HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-07-09-LCC-min.pdf MEETING OF THE LEXINGTON CENTER COMMITTEE Selectmen' s Meeting Room July 9, 1987 12:00 Noon PRESENT: Chairman Battin, Marian Powell , Ed Barsamian, Mary Hastings , Norma Bogen, Carla Fortmann, David Wells, Bos Ossman, Bill Bowen. Also attending were Leo McSweeney, Jere Frick, John Eddison, Betsy Whitman, and Liz Banks, Lexington Minute-man. BURNED OUT BLDGS/CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL The Chairman reported on the concerns of the Constitution Bicentennial Committee with respect to the boarded-up fronts of the burned outbuildings in the Center and the Committee's wish to have the Center as attractive as possible for the September 17th observance of the bicentennial . Stella Liu' s proposal for posters on the store fronts was discussed and the drawbacks of tearing and vandalism noted. Also, it was thought that because of their small size, the posters would not be effective. Marian Powell , Mary Hastings, Norma Bogen and Marge Battin had suggested paintings commemorating • constitutional events on the store fronts by school children. Mrs. Liu was pleased with the suggestion and will contact appropriate groups to make arrangements for the project. STREET LIGHTING John Murphy, Boston Edison Company, was present for an update of any plans to replace street lights in Lexington Center. Bill Bowen, who had initiated the inquiry, reported on his information that Edison planned to replace failed incandescent fixtures with high pressure sodium. Mr. Murphy reported that Lexington, at this time has incandescent lighting, which could be replaced by high pressure sodium or mercury lights at the request of the Town and at no cost to the Town. He recalled that a test installation of sodium lights had been carried out on Highland Avenue. There had been mixed reaction to the new lights but, Mr. Murphy noted, there had been a saving of $12/year per street light. Mr. Eddison stated that the Selectmen have not yet reviewed the outcome of the test project. Mr. Murphy further explained that although a change in bulb type would be free,the Town would have to cover costs of replacement of fixtures. He noted that eventually, all street lights will be either sodium or mercury, since the fixtures that accommodate incan- descent lights are no longer manufactured and cannot be replaced when they become faulty. However, the choice will the Town 's. Mrs. Battin said the the L.C.C. had reached no conclusion as to a choice of lights in the Center with respect to bulb type or style of fixtures and that the matter would be referred the the Design Subcommittee for incorporation into the larger design plan. H.D.C. HEARING, BURNED OUT BUILDINGS Julian Bussgang asked about the scope of power of the L.C.C. with respect to input and recommendations to the Historic Districts Commission on Salter & Kahn's application -2- L.C.C. Mtg. 7/9/87 for a Certificate of Appropriateness. Although the L.C.C. 's function is advisory only, Mrs. Battin noted that she has asked to be informed of the date of the continued hear- ing so that Committee members can attend and give their views as individuals. BOARD OF APPEALS HEARING, LOADING BAYS An interdepartmental memo distributed by the Board of Appeals on the burned out buildings loading bay issue had been referred to the L.C.C. for comment. Norma Bogen, who had been asked to review the proposal for the Committee, reported that she was unable to give a recommendation on that aspect since it involved a function, not design. She recommended that L.C.C. members attend any hearings or info meetings con- cerning plans for the reconstruction. Julian Bussgang said that the B/A hearing on the loading dock variance is scheduled for July 16th. He advised exploration of the impact on the traffic pattern of the pro- posed placement of the dock. Mrs. Battin asked that the matter be taken up at the end of the meeting to determine if a position should be taken on a response to the Board of Appeals. CROSSWALK OBSERVANCE Plans for a campaign to publicise awareness of crosswalk/jaywalking regulations were recapped by Mrs. Battin. She, Marian Powell and Mary Hastins are working on the project. Additional crosswalk signs , publicity in the Lexington Minute-man , information dis- tributed through the schools , posters and decals in the Center, and a school art contest for poster design are planned for the fall . Mrs. Battin reported that Chief Furdon ' s information from the National Safety Coun- cil showed that attempts to ticket and prosecute jaywalkers had failed in other locali- ties. She proposed education through the schools; better signage; and attention brought to violators, possibly with use of a bull horn or whistle, by the Police. Mrs. Battin Mrs. Hastings and Mrs. Powell felt that enforcement of crosswalk laws for motorists should start now, and noted recent accidents and near misses. She referred to the Selectmen' s position that this intent should have publicity before the enforcement campaign is begun. Mr. Eddison stated that he had been in favor of the project for years but would be opposed to a major crack-down before educating had been undertaken. Mrs. Powell and Mr. Wells felt that the '"Walk/Don't Walk'tycles should be adjusted to give more time for crossing, especially for the elderly. Mrs. Fortmann suggested that "Wait for Walk" signs, and information that diagonal crossing is allowed would be helpful . Mr. Bowen recommended adding warnings to jaywalkers to the motorist alert barrels and felt that there should be a barrel at each crosswalk, except at the lights at Waltham Street. There