HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-09-13 SB Packet - Released SELECT BOARD MEETING Monday, S eptember 13, 2021 Conducted by Remote Participation* 6:30 PM AGENDA EXECUTIVE SESSION 1. Exemption 3: Discuss Strategy with Respect to Litigation 6:30pm PUBLIC COMMENTS Public comments are allowed for up to 10 minutes at the beginning of each meeting. Each speaker is limited to 2 minutes fo r c o mment. Memb ers o f the B o ard will neither c o mment no r res p o nd, o ther than to ask questions of clarif'ication. Speakers are encouraged to notify the Select Board's Office at 781-698- 45 80 if they wis h to s p eak during pub lic c o mment to as s is t the C hair in managing meeting times. SELECT BOARD MEMBER CONCERNS AND LIAISON REPORTS 1. Select Board Member Concerns and Liaison Reports TOWN MANAGER REPORT CONSENT AGENDA 1. Water and S ewer C ommitments and Adjustments 2. Approve One-Day Liquor Licenses 3. vote to Update Select Board Policies and Committee Charges to Reflect Select Board Name Change 4. Approve S elect Board Meeting Minutes 5. Approve Amendment to F leet Electrification P olicy 6. S elect Bo ard C ommittee Appo intment& Res ignation ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION 1. Public Hearing:Noise BylaW Special P ermit-Night Work for Lining S ewer 7:10pm S ervic es Within the Limits o f the C enter S treets c ap e P ro ject 2. Review and Approve O ld Res ervo ir B athhous e Renovations 7:25pm 3. Update on MIT Lincoln Lab Expansion Project-(Postponed to a future agenda) 7:40pm 4. R eview and Ap p ro ve S unwealth P o wer L etter R egard ing Virtual Event fo r 7:5 Sp m C ommunity S olar 5. Update on Stormwater Enterprise Fund B:OOpm 6. Approve Affordable Housing Trust Committee Charge 8:30pm 7. Ac c ept and S ign C ons ervation Restriction- 181, 191 & 201 S pring S treet 8:40pm 8. Approve and S ign P ro c lamation- S uic ide P revention Month 8:45pm 9. Special Town Meeting 2021-1 B:SOpm • C all for S p ec ial Town Meeting 2021-1 • Approve Letter from Town Moderator for Inclusion in Special Town Meeting 2021-1 Warrant • R eview Draft Artic le lis t for S p ec ial To wn Meeting 2021-1 10. Review Tourism Committee Request for Alternative Benches -Battle Green Master 9:15pm P lan 11. Review and Approve S elect Board Goal S etting C ontract 9:25pm 12. Hosmer House Request for Proposal Approval 9:35pm ADJOURN 1. Anticipated Adjournment 9:40pm *An Act Extending C ertain C O VID-19 Measures: http s://www.mas s.gov/s ervic e-details/up dated- guidance-on-holding-meetings-pursuant-to-the-act-extending-certain-c ovid-l9-measures Membe�s of the public can view the meeting webina�f�om thei�compute�o�tablet by clicking on the following link at the time of the meeting: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/96450789860?ptivd=ekvoYXVEYWIIQURPTO1nTWhjcOSYUT09 iP ho ne o ne-tap: +13126266799„96450789860# or+19294362866„96450789860# Telephone:+1 312 626 6799 or+1 929 436 2866 or+1 301 715 8592 or+1 346 248 7799 or+1 669 900 6833 or+1 253 215 8782 Webinar ID:964 5078 9860 Passcode: 365773 The next scheduled work session of the Select Board will be held on Monday, September 20, 2021 at 7:OOp m via remo te p artic ip atio n. The next regularly scheduled meeting of the S elect Board will be held on Monday, S eptember 27, 2 021 at 7:OOp m via remo te p artic ip atio n. Hearing Assistance Devices Available on Request �� All agenda time and the o�de�of items are app�ximate and � � �,�,,, subject to change. Recarded by LexMedia AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Select Board Member Concerns and Liaison Reports PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: S elect Board Members LR.1 S UMMARY: Please see the attached Select Board Member Concerns and Liaison Reports for the September 13, 2021 meeting. Und er this item, S elec t B o ard M emb ers c an als o c o mment o n any ad d itio nal p o ints and c o nc erns. SUGGESTED MOTION: FOLLOW UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 9/13/2021 ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � ���w��aM��,�,.�f������,����:.����r��;����u����������]Il:.....;m��:���.���.���������°���,,,��������m�f���q:���°�����,���� �:���➢�:��� II���������. Select Board Concerns and Liaison Reports—September 13, 2021 Joe Pato: Sustainable lexington Committee • The committee is working with the Sustainability Director to prepare a proposed warrant article for Spring 2022 Town Meeting to implement a Building Energy Use Disclosure Ordinance (BEUDO).The committee sent a memo to Select Board members on August 24 and that memo is included as an attachment to this item. Suzie Barry: Cary Library Trustees Executive Board met on Thursday,September 9, 2021 via Zoom • The Executive Board received a brief update on the work of the Stone Building Reuse Committee from Jeff Howry the Chair of the Committee.This topic will be on the Library Trustees Full Board meeting agenda on October 20th for discussion. • As of 9/7/21 the Library is back to 68 hours of operation per week(pre-COVID hours) including Sundays. • Nearly 30%of the Library Staff has been hired this fall.This is to replace staff that has left as well as to fully staff the increase in operational hours. • Also as of 9/7/21 the new Cary Library Website has launched. It is bright and fresh and compliant with accessibility needs for ease of use and readability. • The E-Board voted to keep meeting rooms off line thru December 2021. • The new sign in front of the Library should be installed in the next 2 weeks. • The brass railing on the handicap ramp in the front of the building has a significant piece missing and is a safety hazard. It is on the Department of Public Facilities radar for repair but no time line has been communicated as to when that might occur yet.The Commission on Disabilities is aware of this issue as well. • The E-Board voted to designate the second Monday in October as Indigenous People's Day on the Library Calendar. The E-Board also wanted to express their frustration that a larger conversation regarding this possible name change on the overall Town Calendar has not taken place. As a point of reference, it was noted that the School Committee changed the name in the School calendar quite some time ago. Dou� Lucente: Tourism Committee • Carolyn Kosnoff attended the 9-9-2021 meeting and discussed ARPA funding and how some funding may or may not be applicable to Tourism. Committee discussed goals and priorities for the upcoming fiscal year.Visitors Center Ribbon Cutting will be held on October 7th. Lexington Housing Assistance Board(LexHA6) • Looking at late September to go back to the neighborhood for feedback on the Vine St project so that the project can move ahead to the architectural planning phase. Looking to apply by November 1st for CPA funding for planning documents for the Vine St project. Looking at adding solar panels to some of the LexHA6 properties. LexHA6 is working on developing a 10-year plan for property repairs. Lexington Center Committee • Committee received an update from DPW Engineering on the Center Streetscape Project. Engineering staff noted that the determining the "next" areas to be worked on are dependent on sourcing difficult to acquire materials. • Committee will have 2 openings for new members due to resignations. • Update from Economic Development Staff: Grain Mill Alley Bike Node is pending and the installation is targeted for Summer 2022. • Committee reviewed and discussed a potential bus shelter request in front of Emery Park from the TAC. Small Cell Wireless Review • Mr. Sandeen and I are continuing to work with the Town Manager on the review of the Town's Small Cell Wireless Policy.We hope to be able to have something to review by the beginning of October. Mark Sandeen: Lexington Human Rights Committee • The Human Rights Committee now has a new Chair,Tanya Gisolfi-McCready.The committee expressed their gratitude to Fuang-Ying Huang for her many years of service, as her membership on the committee comes to an end this month.The Town Manager has appointed Lt. Christopher Barry to the committee. Noise Advisory Committee • The Noise Advisory Committee have completed their public outreach sessions at the request of the Select Board and are now planning to recommend to the Select Board that a warrant article be brought to fall town meeting on the use of electric leaf blowers. Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee • The Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee will be holding a public forum on housing in Lexington on September 21, 2021 at 7:OOpm.Town staff have created a website to provide information to the community on the Comprehensive Plan process. LexingtonNext.org Permanent Building Committee(PBC) • The Permanent Building Committee (PBC) reviewed some design change options proposed by the Police HQ design team.The proposed changes were based on the design team's review of the report on the community conversation on policing conducted by the Select Board.The design team had previously reviewed these proposed design options with the Chief of Police and other Lexington police officers.The design team plans to incorporate the Police, PBC and public feedback received on these proposals and then bring some design options to the Select Board for review. • There are currently two openings on the Permanent Building Committee. One member expressed their desire that the diversity of committee membership be considered when appointing new members. Date: August 24, 2021 From: The Sustainable Lexington Committee To: Select Board members Lexington Town Manager cc: Stella Carr,Sustainability Director Re: Consideration of a warrant article for Spring 2022 Town Meeting: Building Energy Use Disclosure Ordinance (BEUDO) The Sustainable Lexington Committee (SLC) and the Sustainability Director are working with several Lexington residents to prepare a warrant article for Spring 2022 Town Meeting to initiate a Town BEUDO that would require owners of large commercial and residential buildings in Lexington to disclose their energy and water use on an annual basis.The ordinance would also include Town-owned buildings. We plan to have the proposed warrant article to the Select Board by December 2021 so that it can be considered for Spring 2022 Town Meeting. The Town's "Getting to Net Zero Emissions Roadmap and Recommendations" report (August 21, 2018) identifies that establishing a BEUDO as a "foundational recommendation"that would provide the Town with the information it needs to make decisions about how the Town can best promote efforts to achieve the net zero emissions target. BEUDOs are already established in Boston and Cambridge, and in communities like South Portland, ME that are of similar size as Lexington. We are planning to base the warrant article on these existing programs and on requirements being considered by the Commonwealth (H.3366)1.As part of this effort,we are planning outreach to large commercial and residential building owners in town and will be keeping Town staff apprised of these efforts-including Economic Development,the Department of Facilities, and the Building Commissioner. With this feedback, we will make appropriate adjustments to the proposal and present the results to the Select Board,Town Manager, and other relevant bodies.We will also assess the level of ongoing administrative resources needed to maintain the program and explore opportunities to share these resources with other towns or groups to improve efficiency. Please let us know if you have questions about this effort.We look forward to presenting the results to you later this year. 1 i - r i r i i AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Water and S ewer C ommitments and A dj ustments PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: Jill Hai, S elect Board Chair C.1 S UMMARY: Water& S ewer C ommitments C yc le 9 Billing $ 3 63,3 83.93 Water& S ewer C ommitments July F inals $ 31,842.44 Water& S ewer Adjustments per W S AB 8/5/21 $ (5,269.20) Water& S ewer Adjus tments p er W S AB 6/10/21 $ (415.74) SUGGESTED MOTION: To ap p ro ve the ab o ve Water& S ewer C o mmitments. To approve the above Water& S ewer Adjustments as recommended by W SAB on June 10, 2021 and August 5, 2021. Move to approve the consent. FOLLOW UP: Treasurer/C ollector DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 9/13/2021 ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � �;���m���im�e�����;�����:���:�M�)� �������ar° 11�;��--�:� � �I���?������������������:�1��11�;M�11..,�.. �;�.���°��1'�IC�������.� � �.�.��I:���II�."��"�����/���/�,:� �::.������:�Il���r��.� � �.�������,����������,,,,����� �.::�,����� II������.:� ����������s��i�����������u,.�. , , ����� �' �'��� �' " ��'���� ������ � � � ; � ���� � ��������� ����� ��� ����� ���������� ���'�� ��'��� � ����I�� FI���L���� ���� ������ � �r� �w � � � � i �����: � ���������� ' ������� ���� � �,����,d� ���a��., � ����������' ��������II�������������� ��r���T��������ir�����: ��� ������������������� ��i�� r����r�� �� ���^���� ����+������I�� ������� ����� ����� li�� �������,������ ������� ���-�w�i�� ���'rr��i������ ������� ����u ���������'���` r������.��� ��r�i�� ���-��� ������rr���������� ��w���������� Iu��P '��i� ���n ��i�;��: � �� f., ��"� ������ ��"�f � ��"�.�� ����,�� �"�� ��� � �� � ��g°��� ,���'� �� ,��� �. 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T he app lic ant has b een working with the Town Manager regarding any C O VID proto cols, testing, and indoor mask requirements. SUGGESTED MOTION: To approve two One-Day Liquor Licenses for Spectacle Management to serve beer and wine in the lobby of C ary Memorial Building, 1605 Mas s achus etts Avenue, for the purp o s e o f the two events as fo llows:Al Di Meo la on F riday, S eptemb er 17, 2021 from 8:OOpm to 10:30pm and the Rob ert Cray B and on S unday, S eptember 26, 2021 from 7:OOpm to l 0:00pm. Move to approve the consent. FOLLOW UP: S elec t B o ard O ffic e DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 9/13/2021 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Vote to Update Select Board Policies and Committee Charges to Reflect Select Board Name Change PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: Jill Hai, S elect B o ard C hair C.3 S UMMARY: Articles 33, 34, 37 were approved at the 2019 Annual Town Meeting to amend the Town's Bylaws to change all references to the "B oard of S electmen'• to "S elect B oard" and all references to individual S electmen to "a member of the S elect B oard"; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. T he Town's Bylaws have been recently codified with this change. T he B oard is now being asked to formally vote, for the record, to also have the S elect B oard O ffice update the S elect B oard P olicies, P rocedures and Committee Charge documents to change references to the "B oard of S electmen"to "S elect B oard" and references to individual S electmen to "a member of the S elect B oard" as appropriate. P lease see the following list of S elect B oard P olicies, P rocedures and Regulations that require updating from the Town website: S elect B oard P olicies, P rocedures and Regulations. SUGGESTED MOTION: To have the S elec t B o ard O ffic e S taff up d ate the S elec t B o ard P o lic ies, P ro c edures and C o mmittee C harge d o c ument to c hange referenc es to the "B o ard o f S elec tmen" to "S elec t B o ard" and referenc es to individual S electmen to "a member of the S elect Board" as appropriate. Move to approve the consent. FOLLOW UP: S elec t B o ard O ffic e DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 9/13/2021 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approve Select Board Meeting Minutes PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: Jill Hai, S elect Board Chair C.4 S UMMARY: The S elect Board is being asked to approve the S elect Board meeting minutes of • June 10, 2020 • June 15, 2020 • July 27, 2020 • June 7, 2021 • Augus t 12, 2021 Jo int B O H and S elec t B o ard Meeting SUGGESTED MOTION: To approve and release the S elect Board meeting minutes of: • June 10, 2020 • June 15, 2020 • July 27, 2020 • June 7, 2021 • Augus t 12, 2021 Jo int B O H and S elec t B o ard Meeting Move to approve the consent. FOLLOW UP: S elec t B o ard O ffic e DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 9/13/2021 ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � �.�1��.���,�]II...,.l�l��a,;�l��� ������;�:1��.����:���1��„u�������'���>f�� ����;���:�.�:�� I[���r�������� � �1�-��1fa,�]II."�a��.�.��r�� ,,,���w������:�:����M��,JII�,�������������"�� ���.�°����,.� I[�;�:����:� � �f���.������" �nr��.��:�;�������r�;�.�����,�,�r°�.:�„��.�����l'�',�,���;�� �I:���,��.�.�.� II��.��;m���:�,�. � �f:�l����lq„�[".�I��l����,;��a�������;�.:.��C.��������1����r�;��;������ �I::����.��:�� �aQ.:������. � �f:��f�,��19.�'J�I��l���:�����,,,,�.���������;�.����°��,�a:��a����"����,�. �w�����:���m� Il�a�.�������. � �.����� I��n�������,,,,w�������d:�f:�:���°c������1��(��.�����/�����°;���.�.����m��:�.�,�a����au�:���:�y:���"�� �::���;��:�.��:� II.��;�:��°�<��. SELECT BOARD MEETING June 15, 2020 A remote participation meeting of the Lexington Select Board was called to order at 6:01 PM. on Monday, June 15, 2020 via Zoom remote meeting services. Select Board members Mr. Lucente, Chair; Mr. Pato; Ms. Barry; Ms. Hai and Mr. Sandeen were present, as well as Mr. Malloy, Town Manager; Ms. Axtell, Deputy Town Manager; and Ms. Katzenback, Executive Clerk. Mr. Lucente stated that the meeting was being held in accordance with Governor Baker's March 12, 2020 Executive Order suspending certain provisions of the Open Meeting Law to allow remote participation during Massachusetts' state of emergency due to the outbreak of Covid-19. Mr. Lucente provided directions to members of the public, watching or listening via the Zoom application, regarding the procedure for making a public comment. Mr. Lucente reminded Board members, staff, and members of the public about Lexington's Standard of Conduct regarding civil discourse during Town Government meetings. SELECT BOARD MEMBER CONCERNS AND LIAISON REPORTS Ms. Hai: • The Tourism Committee hopes to have the Visitors Center open with limited capacity by the mid-July. At the beginning of July, a kiosl�/cart outside the building will be stocked with orientation information. July is usually the busiest month for the Visitors Center. • Via Zoom, the Minuteman Advisory Group on Interlocal Coordination (MAGIC) Legislative Breakfast will take place this Thursday morning, June 18, 2020, at 9:00-10:30 a.m. Representatives for Lexington and surrounding communities will be in attendance. For those who wish to participate, link to the breakfast is on the MAPC "MAGIC" site. Mr. Pato: • The Vision 2020 Committee met Friday, June 12, 2020 to review a panel session that took place at the beginning of April. The Vision 2020 Committee had not met since then due to the pandemic. The Committee has drafted a detailed summary and review of recommendations that arose from the panel discussion which will be presented to the Select Board, School Committee, and Planning Board. Also discussed was the next Town-wide survey, which would occur in 11/2 years. It will require a budget allocation; the Committee also asks the Town Manager to set up a mechanism for technical assistance so survey responses can be collated. Mr. Lucente: • The Fund for Lexington Committee met earlier in the day. Since March, the Fund has received donations of$37,000 from Lexington residents to be used for Covid-l9-related issues. Ms. Barry: 1 • The Youth Commission is hoping to host a drive-in movie event at the Community Center this summer. • The striping has begun on the Track at the Center Recreation Complex. No firm date for reopening has been determined. • The gazebo in Hastings Park is being illuminated with blue and gold lighting for the whole month of June to recognize this year's graduating classes. The Cary Memorial Building and the Cary Library will also be lit in blue and gold during the last weekend in June. • Ms. Barry asked that a potential fall debt exclusion vote for Police Station construction be put on the next Select Board agenda. Mr. S andeen: • The Transportation Advisory Committee said their public information sessions previously scheduled for June 23, 2020 will have to be postponed for at least a week. • The Communications Advisory Committee is finalizing the LexMedia contract. The contract will come before the Select Board prior to ratification by July l, 2020. • Tonight, the Board of Health will discuss business and restaurant reopening plans that were presented to the Select Board at the June 10, 2020 meeting. • The Permanent Building Committee will meet Thursday, June 18, 2020 to consider and hopefully finalize some of the design proposals for the Police Station. TOWN MANAGER REPORT In response to a question by Ms. Barry, Mr. Malloy reported that interview dates and questions for Town Counsel candidates are being finalized. Mr. Malloy asked Select Board members to submit specific questions to his office for inclusion in the interview script. A tentative date to begin interviews is Tuesday, June 23. 2020. ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION 1. Covid-19 Update Discuss strategies,Implementation, and Community Response Actions Related to Covid-19 Guidelines and Directives As of today, there are 318 confirmed cases in Town (cumulative). Increases in new cases in Lexington and state-wide numbers have been dropping significantly since the peak in May. All Town Departments are beginning to return to work with partial staff numbers. Staff will work 25% of the time in the Town offices and remotely 75% of the time during this first phase. Town offices will not yet open to the public. The Library and Community Center are reviewing reopening plans. The DPW and DPF both returned to full schedule on June 1, 2020. The Return to Work Task Force is completing its review and has begun presenting the plan to the unions; the Town has met with unions that had questions about the plan. The Town has engaged an 2 Industrial Hygienist to review plans and facilities and to make further recommendations. The regular, Wednesday 8 a.m. conference calls with the Senior Management Team and Health Officials will continue to review local case numbers and to discuss actions and issues/concerns. Staff hope to begin working with restaurants in the coming week after the Board of Health approves the reopening plan. Ms. Hai said citizens should be given a sense of when Town buildings will re-open for business. They also should be made aware that even though Town buildings remain closed, staff are still available to assist. Mr. Sandeen mentioned that health experts are finding that the primary mode of transmission for COVID-19 is via aerosols. He asked if CARES Act funds are available to help the Town cover costs of expenses such as upgrading ventilation systems and air filter replacements. He would like to consider how to make more room for pedestrians on the sidewalks in the Center so that social distancing is easier. 2. Award Sale of Bond and Bond Anticipation Notes Carolyn Kosnoff, Assistant Town Manager for Finance, presented information about the sale of bonds and notes. The sale of$20.3M in bonds and $5.85M in notes took place on Wednesday, June 10, 2020. The purpose of the bond sale was to continue financing the ToWn's large construction projects, most of which are payed for with excluded debt(Hastings School; Fire Station; Lexington Children's Place; Visitors Center). The speci�c purpose of the bond anticipation notes is to keep the Town's cash flow moving through the summer construction season in preparation for a variety of proj ects (Center track and field construction; Water& Sewer proj ects; sidewalks; School and Municipal technology purchases.) There were ten competitive bids on the 15-year bond; the lowest bid was from Janney Montgomery Scott LLC, who's True Interest Cost(TIC) of 1.315% included a premium of $2,485,290. This premium was applied to reduce the par value of the issuance on the day of the sale,which resulted in a net resized issuance of$18,010,000 and net proceeds to the Town of $20,495,290. Five bids were submitted for the notes which will come due on February 12, 2021. The bids, based on a calculation of the net interest cost (NIC), which takes into consideration the amount of the issue, coupon rates and offering premium, ranged from a high of.907%to a low of.497%. The low bidder was Piper Sandler& Co., who's NIC of.497% included a premium of$46,262. Members of the Select Board whole-heartedly endorsed the results of the sales and praised the Town's financial managers. Mr. Sandeen asked how much the more-favorable-than-expected rates will save. Ms. Kosnoff reported that a coupon rate of 4%was used in the modeling so a rate of 1.315%will save millions over the life of the loan. However, the next year's budget will be substantially the same as before the lower rate was known because borrowing for the Visitors Center shifted from a short-term note to a 15-year bond ahead of schedule, thus eliminating some budget flexibility and accelerating the impact of interest payments by one year. 3 Upon a motion duly made and seconded and by roll call vote, the Select Board voted 5-0 that the sale of the $18,010,000 General Obligation Municipal Purpose Loan of 2020 Bonds of the Town dated June 25, 2020 (the "Bonds")to Janney Montgomery Scott LLC at the price of $20,328,114.3 8 and accrued interest is hereby approved and confirmed. The Bonds shall be payable on June 15 of the years and in the principal amounts and bear interest at the respective rates, as follows: - Interest - - Interest Rate Year Amount Rate year Amount 2021 $1,215,000 4.00% 2029 $1,200,000 4.00% 2022 1,215,000 4.00 2030 1,200,000 4.00 2023 1,205,000 4.00 2031 1,195,000 3.00 2024 1,200,000 4.00 2032 1,195,000 3.00 2025 1,200,000 4.00 203 3 1,195,000 2.00 2026 1,200,000 4.00 2034 1,195,000 2.00 2027 1,200,000 4.00 203 5 1,195,000 2.00 2028 1,200,000 4.00 And further: to approve the sale of$5,856,000 General Obligation Bond Anticipation Notes of the Town dated June 25, 2020 and payable February 12, 2021 (the "Notes") to Piper Sandler& Co., at par and accrued interest,plus a premium of$46,262.40. And further: that in connection with the marketing and sale of the Bonds,the preparation and distribution of a Notice of Sale and Preliminary Official Statement dated June 3, 2020 and a final Official Statement dated June 10, 2020 (the "Official Statement"), each in such form as may be approved by the Town Treasurer, be and hereby are ratified, confirmed, approved and adopted. And further: that in connection with the marketing and sale of the Notes, the preparation and distribution of a Notice of Sale and Preliminary Official Statement dated June 3, 2020 and a final Official Statement dated June 10, 2020, each in such form as may be approved by the Town Treasurer, be and hereby are ratified, confirmed, approved and adopted. And further: that the Bonds shall be subj ect to redemption, at the option of the Town, upon such terms and conditions as are set forth in the Official Statement. And further: that any certificates or documents relating to the Bonds (collectively, the "Documents"), may be executed in several counterparts, each of which shall be regarded as an original and all of which shall constitute one and the same document; delivery of an executed counterpart of a signature page to a Document by electronic mail in a".pdf' �le or by other electronic transmission shall be as effective as delivery of a manually executed counterpart signature page to such Document; and electronic signatures on any of the Documents shall be deemed original signatures for the purposes of the Documents and all matters relating thereto, having the same legal effect as original signatures. 4 And further: that the Town Treasurer and the Select Board be, and hereby are, authorized to execute and deliver continuing and significant events disclosure undertakings in compliance with SEC Rule 15 c2-12 in such forms as may be approved by bond counsel to the Town, which undertakings shall be incorporated by reference in the Bonds and Notes, as applicable, for the benefit of the holders of the Bonds and Notes from time to time. And further: that we authorize and direct the Town Treasurer to establish post issuance federal tax compliance procedures and continuing disclosure procedures in such forms as the Town Treasurer and bond counsel deem sufficient, or if such procedures are currently in place,to review and update said procedures, in order to monitor and maintain the tax-exempt status of the Bonds and Notes and to comply with relevant securities laws. And further: that each member of the Select Board, the Town Clerk and the Town Treasurer be and hereby are, authorized to take any and all such actions, and execute and deliver such certificates, receipts or other documents as may be determined by them, or any of them, to be necessary or convenient to carry into effect the provisions of the foregoing votes. Copies of the bond and note documents will be available in the Select Board office for members to sign,by Thursday at the latest, so that they can be returned to Bond Counsel by the end of the Week. In order for the contracts to be valid, at least three members of the Board must sign them. 3. Discuss Fiscal Year 2020 and Fiscal Year 2021 Financial Status Carolyn Kosnoff, Assistant Town Manager for Finance; and Jennifer Hewitt, Budget Officer; made the presentation. Ms. Kosnoff referred to the memo, also distributed to Town Meeting which outlines the Town's financial situation due to impacts from Covid-19. One of the maj or financial concerns is Revenue loss but Ms. Kosnoff noted no extraordinary expenses due to the pandemic. In fact, there have been fewer expenses because of the shutdown period. Revenue loss includes significantly lower Local Receipts, such as from meals taxes and hotel/motel taxes. Building permits remain strong and 99% of anticipated property taxes for the quarter have been received. State Aid is uncertain; if it comes in on target, FY2020 Revenue proj ections could still be solid. FY2021 is a different story, however. Proj ections include diminished Local Receipts; a 1% loss in Tax Levy Revenue; and substantially reduced expectations from State Aid, including Chapter 70 school aid. A conservative total lost Revenue proj ection is $6.89M. Ms. Kosnoff said it could be lower but until State Aid is known, the Town should not make any drastic decisions. There are a number of actions that could be taken to bridge the Revenue gap. Ms. Kosnoff has asked Town Departments to curb non-essential spending for FY 2020 and FY202. Program Improvement Requests (PIRs) for the next budget cycle will be discouraged. Some Capital projects that are not time-sensitive will be postponed. Ms. Barry asked Ms. Kosnoff to comment on the impact these financial challenges will have on the School budget. Ms. Kosnoff said she has no current information about the School budget but she noted that the Town has been allocated just under$3M in CARES Act funding from the 5 State to address expenses in surplus of appropriation. At this juncture, these funds cannot be used to cover Revenue losses. Current proj ections are that Lexington will not have $3M in Covid-l9- related School expenses but Ms. Kosnoff said restrictions for re-opening schools in the fall are stringent and could therefore cause these funds to be expended. Mr. Malloy said Municipal and School administrations have been meeting together to develop these financial memos. The Schools have indicated they are starting to grapple with what the new budget will look like; by the next iteration of the memo, there will be a better sense of what the future holds. Ms. Hai asked when a�nancial Summit should be scheduled to discuss the particulars with everyone at the same table. Ms. Kosnoff said before a Summit is scheduled most likely in early September she intends to provide an update to the current memo, probably at the end of June 2020 beginning of FY2021. One of the most crucial pieces of information is the State budget. Mr. Pato suggested that the Town have a policy summit, sometime during the summer, to discuss how to handle the economic impacts of Covid on Lexington's residents and commercial partners. 4. Discuss Creating a 20 mph Safety Zone in the Area of Lexington Center Mr. Malloy, Town Manager; and Sheila Page, Assistant Planning Director, reported that the Traffic Safety Group (TSG) has developed this proposal with Town Engineering in advance submitting the speed changes to the Massachusetts Department of Transportation(MassDOT). This is the second draft to come before the Select Board. Additional input is requested. The proposal: The Safety Zone would encompass these areas: Massachusetts Avenue From Harrington Road to Woburn Street 20 MPH Safety Zone Bedford Street From Harrington Road to Massachusetts Avenue 20 MPH Safety Zone Hancock Street From Bikeway Crossing to Bedford Street 20 MPH Safety Zone Meriam Street From Bikeway Crossing to Massachusetts Avenue 20 MPH Safety Zone Waltham Street From Massachusetts Avenue to Vinebrook Road 20 MPH Safety Zone Woburn Street From Hayes Lane to Massachusetts Avenue 20 MPH Safety Zone Ms. Barry asked why Grant Street and Fletcher Avenue are not included. Ms. Page said the TSG discussed the parameters at length and tried to be judicious. Ultimately, it did not include these two streets because they have less traf�c and fewer pedestrians, unlike the other, more commercial streets in the proposal. Ms. Barry asked what the effective date would be and how the change would be communicated to the larger community. Ms. Page said that effective date Would be when the proposal was signed by the Select Board. Paperwork must be submitted to MassDOT but there is no State approval process. Mr. Malloy approved of following the same communication procedures used when the town-wide speed limit was lowered to 25 mph. Mr. Sandeen asked if Harrington Road could be included in the 20 mph zone. Ms. Page answered that if the Board prefers, it can be. 6 Mr. Sandeen asked if the primary goal for the lowered limit Was safety. Ms. Page said safety is the primary purpose; statistically, more pedestrians are hit by vehicles when speed limits are higher. Additionally, in a previous parking study, it was shown that people viewed crossing Massachusetts Avenue as a factor when choosing where to park. Mr. Sandeen asked what data we have from other towns on the effectiveness of reducing speed limits to 20 mph. Ms. Page said that MassDOT does not yet have data on whether lowering the speed limit to 20 mph achieves safety goals. Ms. Hai noted that the Center Committee was unaware that this question was coming before the Select Board tonight. Ms. Hai said she would prefer the lower speed zone to end at the Slocum Road crosswalk, or at Hunt Road, rather than as proposed, right at the busy Woburn Street intersection. She noted that, to discourage speeding, end of zone signage should clarify that the limit changes from 20 mph to 25 mph. Mr. Pato agreed that ending the zone at Slocum Road is better. He agreed that Harrington Road should be included. He added that drivers coming onto Massachusetts Avenue from Clarke Street and Fletcher Avenue should be alerted they are entering a 20 mph zone. Mr. Lucente suggested the Center Streetscape proj ect would provide a good opportunity to make the speed limit change, rather than going ahead with it now. The Center Streetscape proj ect is also intended to improve safety and the effects of making those changes have not yet been evaluated. David Kanter, 48 Fifer Lane, asked why there is a need for an"end 20 mph zone" sign if a 25 mph sign would suffice. Ms. Page said beginning and end speed zone signs are required and signs for the town-wide 25 mph limit are posted only at the town borders, not throughout town. The Board postponed a vote on the motion to wait for feedback from the Center Committee. Members concurred, however, that the Board should move ahead once the feedback was obtained. Members also concurred that the eastern end of the safety zone should extend past Woburn Street to Slocum Road. 5. Approve Amendment to the Regional Housing Services Office Agreement Mr. Malloy said the amendment is intended to provide a 90-day extension to the current agreement to provide more time to discuss potential changes to the next 3-year contract with the RHSO with participating members. Upon a motion duly made and seconded and by roll call, the Select Board voted 5-0 to approve the agreement between the Town of Lexington and the Regional Housing Services Office for 90 days as attached. 6. Review Determination of Tree Hearing 497 Concord Avenue Chris Filadoro, Superintendent of Public Grounds/Tree Warden; and Dave Pinsonnault, Director of Public Works were present for the item. Mr. Filadoro said hearings have been held to determine whether to remove or retain a 42" oak near a proposed emergency access driveway to the Cotting SchooL Meetings were held at the site. Participants included representatives from the School, the architect for the Cotting School proj ect, members of the Tree Committee, and ToWn staff. An arborist was consulted to find a 7 Way to save the tree by protecting the root system. However, site lines from the driveway entering the roadway would not meet the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) safety standard. No consensus has been reached on what to do. Mr. Lucente said he received a lot of feedback on this issue right before the meeting and he is not yet sure how to move forward. Mr. Sandeen, who participated in the tree meetings as the Select Board's liaison, reported that the situation is still evolving. Recently one of the abutters offered to provide an easement so the driveway can be relocated and the tree could be saved, while still preserving Fire access to the site and at no additional cost to the school. Mr. Sandeen believes action should be delayed pending further developments. Ms. Hai said she is not ready to make a decision given the recent information and lack of clarity. Ms. Barry noted that the Cotting School's letter to the Select Board states that the school has received no direct contact from the abutter. Ms. Barry agreed that she is not ready to decide the fate of the tree. Mr. Pato concurred and asked what the site line standard is for a driveway versus a roadway. He would like to save the tree if possible and asked the parties to come together to reach a conclusion. Mr. Lucente said another layer of confusion is the dollar amount of the tree removal mitigation. He asked for a summary of the Planning Board meeting at which the tree was discussed. Mr. Sandeen reported that at the meeting, the Cotting School made a presentation, the proponent withdrew its proposal, and no action was taken. Some Planning Board members expressed a desire to save the tree. Charles Hornig, Planning Board Vice Chair, said the reason for the meeting was because the Cotting School wanted to make a slight change in the approved driveway. The school did not propose that the tree could be saved if the driveway stayed where it was originally located or moved. The revised plan would save some maples trees on the west side of the driveway but Planning Board members were more interested in saving the older, bigger oak. Gerry Paul, Tree Committee Chair, reported per discussion with Town Counsel, that the full value of the oak cannot be recovered through mitigation but the $39,850 recommended by Mr. Pinsonnault is acceptable. Mr. Paul said if the amount can be agreed upon, the remaining question is whether the oak can be salvaged. Mr. Paul said the AASHTO standard treats driveway and roadway sightlines differently, if treating them the same is not possible under the circumstances. Mr. Paul recommended that the tree not be removed at this time and that the matter return to the Planning Board for further consideration. The Tree Committee believes if care is taken, the oak's deep taproot will support survival even if the surrounding ground is disturbed. Megan Buczynski, Principal,P.E., Civil Engineer at Activitas, said the problem is the 141/2-foot setback required for the driveway. Given the speed limit on the street (3 5 mph), a longer sightline is needed. Even if the street were to have a school zone speed limit(20 mph), the sightline distance is not adequate. Even if the easement is granted by the abutter, the few 8 additional feet it would not be enough. The School is willing to agree to the proposed mitigation amount and will replace removed maple trees with a better species. Ms. Buczynski trusts the opinion of the Cotting School's traffic engineer and does not want to propose an alternative that is unsafe. Mr. Filadoro confirmed that the easement offers only a couple of feet. He pointed out that if the driveway was shifted, 5 or 6 other trees would have come down. Mr. Lucente noted the outpouring of neighborhood feeling about saving the oak. He thanked the Cotting School for its patience and partnership in trying to sort out the issue. With so much new information and lack of resolution on some of the points the Board opted to postpone a vote. Gloria Bloom, 17 Loring Road, reported that sightlines from an existing Cotting School driveway already offer poor visibility. Since the school cites safety in the matter of the oak, she hopes it will remedy existing safety issues as well. Ms. Bloom said AASHTO guidelines are forgiving and can also be waived. An 80-year-old oak will take a long time to replace. Sharon Cerny, 1 Barberry Road, noted that a lower-than-standard sightline already exists between the existing Cotting School driveway and Barberry Road. She reported that AASHTO guidelines allow waivers when ideals cannot be met. In an informal survey of Concord Avenue from Spring Street to the Belmont line, there are many examples. The average setback in this stretch of road was 9 1/2 feet. The oak tree driveway would have a 12 foot setback. Brigit Irish, COO of Cotting School, said the school has spent a lot of time and effort dealing with this matter. The school engaged consultants to come up with a solution but so far nothing has addressed concerns. Ms. Irish stated it, originally, it was the Planning Board that requested the tree be removed to provide an emergency vehicle access way. She said the school would provide whatever additional information is needed for the Board to make a decision. Ms. Hai asked whether locating a driveway so close to the tree would result in a slow death. If the tree was lost in this manner, the mitigation funds would also be lost. Mr. Filadoro will contact the arborist about this. The item was tabled until the June 29, 2020 Select Board meeting. Mr. Lucente called a brief recess at 7:51 pm. The meeting was reconvened at 7:57 p.m. 7. Hosmer House Request for Proposal Mr. Malloy presented information about the proposed sale and removal of the Hosmer House. The RFP has been vetted by the working group which included members from the Select Board, Dept of Public Facilities, Historic District Commission, Housing Partnership Board, CPC, Historic Commission and LexHab. The RFP due dates have not been filled in yet. Liz Mancini, Purchasing Director will insert those once the Preservation Restriction language has been added by Town Counsel. There are statutory minimums for advertising in the Central Register. The deed restriction has been revised to a preservation restriction since the house is being sold as personal property and not as real estate. This will require state approval, but Town Counsel has advised that the RFP can go out to bid and the preservation restriction can be sought concurrently. The Town reserves the right to rej ect any and all bids. The matter this will come 9 back before the Select Board for final consideration. A Plan B discussion will take place to decide what to do if there are no bidders. Ms. Hai believes if more than one bidder comes forward, the Town will need to arrange for more than one tour of the house, due to the confined interior spaces. Avram Baskin, 43 Carville Avenue,hopes that someone will come forward to buy the house but, barring that, the Town should not preserve it. Upon a motion duly made and seconded and by roll call, the Select Board voted 5-0 to approve the RFP for the sale and moving of the Hosmer House and further to authorize the Town Manager to advertise the sale, subj ect to Town Counsel providing a preservation restriction for historic preservation. 8. Discuss Next Steps for Social and Racial Equity Initiatives Ms. Barry stated that she will participate in this item as long as the Police Department is not being discussed. In the event they are discussed, she will recuse herself because her husband works for the Town as a Police Officer. M. Malloy reported that, since the last meeting, he has not been able to move forward with plans to identify a facilitator that would convene a community conversation. He continues to work on that and other action items, such as having a policy and bylaw audit done by a third party and forming a task force. He has had time to meet with the Police Chief and reps from the two Police unions to discuss the ongoing national debate on the use of excessive force. Mr. Malloy noted that Lexington's police department has no history of using excessive force and he reported that the Police Department wants to be part of the community discussion. The Police Department believes they have a mutually supportive relationship with the community. Ms. Malloy read in full a statement from the Police Officers Union, saying his office had received a similar letter from the Police Supervisors Union. Mr. Malloy said he hopes to advance the issue on all fronts by the June 29, 2020 Board meeting. Mr. Sandeen said the Board should discuss scope and whether we are considering holding one conversation or multiple conversations. For example: should the initiative include, as some residents have asked, investigation into Police policies? Racial justice? The proposed Police firing range? What experts need to be brought in to speak? He believes decisions should be made on data. Mr. Lucente said he is thinking in terms of multiple conversations, not just one larger conversation. Ms. Hai recommended the Racial Equity And Leadership (REAL) program from the National League of Cities that addresses many subj ects inherent in the larger issue. Arlington participates in the program. She believes the Board should tall�about adding a Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI) officer and she wants there to be a review of Town policies. Mr. Pato noted that one of the Select Board's long-term goals has been ensuring that Lexington is welcoming to all. A DEI officer might help focus the steps to be taken to achieve the goal. 10 Ms. Barry agrees that the conversation should have multiple parts and should be facilitated. She hopes that a target date for the first conversation can be chosen. The issue needs to be worked on every day, not briefly dealt with. She would like a mission statement developed and asked that the item of Discuss Next Steps fo�Social and Racial Equity Initiatives be on the agenda at every Select Board meeting, at least for a check-in if not for a lengthy update meeting. Mr. Malloy said he would work on a draft of what the different components of a conversation would be. He will report his progress at the next meeting. Mona Roy, Chair of the Human Rights Committee; and Tanya Gisolfi, Vice Chair, hope that Lexington will j oin the League of Cities REAL program. Although the matter began as a police issue, there are other areas of equity that should be discussed. Ms. Roy supports many of the ideas put forward by the Select Board but would like to understand the purpose of a task force, saying the HRC stands ready to help. Ms. Gisolfi said facilitation of community conversations is crucial; the facilitator should be someone other than a Lexington resident. Avram Baskin, 43 Carville Avenue, agreed that data is important but based on comments he has received from other Town Meeting Members, he believes data alone will not be enough to resolve the issues. He would like to find a way to get the Police letters out to the public, and similarly the letters from Lexington clergy that are circulating among subsets of the community. Police Chief Mark Corr said he is very proud of his police staff and emphasized that the Police want to be part of a full-scope,transparent conversation that includes helping people understand what the Police do. Steve Kaufman, Precinct 5 Town Meeting Member, said he has received concerned comments from constituents about Police defunding. Even though Lexington police may not be culpable, he believes people need a place to voice their dissatisfaction about these issues. He endorses the concept of having a community meeting at which a vision for policing in Lexington can be developed. He believes that standards should support the vision and that people first have to agree on the vision. He believes there should be clear consequences for Police who deviate from community standards. Sean Osborne, former Chair of the Human Rights Committee, thanked the Board for signing the Racial Equity Pledge. He is concerned that the local and national discussions on these issues always seem to start with a defense of the Police. Starting with a defensive stance silences those who dissent, even before the conversation begins. Mr. Osborne emphasized that the Police work for the community and the community should establish what it wants from a Police department. He believes a"future of policing"task force is needed, similar to a Vision 2020 Committee. He agrees with the concept of hiring a DEI officer but thinks of it as a Diversity Officer that would focus on diversity hiring and on providing services for diverse populations. He likes the idea of re-convening the Police Policy Review Task Force. Bridger McGaw, Precinct 6 ToWn Meeting Member, approves of drawing on outside expertise to solve identified community problems. Actionable results should come out of these multiple conversations. Mr. Lucente said this is a top priority and an ongoing Select Board goal. 9. Review Request for Car Parade Lexington Goes Purple 11 The DPW and Police have reviewed this request and have no objections. Select Board members supported delegating future such requests to the Chief of Police during the pandemic. Ms.Hai asked that the Board be informed about parades that have been approved. Upon a motion duly made and seconded and by roll call, the Select Board vote 5-0 to approve the request from Lexington Goes Purple to hold a Lexington Goes Purple Car Parade on Thursday, June 18,as outlined in the request letter dated June 5,2020. It was further approved that such requests be delegated to the Chief of Police during the state of emergency. 10. Select Board Committee Appointments/Reappointments Mr. Lucente recused himself for one of the motions as his mother is a nominee for reappointment to the Town Celebrations Committee. Ms. Hai assumed the role of Chair. Upon a motion duly made and seconded and by roll call, the Select Board voted 4-0 to reappoint Sondra Lucente and Lorain Marquis to the Town Celebrations Committee for a term set to expire on June 30, 2023. Mr. Lucente resumed the role of Chair. Upon a motion duly made and seconded and by roll call, the Select Board voted 5-0 to reappoint Mike Barrett and Hank Manz to the Hanscom Field Advisory Commission for a three-year term s et to expire on June 3 0, 2 02 3. Upon a motion duly made and by roll call, the Select Board voted 5-0 to appoint Geetha Padaki to the Town Celebrations Committee for a term to expire on June 30, 2023 Upon a motion duly made and seconded and by roll call, the Select Board voted 5-0 to reappoint William "Glen" Bassett, Suzanne Caton, Stephen Cole, Jr., Wei Ding, Mary Hutton, Gresh Lattimore, Wayne Miller, Rita Pandey, Ashley Rooney, Susan Stering, and Samuel Zales to the Town Celebrations Subcommittee for a term set to expire on June 30, 2021. Upon a motion duly made and by roll call, the Select Board voted 5-0 to reappoint Kim Katzenback as Executive Clerk to the Select Board for a one-year term ending on June 30, 2021. Upon a motion duly made and by roll call, the Select Board voted 5-0 to reappoint Police Chief Mark Corr as Keeper of the Lockup for a one-year term ending on June 30, 2021. The Board discussed the appointment to the Minuteman Regional Vocational Technical School Committee and whether to defer and, instead, re-open the call for volunteers. Mr. Pato reported a lack of awareness among members of the Lexington School Committee re: the vacancy and noted that the position is significant. Although there is only one applicant, Mr. Pato believes there may be more interest in the position. After discussion of the particulars, including how the open position had been advertised, Board members decided move ahead with a vote on appointment. 12 Upon a motion duly made and by roll call, the Select Board voted 4-1 to appoint Judith Crocker as the Lexington representative to the Minuteman Regional Vocational Technical School Committee for a three-year term to be effective July l, 2020 through June 30, 2023. 11. Discuss Select Board Liaison Assignments This item was tabled to be taken up at a later date. 12. Approve Fiscal Year 2021 Cost-of-Living Adjustment for Non-Represented Employees Ms. Barry recused herself as her husband is employed by the Town. Upon a motion duly made and seconded and by roll call, the Select Board vote 4-0 to approve a 2 percent cost-of-living adj ustment for non-represented employees for fiscal year 2021, effective July 1, 2020. Ms. Barry rej oined the meeting. 13. Town Manager Committee Reappointments Upon a motion duly made and seconded and by roll call, the Select Board voted 5-0 to approve the Town Manager's re-appointment of Elizabeth Borghesani, Ellen Cameron, Camille Goodwin and Bonnie Teitleman-Levin to the Council on Aging and Lisah Rhodes to the Recreation Committee. All nominees' ethics trainings are up to date. