HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-08-23 SB Packet - Released SELECT BOARD MEETING Monday,August 23, 2021 Conducted by Remote Participation* 7:00 P M AGENDA PUBLIC COMMENTS Public comments are allowed for up to 10 minutes at the beginning of each meeting. Each speaker is limited to 2 minute s fo r c o mment. Memb ers o f the B o ard will neither c o mment no r re s p o nd, o ther than to ask questions of clarif"ication. Speakers are encouraged to notify the Select Board's Office at 781-698- 45 80 if they wis h to s p eak during pub lic c o mment to as s is t the C hair in managing meeting times. SELECT BOARD MEMBER CONCERNS AND LIAISON REPORTS 1. Select Board Member Concerns and Liaison Reports TOWN MANAGER REPORT CONSENT AGENDA 1. Approve S elect Board Meeting Minutes 2. Ap p ro ve T heater L ic ens e R enewals 3. Water and S ewer Adjustments ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION 1. Public Hearing:All-Alcohol Package Store Liquor License- Lexington Fine Wines, 7:lOpm LLC, 1686 Massachusetts Avenue 2. P ublic Hearing:No is e BylaW S p ecial P ermit- S ewer Line F lushing 7:25pm 3. Public Hearing:Noise Bylaw Special Permit-Patriots' Day Cleanup Activities 7:30pm 4. Approve Fleet Electrif'ication Policy 7:35pm 5. Approve Affordable Housing Study Committee Charge 7:45pm 6. Water and S ewer Ab atement Ap p eal- 3 P atric ia Terrac e 8:OOp m 7. Battle Green Use Request- Lexington Minute Men Participation in Celebration of 8:20pm Life Event in Honor of Dan H. Fenn, Jr. 8. Hosmer House Follow Up Discussion Regarding 41 Hancock Street Location 8:25pm ADJOURN 1. Anticipated Adjournment 8:45pm *An Act Extending Certain COVID-19 Measures: https://www.mass.gov/service-details/updated- guidance-on-holding-meetings-pursuant-to-the-act-extending-certain-covid-l9-measures Members of the public can view the meeting webina�from thei�computer o�tablet by clicking on the following link at the time of the meeting: https://zoom.us/j/91250282228?pwd=UkhzazFrT OdUMk55MEFhNFkvRVhjUT 09 iP ho ne o ne-tap: +13126266799„91250282228# or+19294362866„91250282228# Telephone:+1 312 626 6799 or+1 929 436 2866 or+1 301 715 8592 or+1 346 248 7799 or+1 669 900 6833 or+1 253 215 8782 Webinar ID:912 5028 2228 Passcode:089301 The next scheduled work session of the Select Board will be held on Monday,August 30, 2021 at 7:OOpm via remote participation. T he next regularly s c hedule d meeting o f the S elec t B o ard will b e held o n Mo nd ay, S ep temb er 13, 2021 at 7:OOp m via remo te p artic ip atio n. Hear�ing Assistance Devices Available on Request � All agenda time and the o�de�of items a�e app�ximate and � � �,�„ subject to change. Recarded by LexMedia AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Select Board Member Concerns and Liaison Reports PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: S elect Board Members LR.1 S UMMARY: Please see the attached Select Board Member Concerns and Liaison Reports for the August 23, 2021 meeting. Und er this item, S elec t B o ard Memb ers c an als o c o mment o n any ad d itio nal p o ints and c o nc erns. SUGGESTED MOTION: FOLLOW UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 8/23/2021 ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � ���w��aM��,�,.�f������,����:.����r��;����u����������]Il:.....;m��:���.���.���������°���,,,.�:���������:���,���� �:���➢�:��� II���������. Select Board Concerns and Liaison Reports—August 23, 2021 Jill Hai: Special Permit Residential Development(SPRD)Zoning Bylaw Amendment Ad Hoc Committee • SPRD met on 8/17 and voted to bring their proposal to Annual Town Meeting, as a follow up to the Planning Board's OSRD (Open Space Residential Development) proposal which will be coming to Special Town Meeting in the fall. Planning Board • The Planning Board voted last week to ask for 5 zoning articles and 1 general article to be included in a Special Town Meeting Warrant.They will begin advertising for public hearings on 8/16,to be held in September. Suzie Barry: Lexington Council for the Arts(LCA) met on August 4, 2021 via Zoom • The Council will be beginning their annual grant process over the next few weeks. • The Council is interested in auctioning off the painted doors from the `Go Outdoors" outdoor art installation (doors are located along the bike path in 2 locations and at Lexington High School on Worthen Road) as a fundraiser this fall • The Council expressed interest in having a booth at Discovery Day in October. • The next outdoor art project the Council is looking to undertake is the painting of utility boxes around town. They have been in conversation with the Recreation Department about utility boxes in parks/at athletic fields, Department of Public Works and the Historic Districts Commission as they look to move this project forward. • On a side note, I facilitated a meeting with the two co-chairs of LCA with Melissa Battite of Recreation and Community Programs, Christine Dean, Community Center Director, Melissa Interess, Director of Human Service and Koren Stembridge, Cary Library Director to introduce everyone to each other and brainstorm ideas of how LCA can work with the above mentioned Departments to bring visual and performing arts to their locations (inside and outside) and also discussed potential collaborative program offerings. It was a great meeting with a lot of out of the box thinking and brainstorming....stay tuned! Cultural District Small Workgroup met on August 5,2021 in a hybrid manner. • This meeting followed a late July meeting where key stakeholders from the Workgroup and a member from the Massachusetts Cultural Council (MCC) met to have a preliminary discussion and Q&A about Lexington's application and the process MCC requires. • The workgroup began the discussion of defining terms and how to break down and assign the different parts of the application. Recreation Committee met on August 18,2021 via Zoom • Deepika Sawhney is now the School Committee Liaison to the Recreation Committee with Kathleen Lenihan as alternate. • Christian Boutwell was unanimously approved by the Recreation Committee to serve as the Recreation Liaison to the Greenway Corridor Committee (GCC). • The Recreation Committee voted unanimously to amend the Athletic Field & Facility Policy to allow for the Center Track lights to stay on for 2 hours after sunset or 9 pm whichever is the earlier of the two times on Monday thru Thursday nights. • The Recreation Committee reviewed the 5 Year Recreation Capital Plan for FY23-FY27. Design Advisory Committee(DAC) • The Design Advisory Committee did not hold a meeting this month but were invited to attend the Permanent Building Committee meeting on Thursday,August 19, 2021 via Zoom as individuals to hear the update on the Police Station project. I did not attend the PBC meeting so lool<forward to an update from Mr.Sandeen if he attended. Mark Sandeen: Lexington Bicycle Advisory Committee • The Bike Advisory Committee Chair is moving out of Lexington and another committee member whose term is ending in September will not be reapplying.The Bike Advisory Committee is now looking for two new members. IVoise Advisory Committee • The Noise Advisory Committee has scheduled a public outreach session on September 2nd at 7PM with the goal of hearing feedback from the entire community and all stakeholders on strategies and timing for phasing in the use of electric leaf blowers. Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee • The Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee will be holding a public forum on housing in Lexington on September 21, 2021 at 7:OOpm.Town staff have created a website to provide information to the community on the Comprehensive Plan process. LexingtonNext.org Permanent Building Committee(PBC) • The Permanent Building Committee (PBC) reviewed a project timeline presented by the design team which anticipates construction start in August 2022 if the Police HQ project is approved at Annual Town Meeting.The PBC voted unanimously to request that the Town Manager give access to all the raw data coming out of the community conversation on policing conducted by the Select Board with the design team.The PBC also voted unanimously to request that the scope of work for the Police HQ design team should include the solar array, Fletcher Park utilization, and associated infrastructure. AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approve Select Board Meeting Minutes PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: Doug Luc ente, S elect B o ard Vic e- Chair C.1 S UMMARY: The S elect Board is being asked to approve the S elect Board meeting minutes of • May 17, 2021 • Augus t 2, 2021 • Augus t 9, 2021 SUGGESTED MOTION: To approve and release the S elect Board meeting minutes of: • May 17, 2021 • Augus t 2, 2021 • Augus t 9, 2021 Move to approve the consent. FOLLOW UP: S elec t B o ard O ffic e DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 8/23/2021 ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � ����.�l��'III"���;����,:�� ��µ�����f�������,;��a���.���,:���������'�v`�� ����;��.��� Il��.���u���,��. � ������,,�.�"���������I�a����ra����c�����°����.��������r��.��:������w����d�;� �:����c����� I[���:������. � ���f�.��9]II"��������:�:.��:����������.������£��ur���������w�����m�:� �I��������� II��.�;���:��. SELECT BOARD May 17,2021 A remote participation meeting of the Lexington Select Board was called to order at 7:02 PM. on Monday,May 17, 2021 via Zoom meeting services. Select Board Chair Ms. Hai;Vice Chair Mr. Lucente; and members Mr. Pato; Ms. Barry; and Mr. Sandeen were present, as well as Mr. Malloy, Town Manager; Ms. Axtell,Deputy Town Manager; Ms. Katzenback,Executive Clerk; and Michael Gibbons,Recording Secretary. Ms. Hai stated that the meeting was being held in accordance with Governor Baker's March 12, 2020 Executive Order suspending certain provisions of the Open Meeting Law to allow remote participation during Massachusetts' state of emergency due to the outbreak of Covid-19. Ms. Hai provided directions to members of the public,watching or listening via the Zoom application, regarding the procedure for making a public comment. Ms. Hai reminded Board members, staff, and members of the public about Lexington's Standard of Conduct regarding civil discourse during Town Government meetings. ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION 1. Appoint Muzzey Administrator This agenda item Was withdrawn. Mr. Malloy explained that,during the past week, Town Counsel spoke with Regional Housing Services Officer(RHSO)Liz Rust and determined that the course of action scheduled for discussion--that the RHSO be designated as the Muzzey Administrator is not allowable. Mr. Malloy reported,however,that designating either the Lexington Housing Assistance Board(LexHAB) or the Town Manager would be possible. Either entity could then contract With the RHSO for service. ACTION ITEMS: Mr. Malloy will speak with LexHAB about how to proceed. This item will come back before the Board at a later time. Z. Joint Meeting Select Board,Planning Board,Lexington Housing Assistance Board,Housing Partnership Board,Appropriation Committee and Capital Expenditures Committee: Discuss Alternative Affordable Housing Funding and Operation Models Present at Joint Meeting Were: Select Board(SB): Ms. Hai;Mr. Lucente;Mr. Pato;Ms. Barry; Mr. Sandeen. Planning Board(PB): Mr. Peters;Ms. Thompson; Mr. Creech. Lexington Housing Partnership Board(HPB): Ms. Foutter; Ms.Weiss;Ms. Haskell,Ms. Thompson; Ms. VValker; and Ms. Cole. Lexington Housing Assistance Board(LexHAB): Mr.Burbidge;Mr. Liu; Ms.Wood; Mr. Howell;Mr. Kennedy. Appropriation Committee(AC): Mr.Parker; Ms.Muckenhoupt;Mr.Michelson;Mr. Ahuja; Mr. Levine; Mr. Padaki; Ms. Yan; Mr. Berenstein. 