�
Giae�a i�nder �ny �and and SeczZ at Bosto�a, the — �� I��y of.�r5r�l, itz �,��e �,�'ec�r ��f or�r
L�I�i�T_a, onc t�laouscnd eig�lat h7��n?red a�zd se?=eno � �
� ��
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