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Water& Sewer Commitments &Adjustments Upon a motion duly made and seconded and by roll call, the Select Board voted 5-0 to approve these Water& Sewer Commitments and Adjustments: Water& Sewer Commitment Section 1 $ 1,975,324.33 Water& Sewer Commitment Section 2 $ 1,943,500.95 Water& Sewer Commitment Section 3 $ 3,839,184.96 Water& Sewer Finals Nov 2019 $ 26,538.22 Water& Sewer Finals Dec 2019 $ 10,168.12 VVater& Sewer Finals Jan 2020 $ 50,707.46 Water& Sewer Finals Feb 2020 $ 28,930.39 Water& Sewer Finals Mar 2020 $ 7,494.06 Water& Sewer Finals Apr 2020 $ 9,992.76 Water& Sewer Finals May 2020 $ 5,108.53 And a Water & Sewer Adjustments per�VSAB 5/21/20 $(5,022.84) ADJOURN Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the Select Board voted 5-0 by roll call to adj ourn the meeting at 9:31 p.m. A true record; Attest: 13 Kim Siebert Recording Secretary 14 SELECT BOARD MEETING Wednesday, June 10, 2020 A remote participation meeting of the Lexington Select Board was called to order at 5:04 PM. on Wednesday, June 10, 2020 via Zoom remote meeting services. Select Board members Mr. Lucente, Chair; Mr. Pato; Ms. Barry; Ms. Hai and Mr. Sandeen were present, as well as Mr. Malloy, Town Manager; Ms. Axtell, Deputy Town Manager; and Ms. Katzenback, Executive Clerk. Mr. Lucente stated that the meeting was being held in accordance with Governor Baker's March 12, 2020 Executive Order suspending certain provisions of the Open Meeting Law to allow remote participation during Massachusetts' state of emergency due to the outbreak of Covid-19. Mr. Lucente provided directions to members of the public, watching or listening via the Zoom application, regarding the procedure for making a public comment. Mr. Lucente reminded Board members, staff, and members of the public about Lexington's Code of Conduct regarding civil discourse during Town Government meetings. SELECT BOARD MEMBER CONCERNS AND LIAISON REPORTS Mr. Pato said he attended a meeting of the Massachusetts Municipal Association Policy Committee regarding Public Works. A number of items of interest are coming down from the State level; he will report more fully at a future meeting of the Board. Ms. Barry: • The Recreation Committee met on June 2, 2020 and took several votes, the most significant of which was that the Town Pool will not be open this summer. The Reservoir (the Res) is also not open due to renovation of the bath houses. Any class or clinic that would have been held at the pool or the Res has therefore been cancelled. However, the Recreation Committee will be launching some activities online; residents should remain alert for announcements on the Town's website and/or social media channels. • The resurfaced Town track at the Center Recreation Complex may open by the end of June but finishing/striping Work could cause delays. Mr. S andeen: • The Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) is revising Lexpress routes as required in order to re-start service. Two public information sessions to solicit public input are scheduled for June 23, 2020. Once feedback has been received, TAC will ask to present the revised schedule to Select Board. • The Noise Committee has received several complaints from residents due to water main construction on Watertown Street. The neighbors have asked the Committee for more information about when the new Noise Bylaw will go into effect. Mr. Malloy reported that once a bylaw passes Town Meeting, the Town Clerk must submit it to the Attorney 1 General within 30 days. Once the State approves it, the bylaw becomes official. Mr. Malloy asked Mr. Sandeen to convey specifics of the noise complaint to him so staff can follow up. TOWN MANAGER REPORT • Mr. Malloy reported that he and Mr. Lucente met to begin the discussion of what actions the Town might take to address racial inequity and social injustice issues. Mr. Malloy stated that he does not see any of the same issues in Lexington that are of concern nationally. As a starting point, Mr. Malloy proposed that the Town adopt a three-pronged approach: establish a Town Manager's Task Force that would, with the Police Department, take a closer look at Police Department practices; hold a facilitated community conversation, possibly as the Town of Arlington has done with a facilitator from the National League of Cities' Racial Equity and Leadership program or similar organization; have a third-party review of Town policies/bylaws/regulations to ensure there are no discriminatory biases inherent in the codes. With the assistance of the Police Chief, Mr. Malloy will meet with the two Police unions to discuss hoW to move forward together in partnership. Mr. Malloy stated that the Lexington Police Department's expertise is of great value to the community. Mr. Malloy will continue to pursue the course of action described above and report back to the Select Board at the next meeting. Mr. Lucente encouraged Select Board members to contribute additional ideas to be discussed. Ms. Barry said, after discussing the matter with ToWn Counsel, she will have to step away from these discussions due to conflict of interest. She read this statement: "As the Board is aware, my husband works for the Town of Lexington Police Department. Due to the sensitivity of the issues to be discussed, and to avoid any appearance of conflict or questions as to whether the Board can impartially address these issues, I will be recusing myself from this discussion regardless of whether or not there is a financial interest conflict under the State Ethics Act, Massachusetts General Law 268A." • Today, the Town issued just over$20M in bonds over a 15-year period. Due to the competitive bond market and Lexington's Tripe A bond rating, the True Interest Cost rate (TIC) Lexington received was a very favorable 1.1315%. Mr. Malloy noted that this is extremely positive for the budget; most interest rate proj ections the Town uses in its calculations are 3 or 3.5%. The lower TIC will save significant money. The Select Board expects to sign the bonds at its next meeting, although the mechanics will be somewhat different due to the virtual format of the meetings. • A Doodle poll to schedule Town Counsel applicant interviews will be sent out tonight so Select Board members can fill in their availability. 2 ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION 1. 2020 Annual Town Meeting and Special Town Meeting Mr. Lucente thanked the Board and staff inembers for making Town Meeting possible in the face of significant and unusual obstacles. He sees this year's Town Meeting as a particularly proud moment for Lexington. The other Board members concurred with Mr. Lucente's sentiments. Ms. Barry noted a lot of business was deferred to the fall and strategic thinking will be important about how to manage the accumulated workload. 2. Reorganization of the Board Ms. Katzenback took nominations for Board Chair. Ms. Barry nominated Mr. Lucente for Chair. As there were no other nominations for Select Board Chair, Ms. Katzenback closed the nominations. By roll call vote, the Select Board unanimously voted to approve Mr. Lucente as Select Board Chair for a second one-year term. Ms. Katzenback took nominations for Board Vice Chair. Ms. Barry nominated Ms. Hai for Vice Chair. As there were no other nominations for Select Board Vice Chair, Ms. Katzenback closed the nominations. By roll call vote, the Select Board unanimously voted to approve Jill Hai as Select Board Vice Chair for a second, one-year term. 3. Covid-19 Update Discuss Strategies, Implementation and Community Response Actions Related to Covid-19 Guidelines and Directives Mr. Malloy stated that Lexington's total number of Covid-19 cases now stands at 318. All Totivn departments are preparing for staff to return to Town office buildings with 25% of personnel working onsite and 75%Working remotely for the remainder of Phase 1. Town buildings will not immediately be open to the public. The Library and the Community Center are reviewing their plans; the DPW and Public Facilities departments are both returning to full schedule as of June 1, 2020. The Return to Work task force is completing a review which has been presented to the unions; meetings have occurred with the two unions that asked the Town to provide clarifications. An Industrial Hygienist has been engaged to make recommendations for the buildings and facilities. The Senior Management Team will continue holding Wednesday morning conference calls at which concerns are discussed. The Economic Development department has been working with Public Works, Police, Fire, Health, Planning, and the Town Manager's Office to draft guidelines for businesses and restaurants to re-open in some capacity Dr. Heiger-Bernays, Chair of the Lexington Board of Health, said that the Board of Health receives updated Covid-19 data every Wednesday from the State. The report allows the Board to better make local decisions. The data is also being posted on the Town's Website. 4. Discussion of Reopening Lexington Businesses and Restaurants Town-wide Planning and Communication Mr. Malloy said staff in the Economic Development office have been coordinating with relevant Town departments, local businesses, local restaurants, and the Chamber of Commerce to review standards in other communities and to develop guidance for possible use of 3 sidewalk/outside seating. He asks the Select Board to comment on this guidance prior to releasing the document. One suggestion Mr. Malloy received was to name the Town Manager"Deputy Liquor Licensing Authority" so that re-opening applications can be processed quickly. This would apply specifically to restaurants with liquor licenses that request outdoor seating approval. Sandhya Iyer, Economic Development Director; and Casey Haggerty, Economic Development Coordinator,presented the overview of what the re-opening group proposes, based on the research conducted and the data collected. Some of the topics discussed included: alcohol take- out from restaurants with on-premise licenses; outdoor table distancing and party size; creation of standardized wall signs and and floor markings and distribution of signage to restaurants and shops. Applications for business re-openings have been revised to reflect Covid-19 protocols as established by the public health and public safety departments. The format of the business re- opening application is based on the application crafted by the City of Salem. Lexington's restaurant guidelines re: communal seating are based on the Town of Needham's guidelines. Ms. Haggerty reported that applications are ready to go for public property and private property seating models once the Board gives approval. Picnic tables can be set out and parklet seating areas can be cordoned off immediately. Operational safety protocols for re-opening include: • Close or reconfigure worker common spaces and high-density areas where workers are likely to congregate (e.g. break rooms, eating areas) to allow 6 feet of physical distancing; redesign work stations to ensure physical distancing(e.g. separate tables, stagger workstations on either side of processing lines so workers are not face-to-face, use distance markers to assure spacing including the kitchen area); • Establish directional hallways and passageways for foot traffic, if possible, to minimize contact(e.g. one-way entrance and exit to the restaurant). Post clearly visible signage regarding these policies. • Prohibit lingering in common areas (e.g. waiting areas,bathrooms) and ensure social distancing in common areas by marking 6 feet spacing with tape or paint on the floor and signage; • All customer-facing workers (e.g. servers,bus staff)must minimize time spent within 6 feet of customers. Ms. Barry asked how many liquor licenses Mr. Malloy would need to authorize if he was made temporary a Deputy of liquor licensing. She believes it is important for the Board to interview new applicants or when a change in management occurs. She would not be in favor of a permanent deputization but supports it for existing licenses. Ms. Barry asked Dr. Heiger-Bernays what the Board of Health's (BOH)position is on communal dining and how it would be regulated and monitored. Dr. Heiger-Bernays said communal dining is a subset of larger issues. Because a large surge of the virus is expected, everything to do with the re-opening plan should be reviewed by the BOH. State guidance about matters such as communal dining are being crafted by municipalities in the 4 absence of sufficient guidance from the State. Decisions such as distance between patrons; timing between seatings; table sanitation; education and oversight to ensure compliance; are complicated and require coordination among all Town entities, including the BOH. Dr. Heiger-Bernays said that metrics/criteria to support or delay re-opening should be created. Governor Baker has given municipalities permission to re-open but the speci�cs have to be deliberated town by town. She suggested that tonight's presentation, together with the Board's responses, should result in a list of questions to be discussed by the BOH and Public Health staff at the next BOH meeting. The objective is to make decisions deliberately that are consistent and transparent. Mr. Sandeen said his impression of the long list of re-opening requirements is that the Town might have a capacity problem when it comes to oversight. He also has concerns about use of public bathrooms. He asked for clarification about how much of the Center would be cordoned off for restaurant seating. Ms. Iyer and Ms. Haggerty said the intent of the Re-opening Group is to provide a menu of options,not to recommend or propose that all parking lots and parking spaces be dedicated to outdoor dining. Ms. Iyer said the DPW has also expressed concerns about the amount of area to be devoted to seating. Mr. Sandeen said he is in support of resurrecting the former parklet in the Center that was established in the last few summer seasons. He has received comments from citizens who are already having trouble keeping 6 feet of distance from others on sidewalks, so he recommended creating additional seating in some of the parking spaces along Massachusetts Avenue rather than taking away sidewalk space. Mr. Pato agreed that it is already hard to keep distance from others when in the Center. Mr. Sandeen said he supports deputizing the Town Manager to approve licenses for existing business on a temporary basis through the Covid-19 crisis. Mr. Hai said she sees the issue as a balancing act between the need to promote/support local businesses and the need for safety. Using the parking areas for restaurant seating will also have the effect of limiting the most convenient parking. She asked who would be responsible for cleaning picnic tables placed in public areas. She also tivants to make sure that business districts other than the Center are considered and that non-restaurant businesses are also considered. She believes first-wave solutions will be trial-and-error but that the Town should nonetheless move ahead with trial efforts using the suggestions made by the re-opening team. With regard to licensing, Ms. Hai supports convenience, consistency, and clarity. She recommended developing a checklist for license approval, especially during the Covid-19 emergency. She is comfortable deputizing Mr. Malloy to sign off on such a checklist when businesses have completed the requirements. Mr. Pato seconded much of Ms. Hai's comments. He added that if parking is closed off for seating either on the street or in the parking lots traffic safety must be considered and parking counts need to ensure that adequate parking remains. The Transportation Safety Group should be brought into the loop for comment. Mr. Pato said solutions might need to evolve over time, given the circumstances and the season change. 5 Mr. Pato agreed that a checklist for licensing should be developed and that the Town Manager should be deputized to expedite existing licenses only. Mr. Lucente said he would like to hear from businesses and restaurants that would be affected by the plan and its requirements. He wants to balance everything against health concerns. Mr. Lucente wants to make sure the Town is not building something there is no demand for. Mr. Lucente supported developing a reopening checklist and authorizing Mr. Malloy to sign off on them for existing license holders. Ms. Katzenback confirmed that the Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission(ABCC) only allows Town Managers to be deputized to sign off on existing license holders, not on new licenses. Mr. Malloy reported that Clay Oven is the only restaurant he has heard from to date. Ms. Iyer reported that Mario's, Via Lago, Il Casale, Ixtapa, and Bertucci's have made inquiries through the Economic Development Office. Ms. Iyer noted that some restaurants named above have submitted outdoor seating proposals for sidewalks and privately-owned parking areas. Mr. Malloy emphasized that these outdoor tables must have table service when a liquor license is a factor but a communal dining area would be possible if non-licensed restaurants presented a plan for how shared tables would be kept clean. Dr. Heiger-Bernays said the issue from her perspective re: communal tables is how to control crowding. Eric Michelson, President of Lexington Retailers Association, emphasized that time is of the essence for businesses struggling to stay afloat. He asked that the Town's reopening plan be streamlined and clear. Dawn McKenna, Chair of the Tourism Committee, said the Tourism Committee has not met since Covid-19 caused everything to close but past sentiments indicate that members have a strong interest in providing amenities for visitors, such as outdoor seating. She hopes that the need to distance tables will be balanced with sidewalk accessibility. She is concerned that the picnic tables that have recently re-appeared near the new Visitors Center might attract people without oversight. She seconded the sentiments for a streamlined reopening process and seconded the concept of including all businesses and restaurants, no matter where in town they are. Mr. Lucente agreed that having everyone on the same page, communicating effectively, and being nimble are all important elements to the reopening process. Jerry Michelson, Chair of the Center Committee, said the Center Committee will review the Reopening Task Force proposals that have been presented tonight. He urged the Town to help get businesses back up and running again as quickly as possible. Ms. Haggerty noted that the Health department has reviewed the two applications for outdoor seating and said that, as long as they comply with State guidelines, they are ready to be released. 6 Ms. Hai said that the applications seem fine but noted that they only reference parking lots and no other outdoor spaces that businesses might have. She asked for the language to be broadened. Ms. Iyer said the updated application includes requests for descriptions and diagrams. Valerie Overton, 25 Emerson Gardens, said she supports the formation of a task force that would be nimble and represent a wide range of interests, including businesses, safety, and accessibility. She believes looking at the issue from siloed perspectives might cause the Town to miss something important. Ms. Barry said she thinks the applications look fine but questioned the reference to "continuous rails"which is not the kind of cordon Bertucci's has been using. She asked if already established tables, such as Peet's Coffee,would need to provide barriers. Mr. Malloy said that Peet's does not serve liquor so a rail is not needed. Ms. Haggerty said the updated version of application broadens the description of the barrier to include chains, stanchions, and velvet roping. Mr. Sandeen said, apropos of Dr. Heiger-Bernays' comment, that he would be uncomfortable unless the guidelines specify that patrons not tables are at least 6 feet apart. Ms. Haggerty confirmed that the Health department has reviewed the guidelines and that all applications for outdoor seating will be routed through the Health department as they are submitted. Dr. Heiger-Bernays said that the Board of Health has not seen the applications, although the Health office has. She asked that the BOH be allowed to review them so the Town can speak with one voice. As there were many more questions to be resolved in the re-opening plan, the Board anticipates proposals to be brought to them after thorough vetting by relevant parties. On a motion duly made and seconded and by roll call, the Select Board voted 5-0 to name the Town Manager as the Deputy Liquor Licensing Authority for the purpose of facilitating restaurant re-opening for existing license holders during the Covid-19 state of emergency. On a motion duly made and seconded and by roll call, the Select Board vote 5-0 to approve the application for the use of sidewalks and the application for the use of private lots for expanded seating,pending review by the Board of Health. 5. Review and Discuss Draft Grant of Location Policy Mr. Malloy and Town Counsel have made amendments to the grant of location policy draft. Mr. Malloy asked for further comments so he can finalize the document. The Board offered comments. Mr. Malloy will make the edits requested and the item will come back for a vote at a later meeting. Mr. Lucente and Ms. Barry asked that the policy be made clear upfront and also attached to every application that goes out. 6. Accept Easement Lexington Hills Pedestrian Easement Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the Select Board voted 5-0 by roll call to accept the alteration of the pedestrian easement as of July 21, 2020 as shown on the attached plans and 7 easement document and further to authorize the Town Manager to sign the easement document on behalf of the Select Board. 7. Conflict of Interest Determination: David Williams Board of Appeals Mr. Williams has �iled a disclosure form of perceived potential conflict of interest as it relates to his participation at the Board of Appeals June 11, 2020 hearing for the Hancock Church Sign request. Mr. Williams states he is a member of the Hancock Church but does not have a financial interest and does not feel there is a conflict of interest and can give a fair and impartial review. He asks the Select Board to confirm that there is not conflict so that he may participate in the Board of Appeals discussion on Hancock Church. Ms. Barry recused herself due to being employed by Hancock Church. Mr. Sandeen recused himself because he is a member of Hancock Church. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the Select Board voted 3-0 by roll call that the Board has determined there is not a conflict of interest for Mr. William's participation in the June 11, 2020 Board of Appeals hearing regarding the Hancock Church sign application. 8. Future Meeting Dates Remote meetings are assumed through at least July 2020. ADJOURN Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the Select Board voted 5-0 by roll call to adj ourn the meeting at 7:26 p.m. A true record; Attest: Kim Siebert Recording Secretary 8 SELECT BOARD MEETING Monday,July 27, 2020 A remote participation meeting of the Lexington Select Board was called to order at 6:01 p.m. on Monday,July 27,2020 via zoom meeting services. Present Were Mr. Lucente, Chair; Mr. Pato; Ms. Barry, Ms. Hai and Mr. Sandeen; Also present were Mr. Malloy,ToWn Manager; and Ms. Katzenback,Executive Clerk. Mr. Lucente stated the remote participation meeting is being held in accordance with Governor Baker's March 12,2020 Executive Order suspending certain provisions of the Open Meeting Law to allow remote participation during Massachusetts' State of Emergency due to the outbreak of COVID-19. SELECT BOARD MEMBER CONCERNS AND LIAISON REPORTS Ms. Hai • There will be a co-sponsored event by the Lexington Human Rights Committee, the Lexington Human Services Department, and Cary Memorial Library on Tuesday, July 28, 2020 with a facilitated panel discussion and small group facilitated conversations regarding the movie I am not a Racist am I? • Ms. Hai reported she attended MAPC Diversity Deficit in Local Government webinar. Mr. Lucente • A Joint Select Board, Planning Board and Economic Development Advisory Committee (EDAC) meeting will be scheduled to discuss the HartWell Avenue Project. • Mr. Lucente reminded citizens as it is election season, Town Code Section 135-5.2 limits the number of signs and the location signs can be placed on a property. • Mr. Lucente asked Board members to review Select Board Goals and prepare and update for the August 10. 2020 meeting. Ms. Barry • Ms. Barry reported that she and Mr. Malloy participated in a zoom call with Hanscom Area Towns Committee (HATS) towns, Bedford, Lexington, Lincoln and Concord, at which the change of command at Hanscom Air Force Base Was recognized. Colonel Ellsworth has moved on to another post and Colonel Stevens is at Hanscom for the next two years. • Ms. Barry thanked LexHab for the tour of their Farmview site LexHab is now offering times for Town Meeting Members, Board& Committee Members and direct abutters to tour the Farmview site as Well .Mr. Sandeen • Mr. Sandeen, attended the Ribbon cutting at the Center Recreation Complex for the new Track with Ms. Barry,Mr. Lucente and Mr.Malloy. • Mr. Sandeen, School Superintendent, Assistant School Superintendent for Finance and Operation and the Electric School Bus Task Force met with representatives from Eversource to discuss charging infrastructure for electric school buses. • At their July 16, 2020 meeting, the Housing Partnership Board expressed interest in continuing discussions with the Select Board and the Planning Board, as well as other stakeholders about potentia140B affordable housing overlays. • All six FarmView units are all-electric units and their solar panels on the roof are capable of powering all the units with all the energy they need and have the potential for generating even more solar power in the future. • Mr. Sandeen attended the third session of the LexChat series of community conversations • Mr. Sandeen, Mr. Pato and Mr. Malloy met with Adam Chapdelaine, Arlington Town Manager, last week to discuss Arlington's response to the Attorney General's determination on Brookline Sustainable Building warrant article. Mr. Sandeen requested that an item be placed on an upcoming Select Board agenda to discuss if the Lexington Select Board might submit a response regarding the Attorney General's determination. TOWN MANAGER REPORT Mr. Malloy stated that the Town has been awarded$54,000 shared street grant and the barriers have been ordered. In addition the Town was awarded a micro enterprise grant for $84,000 for COVID-19 assistance to help local small businesses. Additionally, Mr. Malloy reported the following: Four new police of�cers graduated from the academy; the Visitor Center is open for outdoor sales and tours on the Battle Green; Lexington Recreation Department Day Camp opened last week and are following the state's guidelines on day camps and the Household Hazardous Waste Collection is scheduled for August 15,2020,pre-registration is required. ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION 1. COVID-19 Update and Discussion Strategies, Implementation, Community Response Actions and Reopening Efforts Related to COVID-19 Guidelines and Directives Mr. Malloy stated that as of July 23, 2020, there were 3 32 cumulative confirmed cases of COVID-19 reported for the Town of Lexington of which 3 are active cases. Mr.Malloy reported the following response actions related to COVID-19: • Town/School/Community: All Town Departments have partially returned to work with staff working in the offices 25% of the time and 75% working remotely. The Industrial Hygienist will provide an overall report as a resource for the Town to use evaluate any modifications that may be necessary any of our buildings to make sure that both town staff and the public are safe coming into our buildings. The Library is providing curb-side "Cary Out"services and reviewing next steps. Ms. Hai reiterated she would like the Town to encourage residents to be tested for COVID to ensure the Town has an accurate account of incidence in Lexington. Mr. Lucente informed the Board that he, Mr. Malloy and Mr. Sandeen Will be meeting with two members of the Board of Health in an effort to discuss enhancing communications. Mr. Sandeen mentioned that residents have expressed concern that it is not possible to comply with the state's requirement to provide proof of a negative test result taken within 72 hours before traveling out of state,when laboratories are not providing results for 10 to 14 days. Mr. Sandeen asked when the ventilation system report for town buildings would be available to the Select Board. He would like to hear what modifications are being made to the ventilation systems in the Town Buildings to reduce potential airborne transmission of COVID-19. DOCUMENTS PRESENTED: 7-23-20 COVID19 Update 2. Discuss Potential Approval for Commercial Business Use of Town Property During COVID- 19&Update on Business Grants Mr. Malloy stated that in response to business needs during the Covid-19 Pandemic, he would like to move forward to use the existing Recreation and Community Programs Department permit policy to allow for organized use of Lexington Parks and Recreation Outdoor facilities by businesses. Mr. Malloy requested the Select Board to waive the section in the Select Board Park and Recreation Facilities Policy that prohibits companies from engaging in business activities on Town property. Mr. Pato said instead of waiving section 8 on the Select Board policy, he would recommend that the Board give the Town Manager or his designee, the authority to grant permission for the use Town Property for business activities during the pandemic. Ms. Barry expressed concern as to the fees that would be charged to business Who request using Town property for their business during the pandemic and asked if there could be some way to Waive that fee or help mitigate that fee for businesses? Mr. Malloy stated it might be possible for businesses to apply for assistance under the Community Development Block Grant(CDBG)Program. Mr. Sandeen stated he also feels there should be a way to waive fees during the crisis. He asked if the application process Will be streamlined. Ms. Iyer, Economic Development Director, stated the Recreation Department already has a permitting process in place and the CDBG grant application process is run by the State. Mr. Eric Michelson,45 Circle Road President Retailers Association expressed concern to the fees that the businesses would have to pay to use Town property during the pandemic. Ms. Carol Dlugy. 6 Bird Hill Road and Chamber of Commerce Director also expressed concern to the fees that the businesses would have to pay to use Town property during the pandemic. VOTE: Upon a motion duly made and seconded, by roll call, the Select Board voted 5-O,to set the Town Manager or their designee as the permitting authority for Item 8 which reads, "engage in business activity" under the Parks and Recreation Facilities Policy to allow the use of Town property for business activities during the current pandemic until such time that the Governor lifts the State of Emergency for the purposes stated in the July 14, 2020 memo on the subj ect of recommendations for Special Use Permitting of Parks &Recreation Outdoor Space. 3. Update and Discussion on Next Steps for Social Racial Equity Initiatives Ms. Hai stated the following information was published in the Select Board meeting packet: • Ms. Hai and Mr. Malloy met with Dr. Aytia Martin, All Aces. Dr. Martin worked with the City of Cambridge on their diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives. All Aces will be submitting a proposal to the Town of Lexington for their services and will provide it to the Board as soon as it is received. • Ms. Hai and Mr. Malloy met with the National League of Cities Race Equity And Leadership (REAL)program and expect a proposal from them within the next few days and will provide that to the Board as soon as it is received. • Members of the Town of Lexington Senior Management Team as well as Ms. Hai will be attending a Race,Equity Municipal Action Plan webinar on August 6,2020 which will include an overview from the Government Alliance for Race and Equity(GARE) of what GARE offers. • The Town is Working towards several statements specific to LaW Enforcement and started drafting a value statement with regard to the Town's organizational values. Ms. Roy, Human Rights Committee Chair, thanked Ms. Hai and Mr. Malloy for the work being done by the Town for next steps towards the social and racial equity initiatives. Ms. Tonya Gisolfi-McCready, Human Rights Committee Vice-Chair, thanked the Town for the work being done towards the social and racial equity initiatives. Ms. Walker, 121 Concord Ave, thanked the Town for their work and stressed the importance of getting the initiative started sooner. Mr. Joyner, 3 8 School Street, stated he feels a banner should be hung for Black Lives Matter as a part of the initiatives. Mr. Overton,25 Emerson Gardens, stated she feels the consultants should also address intersectionality. DOCUMENTS PRESENTED: Recommendations for Special Use Permitting of Parks & Recreation Outdoor Space, Current Select Board Policy Park and Recreational Facilities 4. Update on Massachusetts Clean Energy Center Heatsmart Program Mr. Malloy provided additional information regarding the HeatSmart program. He said the HeatSmart program is a one-year marketing program where the MA CEC assists a Town in identifying a solar contractor that residents can feel comfortable working with. The grant would be approximately $5,000 to $10,000 and provides marketing funds to let residents know about the program. A goal of Ms. Carr, Sustainability Director,would be to develop methods to help residents identify a vetted solar installer. Next Steps: Mr. Malloy will write a letter of support for inclusion with the Town's application for consideration of participation in the HeatsSmart Program. DOCUMENTS PRESENTED: MA CEC HeatSmart Community Commitment and Deliverables 5. Proposed Changes to Lexpress Routes and Fare Changes Ms. Barrett, Transportation Manager, stated that using the recommendations from our tri town transit study on integration of all our services, regionalization and coordination the following is being recommended for the Lexpress f routes tor the upcoming year: Routes Route A1 Depot to Turning Mill&Back Route A2 Depot to Avalon Hills&Back RouteB Depot� Lahey Burlington& Back Route C Depot to Arlington Heights & Liberty Heights&Back Ms. Barrett presented the following proposed changes to the Lexpress fare for the upcoming year: Cash Fare Current Proposed Adult $2.75 $2.00 RT Ticket $4.00 N/A Senior/Special Needs $0.75 No change Youth(ages 6-18) $1.75 No change Child(ages 0-5) Free No Change Tickets $20 for 14 Hold for now/honor old tickets Pass Type Current Price Proposed Price General Annual(ages 6-64) $350 $260 General 6 Month $225 $170 General 1 Month $ 60 $ 45 Snr/Special Needs(65+)Annual$125 $100 Snr/Special Needs(65+)6 Month $ 75 $ 65 Snr/Special Needs(65+)1 Month $20 $20 Ms. Barrett stated the use of passes will allow for contactless interaction between driver and the rider as a safety measure during the pandemic. VOTE: Upon a motion duly made and seconded, by roll call, the Select Board voted 5-0, to approve the proposed. Lexpress Route changes as presented by the Transportation Manager and further to approve the proposed Lexpress fare changes as presented by the Transportation Manager. DOCUMENTS PRESENTED: Presentation-LexPress Routes and Fares 6. 2020 State Primary Election Ms. Rice,Town Clerk,requested the Board vote the warrant for State Primary Election. VOTE: Upon a motion duly made and seconded, by roll call, the Select Board voted 5-0, to approve and sign the September 2020 State Primary Warrant. Ms. Rice requested the Board to vote approve the location and hours for early voting for the State Primary Election. VOTE: Upon a motion duly made and seconded, by roll call, the Select Board voted 5-0, to approve the designation of the Cary Memorial Building as Lexington's Early Voting Location for the September 2020 State Primary with early voting hours as follows: Saturday,August 22, 2020 10:00 a.m. -3:00 p.m. Sunday,August 23, 2020 10:00 a.m. -3:00 p.m. Monday,August 24, 2020 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Tuesday,August 25,2020 8:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Wednesday,August 26,2020 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Thursday,August 27, 2020 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Friday,August 28,2020 8:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Ms. Rice stated the Town is diligently preparing the precincts, the polling locations and early voting for necessary mitigation measure for voter and poll worker safety during the COVID-19 pandemic. DOCUMENTS PRESENTED: 2020 Sept Primary warrant, Request to Designate Early Voting State Primary 2020-09-01 At 8:40 p.m.the Board recessed and the meeting resumed at 8:45 p.m. 7. Review Proposed Special Town Meeting Dates Ms. Axtell stated the Fall Special Town Meeting sessions are being proposed to be held on October 14, 2020; October 19, 2020; October 21, 2020; November 9, 2020, November 12, 2020 and reserving November 16, 2020 and November 18, 2020 if needed. Ms. Axtell said the proposed list of articles for Special Town Meeting includes the financial articles that may be needed for tax rate setting or any adjustments to the budget as well as the articles that were referred back to the Select Board or the Planning Board at the 2020 Annual Town Meeting held remotely in June 2020. Ms. Axtell informed the Board that Mr. Matt Daggett requested to have his citizen article, which seeks to establish surcharge on residential development activities be postponed to the 2021 Annual Town Meeting. It was the consensus of the Board to allow Mr. Daggett's citizen petition to be put forth at the 2021 Annual Town Meeting. Dawn McKenna, 9 Hancock Street, expressed concern to of have a remote participation Fall Special Town meeting to address all the articles being proposed. ACTION ITEM: Select Board to call for 2020 Fall Special Town meeting at an upcoming Select Board Meeting. DOCUMENTS PRESENTED: Proposed 2020 Fall Special Town Meeting Dates, M. Daggett Request, 2020-2 STM Draft Article list 8. Discuss Proposed New Police Station Mr. Malloy presented the following three options for Board discussion on the subj ect of a Debt Exclusion Vote and Town Meeting Debt Authorization Vote for the proposed New Police Station: 1. Early November 2020 Debt Exclusion Vote & mid-November 2020 Town Meeting Debt Authorization Vote 2. Early December 2020 Town Meeting Debt Authorization & 2021 Debt Exclusion Vote that coincides with the Annual Town Election 3. Mid November 2020 Town Meeting Debt Authorization Vote & early February 2021 ballot question(Special Election) In addition, Mr. Malloy presented a proposed schedule in order to educate the community on the new Police Station proj ect which included three presentations/listening sessions to the public as well as offering public tours of the current Police Station. In addition he said discussion on the debt exclusion cost assumptions and estimates would be discussed at upcoming Budget Summits I, II and III. The Board was opposed to option 1 - Early November 2020 Debt Exclusion Vote and a mid-November 2020 Town Meeting debt authorization. The Board expressed that sufficient community conversations to hear the community's perspective on the Police Station proj ect need to take place prior to having a Debt Exclusion Vote and a new Police Station article at Town Meeting. Dawn McKenna, 9 Hancock Street, Precinct 6 Town Meeting Member, stated she feels there needs to be more community conversation to hear what the community would like to see in the Police Station Proj ect. David Kanter, 48 Fifer Lane, Capital Expenditures Committee, stated historically the Town meeting debt authorization has taken place first and followed by a debt exclusion vote. He suggested to think carefully about MGL chapter 53. Section 18 b as it involves an extra amount of staff work. Mr. Kanter stated he feels it is important to make it clear that changes in policing performance does not affect the building. Valerie Overton, 25 Emerson Gardens, said she feels that in order to have public confidence in a design proj ect for a new police station, we need to have some public conversation about what the model of policing is going to be for the future,which could impact the design of the station. DOCUMENT PRESENTED: Police Station Schedule, Statutory Info&Options 9. Town Manager Creation of 2020 Working Group Mr.Malloy stated the Vision 20/20 committee is preparing for a February 2022 Town-wide survey. The survey would provide an additional data point for longitudinal studies of Town attitudes. The Committee will be looking to the Town to fund this activity in FY22. In the past the Town has paid for the actual dissemination and statistical analysis of the study,which was approximately$35K in FY17. In order to move forward,the Vision 20/20 Committee requested that a technical Working Group be created to update the survey questions and undertake ethnic and cultural group engagement,make sure the wording is sensitive and issues are all covered. Mr.Malloy requested Board approval for the Town Manager to create the working group. Mr. Pato stated this would be a Town Manager technical working group giving their recommendation to the 20/20 Committee decide how to proceed with the survey. On a side note, The Select Board members stated they would like to see the Vision 20/20 Committee name be updated. Dawn McKenna, 9 Hancock Street, expressed concern that 20/20 Working Group should be set up under the purview of the Select Board. Mona Roy, Human Rights Committee, stated the Human Rights Committee is available to assist to look at the proj ect through a diversity equity inclusion lens. VOTE: Upon a motion duly made and seconded, by roll call, the Select Board voted 5-0, to approve the Town Manager creating and appointing a Vision 20/20 Survey Working Group to begin planning for a longitudinal study in FY22. 10. Update on Cary Memorial Library "Cary Out" Service Emily Smith, Assistant Director& Head of Technology, stated the Cary Library started offering curbside service "Cary Out" on June 30, 2020. The program is available 5 hours/day, 5 days/week, typically having 40 appointments/hour for approximately 1,125 pickups/week. The Town of Lexington currently offers one of the highest number of appointments/week in the Minuteman Library Network. The returned materials are quarantined for four days using the Cary Library Living Room, Commons Area, as well as the Children's Room. Koren Stembridge,Library Director, stated the Library continues to plan for the time when the Library will be able to re-open for the public to come in to browse/pick-up/check out materials i.e.(grocery store model). She stated at this time a re-opening is no longer anticipated to occur before October 1,2020 and ultimately is dependent on public health advice and the continued easing of gathering restrictions due to COVID-19. The Board thanked the Library for their hard work and extended their appreciation for the service the library provides to the community. DOCUMENT PRESENTED: PRESENTATION—CARY OUT SERVICES 11. Town Manager Committee Appointment/Reappointment Mr. Malloy requested Select Board approval of the Town Manager appointment of Christian Boutwell to the Recreation Committee and the reappointment of Richard McDonough to the Council on Aging. VOTE: Upon a motion duly made and seconded, by roll call, the Select Board voted 5-0 to approve the Town Manager's appointment of Christian Boutwell to the Recreation Committee for a term to expire May 30,2023 and the reappointment of Richard McDonough to the Council on Aging for a term to expire May 2023. Mr. Malloy stated the Recreation Committee interested in pursuing increasing their committee membership from 5 to 7 members. Mr. Malloy stated he advised Ms. Battite, Recreation and Community Programs Director, and Mr. DeAngelis, Recreation Committee Chair, that the membership of the Recreation Committee is dictated by the General Bylaws and therefore would require Town Meeting approval for a bylaw change. They understand this and are interested in pursuing it at a future Town Meeting. DOCUMENTS PRESENTED: Recreation Committee appointment letter, C. Boutwell application, R. McDonough Reappointment application 12. Approve Minutes VOTE: Upon a motion duly made and seconded, by roll call, the Select Board voted 5-0 to approve the minutes of November 4, 2019;November 4, 2019 -Joint BOS/Housing Partnership Board;November 12, 2019;November 18,2019; December 16, 2019;June 29,2020 and July 13, 2020. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Water& Sewer Commitments Motion to approve the above Water& Sewer Commitment June 2020 Finals in the amount of$7,231.05 VOTE: Upon a motion duly made and seconded, by roll call, the Select Board voted 5-0 to approve the consent agenda. ADJOURN Upon a motion duly made and seconded,by roll call,the Select Board voted 5-0 to adjourn the meeting at 10:24 p.m. A true record;Attest: Kim Katzenback Executive Clerk SELECT BOARD MEETING Monday,July 27, 2020 A remote participation meeting of the Lexington Select Board was called to order at 6:01 p.m. on Monday,July 27,2020 via zoom meeting services. Present Were Mr. Lucente, Chair; Mr. Pato; Ms. Barry, Ms. Hai and Mr. Sandeen; Also present were Mr. Malloy,ToWn Manager; and Ms. Katzenback,Executive Clerk. Mr. Lucente stated the remote participation meeting is being held in accordance with Governor Baker's March 12,2020 Executive Order suspending certain provisions of the Open Meeting Law to allow remote participation during Massachusetts' State of Emergency due to the outbreak of COVID-19. SELECT BOARD MEMBER CONCERNS AND LIAISON REPORTS Ms. Hai • There will be a co-sponsored event by the Lexington Human Rights Committee, the Lexington Human Services Department, and Cary Memorial Library on Tuesday, July 28, 2020 with a facilitated panel discussion and small group facilitated conversations regarding the movie I am not a Racist am I? • Ms. Hai reported she attended MAPC Diversity Deficit in Local Government webinar. Mr. Lucente • A Joint Select Board, Planning Board and Economic Development Advisory Committee (EDAC) meeting will be scheduled to discuss the HartWell Avenue Project. • Mr. Lucente reminded citizens as it is election season, Town Code Section 135-5.2 limits the number of signs and the location signs can be placed on a property. • Mr. Lucente asked Board members to review Select Board Goals and prepare and update for the August 10. 2020 meeting. Ms. Barry • Ms. Barry reported that she and Mr. Malloy participated in a zoom call with Hanscom Area Towns Committee (HATS) towns, Bedford, Lexington, Lincoln and Concord, at which the change of command at Hanscom Air Force Base Was recognized. Colonel Ellsworth has moved on to another post and Colonel Stevens is at Hanscom for the next two years. • Ms. Barry thanked LexHab for the tour of their Farmview site LexHab is now offering times for Town Meeting Members, Board& Committee Members and direct abutters to tour the Farmview site as Well .Mr. Sandeen • Mr. Sandeen, attended the Ribbon cutting at the Center Recreation Complex for the new Track with Ms. Barry,Mr. Lucente and Mr.Malloy. • Mr. Sandeen, School Superintendent, Assistant School Superintendent for Finance and Operation and the Electric School Bus Task Force met with representatives from Eversource to discuss charging infrastructure for electric school buses. • At their July 16, 2020 meeting, the Housing Partnership Board expressed interest in continuing discussions with the Select Board and the Planning Board, as well as other stakeholders about potentia140B affordable housing overlays. • All six FarmView units are all-electric units and their solar panels on the roof are capable of powering all the units with all the energy they need and have the potential for generating even more solar power in the future. • Mr. Sandeen attended the third session of the LexChat series of community conversations • Mr. Sandeen, Mr. Pato and Mr. Malloy met with Adam Chapdelaine, Arlington Town Manager, last week to discuss Arlington's response to the Attorney General's determination on Brookline Sustainable Building warrant article. Mr. Sandeen requested that an item be placed on an upcoming Select Board agenda to discuss if the Lexington Select Board might submit a response regarding the Attorney General's determination. TOWN MANAGER REPORT Mr. Malloy stated that the Town has been awarded$54,000 shared street grant and the barriers have been ordered. In addition the Town was awarded a micro enterprise grant for $84,000 for COVID-19 assistance to help local small businesses. Additionally, Mr. Malloy reported the following: Four new police of�cers graduated from the academy; the Visitor Center is open for outdoor sales and tours on the Battle Green; Lexington Recreation Department Day Camp opened last week and are following the state's guidelines on day camps and the Household Hazardous Waste Collection is scheduled for August 15,2020,pre-registration is required. ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION 1. COVID-19 Update and Discussion Strategies, Implementation, Community Response Actions and Reopening Efforts Related to COVID-19 Guidelines and Directives Mr. Malloy stated that as of July 23, 2020, there were 3 32 cumulative confirmed cases of COVID-19 reported for the Town of Lexington of which 3 are active cases. Mr.Malloy reported the following response actions related to COVID-19: • Town/School/Community: All Town Departments have partially returned to work with staff working in the offices 25% of the time and 75% working remotely. The Industrial Hygienist will provide an overall report as a resource for the Town to use evaluate any modifications that may be necessary any of our buildings to make sure that both town staff and the public are safe coming into our buildings. The Library is providing curb-side "Cary Out"services and reviewing next steps. Ms. Hai reiterated she would like the Town to encourage residents to be tested for COVID to ensure the Town has an accurate account of incidence in Lexington. Mr. Lucente informed the Board that he, Mr. Malloy and Mr. Sandeen Will be meeting with two members of the Board of Health in an effort to discuss enhancing communications. Mr. Sandeen mentioned that residents have expressed concern that it is not possible to comply with the state's requirement to provide proof of a negative test result taken within 72 hours before traveling out of state,when laboratories are not providing results for 10 to 14 days. Mr. Sandeen asked when the ventilation system report for town buildings would be available to the Select Board. He would like to hear what modifications are being made to the ventilation systems in the Town Buildings to reduce potential airborne transmission of COVID-19. DOCUMENTS PRESENTED: 7-23-20 COVID19 Update 2. Discuss Potential Approval for Commercial Business Use of Town Property During COVID- 19&Update on Business Grants Mr. Malloy stated that in response to business needs during the Covid-19 Pandemic, he would like to move forward to use the existing Recreation and Community Programs Department permit policy to allow for organized use of Lexington Parks and Recreation Outdoor facilities by businesses. Mr. Malloy requested the Select Board to waive the section in the Select Board Park and Recreation Facilities Policy that prohibits companies from engaging in business activities on Town property. Mr. Pato said instead of waiving section 8 on the Select Board policy, he would recommend that the Board give the Town Manager or his designee, the authority to grant permission for the use Town Property for business activities during the pandemic. Ms. Barry expressed concern as to the fees that would be charged to business Who request using Town property for their business during the pandemic and asked if there could be some way to Waive that fee or help mitigate that fee for businesses? Mr. Malloy stated it might be possible for businesses to apply for assistance under the Community Development Block Grant(CDBG)Program. Mr. Sandeen stated he also feels there should be a way to waive fees during the crisis. He asked if the application process Will be streamlined. Ms. Iyer, Economic Development Director, stated the Recreation Department already has a permitting process in place and the CDBG grant application process is run by the State. Mr. Eric Michelson,45 Circle Road President Retailers Association expressed concern to the fees that the businesses would have to pay to use Town property during the pandemic. Ms. Carol Dlugy. 6 Bird Hill Road and Chamber of Commerce Director also expressed concern to the fees that the businesses would have to pay to use Town property during the pandemic. VOTE: Upon a motion duly made and seconded, by roll call, the Select Board voted 5-O,to set the Town Manager or their designee as the permitting authority for Item 8 which reads, "engage in business activity" under the Parks and Recreation Facilities Policy to allow the use of Town property for business activities during the current pandemic until such time that the Governor lifts the State of Emergency for the purposes stated in the July 14, 2020 memo on the subj ect of recommendations for Special Use Permitting of Parks &Recreation Outdoor Space. 3. Update and Discussion on Next Steps for Social Racial Equity Initiatives Ms. Hai stated the following information was published in the Select Board meeting packet: • Ms. Hai and Mr. Malloy met with Dr. Aytia Martin, All Aces. Dr. Martin worked with the City of Cambridge on their diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives. All Aces will be submitting a proposal to the Town of Lexington for their services and will provide it to the Board as soon as it is received. • Ms. Hai and Mr. Malloy met with the National League of Cities Race Equity And Leadership (REAL)program and expect a proposal from them within the next few days and will provide that to the Board as soon as it is received. • Members of the Town of Lexington Senior Management Team as well as Ms. Hai will be attending a Race,Equity Municipal Action Plan webinar on August 6,2020 which will include an overview from the Government Alliance for Race and Equity(GARE) of what GARE offers. • The Town is Working towards several statements specific to LaW Enforcement and started drafting a value statement with regard to the Town's organizational values. Ms. Roy, Human Rights Committee Chair, thanked Ms. Hai and Mr. Malloy for the work being done by the Town for next steps towards the social and racial equity initiatives. Ms. Tonya Gisolfi-McCready, Human Rights Committee Vice-Chair, thanked the Town for the work being done towards the social and racial equity initiatives. Ms. Walker, 121 Concord Ave, thanked the Town for their work and stressed the importance of getting the initiative started sooner. Mr. Joyner, 3 8 School Street, stated he feels a banner should be hung for Black Lives Matter as a part of the initiatives. Mr. Overton,25 Emerson Gardens, stated she feels the consultants should also address intersectionality. DOCUMENTS PRESENTED: Recommendations for Special Use Permitting of Parks & Recreation Outdoor Space, Current Select Board Policy Park and Recreational Facilities 4. Update on Massachusetts Clean Energy Center Heatsmart Program Mr. Malloy provided additional information regarding the HeatSmart program. He said the HeatSmart program is a one-year marketing program where the MA CEC assists a Town in identifying a solar contractor that residents can feel comfortable working with. The grant would be approximately $5,000 to $10,000 and provides marketing funds to let residents know about the program. A goal of Ms. Carr, Sustainability Director,would be to develop methods to help residents identify a vetted solar installer. Next Steps: Mr. Malloy will write a letter of support for inclusion with the Town's application for consideration of participation in the HeatsSmart Program. DOCUMENTS PRESENTED: MA CEC HeatSmart Community Commitment and Deliverables 5. Proposed Changes to Lexpress Routes and Fare Changes Ms. Barrett, Transportation Manager, stated that using the recommendations from our tri town transit study on integration of all our services, regionalization and coordination the following is being recommended for the Lexpress f routes tor the upcoming year: Routes Route A1 Depot to Turning Mill&Back Route A2 Depot to Avalon Hills&Back RouteB Depot� Lahey Burlington& Back Route C Depot to Arlington Heights & Liberty Heights&Back Ms. Barrett presented the following proposed changes to the Lexpress fare for the upcoming year: Cash Fare Current Proposed Adult $2.75 $2.00 RT Ticket $4.00 N/A Senior/Special Needs $0.75 No change Youth(ages 6-18) $1.75 No change Child(ages 0-5) Free No Change Tickets $20 for 14 Hold for now/honor old tickets Pass Type Current Price Proposed Price General Annual(ages 6-64) $350 $260 General 6 Month $225 $170 General 1 Month $ 60 $ 45 Snr/Special Needs(65+)Annual$125 $100 Snr/Special Needs(65+)6 Month $ 75 $ 65 Snr/Special Needs(65+)1 Month $20 $20 Ms. Barrett stated the use of passes will allow for contactless interaction between driver and the rider as a safety measure during the pandemic. VOTE: Upon a motion duly made and seconded, by roll call, the Select Board voted 5-0, to approve the proposed. Lexpress Route changes as presented by the Transportation Manager and further to approve the proposed Lexpress fare changes as presented by the Transportation Manager. DOCUMENTS PRESENTED: Presentation-LexPress Routes and Fares 6. 