1 Capital Expenditures Committee(CEC): Mr. Lamb; Ms.Beebe; Mr. Cole; Mr. Smith; Mr. Kanter,Ms. Manz. Also present: Carol Kowalski,Assistant Town Manager for Development; Amanda Loomis,Town Planner; Marilyn Fenollosa, Chair of the Lexington Community Preservation Committee (CPC); Pam Hallett,Executive Director of the Lexington of the Housing Corporation of Arlington; Liz Rust,Regional Housing Services Office(RHSO); Austin Anderson,Anderson Kreiger LLP/Town Counsel; Christine Foley,Executive Director of Lexington Housing Authority. The purpose of the Joint Meeting was to hear a presentation about two alternative operational tools for affordable housing: municipal affordable housing trusts and housing development corporations and to collectively discuss forming a subcommittee/working group which would develop a recommendation for review by the attending boards and committees. Such a working group could include representatives from LexHAB,the Community Preservation Committee,the Regional Housing Services Office,Town Counsel, and others. Ms. Kowalski,Ms. Rust, and Ms. Hallet presented the information to be considered. Ms. Kowalski suggested that adopting both afore mentioned tools in tandem would provide oversight plus flexibility and also transition the brunt of responsibility from LexHAB to a newly-created affordable housing entity. Affordable Housin Trust: Ms. Kowalski described affordable housing trusts as akin to managed bank accounts in that they can receive Community Preservation funds with Town Meeting approval and also receive linkage fees,transfer tax fees,gifts, and grants. They are municipal bodies adopted by a simple maj ority vote of Town Meeting. Lexington's, if created,would be operated by the Town's Finance Department. Select Board approval could be required for the real estate transactions the affordable housing trust undertakes. State Legislation requires a Select Board member to serve on the Board of Trustees. It is also required for Select Boards to appoint the trustees of affordable housing trusts. Affordable housing trusts can provide financial support for affordable homes being constructed by developers in collaboration with the Town and trusts can also rehabilitate existing homes.A trust provides liquidity to act quickly as opportunities arise. It can also develop surplus municipal property; preserve properties that are facing expiration of their affordability; and create programs to assist first time low-and moderate-income homebuyers. HoWever,Ms. Kowalski said, on its own, a trust is not ideal for developing houses because,like any other Town department, a housing trust is subject to all laws, including and especially the 30B Procurement Law. Housing Development Corporation: A housing development corporation,Ms. Kowalski said, is a better tool for developing affordable housing. Depending on how much control a Town wants,it can determine whether to have some or none of the costs and it can avoid delays that currently hinder LexHab. It can also be a 501(c)(3)tax exempt corporation. There is no formal oversight of a housing corporation by the Select Board but the corporation does partner with the Town and it engages with the public regularly.Additionally,Town Meeting could still approve funding for maj or proj ects while smaller proj ects could proceed through the corporation without needing to wait for Town Meeting approval. 2 If, as suggested,both tools are adopted,the process would be to approve an affordable housing trust by simple maj ority of Town Meeting through review and approval of a bylaw. In parallel,the Select Board would appoint a board of trustees. The Town would simultaneously develop articles of incorporation for a housing development corporation, establish a board of directors, and then transition LexHab to the Housing Development Corporation. Ms. Hallet,Housing Corporation of Arlington(HCA),related the history and traj ectory of the HCA, noting that as time has gone on,the organization has changed its focus and strategies to increase the number of units it can develop and create.Ms. Hallet enumerated the many layers of funding sources that can be tapped to contribute to affordable housing development. Ms. Hallet reported that the Housing Corporation of Arlington is a totally independent organization, a separately incorporated 501(c)(3). It has its own board of directors who meet monthly to organize, set policy, and determine where the organization is going. The HCA works very closely with the Town especially with the Planning Department;the Redevelopment Board; the Zoning Board of Appeals; and the Select Board,particularly when Community Development Block Grants (CDBGs) are part of a proj ect's funding portfolio. Three thousand Arlington residents are HCA members. They support the organization and generously donate funds.When annual meetings are held,over 100 people attend. Members elect the Board of Trustees. There is also a social services arm that works closely with Town social service agencies. Ms. Hallet said she believes the blended model being proposed tonight is similar to the Housing Corporation of Arlington and would make it much easier for Lexington to design and create more affordable housing. Mr. Liu(LexHab) asked how many board members the HCA has,how long their terms last, and what roles board members play. Ms. Hallet replied that there are ten board members with terms that range from nine to fifteen years. Members come from a variety of backgrounds: architects, attorneys,non-profit staff people, and interested community members. Executive Board of�cers run meetings,keep an eye on finances,take meeting minutes,and authorize loan documents, among other duties. There is also a paid staff of four. Mr. Peters(PB) asked if the HCA had considered purchasing deed restrictions.Ms. Hallet reported that the idea had come up with regard to condominiums but the idea was ultimately rejected because the HCA would not have a large enough voice on any condominium governance board. Mr. Peters(PB) said it seems that transitioning LexHAB to another entity would require a lengthy process. Mr. Kanter(CEC) said that while he endorses the idea of forming a subcommittee to look into this issue, he does not like the idea of a working group because it would not have public oversight vis-a-vis Open Meeting Laws. For that reason,he prefers the formation of an ad hoc or standing committee instead.Mr. Kanter thinks that Lexington might not have the same results as Arlington in terms of housing creation because they are geographically dissimilar. He has no obj ection to the formation of a trust or to making funds more available than they are through the current Affordable Housing Stabilization Fund but he feels the autonomy that a housing corporation would have is a big philosophical switch for Lexington. He recommends looking into what is being proposed but not expecting identical success or forming an identical organizational/oversight structure. 3 Ms. Hallet clarified that all funding for HCA from CPA, CDBG etc. flows under Town Meeting oversight. Melinda Wall�er(HPB)asked for more detail about what a CDBG is; how funding from multiple sources is cobbled together; and how long that process takes. She believes it is important for people to understand that the process is complicated. Ms. Hallet explained that Community Development Block Grant funding comes to Arlington and to other municipalities through a complex State-devised formula. Using a specific proj ect to illustrate,Ms. Hallet said Arlington has about 15 different funding sources that provided a budget of$24M, of which$16M is for construction costs. The funding sources in this case include CDGB, local lenders such as Leader Bank,Brookline Bank,TD Bank,PCI Loan Fund(insurance company consortium funding established to make up for redlining practices),HOME funds (federal grant), CPA,Enterprise Communities, and the Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development(DHCD),which is a source of low- income housing tax credits and access to secondary mortgages. Ms. Foutter(HPB) asked Ms. Hallet to explain about becoming a certified Community Development Corporation(CDC) and the complexity of the application process for low-income tax credits through the DHCD. Ms. Hallet said there is a significant checklist to be followed for becoming a CDC which takes about 3 months to complete. Once certified, a Town gains access to the Community Investment Tax Credit program. Ms. Hallet said that the CDC has provided Arlington with an access to an increasing amount of funding over the years,including from local banks. Mr. Padaki(AC)asked Ms.Hallet if inembers of Arlington's Select Board sat on the HCA board and if the HCA budget includes funds for legal support. Ms. Hallet answered both questions in the negative. Mr. Padaki(AC)asked who would have oversight of a housing corporation. Ms. Kowalski said the Housing Corporation would have to follow the Town's zoning bylaws, including the potential for a Special Permit or a Comprehensive Permit for a friendly 40B which is a collaborative effort between a town and a developer. Mr. Padaki(AC)asked if the Community Preservation funding that goes into the trust can be appropriated or if it goes only one way, into the trust and not back out again.Ms.Kowalski,Ms. Fenollosa, and Ms. Rust clarified that the CPA funds go through Town Meeting,like any other appropriation, and then into the proj ect,which in this case is the funding of the trust. Rescinding of the funds by Town Meeting that are appropriated to the trust is theoretically possible,but cumbersome. Ms. Manz(CEC)asked Ms. Hallet how the HCA was able to fund its start-up costs. Ms. Hallet said that at the beginning,the HCA had a volunteer Executive Director,then a paid part-time Director who was funded through donations.A fundraising appeal still goes out every year; the money goes into Arlington's Homelessness Prevention Fund. Typically, $30,000 to $50,000 is raised annually.Funds are used to help people who are behind in rent or to move those in unstable living situations into more secure arrangements. Ms. Manz(CEC)asked what happens when a proj ect runs up against a small but irreducible amount of opposition. Ms. Hallet said in that case,when the project enjoys the support of the Select Board,Planning Board,ZBA,Town Manager,Arlington Redevelopment Board, and Town Meeting,the project goes forward despite intransigent opposition. She reported that over time,trust has been built between the HCA,the Town, and residents so opposition has become less of a knee j erk response to any/all proposed 4 affordable housing development. Town Meeting approval is required, a process which requires outreach and education. Mr. Sandeen(SB) asked how much of the funding for a project comes from local sources and how much from outside sources.Ms. Hallet said a very small percentage of funds is local. Mr. Sandeen(SB) asked what benefits besides financial there are to forming a CDC. Ms. Hallet said that the independence and separation from the municipality provides outside funders with a sense that you are not overly reliant on ToWn appropriations or too inflexible. During the pandemic,community contributions tripled to the Homelessness Prevention Fund. Also, outside funders rarely give to a Town government but they do give to a 501 c 3. Town Counsel Anderson added that non-Town entities are also not subj ect to procurement laws. Mr. Burbidge(LexHAB)noted that Ms.Kowalski had stated previously that procurement rules might or might not apply, depending on the funding source in question. Ms.Kowalski confirmed this was the case, adding that some funding might come with terms and conditions that would made adherence to procurement laws obligatory. Mr. Burbidge(LexHAB) asked if a potential donor could earmark funds for LexHab or any other entity. Ms. Rust said that property can be left to specific entities but each situation comes with its own set of particulars. Mr. Michelson(AC)asked if Arlington has an affordable housing trust. Ms. Hallet said that Town Meeting set up such a trust just last year and passed a transfer fee.Neither has officially been established yet so there is no track record to able to draw any conclusions. However,Arlington has been able to access funding via the State's Affordable Housing Trust/Mass Housing/DHCD for second and third mortgages and soft costs. Unit costs on recent projects range between$350,000 and$500,000,which was deemed far less than Lexington's recent per unit cost. Mr. Michelson(AC)asked how maintenance and upkeep costs are covered.Ms. Hallet said, in addition to the rents collected,Arlington has given the HCA its CDBG funds (about$150,000-$200,000/year)which supports the capital improvements program for new roofs,kitchen updates,new heating systems, insulation, etc. Ms. Fenollosa(CPC)asked how the constraints of CPA funding are handled if the money goes into a corporation that is separated from the Town.Ms. Hallet said,regarding CPA funds,the HCA signs a very clear document that stipulates how the CPA money can be used. The document also makes clear that if funds are not used in the agreed-upon way,they can be called back. CPA funds also are not automatically sought for appropriation;they are transferred through a proj ect-by-proj ect requisition process. Once committed documents and grants are signed, CPA funds can be applied for. Mr. Anderson,Town Counsel, clarified that the trust would be the recipient of the CPA funds,not the corporation. The trust would then disperse the funding to the corporation for specific purposes. Ms. Rust confirmed that the trust is obligated to follow all CPA rules. The Town could be libel to legal action if CPA funds were improperly used,but the likelihood of that occurring is minimal since the Town would have oversight of the trust. Mr. Kennedy(LexHAB) asked how operating expenses are funded and if rental income covers all operating costs. Mr. Hallet said she fundraises for operating expenses for property management,which the corporation pays. She separately raises operational expenses. 