was general agreement to the installation of additional barrels but not to adding jaywalking warnings. Mr. Eddison suggested that temporary cardboard alert anti-jaywalking signs be in- stalled in the Center if enforcement is to start before the fall art contest and campaign. -3- L.C.C. Mtg. 7/9/87 The Minute-man will publish an article, a letter from the the L.C.C. and an editorial on the subject. Letters will be brought home from the schools to drivers in the family by schoolchildren. Mary Hastings will prepare a draft. PEWTER POT MIRROR Leo McSweeney reported that the mirror formerly located at the exit driveway beside the Pewter Pot had belonged to the Battle Green Inn and suggested asking the Inn for a replacement. Dave Wells felt that warning signs for walkers would also be helpful . The Selectmen will be informed. PROPOSED DECK - LAYOUT Bob Ossman presented map prints of 40 scale and 60 scale that were taken from existing town files of the Engineering and Planning departments. He has requested 50 scale maps that will include extensions from Woburn Street to the Common and a series of reproduction drawings for planting , crosswalk, parking, design, etc. Mr. Eddison stated that an updated version of the previously presented map will be ready in a week or ten days. Templates of possible deck configurations will be drawn after the completed maps are ready. The Committee is considering configurations seen in Burlington , adding a 100-car parking capacity. The Selectmen have requested that the L.C.C. consider a possible fee structure change, with an increase for street parking which would have to be voted by the Board of Selectmen. This will be discussed in conjunction with possible construction of a deck and its attendant operating costs. Reference was made to a report that had been submitted by Norma Bogen regarding qualifying criteria for availability of funding. Mrs. Bogen stated that another possi- bility for funding could be available through the Division of Capital Planning/Trans- portation which would not require a CARD designation for Lexington. Ed Barsamian mentioned a small deck that had recently been built in Arlington and suggested exploring the sources of funding for it. Several location possibilities of the proposed deck were explored i .e. Craft Cleanser site, Muzzey Street, rear of Cary Library. Mrs. Battin added that a memo had been received from the Board of Selectmen regard- ing a request for additional taxi stands in the Center area which will be discussed at the next L.C.C. meeting. Bob Ossman and Norma Bogen will report back to the L.C.C. on the opinions of the Design Advisory Group regarding the various sites and deck design. Norma Bogen and Bill Bowen will further investigate state funding. Mr. McSweeney questioned how much could realistically be expected without the fund- ing issue being stabilized. CLEANING OF THE CENTER A directive will be sent to all food establishments and CVS with input from the L.C.C. , Board of Selectmen, Board of Health, and the Chamber of Commerce strongly urging the need for support of regular clean up efforts in the Center. Trash receptacles of a L.C.C. Mtg. -4- 7/9/87 lare rs everryrsize tan nweveninghto helpucosenntrolaraiidingat brth raccoonnt ns , isdoneback ofentrances recommeand ndatiobrought ns. lNooraw food placed in the dumpsters and regular cleaning of the exhaust fans will also be in- cluded in the directive. The Chamber of Commerce members of the L.C.C. are working with representatives of groups of seniors and young people to help develop a volunteer corp to participate in regular litter removal activities. The areas of litter located directly in front and back of each establishment will be the responsibility of the individial owner. Mr. McSweeney referred to a request of The Coffee Connection for outside tables during the summer months. The problem tofsfew mbarre. els s on oneduzfor zeyrStreetcandnnreet d one the e on Waltham Street was also brought up High at SchoollAdministration on the problem of littering by the students was also addressed. Mrs. Fortmann expressed the desire to compliment those owners who do a good job in the clean up. Ed Barsamian stated that the Health Dept. staff will be enlarged this year so monitoring will be more available. Norma Bogen had attended a meeting of the Board of Appeals on a requested hanging B/Anmefor Cofee Connection. Te Planing etingfalso addressed a variancenrequestrfor d saanew lbuilding e is �att14aMuuzzeynging sStns. The Street. No removal of trees would be necessary for the variance. The Board of Appeals had okayed both the hanging sign and the variance for the new building. DESIGN ADVISORY GROUP Norma Bogen reported on the status of the DAG. Subcommittees have been formed to deal with various aspect of center design and to coordinate all elements as one approach. RE-DESIGN OF EMERY PARK The Transportation Advisory Committee wishes to be involved in the re-design of Emery Park. DONATED FUNDS Several groups have already promised to donate funds for varvarious oussareasrof,of theeL.C.0 project i .e. Arts Council , sculpture; Rotary Club, plantings; MEETING DATE The next meeting of the L.C.C. will be on Thursday, September 24th at noon in the Selectmen' s Meeting Room. BURNED OUT BUILDINGS In response to the issue again raised by Julian Bussgang regarding the possible violtion of thetakeano position.reL.C.C. iinputtwill take place uatdthe sHistoric DistrictshL.C.C.at the building ofhe Commission meeting. Ossman will follow up to see all zoning requirements for site plan review havE been followed. The meeting was adjourned at 2:23 p.m. Marion Snow/Audrey Deshler