2020 State Primary Election Ms. Rice,Town Clerk,requested the Board vote the warrant for State Primary Election. VOTE: Upon a motion duly made and seconded, by roll call, the Select Board voted 5-0, to approve and sign the September 2020 State Primary Warrant. Ms. Rice requested the Board to vote approve the location and hours for early voting for the State Primary Election. VOTE: Upon a motion duly made and seconded, by roll call, the Select Board voted 5-0, to approve the designation of the Cary Memorial Building as Lexington's Early Voting Location for the September 2020 State Primary with early voting hours as follows: Saturday,August 22, 2020 10:00 a.m. -3:00 p.m. Sunday,August 23, 2020 10:00 a.m. -3:00 p.m. Monday,August 24, 2020 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Tuesday,August 25,2020 8:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Wednesday,August 26,2020 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Thursday,August 27, 2020 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Friday,August 28,2020 8:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Ms. Rice stated the Town is diligently preparing the precincts, the polling locations and early voting for necessary mitigation measure for voter and poll worker safety during the COVID-19 pandemic. DOCUMENTS PRESENTED: 2020 Sept Primary warrant, Request to Designate Early Voting State Primary 2020-09-01 At 8:40 p.m.the Board recessed and the meeting resumed at 8:45 p.m. 7. Review Proposed Special Town Meeting Dates Ms. Axtell stated the Fall Special Town Meeting sessions are being proposed to be held on October 14, 2020; October 19, 2020; October 21, 2020; November 9, 2020, November 12, 2020 and reserving November 16, 2020 and November 18, 2020 if needed. Ms. Axtell said the proposed list of articles for Special Town Meeting includes the financial articles that may be needed for tax rate setting or any adjustments to the budget as well as the articles that were referred back to the Select Board or the Planning Board at the 2020 Annual Town Meeting held remotely in June 2020. Ms. Axtell informed the Board that Mr. Matt Daggett requested to have his citizen article, which seeks to establish surcharge on residential development activities be postponed to the 2021 Annual Town Meeting. It was the consensus of the Board to allow Mr. Daggett's citizen petition to be put forth at the 2021 Annual Town Meeting. Dawn McKenna, 9 Hancock Street, expressed concern to of have a remote participation Fall Special Town meeting to address all the articles being proposed. ACTION ITEM: Select Board to call for 2020 Fall Special Town meeting at an upcoming Select Board Meeting. DOCUMENTS PRESENTED: Proposed 2020 Fall Special Town Meeting Dates, M. Daggett Request, 2020-2 STM Draft Article list 8. Discuss Proposed New Police Station Mr. Malloy presented the following three options for Board discussion on the subj ect of a Debt Exclusion Vote and Town Meeting Debt Authorization Vote for the proposed New Police Station: 1. Early November 2020 Debt Exclusion Vote & mid-November 2020 Town Meeting Debt Authorization Vote 2. Early December 2020 Town Meeting Debt Authorization & 2021 Debt Exclusion Vote that coincides with the Annual Town Election 3. Mid November 2020 Town Meeting Debt Authorization Vote & early February 2021 ballot question(Special Election) In addition, Mr. Malloy presented a proposed schedule in order to educate the community on the new Police Station proj ect which included three presentations/listening sessions to the public as well as offering public tours of the current Police Station. In addition he said discussion on the debt exclusion cost assumptions and estimates would be discussed at upcoming Budget Summits I, II and III. The Board was opposed to option 1 - Early November 2020 Debt Exclusion Vote and a mid-November 2020 Town Meeting debt authorization. The Board expressed that sufficient community conversations to hear the community's perspective on the Police Station proj ect need to take place prior to having a Debt Exclusion Vote and a new Police Station article at Town Meeting. Dawn McKenna, 9 Hancock Street, Precinct 6 Town Meeting Member, stated she feels there needs to be more community conversation to hear what the community would like to see in the Police Station Proj ect. David Kanter, 48 Fifer Lane, Capital Expenditures Committee, stated historically the Town meeting debt authorization has taken place first and followed by a debt exclusion vote. He suggested to think carefully about MGL chapter 53. Section 18 b as it involves an extra amount of staff work. Mr. Kanter stated he feels it is important to make it clear that changes in policing performance does not affect the building. Valerie Overton, 25 Emerson Gardens, said she feels that in order to have public confidence in a design proj ect for a new police station, we need to have some public conversation about what the model of policing is going to be for the future,which could impact the design of the station. DOCUMENT PRESENTED: Police Station Schedule, Statutory Info&Options 9. Town Manager Creation of 2020 Working Group Mr.Malloy stated the Vision 20/20 committee is preparing for a February 2022 Town-wide survey. The survey would provide an additional data point for longitudinal studies of Town attitudes. The Committee will be looking to the Town to fund this activity in FY22. In the past the Town has paid for the actual dissemination and statistical analysis of the study,which was approximately$35K in FY17. In order to move forward,the Vision 20/20 Committee requested that a technical Working Group be created to update the survey questions and undertake ethnic and cultural group engagement,make sure the wording is sensitive and issues are all covered. Mr.Malloy requested Board approval for the Town Manager to create the working group. Mr. Pato stated this would be a Town Manager technical working group giving their recommendation to the 20/20 Committee decide how to proceed with the survey. On a side note, The Select Board members stated they would like to see the Vision 20/20 Committee name be updated. Dawn McKenna, 9 Hancock Street, expressed concern that 20/20 Working Group should be set up under the purview of the Select Board. Mona Roy, Human Rights Committee, stated the Human Rights Committee is available to assist to look at the proj ect through a diversity equity inclusion lens. VOTE: Upon a motion duly made and seconded, by roll call, the Select Board voted 5-0, to approve the Town Manager creating and appointing a Vision 20/20 Survey Working Group to begin planning for a longitudinal study in FY22. 10. Update on Cary Memorial Library "Cary Out" Service Emily Smith, Assistant Director& Head of Technology, stated the Cary Library started offering curbside service "Cary Out" on June 30, 2020. The program is available 5 hours/day, 5 days/week, typically having 40 appointments/hour for approximately 1,125 pickups/week. The Town of Lexington currently offers one of the highest number of appointments/week in the Minuteman Library Network. The returned materials are quarantined for four days using the Cary Library Living Room, Commons Area, as well as the Children's Room. Koren Stembridge,Library Director, stated the Library continues to plan for the time when the Library will be able to re-open for the public to come in to browse/pick-up/check out materials i.e.(grocery store model). She stated at this time a re-opening is no longer anticipated to occur before October 1,2020 and ultimately is dependent on public health advice and the continued easing of gathering restrictions due to COVID-19. The Board thanked the Library for their hard work and extended their appreciation for the service the library provides to the community. DOCUMENT PRESENTED: PRESENTATION—CARY OUT SERVICES 11. Town Manager Committee Appointment/Reappointment Mr. Malloy requested Select Board approval of the Town Manager appointment of Christian Boutwell to the Recreation Committee and the reappointment of Richard McDonough to the Council on Aging. VOTE: Upon a motion duly made and seconded, by roll call, the Select Board voted 5-0 to approve the Town Manager's appointment of Christian Boutwell to the Recreation Committee for a term to expire May 30,2023 and the reappointment of Richard McDonough to the Council on Aging for a term to expire May 2023. Mr. Malloy stated the Recreation Committee interested in pursuing increasing their committee membership from 5 to 7 members. Mr. Malloy stated he advised Ms. Battite, Recreation and Community Programs Director, and Mr. DeAngelis, Recreation Committee Chair, that the membership of the Recreation Committee is dictated by the General Bylaws and therefore would require Town Meeting approval for a bylaw change. They understand this and are interested in pursuing it at a future Town Meeting. DOCUMENTS PRESENTED: Recreation Committee appointment letter, C. Boutwell application, R. McDonough Reappointment application 12. Approve Minutes VOTE: Upon a motion duly made and seconded, by roll call, the Select Board voted 5-0 to approve the minutes of November 4, 2019;November 4, 2019 -Joint BOS/Housing Partnership Board;November 12, 2019;November 18,2019; December 16, 2019;June 29,2020 and July 13, 2020. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Water& Sewer Commitments Motion to approve the above Water& Sewer Commitment June 2020 Finals in the amount of$7,231.05 VOTE: Upon a motion duly made and seconded, by roll call, the Select Board voted 5-0 to approve the consent agenda. ADJOURN Upon a motion duly made and seconded,by roll call,the Select Board voted 5-0 to adjourn the meeting at 10:24 p.m. A true record;Attest: Kim Katzenback Executive Clerk SELECT BOARD MEETING Monday,June 7, 2021 A remote participation meeting of the Lexington Select Board was called to order at 7:00 PM. on Monday,June 7,2021 via Zoom remote meeting services. Select Board Chair Ms.Hai;Vice Chair Mr. Lucente; and members Mr. Pato; Ms. Barry; and Mr. Sandeen were present, as well as Mr. Malloy, Town Manager; and Ms.Katzenback,Executive Clerk; Mr. Gibbons,Recording Secretary. Ms. Hai stated that the meeting was being held in accordance with Governor Baker's March 12,2020 Executive Order suspending certain provisions of the Open Meeting Law to allow remote participation during Massachusetts' state of emergency due to the outbreak of Covid-19. Ms. Hai provided directions to members of the public,watching or listening via the Zoom application, regarding the procedure for making a public comment. Ms. Hai reminded Board members, staff, and members of the public about Lexington's Standard of Conduct regarding civil discourse during Town Government meetings. ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION 1. Request to Include Pledge of License and Inventory for Liquor License Transfer of 131 Massachusetts Avenue—Samarah LLC d/b/a Vinebrook Bottle Shop Ms. Hai stated that this agenda item deals with an amendment to paperwork approved at the last Select Board meeting. The request for an amendment was made by the applicant through the applicant's attorney,Alexander Furey. It was noted that Ms. Katzenback has received confirmation from the Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission(ABCC)that this amendment request does not require posting a second Public Notice or re- opening the Public Hearing. Mr. Furey explained that the applicant's lender,Eagle Bank,now requires a pledge of the liquor license and inventory as collateral to secure financing. Mr. Furey stated that such a request is standard practice which,in this case,was made late in the process. Ms. Barry noted that the addresses listed on the paperwork are not consistent. VOTE: Upon a motion duly made and seconded,the Select Board voted 5-0 by roll call to approve the inclusion of the Pledge of License and Inventory as part of the transfer of liquor license at 131 Massachusetts Avenue,Lexington,Massachusetts to Samarah, Samarah LLC,doing business as Vinebrook Bottle Shop. ACTION ITEMS: Mr. Furey will ensure that the addresses are correct. DOCUMENTS: Request to include pledge of license inventory Samarah LLC; Copy of Liquor License Transfer application approved at 5.24.21 Select Board Meeting Samarah LLC. 2. Request to Include Pledge of License and Inventory for Liquor License Transfer of 55 Bedford Street 55 Pearl Investment LLC d/b/a Busa Brothers Liquors Once again,this is an amendment to previously approved paperwork,requested by the applicant's lender (Eagle Bank)to secure financing. As in agenda item# 1,this matter also does not require posting public notification or a re-opening of the Public Hearing. 1 VOTE: Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the Select Board voted 5-0 by roll call to approve the inclusion of the Pledge of License and Inventory as part of the transfer of liquor license at 55 Bedford Street to 55 Pearl Investment LLC, doing business as Busa Brothers Liquors. DOCUMENTS: Request to include pledge of license inventory 55 Pearl Investment LLC; Copy of Liquor License Transfer application approved at 5.24.21 meeting 55 Pearl Investment LLC. Ms. Katzenback reported that LexMedia is experiencing technical difficulties and has not been able to begin live broadcast of the meeting. LexMedia Will accept the Select Board's recording of the meeting and post it on the LexMedia website by tomorrow. Ms. Hai noted that the Zoom link to this meeting is listed on the meeting agenda, ensuring that the public is still able to view the meeting. 3. Select Board Work Session: Long Range(20 year)Municipal and School Capital Plan; Discuss Need for Board and Committee Training;Discuss Select Board Committee Appointment Process Presenters for the first part of this three-part agenda item Long Range(20 year)Municipal and School Capital Plan were Mike Cronin,Director of Public Facilities; Sean Newell,Assistant Director of Public Facilities,Chris Bouchard,Facilities Superintendent; and Ray Dufresne, Gordian Professional Services Group(formerly Accruent). Mr. Cronin and Mr. Dufresne reported that evaluations for 27 facilities had been conducted: 18 are School buildings(of which eight are buildings on the Lexington High School site); 9 are Municipal buildings. These evaluations include determinations of building condition and systems functionality; assessments of what is needed to protect/maintain these assets; cost estimates for maintenance; and;prioritization of funding needs during the upcoming 20-year timeframe. Mr. Cronin said these the purpose of these assessments is to provide better information about budgeting and when to schedule capital proj ects. He noted that the Town has recently been investing about$4M annually for capital asset maintenance but, as will be demonstrated in this presentation,the amount may need to be revisited. Mr. Dufresne explained how the assessments were conducted;what sort of data was collected; and how maintenance/upkeep costs were calculated. Mr. Dufresne stated that the information contained in the assessments conducted by Gordian Professional Service Group(GPSG)will be available through a VFA facilities management software program and can be used to inform the Totivn's budgeting and capital investment decisions. He and Mr. Cronin stated that these assessments can and should be updated regularly. The software can also proj ect what the condition of these assets will be,based on various funding scenarios. Mr. Dufresne said that the GPSG assessment team(s) included an architect; a mechanical engineer; and an electrical engineer who were escorted through the buildings by a Town employee. Before the tours took place,the GPSG received and reviewed documentation about the buildings submitted by the Town staff who use and are responsible for the buildings. When adjustments to the data are made,the VFA software recalculates a building's condition, its remaining useful life, and its in-kind asset replacement value(based on current technology). The software can be used to assess an entire building's status as well as the status of each building element. Mr. Dufresne stated that the current replacement value of the 27 buildings and associated systems is $744M. The overall facility condition index(FCI) cost is $1.339M.All calculations are based on 2 RSMeans data, an industry standard. The average age of the assessed buildings is 49 years. The School Department building ranked in the worst condition(F rating) is the Central Administration building, followed by Lexington High School(an overall D rating). For the purposes of assessment, Lexington High School was broken into seven sections plus the site itself for a total of eight separate assessments. (Mr. Dufresne noted that some of the sections had higher ratings and some sections had lower ratings,but the cumulative rating was D.) The School Department buildings in the best condition are the newest buildings: Hastings Elementary School and Lexington Children's Place(A ratings). The Municipal buildings in the worst condition are the East Lexington Fire Station and the Town Office Building(D ratings). The Municipal building in the best condition is the new main Fire Department Headquarters(A rating). Mr. Dufresne showed four different annual funding strategies that would address asset maintenance, noting that with a current backlog of maintenance,higher spending to catch up might be worth considering in the�rst years of using the program. He noted that if spending is maintained at the current $4M level, asset conditions will deteriorate,not improve,because a growing amount of maintenance/replacement would have to be deferred. Mr. Lucente asked how the average asset building age of 49 years was calculated. Mr. Dufresne said that the age was based on the original construction date and was not adjusted for updates that might have occurred over time. The FCI value is based purely on the level of deferred maintenance. Mr. Lucente said,regarding the letter grade rankings,he is surprised some buildings were as high as they were and that others were as low,particularly Cary Memorial Library with a C rating.Noting that Lexington as a community likes to excel,he asked how achievable a cumulative A rating would be, given that there will never be all new buildings. Mr. Dufresne recommended that goals be ambitious but achievable. Many towns he works with have worse scenarios than what he sees in Lexington. Mr. Lucente said that Town leaders, staff, and the public should be mindful of how long a capital proj ect takes to complete so as to set expectations at a realistic level. Mr. Pato said his analysis of Cary Memorial Library's C rating is that the heating/ventilation system is at the end of its life and needs replacement in the near term. Mr. Pato said the VFA software can help to analyze a building's condition but it cannot assess whether a building is still appropriate for the function it performs. Ms. Barry said there appears to be ten or more buildings on the Municipal side that are not included in Gordian's assessment.Notable are the Westview Cemetery building,various recreation buildings,the new Visitors Center, and the animal shelter, all which will require maintenance or replacement over time. She suggested that pump stations might also be added to the asset inventory. Mr. Cronin stated that staff made choices about which buildings to evaluate for this first-time,baseline analysis. Re-evaluation will recur every year and other buildings can be added,including pump stations. Ms. Barry noted that some of the seasonally-used buildings now requiring maintenance have carried surprisingly high price tags. She would like to the assessment to include as many assets as possible. Ms. Barry reported that the East Lexington Fire Station is a 70-year-old building that received a D rating and now houses 6 full-time firefighters, day and night,year-round. She urged the Board to begin to 3 consider how that building should be addressed. Ms. Barry hopes the VFA software will help the Town prioritize decisions. Mr. Sandeen asked by what method the Town had prioritized building maintenance without the aid of the GPSG assessment and VFA software. Mr. Cronin reported that staff and consultants had evaluated buildings and systems on their own,producing what he called a pecking order of proj ects,given the limits of the $4M capital maintenance budget. Mr. Sandeen asked if the VFA software is capable of including health, energy, emissions,and resilience factors. Mr. Cronin said that when buildings are maintained or replaced, ef�ciency standards are improved to achieve sustainability goals adopted by the Town. Mr. Dufresne said the software has the capacity to calculate a variety of different maintenance or replacement scenarios. Mr. Sandeen said he hopes that Total Life Cycle costs are the basis for making maintenance or replacement decisions. He asked whether the VFA software can be used to match investment with program goals. Mr. Dufresne said that the core functionality of the software does not take into account things like adaptability for impacts like extreme weather events, such as the high heat today that caused school to be cancelled,but the software can be customized to include such factors. Mr.Newell noted that the VFA software is but one tool to assist the Town in making important decisions. Ms. Hai said she believes critical elements to consider such as life cycles and reliability can be added to the"Requirement"category in the software but that total replacement of a building is not something the software can determine. She hopes that the VFA program will help the Town work toward improving overall building conditions by setting a benchmark,j ust as switching to the PCI paving index standard has helped improve road conditions. On the subj ect of School building funding,Ms. Hai noted that there are other sources besides the Town such as the Massachusetts School Building Authority(MSBA)replacement and repair programs. Given that funding may come from these and other sources for capital projects,Ms. Hai asked how easy it is for staff to use the software to model different funding strategies. Mr. Cronin cautioned that MSBA funding is not guaranteed and noted that Lexington chose in at least one scenario (Bridge School)to press ahead with a proj ect without State assistance.Mr. Dufresne stated that a filter using outside funding as a component of overall funding can be added that would show how a certain level of investment would affect building or element conditions over the 20-year timeframe. Vis-a-vis staff time commitment to use the software program,Mr. Cronin said that Gordian would conduct training sessions for staff in the near term and provide support annually as needed. Mr. Pato said that even though the report is based on a subset of buildings,the prediction that far more than the current$4M will be required for maintenance seems to indicate a big departure from the current maintenance investment strategy. While acknowledging that thus presentation is only a preliminary look into what the VFA software program can do,Mr. Pato said he is concerned about the direction maintenance costs appear to be headed. Mr. Cronin agreed that the scenario of investing$18M annually would be a significant departure from the current$4M. He said the data needs to be analyzed more closely but it is no doubt that community conversations will need to be conducted about priorities and expectations. 4 Ms. Hai asked if this presentation has been given to the Capital Expenditures Committee(CEC). Mr. Cronin said the Select Board is the�rst group to see the information but CEC will also hear the presentation this Wednesday,June 9,2021 at 8 a.m. Following that,Mr. Cronin said the plan is to present to the Appropriation Committee,the School Committee and to be on the agenda at an upcoming budget Summit meeting. Ms. Hai noted that the issue will be addressed repeatedly over time and the public will have ample opportunity to ask questions and provide input as the discussions unfold. Ms. Barry asked how this assessment information meshes with the School Department's recently completed Master Plan. Mr. Cronin said that the VFA software program focuses in capital investment but the information it provides dovetails with the School Department's Master Plan. Ms.Barry said she see the VFA and the School Department's Master Plan as close cousins that are not independent of one another. Mr. Sandeen asked how the current unpredictability/variability of construction costs affects cost proj ections in the models.Mr. Dufresne said this variability is something Gordian looked at closely. It is unknown how long the uncertainty will last.Using the industry standard RSMeans will keep cost proj ections current and reliable. Actual costs of current proj ects can be used to extrapolate future proj ect costs. The more real-time data is put into the program,the more accurate the proj ections will be. Mr. Sandeen said he hoped that a High-Performance Index or Health-Performance Index can be part of the software's analysis. ACTION ITEMS: The presentation will also be given to CEC,Appropriation, School Committee. Mr. Cronin will run copies of the five-year capital plan to inform conversations about how to approach the capital list using the VFA software as a tool. The issue will come back before the Select Board at a later date. Discuss Need for Board and Committee Training: A communication from State Attorney General's Of�ce of Open Government(in the Meeting Packet) lists several different training opportunities for boards and committees. Open Meeting Law training has been offered yearly by Lexington's Town Counsel. Ms. Hai posed several questions: What training should be required at minimum?What would be considered the"gold standard"?How often should training be offered? Should training focus on new members or be for all members?How will training be tracked? Noting that all new and re-appointed committee and board members are required to ful�ll the baseline of ethics training,Mr. Pato said question is: what beyond that baseline should be offered and/or expected? Mr. Pato said the ethics training can be a befuddling experience. One committee with which he liaises has decided to assign mentors to new members and provide an orientation session,focusing on past accomplishments/endeavors and future direction. Mr.Pato believes there should be a general agreement about such things as a meeting minutes format. Ms. Barry suggested that there could be a session for committees and boards. Perhaps once a year, about successful meeting facilitation and how to deal with controversial issues or difficult individuals. The role of the Select Board liaison should be understood by the Select Board member and by boards/committees. Mr. Sandeen said topics such as authority jurisdictions; how the organizational flow chart works; and the timeline for a Town Meeting readiness would be useful as well. 5 Mr. Lucente said he would like to see a day or a half-day regularly devoted to these and other topics and that all committee and board members should be invited,not just chairs and co-chairs. He envisions the format as a mini-breakout into groups with different discussion themes. Ms. Hai agreed and added that other topics should be addressed, such as emailing and forming working groups and subcommittees. Ms. Barry suggested that some of these trainings might be done via video and kept in a reference archive. In-person trainings would also be offered but having the information on video would allow people to access the information as needed.Ms. Hai reported that Ms.Axtell has said that yearly Open Law sessions are very poorly attended.Mr. Lucente said one reason he sees for the low attendance is that only the chairs have been invited. ACTION ITEMS: Board members will work offline on a training proposal to be discussed in Open Session at a later date. Discuss Select Board Committee Appointment Process: Ms. Hai acknowledged the substantial yearly effort to keep track of and remind board/committee members to fulfill the State-mandated Conflict of Interest requirements. Ms. Hai recommended that compliance be a minimum requirement for re- appointment. Ms. Hai expressed gratitude to all Town volunteers, adding that appointing new and diverse voices is a goal to strive for. To that end,Ms. Hai asked what key elements should be considered in how volunteers are recruited. She would like a proposal to be developed and hopes a new process can be launched for the next round of committee appointments coming up in September. She asked if term limits should be considered for the boards and committees and/or for the role of chair and if there should be a specific recruiting and outreach protocol. She asked if current committee vacancies as well as seats becoming open due to term expirations should be listed on the Town website. Ms. Barry said accessing board and committee information is easier than in the past but could still be improved.A more user-friendly application form is needed.Ms. Barry believes the role of chair needs to rotate regularly. As for advertising committee vacancies,Ms. Barry said a comprehensive publicity plan should be developed that would include this outreach. Mr. Sandeen agreed that term limits for chairs and for committee members would be a positive change. He asked how long a time chairs would be required to step down from the role before they could assume it again. He believes the same effort should be exerted to diversify committees/boards and chairs as was used to diversify Town Meeting Member participation,which he deemed a success. Mr. Lucente believes the last round of appointments was more diverse than previous rounds,largely due to successful recruiting efforts,but he believes the recruiting process should be clarified to achieve consistency. He believes it is important to be transparent about how potential committee members are evaluated so people know what to expect. If an applicant is not selected to serve,the person should be informed forthrightly. Mr. Lucente said onboarding should be a clear process. He also believes it important not to lose years of institutional knowledge in favor of attracting new volunteers,particularly before new recruitment protocols have been adopted. Plus,once new people are appointed,there is always a learning curve. 6 Mr. Lucente sees value in rotating the role of chair. If changes are made in how recruitment and appointment are done,Mr. Lucente advocated for having a clear transition between phasing out the old process and starting the neW process. Mr. Lucente said being flexible with the number of people on each board or committee and/or letting interest drive membership might be a positive change.He agrees with a recommendation made by Mr. Pato some time ago re: changing what constitutes a quorum so that a quorum represents a majority of appointed members instead a maj ority of the total number of seats. Ms. Barry believes there is need to clarify how input from the committees/boards influences the Select Board's appointing process. She noted that the Select Board in at least one other town interviews applicants in its Open Meetings. Mr. Pato agrees with term limits for chairs for the sake of continuity,planning, and developing broader leadership capability. Mr. Pato does not agree with term limits for members of standing committees. Mr. Pato said evaluating committees and their charges is supposed to be done on a yearly basis. He believes if a committee has reached the end of its value or function, it should be disbanded to allow individuals to find other ways to serve the Town. Mr. Pato said the last round of committee recruitment was successful, largely due to spreading the word through various cultural groups. He noted he has made it a practice to interview prospective candidates for committees and boards with some regulatory function and to ascertain from committees if certain skillsets are needed. Ms. Hai reported that the Select Board Office sends out a letter to every applicant who is not appointed. If applicants so choose,their applications can be kept on file for future consideration. Mr. Sandeen believes smaller committees are more effective and easier to chair. He asked if recruitment should be done for expired-term vacancies even if the incumbent wants to be re-appointed. Ms. Hai noted that the new Valente Scholar is working with the Town's Management Fellow on committee reviews and charges. A report to the Select Board will follow. Mr. Malloy said that the Town of Bedford has recently gone on a"committee diet"to sunset committees no longer deemed necessary. Mr. Pato said he has called a number of other communities and conducted research on the Massachusetts Municipal Association(MMA)website to learn how other towns handle these questions. His analysis is that each toWn suits its own needs and customs. ACTION ITEMS: Ms. Hai and Ms. Barry to discuss offline the timeline for presenting a report to the Board re: how to advance the issue of committee/board management. The Board will receive a separate report from the Valente Scholar and the Management Fellow re: committee reviews and charges. DOCUMENTS: 20 Year Capital Planning Presentation; Open Meeting Law Legislative Update; Excerpt from Select Board Procedures Manual RE: Advisory Committees. SELECT BOARD CONCERNS AND LIAISON REPORTS Mr. Lucente: • The Stone Building Feasibility Re-Use Committee has met every two weeks and is making 7 progress.A second community forum is planned next month. • The Board of Health is sending a letter to Lexington restaurants to encourage the use of reusable, customer-provided take-out containers, as allowed by State code. • The Monuments and Memorials Committee has met every other week to review proposals for a monument for Lafayette. The committee will report to the Select Board in the future. • LexHab has openings and asks for the Board's help to fill them. Mr. Pato: • The Community Preservation Committee met last week to discuss whether to consider off-cycle applications for some Recreation and Conservation proj ects. If approved by CPC,these would be taken up at a Special Town Meeting in the fall, if one is convened. Ms. Hai: • Lexington's State delegation has urged conference an extension to the Emergency Order for virtual Public Meetings.No definitive decision has been reached by the conference committee but the expectation is that at least a short-term extension will be granted. • Lexington may arrange to meet virtually with representative of Antony, its French sister city. Ms. Barry: • The Council on Aging extends its thanks to the Board for supporting the senior parking program. The Council also discussed how to address impressions they believe Lexingtonians have about the senior population and how residents might be educated about the senior population and what senior services are provided. • The Cary Library will enter its next phase of reopening on June 15,2021. Staff was sent home early today due to the inability to keep the building cool in the extreme heat. • The Youth Commission's Flamingo Flocking proj ect and fundraising effort raised$4,000. • Ms. Barry asked for someone to cover the upcoming HATS meeting on June 17,2021. She will attend the Colonel Stevens' State of Hanscom address that evening. • A meeting will be scheduled later this month for the Lex250 Committee. The multi-town 250 Committee met earlier today. Senator Barrett has filed legislation to expand the State's 250tn Committee so that it includes the towns that are actually on the Battle Road in addition to the City of Boston. The 250th Stamp letter,which Lexington has signed,has been sent to the US Postal Commission. Mr. Sandeen: • The Noise Committee has completed two rounds of Public Information Sessions to get feedback from landscaping businesses. A"Contact Us"page has been established on the website to gather feedback from residents and businesses. • The Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee is soliciting feedback for the Lexington Next Comprehensive Plan. Small, one-on-one meetings with stakeholders are being scheduled;the next public meeting is scheduled for June 15, 2021. Town Mana�er Report Mr. Malloy reported that he testified online at the State hearing which was held on June 2,2021 regarding a bill to extend remote meeting participation meetings. He reported that the overwhelming testimonies 8 provided was that virtual meetings should be allowed to continue as a right of State and local entities on a permanent basis. Mr. Malloy announced that Martha Duffield has accepted the offer to become Lexington's first Chief Equity Officer. Ms. Duffield currently works for the Town of Danvers but will be starting in Lexington in mid-July. Ms. Hai reported that the interview process for this position included citizens, staff, and the input from the Citizen Advisory Council which helped to draft interview questions. ADJOURN Upon a motion duly made and seconded,the Select Board voted 5-0 by roll call to adjourn the meeting at 9:42 p.m. A true record; Attest: Kim Siebert,Recording Secretary 9 Joint Meeting Board of Heath and Select Board August 12, 2021 A Joint Meeting of the Lexington Board of Health and Select Board was called to order at 2:30 p.m. on Thursday,August 12, 2021 via Zoom meeting services. Present for the Board of Health: Dr. Heiger-Bernays, Dr. Perlmutter, Mr. Flynn, and Ms. Wolf-Fordham. Dr. Geller arrived later in the meeting. Present for the Select Board:Ms.Hai,Chair;Mr.Pato;Mr.Lucente;and Mr. Sandeen were present,as well as Mr. Malloy, Town Manager; Kelly Axtell, Deputy Town Manager; and Ms. Katzenback, Executive Clerk. ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION 1. COVID-19 Update, Strategies and Community Response Actions Related to COVID-19 Guidelines and Directives-Review and Discuss Proposed Mask Mandate Ms. Hai stated public health regulation is the domain of the Board of Health, pursuant to MGL 11. She said this j oint meeting is being held to receive an update from Board of Health regarding the current COVID-19 statistics and trends in Lexington and Middlesex County and to hear the Board of Health recommendation for indoor mask policies. Dr. Heiger-Bernays reported that the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2 is currently the dominant form of COVID-19 in Massachusetts and across the United Stated at this time. The Delta variant is highly contagious, with estimates between two to six times as contagious as previous variants. The vaccines for COVID-19 are effective at reducing the severity of the disease, and significantly preventing death from COVID-19.However,people fully vaccinated for COVID-19 are becoming infected with the Delta variant, and vaccinated people transmit the virus to other people. Hospitalization rates in Massachusetts are increasing including rates in children under 12. Children under 12 cannot be vaccinated. In Lexington, we have seen a significant increase in the number of cases since mid-July. The CDC has categorized the level of community transmission for each county and state based on the number of cases in the last seven days per 100,000 people and the number of tests in the last seven days that have a positive result.The categories -low transmission risk,moderate, substantial and high. Dr. Heiger-Bernays said that the Lexington Board of Health uses the knowledge of the Delta variant, vaccine effectiveness,increasing case numbers in Lexington and in Middlesex County,hospitalizations and deaths to discuss any need for layered prevention strategies. Layered strategies such as vaccination, increasing ventilation indoors and wearing masks can be used to reduce the transmission of the Delta variant. Dr. Heiger-Bernays reported that on July 27, 2021, the Center for Disease Control released updated guidance for the need to increase COVID-19 vaccinations as well as a recommendation for everyone in areas of substantial or high COVID-19 transmission to wear a mask in public indoor spaces, even if they are fully vaccinated. Middlesex County, Massachusetts is now an area of substantial transmission. She stated properly worn masks are estimated to decrease the rates of COVID transmission by approximately 50% to 70%. Dr. Heiger-Bernays stated this information precipitates the need for Lexington Board of Health to discuss issuing a public health order mandating indoor mask wearing in publicly accessible spaces within Lexington. Dr. Heiger-Bernays stated that a proposed Board of Health mask mandate for Lexington has been included in the meeting packet for the Board of Health's review and comment and to also receive comment from the Select Board. Dr.Pearlmutter and Mr.Flynn stated they were in agreement with the recommendation for an indoor mask mandate as it was written. Ms.Wolf-Fordham stated she is in agreement that a mask mandate should be implemented. She suggested to change the word maintained to wo�n for the sentence to read wo�n inside the establishment. Mr. Malloy stated he heard from a Lexington resident,who has a business in Belmont,who was dismayed at the way Belmont rolled out their mask mandate. Mr. Malloy affirmed that if the Board of Health voted to implement a mask mandate in Lexington,the Town's Public Information Officer would coordinate with the other Town departments to assist in rolling the information regarding the mandate. Ms. Hai opened the floor to any public comment Theresa Wright, 35 Reed Street, Precinct 6 Town Meeting Member, stated she is in support of a mask mandate and asked for clarification of mask wearing at restaurants. Matias Stella, 5 Moon Hill Road, stated he is in favor of masks being required at all times inside establishments. Kathleen Lenihan, 60 Bloomfield Street, School Committee Chair, said she is in favor of a mask mandate. She said the Lexington Public School will be in alignment with the Center for Disease Control recommendation of mask wearing by students. Jillian McDonough,Lexington Power Yoga,said that while she understands wearing masks is for the safety of all,she is concerned that an indoor mask mandate would cause unintentional financial hardships for some businesses. Bob Moshiri, 7 Castle Road, said he is in favor of a mask mandate as it will provide protection to all. David Kanter,48 Fifer Lane,stated he is in favor of a mask mandate and suggested to include some verbiage in the mandate citing the continued need for COVID vaccinations. Nancy Messer, 53 Vale Avenue, asked what data would drive a mask mandate versus a mask recommendation. She stated she feels morbidity data should be evaluated when making policies. Lorraine Shedoudi,Lexington Power Yoga, stated she feels that businesses who have already implemented measures of safety, such as social distancing during business hours, should be allowed to operate under a mask recommendation rather than a mask mandate Seeing no further public comment,Ms. Hai asked if there were any comments from the Select Board. Mr.Lucente asked if Dr.Heiger-Bernays if the letter in the meeting packet reflected the belief of the whole Board of Health or was it written as the opinion of one member. Dr. Heiger-Bernays indicated she had written the memo for the Board of Health to discuss at this meeting. She asked the Board of Health if they would like to vote to accept this letter. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the Board of Health voted 4-0 by roll call to adopt the memo as written by Dr. Heiger-Bernays as the recommendations of the Board of Health Mr. Lucente noted for the record that a decision to implement a mask mandate is under the purvieW of the Board of Health and that the Select Board is participating in the meeting to provide any feedback regarding the mandate being proposed by the Board of Health. Mr. Lucente stated that the last line in the proposed mandate should be modified. Both Boards were in agreement that the last sentence will be edited to read"The Town Manage�is autho�ized to ca��y out this Ynandate". Mr. Lucente suggested that contact information be provided in the communications for residents and businesses who may have questions regarding the implementation of a mask mandate. Mr. Sandeen stated that criteria should be identified to determine if and when a mask mandate would cease. As Ms.Barry was unable to attend the Joint Meeting due to a scheduling conflict,Ms.Katzenback read her supplied statement,which is appended to the end of these minutes, into the record. Ms. Hai,Mr. Pato,Mr. Lucente and Mr. Sandeen stated they are in support of the Board of Health moving forward with an indoor mask mandate. Discussion ensued amongst the two Boards. Topics raised were regarding communication of, start date and the length of time of a mask mandate. In addition, a question was raised to the Board of Health if a mask mandate would apply to stage performers or Clergy. Mr. Malloy stated the Board of Health's contact email and a Lexington Health Department phone number would be included in the announcement of a mask mandate as the points of contact for mask mandate questions. Both Boards agreed that there should be some lead time for the effective date for an indoor mask mandate and agreed to 12:01 a.m. on August 18,2021 and that the mandate should be reviewed on or by November 5,2021. Mr.Pato left the meeting at 3:45 p.m. due to a prior engagement.Before leaving he encouraged the Boards to move forward with promptly enacting a mandate and indicated that he would vote in favor of supporting a mandate if he were able to remain in the meeting. The Board of Health said they will work with Mr. Malloy regarding procedures for stage performers and clergy to be able to apply for a special dispensation from the mask mandate When they provide the specified criteria in advance of each event date. Dr. Heiger-Bernays noted that Dr. Geller had connected to the zoom meeting. Upon a motion duly made and seconded,the Board of Health voted 5-0 by roll call to approve mask mandate order, as amended, including the effective date of Wednesday,August 18, 2021 and a review to take place on or before November 5, 2021 and shall include an authorization for the Town Manager to carry out the mandate. This is also subj ect to amending the order for editorial comments. The resulting Board of Health indoor mask mandate is appended to the end of these minutes. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the Select Board voted 3-0 by roll call to endorse the Board of Health's public health mandate regarding indoor mask wearing as discussed and revised at this meeting. A true record; Attest: Kim Katzenback Executive Clerk Suzie Barry Statement for August 12,2021 Joint Meeting Hi, sorry I can't be present with you today, I have an appointment that couldn't be rescheduled. I spoke with Mr. Makarious last night about how I could submit comments and questions and he stated the best way would be to send them to Ms.Katzenback to read and ask and I want to thank her for doing that.I also need to let everyone know that in conversation with Mr.Makarious it was determined it is not a conflict,in my professional life I am the Director of Operations for Hancock Church here in Lexington and Houses of Worship are included in the discussion this afternoon. Here are my questions/comments for the meeting today: Communication: • I reached out to LICA(the Lexington Interfaith Clergy Association), a few small business owners, a few landlords, the Lexington Symphony and Spectacle Management to make them aware of this afternoon's meeting as we all need to be rowing in the same direction from the start with this. Was there any direct outreach done by the Town,Select Board or the Board of Health to businesses that may potentially be affected? • If this is adopted, how will the message be delivered to the community and in particular to the businesses affected. • Will the Town be providing signage for all places affected or only for Town buildings?Will businesses be notified of what must be on any signage? • A recent visit to the Board of Health webpage on the Town website had NO identi�able way to contact the Board of Health listed.If someone has a question,comment,concern or a complaint about the mandate, who do they contact and how? Timing: • I understand tying the order to the CDC level of community transmission however,would it be easier for everyone if we simply stated a date this is in effect till and if needed we can extend. My thinking is people are busy and a date is easier to focus on.I would suggest something like November 15th(so past Halloween) or November 30th. If we do go with the level of community transmission, will the Town website be updated to prominently display that on the front page with a daily update? De�nition: • Sometimes people define public space as space in or owned by the Town or simply outside space,Is there a clear definition of what"Public Space"? Also is there a clear definition of"private spaces open to the public"? For Municipal Buildings: • Does this mean people need to be masked in public meeting rooms i.e. hybrid public meetings, staff only meeting? For all spaces: • Do people need to be masked in private offices if they are working alone? For Housing: • Does this apply to common areas,lobbies,hallways of apartment buildings and condominiums? For Performances: • Can they play instruments?Can they sing? For Houses of�Vorship: • The Board received comments from Reebee Girash Pastor of Pilgrim Congregational Church regarding if Worship Do Staff and singers at Houses of Worship need to be masked at microphones if they are an appropriate distance from the congregation?This is an issue as remote viewers have a hard time hearing and also an inclusion issue as lips cannot be read. • For Houses of Worship: Does this apply to anyone using space in a House of Worship outside of a congregational setting.i.e.meetings,renters etc. Authority: • The last sentence of the order states "The Select Board and Board of Health hereby direct the Town Manager"my understanding is only the Select Board can direct the work of the Town Manager. Vaccines and Testing: • Our vaccination rates in Lexington are trending in the right direction. That being said,will the Town be offering any COVID vaccine clinics this fall for anyone(i.e.people who live here,people who may not live here but work here, are visiting or passing through) Also does the Town have any plans for testing? COVID-19 Public Health Mandate of the Lexington Board of Health Notice is hereby given that on August 12,2021 the Lexington Board of Health adopted the following emergency regulation under the provisions of MGL Chapter 111, § 31: Based upon review of current COVID-19 caseload and testing positivity rates in Middlesex County the Select Board,and Board of Health held a meeting on August 12, 2021 and pursuant to M.G.L. c. 111 §§ 31 and 104; The Board of Health voted to adopt as a public health mandate,with the support of the Select Board,the following indoor mask mandate in the Town of Lexington. 1. Effective at 12:01 am August 18,2021 face coverings are required for all individuals aged two years and above in all indoor public spaces,houses of worship, or private spaces open to the public except where an individual is unable to wear a face covering due to a medical condition or disability. 2. Food service establishment customers may only remove face coverings when seated. 3. Indoor performance venue customers may only remove face coverings in the actual act of eating and drinking, if permitted in the venue. 4. Lodging guests and workers are required to wear face coverings when inside hallways and common areas. 5. Fitness Center/Health Club workers,customers,and visitors are required to wear face coverings during fitness activity, including strenuous activity. 6. At Personal Services establishments,including,but not limited to,barber shops,hair and nail salons,all customers and workers are required to wear face coverings,except for skin or beard care that occurs on the face, where the customer may temporarily remove the face covering but must immediately put the face covering back on for the remainder of the visit. 7. Masks remain mandatory for all individuals on public and private transportation systems (including rideshares, livery, taxi, ferries, and buses), in healthcare facilities and in other settings hosting vulnerable populations, such as congregate care settings. 8. All entry doors of businesses open to the public must post notice advising customers that face masks must be worn inside the establishment.Establishment staff must supervise and enforce this requirement. 9. The Town Manager working with Town staff will develop criteria for consideration for speci�c businesses which will be submitted to the Board of Health for review and approval. This mandate will be reviewed on or by November 5, 2021. The Town Manager is authorized to carry out this mandate. AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approve Amendment to Fleet Electrification Policy PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: Jill Hai, S elec t B o ard C hair C.5 S UMMARY: T here is o ne mino r amendment to the p o lic y the B o ard rec ently ad o p ted to ad d, "p ub lic trans it" und er S ec tio n 9 under"Reduce Vehicle Miles Travelled". SUGGESTED MOTION: To approve the amendment to the Fleet Electrification Policy as attached. Move to approve the consent agenda. FOLLOW UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 9/13/2021 ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � �11"���wM�;.��,�.��������,�����:��r�..���:����°�,�.Ar�����:���:��£����� �µ������.1�°111������ .� �u:: �-,�, .� "��`� ��'`�,s� �^ ���� � ,�„�". _.. � � �:. w� �� a"� � "�� �I� ;��.� � �I�k �I ,,� ,4.�"� �� � � ,��� } � � �y'° "� � ,�,r „ �,P' �,,,; � - �, ����l����� 'f� �,:�:Y..�. TOWN OF LEXINGTON FLEET ELECTRIFICATION POLICY August 23, 2021 POLICY STATEMENT To support the Town of Lexington's Sustainable Action Plan obj ectives, the Select Board hereby adopts this fleet electrification policy to transition its vehicle fleet to zero emission vehicles. PURPOSE The Town shall establish and maintain a comprehensive inventory of all classes of vehicles owned, operated, or leased by the Town of Lexington and or on behalf of the Town of Lexington. The Town shall establish objectives for emission reductions from those vehicles and an integrated plan and timeline with obj ectives for transitioning each class of vehicles to zero emission vehicles, prioritizing zero emissions vehicles, monitoring progress against those obj ectives, and reporting the progress against those obj ectives on an annual basis. The objectives of this policy are to: • Reduce air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions from the Town's vehicles • Increase the use of electric vehicles in the Town fleet • Increase the average fuel economy of each vehicle • Optimize the fleet size and minimize vehicle size, weight, and other factors affecting fuel use when appropriate � Minimize vehicle miles traveled(VMT) • Reduce total cost of ownership over the lifetime of the vehicle • Reduce vehicle noise • Maximize the use of grant funding and incentives to convert and purchase electric and emissions-reduction technology for the Town fleet and EV infrastructure. APPLICABILITY This Fleet Electrification Policy applies to all divisions and departments of the Town of Lexington. GUIDELINE S The Town will establish a Vehicle Electrification Transition Plan with the following elements: 1 1. Fleet Inventory: The Town will maintain and annually update a comprehensive vehicle inventory for ALL vehicles owned, leased, operated by the Town or on behalf of the Town and a plan for transitioning those vehicles to battery-electric vehicles (BEV) or plug-in electric vehicles (PHEV)vehicles. As required by the DOER Green Communities Program, the Town will maintain an inventory of all Town(Municipal and School Department) owned vehicles. This inventory will include the following information: model, make, model year, month and year purchased, VIN, drive system,weight class, miles per gallon, annual miles driven, total fuel consumption, department, vehicle function. 2. Electric-first procurement Vehicle procurement should be prioritized as follows: 1. BEV 2. PHEV 3. Hybrid-electric vehicle or other alternative fuel vehicle 4. Standard vehicle The fleet policy is electric-first, meaning that electric vehicles (EVs) shall be prioritized when the Town purchases or leases motor vehicles for its municipal operations. Beginning in FY22, all light-duty passenger vehicles purchased or leased are required to be BEVs. Departments may request an exemption from the BEV replacement. All exemptions shall require approval by the Town Manager after a recommendation is made by the Sustainability Director. 3. Classification and Transition Objectives: For each vehicle class defined by the Commonwealth's MOR-EV program, the Town shall establish targets for the transition of vehicles in that class to a zero emissions option every three- years. The classi�cations may include: passenger vehicles, passenger vans, cargo vans,police cruisers, ambulances, fire trucks, public works vehicles, school buses and other categories of vehicles that are appropriate to effectively capture all the vehicles in the inventory. Staff shall assess the suitability of electric vehicle options for each vehicle class,with respect to availability, range and load requirements and, any emergency response requirements, to determine practicability. When developing the transition plan, Staff shall evaluate emissions reductions, Total Life Cycle Cost as defined in the Sustainable Action Plan, including acquisition, operations, maintenance, emission fees, electric vehicle charging infrastructure, available grants, etc. The Town will develop a standardized calculation for determining life cycle costs for different classes of vehicles. The transition plan will prioritize replacing vehicles at the end of their expected useful life. 2 VVhere the Town contracts vehicle services, the Town will provide a preference for contracts and seek out companies for competitive bidding that offer the use of electric and/or fuel-efficient vehicles. 