5 Ms. Foutter(HPB)read a statement from absent HPB member Bob Pressman which expressed support for the creation of a trust because it is more nimble and able to act quickly on the occasion that properties of interest become available. The Select Board determined that it had enough information to discuss the formation of subcommittee/working group at a later date. ACTION ITEMS: The Board will discuss establishing a subcommittee or working group to discuss the pros and cons of the information and deliver a recommendation. DOCUMENTS: Overview of Affordable Housing Trusts and Development Corporations; Alternative Affordable Housing Funding and Operation Models ADJOURN Upon a motion duly made and seconded,the Select Board voted 5-0 by roll call to adj ourn the meeting at 9:00 p.m. All assembled boards and committees likewise adj ourned. A true record; Attest: Kim Siebert,Recording Secretary 6 SELECT BOARD MEETING August 2, 2021 A remote participation meeting of the Lexington Select Board was called to order at 7:06 PM. on Monday,August2, 2021,2021 via Zoom meeting services. Select Board Chair Ms. Hai;Vice Chair Mr. Lucente; and members Mr. Pato; Ms. Barry; and Mr. Sandeen were present, as well as Mr. Malloy, Town Manager; Ms. Axtell,Deputy Town Manager; and Ms.Katzenback,Executive Clerk. Ms. Hai stated that the meeting was being conducted via Zoom as posted,with the agenda on the ToWn's website,as well as being broadcast live through LexMedia services. She noted that some members and staff were participating from the Select Board meeting room using the Meeting Owl Pro device to test the technology for hybrid meeting participation. Ms. Hai provided directions to members of the public,watching/listening,regarding the procedure for making a comment via zoom at this Public Listening Session. Approximately thirty three residents connected via zoom to attend this public listening session meeting. Ms. Hai reminded Board members, staff,and members of the public about Lexington's Standard of Conduct regarding civil discourse during Town Government meetings. ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION 1. Public Listening Session Regarding the Potential to Move the Hosmer House to 41 Hancock Street Mr.Malloy stated that the Hosmer House will need to be either relocated or demolished since it lies within the footprint of the proposed new police station. Mr. Malloy said the Town is considering putting out a new Request for Proposal(RFP)to move the Hosmer House.He said the Town previously issued a RFP in 2020 to move the Hosmer House,however no award was made to either bidder of this RFP. In early 2021, Town staff identified 70 parcels of buildable Town-owned parcels to revieW for appropriateness. Additionally, the owners of 41 Hancock Street indicated their interest to have their lot considered. A list of approximately 71 lots was reviewed by the Historic Districts Commission and the Historical Commission. Their recommendation upon review of this list was that two properties, 41 Hancock Street and 3 Harrington Road would be appropriate lots to consider for the Hosmer House relocation. Mr.Malloy noted that the Select Board had voted twice before that they were not in favor of relocating the Hosmer House to 3 Harrington Road and they wanted to hear feedback from public and abutters regarding the consideration of 41 Hancock Street before putting forth a new RFP for the relocation of the Hosmer House. Mr. Malloy said that the RFP would be to sell the Hosmer House as personal property to the successful bidder. The successful bidder,in turn,would then arrange for the Hosmer House to be removed from Town property and relocated to their site. Mr. Malloy noted that the relocation and renovation of the Hosmer House must comply with any and all Town regulations,including Zoning and Historic District Commission approvals,when it is moved to any parcel including 41 Hancock Street. Ms. Hai opened the floor for public comment regarding the potential to move of the Hosmer House to 41 Hancock Street. Jon Himmel, 66 Hancock Street, recommended that the RFP should include a statement of design intent and include a design of the building footprint, elevations and landscape site plan. Cristian de la Huerta, 25 Hancock Street, said he was opposed to having the Hosmer House moved to 41 Hancock Street stating he did not feel this speci�c parcel of land was appropriate. Mr. de la Huerta also expressed concern to the potential of drainage issues that may occur with development on this lot. Tom Defay, 43 Hancock Street, questioned if 41 Hancock Street met all the criteria for a house to be built on the lot. Mr. Malloy replied that the any house put onto that lot would be subj ect to any and all Town regulations and requirements. Tad Dickenson, 48 Hancock Street, stated he would like more details on the process and the timeline for moving the Hosmer House. David Kanter,48 Fifer Lane, Capital Expenditures Committee Vice Chair, said he would like to hear what the plan will be in the event a location is not determined for the move of the Hosmer House. Dawn McKenna, 9 Hancock Street, stated she feels that the RFP should provide flexibility to receive submissions for the Hosmer House to be moved to any parcel of land in order for the Select Board to consider all options. Eileen Kahan,44 Hancock Street,stated she was opposed to the Hosmer House being moved to 41 Hancock Street citing she also concerned of possible drainage issues when building on that lot. Taylor Singh, 40 Hancock Street, stated she was in opposition of the Hosmer House being moved to 41 Hancock Street. John Himmel, 66 Hancock Street, suggested the RFP require submission of elevation views from all sides of property as well as site walls. Bob Pressman, 22 Locust Street, asked if the new RFP would allow bidders to propose another site under that person's control or will the RFP be limited to certain parcels. Betsey Weiss, 8 Dover Lane, Housing Partnership Board Vice Chair, stated she was opposed to moving the Hosmer House to 41 Hancock Street and feels the Select Board should reconsider moving the Hosmer House to 3 Harrington Road. Upon hearing no further comments,Ms. Hai, on behalf of the Board,thanked all those attended and for the feedback provided. ADJOURN Upon a motion duly made and seconded,the Select Board voted 5-0 by roll call to adj ourn the meeting at 7:47 p.m. A true record; Attest: Kim Katzenback Executive Clerk SELECT BOARD MEETING August 9,2021 A remote participation meeting of the Lexington Select Board was called to order at 7:01 P.M. on Monday,August 9,2021 via Zoom meeting services. Select Board Chair Ms. Hai;Vice Chair Mr. Lucente; and members Mr. Pato; Ms. Barry; and Mr. Sandeen were present,as well as Ms.Kosnoff, Assistant Town Manager for Finance/Acting Town Manager;Ms. Katzenback, Executive Clerk. Mr. Malloy, Town Manager and Ms.Axtell,Deputy Town Manager were absent as they were out of town. Ms. Hai stated that the meeting was being conducted via Zoom as posted with the agenda on the Town's website. Ms. Hai provided directions to members of the public,watching/listening via the Zoom application,regarding the procedure for making a public comment. Ms. Hai reminded Board members, staff,and members of the public about Lexington's Standard of Conduct regarding civil discourse during Town Government meetings. PUBLIC COMMENT Valerie Overton,25 Emerson Gardens, said she has noticed that the standing agenda for an update on the status of Lexington's racial and social justice initiatives has dropped off recent agendas. She wondered if this was deliberate and asked the Board to consider including periodic reports on the status of racial/social initiatives, outcomes, and next steps. SELECT BOARD MEMBER CONCERNS AND LIAISON REPORTS In addition to her submitted written report,Ms. Hai noted that she had forwarded to the Select Board a copy of the Town of Belmont's recently passed Mask Mandate Policy for their information. Ms. Hai said she and Board of Health Chair Dr. Heiger-Bernays are scheduled to meet later in the week and would be discussing masking protocols. Mr. Pato said he would like to have a Board discussion about a Mask Mandate Policy,preferably sometime this week, as soon as Open Meeting Law scheduling rules apply. Mr. Sandeen and Ms. Barry agreed, although Ms. Barry acknowledged that timing a meeting for this week could be difficult for her. Mr. Lucente agreed but said he feels such a meeting should be held as soon as possible. Mr. Sandeen noted that the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has released a new report stating changes to the climate are occurring 10 years earlier than formerly predicted.Mr. Sandeen asked the Board to consider scheduling an update on what the Town of Lexington is doing vis-a- vis sustainability and Zero Emissions and to also reflect what actions the Town should take considering this acceleration. Mr. Pato said the Sustainable Lexington Committee originally intended to schedule an update to the Board in the fall of 2021 but, in the face of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report,the Sustainable Lexington Committee may want to schedule the update sooner. ACTION ITEMS: Ms. Katzenback will poll the Board for their dates of availability for a Joint Meeting with the Board of Health regarding meeting about a mask mandate policy. DOCUMENT: Select Board Concerns and Liaison Reports August 9,2021 1 CONSENT AGENDA 1. Select Board Committee Appointments &Resignations Resi�nations: To accept the resignation of Nancy Cowen from the Town Report Committee as the ToWn Report Coordinator effective immediately. To accept the resignation of Peggy Enders from the Lexington Bicycle Advisory Committee effective immediately. On behalf of the Town of Lexington,the Select Board Members extended thanks to Ms. Cowen and Ms. Enders for many years of service to the community. Appointments To appoint Victoria"Vicky" Sax to the Town Report Committee at the Town Report Coordinator to fill an unexpired term set to expire on September 30,2021. To appoint Ram Reddy to the Lexington Bicycle Advisory Committee to �11 an unexpired term set to expire on September 30, 2023. To appoint Bertram Gresh Lattimore,Jr. to the Town Celebrations Committee to fill an unexpired term set to expire on June 3 0, 2022. DOCUMENTS: Committee Applications 2. Water and Sewer Commitments: To approve the above Water and Sewer Commitments as follows: • Water and Sewer Commitment Cycle 9 May 2021 $ 316,107.35 • Water and Sewer Finals June 2021 $ 33,233.92 DOCUMENTS: Cycle 9 and June Finals 3. Approve July 26,2021 Meeting Minutes: To approve and release the Select Board Meeting minutes of July 26, 2021 DOCUMENTS: DRAFT Select Board meeting minutes 07.26.21 4. Town Manager Appointment To approve the Town Manager's appointment of Susan Bennett as a full member of the Historical Commission for a term to expire March 31, 2023. DOCUMENTS: Committee Application VOTE: Upon a motion duly made and seconded,the Select Board voted 5-0 by roll call to approve the four items of the Consent Agenda. 2 ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION 1. Grant of Location for Eversource Hartwell Avenue&Wood Street Ms. Hai opened the Public Hearing at 7:10 p.m. Ms. Hai said the hearing had been requested by NSTAR Electric Company d/b/a Eversource Energy for a Grant of Location to construct a line of conduits and manholes with the necessary wires and cables therein as indicated on the plan made by T. Thibault dated December 15, 2020,to be located under the following public way or ways in the Town of Lexington. Abutters were duly noti�ed of this Public Hearing on July 30,2021 by Ms. Katzenback,Executive Clerk to the Select Board. Phyllis Galloway, Right of Way Agent for Eversource,was present to answer questions pertaining to the installation. Ms. Barry noted that it appeared from maps that this work is being done under or alongside the bridge on Hartwell Avenue. She is concerned about the structural integrity of the bridge and noted that work to improve the structure has been delayed. Ms. Galloway stated that Eversource has met with the Lexington Town Engineers who did not raise any concerns with the installation. Dave Pinsonneault,DPW Director, said that Town Engineer John Livsey would be better able to comment but he felt certain that if Mr. Livsey and his staff approved the work, it has been thoroughly vetted. The delay in the bridge work has been due to the difficulty of coordinating all the utility companies that own conduits under/beside the bridge;those difficulties are being sorted out. Ms. Barry asked whether the Eversource work would be done in the daytime or nighttime and noted that the businesses along Hartwell Avenue appear to be about 50%back to full occupancy. Ms. Galloway stated that the work would be done during the day but she will relay the need to coordinate with the Hanscom AFB gate so as not to cause undue traffic back-ups. Upon hearing no further comment,Ms. Hai closed the Public Hearing at 7:14 p.m. VOTE: Upon a motion duly made and seconded,the Select Board voted 5-0 by roll call to approve a Grant of Location to NSTAR Electric Company d/b/a Eversource Energy to construct a line of conduits and manholes with the necessary wires and cables to be located under the following public ways in the Town of Lexington as follows: Hartwell Avenue—Southwesterly from MH29060 approximately 400�feet northeasterly of Town Dump Road a distance of 800�feet conduit and install one manhole MH30992 Hartwell Avenue—Southwesterly from MH29060 approximately 400�feet northeasterly of Town Dump Road a distance of 349�feet conduit Hartwell Avenue—Southwesterly from MH25797 approximately 380�feet northeast of Wood Street thence turning southeasterly a distance of 423�feet of Conduit and install one manhole MH30993 Wood Street—Southerly from MH30993, at Hartwell Avenue a distance of 82�feet conduit as shown on the plan made by T. Thibault dated December 15, 2020. ACTION: Ms. Galloway to convey the need for Eversource to coordinate with Hanscom AFB regarding traffic flow and work timing. DOCUMENTS: Eversource Petition for grant of location; Abutter Notification 3 2. Application: Entertainment License-Anisoptera Mercantile,LLC, 1720 Massachusetts Avenue, Unit 2 Ms. Hai noted that Anisoptera Mercantile is a new retail space specializing in wellness. It will occupy the space in Lexington Center formerly occupied by Ride Studio Cafe.Applicant Rosemary Austin was in attendance to answer any questions. The request for license approval has been reviewed by the Health,Building and Zoning Departments with no concerns. The applicant will be working with the Building Department to obtain a Building Permit. VOTE: Upon a motion duly made and seconded,the Select Board voted 5-0 by roll call to approve an Entertainment License for Anisoptera Mercantile,LLC, 1720 Massachusetts Avenue,Unit 2,for the purpose of providing radio/recorded background music and LED information screens within the retail space. 