HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-04-02-LCC-min.pdf LEXINGTON CENTER COMMITTEE MEETING Selectmen's Meeting Room April 2, 1987 PRESENT: Margery Battin, Norma Bogen, Mary Hastings , David Welles, Robert Ossman, William Bowen, Carla Fortmann, Edward Barsamian. Also in attendance were Joyce Miller, Chairman of the Conservation Commission, Angela Frick, MAPC Representative, Leo McSweeney, Selectman Liaison. ABSENT: Marian Powell MINUTES The minutes of the L.C.C. meeting on March 5, 1987, were approved as corrected. E. BARSAMIAN APPOINTED Edward Barsamian, appointed by the Selectmen on April 1st to fill the unexpired term of Chris Venier, was briefed as to procedures and functions of the Committee. He agreed to serve as a member of the Parking Subcommittee. LEXINGTON CENTER TRAFFIC ITEMS Mrs. Battin referred to CRC and LCC recommendations on several outstanding Center related traffic items, upon which action had never been implemented by the Selectmen. Copies of the votes of the Board, distributed that day, were discussed briefly and in some instances, clarified by Mr. McSweeney. Regarding new signage which will be re- quired, Mrs. Bogen said she is still waiting for help with the redesign from the newly appointed Design Advisory Committee. For the time being, some regulation signs will be installed, possibly to be replaced when the uniform sign design has been developed. MERIAM STREET LOT OVERFLOW REPORT A memo from Frank Fields, Town Engineer, on use and overflow at the Meriam Street Lot was noted. Mr. Fields reported that the only times the "full" sign had been put up in the past 6 months had been when there had been snow storms of 3 inches or more (about 12 to 15 days). I was noted that saturation of the lot had previously been experienced on Fridays, but now includes Thursdays and is creeping back, even though there are fewer businesses in the Center. The Parking Subcommittee was requested to start to work on several items listed in the CRC's "Lexington Center: Managing Change" report under "Access/Parking" . STATE FUNDING, PARKING Mr. Bowen reported on the possibilities of obtaining State funding of "parking structures" stating that, based on his exploration, such grants are available. He gave examples of several successful projects in nearby towns, funded to 75% by the State, with the Town supplying 25%, which can be represented by the land. He felt that money is available to any Town which presents a program of merit. It was agreed that effort should be made to ascertain if money is available, if Lexington would be eligible, -2- and how operating costs for such a "structure" would be handled. Also to be explored is the degree of increase in parking fees for the "structure" which would be accept- able to the Chamber. Mr. Bowen expects to receive info on criteria, etc. from the State in the near future and urged the Committee to proceed as quickly as possible with the proposal . Discussion followed on the question of meters or nb meters as has been done in Arlington, and whether increased parking fees could discourage people from coming to the Center. The Chamber of Commerce 1986 Parking Utilization Study was referenced. The Cham- ber had seen need for another, more formal study and had suggested Town participation with matching $3,000 funding. Chamber representatives will check is such a study is still needed. In any case it should be deferred until the burned out area is rebuilt. Mrs. Bogen suggested that a term other than "Parking Garage" be used i .e. "Off- Street Parking Facility" , "Deck". "Deck" seemed to be favored by most of the Commit- tee. Members all agreed on commitment to a more efficient use of existing space which would be very beneficial to the banks , medical facilities and shops in the area. The Commuter bikepath would also be taken into consideration as to location of a facility. Once groundwork is done, the committee would then go to the Selectmen for funding a feasibility study, possibly in June. The Chamber of Commerce may be approached to see if matching funds are available. Mr. McSweeney will explore the possibility of avail- able monies from the Town authorized Parking Meter funds. Mrs. Frick referred to a parking garage in Medford which was constructed with 90% from the State. The Parking and Traffic subcommittee will be responsible for the compiling of all available infor- mation to be presented to the LCC for review and recommendation. JAYWALKING/CROSSWALKS The committee was in accordance that education on the existing laws would be in order before enforcement of the laws could be implemented. As this would be a joint venture between the Chamber of Commerce and the Town, several options towards this educational goal would be possible such as handouts , posters placed in store windows , signs at the crosswalks . The Chamber , Mary Hastings , will be responsible for the handouts , posters in windows - the Town for crosswalk signs. Jointly responsible for newspaper coverage. A contest will be conducted in the schools via the Art Department for signage design referring to jaywalking , etc. A smaller contest will be conducted referring to "No bike riding or skateboarding in the Center" . Selection will be done by reps of the Chamber, School Dept. and the LCC. SODIUM LIGHTS/POSTED LIGHTS Mr. Bowen reported on the existing 12 posted light fixtures which are in need of new internal bulbs. He noted that the 3 similar lights located at Lexington Square facility are more functional and pleasing but also more expensive. The matter was referred to the Design sub committee. -3- He reported that Boston Edison is replacing street lights on Woburn St. to the Minuteman Statue with orange high pressure sodium lights . Edison could replace lights at no cost to the Town at our request. Mr. Bowen feels that the replacements improve visibility on the sidewalk and are more pleasing but some trees react negatively to this type of lighting , and the point source of lighting is not visible. Mr. Ossman, who is familiar with various types of lighting stated that the original Edison invention of incandescent bulbs are, in reality, the best color and cost effective. The group will review lighting in other communities. LCC MEETING - MAY May 21 , 1987 at 12 : 00 Noon, Selectmen"s Meeting Room - next LCC meeting. Note change of date. Three members of the DAG will be assigned to the LCC ' s Design subcommittee Members Bogen, Ossman and Hastings. Progress reports will be due at the next meeting from Parking/Traffic subcommittee re: decks, Design subcommittee re: work plan, Mary Hastings re: signs , handouts , etc. for jaywalking. Mr. McSweeney reported on status of the Police Booth which will be built elsewhere and installed here. There will be discussion at the May meeting regarding a possible night meeting in June in which a field trip to view lights and parking decks will be incorporated. The meeting was adjourned at 1 :45 P.M. Respectfully submitted Marion Snow/Audrey Deshler