4. Purchase, lease or contracting of standard vehicles If the transition plan identifies that an EV is not commercially available or not suitable for a particular class of vehicles when replacement of a vehicle in that classification is required, a standard vehicle may be purchased. If purchasing a standard vehicle, the purchase should prioritize the most fuel-efficient model available and consider fuel-reduction and emissions-reduction technology, such as diesel particle filters, selective catalytic reduction systems, exhaust gas recirculation,NOx adsorbers, oxidation catalysts, anti-idling devices, etc. Where opportunities exist, particularly if grants and new technologies are or become available, the ToWn should pilot electric options for heavy-duty vehicles. 5. Evaluation of fleet and vehicle size The Town will procure vehicles and equipment of minimum size according to assessed needs. Specifically, the Town will ensure that purchase plans require vehicle class and model of the smallest size and weight appropriate for each vehicle's tasks. All positions requiring vehicle use shall be evaluated as to the required vehicle class size necessary to conduct the j ob. The Town will evaluate ways to reduce its fleet size. Departments will also investigate whether vehicles can be shared between departments. When retiring a vehicle from the fleet, the Town will evaluate whether replacement is necessary. 6. Electric vehicle charging Where possible, efforts will be made to install charging equipment at locations convenient for vehicle users to minimize operational inefficiencies. However, flexibility may be required of vehicle operators and Town staff to adjust procedures to accommodate charging locations. 7. Funding The initial purchase price of policy-compliant vehicles and equipment may be more expensive than standard vehicles in the initial years, while operating costs over the life of the vehicle will be lower. Departments should estimate upfront investment required for vehicle purchases and budget accordingly in capital budget requests. The Town shall evaluate existing capital requests for vehicles and evaluate opportunities to fund additional upfront costs. The ToWn shall take advantage of grant funding to offset the upfront costs of electric vehicles and charging apparatus. 8. Monitoring and Reporting: Progress against the transition obj ectives for each vehicle class will be monitored and reported to the Select Board on an annual basis. As part of this report, staff will identify the best date 3 commercially available technology options for each vehicle class and provide recommendations for adjustments to the obj ectives for each vehicle class. 9. Vehicle operation and maintenance Where applicable, the Town will use available resources to build awareness and educate its employees regarding responsible vehicle operation as detailed below. • Anti-Idling o Vehicle idling produces both excessive waste of fuel and air pollution. As a part of this policy the Town hereby recognizes the importance of enforcing the existing Anti-Idling Law, as allowed by M.G.L. Chapter 90 Section 16A. Additionally, Town staff should reduce idling as much as possible in vehicle operations. The Town will also incorporate anti-idling education into other public health and sustainability forums. • Reinforce operator awareness o The Town and its employees will encourage energy-saving driving habits (i.e. awareness of sudden acceleration or sudden stopping), and paying attention to the need for regular preventative maintenance of vehicles. • Reduce Vehicle Miles Travelled(VMTs) o The Town will reinforce employee awareness of vehicle miles travelled during work hours as well as for commuting, and will encourage alternate travel Ipractices such as carpools, vanpools,bicycling, ����� �� �����iii����� and walking. • Vehicle maintenance o A well-maintained vehicle will optimize fuel use and reduce air pollution. Preventative maintenance that ensures optimal vehicle operation shall be performed regularly for each vehicle. o Vehicles will be inspected regularly and prior to extended use to ensure correct tire pressure, oil and coolant levels, and to identify possible signs of other fluid leaks. o The Town will dispose of hazardous materials such as waste oil, lubricants, antifreeze, and batteries safely through environmentally-responsible practices and in accordance with all applicable state and federal regulations. Questions/Enforcement The Sustainability Director shall be responsible for administering this Policy. This Policy shall be enforced by the Town Manager and or their designee. 4 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Select Board Committee Appointment & Resignation PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: Jill Hai, S elect Board Chair C.6 S UMMARY: Resignation L exington Coun cil fo�th e A�ts • T he S elec t B o ard is b eing as ked to ac c ep t the re s ignatio n o f H ema G andhi fro m the L exingto n C o unc il for the Arts effective ilnmediately. O n b ehalf o f the To wn o f L exingto n, the S elec t B o ard M emb ers wo uld like to extend their many thanks to M s. G andhi fo r her time and years o f s ervic e to the c o mmunity. Appointment L exington Coun cil fo�th e Ar�ts • T he S elec t B o ard is b eing as ked to ap p o int E. A s hley R o o ney to the L exingto n C o unc il fo r the Arts to fill an unexp ired term s et to exp ire o n S ep temb er 3 0, 2 022. SUGGESTED MOTION: To accept the resignation of Hema Gandhi from the Lexington Council for the Arts effective immediately. To ap p o int E. A s hley R o o ney to the L exingto n C o unc il fo r the Arts to fill an unexp ired term s et to exp ire o n S ep temb er 3 0, 2022. Move to approve the consent. FOLLOW UP: S elec t B o ard O ffic e DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 9/13/2021 ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � �I�������,�l���,������:�I:...,����n��,,,�I��f:��,�r���1�� :�:��������� II����������,�. � "���� �f��������������..;�.�������;���i.��������n�.��Q�.t�������,°��,���.���,,,,,�^,�.�,.a�I�����.����T,� �����d�c���f�� II�������. From: To: Select Board Cc: Clerk"s Office; Subject: Resignation email Date: Thursday,September 2,2021 7:46:24 PM This email is to inform the select board and the town clerk that I would like to resign as Treasurer and from the board of Lexington Council for the Arts effective September 9 2021. Thanks, Hema Gandhi APPLICA,T'I(JN F`t�R.APP(JINTMENT FCtR.Bt�ARD/COM11�iITTEE 1VIE�I�IBER�HIP Lexington Council far#he Arts Tourisrr� B+�ard/Comm�ttee of Ir�terest: 1. �. �� 4. Would au consider another�ommi • ��$ � tte�. � y�ars For how long shou�d vve keep �our app�zcation on file? E. Ashley Rooney Full�1ame: Nic�.nanr�e: MS F'referred Titie(please circle� Mr./��Is./Mrs.iOther: 20 Nancock �t �242U Ham�Address: Zip: 49 years Length of Residen�e in Lexzngtan: writ�rlmarketing CJccupation: V'V�orl�Address: Phane: Ho��e Work Fa� Cell E-mail: Prima�`Y� �e�ondary: T�►wr� Celebration� If yau currently serve on a Baard or�ommitt�e,please id�ntify: writer, arts, �pecial Training, Inter�szs, Qualifica�ion�: T�C �h�ir �uggested Have yau be�n asked by a Cammitt�e ta become a me�ber? TC� Hovv did you hear abaut the �ammi�te�? Pl�a�e attach a current resum.e, if possible. Add any camments belaw or an a sep►arate page. o���� s���� ��� �� � �x� , � � ��� •,� "� � � �� � ������ � Signatur�. ��.� � �� ������ � • ��� ���� I�at�: �.� �,� , E.Ashley Rooney 20 Hancock Street Lexin �ton,MA U242(l Emplayment 1/2t�0(� Freelance vvriterlauthar for local n�ws a ers , I have t54+ books with �' � �chiffer Publishing, which can b� viewed on Amazan. 91199C3-9/1999 Youth �oordinatorLTown of Winchester_, Work�d with Win�hester youth to d�si n, lead, and maintain Youth �enter an ' � d peer leadership graups; ran summ.�r �IT pragram `98 and `99. Also d�veloped the adult and outh � volunte�r base; d�signed and �ac�rdinated comm.unit �vent�• desi ned and wrat� Y � � brachures, newsl�tter�, �t�.; and d�ve�aped fundin ar�d leadershi trainin � � � programs. The �+�nter grew f'ram appraximat�l� S yauthlda to 2ClCi. Y 1(l/19$d - 9/199Q Yauth ��I�ni ster First Can re ational �hurch �VVinches�er. Dev�loped and �ead ,graup pra,�rams on teen issues; counseled teens and/or par�nts; initiated new programs. The senior high rou rew fram 2 �a 55• the � � � � j uni or hi gh group gr�vc� from C} to �!�. 198t1-19$2. Dir�ctor of Busir�ess l��Iana ement Resource �o�.sultin t�rau In+�. Established business manager�ent perli�i�s, pra�edures, and s stem�• coordina�ed y � the adm.ir�istrative a�tiviti�s of the f�rm's of�ces; wrot� and edited a11 roducts i� ? and mana,ged the company an a daily basis. 2/198{�-�/1989. I�►ir��tor of Ever on�'s Yauth �rou L�xin ton 11�IA. ,�pearheaded formation af interfaith grc�up af junior hi h/hi h schoal teens. � � Produced a TV� series an youth cancerns to au m.ent the arents' understandin . � p � Lectured or� adolesc�nt issues for such entities as local P'TAs, Lesle and Y Wheelock �a1l�ges, Ep�sca►pal I�►iocese, LERN, M stic V�.11e �e�.lth �enter. Y Y 1975�198U. l��arketin t�aordinator/�ommunications �i�I�na er Resaur+�e Plannin Associates. Responsible for the firm.'s propasals from ince tion to award. Durin � � my tenur� in this positic�n, the campany grew fro� on� to faur affices. Respo�si�ble far ZQ+ com.municatiar�s depar�ment. Trained the �onsultin sta�'f 1n � marketing and cammunicatians personnel in editin�, �ummers 88 - 9'7 .Assi�tant Director Lincoln II�a �am Lincoln .��IA. Trained the counselors and �IT`s. VVorked with the cam ers, dia �.osin various roble.ms , � � � � � mediating, and intervening. Edu�ation B�,English, �olumbia Ur�iversity; MA,Adalescent �roup I�ynamics, Lesley �oi1e e P'astoral �ourisel�n �aurse � � � 11�IcLean �Iosp►i�al Awards & Grant� 1998 �VVinchester Hc�spital �ommunit Initiatives Pro ram �' g 1998 B agel VVarks Grar�t 199f �V�inchester Ha�pital +�ommunity Initiatives Pro ram: worksho for ei hth grad� � � � 1996 B agel yV�orks �rant 1995 EnI�a ta run VV'inchester�outh Leader�hi Collaborative Worl�sho on � p Conf�ict Resolution 1995 �V�in�hester Hosp►i�al Commun�ty Initiatives: Mc�cl� I`�runk L�rivin Accide�t • . . . . . � 1995 �lnchester I�ospYtal �am.mun�ty Init�atYves �'ra ram: Datin V"iol�nce � � �imulatiar� 1993 �ommo�wealth af Massachusetts, 3- ear, Yauth Taba+��o �ducation Y Leadership Program 1�92 First �angregatlanal �hurch, 3-year rant to rer�ovate yV'inchester'S�outh � �er�ter 1991 R.unner �CJp in t�rouprs Magazine National Youth Mir�ister Contest 199C} EnK.a, to run RC�CI�. for HC�►MELE�S 199(� Jenks C�utreach, to run summer youth grau � 1959 En�a, ta run RCJ�:K for AIDS-3 19�9 Jenks C�utre�.�h, to run Dear Ashley Presents: �'rida Ni ht at the �lovies. � � 19$� Jen1�s C}utr�ach, to produce �od Wor�'t ��Iind: The l��Iakiri of a Rock B�n�f�t 198d �hurch Hame �o�iety, to produce the I-�ow to T�►eal... TV serie�. 1984 Palaroid �arparatian, ta praduce the Tellin It Like It Is T�iT series. 1'�83 �hurch Home �oc�ety, to praduc� the Tell�n It Like It I� TV series. �+4�UIlt���` 1�Ct1V1tiCS President of Lexingtor� Fi�1d & t�arden Club 2C}17-2f�2C� Volunteer at Lahey HoS�J1t�.� �.I1C� M�'+C�1C�.� ��11t��` Z{�C�{�- PI� �aardinator for Lexington's �VWI c� y�W II committees Mem.ber af Lexingtc�n Town �elebratian C�ommittee Member of the Library Baard of Trustees ��Iany arti�les for Colar�ial Tim.es, Maln �treet News, Westerl �un, t�hurch Y Educator AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Public Hearing: Noise Bylaw Special Permit - Night Work for Lining Sewer Services Within the Limits of the Center Streetscape Project PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: John Livs ey, Town Engineer; Matt Weisman, S enior C ivil Engineer I.1 S UMMARY: A vote is�equested fo�this agenda item. T he L exingto n D ep artment o f P ub lic Wo rks is reques ting a No is e Bylaw S p ec ial P ermit fo r the C enter S treets c ap e wo rk that wo uld b e dis rup tive to b us ines s es if und ertaken during the day. In p artic ular the s ewer service lateral lining work if done during the day will require a 3-4 hour shutdown of impacted businesses. T he c o ntrac to r is reque s ting to d o all o f this wo rk at night if p o s s ib le due to mo s t o f the laterals b eing fo r b us ines s es and temp eratures b eing c o o ler at night s inc e thes e are amb ient-c ure liners. T here are at leas t 2 laterals that are res taurants that wo uld d efinitely require the wo rk to b e c o mp leted at night s inc e mo s t o f thes e services would need to be shutdown for about 2-3 hours due to the length of the liners. T he area o f wo rk wo uld b e c o nfined to the C enter S treets c ap e b o und s fro m M as s ac hus etts Avenue/Meriam Street intersection to the Massachusetts Avenue/Woburn Street intersection and Waltham Street from Massachusetts Avenue to Vine Brook Road. P er the Noise Bylaw, abutters have been mailed a notice of this hearing. The immediate work will be undertaken from late September to early October 2021 with work on Sunday through T hursday evenings after 7 P M. The Noise Control Bylaw may be found here SUGGESTED MOTION: Mo ve that the S elec t B o ard grant a No is e B yla.w S p ec ial P ermit to the L exingto n D ep artment o f P ub lic Wo rks and/or c ontractors working under the Dep artment o f P ublic Works for s ewer lateral work this fall, the b oundaries o f which are from the Mas s achus etts Avenue/Meriam S treet inters ec tion to the Mas s achus etts Avenue/Woburn Street Intersection on Sunday through Thursday evenings after 7 PM. FOLLOW UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 9/13/2021 7:10pm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � 1���.��:��uc�1�.-�1����������������;�� �.������ II�����:� � ��.c,���aL�f���;���:�m�a����r���M��.�;���qp �:�����,�ur II�°���c°� � C����q��e��,���w����.:...����;�°�t� �:���.;����� II:���„�����.�. � � � � �.. � � ■ .�.�.� .; .r.. � / d� '�i' f V♦ � 4 °- „„� � + � � �, � , ,,, t1� � '``� ��`""' �' � CC� ,�° ��..` , �° r m 1�1 iLl r,,,]► � � � , �,,� , �!► �� , � . .� , ,_ , % � '"�"'� �'�'�` � � > , '� , � "'� "� �, � � � � `� � �� . t�, � ��y..�., ,�.. �� � �.. ;` � � � � � �� ° .�..s q,1 � . C``• � �, q� �, � �C� ��' '�' � �,,, //ti �" � r w� � ;, e ;'� � � � � ,.,,,� rr� � � � � ��r�r .� � �r•� ro,, � � � # .. �. . � ""Q .,�, „ �. �./ � ,� :� s.. ��.' t/� '�- � � �, •�� � t� ,,,,,., �' � 3 tt� � •� � 'J t� � c1� .�. �,� � �� � �"""� �► � , ---� � ��� ,...� C� .'� � �,, C'� ,�� C'"j �� ,°" "��� �,- ''�C � r.�, � � ._.. � � ��,► "�"� t� � -~..' � tU .,.. Q ;,� � �``, a. 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He was requesting to do all of this work at night if possible due to most of the laterals being for businesses and temperatures being cooler at night since these are ambient-cure liners. He's currently looking at the nights of 8/16-8/19.There are at least 2 laterals that are restaurants that would definitely require the work to be completed at night since most of these services would need to be shutdown for about 2-3 hours due to the length of the liners, but in theory 3 of the anticipated 4 work shifts could be completed during the day if necessary. Considering there's no vac truck or large refrigerated truck,we may be able to get away with these at night, but obviously wanted your approval f i rst. Our equipment is somewhat specialized, but here are the major components: • F550 box truck—this is our CCTV truck which also has a self-contained generator and AC unit on it • F350 pick up used to tow trailers and move people • Horse trailer—this is used for our wetout and liner preparation, this unit has an AC unit on top of it and a self container generator • F550—this unit is used to pull trailers/horse trailer • Air trailer—this unit is probably the loudest piece of equipment we use. It has an air compressor and air motor for providing air to our installation equipment and for winching equipment through the pipe. The air compressor is equivalent to a tow behind air compressor you see with most construction companies • Jet trailer—this is a miniature version of a jetter. It has a diesel motor that drives the pump to create the water pressure. It is about as loud as any construction company's diesel generator type equipment(less noise that a truck jetter) Let me know what you think. Feel free to give me a call to discuss if needed. Thanks! Amanda Jett LeBlanc, PE PROJECT MANAGER cell:978-818-9602 direct:978-573-4036 ���� � a, '� �I�,�������w�f �'�" � ,u ,�f� .� f�� � �'M��""��', < ,, �' ' m �"',�������� 1 J;� „� c, 'M��Y�,��Y,�„ Weston&Sampson 55 Walkers Brook Drive,Suite 100� Reading, MA 01867 tel:978-532-1900 westonandsam pson.com ��� � ���� „�� Augus�25, 2��1 Lexin�on Select Board 1�►25 Mass Ave Lexingt�n, MA 02420 Re: Noise Bylaw Sp�cial Permi�for Iiningsewers wark end of Sep� early t�ct 2t321. My w�fe�nd i live��r d►Fletcher 1�venue,just across ti��bi�.e path fram the constructian s�gir�g area currently be�ng u�ed by the town far the�en�cer renovation.The work alre�.dy underway creates a high v+alume af constan�n��se �such as �h+e incessant beep beep of trucks back�ng up,laud b►angs, raaring eng�nes etc� which.�tarts early in the morning and goes unti� late afterr�oan. Th� propose+d spe�ial permit for nigh��ime vvork�ou�d mean we'd have 24 haurs of c�ns�ant.n�ise far a six day periad. VVhile we war��ta support our tawn and the good work underway by dedicated p�ec�pl+�,f t is toa much ta as�of us�to ga for a we��w�thou�s�eep.'tlVe respectfuliy reques��ha��he w+�rk be dor�e du�ring regular work hours. Sincereiy, .._ ed F'age f Fle�cher Awe Lexin tan, MA 024�� AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Review and Approve Old Reservoir Bathhouse Renovations PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: Mike C ronin, Director o f P ub lic F acilities I.2 S UMMARY: As the Board is aware, the bids for the old reservoir bath house came in over the appropriation and the Dep artment o f P ub lic F ac ilities and R ec reation/C ommunity S ervic es (Mike C ronin and Melis s a B attite)have d evelo p ed an alternative s o lutio n to have a p re-fab ric ated b uild ing fo r the re s tro o ms at the o ld re s ervo ir and b elieve this c an b e b id within the o riginal ap p ro p riatio n. T hey have met with the R ec reatio n C o mmittee, C o mmunity P re s ervatio n C o mmittee and the C o ns ervatio n C o mmis s io n to gain their ap p ro val. C aro lyn Kosnoff,Assistant Town Manager for Finance and Town Counsel have reviewed to ensure it�ts within the wording o f the original artic le and Town C ouns el has advis ed that it do es. S inc e a pre-fabric ated building is s lightly different than a renovation o f the existing building, in our dis cus s ions, we b elieved it was b est to pres ent it to the S elec t B o ard and have a p ub lic p re s entatio n s o that it was kno wn ho w we were rec o mmend ing to move forward with this project. SUGGESTED MOTION: No formal vote is required, but a consensus of the Board that you support moving in this direction would be help ful. FOLLOW UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 9/13/2021 7:25pm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � IC.����� �.:"����b,��1�11�,����� � 1f�a�u��������������,����,�������.����� �.:�����° Il���r��:� ni�umuininhm���m�����.�� � , �������"�� ���� � ��^° �°"'� `����.,� � k"�, ���������������� ����������������� • I�,F C�`,��:A`I'1 t�7 C�J c�.t;.C��1 t`v�l.J P�4 I T'Y I'E�C7(:a EL A h1^� � � MEMORANDUM TO: Jim Malloy, Town Manager FROM: Melissa Battite, Director of Recreation & Community Programs Mike Cronin, Director of Public Facilities DATE: September 8, 2021 SUBJECT: Article 14g/19—Old Reservoir Bathhouse Renovation During the 2019 Annual Town Meeting, $620,000 was appropriated to fund Article 14g—Old Reservoir Bathhouse with Community Preservation funding. Based on the findings of a feasibility study conducted in 2018, the project recommendations include repairs to the plumbing system and installation of all new fixtures (showers, toilets, sinks, and drinking fountain), installation of new aerators, replacement of the existing roof, reconfiguration of the main entrance, addition of small program space, and the installation of a new shade structure. The project will also address accessibility issues in the Bathhouse, as well as the walkway and surrounding site. The Commission on Disability identified the bathhouse as the number one priority of those recommendations included in the �... ������� �r����� �� �� � ����ii����� �r� � I� � ..... �� . The original project timeline was expected to mobilize during June 2020 with anticipated completion in September 2020. The timeline below provides an overview of the steps taken and an update on the project to date. • June 2020 Bid opening The bids came in substantially higher than the budgeted amount available. Staff from Recreation and the Department of Public Facilities reviewed and discussed options for alternatives that could be explored that would allow for this project to move forward in thecomingyear. • January 2021 Review bid results Staff from DPF, Recreation, and the project design team and the company who submitted the low bid met to review the project cost and budget. Given the feedback from the low bid contractor, it was determined that proceeding with the current scope of work was not possible with the available funding. • February 2021 Consideration of alternate option Recreation provided DPF with an alternate option for a prefab CXT building. This is an approach that many communities are now taking for seasonal, outdoor facilities. • March 2021 Site visit of CXT building DPF staff conducted a site visit of a prefab CXT building in Hudson, Mass and received quotes on the styles and installation details. • March 2021 Review Alternative Option Together, the Town Manager, Director of Public Facilities and Director of Recreation and Community Programs met to review the option for a prefab CXT building and continued to explore this concept to remain within budget. • March 2021 Site visit Together, Director of Public Facilities and Director of Recreation and Community Programs met with Conservation Director on site at the Old Reservoir to review the concept of the prefab building, location and any conservation considerations. Since the location of the prefab is proposed to be further away from the resource, it is a favorable modification. A new request to the Conservation Commission would be required for this work. • April 2021 Review with Town Counsel Together, Director of Public Facilities and Director of Recreation and Community Programs met with Town Counsel to review the Article language and discuss alternative options. It was determined that proceeding with an alternate option of a prefab CXT building would fall within the scope of the article as voted. • April 2021 Present to Recreation Committee The alternate concept was presented to the Recreation Committee and voted by a roll call vote "The Recreation Committee moves that the Recreation and Community Programs Department, the Department of Public Facilities, and the Department of Public Works continues to pursue its investigation of a pre-fabricated concrete structure as a viable option for the Old Reservoir bathhouse." • June 2021 Present to CPC The alternate concept was presented to Community Preservation Committee. After a motion duly made and seconded,the Committee voted by a roll call vote to approve the change in scope to the Old Reservoir Bathhouse as described in the memo dated 6-1-21. (8-0). This is a draft vote as the next CPC meeting is scheduled for September 23, 2021. The new project timeline is expected to begin in late fall 2021/early winter 2022 moving forward with the CXT building with anticipated mobilization in the spring allowing the facility to open for community use for the summer 2022 season. Thank you. Cc: Recreation Committee 2 • ' � ' • ' � • 0 Concrete Buildings CXT° Precast Concrete Products manufactures restroom, shower and a project-by- project basis,which shall be priced as separate line items. concession buildings in multiple designs,textures and colors.The roof and For more information regarding installation and truck turning radius walls are fabricated with high strength precast concrete to meet all local guidelines please see our website at tt �/� ���ti �s�a . building codes and textured to match local architectural details.All CXT In the event delivery of the building/s ordered is/are not completed buildings are designed to meet A.D.A.and to withstand heavy snow,high Within 30 days of the agreed to schedule through no fault of CXT, an wind and category E seismic loads.All concrete construction also makes invoice for the full contract value (excluding shipping and installation the buildings easy to maintain and withstand the rigors of vandalism. costs) will be submitted for payment. Delivery and installation charges The buildings are prefabricated and delivered complete and ready-to- Will be invoiced at the time of delivery and installation. use,including plumbing and electrical where applicable.With thousands of satisfied customers nationwide, CXT is the leader in prefabricated Should the delivery and installation costs increase due to changes concrete restrooms. in the delivery period,this increase will be added to the price originally quoted,and will be subject to the contract payment terms. 1. ORDERING ADDRESS(ES):CXT Precast Products, Inc., 3808 N.Sullivan Road,Building 7,Spokane,WA 99216 In the event that the delivery is delayed more than 90 days after the agreed to schedule and through no fault of CXT,then in addition to the 2. ORDERING PROCEDURES:Fax 509-928-8270 remedies above,a storage fee of 1-'/2%of contract price per month or any 3. PAYMENT ADDRESS(ES): CXT Precast Products, Inc., 3808 N. Sullivan part of any month will be charged. Road,Building 7,Spokane,WA 99216 ��Customer is responsible for all local permits and fees. 4. WARRANTY PROVISIONS: CXT provides a warranty against structural 6. DELIVERY CHARGE:All prices F.O.B.origin prepaid and added to invoice. defects in material or workmanship for a period of twenty(20)years on CXT operates three(3)manufacturing plants in the United States and will all concrete components(does not include non-structural cracking).The deliver from the closest location on our carriers. warranty is valid only when concrete is used within the specified loadings. Furthermore,said warranty includes only the related material necessary 7. PAYMENTTERMS:Payment to CXT bythe purchaser shall be made net 30 for the construction and fabrication of said concrete components. All days after submission of the invoice to the purchaser on approved credit. other non-concrete components will carry a one (1)year warranty.CXT Interest at a rate equal to the lower of(i)the highest rate permitted by warrants that all goods sold pursuant hereto will,when delivered,conform law;or(ii)1.5%per month will be charged monthly on all unpaid invoices to specifications set forth above.Goods shall be deemed accepted and beginning with the 35th day(includes five(5)day grace period)from the meeting specifications unless notice identifying the nature of any non- date of the invoice.Under no circumstance can retention be taken.If CXT conformity is provided to CXT in writing within the specified warranty. initiates legal proceeding to collect any unpaid amount,purchaser shall CXT,at its option,will repair or replace the goods or issue credit for the be liable for all of CXT's costs,expenses and attorneys'fees and costs of customer provided CXT is first given the opportunity to inspect such any appeal. goods.It is specifically understood that CXT's obligation hereunder is for g, LIMITATION OF REMEDIES:In the event of any breach of anyobligations credit,repair or replacement only,F.O.6.CXT's manufacturing plants,and hereunder;breach of any warranty regarding the goods,or any negligent does not include shipping, handling, installation or other incidental or act or omission of any party, the parties agree to submit all claims to consequential costs unless otherwise agreed to in writing by CXT. binding arbitration.Any settlement reached shall include all reasonable This warranty shall not apply to: costs including attorney fees.In no event shall CXT be subject to or liable for any incidental or consequential damages.Without limitation on the 1. Any goods which have been repaired or altered without CXT's express foregoing, in no event shall CXT be liable for damages in excess of the written consent,in such a way as in the reasonable judgment of CXT, to purchase price of the goods herein ofFered. adversely afFect the stability or reliability thereof; 9. DELIVERY INFORMATION: All prices F.O.B. origin prepaid and added 2. To any goods which have been subject to misuse,negligence,acts of to invoice. CXT operates three (3) manufacturing plants in the United God or accidents;or States and will deliver from the closest location on our carriers.Use the 3. To any goods which have not been installed to manufacturer's information below to determine the origin: specifications and guidelines,improperly maintained,or used outside of .F.O.6.3808 N.Sullivan Road,Building 7,Spokane,WA 99216 applies to: the specifications for which such goods were designed. AK,CA,HI,ID,MT,ND,NV,OR,SD,UT,WA,WY. 5. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF INSTALLATION(IF APPLICABLE):All prices .F.O.6.901 North Highway 77,Hillsboro,TX 76645 applies to AR,AZ,CO, subject to the"Conditions of Sale"listed on the CXT quotation form. IA,KS,LA,MN,MO,MS, NE,NM,OK,TX. Customers are responsible for marking exact location building is to be .F.O.6.362 Waverly Road,Williamstown,WV 26183 applies to AL,CT,DE, set;providing clear and level site,free of overhead and/or underground FL,GA,IL,IN,KY,MA,MD,ME,MI,NC,NH,NJ,NY,OH,PA,PR,RI,SC,TN,VA, obstructions; and providing site accessible to normal highway trucks VT,WI,WV. and sufficient area for the crane to install and other equipment to perform the contract requirements. Customer shall provide notice in • Prices exclude all federal/state/local taxes.Tax will be charged where writing of low bridges,roadway width or grade,unimproved roads or any applicable if customer is unable to provide proof of exemption. other possible obstacles to access.CXT reserves the right to charge the customer for additional costs incurred for special equipment required to perform delivery and installation.Customers will negotiate installation on 2018 Terms � � � , , �, Cheyenne with chase restroom / shower , r�� ,� �, � � � � building. Standard features include ,, � ; � � , ; ��� � � ������ ����� � ������°������� ���� � ���� � � ���� `� � simulated barnwood texture walls, �- �,� ���� � r ; , ���� 1��� ����� ���� �� simulated cedar shake textured roof, ��� � ��� � t � vitreous china fixtures, interior and ; � �� � m r � ��� � exterior lights,hot water,modular shower � � � � ��� � � ��� ��� �� �� ��� units,off loaded and set up at site. ��� ��� �. � i� � � � �1 � \ �����111 I �A\� �1 � 11 � 1 I�l� �� � � � � I 1� \ � � � �� ti ��� � ( � � � � � �O�u11111 � �� 1 (� � �1 � ��a,�u��� �� �� ua� � �� �� �� � ��� ) m��am ���� ����,�� I � i 1� eH tii n IIIVN am inu iivua ���nium ` \ ���,�� �,N���� �1� �, �� (1 � � � � 11 � � (1� � � ��� , ���,� ���� �I�I e� �� � � n ,,,, �� ii � �� „�n u �,� ���,�� ��, k � ����I�(� I �I���'�' �d1�111111111�1111�1�11�1111 1111 1111 1110111�11111111�111111111) ����I�1�1�� �����i���� ��111�1 11 1�1�1 10�1 II��11 11111 Cheyenne S 208,820.00 208,820.00 � �� � �� �� ��� � �� �� � � \ �1 � \ \ � � � \ ( \ ( ��11�� )N, \\�\\\\� \����� �11111111� \ ( �1 � 1�� � \\ ��1 ( � �� ( � 1) \ � \ � � � �1 �,� a��,� ,�, � n� � � � � � , , � � � N , � � u � � ������ � ��, �� � � � �, �� � ,�,��� ����,��„u u� � ��� �u �� ��� ��������i��l�������� 1�������������,��������,����i����������`�111'11'1"11"'1"'1t,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,t �`�i�����i������i������������������������i�I�����o,i n n�������0�'�����11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ��1�„,,,,,�„�,,�,�!i,�„�,����,�,�,,�, ____ ____ ____ ____ _ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ Final Connection to Utilities 0.00 S 4,740.00 ❑ Optional Wall Texture-�nooseone �Split Face Block($6,930) '� � StruckTrowel($6,930) ��' Stone($9,450) III����� �IIIIII �����iii�� Optional Roof Texture-�nooseone ❑Delta Rib $ 975.00 0.00 Two-Tone Color Scheme S 265.00 ❑ 0.00 Stainless Steel Plumbing Fixtures S 7,685.00 ❑ 0.00 Electric Hand Dryer(each) Qty: 2 S 625.00 ❑ 0.00 Electronic Flush Valves S 4,300.00 ❑ 0.00 Exterior Mounted ADA Drinking Fountain w/Cane Skirt S 3,600.00 ❑ 0.00 Coin Operated Shower Control $ 6,930.00 ❑ 0.00 Bill Changer $ 4,095.00 ❑ 0.00 Electronic Lavatory Faucets . . . . . $ 2,440.00 ❑ . 0.00 Skylight in Restroom(each) Qty: 4 $ 450.00 ❑ 0.00 Marine Grade Skylight in Restroom(each) Qty: 4 S 1,525.00 ❑ 0.00 Marine Package for Extra Corrosion Resistance $ 6,510.00 ❑ 0.00 Fiberglass Entry and Chase Doors and Frames $ 9,975.00 � 0.00 Tile Floor in Restroom $ 11,235.00 ❑ 0.00 Defense Shield-Anti-Graffiti Coating $ 11,290.00 ❑ 0.00 Timed Electric Lock System(does not include chase door) $ 11,490.00 ❑ 0.00 Exterior Frostproof Hose Bib with Box $ 410.00 ❑ 0.00 . . . . . . Paper Towel Dispenser(each) Qty: $ 180.00 ❑ 0.00 Toilet Seat Cover Dispenser(each) . . . .Qty: . $ 80.00 ❑ . 0.00 . Sanitary Napkin Disposal(each) . . . Qty: $ .55.00 ❑ . 0.00 . Baby Changing Station(each) . . . Qty: $ 450.00 ❑ . 0.00 . CXT Wastebasket(each) . . . . Qty:. $ . 130.00 ❑ . 0.00 Paint Touch-up Kit-Single Color $ 60.00 ❑ 0.00 Paint Touch-up Kit-Two Tone Color . . . . $ 65.00 ❑ . . 0.00 Total Cost of Selected Accessories from Accessories Price List: $ 0.00 Estimated One-Way Transportation Costs to Site(quote): $ 27,300.00 Custom Options: MA Drawings S 4,500.00 Total Cost per Unit placed at job site: $ 240,620.00 (excludes all taxes) This price quote is good for 60 days from date below,and is accurate I accept this quote.Please process this order. and complete. Company Name Digitally signed G regg by Gregg Zentarsky CXT Sales Representative Customer Ze n ta rs ky oate:2021.02.09 15:57:44-05'00' Date Date • � • Exterior Color Options: (For single co(or mark an X or for two tone combinations use W= Walls/R = Roo f.) Amber Rose Liberty Tan Berry Mauve Sage Green Toasted Almond Oatmeal Buff Buckskin Rosewood Sun Bronze Golden Beige Mocha Carmel Malibu Taupe Sand Beige Natural Honey Salsa Red Java Brown Pueblo Gold Cappuccino Cream Coca Milk Raven Black Granite Rock Georgia Brick Western Wheat Nuss Brown Rich Earth Charcoal Grey Hunter Green Evergreen Special roof color # Special wall color # Special trim color # (Sage green, hunter and evergreen colors are not available in colored through concrete.) Rock Color Options: � Basalt � Mountain Blend �Natural Grey �Romana Roof Texture Options: � Cedar Shake � Ribbed Metal Wall Texture Options: (For single texture mark an X or for di f ferent top and bottom te�ures use T= Top/B = Bottom.) Barnwood Horizontal Lap Napa Valley Rock Split Face Block Board & Batt River Rock Can only be used as bottom texture. Stucco/Skip Trowel Brick Field Stone (Textures not included in CXT's quote are additional cost.) Door Opener Options: � Non-locking ADA Handle �Pull Handle/Push Plate � Privacy ADA Latch �Pull Handle/Push Plate w/Slide Lock Deadbolt Options: � CXT Supplied �Customer Supplied: Type & Part Number Accessible Signage Options: ❑ Men ❑Women ❑Unisex Paper Holder Options: � 2-Roll Stainless Steel �3-Roll Stainless Steel N otes: AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Update on MIT Lincoln Lab Expansion Project - (Postponed to a future agenda) PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: Michael Menadue, Director of MIT Lincoln Lab I.3 S UMMARY: This item is being rescheduled to a future agenda. P res entation on the long term p lans for the MIT/Linc o ln Lab s for information only. SUGGESTED MOTION: FOLLOW UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 9/13/2021 7:40pm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � �f��M�������;1����� �:.:�a����.. l[.��r���� � N U � � L�L .� > •� � � Q � +� N }' N � lN � � T � � O � � U � 'L C � O � � L � Q� O Q � � � �-_� (A �(n � � � � � �.-+ ,L � � O ■� � Cn O p � � � V � � � dj � �� � � .� (� N � � � N C � � � `~ O � � � � � � � � � .o c� �i i� � � ��� � � � � O � � Q � O � � � a N IN�} > . � 1 � O ■ �� Q � � � � � � � � U O i � Q � � (a � L � • Q ' Ca L.L � Q � � 'i i � � � I� � � N � Q � �� � � � � a��i a� � � c� � � � � � � .� � � cn � �� � � c� .� � I�`i o N z � � � '— � N �� � � � �� � � Q '� � � c� � � W � a� a� � � � L � � � •— � �� � � N , � � o � � � o L � �� � � c� � � O � . 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J AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Review and Approve Sunwealth Power Letter Regarding Virtual Event for Community Solar PRESENTER: ITEM Todd Rhodes Sustainable Lexin on NUMBER: � � Committee; Jacob Naimark, S unWealth P ower I.4 S UMMARY: T he S ustainab ility Director is ho sting an educ ational event to educ ate res idents ab out the b enefits o f c o mmunity s o lar. T here are s p ec ific b enefits that are availab le fo r eligib le c us to mers within the To wn. T he letter has been vetted by SLC and town counsel. This letter is targeted to individuals who would most likely benefit from this opportunity(approximately 300 residents) SUGGESTED MOTION: Move to approve the mailing of this letter to targeted individuals in the community. FOLLOW UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 9/13/2021 7:SSpm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � �"���r�f�iir�b�,�.m�����r��������.�::�,���m��� �µ������.1�°111������ �'��� ;,,,�� l-�.��`�. �� �'' ,��i , °� i� "4�a��` . tr�� �� t- t��'�4 Town o L exin ton ��' � ,� � � � j� �.�' �„�� � ',�,, � � � � ���1 Town Manager's Office � �o ,� ��r, � ��',� u. � ,;�,, ,� � �PRNL Iq�� ����lP��'s'���''', �"��i� �. ��... � �� ��- i + � ���„ '' . °�dl}�' � ' ;"� '�� i�"°���m��ue�ws� a��"i�i �� � %�" ��,�� , ,,� ����� ,� �� '!� , "lf��i�✓, u= �fi�a s �,,, �,oi,i������ � � 9„�; �r ��� r a r �, d , F��,tr,�. ,' , �,i ,� .�.. ' � :."� ��,. �,,,m��, ^' . � �1,. � 7-m� „ ..�..V'u%,- 1, DATE Dea r , The Town of Lexington is teaming up with local clean energy partners to spread the word about Community Solar. Community Solar is an opportunity to save money and support clean energy without facing the hassle and expense of installing solar panels on your own roof. Based on the Town of Lexington's records, you may be eligible to participate in an income- eligible Community Solar program offered by Sunwealth Power. This program offers 25% savings on all clean energy received. A Community Solar program allows you to save money on clean electricity produced by nearby solar panels, like those pictured above at Temple Emunah in Lexington. Each month, solar panels supply a portion of your electricity which is delivered through the same electrical wires that currently supply electricity to your home. To learn more about this and other potential opportunities to enroll in a Community Solar program, we invite you to join an informational meeting hosted by the Office of Sustainability and the Sustainable Lexington Committee on September 27t" 6:30pm. We will be joined by several presenters and havetimeto answeryourquestions. Please join us via Zoom: ,.., a m ..... �� a�� ...... �..... !��... ,.�,.��,,,, �� � ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,�„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,�,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, For more information or to fill out an interest form navigate to: ii� ��� I��� � �ii� u� We look forward to meeting you soon, Stella Carr Sustainability Director (781) 698-4538 Town of Lexi ngton AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Update on Stormwater Enterprise Fund PRESENTER: ITEM John Livse Town En ineer• Envl NUMBER: Y� g � Y S cerbo of Tighe& Bond; Jennifer Tavantzis o f R aftelis I.5 S UMMARY: T his is an up d ate o n the p lanned S to rmwater Enterp ris e F und (s imilar to the Water/S ewer/R ec reatio n Enterp ris e F und s). A s the B o ard is aware, the Engineering D ivis io n has b een wo rking o n this fo r the p as t two years with consultants from Tighe& Bond Engineering and Raftelis Consulting. This is planned to come before ToWn Meeting next Spring(2022)to create a Stormwater Enterprise Fund. SUGGESTED MOTION: No vote is requested, this is an update to ensure the Board supports the direction staff is taking and to respond to any que s tio ns the B o ard may have at this time. FOLLOW UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 9/13/2021 B:OOpm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � �[��°����,�����.���:��� �µ������.1�°111������ � � 1 � � 1 � 1 r' � � � �/ �� , i� � , / i ,,�� ; r; ; I, ; ` ,, i `/ rf / liii I , !�� � ,��� � � � �, � , � � �l � �� �� � �J�. ," �� `� ,,., ; �� ' �8 � r j 9 � � a /, � o �/ � y%; r , , �i� < Id i �- � yf �„ 1 wl I� ; � is ( r i 1 f' ' i �e' , i i � i�' / j� � uul�l �o M�� �� Ij i � ; � r� ,,% '�1.� / P� w � � /� ivJ' C �� (�" � fPU � ii, � � c, ,�w �;% l/ � a � �� �� r� �'�� � . � � � � , � i� i i� ��N�� I;I �i� . i i, � . �. 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S inc e this was las t dis c us s ed at a S elec t B o ard meeting, the S elec t B o ard c o mments have b een inc o rp o rated as have c o mments fro m L exH ab and the H o us ing P artners hip C o mmittee (and o thers). C aro 1 Kowalski has worked With Jeri Fouter, Betsey�1Veiss, Robert Pressman, Harriet Cohen, Bob Burbidge, Lester S avage and Jim Malloy on thes e edits. Ms. Kowalski Will b e at the S elect B o ard meeting to pres ent. SUGGESTED MOTION: Move to approve the Affordable Housing Study Committee Charge as attached. FOLLOW UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 9/13/2021 8:30pm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � 1��������� �...:"��,���u��°Jll���r��;:.� � C:.n�`������� ��`����� II������:� � 1�1�c��.��������;.���,���������1����.�:�:����°c�.�....���;������.�d`���:���������°� �:����,➢�:�:��� Il�,a��������. r,..... .... ...., ...., ...., ...., ...., ...., ...., ...., ...., Affordable Housin�Studv Committee Revised �Formatted Bottom 0 69" � � ������ �����..�. Ref: t� �� / � � � rl� I /r � r� 5/ C �5 �i @ � Commented[CK1]:Recommend adding Betsey Weiss' data point from 8/23 meeting,with citations,as a "whereas". I .____ .____ .____ .____ .____ .____ .____ .____ .____ .__. Members �„ Commented[CK2]:Edit per 8/23 SB meeting,Bob Pressman comment. Appointed bv: Select Board . Len�th of Term:Three ears���iii���..��W�.��������.�..��III������.��°.����°.���'.�:��lii�����iii��.���������.���.������.���������III����w������iii�,�w�� Y .......................................................................................�.......................................................................................................�m...................11l................................................................................................................................................................................... ; � � ^ �. Ifl� _ i Pv i Ir�t ',rt �vwv°F�rola' Committee composition: I p �.:������..���' members,plus a.....iii�..�°;;�..ip��...�.�.:�..T..��.....Iiaison of the Select 6oard. The Committee shall be com osed of�' � � Commented[JM3]:Should say"seven" ��m��-���ml°��ii���� r���'���*�e may include individuals with experience in real estate lending or finance, Ot eriii.::...:.....::'...iii.::...:....1�....:'w........�.... land useor real est�ate law,real estate development,affordable housing development,housing advocacy,planning,racial equity,accessibility,sustainability/resiliency,or architecture.�Ill����;��,��ip�m�ip°�iqiii��;,�,����� iii°.iir.����ii��.��III��iii�m�:�m�:�III°.�������III���III����:���:�Ilh.iu���lii iii���iii�.m��"�lii����Ill�m�lii iirm ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Staff support:Land Use Health&Development Department and the Regional Housing Services Office � ,. ..... . ,�. *,•...... µ. ,. . .. .......... .: � �.,..w ...� ..... µ.�........�. •,..w m w ... ... .�.:• .... ..� , .,� ... .. . 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Committee Mission/Char�e: ., ' �°� ��two�.��..Ill�..�..�..�.:�..iii.�.��.:��.� T e Committee wi wor �-�-.........���.:.........:�.... .___. .___. .___. .___. .___. .___. .___. .___. .___. .___. .___.� • ��III��-���iii��� to brin a ro osal to��III�-��:W� �������iii�����iiim��:W�Town Meetin to ado t a Munici al Commented CK5:if ou and the SB wish this"ob'ective ........... ..........III....................................................... g p p ...................................................................................................................... g p p [ ] v , � AffOrdable HOUSIng TrUSt; A"rather than"Phase 1",may address David Kanter's and .� Melinda Walker's comments about sequencing vs. � .. � ., � .".u i.,, r, �..� , ,...,�......*, ...� ��..� m... � ��III������ �����.,�-�III�to develo a ro osal for a iu m�iu�� �iu...���Housin Develo ment Cor oration�iii ...............................................III.......................................... ................. p P p ...............................JII....................................... g P P ...................... simultaneous work on Trust and Corp. , .. ......,�., ... .....�, .. , ... .. :� � .. ... .. ..x,..�.-...�.., .. .. ..:::��::.��...... �.. .. :�..... ..m�,..: ::� �. ... ::� :� ��� �: . ,� � . � ,� � � : . , iu����� �w iu����iu� ����iu���iu�����iu�iu� III�������III����iu�������.�"�������iu����iu���iu�������III m��iu ��iu��iu� ���� iu�I.���� ���m ����iu�iu��iu�w��,���� iu iu���III��� ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,,. ....� III .... ...� ...� ....� ... � .... .... �� lll...� ...� .... ....� ...� �....� �� .. ..�� .... 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Review Lexington s Housing nee s as etai e in t e�°,��..�,,,,,,�..ip.":.�"::��;'�..�.°:�.:��.....�p..�':::........ ��.,� ...,...�.,��..� ..,.� ��. .�� .....���..� � .���..�,����� ..„��. ... .w ,�.�......��.. �..,��.. ���...:°����..„ ... ��. �:���.,.��.. .��.�., ....�..� ,.w��� �. �,��°.,. �����....,,.w ��..�„�....���....., �...��„�� �..���. ....�������� � �...� �� ������ �� �� � ,.. ,�.,� ��.. ,,.., �� � ���...���,����� �..; �����1� !������������..� � ��...��� �� ���....��. ��...������������.���..� ��..���iii���III���.iii�iii�m�.....����� ����iii�������m��u���m��� �����.����..��iii�iii���.III��� III���. �����ii�m��.�III III�����u�..��iii�m ��iii��iii�����.��.����iii���... t h e ,.�..................�...........................................................................�...................................................................................�. .................................................................................�........................................................................................................................��..�.....................................................................................�.�........................................................................................................�..... reports of the Special Permit Residential Development Ad-Hoc Committee,theCommunity Preservation Committee,and data from Lexington's housing groups and other relevant sources. Identif !�.,;��+,��affordable housin fundin sources III����������w�.�::��iu.iu.m��III�:������������.��;miu��°�������,��III��������iuW�����:�iu°� iii����°��.����iii��.�,,� Y o g g .�.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................�.,.........................�............................................................�:�.... , ... . .... ,,µ...... .... ...µ�..,....... . ..„.....�..,.� ..:. , .,......�...... . ,,.�.. ... ..,....., ........ ..„.. .:..µ..., . ,.....,µ........ .,... . ..... ..�........... ..w i�� .. �i„ . � �i„ ��,.. ,�... .. � .. �... �, a �p i .. ii„ .. ...� Ill��w�ii.��.iii m���..III�iii ii��iii�.�..��.��w��� iii��iii m��� �.����iii m�:��.iii������m.� �����iii m�.���..��Il.iii���iii m:���� iii�m����iii���iii���iii�.���iii..����iii m iii�...���iii�.u iii m�,����iii�III����ii�..��iii�iii��..��iii���iii m� III�����.��III ���.����.��. ............................................................................................................................�....................................�W..........................................................................�W........................................................................................�...............................JII......................................................�...�......................................................................��........................................................���......................................................................�.....................................�........................................ .___. .___. .___. .___. .___. .___. .___. .___. .___. .___. .. ��iii°�����°�����iii�iii°����:�III����.,�iir.m�����:iii���iii°������°����'��::�����III,������������iii�m�:°���������f��III ���:�����°.���������,���m.� �.���iii�.����'iii�°�� ���� ����.�s • . . ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................i.............................................................................................................................��...�............................................................................................................................����.....�.........................................................�... Commented CK7.Edit er 8 23 meetin comment b I l p / g Y Melinda Walker. IIl�„��;mlll�,,,,��;;;��;�,�;�;�iiiW'm�'��� etermine whether an affordable housing trust can advance Lexington's housing Goals. Consider and recommend roles and expected interaction between an Affordable Housing Trust and Lexington's existing housing entities(the Housing Authority,LexHab,the Housing Partnership Board,et aI.)and potential future entity,i.e.,a non-profit Housing Development Corporation�;;;�ip°ip����;�iiiw�� ��p������'!'!I�; ..� ... .. . .� � *. ... �. ,::�,.. ..:::�.....� ,..,µ,.,..,�:. .,. .. ..... ::��.::w ..�, :�,.� ::��,.� ::� .::� ���..�����iu���.�iii��iu�. 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Commented[CK10]:Edit per 8/23 SB meeting based on p . . ...... . ..� I 20 of Mass Housing Partnership's Guidebook v.3"Municipal .... . . .. ... � ...... . ., � � � , . ..� � .::��.::�� .. .. ..�:::� ..� � „� �� � � . .. ,,,„ � I.�w �� �� . „ Develo a warrant article��iii ����iii��III��i����iiiiii m to ado t MGL�,.���,.55� ..�� �.��w�III��..� iiiiii�..III�.��'iiiiii�� �.III��� p ......................................................................................................................��..�. p ......�................................................................................................�............................................................�................................ � � � Affordable Housing Trust . � �.., . .. � �... .�..,. ...� .: ,...,. .... � ... .. .w ,. ...� . .... �m,.. ..., .. .,.. �.. .. � , .. �., �iii�������������III.�������������.�������..����iii�.������.�iii ��iii� ���.���w����III�III��::��III�����..���iii��� �iii�.u����w���.���III��m. �w���.����..��III ������������������m�:� ���..��u���;w�;:��� ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................��..............................................................................................��.........................................................�................................................................................................111......................11�........................................ 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Commented CK13.Edit.corrected t o � � � Y g [ ] vp . . , � ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ....� , , �� Commented[CK14].Edit.Jim,it looks like you had deleted this 8/23 when you made the above edit.Was that Prior to serving as a member of this Committee,appointees are required to: intentional?I added it back in.Remove it if you had intentionally deleted it. 1.Acknowledge receipt of the Summary of the Conflict of Interest Statute.Further,to continue to serve on the Committee the member must acknowledge annually receipt of the summary of the Conflict of Interest Statute. Said summary will be provided by and acknowledged by the Town Clerk. 2.Provide evidence to the Town Clerl<that the appointee has completed the on-line training requirement required by the Conflict of Interest Statute.Further,to continue to serve on the Committee,the member must acknowledge every two years completion of the on-line training requirement. Affordable Housing Trust Study Committee 8/24/21 Ref:https://www.mhp.net/writable/resources/documents/MAHTGuidebook 2018.pdf Members: 7 Appointed by: Select Board Length of Term:Three years or until completion and filing report with the Select Board. Committee composition: The Committee shall be composed of seven members, plus a non-voting liaison of the Select Board. Other members may include individuals with experience in real estate lending or finance, land useor real estate law, re�l estate development, affordable housing development, housing advocacy, planning, racial equity, accessibility,sustainability/resiliency,or architecture.The Committee members shall elect aChairandViceChair. Staff support: Land Use Health & Development Department and the Regional Housing Services Office. Budget:An appropriation will be requested for consulting services from individuals or firms experienced in housing trusts and non-profit Housing Development Corporations or non-profit Community Development Corporations or other entities eligible to participate in the Massachusetts or other community investment tax credit programs. Committee Mission/Charge: The Committee will have two objectives: • Objective A to bring a proposal to the Select Board and Town Meeting to adopt a Municipal Affordable Housing Trust; • Objective B to develop a proposal for a non-profit Housing Development Corporation or non- profit Community Development Corporation or other entity eligible to participate in the Massachusetts or other community investment tax credit programs. Objective A: Review Lexington's Housing needs as detailed in the current or draft Comprehensive Plan Update (expected completion 2021), census data, data from the Regional Housing Services Office,the reports of the Special Permit Residential Development Ad-Hoc Committee,the Community Preservation Committee, and data from Lexington's housing groups and other relevant sources. Identify affordable housing funding sources, both internal and external to Lexington, including but not limited to grants, donations,foundations, nonprofit organizations,faith organizations, local,state and national foundations and local, state and federal government funding programs. Evaluate and determine whether an affordable housing trust can advance Lexington's housing Goals. Consider and recommend roles and expected interaction between an Affordable Housing Trust and Lexington's existing housing entities(the Housing Authority, LexHab,the Housing Partnership Board,et al.) and potential future entity, i.e., a non-profit Housing Development Corporation or non-profit Community Development Corporation or other entity as described above. Consider and recommend roles and expected interaction between an Affordable Housing Trust and the Community Preservation Committee and Capital Expenditures Committee. Present findings,work and recommended actions to the Select Board in advance of drafting materials for Town Meeting. Determine and reach agreement on the powers and duties of a proposed Affordable Housing Trust. Develop a draft bylaw for a Municipal Affordable Housing Trust to recommend to the Select Board by June 30, 2022, including the proposed Declaration of Trust for an Affordable Housing Trust detailing the full powers of the proposed trust. Develop a warrant article for Town Meeting to adopt MGL c.44 s.55C(See Attached) including the proposed Declaration of Trust for an Affordable Housing Trust detailing the full powers of the proposed trust. Objective 6: Analyze and evaluate the costs and opportunities, benefits and risks of creating a non-profit, non- governmental Housing Development Corporation or Community Development Corporation or other entity as described above, including a recommendation on whether such non-profit corporation would help Lexington produce affordable housing more quickly,efficiently and economically than is currently being produced by the Town or by private developers, and whether a non-profit Housing Development Corporation or non-profit Community Development Corporation or other entity as described above would ultimately replace some or all of LexHab's duties, including affordable housing development duties.The committee may also recommend suggested initial staffing, operating budget, and annual fundraising plan. Draft for the corporation's consideration the organization's draft bylaws and articles of organization Prior to serving as a member of this Committee,appointees are required to: 1.Acknowledge receipt of the Summary of the Conflict of Interest Statute. Further,to continue to serve on the Committee the member must acknowledge annually receipt of the summary of the Conflict of Interest Statute. Said summary will be provided by and acknowledged by the Town Clerk. 