3. Review Determination of Tree Hearing 5 Fulton Road On May 17, 2021,Mr. Doug Orr, Orr Homes LLC, submitted a request to remove the tree at 5 Fulton Road. A tree hearing was then held on July 8, 2021 at 8:00 a.m. in front 5 Fulton Road. The hearing was publicly advertised as per the requirements in MGL Chapter 87. At least nine residents who attended the hearing obj ected to the removal of the tree. The Town hired a certified arborist to evaluate the tree.Upon the Tree Warden's revieW of this evaluation, it was determined that removing the large limb that extended over the street and pruning any dead wood would make the tree more viable and ensure the safety or people and property. With the hazard mitigation completed,and after receiving all comments at the hearing,the Tree Warden has deemed the tree healthy enough to remain. The Lexington Tree Committee is also in support of keeping the tree. Ms. Hai reported that the tree is on the radar of the forestry division and will receive routine monitoring by the Forestry Division.Any future mitigation or corrections will be followed and completed by the department. However,the applicant,Mr. Orr,now asks the Board to review the determination of that tree hearing. Ms. Hai stated that she had spoken with Town Counsel regarding this matter. Ms. Hai said she and Town Counsel are in agreement that there are insufficient grounds to review the Public Hearing's determination and therefore the decision should stand. Board members did not obj ect to this course of action. DOCUMENTS: July 29,2021 Tree Warden Memo with Recommendation to Select Board for 5 Fulton Road Tree; Tree Committee position 5 Fulton Road Tree; May 17,2021 D. Orr request to Tree Warden for Tree Hearing for Removal of Tree; Culmination of some of the resident obj ections to the removal of the Tree. 4. Appointment of Election Officers Mr. Pato and Ms. Barry recused themselves on this item as they both have relatives who serve the Town as Election Officers. Ms. Hai noted that the appointment of Election Officers is an annual request made by Town Clerk Nadie Rice. 4 VOTE: Upon a motion duly made and seconded,the Select Board vote 3-0 to approve the list of election of�cers recommended by the Town Clerk and Registrar of Voters. DOCUMENTS: Memo from Town Clerk Requesting appointment of Election Officers Ms. Barry and Mr. Pato rejoined the meeting. 5. Liquor License Change of Manager Lexington Lodge#2204 B.P.O.E. of USA All the necessary paperwork to request approval for a Change of Manager on the All-Alcohol Common Club License for Lexington Lodge#2204 B.P.O.E. of U.S.A. has been submitted. The proposed manager, Gordon R. Osgood submitted a current Alcohol Awareness Training Certificate. The required CORI check has been completed. VOTE: Upon a motion duly made and seconded,the Select Board voted 5-0 to approve the Lexington Lodge#2204 B.P.O.E. of U.S.A's application for a Change of Manager to be Gordon R. Osgood and upon ABCC approval,issue an updated Club Liquor License for Lexington Lodge#2204 B.P.O.E. of U.S.A., located at 959 Waltham Street,reflecting the change of manager. DOCUMENTS: Change of Manager Application Lexington Lodge of Elks#2204 B.P.O.E ACTION ITEM: Select Board Office to send application onto the Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission for the next step in the application process 6. Battle Green Use Request Celebration of Life in Memory of Dan H.Fenn,Jr. The applicant withdrew their request on August 6,2021. Item did not require any Select Board Action. 7. Dissolve Select Board Committees: Electric Utility Ad Hoc Committee; Sidewalk Committee; Sister City Committee—Russia The Board is being asked to dissolve the Electric Utility Ad Hoc Committee, Sidewall�Committee and the Sister City Committee Russia. Due to inactivity and/or to re-allocated functions. Aside from dissolving the committee,Mr. Sandeen suggested that the Town improve outreach regarding the work of the Transportation Safety Group(TSG),which has absorbed the work formerly done by the Sidewalk Committee. Ms. Hai noted the Sidewalk Committee has been inactive for quite some time and further that the Capital Expenditures Committee's report to Town Meeting alWays includes a list of active sidewalk proj ects. Mr. Pinsonneault said he would coordinate with Mr.Livsey,Town Engineer,to make sure the Town website has up-to-date information re: sidewalk projects. Ms. Hai recommended that Mr. Pinsonneault and Mr. Livsey coordinate as well with Mr. Dugan,the Town's Public Information Officer,to disseminate information. Dawn McKenna,Precinct 6 Town Meeting Member, said she has no obj ection to dissolving the Sidewalk Committee but feels that sidewalk design should undergo a public process to ensure that sidewalks are planned and constructed in ways consistent with preserving appearance and town character. ACTION: Mr. Pinsonneault to coordinate with Mr. Livsey and Mr. Dugan to ensure the Town website is current with sidewalk proj ect information. 5 VOTE: Upon a motion duly made and seconded,the Select Board voted 5-0 by roll call to dissolve the Electric Utility Ad Hoc Committee, Sidewalk Committee, and the Sister City Committee-Russia. 8. Discussion of Possible Need for a Special Town Meeting Mike Cronin,Director of Public Facilities was present for the discussion. Ms. Hai said the specific items that might appear on a Special ToWn Meeting warrant are not up for discussion at this meeting. The focus instead is whether the Board needs to call for a Special Town Meeting(at a future Board meeting) and what the relevant deadlines would be. Ms. Kosnoff reported that one important item to be addressed at a fall Special Town Meeting is a significant upward adjustment to the previous New Growth projection. Ms. Kosnoff said that the adjustment is important to make because New Growth is a component of the Tax Levy and it is vital to have to right numbers in place before the Tax Rate for 2022 is determined. The consequences for not adjusting New Growth numbers in the fall would be to not make the most of the Town's tax capacity; not to allow the Town to set aside approximately$1 M $1.SM in the Stabilization Fund; and/or not to be able to commit additional cash to Capital proj ects, such as the Westview Street Cemetery Building and 173 Bedford Street proj ects. Mr. Cronin said that the timing of getting the temporary Police Headquarters proj ect out to bid is important. Getting started with the appropriations process this fall would provide a favorable timeline. Ms. Hai questioned hoW the timing of a Debt Exclusion vote for the full Police Headquarters construction proj ect would work. Ms.Kosnoff said that the retrofit of 173 Bedford Street plus the full Police HQ build out could be rolled into one Debt Exclusion vote or cash could be used to cover the cost of the retrofit but not figure into the Debt Exclusion at all. Ms. Hai noted, additionally,that there are potentially a number of Planning Board generated zoning articles pending for a fall Special Town Meeting.Also,the Mount Independence Historic District Study Committee under the Historic Districts Commission may also have business to bring forward. Given the news that the Covid-19 Delta variant is likely to prohibit in-person meeting, a fall Special Town Meeting will most likely be virtual. Ms. Hai noted that a fall Special Town Meeting would coincide with budget season as well,making for a hectic meeting schedule and work load. Mr. Lucente supported the concept of having a fall Special Town Meeting while acknowledging that the heavy impact on Town staff is real. However,deferring everything until the spring would compound the difficulties of Annual Town Meeting and add to its length,which would also cause burdens on staff. Mr. Pato,Ms. Barry, and Mr. Sandeen agreed with Mr. Lucente's comments adding that there are likely to be other items that a fall Special Town Meeting should address. Mr. Sandeen asked if time frame could be narrowed down for when the Special Town Meeting might occur. Ms. Barry and Ms. Hai said that such a conversation needs to occur upon Mr. Malloy and Ms. Axtell return to the office. David Kanter,Vice Chair Capital Expenditures Committee, said that while he speaks for only himself,he feels very certain that Capital Expenditures Committee would agree with the need for a fall Special Town Meeting. 6 Dawn McKenna, Precinct 6 Town Meeting Member, said she personally�nds virtual Town Meetings to be draining. She asked the Board to strongly consider limiting the number of articles at a virtual fall Special Town Meeting in the hopes that,by spring, in-person meeting will again be possible. ACTION: Details/consideration regarding the call for a Special Town Meeting will be drafted and brought to an upcoming Select Board meeting. ADJOURN Upon a motion duly made and seconded,the Select Board voted 5-0 by roll call to adj ourn the meeting at 7:49 p.m. A true record; Attest: Kim Siebert,Recording Secretary 7 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approve Theater License Renewals PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: Doug Lucente, S elect Board Vice- Chair C.2 S UMMARY: Lexington Theatre Project, Inc. d/b/a Lexington Venue, 1794 Massachusetts Avenue, has submitted an application, and all necessary documents, to renew two Theater Licenses for the purpose of showing movies in C inemas 1 and 2. T heir c urrent lic ens e s exp ire o n S ep temb er 1, 2021. The Fire Safety inspection was completed and passed on July 20, 2021. The request has also been reviewed by the Building and Zoning Departments with no objections. SUGGESTED MOTION: To approve the application and issue two Theater Licenses to Lexington Theatre Project, Inc. d/b/a Lexington Venue, 1794 Massachusetts Avenue, for Cinema 1 and Cinema 2 to show movies from September 1, 2021 through S eptember 1, 2022. Move to approve the consent. FOLLOW UP: Select Board Office DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 8/23/2021 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Water and Sewer Adjustments PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: D o ug Luc ente, S elec t B o ard Vic e- Chair C.3 S UMMARY: Adjustments to Water& S ewer p er W S AB meeting July 7, 2021 $ 11,706.44 SUGGESTED MOTION: To approve the above Water& S ewer Adjustments as recommended by W S AB on July 7, 2021. Move to approve the consent. FOLLOW UP: Treasurer/C ollector DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 8/23/2021 ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � ���.:� ����w��°�a����v�w�� ��.1�::� ����v���1'�IC������� FY'���� �'�� �N��!�����I�T��+�1��TER�"�E'M��� ��� I �� �'�R��+���4�h�C����"�"���"I���'��,��1C��E''���������V��'���t��� �' � +���������,��w�������������i�����,��� ���L� i � �� � �4� �'� � ����� ,,, ,, � w� �. � ���w������� ��'���r����'W������.'� '���,�� � �+��W.�� � ��1�� 1������� ���1 �'���L��°N��'�4� ��'�k���'��0� ����hN'�T�T�1�'I�����;I� �� �1��Q��„�� '� ����r.!�� � 4'���_�� 1�1���'� ���� T�ti�IL��L��� _ �������'��� �'�4��'N�,I�J��T���T I'� ��'�,��' ��a�.�4 � ����..'�"� ��1���7 ��b�1 7��L�T L���C �������'��� ��a���L'��������I� � ��.�� � ���.�� � ���.�� ������� '����,7��L��"���� ���������� 4?'��L��N�I�4��M� � ��',�"� �' �+����1 ���.�� ���}���7 ���� T�pL������ � �����'��'N�'�� ���'4�`��f��L�F��(��M�� � 1��.��' � ��M1.�� � ���.�a� ��1���a�"' '�1��� T�I�.��`L��'� �C�����1����� ���I'���M���a F��1,�C� IC�11����������' 1��"i��� �4��� ��P"�'����JT ����M�".��'���M i ������I��7���� ���,��� '� ���_�� �� ��1��.��a "������ �'��� ��`�I�������'�M aTI�1��pT I �1�����4����M ;�'�I�IC������C��,'�� � ��:�4 � ���..�'� � ���.4� 1�N1���'�i �'��� �'�TI��T�;����N��N`�'��T �ti��������k� ���.�����3��T���T � ���:�� �'��.�� � "���!�,�C� 1�N�p�!�`�''� ����'� ��"�I��T��,�h� � �k��b������4� �'�F'I�'�I��.,��!� � 7�.�� �'��,�� '� ���r,�� 1��1��'� ���"� �.��W��I�l��F�FL��I� ����7'�����I �����'���.r���. 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M. ,,,�o„ „ .��.��� T���1��S���,����»I��"1"�p�'���''�������l�T�I�N���B�"����'�T`�N�, '!��'��'� ��'��� T�T�� � ��'���.��� �� �������.��� � �����°��.