2. Provide evidence to the Town Clerk that the appointee has completed the on-line training requirement required by the Conflict of Interest Statute. Further,to continue to serve on the Committee,the member must acknowledge every two years completion of the on-line training requirement. p ' • � ���� ���I����I������iiiii� ��� I�I�����������I�I ��iiiiii iiiii� ���������I��������iiiii��� IIIIII��������������������i�i�°� MGL C a ter 44 Section 55C. �IIIII ��� �� � Section 55C. (a) Notwithstanding section 53 or any other general or special law to the contrary,a city or town that accepts this section may establish a trust to be known as the Municipal Affordable Housing Trust Fund, in this section called the trust.The purpose of the trust is to provide for the creation and preservation of affordable housing in municipalities for the benefit of low and moderate income households and for the funding of community housing,as defined in and in accordance with the provisions of chapter 446.Acceptance shall be by majority vote of the municipal legislative body under section 4 of chapter 4. (b)There shall be a board of trustees, in this section called the board,which shall include no less than 5 trustees, including the chief executive officer,as defined by section 7 of chapter 4,of the city or town, but where the chief executive officer is a multi-member body,that body shall designate a minimum of 1 of its members to serve on the board.Trustees shall be appointed in a city by the mayor or by the city manager in a Plan D or Plan E municipality,subject in either case,to confirmation by the city council, and in a town by the board of selectmen,shall serve for a term not to exceed 2 years,and are designated as public agents for purposes of the constitution of the commonwealth. Nothing in this subsection shall prevent a board of selectmen from appointing the town manager or town administrator as a member or chair of the board,with or without the power to vote. (c)The powers of the board,all of which shall be carried on in furtherance of the purposes set forth in this act, shall include the following powers, but a city or town may, by ordinance or by-law,omit or modify any of these powers and may grant to the board additional powers consistent with this section:— (1)to accept and receive real property, personal property or money, by gift,grant,contribution, devise or transfer from any person,firm, corporation or other public or private entity, including but not limited to money,grants of funds or other property tendered to the trust in connection with any ordinance or by-law or any general or special law or any other source, including money from chapter 446; provided, however,that any such money received from chapter 446 shall be used exclusively for community housing and shall remain subject to all the rules, regulations and limitations of that chapter when expended by the trust, and such funds shall be accounted for separately by the trust; and provided further,that at the end of each fiscal year,the trust shall ensure that all expenditures of funds received from said chapter 446 are reported to the community preservation committee of the city or town for inclusion in the community preservation initiatives report,form CP-3,to the department of revenue; (2)to purchase and retain real or personal property, including without restriction investments that yield a high rate of income or no income; (3)to sell, lease,exchange,transfer or convey any personal, mixed,or real property at public auction or by private contract for such consideration and on such terms as to credit or otherwise,and to make such contracts and enter into such undertaking relative to trust property as the board deems advisable notwithstanding the length of any such lease or contract; (4)to execute, acknowledge and deliver deeds,assignments,transfers, pledges, leases, covenants,contracts, promissory notes, releases,grant agreements and other instruments sealed or unsealed, necessary, proper or incident to any transaction in which the board engages for the accomplishment of the purposes of the trust; (5)to employ advisors and agents, such as accountants,appraisers and lawyers as the board deems necessary; (6)to pay reasonable compensation and expenses to all advisors and agents and to apportion such compensation between income and principal as the board deems advisable; (7)to apportion receipts and charges between incomes and principal as the board deems advisable,to amortize premiums and establish sinking funds for such purpose,and to create reserves for depreciation depletion or otherwise; (8)to participate in any reorganization, recapitalization, merger or similar transactions; and to give proxies or powers of attorney with or without power of substitution to vote any securities or certificates of interest; and to consent to any contract, lease, mortgage, purchase or sale of property, by or between any corporation and any other corporation or person; (9)to deposit any security with any protective reorganization committee,and to delegate to such committee such powers and authority with relation thereto as the board may deem proper and to pay, out of trust property,such portion of expenses and compensation of such committee as the board may deem necessary and appropriate; (10)to carry property for accounting purposes other than acquisition date values; (11)to borrow money on such terms and conditions and from such sources as the board deems advisable,to mortgage and pledge trust assets as collateral; (12)to make distributions or divisions of principal in kind; (13)to comprise, attribute,defend,enforce, release,settle or otherwise adjust claims in favor or against the trust, including claims for taxes,and to accept any property, either in total or partial satisfaction of any indebtedness or other obligation, and subject to the provisions of this act,to continue to hold the same for such period of time as the board may deem appropriate; (14)to manage or improve real property; and to abandon any property which the board determined not to be worth retaining; (15)to hold all or part of the trust property uninvested for such purposes and for such time as the board may deem appropriate; and (16)to extend the time for payment of any obligation to the trust. (d) Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary,all moneys paid to the trust in accordance with any zoning ordinance or by-law, exaction fee, or private contributions shall be paid directly into the trust and need not be appropriated or accepted and approved into the trust. General revenues appropriated into the trust become trust property and to be expended these funds need not be further appropriated.All moneys remaining in the trust at the end of any fiscal year,whether or not expended by the board within 1 year of the date they were appropriated into the trust, remain trust property. (e)The trust is a public employer and the members of the board are public employees for purposes of chapter 258. (f)The trust shall be deemed a municipal agency and the trustees special municipal employees,for purposes of chapter 268A. (g)The trust is exempt from chapters 59 and 62,and from any other provisions concerning payment of taxes based upon or measured by property or income imposed by the commonwealth or any political subdivision thereof. (h)The books and records of the trust shall be audited annually by an independent auditor in accordance with accepted accounting practices. (i)The trust is a governmental body for purposes of sections 23A, 23B and 23C of chapter 39. (j)The trust is a board of the city or town for purposes of chapter 306 and section 15A of chapter 40; but agreements and conveyances between the trust and agencies, boards,commissions,authorities,departments and public instrumentalities of the city or town shall be exempt from said chapter 306. From:Jeri Foutter Sent:Wednesday,September 8, 2021 3:59 PM To:Jill Hai; Doug Lucente;Joe Pato; Mark Sandeen; Suzie Barry Cc: Kim Katzenback;James Malloy; Carol Kowalski ; Weiss, Betsey; Harriet Cohen Subject: Housing Partnership Board: Letter of Support Dear Select Board, We are reaching out to express the strong support of the Housing Partnership Board (HPB) both for the creation of an Affordable Housing Study Committee and for the charge for the Affordable Housing Committee as stated in the charge revised on August 24, 2021. Over 115 communities in Massachusetts, including Arlington, Bedford, Belmont, Carlisle, Sudbury, Wayland, and Weston, have created MAHTs.These MAHTs have provided considerable affordable housing benefits in their communities. Given the paucity of affordable housing in Lexington, it is incumbent upon the Town of Lexington to explore all avenues that could lead to the creation of additional affordable housing. The Housing Partnership Board voted unanimously in support of the formation of an Affordable Housing Study Committee on August 19, 2021. For further information on MAHTs and the need for affordable housing in Lexington, please refer to the attached documents. c� Ms. Katzenback, please add this email, as a cover letter, and the attached signed PDF document to the Meeting packet for the next Select Board Meeting. The attached Word document is the latest version of the Affordable Housing Study Committee Charge that we have available and is included for reference only. We defer to Ms. Kowalski on if and when the Charge would be added to the Select Board Meeting packet.Thank you to Ms. Kowalski for her time and expertise. Sincerely, Jeri Foutter, Chair Betsey Weiss,Vice Chair Harriet Cohen, Clerk Housing Partnership Board Housing Partnership Board Housing Partnership Board September 8,2021 Select Board Town of Lexington 1625 Massachusetts Avenue Lexington, MA 02420 Dear Select Board Members, On behalf of the Housing Partnership Board,we are writing to encourage the Select Board to adopt the charge for the Affordable Housing Study Committee.We believe both a Municipal Affordable Housing Trust and a Housing(or Community) Development Corporation would help advance the Town's stated goal of promoting economic and racial diversity by increasing affordable housing opportunities for moderate and low-income families. Both entities could provide flexibility to appropriate funding for many activities related to affordable housing,from the development of new housing to administering small grants to enable senior citizens to age in place. The need for more affordable housing in Lexington is easily demonstrated by reviewing the numbers of applicants for affordable housing in town. In 2019,there were 87 applicants for 3 first-time homebuyer units at Liberty Ridge. Liz Rust,of the Regional Housing Services Office, reported that it was the`largest response I have seen in over 200 lotteries.'Similarly,there were 176 applicants for 6 LexHA6 units at Farmview.The wait list for low-income units in the Lexington Housing Authority portfolio are so long that families with children often wait for years for housing. Although Lexington is in technical compliance with the 10%threshold for 40B at 1,335 units,the formula for counting units on the SHI leads to an inflation of the numbers of truly affordable housing. Currently only 5.7%,or 682, of the units are actually affordable.The 2020 census figures show Lexington added approximately 364 new housing units in the past ten years.And, although 29 units of affordable housing were acquired or built during that time,the Town lost 26 units in group home facilities which closed. Therefore, Lexington only gained three additional units of affordable housing units in the past ten years. Meanwhile,the cost of market rate housing continues to skyrocket, rising twenty percent in the last year alone.The median price for a single-family home is now above 1.3 million dollars, a price beyond the means of most people in the Commonwealth. A municipal housing trust could provide Lexington with the financial resources it needs to keep pace with the development of market rate housing in town. Funding could come from a variety of sources, including, but not limited to, negotiated developer fees, payments from existing housing stabilization funds, private donations and Community Preservation funds.As you know, real estate negotiations are `time critical.' Trustees can respond quickly to development opportunities because appropriations only require Select Board approval,thereby avoiding the lengthy Town Meeting approval process.A trust can also enable communities to respond quickly to unforeseen challenges facing residents in affordable and low-income housing. In 2020,Trustees in many communities were able to act quickly and fund emergency rental assistance programs for tenants facing economic hardship due to the COVID pandemic.These emergency rental assistance programs have helped hundreds of tenants since 2020. Over 115 communities in Massachusetts have adopted housing trusts, including our neighbors in Arlington, Bedford, Belmont, Carlisle,Sudbury,Wayland,and Weston. Projects which have benefitted from flexibility of these trusts include the purchasing of property,the rehabilitation of existing affordable housing stock,the purchase of expiring affordability restrictions,the development of small grant programs, and the appropriation `gap'funding for projects already in progress. Page 1 of 4 The Housing Partnership Board also supports the creation of a Housing Development Corporation or Community Development Corporation for many the same reasons that the board supports the creation of a housing trust.Additionally,given the high costs associated with the development of multi-family projects, developers must seek funding from various sources. Development corporations are eligible to participate in community tax credit programs;these programs are essential because they provide much- needed incentives to lending institutions to support affordable housing development. In summary,we believe there would be many benefits to the Town if both a municipal housing trust and a development corporation were established.We hope the Affordable Housing Study Committee will be able to begin its important worl<as soon as is possible. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact any of us.Thank you for your consideration. Jeri Foutter, Chair Betsey Weiss,Vice Chair Harriet Cohen, Clerk Housing Partnership Board Housing Partnership Board Housing Partnership Board jfoutter�cambridgesavings.com betseyweiss�hotmail.com cohen�fairland.com For median price information, please see the realtor.com, redfin.com,and rockethomes.com websites. Cc: James Malloy,Town Manager Carol Kowalski,Assistant Town Manager Page2of4 Housin� Partnership Board—Additional Information Affordable Housing Study Committee Se pte m be r 8, 2021 Objective A: To bring a proposal to the Select Board and Town meeting to adopt a Municipal Affordable Housing Trust (MAHT). A MAHT is a: • Vehicle to accelerate the creation of affordable housing • Municipal entity overseen by its Board of Trustees o The trustees are selected by the Select Board. o The trustees must include at least one Select Board member. • A MAHT may collect funds for affordable housing and use those funds for local initiatives to create and preserve affordable housing. Funding for MAHTs may come from a variety of sources, including but not limited to: o Negotiated developer fees o Payments from special bylaws/ordinances o Private donations o Community Preservation Act(CPA)funds. ■ As stated in the Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 44B, Community Preservation,Section 5f, "A city or town may appropriate money in any year from the Community Preservation Fund to an affordable housing trust fund." ■ According to the Municipal Affordable Housin�Trust Guidebook from the Massachusetts Housing Partnership, "In most communities with housing trusts, CPA funds are the most common source of funds." • Some typical uses of MAHTs are to: o Purchase and sell property to be used for low or moderate income households. o Rehabilitate existing homes and apartments to convert to low or moderate income housing. o Increase affordability in existing and future housing developments. o Preserve properties faced with expiring affordability restrictions. These activities often require a lengthy process and action by Town Meeting and a MAHT is able to move swiftly. This is important because real estate opportunities that facilitate low or moderate housing are often highly time critical.The liquidity provided by an MAHT would enable the Town to take advantage of low to moderate income housing opportunities that would otherwise pass it by. Objective B:The charge calls for evaluating "the costs and opportunities, benefits and risks of creating a non-profit, non-governmental Housing Development Corporation or Community Development Corporation or other entity." As such an entity would also address affordable housing needs in Lexington. • Pamela Hallett, Executive Director of the Housing Corporation of Arlington (HCA), presented HCA's accomplishments as a Community Development Corporation (CDC)to the Housing Partnership Board on March 23, 2021. Page3of4 • Ms. Hallett also presented HCA's accomplishments as a CDC at a Joint Meeting of the Select Board, Planning Board, Lexington Housing Assistance Board (LexHA6), Housing Partnership Board,Appropriation Committee and Capital Expenditures Committee on May 17, 2021. • Eligible CDCs are able to participate in the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) Community Investment Tax Credit Program (CITC). Per the DHCD CITC web pa�e, "CITC is designed to enable local residents and stakeholders to work with and through community development corporations(CDCs)to partner with nonprofit,public, and private entities to improve economic opportunities for low and moderate income households and other residents in urban, rural, and suburban communities across the Commonwealth." • Per the Massachusetts Association of Community Development Corporations'web pa�e: o $842.6 million invested in local communities 0 63,359 families supported with housing,jobs, and other services 0 1,586 community leaders engaged 0 1,043 homes built or preserved 0 4,054 job opportunities created or preserved 0 2,607 entrepreneurs provided technical or financial assistance Page 4 of 4 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Accept and Sign Conservation Restriction- 181, 191 & 201 Spring Street PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: Karen Mullins, C o ns ervatio n D irec to r I.7 S UMMARY: Attached please find a 9/7/21 memo from Karen Mullins, Conservation Director on a Conservation Restriction (C R) fo r 181, 191, 201 S p ring S treet that were required as p art o f a s p ec ial p ermit granted b y the B o ard o f App eals in 1988, but was never recorded. C ons ervation and Town C ouns el have worked with the attorneys representing the property owner to have this taken care of and filed at the Registry. The CR requires the Select Board's approval. SUGGESTED MOTION: Move to approve the attached Conservation Restriction from the Trustees of 191 Spring Street Trust to the Town of Lexington, acting by its Conservation Cominission, in the public interest pursuant to Section 32 of C hap ter 184 o f the Mas s ac hus etts G eneral L aws. FOLLOW UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 9/13/2021 8:40pm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � C���r���c��°�������1������.���;6������ ��������. �n���� � C���r������°��������1f�����.m���;��c�����'��,:���� ���:��r��. �°������ � ���t���:°��;�.���������JIC���-�.����.��1� �������4u°�1'�II���:���:� � I[����������cA����������;��Y��.,����,���pr���� °:��v��� II�����.� GRANTOR: BRYAN J. KOOP and DAVID C. PROVOST, TRUSTEES OF 191 SPRING STREET TRUST under Declaration of Trust dated May 6, 1985 recorded with the Middlesex South District Registry of Deeds in Book 16197 Page 583 as amended of record but not individually having an address c/o Boston Properties, Inc., 800 Boylston Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02199,Attention: Regional General Counsel. GRANTEE: CONSERVATION COMMISSION of the TOWN OF LEXINGTON,having a usual place of business c/o ToWn Office Building, 1625 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington, Massachusetts 02420. ADDRESS OF PREMISES: 181, 191 and 201 Spring Street, Lexington, Massachusetts 02421 FOR GRANTOR'S TITLE SEE: Middlesex County South District Registry of Deeds at Book 16197, Page 587 and Book 30684 Page 152. CONSERVATION RESTRICTION I. PREAMBLE BRYAN J. KOOP and DAVID C. PROVOST, TRUSTEES OF 191 SPRING STREET TRUST under Declaration of Trust dated May 6, 1985 recorded with the Middlesex South District Registry of Deeds in Book 16197 Page 583 as amended of record, but not individually, having an address c/o Boston Properties, Inc., 800 Boylston Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02199, Attention: Regional General Counsel,being the sole owner of the Premises as defined herein, constituting all of the owner(s) of the Premises as defined herein, for our successors and assigns ("Grantor"), acting pursuant to Sections 31, 32, and 33 of Chapter 184 of the Massachusetts General Laws, grant, with QUITCLAIM COVENANTS, to the Town of Lexington, a municipal corporation acting by and through its Conservation Commission by authority of Section 8C of Chapter 40 of the Massachusetts General Laws having a usual place of business c/o Town Office Building, 1625 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington, Massachusetts 02420, their permitted successors and assigns ("Grantee"), for no consideration as this Conservation Restriction is being conveyed as required by and in compliance with the "Special Permits" (referred to below), IN PERPETUITY FOR CONSERVATION PURPOSES, the following Conservation Restriction on two parcels of land located in Lexington, Massachusetts ("Premises"), described as "Conservation Restriction Parcel A" and"Conservation Restriction Parcel 1" in Exhibit A and shown as "Conservation Restriction Parcel A" and "Conservation Restriction Parcel 1" on a plan of land recorded in the Middlesex County South District Registry of Deeds in Plan Book , Page , a reduced copy of which plan is included herewith in Exhibit B, both of which exhibits are incorporated herein and attached hereto. This Conservation Restriction is granted subj ect to all matters of record to the extent in force and applicable and to the terms and provisions hereinafter set forth. II. PURPOSES: This Conservation Restriction is defined in and authorized by Sections 31, 32, and 33 of Chapter 1 EAST\183724268.2 H:AConservation\Conservation Restriction-Revised 2021(11)(BXP Edits)Select Board Vote.docx 184 of the Massachusetts General Laws and otherwise by law. The purposes of this Conservation Restriction ("Purposes") are to ensure that the Premises will be maintained in perpetuity in predominantly its natural, scenic, and open condition, while subj ect to and permitting the limited uses of the Premises as defined herein, and to prevent any use or change that would materially impair the Conservation Values (as defined below) but in all cases is subj ect to the provisions of Section III. A and Section IIL B hereof. Permit Req uirement This Conservation Restriction is required by(i) that certain Special Permit with Site Plan Review granted by the Lexington Zoning Board of Appeals filed with the Lexington Town Clerk on December 20, 1988 recorded with the Middlesex South District Registry of Deeds in Book 20097 Page 1 as amended and (ii) that certain Special Permit with Site Plan Review granted by said Lexington Zoning Board of Appeals filed with the Lexington Town Clerk on April 22, 1998 recorded with said Registry of Deeds in Book 28589 Page 203 as amended (collectively called the "Special Permits"). The Special Permits allow subdivision and commercial development. The Conservation Values protected by this Conservation Restriction include the following: Open Space and Natural Resources. The Premises contribute to the protection of the scenic and natural character of the Town of Lexington and the protection of the Premises will enhance the open-space value of these and nearby lands and will aid in the protection of the natural and watershed resources of the Town of Lexington. Watershed, Water Quality and Water Su�plv. In addition, the grant of this Conservation Restriction on the Premises serves to enhance the protection of the watershed and water quality in the surrounding area and the protection of the water supply in the Zones B and C which are shown on the Water Supply Map for the surrounding area attached hereto as Exhibit C(the"Water Supply Map�� III. PROHIBITED AND PERMITTED ACTS AND USES A. Prohibited Acts and Uses The Grantor will not perform or allow others to perform the following acts and uses which are prohibited on, above, and below the Premises: 1. Structures and Improvements. Constructing, placing, or allowing to remain any temporary or permanent structure including without limitation any building, tennis court, landing strip, mobile home, swimming pool, asphalt or concrete pavement, graveled area, roads, sign, fence, gate, billboard or other advertising, antenna, utilities or other structures, utility pole, tower, solar panel, solar array, conduit, line, septic or wastewater disposal system, storage tank, or dam; 2. Extractive Activities/Uses. Mining, excavating, dredging, withdrawing, or removing soil, loam, peat, gravel, sand, rock, surface water, ground water, or other mineral substance or natural deposit, or otherwise altering the topography of the Premises; 2 EAST\183724268.2 H:AConservation\Conservation Restriction-Revised 2021(11)(BXP Edits)Select Board Vote.docx 3. Disposal/Storage. Placing, filling, storing or dumping of soil, refuse, trash, vehicle bodies or parts, rubbish, debris,junk, tree and other vegetation cuttings, liquid or solid waste or other substance or material whatsoever; 4. Adverse Impacts to Ve�etation. Cutting,removing, or destroying trees, shrubs, grasses or other vegetation; 5. Adverse Im�acts to Water, Soil, and Other Features. Activities detrimental to drainage, flood control, water conservation, water quality, erosion control, soil conservation, natural habitat, archaeological conservation, or ecosystem function; 6. Introduction of Invasive Species. Planting or introducing any species identified as invasive by the Massachusetts Invasive Plant Advisory Group or identified as invasive in such recognized inventories as the Massachusetts Introduced Pests Outreach Proj ect, the Northeast Aquatic Nuisance Species Panel, or other such inventories, and any successor list as mutually agreed to by Grantor and Grantee; 7. Motor Vehicles. Using,parking, or storing motorized vehicles, including motorcycles, mopeds, all-terrain vehicles, off-highway vehicles, motorboats or other motorized watercraft, snowmobiles, launching or landing aircraft, or any other motorized vehicles, acknowledging that vehicles necessary for public safety (i.e., fire, police, ambulance, other government officials) may have a legal right to enter the Premises; 8. Subdivision. Subdividing or conveying a part or portion of Conservation Parcel A or Conservation Parcel 1 except as provided in Paragraph III.B.B below. 9. Use of Premises for Developin� Other Land. Using the Premises towards building or development requirements on any parcel other than the Grantor's property shoWn as Lot 1, Lot 2 and Roadway A on the "Property Plan" (hereinafter defined). The Property Plan is that certain plan entitled"Fullers Hill,a Subdivision in Lexington, Mass., Owner: 191 Spring Street Trust, Edward H. Linde and Robert B. Swett, Jr., Trustees, Applicant" dated June 12, 1987 amended September 8, 1987 by BSC- Bedford, Land Surveyors and Civil Engineers,recorded with Middlesex South District Registry of Deeds in Book 18779 Page 532 as Plan No. 1783 of 1987 and also shown on Plan No. 498 of 1996 recorded in Book 26394 Page 162 (collectively the"Property Plan"). 10. Adverse Impacts to Stone Walls, Boundary Markers. Disrupting, removing, or destroying stone walls, granite fence posts, or any other boundary markers; 11. Residential or Industrial Uses.Using the Premises for residential or industrial purposes; 12. Inconsistent Uses. Using the Premises for commercial purposes that are inconsistent with the Purposes or that would materially impair the Conservation Values, or for any other uses or activities that are inconsistent with the Purposes or that would materially impair the Conservation Values. 3 EAST\183724268.2 H:AConservation\Conservation Restriction-Revised 2021(11)(BXP Edits)Select Board Vote.docx B. Permitted Acts and Uses Notwithstanding the Prohibited Acts and Uses described in Paragraph III.A., the Grantor may conduct or permit the following acts and uses on the Premises. In conducting any Permitted Act and Use, the Grantor shall take steps to minimize impacts to the Conservation Values and Purposes to ensure any impairment thereto is not material. 1. Ve�etation Mana ement. Maintaining vegetation, including pruning, replanting existing planted areas, trimming, cutting, and mowing, and removing brush, all to prevent, control, and manage hazards, disease, insect or fire damage, and/or in order to maintain the condition of the Premises as shown in the Baseline Report(see Paragraph XV); 2. Non-native,Nuisance,or Invasive species.Removing non-native,nuisance, or invasive species,interplanting native species,and controlling species in a manner that minimizes damage to surrounding, non-target species and preserves water quality; 3. Compostin�. Stockpiling and composting stumps, trees, brush, limbs, and similar biodegradable materials originating on the Premises; 4. Natural Habitat and Ecosystem Improvement. With prior written approval of the Grantee, conducting measures designed to restore native biotic communities, or to maintain, enhance or restore wildlife, wildlife habitat, ecosystem function, or rare or endangered species including planting native trees, shrubs, and other vegetation; 5. Archaeolo�ical Investi ations. Conducting archaeological activities,including without limitation archaeological research, surveys, excavation and artifact retrieval, but only in accordance with an archaeological field investigation plan, Which plan shall also address restoration following completion of the archaeological investigation,prepared by or on behalf of the Grantor and approved in advance of such activity, in writing, by the Massachusetts Historical Commission State Archaeologist (or appropriate successor official) and by the Grantee. A copy of the results of any such investigation on the Premises is to be provided to the Grantee; 6. Trails. Maintaining and constructing trails as follows: a. Existing Trails. Conducting routine maintenance of existing trails, which are shown on Exhibit B, which may include widening trail corridors up to five (5) feet in width overall . b. New Trails. Constructing new unpaved trails or relocating existing trails, provided that not less than sixty (60) days prior to any such construction or relocation, Grantor will submit plans to Grantee for the purpose of assuring the Grantee that any new or reconstructed trail will not exceed�ve feet in width. 4 EAST\183724268.2 H:AConservation\Conservation Restriction-Revised 2021(11)(BXP Edits)Select Board Vote.docx c. Trail Features. With prior written approval of the Grantee, constructing bog bridging,boardwalks, footbridges, railings, steps, culverts, benching, cribbing, contouring,or other such features,together with the use of motorized equipment to construct such features; 7. Si�ns. Constructing, installing, maintaining, and replacing signs and informational kiosks with respect to the Permitted Acts and Uses, the Purposes, the Conservation Values, trespass, public access, identity and address of the Grantor, sale of the Premises, the Grantee's interest in the Premises, boundary and trail markings, any gift, grant, or other applicable source of support for the conservation of the Premises; 8. Further, this Conservation Restriction is subj ect and subordinate to the following perpetual rights, reservations and easements to do the following from time to time, all of which are permitted as of right which the Grantor reserves for itself and its successors and assigns: (i) To exercise the rights, reservations and easements as set forth in the Deed dated June 23, 1997 recorded with the Middlesex South District Registry of Deeds in Book 27413 Page 406 relating to drainage and other matters and in the Subdivision Plans dated June 12, 1987 prepared by BSC— Bedford showing a drainage easement and recorded with said Registry of Deeds in Book 18779, Page 532, as amended and revised of record from time to time. The provisions of this subparagraph are for the benefit of each Lot 1 and Lot 2. �11� To keep, maintain,use, repair and reconstruct the existing field stone Wall and sign located in the general southeasterly portion of Conservation Restriction Parcel A and from time to time to replace in the same general area the existing sign and/or wall with another sign and/or wall whether or not of the same type, dimensions or size. The provisions of this subparagraph are for the benefit of each of Lot 1 and Lot 2. �111� TO 111alllta111 t�le eX1St111g f1elC�Wlt11111 C011SerVat1011 ReStr1Ct1011 ParCel A including,without limitation, the maintenance and replacement of the existing sprinkler system, the seeding, mowing, maintaining and otherwise caring for the same, removal of dead or damaged trees,branches and storm and wind debris as needed, and removal of poison ivy and other poisonous plants. The provisions of this subparagraph are for the benefit of each of Lot 1 and Lot 2. (iv) To maintain,repair and replace existing utilities,municipal services and appurtenances, if any, which may as of the date hereof be located in or under Conservation Restriction Parcel A and to construct, maintain, repair and replace additional utilities, municipal services and appurtenances as may be necessary or required in connection with the development, operation,repair, replacement and/or reconstruction of any buildings, additions or other improvements (including site improvements) from time 5 EAST\183724268.2 H:AConservation\Conservation Restriction-Revised 2021(11)(BXP Edits)Select Board Vote.docx to time located on Lot 1 and/or Lot 2 so long as such utilities, municipal services and appurtenances are located underground except for the exposed top of structure of manholes, catch basins and like equipment and facilities. The provisions of this subparagraph are for the benefit of each of Lot 1 and Lot 2. (v) To keep, maintain,use, repair and reconstruct any portion of street lights, sidewalk or other appurtenances to Roadway A which may be located within the Premises. The provisions of this subparagraph are for the benefit of each of Lot 1, Lot 2 and Roadway A. (vi) The right to use the Premises for outdoor recreational, cultural and leisure purposes and activities, including picnicking. The provisions of this subparagraph are for the benefit of each of Lot 1 and Lot 2. (vii) With respect to Conservation Restriction Parcel 1, the right to keep, maintain, use, repair and reconstruct (a) any improvements currently located on or adj acent to the Premises, including the "Existing Path", "Existing Fence" and"Gravel Area" (all as shown on the the plan in Exhibit B) and(b)the existing field stone wall located in the general easterly portion of Conservation Restriction Parcel 1 and from time to time to replace such wall in the same general area with another similar Wall. The provisions of this subparagraph are for the benefit of each of Lot 1 and Lot 2. �Vlll� To subdivide or convey the parcels comprising the Premises in whole or in part, provided and on the condition that following any such subdivision or conveyance any subdivided or conveyed portion can only be added to Lot 1 and/or Lot 2 which Lot 1 and 2 are shown on the "Subdivision Plan" referred to in Paragraph III.A.9, and provided that all of the parcels comprising the Premises (and any portions thereof� shall remain subj ect to this Conservation Restriction in perpetuity. The provisions of this subparagraph are for the benefit of each of Lot 1, Lot 2 and Roadway A. C. Site Restoration Except as otherwise speci�cally provided above,upon completion of any Permitted Acts and Uses, any disturbed areas shall be restored substantially to the conditions that existed prior to said activities, including with respect to soil material, grade, and vegetated ground cover. D. Compliance with Permits,Regulations, Laws The exercise of any Permitted Acts and Uses under Paragraph III.B, shall be in compliance with all applicable federal, state and local laws, rules, regulations, zoning, and permits, and with the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The inclusion of any Reserved Right requiring a permit, license or other approval from a public agency does not imply that the Grantee 6 EAST\183724268.2 H:AConservation\Conservation Restriction-Revised 2021(11)(BXP Edits)Select Board Vote.docx or the Commonwealth takes any position whether such permit, license, or other approval should be issued. E. Notice and Approval. 1. Notifyin� Grantee. Whenever notice to or approval by Grantee is required, Grantor shall notify or request approval from Grantee, by a method requiring proof of receipt, in writing not less than sixty (60) days prior to the date Grantor intends to undertake the activity in question, unless a different time period is specified herein. The notice shall: a. Describe the nature, scope, design, location, timetable and any other material aspect of the proposed activity; b. Describe how the proposed activity complies with the terms and conditions of this Conservation Restriction, and will not materially impair the Purposes and/or Conservation Values; c. Identify all permits, licenses, or approvals required for the proposed activity, and the status of any such permits, licenses, or approvals; and d. Describe any other material aspect of the proposed activity in sufficient detail to permit the Grantee to make an informed judgment as to its consistency with the Purposes and Conservation Values. 2. Grantee Review.Where Grantee's approval is required, Grantee shall grant or withhold approval in writing within sixty (60) days of receipt of Grantor's request. Grantee's approval shall only be granted upon a showing that the proposed activity will not materially impair the Purposes and/or Conservation Values. Grantee may require Grantor to secure expert review and evaluation of a proposed activity by a mutually agreed upon party. 3. Resubmittal. Grantee's failure to respond within sixty (60) days of receipt shall not constitute approval of the request. Grantor may subsequently submit the same or a similar request for approval. IV. INSPECTION AND ENFORCEMENT A. Entry onto the Premises The Grantor hereby grants to the Grantee, and its duly authorized agents or representatives, the right to enter the Premises upon reasonable notice and at reasonable times, for the purpose of inspecting the Premises to determine compliance with or to enforce this Conservation Restriction. B. Legal and Injunctive Relief. 1. Enforcement. The rights hereby granted shall include the right to enforce this 7 EAST\183724268.2 H:AConservation\Conservation Restriction-Revised 2021(11)(BXP Edits)Select Board Vote.docx Conservation Restriction by appropriate legal proceedings and to obtain equitable relief against any violations, including, without limitation, injunctive relief and relief requiring restoration of the Premises to its condition prior to the time of the injury (it being agreed that the Grantee will have no adequate remedy at law in case of an injunction). The rights hereby granted shall be in addition to, and not in limitation of, any other rights and remedies available to the Grantee for the enforcement of this Conservation Restriction. However, notwithstanding the forgoing, in no event shall Grantee have any right to,nor shall the Grantor or any of its successors and assigns,be subj ect to or liable for, monetary damages of any kind except as provided in Paragraph IV.B.3. 2. Notice and Cure. In the event the Grantee determines that a violation of this Conservation Restriction has occurred and intends to exercise any of the rights described herein, the Grantee shall, before exercising any such rights, notify the Grantor in writing of the violation. The Grantor shall have thirty(30) days from receipt of the written notice to halt the violation and remedy any damage caused by it, or to commence such remedy provided that Grantor proceeds diligently to complete such remedy, after which time Grantee may take further action, including instituting legal proceedings and entering the Premises to take reasonable measures to remedy, abate or correct such violation,without further notice. Provided,however,that this requirement of deferment of action for thirty (30) days applies only if Grantor immediately ceases the violation and there is no ongoing violation. In instances where a violation may also constitute a violation of local, state, or federal law, the Grantee may notify the proper authorities of such violation. 3. Reimbursement of Costs and Expenses of Enforcement. Grantor covenants and agrees to reimburse to Grantee all reasonable costs and expenses (including counsel fees) incurred by the Grantee in enforcing this Conservation Restriction or in taking reasonable measures to remedy, abate or correct any violation thereof. C. Non-Waiver. Enforcement of the terms of this Conservation Restriction shall be at the sole discretion of Grantee. Any election by the Grantee as to the manner and timing of its right to enforce this Conservation Restriction or otherwise exercise its rights hereunder shall not be deemed or construed to be a waiver of such rights. D. Disclaimer of Liability By acceptance of this Conservation Restriction, the Grantee does not undertake any liability or obligation relating to the condition of the Premises pertaining to compliance with and including, but not limited to, hazardous materials, zoning, environmental laws and regulations, or acts not caused by the Grantee or its agents. E. Acts Beyond the Grantor's Control Nothing contained in this Conservation Restriction shall be construed to entitle the Grantee to 8 EAST\183724268.2 H:AConservation\Conservation Restriction-Revised 2021(11)(BXP Edits)Select Board Vote.docx bring any actions against the Grantor for any injury to or change in the Premises resulting from causes beyond the Grantor's control, including but not limited to fire, flood, weather, climate- related impacts, and earth movement, or from any prudent action taken by the Grantor under emergency conditions to prevent, abate, or mitigate significant injury to the Premises resulting from such causes. In the event of any such occurrence, the Grantor and Grantee will cooperate in the restoration of the Premises, if desirable and feasible. V. PUBLIC ACCESS This Conservation Restriction does not grant any right of access to the general public and the Grantor retains its rights to prohibit access to the Premises by the general public. VI. TERMINATION/RELEASE/EXTINGUISHMENT A. Procedure If circumstances arise in the future that render the Purposes impossible to accomplish, this Conservation Restriction can only be terminated, released, or extinguished, whether in whole or in part,by a court of competent jurisdiction under applicable law after review and approval by the Secretary of Energy and Environmental Affairs of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, or successor official ("Secretary"), and any other approvals as may be required by Section 32 of Chapter 184 of the Massachusetts General Laws. B. Grantee's Receipt of Property Right Grantor and Grantee agree that the conveyance of this Conservation Restriction gives rise to a real property right, immediately vested in the Grantee, for the purpose of enforcing this Conservation Restriction, but does not entitle Grantee, upon extinguishment, release, or termination, to any proceeds received by the Grantor from the subsequent sale, exchange or involuntary conversion of the Premises. C. Cooperation Regarding Public Action �Vhenever all or any part of the Premises or any interest therein is taken by public authority under power of eminent domain or other act of public authority, then the Grantor and the Grantee shall cooperate in recovering the full value of all direct and consequential damages resulting from such action. All related expenses incurred by the Grantor and the Grantee shall first be paid out of any recovered proceeds, and the remaining proceeds shall be distributed to the Grantor. VII. DURATION and ASSIGNABILITY A. Running of the Burden The burdens of this Conservation Restriction shall run with the Premises in perpetuity, and shall be enforceable against the Grantor and the successors and assigns of the Grantor holding any interest in the Premises. 9 EAST\183724268.2 H:AConservation\Conservation Restriction-Revised 2021(11)(BXP Edits)Select Board Vote.docx B. Execution of Instruments The Grantee is authorized to record or file any notices or instruments appropriate to assuring the perpetual enforceability of this Conservation Restriction provided such notices or instruments are consistent with the terms and provisions hereof. The Grantor, on behalf of itself and its successors and assigns,appoints the Grantee its attorney-in-fact to execute,acknowledge and deliver any such instruments on its behalf,but only in the event that Grantor or its successors and assigns,has failed to execute same within fifteen (15) business days of receipt of written request therefor from Grantee. Without limiting the foregoing, the Grantor and its successors and assigns agree themselves to execute any such instruments upon request. C. Running of the Benefit The benefits of this Conservation Restriction shall run to the Grantee, shall be in gross and shall not be assignable by the Grantee, except when all of the following conditions are met: 1. the Grantee requires that the Purposes continue to be carried out; 2. the assignee is not an owner of the fee in the Premises; 3. the assignee, at the time of the assignment, qualifies under and 26.U.S.C. 170(h), and applicable regulations thereunder, if applicable, and is eligible to receive this Conservation Restriction under Section 32 of Chapter 184 of the Massachusetts General Laws; and 4. the assignment complies with Article 97 of the Amendments to the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, if applicable. VIII. SUBSEQUENT TRANSFERS A. Procedure for Transfer The Grantor agrees to incorporate by reference the terms of this Conservation Restriction in any deed or other legal instrument which grants any interest in all or a portion of the Premises, including a leasehold interest and agrees to use best efforts to notify Grantee prior to the effective date of such transfer. However, the failure to do any of the above shall not impair the validity or enforceability of this Conservation Restriction. If the Grantor fails to reference the terms of this Conservation Restriction in any deed or other legal instrument which grants any interest in all or a portion of the Premises, then the Grantee may record, in the applicable registry of deeds, or registered in the applicable land court registry district, and at the Grantor's expense, a notice of this Conservation Restriction. In the event that any successor to Grantor's fee interest in any of the Conservation Parcels is a governmental entity, then any further transfer of such fee interest shall comply with Article 97 of the Amendments to the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, if applicable. 10 EAST\183724268.2 H:AConservation\Conservation Restriction-Revised 2021(11)(BXP Edits)Select Board Vote.docx B. Grantor's Liability The Grantor and its successors and assigns as fee owner of the Premises shall be liable only for violations of this Conservation Restriction which occur during their respective periods of ownership. Any new owner shall be bound by the provisions of this Conservation Restriction. IX. ESTOPPEL CERTIFICATES Upon request by the Grantor, the Grantee shall, within thirty(30) days execute and deliver to the Grantor any document, including an estoppel certi�cate, which certifies the Grantor's compliance or non-compliance with any obligation of the Grantor contained in this Conservation Restriction. X. NON MERGER The parties intend that any future acquisition of the Premises shall not result in a merger of the Conservation Restriction into the fee. The Grantor agrees that it will not grant to Grantee, and the Grantee agrees that it will not take title, to any part of the Premises without having first assigned this Conservation Restriction following the terms set forth in Paragraph VII.0 to ensure that merger does not occur and that this Conservation Restriction continues to be enforceable by a non- fee owner. XI. AMENDMENT A. Limitations on Amendment Grantor and Grantee may amend this Conservation Restriction only to correct an error or oversight, clarify an ambiguity, maintain or enhance the overall protection of the Conservation Values, or add real property to the Premises,provided that no amendment shall: 1. affect this Conservation Restriction's perpetual duration; 2. be inconsistent with or materially impair the Purposes; 3. alter or remove the provisions described in Paragraph VI (Termination/Release/ Extinguishment); 4. cause the provisions of this Paragraph XI to be less restrictive; or 5. cause the provisions described in Paragraph VII.0 (Running of the Benefit) to be less restrictive B. Amendment Approvals and Recording No amendment shall be effective unless documented in a notarized writing executed by Grantee and Grantor, approved by the Town of Lexington and by the Secretary in the public interest pursuant to Section 32 of Chapter 184 of the Massachusetts General Laws, and recorded in the applicable registry of deeds or registered in the applicable land court registry district. 11 EAST\183724268.2 H:AConservation\Conservation Restriction-Revised 2021(11)(BXP Edits)Select Board Vote.docx XII. EFFECTIVE DATE This Conservation Restriction shall be effective when the Grantor and the Grantee have executed it, the administrative approvals required by Section 32 of Chapter 184 of the Massachusetts General Laws have been obtained, and it has been recorded in the applicable registry of deeds or registered in the applicable land court registry district. XIII. NOTICES Any notice, demand, request, consent, approval or communication that either party desires or is required to give to the other shall be in writing and either served personally or sent by �rst class mail,postage pre-paid, or by recognized express delivery service such as UPS or Federal Express, addressed as follows: To Grantor: 191 Spring Street Trust c/o Boston Properties 800 Boylston Street Boston, MA 02199 Attn: Regional General Counsel To Grantee: Town of Lexington Conservation Commission 1625 Massachusetts Avenue Lexington, MA 02420 Attn: Conservation Administrator or to such other address as any of the above parties shall designate from time to time by written notice to the other or, if notice is returned to sender, to an address that is reasonably ascertainable by the parties. XIV. GENERAL PROVISIONS A. Controlling Law The interpretation and performance of this Conservation Restriction shall be governed by the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. B. Liberal Construction Any general rule of construction to the contrary notwithstanding, this Conservation Restriction shall be liberally construed in order to effect the Purposes and the policy and purposes of Sections 31, 32, and 33 of Chapter 184 of the Massachusetts General Laws. If any provision in this instrument is found to be ambiguous, any interpretation consistent with the Purposes that would render the provision valid shall be favored over any interpretation that would render it invalid. 12 EAST\183724268.2 H:AConservation\Conservation Restriction-Revised 2021(11)(BXP Edits)Select Board Vote.docx C. Severability If any provision of this Conservation Restriction or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is found to be invalid, the remainder of the provisions of this Conservation Restriction shall not be affected thereby. D. Entire Agreement This instrument sets forth the entire agreement of the Grantor and Grantee with respect to this Conservation Restriction and supersedes all prior discussions, negotiations, understandings, or agreements relating to the Conservation Restriction, all of which are merged herein. XV. BASELINE DOCUMENTATION REPORT The Conservation Values, as well as the natural features, current uses of, and existing improvements on the Premises,such as,but not limited to,trails,woods roads,structures,meadows or other cleared areas, agricultural areas, and scenic views, as applicable, are described in a Baseline Documentation Report("Baseline Report")prepared by Grantor with the cooperation of the Grantee, consisting of maps, photographs, and other documents and on file with the Grantor and Grantee and referenced herein. The Baseline Report (i) is acknowledged by Grantor and Grantee to be a complete and accurate representation of the condition and values of the Premises as of the date of this Conservation Restriction, and (ii) is intended to serve as an obj ective information baseline for subsequent monitoring of compliance with the terms of this Conservation Restriction as described herein. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the parties may utilize any evidence of the condition of the Premises at the time of this grant in addition to the Baseline Report. XVI. MISCELLANEOUS A. Pre-existing Public Rights Approval of this Conservation Restriction pursuant to Section 32 of Chapter 184 of the Massachusetts General Laws by any municipal officials and by the Secretary,is not to be construed as representing the existence or non-existence of any pre-existing rights of the public, if any, in and to the Premises, and any such pre-existing rights of the public, if any, are not affected by the granting of this Conservation Restriction. B. Release of Homestead The Grantor attests that there is no residence on or abutting the Premises(including areas excluded from the Premises)that is occupied or intended to be occupied as a principal residence by a spouse, former spouse, or children of the grantor, or a spouse, former spouse, or children of a beneficiary of the trust, if Premises is owned by a trust. C. No Surety Interest The Grantor attests that there is currently no mortgage, promissory note, loan, lien, equity credit line, refinance assignment of mortgage, lease, financing statement or any other agreement which 13 EAST\183724268.2 H:AConservation\Conservation Restriction-Revised 2021(11)(BXP Edits)Select Board Vote.docx gives rise to a surety interest affecting the Premises. D. Prior Encumbrances This Conservation Restriction shall be in addition to and not in substitution of any other restrictions or easements of record affecting the Premises. E. Attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference are the following: Si,�nature pa e�s�. Grantor Grantor's Trustees' Certificate Grantee Acceptance Approval of Select Board Approval of the Secretary of Energy and Environmental Affairs of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Exhibits: Exhibit A: Legal Description of Premises Exhibit B: Reduced Copy of Recorded Plan of Conservation Restriction Premises Exhibit C—Copy of Water Supply Map 14 EAST\183724268.2 H:AConservation\Conservation Restriction-Revised 2021(11)(BXP Edits)Select Board Vote.docx Executed under seal this day of , 2021, BRYAN J. KOOP, Trustee of 191 Spring Street Trust but not individually. Hereto duly authorized. DAVID C. PROVOST, Trustee of 191 Spring Street Trust but not individually. Hereto duly authorized. COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Suffolk County, ss: On this day of , 2021,before me, the undersigned notary public,personally appeared Bryan J. Koop, and proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification which was personal knowledge, to be the person whose name is signed on the proceeding or attached document, and acknowledged to me that he signed it voluntarily for its stated purpose. Notary Public My Commission Expires: COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Suffolk County, ss: On this day of , 2021,before me, the undersigned notary public,personally appeared David C.Provost,and proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification which was personal knowledge, to be the person whose name is signed on the proceeding or attached document, and acknowledged to me that he signed it voluntarily for its stated purpose. Notary Public My Commission Expires: 15 EAST\183724268.2 H:AConservation\Conservation Restriction-Revised 2021(11)(BXP Edits)Select Board Vote.docx ACCEPTANCE OF TOWN OF LEXINGTON CONSERVATION COMMISSION The undersigned, Chair of the Conservation Commission of the Town of Lexington, hereby certifies that at a public meeting duly held on August 30, 2021, the Conservation Commission voted to approve and accept the foregoing Conservation Restriction from the Trustees of 191 Spring Street Trust pursuant to Section 32 of Chapter 184 and Section 8C of Chapter 40 of the Massachusetts General Laws and do hereby accept the foregoing Conservation Restriction and did authorize Philip K Hamilton,the Chair of the Conservation Commission,to execute the foregoing Conservation Restriction. TOWN OF LEXINGTON CONSERVATION COMMISSION: By: Philip K. Hamilton, Chair COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Middlesex County, ss: On this day of , 2021, before me, the undersigned notary public, personally appeared Philip K. Hamilton, Chair of the Lexington Conservation Commission,and proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification,which was personal knowledge, to be the person whose name is signed on the proceeding or attached document, and acknowledged to me that he signed it voluntarily for its stated purpose. Notary Public My Commission Expires: 16 EAST\183724268.2 H:AConservation\Conservation Restriction-Revised 2021(11)(BXP Edits)Select Board Vote.docx APPROVAL OF TOWN OF LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD The undersigned, Chair of the Select Board of the Town of Lexington, hereby certifies that at a public meeting duly held on September ,2021,the Select Board voted to approve the foregoing Conservation Restriction from the Trustees of 191 Spring Street Trust to the Town of Lexington, acting by its Conservation Commission, in the public interest pursuant to Section 32 of Chapter 184 of the Massachusetts General LaWs. Jill I. Hai, Chair of the Town of Lexington Select Board, duly authorized COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Middlesex County, ss: On this day of September, 2021, before me, the undersigned notary public, personally appeared Jill I. Hai, and proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification which was to be the person whose name is signed on the preceding or attached document, and acknowledged to me that they signed it voluntarily for its stated purpose as Select Board Chair. Notary Public My Commission Expires: 17 EAST\183724268.2 H:AConservation\Conservation Restriction-Revised 2021(11)(BXP Edits)Select Board Vote.docx APPROVAL OF SECRETARY OF ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS The undersigned, Secretary of Energy and Environmental Affairs of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, hereby certifies that the foregoing Conservation Restriction from the Trustees of 191 Spring Street Trust to the Town of Lexington, acting by its Conservation Commission, has been approved in the public interest pursuant to Section 32 of Chapter 184 of the Massachusetts General Laws. Dated: , 2021 Kathleen A. Theoharides Secretary of Energy and Environmental Affairs COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS SUFFOLK, ss: On this day of , 2021, before me, the undersigned notary public, personally appeared Kathleen A. Theoharides, and proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification which was to be the person whose name is signed on the proceeding or attached document, and acknowledged to me that she signed it voluntarily for its stated purpose. Notary Public My Commission Expires: 18 EAST\183724268.2 H:AConservation\Conservation Restriction-Revised 2021(11)(BXP Edits)Select Board Vote.docx EXHIBIT A The Premises consist of the following two (2)parcels of land shown as "Conservation Restriction Parcel A" and"Conservation Restriction Parcel 1"on a plan of land titled "Conservation Restriction Plan of Land in Lexington, Massachusetts" dated August 2, 2021, and recorded in the Middlesex County South District Registry of Deeds in Plan Book , Page 19 EAST\183724268.2 H:AConservation\Conservation Restriction-Revised 2021(11)(BXP Edits)Select Board Vote.docx EXHIBIT B For official full size plan see Middlesex County South District Registry of Deeds Plan Book Page 20 EAST\183724268.2 H:AConservation\Conservation Restriction-Revised 2021(11)(BXP Edits)Select Board Vote.docx � Z � a m J o, .� � � � o O N Z O� m a, `� c +� J � o o,� q � �� a°°a, a' —o i �861-aVN p � w �a� � - Q i� _ ++++N Z � � W m m�p � �oU��2 O,o�,°� �o� W31S.lS Ola`J SSVW U z = p cn v��� � �U � -.. � � P�ne�° ��J ` ���, N Q z �m o o� � P- �6� w u'/� .. `j�9 �c a`�O� � f�V�/�/ N m�3+N,,^ C�D �3a�"� s �,� V/ � �c O�c0 ,, i."� z m W 3.. 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Y' , f � n� F�'/ �� � ..,..r;,_M�«,a�°�,"`��,.,��J a. ry�/�� � �L.�.ww 1u`1✓� ��"`.� "I"^�w.r �� ����� �.,��"�" �� � � :.n���ry �,, �.. �: � � � � �t� � ���:� W�-"w'�"""''�'�=' �" �� �1� � � ���J � � � � �' � � � �� �� �����.���"�tl ��tt�" �N I�N�f,i�"�!'�' MEMORANDUM TO: Select Board CC: James Malloy, Town Manager FROM: Karen M. Mullins, Conservation Director DATE: September 7, 2021 Re: Conservation Restriction: Spring Street, Lexington, Mass Conservation Restriction, CR Number#103; CR Address: 181, 191, 201 Spring Street; Town: Lexington; Grantor: Trustees of 191 Spring Street Trust; Grantee: Lexington Conservation Commission Please find enclosed the following documents related to the above referenced Conservation Restriction for the Board's approval and signature: 1. Conservation Restriction- to be approved by the Select Board and signature of Chair to be notarized (need 2 originals executed); 2. Conservation Restriction Plan 3. Special Permit with Site Plan Review For history, the granting of a Conservation Restriction(CR) was agreed to and a requirement of the Special Permit/Site Plan Approval Decision approved by the Board of Appeals in 1988. The process of documenting the grant of the CR began in 1996,but its completion was overlooked by the Grantor until recently. The proposed CR is divided into the following two parcels: CR Parcel A, comprised of 3.6 acres, is located on Spring Street at the corner of Spring Street in Lexington and Spring Street Trust's roadway into the development property. CR Parcel A is open space, containing lawn and forested areas, and subj ect to a pre-existing drainage easement at the southwest corner of CR Parcel A as shown on the enclosed Plan. CR Parcel 1, comprised of 4.3 acres, is located along the easterly property boundary as shown on the attached plan of CR Parcel 1 and is a 100 foot forested buffer area between residences and development. CR Parcel 1 is subj ect to existing features, including existing fence and path, as shown on the enclosed Plan. The purpose of the CR is to assure that a 7.9+ acre portion of the 35.049 acre site will be maintained in a natural, scenic, and undeveloped condition in perpetuity for its conservation values. The conservation values include open space preservation, natural resources protection, watershed, water quality, and water supply protection, as the area is designated as Surface Water Protection Zones B and C by the state. At the request of the Grantor's Attorney Rick DeAngelis to meet a deadline of the Grantor, the Conservation Commission, who is the Grantee, accepted the enclosed CR during their August 30� 2021 meeting subj ect to any additional final review edits required by town counsel and the State for their final approvals. In addition, the Conservation Commission voted to authorize the Chair of the Conservation Commission to sign the CR on their behalf. It is requested that the Select Board also vote at your September 13, 2021 meeting to accept the Conservation Restriction subj ect to any additional final review edits required by town counsel and the State for their final approvals and to authorize the Chair of the Select Board to sign the CR on their behalf. If you have any questions or need additional information prior to your meeting on September 13th,please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you. AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approve and Sign Proclamation- Suicide Prevention Month PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: Jill Hai, S elec t B o ard C hair I.8 S UMMARY: T he L exingto n Human S ervic e s D ep artment is reque s ting that the S elec t B o ard ap p ro ve and s ign a p ro c lamatio n annually rec o gnizing the mo nth o f S ep temb er as S uic id e P reventio n Mo nth. SUGGESTED MOTION: Mo ve to ap p ro ve and s ign a p ro c lamatio n annually rec o gnizing the mo nth o f S ep temb er as S uic id e P reventio n Month in the Town of Lexington. FOLLOW UP: S elec t B o ard O ffic e DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 9/13/2021 8:45pm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � �;���� ����u��°-�m����f�`�°��rc➢����c��a c�:�����������°���������c��r� �:����;�����:� II:��:��w�°���.�. �����u�����, ��w,�� � �, � � �'� � ��"���, r��" , ���� t� ��� � ���� ���nr� Dt �.ext�gtDn�, �����.��ju�ert� �1 ��f p i� � �,��e �� ���.,t°�. �°�, o m�� � �� ��i ,,� ;� ��� �,� n ��,�; �Y ,�. �������� � SELECT BOARD OFFICE �X�� wK������������� ����:� PRO CLAMATION Whe�eas: September is known globally as Suicide Prevention Month and throughout the month mentalhealth advocates, prevention organizations, survivors, allies, and community members unite to promote suicide prevention awareness; and Whereas: National Suicide Prevention Week is held the Monday through Sunday surrounding World Suicide Prevention Day which is observed on September 10 and overall,these observances are intended to promote awareness, and highlight resources available in our communities and share stories;and Whe�eas: the simple goals are to learn hoW to help those around us and hoW to talk about suicide without increasing the risk of harm;and Whereas: suicide can affect anyone regardless of age, ability, gender,race, sexual orientation, income level,religion or background; and it is overall the l Oth leading cause of death in the United States and the second leading cause of death for people ages 10-34;and Whereas: people in the United States die by suicide at a rate of about one death every 11 minutes resulting in more than 48,000 deaths by suicide each year;and Whereas: suicide is preventable and we all have a role to play in order to save lives and create healthy and strong individuals, families,and communities;and Whereas: many factors can increase the risk for suicide.For example,people who have experienced violence,including child abuse,bullying,and/or sexual violence, are at a higher risk of suicide.Youth Who are lesbian,gay, or bisexual also have higher rates of suicidal ideation and behavior compared to their peers who identify as straight;and Whe�eas: we encourage all residents to take the time to inquire as to the wellbeing of their family,friends,and neighbors during this month and to genuinely convey their appreciation for their existence by any gesture they deem appropriate. NOW, THEREFORE, WE, THE SELECT BOARD of the Town of Lexington,Massachusetts,do hereby proclaim the month of September to be annually recognized as Suicide Prevention Month in the Town of Lexington as we work together to save lives in our community. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, We have set our hands and caused the seal of Lexington to be affixed hereWith on the 13th of September 2021. JILL I.HAI,CHAIR JOSEPH N.PATO SUZANNE E.BARRY DOUGLAS M.LUCENTE MARK D.SANDEEN AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Special Town Meeting 2021-1 PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: Kelly Axtell, Deputy Town Manager I.9 S UMMARY: The Select Board to call for a 2021 Special Town meeting(STM 2021-1)to begin on Monday November 8, 2021. Mo d erato r has s ub mitted a letter o f reques t to ho ld the S p ec ial To wn Meeting thro ugh remo te p artic ip atio n. C itizen P etitio ns are due b y 1:00 p m o n F rid ay, 9/24/21 to the S elec t B o ard o ffic e. O ffic ial artic le d o c umentatio n c an b e o b tained fro m the To wn C lerk's o ffic e during regular b us ine s s ho urs (100 s ignature s are needed for Special Town Meeting). A Draft list o f artic les prop o s ed for S T M 2021-1 is inc luded in the meeting p acket. P er the attac hed memo d ated Augus t 26, 2021, the P lanning O ffic e reques ts that the S elec t B o ard refer the zo ning artic le s lis ted in the memo to the P lanning B o ard in o rd er fo r p ub lic hearings to b e held p er Massachusetts General Law(MGL) Chapter 40A, Section 5. Other Pertinent Dates: Draft Warrant to be reviewed by S elect Board on 9/27/2021 F inal Warrant to b e ap p ro ved and s igned b y S elec t B o ard: 10/12/2021 SUGGESTED MOTION: Move to call for Special Town Meeting 2021-1 to begin on Monday, November 8, 2021 at 7:30 p.m. Move to approve the request o f the Mo derator that S p ec ial Town Meeting 2021-1, s cheduled to c ommenc e Mo nd ay, N o vemb er 8, 2021 at 7:3 0 p.m., b e held thro ugh remo te p artic ip atio n us ing a c o mb inatio n o f: (1)the Zoom videoconferencing platform, (2)the online VVoter module provided by our electronic voting vendor, Option Technologies OR comparable online voting tool developed by Select Board Member Joe Pato, and (3) an online queuing function developed by Select Board Member Joe Pato to facilitate the process of debate. Move to op en the S p ec ial Town Meeting 2021-1 Warrant for c itizen p etitions through F riday, S eptember 24, 2021 at 1:00 p.m. Move to refer the zoning articles to the Planning Board, identified in the August 26, 2021 Planning Office memo, for the Special Town Meeting 2021-1 FOLLOW UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 9/13/2021 B:SOpm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � ��ai.������6�::�,��a,'�,������������������f:��ll����°������r��,: II������,c����cw������:�d�m���� �:������:��� Il���:��u�����. � �'�IC�..a�.������.;�:��������,�����;1�������,a��;��;����,q �::��������� I[����;�����:��. � ���,P��������"]Il��.���a Il�����:�����:�����q,,,,,����.���,������ ����:�����;���;��.,����,����r���� �I�.�d��:���:� II�:��:���°���.�. ��,�,����� TOWN OF LEXINGTON �;���,.� �.���� ��� PLANNING OFFICE ���� � � F . -� �,���� �. ,��� �� �;. Y� ��;. ���� °° �� �� � �.� �o�� , ��� � � �� � G � �� , � � �. ��� ��j ������ �,� �C�� 1625 Massachusetts Avenue '`����, �; � ���7��� Lexin ton Massachusetts 02420 Amanda Loomis AICP Plannin Director � � ,�� g > > > g �� �� ���" . . � ''�` ���° ��`� 781-698-4560 Sheila Page,Assistant Planning Director , � r�.��, ,�,, a _ a � �''�� � �'�w �� ���.��.���-c������c����� �v Moll Belan er Planner ���� . � �� �. ,�� �� m . y g ' . '�� ��"�. . e,. mm°��� � � ......... ��x���;�c�� �� �sv�������� Lori Kaufman,Department Assistant To: Jim Malloy, Lexington Town Manager Cc: Carol Kowalski, Assistant Town Manager for Development Kelly Axel, Deputy Town Manager Kim Katzenback, Executive Clerk to the Lexington Select Board From: Amanda Loomis, Planning Director RE: Fall Special Town Meeting Zoning Articles Date: August 26, 2021 Dear Mr. Malloy, The Planning Office and the Planning Board are preparing for the Fall Special Town Meeting. The Planning Office requests that the Select Board refer the zoning articles listed below to the Planning Board to hold a public hearing per Massachusetts General Law (MGL) Chapter 40A, Section 5. Zoning Bylaw Amendments • O�en S�ace Residential Development �OSRD� Amend §135-3.4 Table 1,Permitted Uses and Development Standards; add new definitions to §135-10 Definitions; add a new §135-6.12 Open Space Residential Development • Solar Energy S. st� Amend §135-3.4 Table 1,Permitted Uses and Development Standards,row 0.1.13; amend the language of§135-4.2, 6.11, 7.3 • Structures in Yards—Walls Amend the language in §135-4.3; amend §135-10.0 Definitions • Diversity,Equity,Inclusion, and Permittin� Add a section to §13 5-1.0 and amend the existing language in §13 5-9.4, 9.5, and 10.0 • Residential Parkin� Amend §135-5.1.4, Table of Parking Requirements relative to Residential Uses; amend the existing language in §135-5.1, Design Standards Thank you for your efforts regarding this request. Please let me know if you have any questions or need additional documentation. S inc ere T Amanda Loomis OVS MQ�Ni o`�� �77s �� � � - � � Town o L exin ton � � � g � �� �W � MODERATOR Q. �, Q � �' v ��' DEBORAH BROWN APRIL 19T" �FX 1 N G"��� September 8, 2021 DELIVERED BY EMAIL Dear Select Board Members, In view of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, I request approval to conduct the proposed 2021 Special Town Meeting through remote participation. I propose to use a combination of: (1) the Zoom videoconferencing platform, (2)the online VVoter module provided by our electronic voting vendor, Option Technologies OR comparable online voting tool developed by Select Board member Joe Pato, and(3) an online queuing function developed by Select Board member Joe Pato to facilitate the process of debate. I certify that all components of the system described above have been fully tested and utilized successfully for prior Town Meetings, and I am satisfied that this system enables our meetings to be conducted in substantially the same manner as if they had occurred in person at a physical location. I certify that the system(i) allows the moderator, town meeting members, town officials and any other interested members of the public to identify and hear the moderator and each town meeting member who attends and participates in the remote meeting, as well as any other individuals Who participate in the meeting; (ii)provides the ability to determine whether a quorum is present; (iii) allows participants to request recognition by the moderator and makes such requests visible to the meeting participants and the public; (iv) allows the moderator to determine when a town meeting member wishes to be recognized to speak, make a motion, or raise a point of order or personal privilege; (v) enables the moderator to recognize a town meeting member, town official or other individual and enable that person to speak; (vi)provides the ability to conduct a roll call or electronically recorded vote; (vii) allows any interested members of the public to access the meeting remotely through LexMedia for purposes of witnessing the deliberations and actions taken at the town meeting; (viii) allows members of the public to participate in debate through the submission of statements for or against a motion; and (ix)provides for the town meeting to be recorded and available for future viewing. I further confirm that I have consulted with Lexington's Commission on Disability regarding system accessibility. Sincerely, Deborah Brown Town Moderator 617-512-7901 1625 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE•LEXINGTON,MASSACHUSETTS 02420 S�ecial Town Meetin�2021-1 A. Town Reports Financial Articles B. Appropriate for Prior Year Unpaid Bills C. Appropriate To/From Stabilization Funds D. Rescind prior borrowing E. Amend FY 2022 Operating, Enterprise and CPA budgets a. Management analyst F. Appropriate for Police Station Swing space (173 Bedford St- architectural work) G. Westview Cemetery($587,520) H. Center Recreation Restrooms & Storage (Tax Levy)—was IP'd during 2021 Spring Town meeting ($915,000), (Rec Com). I. School bus contracts? (waiting to hear from Dave Coehlo) J. Residential Parcel (20-172, off 78 Cliff Ave) a. Resident wishes to potentially buy a piece of town-owned land K. Chapter 43D, Expedited Permitting a. Vote to see if Lexington will vote to adopt the provisions of Massachusetts General Law(MGL) Chapter(c) 43D, Expedited Permitting("Chapter 43D"). Chapter 43D allows a community to establish a transparent and efficient permitting process that further allows a community to receive priority consideration for the submittal of MassWorks Infrastructure Program grants, brownfields remediation assistance, and other grant and financing opportunities. L. Climate Action plan $85k total a. In 2018 the Town published a getting to net zero roadmap, an important step in the right direction to update and implement our communities goals for reaching sustainable obj ectives including reduction of emissions laid out in the Sustainable Action Plan. The budget from that proj ect has a remaining balance which will be re-appropriate in the FY 22 budget amendment article preceding this one. The Climate Action Planning is the next step in putting together the Climate Action plan and will use extensive, inclusive, and creative outreach. General Articles M. Mount Independence Historical District (Historic Districts Commission) N. Amend Zoning Bylaw and Zoning Map—Hartwell Innovation Park- from ATM that was referred back O. Easement for Town of Burlington 09/7/2021 1 a. Work that has to be done on waterline. IMA has already been signed, Town of Lexington has to grant the easement for work to begin. P. Reducing Noise from La.ndscape Maintenance Equipment(Noise Committee) a. This article proposes revisions to the Noise Bylaw to better protect residents from noise pollution caused by motorized landscape maintena.nce equipment. Zonin�Articles Q. Diversity, Inclusion, Equity a. Amend the Zoning Bylaw to revise permitting criteria to address racial, disability, and other equity impacts; clarify site plan review criteria; add a definition of household replacing the definition of family; permit more than one individual in rooming units; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. This article would incorporate a variety of changes in response to the Systemic Racism Resolution adopted under Article 8 of Special Town Meeting 2020-2, the Full Inclusion Resolution adopted under Article 3 0 of the 2021 Annual Town Meeting, and the site plan review changes adopted under Article 44 of the 2021 Annual Town Meeting. R. Walls a. Amend the Zoning Bylaw to add a definition of"fence"; limit the height of fences and retaining walls near lot boundaries;permit structures enabling access for disabled persons anywhere on a lot; prohibit structures in yards which interfere with safe stopping sight distance on a street; make the definition of"yard" consistent with other provisions of the bylaw; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. S. Solar Energy Systems (Small-scale residential in setbacks) a. Amend the Zoning Bylaw to remove restrictions on, and streamline permitting for, solar energy systems, or act in any other manner in relation thereto. This article would encourage the construction of solar energy systems by permitting solar energy systems on nonconforming lots and small-scale solar energy systems wherever other structures are permitted and by streamlining permitting for small- scale solar energy systems. T. Residential Parking a. Amend the Zoning Bylaw to reduce residential parking requirements to allow additional residential units; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. This article would reduce the amount of required parking for some residential uses to decrease the cost of housing and encourage alternative means of transportation. U. Open Space Residential Development(OSRD) a. Amend the Zoning Bylaw to permit open space residential developments; allow increased gross floor area in multi-family developments; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. This article would permit open space residential 09/7/2021 2 developments, as defined under the state Housing Choice law as codified at Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 40A, Section lA. Open space residential developments would be subj ect to limits on gross floor area and require the preservation of open land in its natural state and the provision of affordable dwelling units. This amendment to the Zoning Bylaw would also provide incentives to preserve historic buildings and require site plan review by the Planning Board. 09/7/2021 3 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Review Tourism Committee Request for Alternative Benches - Battle Green Master Plan PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: Doug Lucente, S elect Board Liaison to Tourism Committee I.10 S UMMARY: The Select Board has been asked to review and approve a request from the Tourism Committee for alternative b enc he s o n the B attle G reen in ac c o rd anc e with the B attle G reen Mas ter P lan. The same request was presented and approved at the Historic Districts Commission meeting on Thursday, S ep temb er 9, 2021. SUGGESTED MOTION: FOLLOW UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 9/13/2021 9:15pm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type ���a�,�I���������,;���:��.�����m���W���,���I�:��..�I�IC�����_7��.�„�����;�:;���":i����� . II�����;��°1����:�W��� � � �:��:��;��:���. I[��:��������.� ��������; c: � �I������,��.��.����,��4��. �;��"��.���:�M����:w������4,��1"���I:��:����������������;�.��ro�,,��:���:��������€mA������� �:����:1����C::�������. � e :����➢c��� II���������. �f�����:�����.�:���m�b������.������4�� Battle Green Masterplan HDC Continued Hearing September 9, 2021 U pdates: • Work is expected to commence later this fall. • Handicap accessible viewing area for the Belfry across from the library parking lot will include two wooden benches with backs. (Original approvals were for backless —changed for as the back and arm rest for leverage is better for accessibility). • Benches different and unique from the Select Board bench program for use on the Battle Green were to be approved by HDC and Select Board. • Approval requested to use these benches from same vendor as the trash barrels (there is an 8' version of this bench in front of CVS at 25 Washington Street in Wellesley) in the approved locations for benches with backs. Management Company indicates excellent durability: 6' Victor Stanley model RB-28 black coated benches with backs � �� �������������;;� , ' � '� , ,���,q��', I'Iv r���ib9,�� ,, ��� ° � .mW ,,„' ����;�r,��,m�rm�w �t i �°�� �,,, � �a�us'i'��� �:/�, � � °� .I" � nIP! � I �ji I ��p ` � IV I �f^I����'iaiP�I�I����{�il'��I I�I pli��I I� I ���S �����i� �1, i��'� �`��`���i'���'�'����,���� I � �w,, i�r���� � ���.. �!�% N �,,,��'� ,�✓��,,� �s � � , , ,,,�f r'1�/�� , � �� ;fr . /yrredw��vfr o/ r���lw,%%/ �%���i! /�,y�h���p r✓�� i«1��+/oin(/k%� �l i����,��i I � /� �f�r � fi il if� Is��M9'��'J�r'j��� i i i �l�il^i a+rv+Y�9�� �/ f� r�� /�/��r���1��,s�+flrt� , �� ; i�°�J � r'P,i � � � i� l'i 1✓�'; °�r l g"'��(!M«uwG(�� / � �r i�� �J, /r/, i � i i y��f p i�f iri fv( r��� rr +l j����1 i ���� � r �, ��r/ '��ii���il f d ��l �n j i ���4�� � i �'�1! �a,�."„-/'�� ,ae„Ib�,,.,,,,,��r�/d�r,�JI I,�,;�✓„D/id,a,rr „,,�. . • Approval requested to use these benches in approved locations for backless benches (Victor Stanley does not make a backless bench): 6'eelson model P86 classic backless black coated benches Prepared by Dawn McKenna, Chairman Lexington Tourism Committee � � �� �w '� P� ����°���'���'"������'�"�!�������'m�w�"���G".�;�'���������"`` ��C"�"""'����� ����"'��,��°�„.�d�.��..y'��� ����"�`"!�'�.��1� �'�".�°�ro I�"��� ��'��'�"���"���:� ��'�.��""'�"��.�; ������ ��►,���.� � ����_..�a,�.l���� '�"�:��L,�� �;��'�""� � �� � iai��� �� ` �� �� � � � � ��f ' ` � D/ , � �;iii ; 's �'�� C�/� i I�, � 1J1V���J/ r/0 i f I/ ��i tt67�� ���I�� , i . �/ I ��L � i r �i � n. �; �� , % � ' ��% ���j�' r �j '��( I � / '// I „ ,�( r.� w i; r,( �� ' „�J 1 „ o,�/ �� ,, . ,.... ... i R�1 : e%e /J✓� ���1 �„ F �� � ,. ��%,��,,,; / % �� . ��. �'% %� l�/�.. ���� � JI��.�4G�n,o,., II' /� // j/ / I% i� ��ve� % ��i,le(H �l� ' o �o a , "' ii%/ � �,,,,,r. �,P vi�"" % ,/��, ����nnnr�rw�� � � 1�.. �..���// �� /i/i ,;;,,; . ;I,� I( ��r I���6 Pi� ° (�G,�;t �rsww�ww jj" %ir�/ „ii�� %i0a��i� ��� t, �, � , � � �o�, ii � r � //i Y . .'i/,i/� „,,:;WJ , ,�R�W'` �' ;; f;; ��I ,,;,„„�.,,; „,,,,;�%/,,,�� ,�,�;%l� , ii�ii,�%/�``� iiiiiii ii ��/i�/���� .. �. �rr �„!�'�lY1Y�16rN�V"" ,,,,,, � ; ,,; ���j � ir%,�e�'��1( ", a�, /r,,l///1/ii�,,,,�, i r r���� i , �,,;, ,./ "��!�`%(;�,°" ii,i% o,�%%/ii% p//i /�i� �r / ��r,f� i �r;� r:r'� /�u 1�- .i, �f,,�,.. . � „� p/o,,.. !�i�%�i '� ��'., %;%iiiiiU�ii�/,//ii,:/%���. 7 „ '� ! � �e �„ Ji ,��'b�b� ��� ;,,,. 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After completion, the work shall, in the judgment of this Commission,be maintained in good repair. This Certificate shall be void if it is not acted upon within one year from the date of this Certificate, or if the work described is removed, abandoned, or replaced. HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION by: Date: September 10, 2021 I HAVE TO F1ND CERTIFICATE NUMBER Anne Eccles, Chairperson AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Review and Approve Select Board Goal Setting Contract PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: Jim Malloy, Town Manager I.11 S UMMARY: At the last S elect Board meeting, the Board asked for some additional information regarding the proposal. We contacted Julia Novak and the following are the responses to the Board's questions. P ric e- The pric e includes: • 1 meeting with D ep artment D irec to rs • 1 meeting with B&C C hairs • P re R etreat S urvey with the B o ard • Environmental Scan write up synthesizing information from the input meetings. • P lanning meeting c all with the Town Manager and the C hair to dis cus s the agenda • Agenda development • F inal agenda revieW • F acilitation • Report The price does include expenses. Ms. Novak indicated she has not changed the price for in person v. virtual— in large p art b ec aus e if virtual s he typ ic ally will need to have two ad d itio nal s taff s up p o rting the fac ilitatio n (s imilar to what the Town found with virtual town meetings)— s o its actually not les s exp ens ive. In�erson vs. virtual -Ms. Novak indicated that she would prefer to have the retreat in person—the work is jus t mo re effec tive. S he ind ic ated s he has d o ne p lenty o f virtual—b ut it is muc h mo re"tac tic al"and le s s s trategic. SB meetin�with Board/Committee Chairs —Ms. Novak indicated that she would prefer if the SB did not attend the meeting as s he has fo und that p artic ip ants will generally s p eak"to"the S B and no t p artic ip ate in the meeting, as b efo re, s he Wo uld s ynthe s ize the info rmatio n s he o b tains in the rep o rt to the S B (alo ng with the information from the S MT). SUGGESTED MOTION: Move to approve the contract b etween the Town and Julia Novak for fac ilitation with$12,575 c oming from the S elec t B o ard G ift Ac c o unt and the remaind er b eing s p lit b etween the S elec t B o ard and To wn Manager ExpenseAccounts. FOLLOW UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 9/13/2021 9:25pm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � 1���°c��:�c������ �:����amP. �;�r��.� �� )���/fu 6�ff ��iV�1��/� .,, �K 1%� V�J� �p �„ ��p ��I pII��� iJ�m�Ar�pi�,y pl��r��m� I uur du�,'�II'����"'„�' , V V"V u � ���� u���� � f�� �( ����iu0��l��I����� �� ;,I,,vl.,l������ 1 V„',�u �Ji 4 Il�llllllllllllllll� ��� �➢� ,� 1�, t ��� � ,,, ���u�,�`�� � �,,,, �,: ����,��� r���.i-,; August 5,2021 James J. Malloy, Town Manager Town of Lexington 1625 Massachusetts Ave Lexington,MA 02420 Subject: Proposal for Facilitation Services Dear Jim: We appreciate the Town of Lexington's interest in having Raftelis facilitating your governing body's retreat.We have extensive experience with this type of work and would be pleased to work with the Town. This letter discusses the potential for this engagement. A r oac The intent is to supplement Goal Setting for the Board of Selectmen with input from both Town Staff and the various Boards and Commissions.We will approach this engagement with two phases. During the information gathering phase, we will meet with you to discuss expectations and opportunities. Our team will also facilitate a session with your Management Team and the leadership of the Town's Boards and Commissions to gather additional input on the Town's priorities, strengths,weaknesses, opportunities, and challenges(SWOC). We would also spend a little time with each member of the Board of Selectmen to understand their perspective on the Town. The insight gathered from these conversations will help us prepare the agenda, and a summary of the SWOC and Priority Input will be developed for the Selectmen to review prior to their retreat. The second phase is the actual goal setting retreat, which will be held on a mutually agreeable date. During the session, the primary role of the facilitator is to ensure that the environment is respectful and conducive to open and constructive dialogue, so the established obj ective is ultimately met. While the agenda provides the structure to accomplish the tasks, we also know how important it is to pay attention to the group and make sure conversations that need to happen actually happen. Therefore,we are flexible and in tune with the group during the process. Approximately one week after the retreat,we will provide a summary report documenting the results. � ���� ��� � � . .�� �� � ���w� � .�iiir iii����'IIII�����°w��,a��u iii��.������,W�°�����liii iii��liii iii���iii�m�°�°�°iii,a�'u Illh llll���������� iiiimm�°���IIII liii���iiu� °�Ilh.iiu��iiu��� �IIII���iii�����uu IIII�liii iiu� iii������w�iiu� �mm� IIII"" IIIIIII'��IIIIIR """""""'�"""IIIIII''1���������llllll����������lllllll�� IIIIII����'��'i� �" Illllh � ����������� � , » a��� �,�,,,�f , ��� ���� ��, �`1,�1111 w��111111� �IIIII �iiiiii��„��l �I�19�,,,,,�������������U f„r���;,,lllllll�-��W. ; �i��,����r� ,,�lb�,,,� �aR���� � 6�, �a� ,���w,y,�i � ,;"ww�i9,j� I I %, .t '���.,� l ���..., ,,;, I I I II I ��Yf� ����» ������,,f,,,,,,, ��������� ���������� S p e c i a l t i es �����rr� �����,�,,,«„�i�������� ���������������������� ���� Effective organizational leadership Julia established The Novak Consulting Group in September 2009. Her and management reputation and experience as a consultant who offers practical and implementable °U�� Supporting effective governance ��% Developing organizational capacity recommendations are grounded in more than 15 years of active service to local governments, including Fort Collins, Colorado; Lexington,Massachusetts; Professional History Rockville,Maryland; and as the city manager of Rye,New York. She is a U�� Local Government Consulting practitioner�rst who has expanded her knowledge and expertise as a consultant (2003-2020) �% City of Rye,New York:City for hundreds of organizations across the United States. Manager(2000-2003) ��� City of Rockville,Maryland(1995- Julia has extensive experience as a facilitator and trainer. She has worked with 2000) both elected and appointed of�cials from jurisdictions throughout the United �%� Town of�exington,Massacnusetts (1992-1995) States to conduct goal setting, develop strategic plans, and prioritize service City of Fort Collins,Colorado(1987- ,,, delivery. She has conducted training for elected officials as an individual trainer 1 gg2) and through the National League of Cities and a consortium of cities in California. Education �� Master of Public Administration- University of Kansas(1988) Julia is an established thought leader in the areas of governance and ��% Bache�or of Arts in�overnment and administration. In April 2002, Julia was one of 20 practitioners who participated Po�itics-�eorge Mason university in the ICMA-sponsored symposium on the future of local government (�986) administration. Her response to Dr. James Svara's paper, "City Council, Roles, Certifications Performance, and the Form of Government," is included in the ICMA-published ��, Certified Professional Manager, book, "The Future of Local Government Administration." Public Management International City/County Magazine has published multiple articles that she authored and co-authored, Management Association « . „ G�� Master Facilitator,The Myers-Briggs including Preparing Councils for Their Work, co-authored with Dr. J011ri Personality Type Indicator Nalbandian; "Permission to Manage" which discusses the importance of using data to manage local governments; "Dreams That Make a Difference" on the Professional Memberships value of community based strategic planning; "Civility," and most recently, �� International City/County "Using Data in Police Management." Management Association(ICMA) ��� Engaging Local Government Leaders(ELGL) Julia has been a speaker at national conferences for the ICMA,National League of Cities, and American Society of Public Administrators. She has been a featured speaker/trainer for many state associations and local government affiliate organizations throughout the United States. Julia earned a bachelor's degree in government and politics from George Mason University and a master's degree in public administration from the University of Kansas. Julia was in the first class of individuals certi�ed by ICMA as Credentialed Local Government Managers and maintains that designation. Julia is a Master Facilitator of the popular Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator and is certified to administer several other Level B psychological assessments. IIIIIII'���IIIIR """""""'�"""IIIIIII����������IIIIII����������IIIIIII�� IIIIII�����'� Illllh �� ����� Fee The total fixed fee to complete the scope of work outlined in this proposal is$22,800, which includes all professional fees and expenses. • . Room et-u an Lo istics We will need the following materials and room set-up to ensure the session is productive and engaging: ��� Tables and chairs set up in a U shape and oriented toward a wall with a smooth surface(for recording the session's conversations and decisions in a visible location). ���� There should be sufficient space for appropriate social distancing in accordance with CDC guidelines; one six- foot table for each participant is ideal. � Computer,proj ector, and screen or wall to proj ect on. ����� Space between the top of the U and the wall for the facilitators to move freely and work. �� A worktable and chairs for the facilitators. ��� 2 flip chart stands(solid back or retaining bar). ���� 2 pads of flip chart paper—prefer 3M Grid Line paper. ������ 3x3 sticky notes in four bright colors—one pad of each color per attendee. ������ Dark color fine point Sharpies for participants to use. We look forward to the opportunity to again serve the Town. If you have any questions,please do not hesitate to contact me using the following contact information: Julia Novak, Executive Vice President Phone: 513.309.0444/Email:jnovak@thenovakconsultinggroup.com Sincerely, �� � �� , ��� Julia Novak Executive Vice President The Town accepts the terms of this engagement letter and proposal at a cost of$22,800: Approved: Date: Name of Signatory: Title: uUIV�mo'�'!��uo-�uViu� I��u��IVIII�Iii�ir����i��nl�lU��{iiii�Nu ai�i����uiiiii mlli�i III�"Ij�I�iiV�VUjIi������d� uuu.�ullu� � � � � �I il' �iii�uii� A pA RT�F ���° � �*11111 B F 1 l 1 1 �l �����i�''�� ����������� �� � � �.� ��.� � � ""ui�l � 'III�������u,N�,u���, � all,.'llll�, ����� III�I�Ill�i°��ii��� III � uu u,I II�i I��ii�i i .il V ii��i ��,i IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII uuuml uuuuuum uuum uuum uuuuuuu "�'��.°�,I?�t���, �������n�����,�iii°i�������,���i���lll��ll����iiiii���������i����,�����iii����;�,����i�����114�������u� ����������������� 1111114 � .Illlllh����������� IIIIIII Illllh������������� IIIIIII IIIIIII �y,.11�ll� N�V�k ��,� �� �������������� ������������� �, ������p�����,�uU��;���� �„�,����I�„�III����������� �tate �Ilen# �tate �Ilent �tate �Ilent A� Avondale I L 1Noodridge �H Piqua A� �ierra llista IN fMunster �H Po�r�rell A� lfuma K� Johnson�ount� �H �haronville �A Hanford K� Lav,rrence �H Upper Arlington �A Hayward K� Tongano�cie �H V1�orthington �A fManhattan Bea�h �� United�overnrr�ent of V1��andotte �R Beavert�n ��unt�S�Kansas�ity �A Pal�Alto KY Padu�ah �R Bend �A Pla�er�ount� �R Hillsbor� N1A Le�cington �A �an Luis�bispo N1A Nantucket �R �alern �A �easide N1A 1Nestk�orough OR 1Nilsonville �A Y�untville �D �reenbelt �� Hilton Head �� Adams�ount� T� Allen �1D Rockville �� Aurora N11 Ann Arbor T� �edar Hill �� Boulder��unt� T� Dallas N11 Ferndale �� Bright�n �I Ja�ks�n�ounty T�C Lan�aster �� �entennial N11 Nlidland T� Lared� �� Erie T� League�it� N1� �la�ton �� Evans T� Pearland N10 Nlaryville �� F�rt�ollins N1� �t.J�seph T� Plano �� �olden �� Universit��It� T� Prosper �� Lafayette T� University Park �l� V'Vinston-�alem �� Routt�ount� T� The 1Noodlands �H Blendon Tornrnship �� Th�rnt�n �H Blue Ash UT Nlurra� �� Tirr�nath �H �lear�reek T�rnrnship UT �outh Jordan �� Vl�estrr7inster �H �leveland Heights 1fA Albernarle�ount� �� Vl�indsor DH Delav�rare�ount� 1fA Harrrpton �T Nlanchester 1NA Bellevue DH Dublin FL Pal rnetto Ba� 1NA �eq u irr� OH �ahanna �A Decatur VI�I Eau�laire OH Hilliard �A Roswell VI�I �ak�reek �H �berlin IL �urnee V1�11 Nlorgantov�rn ��"�� �� AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Hosmer House Request for Proposal Approval PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: Jim Malloy, Town Manager I.12 S UMMARY: Attached please find the Hosmer House RFP final draft for bidding purposes. This version incorporates comments received from the Select Board from the last public discussion. Once the bids close, should the Town receive any bids, those will come back before the S elect Board for consideration. There are both redline and c lean vers io ns fo r the B o ard's revieW. SUGGESTED MOTION: Move to approve the attached RPF for the Hosmer House and authorize the Town Manager to advertise for bids. FOLLOW UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 9/13/2021 9:35pm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � �I.����:�fi�����"������:������ �.����°���IC��r��.� � �f�����`�,�(�11�.���..`����a.�� �.:�.���b,�. II�����:� Town of Lexington Request for Proposals ("RFP") for the Sale,Moving and Relocation of the Hosmer House Sealed written proposals will be received by the Town of Lexington(the "Town") through its Town Manager at Town Hall, 1625 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington, MA 02420 until 10:00 AM on , at which time they will be publicly opened, to purchase,move and relocate the following personal property(the "Property"): Hosmer House Building at 1557 Massachusetts Avenue All proposals must be sealed and conspicuously marked"Hosmer House Purchase and Relocation Proposal". Complete instructions and requirements for this RFP may be obtained from the Elizabeth Mancini, Purchasing Director, 1625 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington, MA 02420 or via email by contacting Elizabeth Mancini, Purchasing Director at emancini(a�,lexin tonma.gov. The Town shall consider the qualifications of all proposals, prior to awarding a bid. Said bid award shall be subject to the provisions of MGL, Ch. 30B. The Town of Lexington reserves the right to rej ect any or all proposals, to waive minor informalities and to make the award as may be determined in the Town's best interest. The Town makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, as to the accuracy and/or completeness of the information provided in this RFP. Elizabeth Mancini Purchasing Director #lllgsso�l{aoll�ss�.2} General Statement The Town of Lexington is seeking proposals to purchase, move and relocate the building known as the "Hosmer House" located at 1557 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington, MA (the"Property"). The Property contains approximately 1440 square feet consisting of a former residential building. The successful proposer will be selected on the basis of their responses to information contained within this RFP. A bid will be awarded for the purchase and relocation of the Hosmer House, which must commence on or before June 1, 2022 and be completed on or before June 3 0, 2022. The terms under which a sale will be granted are included in the RFP and purchase and sale agreement. All conditions contained within these documents regardless of whether they are noted only in one or the other will be binding on the purchaser. Therefore, they should be read carefully prior to submitting a proposal. Proposals will be accepted until 10:00 AM on . All proposals should consist of separate price and non-price information. The non-price proposal should include all information requested by the RFP. The price proposal should include only the purchase price. The proposer will be responsible for all costs associated with moving,permitting, relocation and restoration of the Hosmer House. The price proposal must be sealed in an envelope separate from the non- price proposal and so noted. It will be opened separately from the non-price proposal. The Town will conduct tours of the Property to acquaint individuals with existing conditions. It is very important that prospective proposers view the Property prior to submitting a proposal. No exceptions will be made for errors or omissions resulting from proposers not being familiar with existing conditions. The tour of the Property will be held on at 10 AM. {Aoll�sg�.z} 2 General Conditions and Instructions for Proposals 1. It will be the sole responsibility of the proposer to have its proposal delivered to the Office of the Purchasing Director on or before 10:00 AM on 2. The signed proposal shall be considered an offer on the part of the proposer and deemed accepted upon approval by the Purchasing Director. In the case of default on the part of a proposer after such acceptance by the Purchasing Director, the Town may take such action, as it deems appropriate, including but not limited to retaining the proposal guarantee as liquidated damages. 3. Proposal declaration and certification shall contain the following details: a. If proposer is an individual, the signature shall be witnessed by two (2) other individuals. b. If the proposer is a partnership, the word, "Partner" shall appear after the signature of the partners. All partners shall sign the proposal and signatures shall be witnessed by two (2) other individuals,provided that if the partnership consists of more than five (5)partners, the proposal may be signed by any one partner authorized to sign on behalf of the partnership, which authorization shall be attested to by said partner. c. If the proposer is a corporation, the signature of the officer(s) or individual(s) authorized by its bylaws to sign such documents is required, attested to by the corporate secretary and with an official corporate seal affixed thereto. d. A list of all principals and beneficial owners on the Exhibit C - Formal Identification Page 4. The Town of Lexington shall not be responsible for oral interpretations given by any Town personnel or representatives or others. The issuance of a written addendum is the only official method whereby interpretations, clarification or additional information can be given. 5. All expenses for making this proposal to the Town are to be borne by the proposer. The Town is not liable for any costs associated with this proposal and/or any resulting agreement. 6. Pre-award negotiations may be conducted with the selected proposer. 7. No contract shall be created merely by the selection of a preferred proposal. 8. The proposer shall sufficiently demonstrate the f�inancial ability to the satisfaction of the Town for the purpose of purchasing, moving and relocating the Hosmer House. Said determination will be at the sole discretion of the Town. 9. The proposer shall provide sufficient proof of ownership of the property where the Hosmer House is proposed to be relocated. Alternatively, the proposer shall submit site {Aoll�sg�.z} 3 control documents in the form of a fully executed purchase and sale agreement for the property where the Hosmer House is proposed to be relocated, contingent only on the award of this RFP. Determination of whether the proof of ownership, site control, or interest in the real estate is sufficient will be at the sole discretion of the Town. {Aoll�sg�.z} 4 Indemnity and Liability Covera�e The proposer will be required to execute an extensive indemnification clause which will require among other things, that the Town be fully indemnified, defended and held harmless by the proposer against any and all claims, suits, actions, damages, etc. arising from this agreement and any work conducted thereunder, including for any bodily injury, loss of life, damage to property, etc. The proposer will be required to provide a bond or such other security as the Purchasing Director shall deem satisfactory and maintain comprehensive general liability insurance naming the Town as an additional insured in the minimum amounts shown below. The foregoing reflects some of the requirements of the Town's indemnification and liability coverage. The successful proposer hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town, its agents, officers and employees, free and harmless of any claim, liability, cause of action, expense or charge of whatever kind of nature and against all loss or liability which may arise out of or be connected with the performance of successful proposer's duty hereunder and shall defend any suit, claims or causes of action brought by or on behalf of any person arising out of the performance of such duties and pay all costs and expenses in connection with or as a consequence of said suit including attorney's fees in connection therewith. Worker's Compensation The successful proposer shall maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance at a minimum of the statutory limits as promulgated by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and shall provide written proof of such coverage to the Town Manager's Office annually or as requested. Insurance Requirements Comprehensive general liability insurance naming the Town as an additional insured, carrying product liability insurance as follows: Bodily Injury Minimum $1,000,000 Personal Injury Minimum $1,000,000 Property Damage Minimum $ 500,000 �Vorker's Compensation Statutory Minimum Additional Umbrella Insurance Minimum $1,000,000 For purposes of this form, "Proposer"means any person, firm, corporation, partnership,j oint venture or other entity, who or which owns or controls 5% or more of the voting stock(or any equivalent voting interest of partnership or venture) of proposer. {Aoll�sg�.z} 5 Specifications The specifications in Items (1) through (5)below should be responded to in sufficient detail for the proposal to be evaluated as per the evaluation criteria in Proposal Evaluation Part II. 1. The proposer shall identify any construction experience they have and whether they have any experience in moving a structure through public ways. 2. The proposer shall indicate all members of their team that will be involved in the � p � g.�.......�...:......::..::......................:....��� urchase movin �w ������������ii��,�:and relocation of the Hosmer House. 3. The proposer will include the address the Hosmer House will be relocated to, methods of relocation and shall provide proof of ownership or interest in the real estate, sufficient to the Town. No proposer shall submit a proposal that relocates the Hosmer House to a I property owned by the Town without prior approval of the����A�.��������.:.::.�..���:�.�.:�:.......:�:�..��,�.:�..�.�.�..°:��:�:• 4. The proposer shall identify the future use of the structure and how it will comply With the restrictions attached as Exhibit A. A full description of renovation is expected to be provided by the proposer, including proposed floor plans, elevations and a proposed site plan that shows the driveway access/grades and other exterior features. Any use shall be subj ect to existing zoning in place at the location that the proposer submits the house to be moved to, how the renovation will comply with any requirements of the Historic Districts in the Town of Lexington or if the property is to be located outside of a Historic District. Further requirements applicable to said Historic District shall apply unless otherwise waived by the Lexington Historic Districts Commission. 5. The successful proposer, at their expense shall secure all the necessary licenses, which may include but are not limited to, special permits, building permits, plumbing permits, electrical permits, street closure approvals,permits from any private utilities and any other building permits or licenses as may be required. 6. All of the specifications, terms and conditions as specified in all the documents that constitute this Request for Proposals shall be applicable to any resulting purchase and sale agreement. 7. The actual moving of the building must occur on a day of the week and at a time approved in advance by the Town Manager and Chief of Police. ���.������:��ii����������� ��:.��,������:�:���°�,� ''�������.� ,������������ ���������...;��������:�.: ����;�����.������....���i�:������.���....�������.������....��������.��.. ��. 8. The proposer shall provide all equipment essential to perform their contractual duties. 9. Proposer will pay for all utility costs relating to the moving and relocation of the structure and will be responsible for obtaining all approvals and meeting conditions of all utilities. .. ...�� . . �� �� ��� . . : � .. �� , ... .,mi i„,.., ,.. .. , „,�,..„ r„ .,m � ,,,,.„ .,. .. �. ,�.,.. .,.�.,,, ..� � ..� .,�' � ..,, , , J m� � � ,. ���� �hp ...�� . � � ,, ,� y�,�...,,,�I� � �� ��. �� .� ..., d+ .� � � � mu�j��l, � �i tl���� '� �� �I ,� r � i� � �.�� �'���������������� �_���� .���� � ��������:�� ��.�� ���.��� �..������ �.����.�. w ��� ���������� � ����.� ���..�.����� �������. �..�� �����.��iiii���.�.���� ���. ����.��� ����'�.. ... .... .�... �.... ...�� .... .... .... .... ... .... .... .,,�. .... .... .... .... .... .. ��.... .... .... .... .... ... .... .... .... .... .�"��.�;I.��.:�.�'�:...,'�..��'�..I��...��p.. Proposer's Signature: Date: {aoll�ss�.2} 6 Proposal Evaluation-Part I A key component to the initial evaluation process will be that the proposer shall submit the following criteria to all for proper basis for evaluation. Check Yes or NO for submission of the following. Proposer should also be aware that this listing is subj ect to alteration. Proposer must answer"Yes"to all items for further consideration. YES NO 1. Signed Statement of Non-Collusion 2. Completion of Formal Identification of Proposal Form 3. Signed Proposer and Insurance Agent Certificate 4. Completion of Proposal Certification 5. Sign off on all Specifications and Applicable Addenda and signature. 6. Signed Statement of State and Local Tax Payments Proposal Evaluation—Part II As part of the secondary evaluation process, the Town is required to establish certain comparative evaluation criteria. These criteria reflect rating categories which will be used to evaluate each proposal. For each comparative evaluation criteria set forth below, the Town will rate the proposers answer as: H= "Highly Advantageous" A= "Advantageous" N= "Not as Advantageous" U= "Unacceptable" The overall composite total of these ratings will be used to judge the proposals deemed to be in the Town's best interest. If the proposal receives an"Unacceptable"rating on any single criterion, the composite rating will also be "Unacceptable". Therefore if an"Unacceptable" rating is received on any one of the detail items listed below, the proposal will not be accepted. The following comparative criteria are being used: 1. Construction and redevelopment/restoration of historic structure experience: H= 10+Years A= 6-9 Years N= 3-5 Years U=Less than 3 Years 2. Experience in moving structures off of physical locations/foundations to other locations (including any contracted building relocation partners) H=Five or more structures A=2-5 structures {aoll�ss�.z} 7 N= 1 structure U=No structure relocation experience 3. Proposed Use of the Structure H=Utilization as a residential structure, including as an affordable unit� ��;�� ��������������� �'���,� . ,, „..� � . �� . . .„„�� , ��� . n ... ,..., �,;.. m� ., .., �� . ������i .� ..,,. .. ., `"..., �,;: ..,. �„i ......,�.,.. ,..m� �i��� ....... . . ..... � '�ii�V . .�i���� .,.i ., .., � ..,�i �i� i , ,..,, � n ����.�� ����.�.�.����.����������� �.��iii�.�.�� ��.�.�����.�.� ������ � �.� ������ ��������.�iii���� .I�.�����. ���� �����.����.� ����. ���.�� �����w��.����.���������. . ... ...� ... .... .... .. .... .... ... ... .... .... .... .�. ... .... ... .... .... .... ... .... ... w.. .... ........ :����.