��� � ,. ... �G� �,� � � ��� ������ � w ��� ' [�����T�����"�M��:I��w�'��,�� ���,�:������� ��'����� AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Public Hearing: All-Alcohol Package Store Liquor License - Le�ngton Fine Wines, LLC, 16 8 6 Mas s achus etts Avenue PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: D o ug Luc ente, S elec t B o ard Vic e- Chair I.1 S UMMARY: Attached is application from Lexington Fine �Vines, LLC for an All-Alcohol Package Store to be located at 1686 Mas s achus etts. All the nec es s ary do cuments have b een provided by the app lic ant for this liquor lic ens e ap p lic atio n. T he ap p lic atio n was s ub mitted to the relevant To wn s taff fo r review, inc lud ing b uild ing, zo ning and health d ep artments, and they have no o b j ec tio ns to the liquo r lic ens e ap p lic atio n. I t was no ted that the applicant must obtain any required permits or licenses from those respective departments that may be needed p rio r to o p ening the p ac kage s to re. I n ac c o rd anc e with M.G. L C hap ter 13 8, the legal no tic e ran in the Augus t 12, 2021 Lexington Minuteman and the applicant mailed the required notices to abutters. Proposed Store Hours: Monday— S aturday: 8:00 am— 11:00 pm Sunday: 10:00 am— 11:OOpm. Mr. Nicholas Lisotto, applicant/Manager on record, will be at the meeting to answer any questions you may have regarding his application for a package store to be located at 1686 Massachusetts Avenue. SUGGESTED MOTION: Move to (app�ove) the application from Lexington Fine Wines, LLC for an All Alcohol Package Store to be located at 1686 Massachusetts Avenue for the proposed store hours of 8:00 am -11:00 pm Monday — Saturday; 10:00 am -11:OOpm on Sunday and after the application has been approved by the ABCC, to issue the all alcoholic Package Store Liquor License to Lexington Fine Wines, LLC. FOLLOW UP: S elec t B o ard O ffic e DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 8/23/2021 7:l Opm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type .���������;��i.���.�m����m���������c������;��,c��:�� �...�������������:�ary����° ��l�������;�:...��;„�����'� � � ��������� Il������uru��. �'�If.��������,pr�.����������:��,� The Cam�►�vnwealth t�f 1V�assaclxxcsetts � .fllcoholic Beve�ci,ges Cvnt`ral Com�nission 95 Four�th St�reet�,Suite 3, �`''hetsea,MA 42154-2.358 � www.mass.,�ov/abcc _ � ._.. ........ „ ��� � APP�ICATlC11V Ft`�R A NEIN LICENSE ,� r� � MU111Clp.�lity L�Xltl(��4t1 1. LI�EI�SE CLA55iF1CATi�7N INFCIRMATfC3N +C7N�C�FF-P'REMISES T1�(PE CATEGC?RY ��q,c�c� Off-Premises-15 §15 Package�tore All Alcoholic Beverages Annual Please provide a narra�ive overview of�he transaction(s)being applied far.t�n-premises applicants should also provide a descriptic�n c�f th�intended theme or cc�ncep�of the business operation.Attach additional pages,if necessary. iVly goal is to bring high end"Michelin"type service to retail,aver delivering an the experience as well as#he value of the beverages we curate. The shop wil!have an Italian focus as uvell as incredible vaiues from undersenred regions af the world. A selection of craft beer and ingredient driv�n spirits will raund out the��ore. Almast mare importantly;the store will not be limited ta alcahol, but alsa shawcase world renawn art, artisan homemade pasta,espresso, hand blaw glassware and Italian goods made frpm left skins of the grapes from the winemaking pracess. Is this license applicatian pursuant to special legislation? � ��,� �; �� Ch�pter Acts of �. �3USINESS EI�TITY INFt�RI�/IATIC�N The entity that will be issued the lic�nse and have opera�ional contrc�l af the premises. Entity hlame Lexingtan Fine W�nes, LLC FEI�J DBA 11Jlanager of Record Nichol�s Lisottc� Street Address 1�86 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington, MA Phone 334-�51-50�ai Email �1ick.lisot�oC�gm�il.�om Alternative Phone Website 3. C�ESCRIPTIC,�N C1F PREMISES Pl�as�provide a camplete description af the premises to be li��nsed,including the numk�er of flaars,number of rcaoms on each floor,any outdaor areas ta be included in�he licer�sed area,and fiota)square footage.You must also submit a floar p1an. The licens�e is le�sing the sp�ce at 1686 M�ss.Ave., consisting of 1,55a square feet af graund flaor retail space, Tatal Square Foatage. 1�5Q Number of En�rances�: 1 Seatin Ca acit : � � � �" Y Number of Flvors � Number of Exits: � 0►ccu anc Number: p y 20 4.APPLICATIO►N CC��JTACT The applicatir�n cantaet is the person whom the licensing authar�ti�s should contact regarding this applicat�on. te ani Baudreau �lame: Phone: 617 383 6�00 Title: �ttorney Email: sbc�udreauC�boballenlaw.cam 1 APPLICATI�N FOR A NEW 1.ICEN5E . Ct3RP�'IRATE �Tf�U+�T�JRE Entity Legal Stru�ture LLC Date af Ir�c+�rpora�ion Jul}�7,2a21 State of Incarporation Massachusetts Is th��arporatian publicly�raded? +C�"` Yes �:"" I�o +�. PRC�Pt�SEC� tJ��I�ERS, STCyCK+C3R C�IJVNERSHIP INTEREST List all individuals ar entities thafi will have a direct ar indirect,beneficial ar financia!interest in this license(E.g.Stc��khalder�,pffEcers, Directors,�LC Managers,��P Partners,Trustees etc.).Attach additional page(s)provided,if necessary,utilizing Add�ndum A. • Th�individuais and titles listed in this sectian mus�be identical ta those fil�d with the Massachusetts Se�retary of S�ate. • The individuals identified in this section,as well as�he proposed lUlanager pf Record,must com�lete a�t�Rl Release Form. • Please nate the follawing statutory requirements far Directc�rs and LLC IVlanagers: +Dn Premises{�.g.Restaurant/CIublHotel)D►irectars or�LC Mana�gers -At leas�50°/a rr�usfi b�US cifiizens; fJff Premises{�iquor Stare�pirectors or LLC Managers -All must be U5 citizens and a majority must be Massach usetts residents. • Ifyau are a Multi-Tiered drganiza�ion,please attach a flaw char�identifying each carporate interest and the individual awners of each entity as welf as the Articles Qf(�rganization for each carp�rate entity. Every individual mus�be identified in Addendum A. �Jame of Principal Residential Address 5,� ppg , �1 i�,1����������������������� �IC�ItJ�c�� �ISOt�O 8�4 VFIN pkwy,West Raxbury, MA Q2132 ' � �� �i Title and c�r Position Percentage of C�wnershi Directorl�L�Manager US Citizen MA Residen� C�wner and C�peratar 1 p� ---- -- — �""`Yes �'"` I�o �`"'`Yes {�No �""`Yes �""`No f�ame of Principal Residential Address SS�J DC�6 Titl�ar�d or Positian Percentage of 0►wnershi Directar/LL�Manager lJ5 Ci�izen MA Resident �'"` ��s �""No �''Yes �'"`C�o {"'Yes �`"No hlame c�f Principal Residential Address „� p�pg Title and ar Positiar� Percentac�e af C7wnershi Director/L�C Nlanager US�itizen MA Resident �`'`Yes �"' Na �"''`�es �`''�lo �"`Yes �"`'IVo �lame of Prin�ipal Residential Address 55�1 DC7B Title and a�r Positic�n Percentaqe of C�wnershi Directar/LL�Manager US�itizen MA R�siden� �"'Yes �"`Na �"' Yes �"' No �"'Yes �`'`Na �lam�af Principaf Residential Address 5SN D(�6 Title and ar Position Per+cen�kage of tJwnershi Gire�tor/L�C Manager U5 C�tizen IVIA Resident �"` Yes �'"`No �"``Yes �"'` No �""`Yes �`" No Additional pag�s atta�hed7 �'Yes �': h!o CRIMlNAL HISTO►RY Nas any individual listed in questian d�,and applicable attachments,ever been convicted of a �"""` Yes �": �lo State,Federal or Military Crime?If yes,at�ach an affidavit�ravidir�g the details of any and all convictions. 2 APPLiCATION FtJR A NEV1! LICENSE f A.INTEREST II"V AN ALCtJNCJLIC BEVERAGES�ICENSE Daes any�ndividual or entity identified in question�,and appiicable attachmen�s, have any direct or indir��t,�eneficial or financial in�erest in ar�y other licen$e ta sell alcahalic b�verages? Y�s � �a � If yes,list in table below,At��ch additianal pages,if rrecessary,utilizing the table fc�rmat belc�w. IVame Licens�Type �icer�se Name Municipality �orriso Vina Brookline Package�#ore �ica-21-U��9 E3rookline, MA fB.PREV10►USI.Y HE�D INTEREST IN AI�A�,COHC�►I.IC BEVERA�ES�ICENSE Has any individuai or entity identified in qu�stian 6,and applicable a�tachmer�ts,ev�r held a direct or indirect,benefieial or financial interes�in a license tc�sell alcahalic beverages,which is not presently held? Yes ❑x �Ic� ❑ If yes,list in table below.A��ach additional pages,if necessary,utilizing the�able format beiaw. Name Licens�Type License�lame Municipality Sorrisa Vino �I�ss A A02045�0755 Providence, RI f C.DISCLtJSURE t�F L�CENSE DISCIPLII�A�Y ACTtCJN Hav�any of the disclosed licenses listed in question 6Aor 6B ever been suspended,revaked or cancelled? Yes � Nc► � If yes,fist in�able belaw.Atta�h additiona�pages,if n�cessary,utilizing the table fprmat below. Date of Ac�ion �lame af License City Reason for suspensian,revacatian or�ancellation 7. C►CCIJPAfVCY CC�F PREM�SES Please camplete all fields in this section. Please provide praaf af legai accupancy of the premises. • If the appliCant entity owns the premises,a de�d is required. • If leasing or rer�ting the premises,a signed copy of the lease is required. • tf the lease is cantingent on the approval of this license,and a signed lease is not available,a cc�py of the unsigned lease and a letter a�f intent to lease,signed by the applicant and the landlard,is required. • If the rea! estate ar�d business a�re owned by the same individuals listed in question E�, either individually or through separate business entities,a signed capy of a lease between the two entities is required. Please indicafie by what mear�s the ap�licant will occupy the premises Lease �anc�lard�Iame Tu�le B�y, L�C Landlord Phone �7�-���}-1���j Landlord Email �'�'���':�J����E����C�'11ISt��'�'.�Q� �andlard Address ��� ��Y����n ��reet, Boston, MA �eas��eginning Date $/�1��2� Rent per Month 4,779.'�7 �ease Ending Date 7'/3C!/2CJ2� Rent per Year 57,35tJ.{�0 Will the Landlord receive revenue based vn percentage af alcahol sales�` �y�� �'; �0 3 APPLICATIC�N FC1R A NEW LICENSE 8. FI�JANCIA� D15CLtJ�SURE A.Purchase Price far Rea�Estate B.Purchase Price far Busir�ess Assets ����� C.(Jther�{Please specify belaw) �4a,�}pp �'�}ther Cast(s}:�i.e.Costs associated with �ic�nse Transactiar� including but not limited ta: Praperty price, �u siness Assets, D.Total Cast $12C?,OCIt� Renavations costs, Constructian cvsts, Initial S�art-up costs, Inventa�ry costs,or specify a�her cc�sts};" 5C}URCE t�F�ASH C{�NTRIBUTICJN Please provide documentatian c�f available funds.(E.g.�ank c�r ather Financial institutian Statements,Bank Letter,etc.) Name of Crantributar Amount of�ontribution f�lichCfl�S LisClttC} �►��,�{�� Tata� $12(�,Qa S(JURCE(�F FINANCII�G Please provide sigr�ed financing documentatian, Is th�lender a li�ensee pursuant Name af Lender Amount Type af Financing ���'�.�`��`1�$. I`JA �'"`Yes �'"` [�o C"`Yes �'"` �a �"'Yes �"` Na �'"Ye s �"°` N ca FlIVANCIAL INFC�R�rJ�A`�14N Pravide a detailed explana�ion c�f the form(s}and saurce(s�of funding far the cost identified above. Cu�tom Racks and �helving$�Q,pO�U Funding to come from acca►unt of h�ichc�las Liso�ta as sh�wn on att�ched bank stater�nents 9. PLED�E If�JFC1I�MATItJN Please prc�vide signed pledge dacumentatian. Are you seeking apprc�val for a pledge?�Yes �+"'No Please indicate what yau are seeking ta pledge{c�eck a��tt,at apply) � Licer�se � Stock � Inventary Ta wF�am is the pledge being made? 4 1Ci. MANA�ER APPI.I+CATIC�N 'A. MANAGER I N Ff�RMATIC�N � The individual th�at has been appointed to manage and can�rol�he licensed business and premises. • � �'i i'."1���������i Proposed Manager Name ��'��a��s L�satta Date af Bi�tn �,,� � �� � �Residential Address $�4 VFVI/Pkwy,West Roxbury, MA{�2132 Email nick.lisattoC�gmail.cam Phone 330-651-5��1 Please indi+cate how many hours per week you intend to be on the licensed prer,nises 5� B.CITIZEfVSHiP1E�AC14GR(JIJND 1NFt�RMATIt�I� Are you a U.S.Citiz�n?* Ci�'`�es �"'No �Nianager mus�be a U.S.Citizen If yes,attach nne of the fallowing as proof af citizenship US Passport�V4tE1'rS CE'CtiflCc�t£'�Bir�h�ertificate or Naturalization Papers, Have you ever been convicted of a stat�,federal,ar military crime? �y,�� ���Na If yes,fill aut the table below and attach an affidavit providing the defiails af any and a!!convi�tions.Attach addi�ianal pa�es,if necessary, ufiilizing the format bel4w. Date Municipality Cha�rge Disposition C.EN1P�aYMENT lNFCJFiMAT!{�I� � Please pravide yaur emplayment his�ary.Attach additianal pages,if necessary,utilizir�g t�re format belaw. 5tart Date End C�ate Posi�ion �rnplayer Supervisar Name 20�17 2+�19 F&B Directar Th�e Bay Club at Mattapoisett �reg�'Yeomans 2U17 Cansulting INine Director Premium European V1lines CJxana Knutrud 201 fi ^C3�� t�pening�or�sultant Brelundi Michael �olumba 2014 201 fi Executive Che# The Racquet Club of Philadelphia D�rik Camalli D.PRIC�R DIS�IPLINARY ACTItJN Have you held a beneficial ar financial interest in,or been the manag�r af,a license to sell alcohoiic beverages that was subjec#to dis�iplinary action? ,�,��,s C�,'No If yes,please fili c�ut the table.Attach additional pages,if necessary,u�ilizing the format below. Date caf Action �1ame c�f License State City Reason far suspensian,rewo�a�ion or cart�ellation t hereby swear under the pains and penalties af perjury that the information I hove provided r`n this application is true and accurate: Manager's 5ignature pate 4/8/2t�21 m_ � 5 11. NIANACaEN�ENTAGREENIENT Are you requesting approvai to utilize a management company thraugh a management agreement? �Y�� �;�a if yes,ple�s+�fill C�u�se�tiort 11. Pleas�provide a narrative overWiew af�he IVlanagement Agreernent.Attach additianal pages,if ne+cessary. i01fIPC}RTA�1T�dt'�fiE:A mar�agement agreement is where a licensee authorizes�third par�y to cantral the da ily�perat�ons of the license premises,while retaining ultimate can�rol over the license,through a wri�ten contract. This daes nat pertain to a liquar license manager that is e�mplayed direc�ly by the entity. �.sA. MANACEMENT ENTITY �ist all proposed individuals ar entities that will have a c�irect ar indirect,beneficial or financial interest in the manag�m�nt En�ity(E.g. Stockholders,CJfficers,Directars,LL�Managers,L�.P Par�ners,Trus�ees etc.}. Entity Name Address Phone �JA � �Jame of Principal Residential Address SSN DC�B Title and+ar Position Per�er�tage of awnership Dire�tor US Citizen MA Resident �"` Yes �""�J a �'"` Yes �""hlo �"'Yes �''No Name af Princip�l Residential Address 55N DCJB Title and ar Posifiian Percentage c�f Gwnership C�irector US Citizen MA Resident �`"' Yes �'` No �"" Yes �'"`Na �'``Yes �"" Na �lam�af Principal Residential Address 55N pqg Tit�e and ar Pvsition Percentage af Ownership qirector lJS Citizen MA Resident �"°` Yes �""I�o �"`` Yes �""`f�o �"`Yes �`" I�� Name of Principal Residential Address 55�1 ppg Title and ar Position �er�entage c►�tJwnership Director US�i#izen MA Resident �`'`�es �"'`No �"`"Yes �`' �Jo �"`'Yes �`"`Na CRINIINAL HISTC}RY Has ar�y ir�dividual identified above ever been ca►nvicted af a State,Federal ar I1/lilitary Crime? �y�� � ��, If yes,attach an afi�idavit prc�viding the details of any and all cor�victions. 116. E�ISTiN� MANA�ENIENT AGFtEEN1ENTS AND INTEREST IN �►N A�CC3HCILIC BEVERAGES LICEN�E Does any individua{or entity identified in questian 11 A,and applicable attachments, have any direct c�r indirect,beneficial ar financial interest in any other license ta sell alcaholic beverages;and ar have an active management agreement with any vther licensees? y�S 0 ��, � If yes,list in table belaw,Attach additional pages,if necessary,utilizing the table format below. �lame �icense Type License�Jam� Nluni�ipality 6 11C. PREV�CJIJSLY NELG1 INTEREST IN AN A'L+�C�Ht�LIC �EVERAtaES► �ICENSE Has any individual or entity identified in question 11 A,and applicable attachments,ever held a direct ar indirect,be neficial ar fir�ancia#interest in a license to sell alcoholic beverages,which is nvt presently held? ��� � ��, � !f yes,list in�able below.Atta�h additional pages,if necessary,utilizing the tabie farmat below. Name L�cense Type L.icense Name Nlunicipality 11D. PREVIClUSLY HELD MANAGEMEi�T A�REEME�JT Has any individual or�ntity identified ir�question 11 A,and applicable attachments,ever heid a management agreernent with any other Massachusetts licensee? y��, � ��, � If yes,list in table below.Attach addifiional pages,if necessary,utilizing the table format below. �icensee I�ame License Type Nlunicipality Date�s}of Agreement 11E. DIS��O�SURE C�F LICENSE DlSCIPI.I�JARY ACTIt�N Has any of the discla►sed licenses lis�ed in questions in sectian 11 B,11�,11 D ever be�n suspended,�evc�ked c�r cancelled? y�� � �a � If yes,l�s�in table below.Attach additic�nal pages,if necessary,utilizing the table fc�rmat belaw. Date of Actian Name o�Licer�se City Reason for suspension,revocatic�n or cancella�ian 11F. TERMS tJF A��REEMENT a.Does the agreement provide for termination by the licensee? Yes � I�a � b.Wi11 the licensee retain contral of the business finances? Yes �J I�a � c.Does�he management entity handle the payroll for the business? Yes � �Io � d.Management Term Begin Date e.Nlanagement Term End Da�e f.Horry will the management company be campensated by the license�?�check ali that apply} Q $per mc�nth/year(indicate arr�aunt) � a/o of alcvhal sales(indicate percer�tage) ________�..----... __� ❑ o/o of overall sales�indicate percentage} Q other tplease explain} AB+�C Licensee Officer/LLC Manager Management Agreement Entity t�►ffieer/�LC Manager Sigr�ature: Signature: Title: Title: Date: Da#e: 7 AC�CtITItJNAL INFt3RMATiClIV Please utilize this space to provide any additional infarmation that will suppart ycaur applicatian ar ta clarify any answers p►rovided above. My wife and I recently purchased a home in West Roxbury and are putting down raots in this�part af Massachusetts. !arn a certified ommelier through the cou�t of master sommeliers. I alsa sat on the board af�ommeliers in Bastan. My wife is a front-I ine worker in the medical field and is alsa npening a private practice here in Boston. I am laoking to expand my footprint of the Sorriso Brand to�exingtan. Using the license,with your approval, I am going�o open a curated Italiar�wine&spirits shop alsa showcasing underserved wine regians o� he warld to bring incredible value to my clients. I wil!have a"wine celi�r"where I store and age special occasian wines that will delight even he savviest of wine collectars. I will also utilize the extensive Ic�cal craft breweries to have a unique craft beer selection. In addition, f will have an eclectic spirits sectian focused on age wa�thy, rare spirits from araund the wor�d. I will provide my clients with hospitality secand ta none. I have wc�rked bath as a sommelier and a chef and absolutely love serving people. in addi#ion to the elevated beverage offerings, I wiEi offer homemade artisan pasta. All pasta wiil be made fram�reshly milled grains and will be the finest pasta available for sale within the US. he store will also showcase the arfiwork of Thomas Arvid,one of the preeminent still life painters in modern times, Illy e�presso, handblown glassware and Prota Fiori(Sustainable vineyard haute couture shoes}. In terms of preparation, !already have one concept in Brookline and have the website built that will service bath locatic�ns. My attorney will be assisting me with the licensing pracess. I have business insurance already se�up for�he business. 1 already have inventary for the store and ould be able to be apen as soon as a!1 af the licensing went thraugh. I already have a sammelier uvaiting to work with me at the location far addi�ianal staffing. iability af the business, I starked my professional career in finance and graduated fram 4hio University with an BA in Accaunting. i ran an $80,�Oa,044 partfolio and was an executive of a bank prior to ieaving f nance ta faElow my dreams af being in haspitali#y world. l then went on 0 obtain a culinary degree from the Culinary Institute of America and severa�accreditations from the Cau�t a�Master Sornmeliers. I have orked at same of the best restaurants in the warld and have built several profi�able Food and�3everage Programs. I have spent the last few yea�-s focused building wine pragrams and cellars while mentoring young sommeliers and beverage specialist I use both my financial consulting background as well as my beverage background as I t�ke on this endeavor. This business is�ruly the culmin�tion of my professional life's work and I look forward to the opportunity to serve the community. APP'�ICANT'S STATEMENT �, Nicholas Lisotta the: 0 sole praprie�or; � partner; ❑corporate principal; 0 �l.C/LLP manager Authorized Signatory �f Lexingtan Fine Wines, L�C Name of the Entity/Corporation hereby submit this application {�ereinafter the "Application"},to�he local licensing authority�the"�LA"}and the Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission (the"ABCC"and together with the LLA callectively the"�icensing Authorities"}for approval. I dc�hereby declare under the pains and penal�ies of perjury that I have personal kr�owledge of the informa�ion submi�ted in the Application, and as such affirm that all statements and representati�ns therein are true fio the b�est of my i�nawledge and belief. I further submi�the following ta be true and accurate: �1} I understand tha�each representation in this Application is material to the Licensing Authorities'decisian an the Applicatian and that the�icensing Authorities will rely on each and every answer in�he Application and�ccampanying documents in reach�ing its decision; {2} I state that the location and descriptian of the proposed licensed premises are in compliance with state and locai laws and regulatic�ns; �3} i understand that while the Applicatian is pending, I must no�ify�he�icensing Authorities of any change in the infarmation submitted therein. I understand that failure to give such natice to the Licensing Autharities may resu�t in disapproval of the Application; �4} I understand that upon apprc�val af the Applicatian, I must notify the Licensing Authorities of any change in the ownership as�ppraved by the Licensir�g Authorities. I unders�and that failure to give such natice to�he Licensing Au�horities may result in sanctians including revocatian af any license for which this Application is subm�tted; �5} 1 understand that the licensee will be baur�d by the statements and representatians made in the Applicatian, including, but not limit�d tfl the identity of persans with an ownership or financial interest in the license; {6} I understand fihat all stat�ments and repres+�ntatians made become canditions vf�he license; t7} I understand that any physical alt�rations ta or changes to the size of�he area used for the sale,delivery,storage,or cansumpti�n of alcohoJic beverages, must be r�epc�r�ed ta the�.icensing Authorities and may require the prior approval of the Licensing Autharities; �8} I understand that the licensee's failure to apera�e the licensed premises in ac�ordance with the statements and representatians rnade in�he Application may result in sanetions, including the revoca�ion oi`any license far which the Application was submitted;and {9� I understand that any false s�a�ement or misrepresen�katian will canstitute cause far disapprava)c�f the Application c�r sanctians including revocation of any license far which this Applicatian is submitted. {1�} I canfirm that the applicant earp�c�ration and each individuaf listed in the ownership section of the applica�ian is in gcaod standing with the Massachusetts Repartment of Revenue ar�d has complied with all laws of the �ommonwealth relating ta taxes, reporting of emplayees and cc�ntractors,and withhalding and remitting of child support. Signature: � Da�e: 04/0812iJ21 Title: C�wner Cf�RPQRATE Vt�TE �exir�gtQn Fine Wir�es LLC The Board af Directors ar�L� Managers of Entity Name _ duly voted ta apply ta the Li+�ensing Autha►rit af �-'�x�nJ��'� and the Y city/�-own �/7/2021 �ommvnwea�th af Massachusetts Alcaholic Beverages Control Cammission ar� , Date af Meeting For the fallawing transactions tCheck�!I that apply}: � New Licens� � �hange�of Loeation Q �hange af Class ti.e�.Annua!�Seasonaf� � Change Carporate Structure t;.e.Corp/I.LC} �Trar�sfer of�icense � Al�eration af Licensed Premises o �h,�n��af License Type(;.e,club/restauran#) Q pledge af�allaterai c;.e,L'IC£'f13E'/$tOCk) �Change af lVlanager Q Change�orporate Name o �h�nge of Category t�,�.A��aicQno�nnr�ne,nnait� � Managementlaperating Agreement � Change of C.�fficers/ Change of Ownership interest Q tssuance/Transfer of Stock/New Stockholder � Change of Haurs DirectorsrLLC Nlanagers Q (LLC 1tJlembers/E.�P Partners, Trustees) ��Jther � Change of OBA �Jichafas Lisotta "VC7TEp: Ta authorize Name of Persan tv sign the app�icatiorr subrnitted and tc�execute on the Entity's behal�, any ne�cessary papers and da a11 things required to have the applicatian granted." "V{�TED: To a oi nt ��'�hc►las�isotta �p tVame af�iquar l.icer►se IVlanager as its manager of recard, and hereby grant him or her with full autharity and cantral af the premises described in the license and a�uth4rity and contral of the canduct af al! business therein as the licensee itself couf+� in any way have and exercise if it were a natural persan residing in the Commc�nwealth of Nlassachusetts." For Corporations C1N LY A true capy attes�, A true copy attest, Cvrporate C�fficer/LL� �anager Signature Corpara�ion Clerk's Si,�nature N[cHor�L1�oTro �Print Itilarne} �Print Name} MA�{J� Filing �lumber: 2a21�53181�0 Date: 7I7/2421 3:17:00 P'M �.� ���„,,,„� � , ,,�� .y k .ry.. ,,. �� � � .�N � .,� ��,��H�� .� �a,��,: � �, �;, ,�„�u;,,,» ,,,,;,, ,,,. �,,�.,,,,,,.,,,�,,,,,, �,,,, �;;�,,,,, MN ,�,,,,�u,f„N; ,,,� .r ,, , „ ,; ; � , , .,,; , „.�,,,,��,�:, y ,� ,u. �,� �� ,.�� ,, ` w ,, X N „ ,w f, , � �f� ,M ,� �n ,,, �� , � .. ,�,,.�,�,,.,,;,,u���,{, „t,,,�,r „�„,� ��,,��;,,, ,�,�„ �„„�� ,y,r�,�r, >>,F,�,,,� ,��,H��, ,�; v�„�� ,�� ,� u�. �, r,, k�„� ��, ,,a,.< <�U��ti.,, ,,:,�,� �,, ��,� A�,n � � w.T,, �<,,, ,;; , � �,_, p „ ��iiu�; �"'�u�uu�,,w >, ��+ d�r '� �`� The �ommonwealth af Mass�chusetts MinimumFee.��oo.oa ��` r �; �� � , ' � �.� • ����� . . . . �� �/ ,. � � William Franc�s �alvir� ,�, �, � �;� � � �, ��,� ��- �� �. ���, � . . . . a. ` ��� �'���� �� �� Secretaxy of the Corrimanw�aith,Corporatlons Divis�an ���� �� ��� ������� � � '�� C}ne Ashburtan P1ace 17th floor {���� eyU �, � � ��� ����� ��� ���,���� Boston,MA 021 U8-1512 �;�� �' ��,� li�,n, `'�',��; �� � Telephone: (617�727-964p � � � � , ���� � �� �� ;� �. ;: ,o� ° ;/ , �� �y �r, �� .. .;� �I � � r � � �i.,,h�, M � 1n, i,. V(1 �i y�t; r � �I I ♦� " 'r' !� ��' '� �: °w Identification Nurtnber: UC1151$599 !.