�.:�����iiii��ii��,� �:�������������.,����� A=Utilization with a public benefit(e.g. non-profit) N=Utilization as a residential structure and/or professional office,without any affordable housing component U=No plan for reutilization of the structure 4. Design/Site Plan H=Meets all set back and other zoning and driveway requirements with minimal impact on the neighborhood, while providing a design that blends with the neighborhood. This does not include the known special permit for lot regularity. A=Meets most set back and other zoning and driveway requirements, but may need an additional special permit(other than for lot regularity) or variance,but still maintains a minimal impact on the neighborhood and a design that blends with the neighborhood. N=Requires multiple special permits which impact the neighborhood or does not blend with the neighborhood. U=Require multiple special permits and variances which impact the neighborhood and does not blend with the neighborhood. 5. Relocation of the Hosmer House Structure H=Within the boundaries of Battle Green Historic District A=Within the boundaries of another Lexington Historic District N=Outside of the boundaries of a Lexington Historic District,but in the Town of Lexington U=Outside of the boundaries of the Town of Lexington 6. The degree to which the proposer can demonstrate a commitment to sustainability in the moving and renovation of the Hosmer House Structure � . � � . ����. � . . .. . ���, . � � .�.. „ �,,,�i,,� „il... �....„.. �, �� ,,,.,,�..,..,,,.�� ....., ,,����;����;, �' " ' "� :..:'N�m��,� �..� .., ,.. ,„i ,... ...,�. .... I .. ..,...,��� .�,,., ,,,,� '���.,,�iif��m�, ,�.� .....,,..,�„,�� ..„�., ,,,,.� .. ...,,.. ,,��� .�... , ��������� �,,,� , ������ � �� ,� , �� � �� ,��,,������ �.� ��� ��u ���� �� � ��. ������ �� �� ��, '� �.��,�,, ��.� ,�� ��,, ���� _������'������ �.� ���� ��iiii���.���� �.���..��� �..i�����iiii ������ ��������. ��.���_� �����i��� �.���� ����� � ����� �� ��.��� .... � ... .... .... .... ....� .... .... �.... .... ... �� .... .... ���� .... .... .... �,. .... .... .... �... ...:.....� .... ...�............ ................ .... ... ��IIII����'. �� ��:,� �:IIII.';.����������. �.� � � ���� '���:���;� �.:���IIII��� � ���� �� � � k � � �� ����. � �: � �.... � � °� ������...���� .:�: � � ..:. I H=Proposer commits to an all-electric building design with onsite renewable energy consistent with the Town's sustainability goals I A=Proposer commits to an all-electric building design consistent the Town's sustainability goals N=Proposer commits the building will achieve a HERS [Home Energy Rating System] score of 45 or better to meet some of the Town's sustainability goals {Aoll�sg�.2} 8 U=Proposer demonstrates no commitment to meeting the Town's sustainability goals 7. The degree to which the proposer can demonstrate they are able to move the house on or before June 3 0, 2022 � � 7 7 9 ��� ��� ,� ., ,. „ .. ...,,.. . ,. . .. . . . ..., ...,, ..., j� �„. �ry . �j �j , �.�.. , y�ry � III� , �j '�I �jI�� „ „�m..�ryry..y�ry,. , �. ,�, ,���.�j,,� '�I „, .., ry�w� ��'�y�ry � y,��j��ihi� � ; � �� � � � ����h � , I���"� �I� �� � � �� �. �'� �.� ��.I�M.m �..� �i"�II WI��`;���.WI.WI,I �'M�..�.�i��III �,.���i��o .�.��,���,u�l�iw� ���IIII .. �.�i;."�o WI��.i�,�h���� �'M��, �'M���i;,"m� IIII I�M�I''Nr W �.�o„ iw��"��'M I�M i�.WI..� �.�..�i�,�.�. !�,i w�����WI.i�uo �„ ��u�� .... .... �� .... .... ...�� .... ... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ... .... ... .... ... �. .... .... .... ... ....�.. ����������'��������'.�"�����,� :��:����';���������:.......��:.....:.����';��������°�:.:�°��i����������°�:.................................................... ���� ���� �� :.. ..����,� �� ��� .� �� �.. ,..... ...�,���� ...� � ,���� � ���� , .,� .,,������ ,����..�� ..,.. .��� ��,.,. �� , �� ... ,...,��� ,,.;�.��,..;��.., , ���� �... �����������:����'��'��' ,� �� ���,�� ,�� ,����� , , ������� ��� ,���„�������, ������� ��� �����, ��� , ,�,�� ��� ���;, ��� � �� �� � ��� :���.� .���������� iiil�::����I ����� �....� ���.... � � � �.... ������:..���� � ����.��� �..���.�� ..:���� ��.,,�� ��� ��:..� � � ....���� ....��� �:.. ��......� ��....����...��� �.� ����....�� ��..:�� �iiii:�� .� �. .:��� �� ��:�.� ..:�...�:.�'.�.........�:.�:�'..�.�.....�.�.. �� � � �.�� ��:. ,...� .� ..:, � ,. , � � � :�� .. � � ;. � ������ .,,,i i� �� . ,..„,�il, ..:„ ,. . , � �, ,.�� �� . .�. ..,,. . �I .,i �����������;;,� � ����������������������� �,� ������ �.�.����� �.�.�������� ���� ��� I������� �������������. ���� ���.��� ���� �� .���.�������iiii��iiii�. ���.����. �.��� �������� m ������ .... .... .... ... .... .���.. .... .... .... .... ..� .... ... .... .... �.�a. ���,�������''������,������ .... .... ... .... .... .... .... .... .. ... .. �������� �,:����,,,,,�����....�������iii������.�������.��:...����.��....����� iii�:�����..��������� ��,�;�� ����,��������������,���������������� �..���...��������:����� ������y �����.��.:������.. {aoll�ss�.2} 9 Proposal Evaluation—Part III The Town requests the proposer specify a purchase price for the Hosmer House structure. The proposer bids the following amount to purchase the Hosmer House: $ ( Dollars). The proposal containing the highest amount for the structure will be considered highly advantageous. The Town has established no minimum amount for the sale of the structure. The Town seeks to encourage investment in the Property to improve the overall appearance and attractiveness to the community and will consider proposals containing a substantial capital investment as highly advantageous. All proposers must submit separate price and non-price proposals. The price proposal containing the purchase price (this section) must be sealed in a separate envelope and marked"Price Proposal". The price proposal will not be opened until the Town has evaluated all other materials. The non-price or technical proposal is an important element in selecting a bidder. This process is structured to provide an orderly and fair comparison of proposals. {Aoll�sg�.z} 10 Exhibit A Preservation Restriction—Historic Preservation [FORM OF PRESERVATION RESTRICTION AGREEMENT] PRESERVATION RESTRICTION AGREEMENT between THE TOWN OF LEXINGTON and � � {Aoll�sg�.z} 11 THIS PRESERVATION RESTRICTION AGREEMENT (this "Restriction") is made as of this day of , ,by and between[ ],having an address of [ ] ("Grantor") and THE TOWN OF LEXINGTON, a municipality of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts acting by and through its Select Board, having an address of 1625 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington, Massachusetts 02420 (the "Town"). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Grantor is owner in fee simple of certain real property and the improvements thereon located at in the Town of Lexington, Middlesex County, Massachusetts (hereinafter the "Premises") described on Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein, being the same premises conveyed to Grantor in a deed dated [ ], from [ ] to Grantor recorded in the Middlesex South Registry of Deeds (the "Re,�istrX") in Book [ ], Page [ ]; WHEREAS, that certain two (2) story building originally constructed in the 1840s,known as the "Hammond A. Hosmer House" (the "Buildin�") is currently located on land owned by the Town located at 1557 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington, Massachusetts; WHEREAS, the Grantor submitted a response, dated [ ], to that certain Request for Proposals for the Sale, Moving and Relocation of the Hosmer House issued by the ToWn on [ ] (together, the "RFP"), and Grantor was selected as the successful proposer for the relocation of the Building to the Premises, pursuant to the terms and provisions of the RFP; WHEREAS, folloWing its relocation, the Premises are to be used by the Grantor as � �� WHEREAS, the Building is an architecturally, historically and culturally significant property meriting the protections of a perpetual preservation restriction under M.G.L. c. 184, §§ 31, 32 and 33; WHEREAS, the Building's preservation values are documented in a series of reports, drawings and photographs (hereinafter, the "Baseline Documentation") incorporated herein by reference, which Baseline Documentation the parties agree provides an accurate representation of the Building as of the date of this Preservation Restriction; WHEREAS, the Baseline Documentation consists of that certain report entitled "Historic Structure Report, The Hammond A. Hosmer House, Lexington, Massachusetts" prepared by Bargmann Hendrie + Archetype, Inc. and dated November 30, 2010, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit B; provided, however, that the Building consists solely of the "main block" as described therein; {Aoll�sg�.z} 12 WHEREAS,the Town is interested in the preservation and conservation of sites,buildings, and obj ects of local, state and national significance in the Town and is authorized to accept and hold preservation restrictions as defined under M.G.L. c. 184, § 31; and WHEREAS,the Town has selected the Grantor's response to the RFP,which as a condition to such selection, Grantor is required to grant to the Town this Restriction. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing, and for good and valuable consideration,the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, Grantor does hereby irrevocably grant and convey unto the Town this Restriction,which shall apply in perpetuity to the Premises subj ect to the terms hereof. 1. Pu ose. It is the purpose of this Restriction to protect the public investment in the relocation and preservation of the historically significant Building by ensuring that the exterior architectural,historic,and cultural features of the Building will be retained and maintained forever substantially in their current condition for preservation purposes and to prevent any use or change to the exterior of the Building that will materially impair or interfere with the Building's preservation values, subj ect to the relocation of the Building to the Premises (the "Relocation"). 2. Grantor's Covenant to Maintain. Grantor agrees at all times to maintain the exterior of the Building in at least the same structural condition and state of repair as that existing on the date of this Restriction (subject to the last sentence of this Section) in accordance with applicable local, state and federal laws, rules, bylaws and regulations (collectively, "Le�al Requirements"), and in accordance with The Sec�eta�y of the Inte�io�'s Standa�ds fo� the T�eatrnent of Histo�ic Pr�ope�ties with Guidelines for�P�ese�ving, Rehabilitating, Resto�ing and Reconst�ucting Histor�ic Buildings (36 C.F.R. 67 and 68), as they may be amended from time to time (the "Secretary's Standards"). If the Secretary's Standards are revoked, then the most recent version of the Secretary's Standards, as the case may be, shall apply to this Restriction as if such version had not been revoked unless the revoked Secretary's Standards are replaced by successor standards, in which event such successor standards shall apply. The Town does not assume any obligation for maintaining, repairing or administering the Building. Once the Relocation contemplated by the RFP has been completed to the reasonable satisfaction of the Town (the "Proj ect Completion Date") and pursuant to the requirements of this Restriction, including without limitation, Section 4 hereof, Grantor agrees at all times to maintain the exterior of the Building in at least the same structural condition and state of repair as that existing on the Proj ect Completion Date and in accordance with all Legal Requirements, which include, without limitation, the Secretary's Standards. 3. Prohibited Activities. Except as provided in Section 9, and except for the initial Relocation to the Premises, demolition, removal or razing of the Building or any portion thereof is expressly forbidden. In addition, the following activities are also expressly forbidden: (a) The dumping of ashes,trash,rubbish, or any other unsightly or offensive materials is prohibited on the Premises, except as reasonably required on a temporary basis for proper maintenance and repair of the Building and the Premises; {Aoll�sg�.z} 13 (b) No camping accommodations, mobile homes or cell towers shall be erected or placed on the Premises. Any other building structures shall be constructed in accordance with all applicable laws, including,without limitation, zoning by-laws; (c) No above ground utility transmission lines, except those reasonably necessary for the Building, may be created on the Premises, subj ect to utility easements already recorded; and (d) No barrier shall be constructed, erected or allowed to grow on the Premises which would impair the visibility from the street of the Premises or the Building without the prior written approval of Town,to be granted or withheld in its sole and absolute discretion. 4. Conditional Ri�hts Requirin�Approval of the Town. (a) The specifications for the Relocation of the Building shall be governed by the RFP, including the Grantor's response thereto. Any specifications for such Relocation that are not described in the RFP and are material to the architectural,historical, and cultural values of the Building that are the subj ect of this Restriction, including, without limitation, the siting of the Building on the Premises, the visibility of the Building from the street, and the landscaping on the Premises, shall be subj ect to the prior written approval of the Town, not to be unreasonably withheld, conditioned, or delayed. (b) Except as otherwise provided in this Section 4, changes to the exterior (including fenestration and trim) of the Building, including without limitation, any change to the footprint, size, massing, appearance, materials, ridgeline, windows, doors, exterior cladding, foundation, roof, chimneys, or other decorative or structural exterior features of the Building or any elements attached thereto, and any permanent substantial topographic changes to the Premises are expressly forbidden on, over or under the Premises without the prior express written approval of the Town, which may be withheld or conditioned in the Town's sole and absolute discretion. Notwithstanding the immediately foregoing sentence, alterations listed as "Minor" in the Restriction Guidelines attached hereto as Exhibit C are considered part of ordinary maintenance and repair and may be made to the Building and the Premises without the Town's approval. In addition, the erection of any external signs or external advertisements on the Building or the Premises shall be subj ect to all zoning by-laws now or hereafter existing. (c) Should Grantor wish to exercise the conditional rights set out or referred to in Section 4(b) above, Grantor shall submit to the Town, for the Town's approval, five (5) copies of a written request that includes a description of the proposed activity (including without limitation plans, specifications and designs where appropriate) with reasonable specificity and a timetable for the proposed activity sufficient to permit the Town to monitor such activity. Within thirty(30) days of the Town's receipt of any such request for approval hereunder, the Town shall certify in writing that (i) it approves the plan or request, or (ii) it disapproves the plan or request as submitted, in which case the Town shall provide Grantor with written suggestions for modification or a written explanation for the Town's disapproval. {Aoll�sg�.z} 14 5. Conditional Ri_hts Requirin_ A��roval of the Massachusetts Historic Commission. The conduct of archeological activities, including without limitation survey, excavation and artifact retrieval, may occur on the Premises only following the submission of an archeological field investigation plan prepared by Grantor and approved in writing by the Town and the State Archeologist of the Massachusetts Historical Commission (M.G.L. c. 9, § 27C and 950 C.M.R. 70.00). In no event shall the initial Relocation of the Building be deemed to require the approval of the Massachusetts Historical Commission. 6. Standards for RevieW. The ToWn shall apply the Secretary's Standards whenever exercising any authority,right or privilege created by this Restriction. If the Secretary's Standards are revoked, then the most recent version of the Secretary's Standards, as the case may be, shall apply to this Restriction as if such version had not been revoked unless the revoked Secretary's Standards are replaced by successor standards, in which event such successor standards shall apply. 7. Grantor's Ri�hts Not Requirin�Further A�proval of Town. Subject at all times to the terms and provisions of Sections 3 and 4 of this Restriction, this Restriction does not prohibit, and does not require the Town's approval of, the following rights, uses, and activities of or by Grantor on, over, or under the Premises: (a) the right to Relocate the Building, subj ect to the Town's approval of any specifications required pursuant to Section 4(a), above; (b) the right to engage in all those activities and uses that are permitted by all applicable laws, codes and regulations and are not otherwise inconsistent with the terms and provisions of this Restriction; (c) the right to maintain and repair the Building strictly in accordance with the Secretary's Standards; and (d) the right to make changes of any kind to the interior of the Building that do not affect (i) the structural integrity of the Building and (ii) the characteristics that contribute to the architectural, archeological, or historical integrity of the exterior of the Building. 8. Casualty Dama,�e or Destruction. In the event that the Building or any part thereof shall be damaged or destroyed by fire or other casualty, or shall be damaged or destroyed during the Relocation, Grantor shall promptly notify the Town in writing(but in no event later than seven (7) days after such casualty), such notification including what, if any, emergency work has been completed. No repairs or reconstruction of any type other than temporary emergency work to prevent further damage to the Building or to protect public safety shall be undertaken by Grantor without the Town's prior written approval. Within thirty (30) days of the date of damage or destruction, Grantor at Grantor's expense shall submit to the Town a written report prepared by a qualified restoration architect and an engineer acceptable to the Town, which report shall include the following: (a) an assessment of the nature and extent of the damage to the exterior and interior of the Building; {Aoll�sg�.z} 15 (b) a determination of the feasibility of the repair and restoration of the exterior of the Building(or the damaged or destroyed exterior portions thereo�; and (c) a detailed description of the repair and restoration work necessary to return the exterior of the Building to the condition existing at the Proj ect Completion Date(or if the Proj ect Completion Date has not yet occurred, then to the condition that the Building is in as of the date of this Restriction). 9. Review After Casualty Dama�e or Destruction. If, after reviewing the report required in Section 8, the Town determines, in its sole discretion, that it is economically feasible for Grantor to repair or restore the Building to the condition that it is in on the Proj ect Completion Date(or if the Proj ect Completion Date has not yet occurred,then to the condition that the Building is in as of the date of this Restriction), Grantor shall do so in accordance with the terms of this Restriction. Grantor shall submit to the Town, within thirty (30) days of Grantor's receipt of the Town's determination that the Building should be repaired or restored,for the Town's prior written approval, plans and specifications for the repair or restoration of the Building along with a construction schedule for such repair and restoration work. The Town shall have sixty(60) days to review such plans, specifications and schedule, and the parties shall proceed under Section 4(b) of this Restriction. If the Town determines, in its sole discretion,by written notice to Grantor,that it is not economically feasible to repair or reconstruct the Building or that the purpose of this Restriction would not be served by such repair or restoration,Grantor may alter, demolish,remove or raze the Building or construct new improvements on the Premises all in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations. In such event, Grantor and the Town may agree to extinguish this Restriction in accordance with applicable laws. Grantor will use its best efforts to maximize the insurance proceeds available for repair or reconstruction of the Building. Notwithstanding anything in this Section 9 to the contrary, the Town shall not consider whether or not Grantor or its mortgage lender is holding sufficient insurance proceeds to repair or restore the Building as a factor in determining Whether it is economically feasible to do so. 10. Insurance. From and after the date of this Restriction, including during the Relocation, Grantor shall keep the Building insured by an insurance company rated "A" or better by A.M. Best for the full replacement value against loss from the perils commonly insured under standard fire and extended coverage policies and comprehensive general liability insurance against claims for personal injury, death and property damage, which policy shall be endorsed to include the Town as an additional insured. Property damage insurance shall include change in condition and building ordinance coverage, in form and amount sufficient to fully replace the damaged Building without cost or expense to Grantor or contribution or coinsurance from Grantor except for a standard deductible. Grantor shall deliver to the Town upon the execution and recording hereof, certificates of such insurance coverage naming the Town as loss payee and additional insured and requiring not less than thirty (30) days prior written notice to the Town before expiration or termination of any such policy. Grantor shall provide to the Town replacement certificates of insurance satisfying the terms and conditions of this Section 10 at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration or termination of any such policy or as otherwise required by the Town. Notwithstanding the foregoing, whenever the Premises is encumbered with a mortgage nothing contained in this paragraph shall j eopardize the prior claim, if any, of the mortgagee to such insurance proceeds, less any amounts owed to the Town pursuant to Section 9 above in the case {Aoll�sg�.z} 16 of a casualty in which the Building is not repair or restored,which such amounts shall be senior to any such mortgage. 11. Condemnation. If all or any part of the Premises is taken under the power of eminent domain by a public authority or is otherwise acquired by such authority through a purchase in lieu of a taking, Grantor may commence appropriate proceedings at the time of such taking to recover the full value of Grantor's interest in the Premises, subj ect to such taking and all incidental and direct damages resulting therefrom. 12. Written Notice. Any notice which either Grantor or the Town may desire to give or be required to give to the other party shall be in writing and shall be delivered by overnight courier postage prepaid,registered or certified mail with return receipt requested, or hand delivery as follows: To Grantor: To Town: [ ] Town Manager Town of Lexington � � 1625 Massachusetts Avenue [ ] Lexington, MA 02420 with a copy to: with a copy to: [ ] Mina Makarious, Esq. Anderson&Kreiger LLP � � st 50 Mllk Street, 21 Floor [ ] Boston, MA 02109 Each party may change its address set forth herein by written notice to the other party given pursuant to this section. 13. Town of Lexin�ton Historical Commission. The Town shall endeavor to consult with the Town of Lexington Historical Commission on any discretionary right or approval held by the Town under this Restriction. 14. Inspection. The Town shall be permitted at reasonable times and upon reasonable notice to Grantor to enter on and inspect the Premises and the Building to determine whether Grantor is in compliance with the terms of this Restriction. 15. Town's Remedies. The Town may, following prior written notice to Grantor, institute suits to enj oin any violation of the terms of this Restriction by ex pa�te, temporary, preliminary or permanent injunction, including without limitation prohibitory and/or mandatory injunctive relief, and to require the restoration of the exterior of the Building to the condition and appearance required under this Restriction. The Town shall also have available all legal and other equitable remedies to enforce Grantor's obligations hereunder. In the event any civil action is commenced and Grantor is found to have violated any of Grantor's obligations or is otherWise liable under this Restriction, Grantor shall reimburse the Town for any costs or expenses incurred {Aoll�sg�.z} 17 in connection with the Town's enforcement of the term of this Restriction, including without limitation all reasonable court costs, and attorney, architectural, engineering and expert witness fees. 16. Runs with the Land. (a) This Restriction and all of the covenants, agreements and restrictions contained herein shall be deemed to be a preservation restriction as that term is defined in M.G.L. c. 184, § 31 and as that term is used in M.G.L. c. 184, §§ 26, 31, 32 and 33. Grantor shall fully cooperate with the Town in its efforts to obtain any government approvals necessary for the perpetual enforcement of this Restriction, including but not limited to the approval of the Commissioner of the MHC as provided under M.G.L. c. 184, § 32. In the event that this Restriction in its current form is not acceptable to MHC for purposes of said approval, Grantor shall cooperate With the Town in making any and all modifications that are necessary to obtain said approval. The term of this Restriction shall be perpetual, subject to the provisions of Section 9. To the extent required by applicable law, the Town is authorized to record or file any notices or instruments appropriate to assure the perpetual enforceability of this Restriction. (b) Grantor intends,declares and covenants on behalf of itself and its successors and assigns(i)that this Restriction and the covenants, agreements and restrictions contained herein shall be and are covenants running with the land, encumbering the Premises for the term of this Restriction, and are binding upon Grantor's successors in title, (ii) are not merely personal covenants of Grantor,and(iii)shall bind Grantor,its successors and assigns and inure to the benefit of the Town and its successors and assigns for the term of the Restriction. 17. Title; Authority. Grantor hereby represents, covenants and warrants as follows: (a) The execution and performance of this Restriction by Grantor (i) will not violate any provision of law, rule or regulation or any order of any court or other agency or governmental body, and(ii)will not violate any provision of any indenture, agreement,mortgage, mortgage note, or other instrument to which Grantor is a party or by which it or the Premises is bound, and(iii)will not result in the creation or imposition of any prohibited encumbrance of any nature. (b) Grantor will, at the time of execution and delivery of this Restriction, have good and marketable title to the Premises free and clear of any lien or encumbrance except those matters set forth on Exhibit D attached hereto. Grantor represents and warrants that it has obtained the consent of all existing mortgagees of the Premises to the execution and recording of this Restriction and to the terms and conditions hereof and the subordination of all existing mortgages to this Restriction. (c) Grantor shall timely pay all contractors and/or laborers performing work or providing materials for the Building or the Premises so as not to cause or permit any liens, including without limitation mechanics' or materialmens' liens, to be recorded against the Premises. Any such liens recorded against the Premises shall be removed by Grantor or bonded over within thirty(3 0) days thereafter. {Aoll�sg�.z} 18 18. Submissions and Notices to the Town. Any submission or notice required under this Agreement to be made to the Town shall be made in writing to the Town Manager as set forth in Section 12. If the Town does not respond to any such submission or notice within the timeframes prescribed above, it shall be deemed not approved. 19. Assi nment. The Town may, at its discretion without prior notice to Grantor, convey, assign or transfer this Restriction to a unit of federal, state or local government or to a similar local, state or national organization that is a"qualified organization"under Section 170(h) of the Internal Revenue Code,as amended,whose purposes, inte�alia,are to promote preservation or conservation of historical, cultural or architectural resources, provided that any such conveyance, assignment or transfer requires that the purpose for which the Restriction was granted will continue to be carried out 20. Recordin�. Grantor shall do and perform at its own cost all acts necessary for the prompt recording or filing of this Restriction in the Registry, and shall transmit evidence of such recording or filing, including the date and instrument number and book and page or registration number of this Restriction, to the Town. 21. Amendment. This Restriction may only be amended by mutual agreement of the Grantor and the Town, in a written instrument recorded in the Registry. 22. Entire A�reement. This Restriction reflects the entire agreement between the parties. Any prior or simultaneous correspondence, understandings, agreements, and representations are null and void upon execution hereof, unless set out in this Restriction. 23. Governin�Law. This Restriction shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. 24. Invalidity of Particular Provisions. If any term or provision of this Restriction, or the application thereof to any person or circumstance shall, to any extent, be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Restriction, or the application of such term or provision to persons or circumstances other than those as to which it is held invalid or unenforceable, shall not be affected thereby, and each term and provision of this Restriction shall be valid and be enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law. 25. Counterparts. This Restriction may be executed in several counterparts and by each party on a separate counterpart, each of which when so executed and delivered shall be an original, but all of which together shall constitute one instrument. [Remainde�of page intentionally left blankJ {Aoll�sg�.z} 19 EXECUTED under seal as of the date first written above. GRANTOR: By: Name: Title: COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS COUNTY OF On this day of , ,before me, the undersigned notary public,personally appeared , proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification, which was , to be the person whose name is signed on the preceding or attached document and acknowledged to me that he signed it voluntarily for its stated purpose as of , a . Notary Public: My Commission Expires: {aoll�ss�.z} 20 TOWN OF LEXINGTON, By and through its Select Board � COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS COUNTY OF On this day of , ,before me, the undersigned notary public, personally appeared � Members of the Select Board for the Town of Lexington,proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification, which was personal knowledge, to be the persons whose names are signed on the preceding or attached document and acknowledged to me that they signed it voluntarily for its stated purpose as Members of the Select Board for the Town of Lexington. Notary Public: My Commission Expires: {Aoll�sg�.2} 21 APPROVAL BY THE MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL COMMISSION The undersigned hereby certifies that the foregoing preservation restrictions have been approved pursuant to M.G.L. Chapter 184, Section 32. MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL COMMISSION By: Name: Title: COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS COUNTY OF On this day of , ,before me, the undersigned notary public, personally appeared Brona Simon,proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification, which was , to be the person whose name is signed on the preceding or attached document and acknowledged to me that she signed it voluntarily for its stated purpose, as of the Massachusetts Historical Commission. Notary Public: My Commission Expires: {aoll�ss�.z} 22 EXHIBIT A Le�al Description of Premises [NTD: To be inserted after RFP process] {aoll�ss�.2} EXHIBIT B Historic Structure Report, The Hammond A. Hosmer House, Lexin�ton, Massachusetts [see attached] {aoll�sg�.z} EXHIBIT C Restriction Guidelines The purpose of the Restriction Guidelines is to clarify Section 4 of the terms of the Restriction, which addresses exterior alterations to the Building. Alterations of a minor nature, which are part of ordinary maintenance and repair, do not require the consent of the Town. In an effort to explain what constitutes a minor alteration, the following list has been developed. This is not a comprehensive list, and it is provided for illustrative purposes only. It is only a sampling of some of the more common alterations which may be contemplated by building owners. In the event of a conflict between these Guidelines and the Restriction, the Restriction shall control. PAINT Minor - Hand scraping and repainting of non-decorative and non-significant surfaces as part of periodic maintenance. Maj or - Painting or fully stripping decorative surfaces or distinctive stylistic features including murals, stenciling, ornamental woodwork, stone, masonry, decorative or significant original stucco or plaster. WINDOWS AND DOORS Minor -Regular maintenance including caulking,painting and necessary reglazing.Repair or in-kind replacement of existing individual decayed window parts. Maj or - Wholesale replacement of units; change in fenestration or materials; alteration of profile or setback of windoWs. The addition of storm windows is also considered a major change;however,with notification it is commonly acceptable. EXTERIOR Minor - Spot repair of existing cladding and roofing including in-kind replacement of clapboards, shingles, slates, etc. Ma•�or - Large-scale repair or replacement of cladding or roofing. Change involving inappropriate removal or addition of materials or building elements (i.e. removal of chimneys or cornice detailing; installation of architectural detail which does not have a historical basis); altering or demolishing building additions; spot repointing of masonry. Structural stabilization of the property is also considered a maj or alteration. {aoll�sa�.z} LANDSCAPE/OUTBUILDINGS Minor - Routine maintenance of outbuildings and landscape including lawn mowing, pruning,planting,painting, and repair. Maj or - Other than the Relocation,moving or subdividing buildings or property; altering of property; altering or removing significant landscape features such as gardens, vistas, walks, plantings,walls, fences; ground disturbance affecting archaeological resources. HEATING/AIR CONDITIONING/ELECTRICAL/PLUMBING SYSTEMS Minor -Repair of existing systems. Ma•�or - Installing or upgrading systems which will result in maj or exterior appearance changes (i.e. exterior ducts, piping, ventilators, HVAC units); the removal of substantial quantities of original materials in the course of construction. Changes classified as maj or alterations are not necessarily unacceptable. Under the Restriction, such changes must be reviewed by the Town and their impact on the historic integrity of the property assessed. {Aoll�sg�.z} 26 EXHIBIT D Permitted Encumbrances [To be inserted after RFP process] 27 Exhibit B Other Restrictions The Property shall only be used for the following purposes: • Residential use with affordable housing component • Residential use without an affordable housing component • Non-profit or other professional office business use • Arts/Gallery Space • Other uses permitted by the Town's Zoning Bylaw, Chapter 13 5 of the Code of the Town of Lexington for the district in which the Hosmer House is proposed to be moved, and approved by the Select Board 28 Exhibit C Anti-Collusion Statement The undersigned certifies under penalties of perjury that this bid or proposal has been made and submitted in good faith and without collusion or fraud with any other person. As used in this certification the word "person" shall mean any natural person, business, partnership, corporation, union, committee, club or other organization, entity, or group of individuals. Company: Address: City/State: Zip: Telephone: Email: Date of Proposal: Proposer must sign the following in ink: By: Please print name and title of signatory below: Name: Title: Name, signature and company must be the same on each of the following pages of the proposal as they appear above. Indicate which type of organization below: Individual Partnership Corporation Other 29 Exhibit D Formal Identification of Proposer To be completed by all principals and beneficial holders of 5% or more of the stock or other ownership interest of this proposal shall include individuals, corporations,partnerships,j oint ventures and unincorporated associations List all holders of 5% of more ownership interest as specified above and if any of the names are of organizations or corporations furnish complete information for ownership interests that hold more than 5% interest in each of the said organizations. Name Address Percent % % % % % % % % 30 Exhibit E Insurance A�ent Statement (To be filled out with Proposal) We understand the insurance requirements of the proposal and that evidence of insurability may be required within ten(10) days after notification of award. Proposer Insurance Agent Signature Signature Date Date 31 Exhibit F Declaration and Certification The undersigned, as proposer declares under oath that no other person has any interest in this proposal or in any resulting agreement to which this proposal pertains, that this proposal is not made with connection or agreement with any other person(s) and that this proposal is in every respect fair, in good faith,without collusion or fraud. The proposer further declares that he has complied in every respect with all the instructions to proposer,that he has read all addenda, if any issued prior to the opening of proposals and that he has satisfied himself fully relative to all matters and conditions with respect to the general conditions of the agreement and all relevant information to which this proposal pertains. The proposer proposes and agrees if this proposal is accepted to execute the attached purchase and sale agreement found in Exhibit I establishing a formal contractual relationship between the proposer and the Town of Lexington for the performance of all requirements to which this proposal pertains. The proposer further agrees, if this proposal is accepted to post a $500 cash surety with the Town of Lexington which will be refunded only upon the execution of said contract documents. Estimated date of award is on or about with contract to commence on or about The proposer certifies that this proposal is based upon all conditions as listed in the Request for Proposals and that he has made no changes in the proposal specification documents as developed by the Town. The proposer further proposes and agrees, if his proposal is accepted to execute the purchase and sale agreement(Exhibit I)no later than December 31, 2021 for the purpose of establishing a contractual relationship between the proposer and the Town of Lexington for the performance of all requirements to which this proposal pertains. Declaration and Certification Submitted b� Name of firm, corporation or individual Address of firm, corporation or individual By: Name Title If corporation— seal and Secretary's Signature 32 If individual, sole owner or partnership—Two (2) witnesses required Witness Name Address �Vitness Name Address State of C ounty o f Before me, personally appeared, to me well known and know to be the person(s) described herein and who executed the foregoing certification and acknowledge to and before me that executed said certification for the purposes therein expressed. Witness my hand and official seal, this day of 2019 Notary Seal: Notary Signature Commission Expires: 33 Exhibit G Addenda The proposer states that the proposal is based upon the Request for Proposals and addenda, if any, listed by number as follows: Addenda, if any: Number and Date Issued Number and Date Issued Number and Date Issued Number and Date Issued Number and Date Issued Number and Date Issued Number and Date Issued Number and Date Issued Number and Date Issued 34 Exhibit H State Tax Certification Pursuant to Chapter 62C of the Massachusetts General Laws, I certify under the penalties of perjury that the undersigned Proposer complied with all laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts relating to taxes. By: * Signature of individual or Corporate Officer Corporate Name (Mandatory) (Mandatory, if applicable) **Social Security# or Federal Identification# * Approval of a contract or other agreement will not be granted unless this certification clause is signed by the applicant. ** Your Social Security Number will be furnished to the Massachusetts Department of Revenue to determine whether you have met tax filing or tax payment obligations. Providers who fail to correct their non-filing or delinquency will not have a contract or other a�reement issued, renewed, or extended. This request is made under the authority of Mass. G.L. 62C s. 49A. 35 Exhibit J BILL OF SALE This BILL OF SALE ("Bill of Sale") is made as of , 2020,by The Town of Lexington, acting by and through its Select Board, a Massachusetts municipal corporation situated in Middlesex County(the "Seller"), having an address at 1625 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington, Massachusetts 02420, to [ ], a [ ] (the `Buyer"), having an address of[ ]. RECITALS WHEREAS, Seller is the owner of the real property located at 1557 Massachusetts Avenue, in Lexington, Massachusetts (the "Real Property"), including the building located thereon commonly known as "Hosmer House" (the "Building"); WHEREAS, Seller issued that certain Request for Proposals for the sale, moving and relocation of the Building (the "RFP"), Buyer submitted a response to the RFP, and on [ ] Seller selected Buyer as the successful proposer to such RFP; and WHEREAS, the RFP requires that Seller convey to Buyer, and Buyer desires to acquire from Seller, all of Seller's right, title and interest in and to the Building. NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, S eller and Buyer hereby agrees as follows: 1. Seller does hereby unconditionally, absolutely, and irrevocably grant,bargain, sell, transfer, assign convey, set over and deliver unto Buyer all of Seller's right, title and interest in and to the Building. 2. Buyer shall commence work to remove the Building from the Real Property on or before September 1, 2020, and shall complete such removal on or before September 15, 2020. Such removal shall be at Buyer's sole cost and expense, and shall be pursuant to the terms and provisions of that certain License Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit A. 3. This Bill of Sale shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns. 4. This Bill of Sale and the legal relations of the parties hereto shall be governed by and construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, without regard to its principles of conflicts of law. [Signature Page Follows] IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Seller and Buyer have executed this Bill of Sale as of the date first written above. 36 SELLER: Town of Lexington, By and through its Select Board � BUYER By: Name: Title: 37 EXHIBIT K License A�reement This LICENSE AGREEMENT (this "License") is made this day of I , �., by and between The Town of Lexington, acting by and through its ���:���������:..������.:�����������������.............. Select Board, a Massachusetts municipal corporation situated in Middlesex County(the "Seller"), having an address at 1625 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington, Massachusetts 02420, to [ ], a [ ] (the "Buyer"), having an address of[ ]. WHEREAS, Seller is the owner of the real property located at 1557 Massachusetts Avenue, in Lexington, Massachusetts (the "Real Property"), including the building located thereon commonly known as "Hosmer House" (the "Building"); WHEREAS, Seller issued that certain Request for Proposals for the sale, moving and relocation of the Building (the "RFP"), Buyer submitted a response to the RFP, and on [ ] Seller selected Buyer as the successful proposer to such RFP; �VHEREAS, in accordance with the terms and provisions of the RFP, and pursuant to that certain Bill of Sale of even date herewith to which this License is attached as Exhibit A (the "Bill of Sale"), Seller has conveyed to Buyer all of Seller's right, title and interest in and to the Building; WHEREAS, pursuant to the RFP and the Bill of Sale, Buyer is required to (i) commence � i i c�-� _; =r �.:. �� '�'..�I..'�!.:.�,' wor�to remove t e Bul ing rom t e Rea Property on or e ore _ _�_ ��.�...�..�:.��..........:�...�:.....�.......:..�...:,:..�.....�..�.., and ii com lete such removal on or before�-�-���-�_�=�������.:�.������ ��::�,� :����:���'���'��� which removal � ) p r � ............................��......................................�........................................................� shall be at Buyer's sole cost and expense, and otherwise shall be performed in accordance with the terms and provisions of this License; and WHEREAS, Seller and Buyer desire to enter into this License for the purpose of permitting Buyer's access to the Real Property and the removal of the Building therefrom, all in accordance with the terms and provisions hereof. NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and suf�ciency of which are hereby acknowledged, S eller and Buyer hereby agrees as follows: 1. Access. Seller hereby grants to Buyer a temporary license to access the Real Property to undertake the removal of the Building, and the restoration of the Real Property to the condition required by this License, all as contemplated by the RFP (together, the "Work"), and for no other purpose. Buyer shall provide Seller with at least five (5) days' written notice prior to commencing the Work. During the performance of the Work, Buyer shall be responsible for the posting of signs at, erection of temporary fencing around, and/or restriction of public access to such portions of the Real Property as may be reasonably necessary to perform the Work, to the extent such actions are reasonably necessary in the interest of public safety. 38 2. Term. The Term of this License shall be for the period commencing on the date of this IAgreement and terminating on '� - , :���:�...��...�..:�:�°��..........�...��'..�........�...�:..�w�'.:.�....��...:�;. (the "Term"). [NTD: Discuss penalties for failure to complete the Work prior to the expiration of the Term.] 3. Permits and Approvals. Prior to the commencement of the Work, Buyer shall obtain all necessary permits and approvals for the performance of the Work. Copies of such permits and approvals shall be provided to Seller no later than the date that Buyer commences the Work. 4. Restoration. Immediately following the removal of the Building, Buyer shall perform such work as may be reasonably necessary to [ ][NTD: Town to confirm required condition of remaining footprint following removal], which restoration work shall be deemed part of the Work. Buyer shall substantially complete the Work prior to the expiration of the Term, in a good and workmanlike manner. The Work shall not j eopardize the structural integrity of, or materially affect, the reminder of the Real Property. During the Term, Buyer agrees to keep the Real Property in a clean and sanitary condition and free of any offensive or noxious odors and fumes, and Buyer shall not permit the Real Property to be overloaded, damaged, stripped or defaced, nor suffer any waste. Buyer's obligation restore the Real Property as provided herein shall survive the expiration or termination of the Term. 5. Insurance. Buyer shall require that all of its contractors, subcontractors and consultants obtain and maintain [commercially reasonable][NTD: Town to confirm: specific amount required?] general liability insurance coverage for liabilities arising out of the performance of the Removal Work. Seller shall be listed as an additional insured on all such insurance policies, and certificates of insurance evidencing the same shall be furnished to Seller prior to the entry of any such contractor, subcontractor or consultant on the Real Property. 6. Indemnification. Buyer's access to the Real Property and performance of the Work is at Buyer's sole risk of bodily hard and property damage. Buyer hereby agrees to indemnify, defend, and save and hold Seller harmless against and from all liabilities, obligations, damages, losses, penalties, claims, actions, costs, charges and expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees,which may be imposed upon or incurred by or asserted against Seller by reason of: (i) Buyer's, or its contractors', subcontractors', or consultants' entry upon the Real Property; (ii) the performance of the Work; (iii) any liens or encumbrances recorded against the Real Property relating to the Work; or(iv) any breach of this License by Buyer, or by Buyer's contractors, subcontractors, or consultants. The provisions of this Section shall survive termination or expiration of this License. 7. Notices. Notices required or permitted under this Agreement shall be given in writing by registered or certified mail,return receipt requested, or by nationally recognized overnight courier, or by hand delivery, at the following addresses: If to Seller: Town of Lexington 1625 Massachusetts Avenue Lexington, MA 02420 Attn: Town Manager 39 with copy to: Anderson &Kreiger LLP 50 Milk Street, 21 st Floor Boston, MA 02110 Attn: Mina Makarious If to Buyer: [ ] � � � � 8. Miscellaneous. a. Buyer shall not assign or otherwise transfer this License or its rights hereunder. b. This License, together with the RFP and the Bill of Sale, contains the entire agreement between the parties and there are no verbal understandings or agreements different from those stated in this License, the RFP, and the Bill of Sale. In order to be effective, any modification of this License must be in writing and signed by both parties. c. This License shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. d. If any provision contained in this Agreement shall be held to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality, or unenforceability shall not affect any other provision hereof, and this Agreement shall be construed as if such invalid, illegal, or unenforceable provision had never been contained herein. e. This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which counterparts shall be an original for all purposes and all of Which, taken together, shall constitute one and the same agreement. [Signature Pages Follow] 40 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Seller and Buyer have executed this instrument as of the date first written above. I SELLER: I Town of Lexington, By and through its Select Board BUYER By: Name: Title: 41 42 Town of Lexington Request for Proposals ("RFP") for the Sale,Moving and Relocation of the Hosmer House Sealed written proposals will be received by the Town of Lexington(the "Town") through its Town Manager at Town Hall, 1625 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington, MA 02420 until 10:00 AM on , at which time they will be publicly opened, to purchase,move and relocate the following personal property(the "Property"): Hosmer House Building at 1557 Massachusetts Avenue All proposals must be sealed and conspicuously marked"Hosmer House Purchase and Relocation Proposal". Complete instructions and requirements for this RFP may be obtained from the Elizabeth Mancini, Purchasing Director, 1625 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington, MA 02420 or via email by contacting Elizabeth Mancini, Purchasing Director at emancini(a�,lexin tonma.gov. The Town shall consider the qualifications of all proposals, prior to awarding a bid. Said bid award shall be subject to the provisions of MGL, Ch. 30B. The Town of Lexington reserves the right to rej ect any or all proposals, to waive minor informalities and to make the award as may be determined in the Town's best interest. The Town makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, as to the accuracy and/or completeness of the information provided in this RFP. Elizabeth Mancini Purchasing Director #lllgsso�l{aoll�ss�.2} General Statement The Town of Lexington is seeking proposals to purchase, move and relocate the building known as the "Hosmer House" located at 1557 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington, MA (the"Property"). The Property contains approximately 1440 square feet consisting of a former residential building. The successful proposer will be selected on the basis of their responses to information contained within this RFP. A bid will be awarded for the purchase and relocation of the Hosmer House, which must commence on or before June 1, 2022 and be completed on or before June 3 0, 2022. The terms under which a sale will be granted are included in the RFP and purchase and sale agreement. All conditions contained within these documents regardless of whether they are noted only in one or the other will be binding on the purchaser. Therefore, they should be read carefully prior to submitting a proposal. Proposals will be accepted until 10:00 AM on . All proposals should consist of separate price and non-price information. The non-price proposal should include all information requested by the RFP. The price proposal should include only the purchase price. The proposer will be responsible for all costs associated with moving,permitting, relocation and restoration of the Hosmer House. The price proposal must be sealed in an envelope separate from the non- price proposal and so noted. It will be opened separately from the non-price proposal. The Town will conduct tours of the Property to acquaint individuals with existing conditions. It is very important that prospective proposers view the Property prior to submitting a proposal. No exceptions will be made for errors or omissions resulting from proposers not being familiar with existing conditions. The tour of the Property will be held on at 10 AM. {Aoll�sg�.z} 2 General Conditions and Instructions for Proposals 1. It will be the sole responsibility of the proposer to have its proposal delivered to the Office of the Purchasing Director on or before 10:00 AM on 2. The signed proposal shall be considered an offer on the part of the proposer and deemed accepted upon approval by the Purchasing Director. In the case of default on the part of a proposer after such acceptance by the Purchasing Director, the Town may take such action, as it deems appropriate, including but not limited to retaining the proposal guarantee as liquidated damages. 3. Proposal declaration and certification shall contain the following details: a. If proposer is an individual, the signature shall be witnessed by two (2) other individuals. b. If the proposer is a partnership, the word, "Partner" shall appear after the signature of the partners. All partners shall sign the proposal and signatures shall be witnessed by two (2) other individuals,provided that if the partnership consists of more than five (5)partners, the proposal may be signed by any one partner authorized to sign on behalf of the partnership, which authorization shall be attested to by said partner. c. If the proposer is a corporation, the signature of the officer(s) or individual(s) authorized by its bylaws to sign such documents is required, attested to by the corporate secretary and with an official corporate seal affixed thereto. d. A list of all principals and beneficial owners on the Exhibit C - Formal Identification Page 4. The Town of Lexington shall not be responsible for oral interpretations given by any Town personnel or representatives or others. The issuance of a written addendum is the only official method whereby interpretations, clarification or additional information can be given. 5. All expenses for making this proposal to the Town are to be borne by the proposer. The Town is not liable for any costs associated with this proposal and/or any resulting agreement. 6. Pre-award negotiations may be conducted with the selected proposer. 