� ,,, � , �,; � ,� 1�, :���� 1.The exact name of the�imited liability company is: LEXTN�rT�JN FI��:E WINES,LLC ��� ���� i�,�, 2a. Loca�tian of i�s principal affice. ��'� ���� No.and S�reet: $64 VFW PA►�i]�.WAY ''� ��; ,� �;` City or Tawn: WE�T Rt�XBURY State:MA Zip: a2132 Coun :LTSA �� � _--- �'Y ,� ,� _ �N ��� 2b.S�reet address of the affi�e in the Commonweal#h at which the records wili be maintained: ��� ,, � ;; IVo.and Street: 864�TFW PA►��K.WA�' ' � '� �l ;` City ar Town: WEST RC)XBURY �tate;MA Zip: 02_ 32 Coun�ry:U A , Y f� ����� 3.The general character of business,and if th�e limited liab�lity company is orga�nized to render professional ;� f� service,the service to be rendered: � TtJ{JPER;ATE A WI7`JE A�1D LIQU(JR ST(JRE AND T{J�{JNDUCT SUCH OTHER BUSINES�AS IS � A.UTHORIZED LTNDER THE LAW�CJF THE C(J�M(�NV�VEALTH tJF MASSAC�[USETTS ; ; �� �� � �; �� 4.The lates�date+�f dissc�[ution, if specified: '� ,; �� ,,, � 5. Name and address of the Resident A ent: 9 ' Name: I'�TICHC7LAS LI�4ZyT`(J ' No.and Street: $64 VFW pA►��]�.WA� � j City or Town: �i�VEST ROXBUR� State. I1�A Zip: t�2132 Country:TJSA ; ; � I, NfCH4�AS LI�C3TTC>residen#agent of the abave limited liability campany,consent to my appointment as ������ th�e resident a�gent af the above iimited liabili�ty company pursuant to G. L� Chapt�r 15�G�ectian 12. � ; �, .,�� 6. The na�me and b�usiness address of each manager, if any: '�1 �; � a Title Indiaidual Nam�e Address{no po gox� �� :f First,Middle,Last,Suffix Address,City or Town,State,Zip Code � �� M�4NAGER NICH4LAS LISC?TTtJ 8C4 VFW PARKWAY � � J WEST R{7XBURY,MA 02132 USA � , � ;r � ;�. ��, �� � �� 7.The name and business address of the persan(s)in addition to the manager�sj,authorized ta►execute '����� ��� � � dc�cuments ta►be fiied with the Corporations Divisic�n,and at least on►e p�er�on shall be named if ther+�are no �� .� mar�agers. � � �� ;� ;. � , .� � � :"� � T'itl� In�dirridual �larne Addre�s t�o Po�oX� � �� � First,Middle,�ast,Su�x Address,City ar Town,State,Zip Code ���` s , . _� ��� r� � ,' �� ' ......... .... .. ........ ...... �,, . �.,,.. . ...�..., ,� ��„�„�. .,,,,,,, �,,,,�„ w. m� _.�,��.�.�,_ w _ � . � , , � �., ..,...._. ...,,,,,��.,.�, .,, .,��,,,,,��,..,mm������, �� ,, ,w,..�.,, ������,,,,,,,�� ��� 'l''2 :' 11 �, 7N �'i' %„� a ;� $.The name and business ad�dr�ss of�h�e person(sj au#horized to ex�cute, a�cknowledge,deliver and record ,��'�� � �� any recorda�ble instr�ment purporting to affe�t an intere�t in real p�ro►per�ty: �;���� � ,,��� ; ,; � � ; ,,. ';,i, Title Ind�vidual Name Address(nc�Po go�� "�'� � M, First,Middle,�.ast,Suffix Addr�ss,City or Town,5tate,Zip Code ����� REA�PR(�PERTY NICHt'�LAS lISC?TTO ��� ;Y� �54 VFW PARKWAY ��� � "��� WEST RC7XBURY,MA 02132 U�J� ��. ;,,° �, l;; u�� 9.Additional matters: �t� ;J , .�, SI#�N�LI iT�TDER THE PElV1�ALTI�S t3F PERJ'Ul�.Y,this 7 Day af Ju�y,2�21, �� ��ICHt�LA�LISC)TTC� ,� ,� y (The certi rcate must be si,gr�ed by the person forming the L�,C.� ; `�;, , ��� i _ . . _ . ,� ; y � � ;4 k� 4 2�p1-2d21 Cc�mmonwealth af Allassachusetts „� All F�ights aesenred s ;� .� .. _ , _ - . . � :. ............_ .._ .....�.:..�.�..... .o.a,o.._. ..,e���,��.,�� o�...�.�_..�,.tiM.�.._.�..��,�mm.�..�.m.�._..�.�.mm.�.�._� ...�.�.......... :�._ ..�........ ...... ........... ....... _.�.. ,r.r.���ma.��,,..�. � ����,.�,���,r.,�,�m,,.�����.��. `, MA�QC Filing Number: 2�21�531819� D►ate: ?/7i�p21 3:17:4� PM TH� �t�1��i11�iU1���TE.��.LTI� (�F I�ZAS SA���LTSETTS I hereby certify that, upon examination of this dacument,duly submitted ta me, lt appears that the provisions of the General Laws relative ta corporations have been complied with, and I hereby approve said ar�icles; and the filing fee having been paid, said�rticl�s �re deemed to have been filed with me on: July 47, 2a21 �3:1? PM . . � �� WILLIAI'v1 F�;.ANCIS�AL�lIh1 SecYetar�o�f'the Commonwealth 14�-t�'� PAR,K�lh�G �.C�T WC � r V 1 � �`"" � � �� .G� �� � � � I ,� I � f I I I f I I I I I M I I I t I I I I I 1 I i I ��' �n .. I 1 1 I 1 ! I I ! I I I I � � � � � ����� '��'fif�i�'�t�i�1t AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Public Hearing: Noise Bylaw Special Permit - Sewer Line Flushing PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: Dave Pinsonneault, Director of Public Works I.2 S UMMARY: T his is an regular reques t fro m the D P W fo r a S p ec ial P ermit fo r s ewer line flus hing and has b een advertis ed and abutters have been provided notice as per the Noise Bylaw for work that is outside the permitted hours. The request is for the time period November 8th through November 19th. Beginning Monday, November 8th, thro ugh F rid ay No vemb er 19th the D ep artment o f P ub lic Wo rks is s eeking to b egin wo rk earlier than the normal start time of 7 AM to flush the sewer system in the dotivntown area. Work is proposed to be conducted Monday through F riday starting at 5 AM in and around the c enter o f Town where s ewer mains are lo c ated from Merriam S treet at Mas s achus etts Avenue along Mas s achus etts Avenue to Woburn S treet. T he adjac ent s treets that c o nnec t to Mas s ac hus etts Avenue b etween thes e two end p o int lo c atio ns with s ewer mains will als o be flushed. Per the Noise Bylaw, the DPW is requesting a 3-year permit for the first two weeks of November in 2021, 2022 and 2023. SUGGESTED MOTION: Move to approve a 3-year Noise Bylaw Special P ermit for the Public Works Depar�ment to flush sewer lines b efo re the p ermitted s tart time o f 7 AM during the firs t two weeks o f No vemb er 2021, 2022, and 2023 and Apri12022, 2023, and 2024. FOLLOW UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 8/23/2021 7:25pm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � �.����ve���4��.����r���������°��aG����� �����°m�.�°111�:������:� ��'�� ����� ��'' ��'��" �� � ,�- ���,� ,,, � � �, ��,,. � � � � �� 1' �� � � � � � � � � � �°' � ,�'�pL nq�`" ���'������� ���� �.���,����t�� ��l��t �����1 ��11 ������ �������� �i����i�,� �w�� �����.���� �.���.�t ��, ���'� �� ���� ���� ��������.� ���°������� ������� ������� c��'���������i��� � ���������� �� �:�� ������������ ����"����� ��r���� �������� ������ ��������� ��a������� ������* ����i�� ������i� ��a�� ��� ����� �� ����������� ��1���� ��� �����r ������.� �� ���.� ����r������ ����. ���-i�h� �.���� �����, ��i� I��''� i� ��°��������,� �— ����������� ���� � �W�������� ���� � ��.,����� �� ��� ����., `���� �� ����� �.�� �.���� � ���� ��� ����.�� ��`����� �� ���"�� �'�!�'�, ��� �"���. ���x������; ������,� ���������� ����� ����� ���������� �'���.��,� ���������� ����,� ���l.� ��� ���������� ���`������� ��wrl��� ��.�t���.�� �"���� :�a�i����� ����� 1��� t�.� ����:� ���� ��r�i������� t�� ����.�� ���� �i��� ���"�'���� ��� ��� ��������� ;������������ i�� ��� �������� �r��� �'��� ���� �� �����.���� ������ ������� �����.� �������� �� �:������ �� ��������� ��� ���������LL�`������ ����� ����� �����.� � ' . � �: ��* ��� I�.���t���: ��-����� 1""�.����� �t��t�;��� ���, ����t� �.��� ��� �t� ����a�� ��. 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T he D P W is s eeking a 3-year s p ec ial p ermit. B eginning Mo nd ay,Ap ri122, 2022 thro ugh F rid ay Ap ril 15, 2022 the DPW is seeking to begin work earlier than the normal start time of 7 AM to perform maintenance tasks along Bedford Street and Massachusetts Avenue in preparation for the Town's Patriot's Day Celebration. Work will be conducted Monday through Friday starting at 5 AM on these streets and adjacent areas (s ee attac hed map). P er the No is e Bylaw the D P W is reques ting a 3-year p ermit fo r the week p rio r to P atriot's Day in April 2022, 2023 & 2024. SUGGESTED MOTION: Move to approve a 3-year Noise Bylaw Special P ermit for the Department of Public Works for the week of P atrio ts d ay in Ap ril to b egin wo rk earlier than the no rmal s tart time o f 7 AM in o rd er to p erfo rm maintenanc e tas ks as s o c iated with the Annual P atrio t's D ay C eleb ratio n in Ap ri12022, 202 3 & 2024. FOLLOW UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 8/23/2021 7:30pm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � 1�������°�c��@�r���,�.�����,��an-��� �M.���r���1�11�� ��������� � ��T�" � � ��.ro,��� � � � � � � � �,� �, � �� �� � �� '�v°:"`„� ��� � � � � �' �' � �� ���It I�'� �'��"�'I'����� `���� ���.i����� �����t :����� ���:�. ������ ���:���� ���.ri�.� ��, ���.���, .��,����t��� ���"�. �.��".��� �r��� ��� ����� ����i�.�� �"������ �������� ��`�����������,� �:������t�� ��.� ����.��;����t���""������ ������, ���1���������� ��r�� ��������.��� ��������� �'�������� �����.� ������� �'��.���`����.� ���� �����°��. �� ��������������.t�.r�������,��� �� �r���.��,t���. �"������������� �"������� ��� ��������..����. �'�� ��� ����.�� ��1;���, ����-�F��'" �� ���������r��� �—���������� ������� ���� �������� �"�������I:��� ��.�,��i� �� ����� ����, ��� ����. ��,������� ���.����� ���.���� � l'�� ��:��� � �����`������� �.��„�� ����� ����� ��.� ���� ����� ���'������ �����, �"������������� ��� ���,����.� ��i��������� ��������� t� ��,�ir� ����� ������������� ������.� .��������� ���w����� �:� ������� ����������� ����� ������������ ���������� ������������ �����,�� �� ��������i��� f�r��������.�� �`�,��������;��� �"��.����:����� ���� ���� �� ����������. ������ ��r�����i ��.i�.��.��������.�;�.t �a�� �.�� �� ������ ��������.�� ��������.��.���� ���� ���t���.�����" �`��������� ����:�����t��. �� �������.� ��`��� ���.��������.� ���1������������.�r��� �.r��. ��.��������: �������th��p����������� ������� ���� ������ ����r�. �i�� ����i����� �������a������ ������.� �"���.�� r��q����. ������+�����.����� ��;�.� �1�� �� ������ �������:���� �� ��.���� �'����� ���� �� ��� �����������, 1��� �:����.����������.����:�� ����������.��. ������ ���� �����������i, �� ����� ��� ���� �,� ��� �� , , ,� , ��� �� . � , � � � �� , � � ,� � � � �� �� � o � u � , �� � „� ' � �i; �w �, f �� �,� , , � � ; s� � , i. � , � � � , � , � �: �. � �� , ' � ; h �� , , y � � � � , � �: , � � , , a � ; , �, � , . �� � � � V � � 0 V � , � , , � � � � W f � �, ,, � , ` �' r °�'��( �,�,��n��6d'c,r,� ���� ��rz � ; � � °7� �,� � �, v��, �'"" �'��'���), /,` + �`�r�d�i�i��� � , � � � ,,»�"���� �M ��q�i ry i� �' � i��,����( a � � , � �, i , "� ����� �j,�! �, Jlr,����r�r�%l����T��� µ �Y�w " M� � ; � �� y'�"��� r � , , , � , ��: � Y � � � ���r����,� ����� �� �,��r�������. ��� � ���������������r r��������i��� �� ���������� ����u�� r��t��� ���� ��i�� r � ���� ���������,. ������ ���� ��� ���� ������������������ �°���a�����,���°��������,a������nw�����m������n�w�r�rr�r������, ���r�������°���V���,��r���r�u�r�a��P�;�+r�M��i��r����r�°���«�� k��+�k�������������G�������������; ��+���°���tr��u������9i����1��''�� �����w�rd������"������� AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approve Fleet Electrification Policy PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: Jim Malloy, Town Manager I.4 S UMMARY: Attac hed p leas e find red line and c lean vers io ns fro m the p rio r draft the S elec t B o ard reviewed o f the F leet Electrification Policy. This version has been approved by the Sustainability Committee. Staff recommends adoption of the attached policy. At the last meeting where this was discussed the Select Board asked for an analys is o f what is the "b reakp o int" where an E V was no t a viab le o p tio n. Attac hed is a life c yc le c o s t analys is which is bas ed on both industry standards and actual information from vehicles and reflects what many articles about EVs vs. conventional vehicles costs. In this case, it compares the current Town Manager's vehicle (Dodge Durango)with the EV that has been ordered (a Ford Mustang Mach E, the lowest price EV under the s tate b id fo r a AW D S U V)whic h d emo ns trate s that o ver the life o f the vehic le that the higher ac quis itio n c o s t is o ffs et by the lower life cyc le c o st. There is an additional clarif'ication related to town and school department vehicles attached on 8-23-21. SUGGESTED MOTION: Move to approve the Fleet Electrification Policy as attached and dated August 23, 2021. FOLLOW UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 8/23/2021 7:35pm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � �:��;�„°�;�l,��.���:���:��������„�.��:"����m����f��:�����,,,,:��.�°;����r�� �������� II:�����:� � ����,�����.�� �:.:�����°�II.���� � �.:��.���u�� �:.:������ IC����� � �,��`�("��°,�����"������,�,������������)u�����;�� �..�.��r��I�IC����� .� �u:: �-,�, .� "��`� ��'`�,s� �^ ���� � ,�„�". _.. � � �:. w� �� a"� � "�� �I� ;��.� � �I�k �I ,,� ,4.�"� �� � � ,��� } � � �y'° "� � ,�,r „ �,P' �,,,; � - �, ����"������ 'f� �,:�....�.� TOWN OF LEXINGTON FLEET ELECTRIFICATION POLICY August 23, 2021 POLICY STATEMENT To support the Town of Lexington's Sustainable Action Plan obj ectives, the Select Board hereby adopts this fleet electrification policy to transition its vehicle fleet to zero emission vehicles. PURPOSE The Town shall establish and maintain a comprehensive inventory of all classes of vehicles owned, operated, or leased by the Town of Lexington and or on behalf of the Town of Lexington. The Town shall establish objectives for emission reductions from those vehicles and an integrated plan and timeline with obj ectives for transitioning each class of vehicles to zero emission vehicles, prioritizing zero emissions vehicles, monitoring progress against those obj ectives, and reporting the progress against those obj ectives on an annual basis. The objectives of this policy are to: • Reduce air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions from the Town's vehicles • Increase the use of electric vehicles in the Town fleet • Increase the average fuel economy of each vehicle • Optimize the fleet size and minimize vehicle size, weight, and other factors affecting fuel use when appropriate � Minimize vehicle miles traveled(VMT) • Reduce total cost of ownership over the lifetime of the vehicle • Reduce vehicle noise • Maximize the use of grant funding and incentives to convert and purchase electric and emissions-reduction technology for the Town fleet and EV infrastructure. APPLICABILITY This Fleet Electrification Policy applies to all divisions and departments of the Town of Lexington. GUIDELINE S The Town will establish a Vehicle Electrification Transition Plan with the following elements: 1 1. Fleet Inventory: The Town will maintain and annually update a comprehensive vehicle inventory for ALL vehicles owned, leased, operated by the Town or on behalf of the Town and a plan for transitioning those vehicles to battery-electric vehicles (BEV) or plug-in electric vehicles (PHEV)vehicles. As required by the DOER Green Communities Program, the Town will maintain an inventory of � ����..