7. No contract shall be created merely by the selection of a preferred proposal. 8. The proposer shall sufficiently demonstrate the f�inancial ability to the satisfaction of the Town for the purpose of purchasing, moving and relocating the Hosmer House. Said determination will be at the sole discretion of the Town. 9. The proposer shall provide sufficient proof of ownership of the property where the Hosmer House is proposed to be relocated. Alternatively, the proposer shall submit site {Aoll�sg�.z} 3 control documents in the form of a fully executed purchase and sale agreement for the property where the Hosmer House is proposed to be relocated, contingent only on the award of this RFP. Determination of whether the proof of ownership, site control, or interest in the real estate is sufficient will be at the sole discretion of the Town. {Aoll�sg�.z} 4 Indemnity and Liability Covera�e The proposer will be required to execute an extensive indemnification clause which will require among other things, that the Town be fully indemnified, defended and held harmless by the proposer against any and all claims, suits, actions, damages, etc. arising from this agreement and any work conducted thereunder, including for any bodily injury, loss of life, damage to property, etc. The proposer will be required to provide a bond or such other security as the Purchasing Director shall deem satisfactory and maintain comprehensive general liability insurance naming the Town as an additional insured in the minimum amounts shown below. The foregoing reflects some of the requirements of the Town's indemnification and liability coverage. The successful proposer hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town, its agents, officers and employees, free and harmless of any claim, liability, cause of action, expense or charge of whatever kind of nature and against all loss or liability which may arise out of or be connected with the performance of successful proposer's duty hereunder and shall defend any suit, claims or causes of action brought by or on behalf of any person arising out of the performance of such duties and pay all costs and expenses in connection with or as a consequence of said suit including attorney's fees in connection therewith. Worker's Compensation The successful proposer shall maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance at a minimum of the statutory limits as promulgated by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and shall provide written proof of such coverage to the Town Manager's Office annually or as requested. Insurance Requirements Comprehensive general liability insurance naming the Town as an additional insured, carrying product liability insurance as follows: Bodily Injury Minimum $1,000,000 Personal Injury Minimum $1,000,000 Property Damage Minimum $ 500,000 �Vorker's Compensation Statutory Minimum Additional Umbrella Insurance Minimum $1,000,000 For purposes of this form, "Proposer"means any person, firm, corporation, partnership,j oint venture or other entity, who or which owns or controls 5% or more of the voting stock(or any equivalent voting interest of partnership or venture) of proposer. {Aoll�sg�.z} 5 Specifications The specifications in Items (1) through (5)below should be responded to in sufficient detail for the proposal to be evaluated as per the evaluation criteria in Proposal Evaluation Part II. 1. The proposer shall identify any construction experience they have and whether they have any experience in moving a structure through public ways. 2. The proposer shall indicate all members of their team that will be involved in the purchase, moving,permitting and relocation of the Hosmer House. 3. The proposer will include the address the Hosmer House will be relocated to, methods of relocation and shall provide proof of ownership or interest in the real estate, sufficient to the Town. No proposer shall submit a proposal that relocates the Hosmer House to a property owned by the Town without prior approval of the Select Board. 4. The proposer shall identify the future use of the structure and how it will comply With the restrictions attached as Exhibit A. A full description of renovation is expected to be provided by the proposer, including proposed floor plans, elevations and a proposed site plan that shows the driveway access/grades and other exterior features. Any use shall be subj ect to existing zoning in place at the location that the proposer submits the house to be moved to, how the renovation will comply with any requirements of the Historic Districts in the Town of Lexington or if the property is to be located outside of a Historic District. Further requirements applicable to said Historic District shall apply unless otherwise waived by the Lexington Historic Districts Commission. 5. The successful proposer, at their expense shall secure all the necessary licenses, which may include but are not limited to, special permits, building permits, plumbing permits, electrical permits, street closure approvals, permits from any private utilities and any other building permits or licenses as may be required. 6. All of the specifications, terms and conditions as specified in all the documents that constitute this Request for Proposals shall be applicable to any resulting purchase and sale agreement. 7. The actual moving of the building must occur on a day of the week and at a time approved in advance by the Town Manager and Chief of Police. Any road closures will require the pre-approval of the Select Board. 8. The proposer shall provide all equipment essential to perform their contractual duties. 9. Proposer will pay for all utility costs relating to the moving and relocation of the structure and will be responsible for obtaining all approvals and meeting conditions of all utilities. 10. No property locations that have been previously submitted will be considered in this RFP process. Proposer's Signature: Date: {aoll�ss�.z} 6 Proposal Evaluation-Part I A key component to the initial evaluation process will be that the proposer shall submit the following criteria to all for proper basis for evaluation. Check Yes or NO for submission of the following. Proposer should also be aware that this listing is subj ect to alteration. Proposer must answer"Yes"to all items for further consideration. YES NO 1. Signed Statement of Non-Collusion 2. Completion of Formal Identification of Proposal Form 3. Signed Proposer and Insurance Agent Certificate 4. Completion of Proposal Certification 5. Sign off on all Specifications and Applicable Addenda and signature. 6. Signed Statement of State and Local Tax Payments Proposal Evaluation—Part II As part of the secondary evaluation process, the Town is required to establish certain comparative evaluation criteria. These criteria reflect rating categories which will be used to evaluate each proposal. For each comparative evaluation criteria set forth below, the Town will rate the proposers answer as: H= "Highly Advantageous" A= "Advantageous" N= "Not as Advantageous" U= "Unacceptable" The overall composite total of these ratings will be used to judge the proposals deemed to be in the Town's best interest. If the proposal receives an"Unacceptable"rating on any single criterion, the composite rating will also be "Unacceptable". Therefore if an"Unacceptable" rating is received on any one of the detail items listed below, the proposal will not be accepted. The following comparative criteria are being used: 1. Construction and redevelopment/restoration of historic structure experience: H= 10+Years A= 6-9 Years N= 3-5 Years U=Less than 3 Years 2. Experience in moving structures off of physical locations/foundations to other locations (including any contracted building relocation partners) H=Five or more structures A=2-5 structures {aoll�ss�.z} 7 N= 1 structure U=No structure relocation experience 3. Proposed Use of the Structure H=Utilization as a residential structure, including as an affordable unit, as defined by DHCD, affordable unit means that the unit qualifies for inclusion on the Subsidized Housing Inventory A=Utilization with a public benefit(e.g. non-profit) N=Utilization as a residential structure and/or professional office,without any affordable housing component U=No plan for reutilization of the structure 4. Design/Site Plan H=Meets all set back and other zoning and driveway requirements with minimal impact on the neighborhood, while providing a design that blends with the neighborhood. This does not include the known special permit for lot regularity. A=Meets most set back and other zoning and driveway requirements, but may need an additional special permit (other than for lot regularity) or variance, but still maintains a minimal impact on the neighborhood and a design that blends with the neighborhood. N=Requires multiple special permits which impact the neighborhood or does not blend with the neighborhood. U=Require multiple special permits and variances which impact the neighborhood and does not blend with the neighborhood. 5. Relocation of the Hosmer House Structure H=Within the boundaries of Battle Green Historic District A=Within the boundaries of another Lexington Historic District N= Outside of the boundaries of a Lexington Historic District,but in the Town of Lexington U= Outside of the boundaries of the Town of Lexington 6. The degree to which the proposer can demonstrate a commitment to sustainability in the moving and renovation of the Hosmer House Structure https://www.lexin tonma.gov/sites/ /files/vyhlif7101/f/uploads/lexin tg on eg ttin�_to_net zero emissions plan approved 8-27-2018.pdf H=Proposer commits to an all-electric building design With onsite renewable energy consistent with the Town's sustainability goals A=Proposer commits to an all-electric building design consistent the Town's sustainability goals N=Proposer commits the building will achieve a HERS [Home Energy Rating System] score of 45 or better to meet some of the Town's sustainability goals {Aoll�sg�.z} 8 U=Proposer demonstrates no commitment to meeting the Town's sustainability goals 7. The degree to which the proposer can demonstrate they are able to move the house on or before June 30, 2022 H=High certainty that the house will be moved to the new location prior to June 30, 2022 A=Reasonable certainty that the house will be moved to the new location prior to June 30, 2022 N=Low certainty that the house will be moved to the new location prior to June 30, 2022 U=No commitment to move the house prior to June 30, 2022. {Aoll�sg�.z} 9 Proposal Evaluation—Part III The Town requests the proposer specify a purchase price for the Hosmer House structure. The proposer bids the following amount to purchase the Hosmer House: $ ( Dollars). The proposal containing the highest amount for the structure will be considered highly advantageous. The Town has established no minimum amount for the sale of the structure. The Town seeks to encourage investment in the Property to improve the overall appearance and attractiveness to the community and will consider proposals containing a substantial capital investment as highly advantageous. All proposers must submit separate price and non-price proposals. The price proposal containing the purchase price (this section) must be sealed in a separate envelope and marked"Price Proposal". The price proposal will not be opened until the Town has evaluated all other materials. The non-price or technical proposal is an important element in selecting a bidder. This process is structured to provide an orderly and fair comparison of proposals. {Aoll�sg�.z} 10 Exhibit A Preservation Restriction—Historic Preservation [FORM OF PRESERVATION RESTRICTION AGREEMENT] PRESERVATION RESTRICTION AGREEMENT between THE TOWN OF LEXINGTON and � � {Aoll�sg�.z} 11 THIS PRESERVATION RESTRICTION AGREEMENT (this "Restriction") is made as of this day of , , by and between [ ], having an address of [ ] ("Grantor") and THE TOWN OF LEXINGTON, a municipality of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts acting by and through its Select Board, having an address of 1625 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington, Massachusetts 02420 (the "Town"). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Grantor is owner in fee simple of certain real property and the improvements thereon located at in the Town of Lexington, Middlesex County, Massachusetts (hereinafter the "Premises") described on Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein, being the same premises conveyed to Grantor in a deed dated [ ], from [ ] to Grantor recorded in the Middlesex South Registry of Deeds (the "Re,�istrX") in Book [ ], Page [ ]; WHEREAS, that certain two (2) story building originally constructed in the 1840s, known as the "Hammond A. Hosmer House" (the "Buildin�") is currently located on land owned by the Town located at 1557 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington, Massachusetts; WHEREAS, the Grantor submitted a response, dated [ ], to that certain Request for Proposals for the Sale, Moving and Relocation of the Hosmer House issued by the ToWn on [ ] (together, the "RFP"), and Grantor was selected as the successful proposer for the relocation of the Building to the Premises, pursuant to the terms and provisions of the RFP; WHEREAS, folloWing its relocation, the Premises are to be used by the Grantor as � �� WHEREAS, the Building is an architecturally, historically and culturally significant property meriting the protections of a perpetual preservation restriction under M.G.L. c. 184, §§ 31, 32 and 33; WHEREAS, the Building's preservation values are documented in a series of reports, drawings and photographs (hereinafter, the "Baseline Documentation") incorporated herein by reference, which Baseline Documentation the parties agree provides an accurate representation of the Building as of the date of this Preservation Restriction; WHEREAS, the Baseline Documentation consists of that certain report entitled "Historic Structure Report, The Hammond A. Hosmer House, Lexington, Massachusetts" prepared by Bargmann Hendrie + Archetype, Inc. and dated November 30, 2010, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit B; provided, however, that the Building consists solely of the "main block" as described therein; {Aoll�sg�.z} 12 WHEREAS, the Town is interested in the preservation and conservation of sites, buildings, and obj ects of local, state and national significance in the Town and is authorized to accept and hold preservation restrictions as defined under M.G.L. c. 184, § 31; and WHEREAS, the Town has selected the Grantor's response to the RFP, which as a condition to such selection, Grantor is required to grant to the Town this Restriction. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing, and for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, Grantor does hereby irrevocably grant and convey unto the Town this Restriction, which shall apply in perpetuity to the Premises subj ect to the terms hereof. 1. Pu ose. It is the purpose of this Restriction to protect the public investment in the relocation and preservation of the historically significant Building by ensuring that the exterior architectural, historic, and cultural features of the Building will be retained and maintained forever substantially in their current condition for preservation purposes and to prevent any use or change to the exterior of the Building that will materially impair or interfere with the Building's preservation values, subj ect to the relocation of the Building to the Premises (the "Relocation"). 2. Grantor's Covenant to Maintain. Grantor agrees at all times to maintain the exterior of the Building in at least the same structural condition and state of repair as that existing on the date of this Restriction (subj ect to the last sentence of this Section) in accordance with applicable local, state and federal laws, rules, bylaws and regulations (collectively, "L� Requirements"), and in accordance with The Sec�eta�y of the I�te�io�'s Standa�ds fo� the T�eatment of Histo�ic P�ope�ties with Guidelines fo� P�ese�ving, Rehabilitating, Resto�ing and Reconst�ucting Histo�ic Buildings (36 C.F.R. 67 and 68), as they may be amended from time to time (the "Secretary's Standards"). If the Secretary's Standards are revoked, then the most recent version of the Secretary's Standards, as the case may be, shall apply to this Restriction as if such version had not been revoked unless the revoked Secretary's Standards are replaced by successor standards, in which event such successor standards shall apply. The Town does not assume any obligation for maintaining, repairing or administering the Building. Once the Relocation contemplated by the RFP has been completed to the reasonable satisfaction of the Town (the "Proj ect Com�letion Date") and pursuant to the requirements of this Restriction, including without limitation, Section 4 hereof, Grantor agrees at all times to maintain the exterior of the Building in at least the same structural condition and state of repair as that existing on the Proj ect Completion Date and in accordance with all Legal Requirements, which include, without limitation, the Secretary's Standards. 3. Prohibited Activities. Except as provided in Section 9, and except for the initial Relocation to the Premises, demolition, removal or razing of the Building or any portion thereof is expressly forbidden. In addition, the following activities are also expressly forbidden: (a) The dumping of ashes, trash, rubbish, or any other unsightly or offensive materials is prohibited on the Premises, except as reasonably required on a {Aoll�sg�.z} 13 temporary basis for proper maintenance and repair of the Building and the Premises; (b) No camping accommodations, mobile homes or cell towers shall be erected or placed on the Premises. Any other building structures shall be constructed in accordance with all applicable laws, including, without limitation, zoning by- laws; (c) No above ground utility transmission lines, except those reasonably necessary for the Building, may be created on the Premises, subj ect to utility easements already recorded; and (d) No barrier shall be constructed, erected or allowed to grow on the Premises which would impair the visibility from the street of the Premises or the Building without the prior written approval of Town, to be granted or withheld in its sole and absolute discretion. 4. Conditional Ri hts Requirin�Approval of the Town. (a) The specifications for the Relocation of the Building shall be governed by the RFP, including the Grantor's response thereto. Any specifications for such Relocation that are not described in the RFP and are material to the architectural, historical, and cultural values of the Building that are the subject of this Restriction, including, without limitation, the siting of the Building on the Premises, the visibility of the Building from the street, and the landscaping on the Premises, shall be subj ect to the prior written approval of the Town, not to be unreasonably withheld, conditioned, or delayed. (b) Except as otherwise provided in this Section 4, changes to the exterior (including fenestration and trim) of the Building, including without limitation, any change to the footprint, size, massing, appearance, materials, ridgeline, Windows, doors, exterior cladding, foundation, roof, chimneys, or other decorative or structural exterior features of the Building or any elements attached thereto, and any permanent substantial topographic changes to the Premises are expressly forbidden on, over or under the Premises without the prior express written approval of the Town, which may be withheld or conditioned in the Town's sole and absolute discretion. Notwithstanding the immediately foregoing sentence, alterations listed as "Minor" in the Restriction Guidelines attached hereto as Exhibit C are considered part of ordinary maintenance and repair and may be made to the Building and the Premises without the Town's approvaL In addition, the erection of any external signs or external advertisements on the Building or the Premises shall be subj ect to all zoning by-laws now or hereafter existing. (c) Should Grantor Wish to exercise the conditional rights set out or referred to in Section 4(b) above, Grantor shall submit to the Town, for the Town's approval, five (5) copies of a written request that includes a description of the proposed activity (including without limitation plans, specifications and designs where appropriate) with reasonable specificity and a timetable for the proposed activity sufficient to permit the Town to monitor such activity. Within thirty(30) days of the Town's receipt of any such request for approval hereunder, the Town shall certify in writing that (i) it approves the plan or request, or (ii) it disapproves the plan or request {Aoll�sg�.z} 14 as submitted, in which case the Town shall provide Grantor with written suggestions for modification or a written explanation for the Town's disapproval. 5. Conditional Ri�hts Requirin� Approval of the Massachusetts Historic Commission. The conduct of archeological activities, including without limitation survey, excavation and artifact retrieval, may occur on the Premises only following the submission of an archeological field investigation plan prepared by Grantor and approved in writing by the Town and the State Archeologist of the Massachusetts Historical Commission (M.G.L. c. 9, § 27C and 950 C.M.R. 70.00). In no event shall the initial Relocation of the Building be deemed to require the approval of the Massachusetts Historical Commission. 6. Standards for Review. The Town shall apply the Secretary's Standards whenever exercising any authority, right or privilege created by this Restriction. If the Secretary's Standards are revoked, then the most recent version of the Secretary's Standards, as the case may be, shall apply to this Restriction as if such version had not been revoked unless the revoked Secretary's Standards are replaced by successor standards, in which event such successor standards shall apply. 7. Grantor's Ri,�hts Not Requirin�Further Approval of Town. Subj ect at all times to the terms and provisions of Sections 3 and 4 of this Restriction, this Restriction does not prohibit, and does not require the Town's approval of, the following rights, uses, and activities of or by Grantor on, over, or under the Premises: (a) the right to Relocate the Building, subj ect to the Town's approval of any specifications required pursuant to Section 4(a), above; (b) the right to engage in all those activities and uses that are permitted by all applicable laws, codes and regulations and are not otherwise inconsistent with the terms and provisions of this Restriction; (c) the right to maintain and repair the Building strictly in accordance with the Secretary's Standards; and (d) the right to make changes of any kind to the interior of the Building that do not affect (i) the structural integrity of the Building and (ii) the characteristics that contribute to the architectural, archeological, or historical integrity of the exterior of the Building. 8. Casualt_y Damage or Destruction. In the event that the Building or any part thereof shall be damaged or destroyed by fire or other casualty, or shall be damaged or destroyed during the Relocation, Grantor shall promptly notify the Town in writing (but in no event later than seven (7) days after such casualty), such notification including what, if any, emergency work has been completed. No repairs or reconstruction of any type other than temporary emergency work to prevent further damage to the Building or to protect public safety shall be undertaken by Grantor without the Town's prior written approvaL Within thirty (3 0) days of the date of damage or destruction, Grantor at Grantor's expense shall submit to the Town a written report prepared by a qualified restoration architect and an engineer acceptable to the Town, which report shall include the following: {Aoll�sg�.z} 15 (a) an assessment of the nature and extent of the damage to the exterior and interior of the Building; (b) a determination of the feasibility of the repair and restoration of the exterior of the Building(or the damaged or destroyed exterior portions thereof); and (c) a detailed description of the repair and restoration work necessary to return the exterior of the Building to the condition existing at the Proj ect Completion Date (or if the Proj ect Completion Date has not yet occurred, then to the condition that the Building is in as of the date of this Restriction). 9. Review After Casualty Dama�e or Destruction. If, after reviewing the report required in Section 8, the Town determines, in its sole discretion, that it is economically feasible for Grantor to repair or restore the Building to the condition that it is in on the Proj ect Completion Date (or if the Proj ect Completion Date has not yet occurred, then to the condition that the Building is in as of the date of this Restriction), Grantor shall do so in accordance with the terms of this Restriction. Grantor shall submit to the Town, within thirty (30) days of Grantor's receipt of the Town's determination that the Building should be repaired or restored, for the Town's prior written approval, plans and specifications for the repair or restoration of the Building along with a construction schedule for such repair and restoration work. The Town shall have sixty (60) days to review such plans, specifications and schedule, and the parties shall proceed under Section 4(b) of this Restriction. If the Town determines, in its sole discretion, by written notice to Grantor, that it is not economically feasible to repair or reconstruct the Building or that the purpose of this Restriction would not be served by such repair or restoration, Grantor may alter, demolish, remove or raze the Building or construct new improvements on the Premises all in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations. In such event, Grantor and the Town may agree to extinguish this Restriction in accordance with applicable laws. Grantor Will use its best efforts to maximize the insurance proceeds available for repair or reconstruction of the Building. Notwithstanding anything in this Section 9 to the contrary, the Town shall not consider whether or not Grantor or its mortgage lender is holding sufficient insurance proceeds to repair or restore the Building as a factor in determining whether it is economically feasible to do so. 10. Insurance. From and after the date of this Restriction, including during the Relocation, Grantor shall keep the Building insured by an insurance company rated "A" or better by A.M. Best for the full replacement value against loss from the perils commonly insured under standard fire and extended coverage policies and comprehensive general liability insurance against claims for personal injury, death and property damage, which policy shall be endorsed to include the Town as an additional insured. Property damage insurance shall include change in condition and building ordinance coverage, in form and amount sufficient to fully replace the damaged Building without cost or expense to Grantor or contribution or coinsurance from Grantor except for a standard deductible. Grantor shall deliver to the Town upon the execution and recording hereof, certificates of such insurance coverage naming the Town as loss payee and additional insured and requiring not less than thirty (30) days prior written notice to the Town before expiration or termination of any such policy. Grantor shall provide to the Town replacement certificates of insurance satisfying the terms and conditions of this Section 10 at least �fteen (15) days prior to the expiration or termination of any such policy or as otherwise {Aoll�sg�.z} 16 required by the Town. Notwithstanding the foregoing, whenever the Premises is encumbered with a mortgage nothing contained in this paragraph shall j eopardize the prior claim, if any, of the mortgagee to such insurance proceeds, less any amounts owed to the Town pursuant to Section 9 above in the case of a casualty in which the Building is not repair or restored, which such amounts shall be senior to any such mortgage. 11. Condemnation. If all or any part of the Premises is taken under the power of eminent domain by a public authority or is otherwise acquired by such authority through a purchase in lieu of a taking, Grantor may commence appropriate proceedings at the time of such taking to recover the full value of Grantor's interest in the Premises, subject to such taking and all incidental and direct damages resulting therefrom. 12. Written Notice. Any notice which either Grantor or the Town may desire to give or be required to give to the other party shall be in Writing and shall be delivered by overnight courier postage prepaid, registered or certified mail with return receipt requested, or hand delivery as follows: To Grantor: To Town: [ ] Town Manager Town of Lexington � � 1625 Massachusetts Avenue [ ] Lexington, MA 02420 with a copy to: with a copy to: [ ] Mina Makarious, Esq. Anderson &Kreiger LLP � � St 50 Mllk Street, 21 Floor [ ] Boston, MA 02109 Each party may change its address set forth herein by written notice to the other party given pursuant to this section. 13. Town of Lexin�ton Historical Commission. The Town shall endeavor to consult ._. with the ToWn of Lexington Historical Commission on any discretionary right or approval held by the Town under this Restriction. 14. Inspection. The Town shall be permitted at reasonable times and upon reasonable notice to Grantor to enter on and inspect the Premises and the Building to determine whether Grantor is in compliance with the terms of this Restriction. 15. Town's Remedies. The Town may, following prior written notice to Grantor, institute suits to enj oin any violation of the terms of this Restriction by ex pa�te, temporary, preliminary or permanent injunction, including without limitation prohibitory and/or mandatory injunctive relief, and to require the restoration of the exterior of the Building to the condition and appearance required under this Restriction. The Town shall also have available all legal and {Aoll�sg�.z} 17 other equitable remedies to enforce Grantor's obligations hereunder. In the event any civil action is commenced and Grantor is found to have violated any of Grantor's obligations or is otherwise liable under this Restriction, Grantor shall reimburse the Town for any costs or expenses incurred in connection with the Town's enforcement of the term of this Restriction, including without limitation all reasonable court costs, and attorney, architectural, engineering and expert witness fees. 16. Runs with the Land. (a) This Restriction and all of the covenants, agreements and restrictions contained herein shall be deemed to be a preservation restriction as that term is defined in M.G.L. c. 184, § 31 and as that term is used in M.G.L. c. 184, §§ 26, 31, 32 and 33. Grantor shall fully cooperate with the Town in its efforts to obtain any government approvals necessary for the perpetual enforcement of this Restriction, including but not limited to the approval of the Commissioner of the MHC as provided under M.G.L. c. 184, § 32. In the event that this Restriction in its current form is not acceptable to MHC for purposes of said approval, Grantor shall cooperate with the Town in making any and all modi�cations that are necessary to obtain said approval. The term of this Restriction shall be perpetual, subject to the provisions of Section 9. To the extent required by applicable law, the Town is authorized to record or file any notices or instruments appropriate to assure the perpetual enforceability of this Restriction. (b) Grantor intends, declares and covenants on behalf of itself and its successors and assigns (i) that this Restriction and the covenants, agreements and restrictions contained herein shall be and are covenants running with the land, encumbering the Premises for the term of this Restriction, and are binding upon Grantor's successors in title, (ii) are not merely personal covenants of Grantor, and (iii) shall bind Grantor, its successors and assigns and inure to the benefit of the Town and its successors and assigns for the term of the Restriction. 17. Title; Authoritv. Grantor hereby represents, covenants and warrants as follows: (a) The execution and performance of this Restriction by Grantor (i) will not violate any provision of law, rule or regulation or any order of any court or other agency or governmental body, and (ii) will not violate any provision of any indenture, agreement, mortgage, mortgage note, or other instrument to which Grantor is a party or by which it or the Premises is bound, and (iii) will not result in the creation or imposition of any prohibited encumbrance of any nature. (b) Grantor will, at the time of execution and delivery of this Restriction, have good and marketable title to the Premises free and clear of any lien or encumbrance except those matters set forth on Exhibit D attached hereto. Grantor represents and warrants that it has obtained the consent of all existing mortgagees of the Premises to the execution and recording of this Restriction and to the terms and conditions hereof and the subordination of all existing mortgages to this Restriction. (c) Grantor shall timely pay all contractors and/or laborers performing work or providing materials for the Building or the Premises so as not to cause or permit any liens, including without limitation mechanics' or materialmens' liens, to be recorded against the {Aoll�sg�.z} 18 Premises. Any such liens recorded against the Premises shall be removed by Grantor or bonded over within thirty(3 0) days thereafter. 18. Submissions and Notices to the Town. Any submission or notice required under this Agreement to be made to the Town shall be made in writing to the Town Manager as set forth in Section 12. If the Town does not respond to any such submission or notice within the timeframes prescribed above, it shall be deemed not approved. 19. Assi nment. The Town may, at its discretion without prior notice to Grantor, convey, assign or transfer this Restriction to a unit of federal, state or local government or to a similar local, state or national organization that is a "qualified organization" under Section 170(h) of the Internal Revenue Code, as amended, whose purposes, inte� alia, are to promote preservation or conservation of historical, cultural or architectural resources, provided that any such conveyance, assignment or transfer requires that the purpose for which the Restriction tivas granted will continue to be carried out 20. Recordin�. Grantor shall do and perform at its own cost all acts necessary for the prompt recording or filing of this Restriction in the Registry, and shall transmit evidence of such recording or filing, including the date and instrument number and book and page or registration number of this Restriction, to the Town. 21. Amendment. This Restriction may only be amended by mutual agreement of the Grantor and the Town, in a written instrument recorded in the Registry. 22. Entire A�reement. This Restriction reflects the entire agreement between the parties. Any prior or simultaneous correspondence, understandings, agreements, and representations are null and void upon execution hereof, unless set out in this Restriction. 23. Governin Law. This Restriction shall be governed by and construed in accordance With the laWs of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. 24. Invalidity of Particular Provisions. If any term or provision of this Restriction, or the application thereof to any person or circumstance shall, to any extent, be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Restriction, or the application of such term or provision to persons or circumstances other than those as to which it is held invalid or unenforceable, shall not be affected thereby, and each term and provision of this Restriction shall be valid and be enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law. 25. Counterparts. This Restriction may be executed in several counterparts and by each party on a separate counterpart, each of which when so executed and delivered shall be an original, but all of which together shall constitute one instrument. [Remainde�ofpage intentionally left blankJ {Aoll�sg�.z} 19 EXECUTED under seal as of the date first written above. GRANTOR: By: Name: Title: COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS COUNTY OF On this day of , ,before me, the undersigned notary public,personally appeared , proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification, which was , to be the person whose name is signed on the preceding or attached document and acknowledged to me that he signed it voluntarily for its stated purpose as of , a . Notary Public: My Commission Expires: {aoll�ss�.z} 20 TOWN OF LEXINGTON, By and through its Select Board COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS COUNTY OF On this day of , ,before me, the undersigned notary public, personally appeared � Members of the Select Board for the Town of Lexington,proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification, which was personal knowledge, to be the persons whose names are signed on the preceding or attached document and acknowledged to me that they signed it voluntarily for its stated purpose as Members of the Select Board for the Town of Lexington. Notary Public: My Commission Expires: {Aoll�sg�.z} 21 APPROVAL BY THE MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL COMMISSION The undersigned hereby certifies that the foregoing preservation restrictions have been approved pursuant to M.G.L. Chapter 184, Section 32. MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL COMMISSION By: Name: Title: COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS COUNTY OF On this day of , ,before me, the undersigned notary public, personally appeared Brona Simon,proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification, which was , to be the person whose name is signed on the preceding or attached document and acknowledged to me that she signed it voluntarily for its stated purpose, as of the Massachusetts Historical Commission. Notary Public: My Commission Expires: {aoll�ss�.z} 22 EXHIBIT A Le�al Description of Premises [NTD: To be inserted after RFP process] {aoll�ss�.2} EXHIBIT B Historic Structure Report, The Hammond A. Hosmer House, Lexin�ton, Massachusetts [see attached] {aoll�sg�.z} EXHIBIT C Restriction Guidelines The purpose of the Restriction Guidelines is to clarify Section 4 of the terms of the Restriction, which addresses exterior alterations to the Building. Alterations of a minor nature, which are part of ordinary maintenance and repair, do not require the consent of the Town. In an effort to explain what constitutes a minor alteration, the following list has been developed. This is not a comprehensive list, and it is provided for illustrative purposes only. It is only a sampling of some of the more common alterations which may be contemplated by building owners. In the event of a conflict between these Guidelines and the Restriction, the Restriction shall control. PAINT Minor - Hand scraping and repainting of non-decorative and non-significant surfaces as part of periodic maintenance. Maj or - Painting or fully stripping decorative surfaces or distinctive stylistic features including murals, stenciling, ornamental woodwork, stone, masonry, decorative or significant original stucco or plaster. WINDOWS AND DOORS Minor - Regular maintenance including caulking, painting and necessary reglazing. Repair or in-kind replacement of existing individual decayed window parts. Maj or - Wholesale replacement of units; change in fenestration or materials; alteration of profile or setback of windoWs. The addition of storm windows is also considered a major change;however,with notification it is commonly acceptable. EXTERIOR Minor - Spot repair of existing cladding and roofing including in-kind replacement of clapboards, shingles, slates, etc. Ma•�or - Large-scale repair or replacement of cladding or roofing. Change involving inappropriate removal or addition of materials or building elements (i.e. removal of chimneys or cornice detailing; installation of architectural detail which does not have a historical basis); altering or demolishing building additions; spot repointing of masonry. Structural stabilization of the property is also considered a maj or alteration. {aoll�sa�.z} LANDSCAPE/OUTBUILDINGS Minor - Routine maintenance of outbuildings and landscape including lawn mowing, pruning,planting,painting, and repair. Maj or - Other than the Relocation, moving or subdividing buildings or property; altering of property; altering or removing significant landscape features such as gardens, vistas, walks,plantings,walls, fences; ground disturbance affecting archaeological resources. HEATING/AIR CONDITIONING/ELECTRICAL/PLUMBING SYSTEMS Minor -Repair of existing systems. Ma•�or - Installing or upgrading systems which will result in maj or exterior appearance changes (i.e. exterior ducts, piping, ventilators, HVAC units); the removal of substantial quantities of original materials in the course of construction. Changes classified as maj or alterations are not necessarily unacceptable. Under the Restriction, such changes must be reviewed by the Town and their impact on the historic integrity of the property assessed. {Aoll�sg�.z} 26 EXHIBIT D Permitted Encumbrances [To be inserted after RFP process] 27 Exhibit B Other Restrictions The Property shall only be used for the following purposes: • Residential use with affordable housing component • Residential use without an affordable housing component • Non-profit or other professional office business use • Arts/Gallery Space • Other uses permitted by the Town's Zoning Bylaw, Chapter 13 5 of the Code of the Town of Lexington for the district in which the Hosmer House is proposed to be moved, and approved by the Select Board 28 Exhibit C Anti-Collusion Statement The undersigned certifies under penalties of perjury that this bid or proposal has been made and submitted in good faith and without collusion or fraud with any other person. As used in this certification the word "person" shall mean any natural person, business, partnership, corporation, union, committee, club or other organization, entity, or group of individuals. Company: Address: City/State: Zip: Telephone: Email: Date of Proposal: Proposer must sign the following in ink: By: Please print name and title of signatory below: Name: Title: Name, signature and company must be the same on each of the following pages of the proposal as they appear above. Indicate which type of organization below: Individual Partnership Corporation Other 29 Exhibit D Formal Identification of Proposer To be completed by all principals and beneficial holders of 5% or more of the stock or other ownership interest of this proposal shall include individuals, corporations,partnerships,j oint ventures and unincorporated associations List all holders of 5% of more ownership interest as specified above and if any of the names are of organizations or corporations furnish complete information for ownership interests that hold more than 5% interest in each of the said organizations. Name Address Percent % % % % % % % % 30 Exhibit E Insurance A�ent Statement (To be filled out with Proposal) We understand the insurance requirements of the proposal and that evidence of insurability may be required within ten(10) days after notification of award. Proposer Insurance Agent Signature Signature Date Date 31 Exhibit F Declaration and Certification The undersigned, as proposer declares under oath that no other person has any interest in this proposal or in any resulting agreement to which this proposal pertains, that this proposal is not made with connection or agreement with any other person(s) and that this proposal is in every respect fair, in good faith,without collusion or fraud. The proposer further declares that he has complied in every respect with all the instructions to proposer,that he has read all addenda, if any issued prior to the opening of proposals and that he has satisfied himself fully relative to all matters and conditions with respect to the general conditions of the agreement and all relevant information to which this proposal pertains. The proposer proposes and agrees if this proposal is accepted to execute the attached purchase and sale agreement found in Exhibit I establishing a formal contractual relationship between the proposer and the Town of Lexington for the performance of all requirements to which this proposal pertains. The proposer further agrees, if this proposal is accepted to post a $500 cash surety with the Town of Lexington which will be refunded only upon the execution of said contract documents. Estimated date of award is on or about with contract to commence on or about The proposer certifies that this proposal is based upon all conditions as listed in the Request for Proposals and that he has made no changes in the proposal specification documents as developed by the Town. The proposer further proposes and agrees, if his proposal is accepted to execute the purchase and sale agreement(Exhibit I)no later than December 31, 2021 for the purpose of establishing a contractual relationship between the proposer and the Town of Lexington for the performance of all requirements to which this proposal pertains. Declaration and Certification Submitted b� Name of firm, corporation or individual Address of firm, corporation or individual By: Name Title If corporation— seal and Secretary's Signature 32 If individual, sole owner or partnership—Two (2) witnesses required Witness Name Address �Vitness Name Address State of C ounty o f Before me, personally appeared, to me well known and know to be the person(s) described herein and who executed the foregoing certification and acknowledge to and before me that executed said certification for the purposes therein expressed. Witness my hand and official seal, this day of 2019 Notary Seal: Notary Signature Commission Expires: 33 Exhibit G Addenda The proposer states that the proposal is based upon the Request for Proposals and addenda, if any, listed by number as follows: Addenda, if any: Number and Date Issued Number and Date Issued Number and Date Issued Number and Date Issued Number and Date Issued Number and Date Issued Number and Date Issued Number and Date Issued Number and Date Issued 34 Exhibit H State Tax Certification Pursuant to Chapter 62C of the Massachusetts General Laws, I certify under the penalties of perjury that the undersigned Proposer complied with all laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts relating to taxes. By: * Signature of individual or Corporate Officer Corporate Name (Mandatory) (Mandatory, if applicable) **Social Security# or Federal Identification# * Approval of a contract or other agreement will not be granted unless this certification clause is signed by the applicant. ** Your Social Security Number will be furnished to the Massachusetts Department of Revenue to determine whether you have met tax �ling or tax payment obligations. Providers who fail to correct their non-filing or delinquency will not have a contract or other a�reement issued, renewed, or extended. This request is made under the authority of Mass. G.L. 62C s. 49A. 35 Exhibit J BILL OF SALE This BILL OF SALE ("Bill of Sale") is made as of , 2020, by The Town of Lexington, acting by and through its Select Board, a Massachusetts municipal corporation situated in Middlesex County(the "Seller"), having an address at 1625 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington, Massachusetts 02420, to [ ], a [ ] (the `Buyer"), having an address of[ ]. RECITALS WHEREAS, Seller is the owner of the real property located at 1557 Massachusetts Avenue, in Lexington, Massachusetts (the "Real Property"), including the building located thereon commonly known as "Hosmer House" (the "Building"); WHEREAS, Seller issued that certain Request for Proposals for the sale, moving and relocation of the Building (the"RFP"), Buyer submitted a response to the RFP, and on [ ] Seller selected Buyer as the successful proposer to such RFP; and WHEREAS, the RFP requires that Seller convey to Buyer, and Buyer desires to acquire from Seller, all of Seller's right, title and interest in and to the Building. NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, S eller and Buyer hereby agrees as follows: 1. Seller does hereby unconditionally, absolutely, and irrevocably grant,bargain, sell, transfer, assign convey, set over and deliver unto Buyer all of Seller's right, title and interest in and to the Building. 2. Buyer shall commence work to remove the Building from the Real Property on or before September 1, 2020, and shall complete such removal on or before September 15, 2020. Such removal shall be at Buyer's sole cost and expense, and shall be pursuant to the terms and provisions of that certain License Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit A. 3. This Bill of Sale shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns. 4. This Bill of Sale and the legal relations of the parties hereto shall be governed by and construed and enforced in accordance With the laWs of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, without regard to its principles of conflicts of law. [Signature Page Follows] IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Seller and Buyer have executed this Bill of Sale as of the date first written above. 36 SELLER: Town of Lexington, By and through its Select Board BUYER By: Name: Title: 37 EXHIBIT K License A�reement This LICENSE AGREEMENT (this "License") is made this day of , 2021,by and between The Town of Lexington, acting by and through its Select Board, a Massachusetts municipal corporation situated in Middlesex County(the "Seller"), having an address at 1625 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington, Massachusetts 02420, to [ ], a [ ] (the "Buyer"), having an address of[ ]. WHEREAS, Seller is the owner of the real property located at 1557 Massachusetts Avenue, in Lexington, Massachusetts (the "Real Property"), including the building located thereon commonly known as "Hosmer House" (the `Building"); WHEREAS, Seller issued that certain Request for Proposals for the sale, moving and relocation of the Building (the"RFP"), Buyer submitted a response to the RFP, and on [ ] Seller selected Buyer as the successful proposer to such RFP; WHEREAS, in accordance with the terms and provisions of the RFP, and pursuant to that certain Bill of Sale of even date herewith to which this License is attached as Exhibit A (the "Bill of Sale"), Seller has conveyed to Buyer all of Seller's right, title and interest in and to the Building; WHEREAS, pursuant to the RFP and the Bill of Sale, Buyer is required to (i) commence work to remove the Building from the Real Property on or before June 30, 2022; and(ii) complete such removal on or before July 30, 2022, which removal shall be at Buyer's sole cost and expense, and otherwise shall be performed in accordance with the terms and provisions of this License; and WHEREAS, Seller and Buyer desire to enter into this License for the purpose of permitting Buyer's access to the Real Property and the removal of the Building therefrom, all in accordance with the terms and provisions hereof. NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and suf�ciency of which are hereby acknowledged, S eller and Buyer hereby agrees as follows: 1. Access. Seller hereby grants to Buyer a temporary license to access the Real Property to undertake the removal of the Building, and the restoration of the Real Property to the condition required by this License, all as contemplated by the RFP (together, the "Work"), and for no other purpose. Buyer shall provide Seller with at least five (5) days' written notice prior to commencing the Work. During the performance of the Work, Buyer shall be responsible for the posting of signs at, erection of temporary fencing around, and/or restriction of public access to such portions of the Real Property as may be reasonably necessary to perform the Work, to the extent such actions are reasonably necessary in the interest of public safety. 38 2. Term. The Term of this License shall be for the period commencing on the date of this Agreement and terminating on July 30, 2022 (the "Term"). [NTD: Discuss penalties for failure to complete the Work prior to the expiration of the Term.] 3. Permits and Approvals. Prior to the commencement of the Work, Buyer shall obtain all necessary permits and approvals for the performance of the Work. Copies of such permits and approvals shall be provided to Seller no later than the date that Buyer commences the Work. 4. Restoration. Immediately following the removal of the Building, Buyer shall perform such work as may be reasonably necessary to [ ][NTD: Town to confirm required condition of remaining footprint following removal], which restoration work shall be deemed part of the Work. Buyer shall substantially complete the Work prior to the expiration of the Term, in a good and workmanlike manner. The Work shall not j eopardize the structural integrity of, or materially affect, the reminder of the Real Property. During the Term, Buyer agrees to keep the Real Property in a clean and sanitary condition and free of any offensive or noxious odors and fumes, and Buyer shall not permit the Real Property to be overloaded, damaged, stripped or defaced, nor suffer any waste. Buyer's obligation restore the Real Property as provided herein shall survive the expiration or termination of the Term. 5. Insurance. Buyer shall require that all of its contractors, subcontractors and consultants obtain and maintain [commercially reasonable][NTD: Town to confirm: specific amount required`?] general liability insurance coverage for liabilities arising out of the performance of the Removal Work. Seller shall be listed as an additional insured on all such insurance policies, and certificates of insurance evidencing the same shall be furnished to Seller prior to the entry of any such contractor, subcontractor or consultant on the Real Property. 6. Indemnification. Buyer's access to the Real Property and performance of the Work is at Buyer's sole risk of bodily hard and property damage. Buyer hereby agrees to indemnify, defend, and save and hold Seller harmless against and from all liabilities, obligations, damages, losses,penalties, claims, actions, costs, charges and expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees,which may be imposed upon or incurred by or asserted against Seller by reason of: (i) Buyer's, or its contractors', subcontractors', or consultants' entry upon the Real Property; (ii) the performance of the Work; (iii) any liens or encumbrances recorded against the Real Property relating to the Work; or(iv) any breach of this License by Buyer, or by Buyer's contractors, subcontractors, or consultants. The provisions of this Section shall survive termination or expiration of this License. 7. Notices. Notices required or permitted under this Agreement shall be given in writing by registered or certified mail,return receipt requested, or by nationally recognized overnight courier, or by hand delivery, at the following addresses: If to Seller: Town of Lexington 1625 Massachusetts Avenue Lexington, MA 02420 Attn: Town Manager 39 with copy to: Anderson &Kreiger LLP 50 Milk Street, 21 st Floor Boston, MA 02110 Attn: Mina Makarious If to Buyer: [ ] � � � � 8. Miscellaneous. a. Buyer shall not assign or otherwise transfer this License or its rights hereunder. b. This License, together with the RFP and the Bill of Sale, contains the entire agreement between the parties and there are no verbal understandings or agreements different from those stated in this License, the RFP, and the Bill of Sale. In order to be effective, any modification of this License must be in writing and signed by both parties. c. This License shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. d. If any provision contained in this Agreement shall be held to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality, or unenforceability shall not affect any other provision hereof, and this Agreement shall be construed as if such invalid, illegal, or unenforceable provision had never been contained herein. e. This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which counterparts shall be an original for all purposes and all of which, taken together, shall constitute one and the same agreement. [Signature Pages Follow] 40 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Seller and Buyer have executed this instrument as of the date first written above. SELLER: Town of Lexington, By and through its Select Board BUYER By: Name: Title: 41