������� � � a Town ��.: �������.�� ������ ...�-an Sc oo - ������������.�....����..�....owne ve 1c es. This inventory will include the following information: model, make, model year, month and year purchased, VIN, drive system,weight class, miles per gallon, annual miles driven, total fuel consumption, department, vehicle function. 2. Electric-first procurement Vehicle procurement should be prioritized as follows: 1. BEV 2. PHEV 3. Hybrid-electric vehicle or other alternative fuel vehicle 4. Standard vehicle The fleet policy is electric-first, meaning that electric vehicles (EVs) shall be prioritized when the Town purchases or leases motor vehicles for its municipal operations. Beginning in FY22, all light-duty passenger vehicles purchased or leased are required to be BEVs. Departments may request an exemption from the BEV replacement. All exemptions shall require approval by the Town Manager after a recommendation is made by the Sustainability Director. 3. Classification and Transition Objectives: For each vehicle class defined by the Commonwealth's MOR-EV program, the Town shall establish targets for the transition of vehicles in that class to a zero emissions option every three- years. The classifications may include: passenger vehicles,passenger vans, cargo vans,police cruisers, ambulances, fire trucks,public works vehicles, school buses and other categories of vehicles that are appropriate to effectively capture all the vehicles in the inventory. Staff shall assess the suitability of electric vehicle options for each vehicle class,with respect to availability, range and load requirements and, any emergency response requirements, to determine practicability. When developing the transition plan, Staff shall evaluate emissions reductions, Total Life Cycle Cost as defined in the Sustainable Action Plan, including acquisition, operations, maintenance, emission fees, electric vehicle charging infrastructure, available grants, etc. The Town will develop a standardized calculation for determining life cycle costs for different classes of vehicles. The transition plan will prioritize replacing vehicles at the end of their expected useful life. 2 VVhere the Town contracts vehicle services, the Town will provide a preference for contracts and seek out companies for competitive bidding that offer the use of electric and/or fuel-efficient vehicles. 4. Purchase, lease or contracting of standard vehicles If the transition plan identifies that an EV is not commercially available or not suitable for a particular class of vehicles when replacement of a vehicle in that classification is required, a standard vehicle may be purchased. If purchasing a standard vehicle, the purchase should prioritize the most fuel-efficient model available and consider fuel-reduction and emissions-reduction technology, such as diesel particle filters, selective catalytic reduction systems, exhaust gas recirculation,NOx adsorbers, oxidation catalysts, anti-idling devices, etc. Where opportunities exist, particularly if grants and new technologies are or become available, the ToWn should pilot electric options for heavy-duty vehicles. 5. Evaluation of fleet and vehicle size The Town will procure vehicles and equipment of minimum size according to assessed needs. Specifically, the Town will ensure that purchase plans require vehicle class and model of the smallest size and weight appropriate for each vehicle's tasks. All positions requiring vehicle use shall be evaluated as to the required vehicle class size necessary to conduct the j ob. The Town will evaluate ways to reduce its fleet size. Departments will also investigate whether vehicles can be shared between departments. When retiring a vehicle from the fleet, the Town will evaluate whether replacement is necessary. 6. Electric vehicle charging Where possible, efforts will be made to install charging equipment at locations convenient for vehicle users to minimize operational inefficiencies. However, flexibility may be required of vehicle operators and Town staff to adjust procedures to accommodate charging locations. 7. Funding The initial purchase price of policy-compliant vehicles and equipment may be more expensive than standard vehicles in the initial years, while operating costs over the life of the vehicle Will be lower. Departments should estimate upfront investment required for vehicle purchases and budget accordingly in capital budget requests. The Town shall evaluate existing capital requests for vehicles and evaluate opportunities to fund additional upfront costs. The ToWn shall take advantage of grant funding to offset the upfront costs of electric vehicles and charging apparatus. 8. Monitoring and Reporting: Progress against the transition obj ectives for each vehicle class will be monitored and reported to the Select Board on an annual basis. As part of this report, staff will identify the best date 3 commercially available technology options for each vehicle class and provide recommendations for adjustments to the obj ectives for each vehicle class. 9. Vehicle operation and maintenance Where applicable, the Town will use available resources to build awareness and educate its employees regarding responsible vehicle operation as detailed below. • Anti-Idling o Vehicle idling produces both excessive waste of fuel and air pollution. As a part of this policy the Town hereby recognizes the importance of enforcing the existing Anti-Idling Law, as allowed by M.G.L. Chapter 90 Section 16A. Additionally, Town staff should reduce idling as much as possible in vehicle operations. The Town will also incorporate anti-idling education into other public health and sustainability forums. • Reinforce operator awareness o The Town and its employees will encourage energy-saving driving habits (i.e. awareness of sudden acceleration or sudden stopping), and paying attention to the need for regular preventative maintenance of vehicles. • Reduce Vehicle Miles Travelled(VMTs) o The Town will reinforce employee awareness of vehicle miles travelled during work hours as well as for commuting, and will encourage alternate travel practices such as carpools, vanpools, bicycling, and walking. • Vehicle maintenance o A well-maintained vehicle will optimize fuel use and reduce air pollution. Preventative maintenance that ensures optimal vehicle operation shall be performed regularly for each vehicle. o Vehicles Will be inspected regularly and prior to extended use to ensure correct tire pressure, oil and coolant levels, and to identify possible signs of other fluid leaks. o The Town will dispose of hazardous materials such as waste oil, lubricants, antifreeze, and batteries safely through environmentally-responsible practices and in accordance with all applicable state and federal regulations. Questions/Enforcement The Sustainability Director shall be responsible for administering this Policy. This Policy shall be enforced by the Town Manager and or their designee. 4 i F���������� .. �� : �,� �� ,� ��� ���� � � _.. � � �� � +� a� `���{ N � � X���y,_ � d" .,n�f wYtl6[�.. 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GUIDELINE S The Town will establish a Vehicle Electrification Transition Plan with the following elements: .....:....�........Fleet Inventory: The Town will maintain and annually update a comprehensive vehicle inventory for ALL vehicles owned, leased, operated by the Town or on behalf of the Town and a plan for • .... � � � ����������������.::��-��� �,°"�������:.����...,�. � � � ���� ... �tl��..�� ' � g . ' transitionin t ose ve ic es to ������. � �."��� �����. ��iii����..���� � , u... � �::. ��:: � or �PHEV� vehicles. , , , , . '� ��.... 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Staff shall assess the suitability of 7���° p��������° ���' �'u��'�����°�������.���� ������:���°��������� options for each vehicle class,with respect to availability, range and load requirements and, any emergency response requirements, to determine practicability. When developing the transition plan, Staff shall evaluate emissions reductions, Total Life Cycle Cost as defined in the Sustainable Action Plan, including acquisition, operations, maintenance, emission fees, electric vehicle charging . � . g � � � � � � �,� � �� �� ��� � � ���� � ��� � �� in rastructure avai a e rants etc. �'.��� _�:������� ���� ....��''''��±'.� �� �'� �.�....������:������������ ��....��� :.��� ��.���iiii���.�� �����.. �� �����... :. , �:��� � ������ ��� .... � . ����:�� . �, �� �..� ���° �" ..��� � .,,� ������� �� � � ���'��� �.�::�����.�::������ �I�� ����'���� ����....������'�i������� ���:��� �� ���..���������.� ���..����„�����i�������"� ��i��� �� � ���.��.. �- � � ,` y . . 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As part of this report, staff will identify the best commercially available technology options for each vehicle class and provide recommendations for adjustments to the obj ectives for each vehicle class. ���ne+�i�r�e+�'.i��rtr�emm�n♦ ������� � � � � ���IIIIIII'���� I� ��� �������� �,,��' ��,������ ���� �������������������„��.�'�,;�� ����;,��� �������.��������i���,���iiiii��.����� � ��� . � . .. 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PURPOSE The Town shall establish and maintain a comprehensive inventory of all classes of vehicles owned, operated, or leased by the Town of Lexington and or on behalf of the Town of Lexington. The Town shall establish objectives for emission reductions from those vehicles and an integrated plan and timeline with obj ectives for transitioning each class of vehicles to zero emission vehicles, prioritizing zero emissions vehicles, monitoring progress against those obj ectives, and reporting the progress against those obj ectives on an annual basis. The objectives of this policy are to: • Reduce air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions from the Town's vehicles • Increase the use of electric vehicles in the Town fleet • Increase the average fuel economy of each vehicle • Optimize the fleet size and minimize vehicle size, weight, and other factors affecting fuel use when appropriate � Minimize vehicle miles traveled(VMT) • Reduce total cost of ownership over the lifetime of the vehicle • Reduce vehicle noise • Maximize the use of grant funding and incentives to convert and purchase electric and emissions-reduction technology for the Town fleet and EV infrastructure. APPLICABILITY This Fleet Electrification Policy applies to all divisions and departments of the Town of Lexington. GUIDELINE S The Town will establish a Vehicle Electrification Transition Plan with the following elements: 1 1. Fleet Inventory: The Town will maintain and annually update a comprehensive vehicle inventory for ALL vehicles owned, leased, operated by the Town or on behalf of the Town and a plan for transitioning those vehicles to battery-electric vehicles (BEV) or plug-in electric vehicles (PHEV)vehicles. As required by the DOER Green Communities Program, the Town will maintain an inventory of all Town- and School-owned vehicles. This inventory will include the following information: model, make, model year, month and year purchased, VIN, drive system,weight class, miles per gallon, annual miles driven, total fuel consumption, department, vehicle function. 2. Electric-first procurement Vehicle procurement should be prioritized as follows: 1. BEV 2. PHEV 3. Hybrid-electric vehicle or other alternative fuel vehicle 4. Standard vehicle The fleet policy is electric-first, meaning that electric vehicles (EVs) shall be prioritized when the Town purchases or leases motor vehicles for its municipal operations. Beginning in FY22, all light-duty passenger vehicles purchased or leased are required to be BEVs. Departments may request an exemption from the BEV replacement. All exemptions shall require approval by the Town Manager after a recommendation is made by the Sustainability Director. 3. Classification and Transition Objectives: For each vehicle class defined by the Commonwealth's MOR-EV program, the Town shall establish targets for the transition of vehicles in that class to a zero emissions option every three- years. The classi�cations may include: passenger vehicles, passenger vans, cargo vans,police cruisers, ambulances, fire trucks, public works vehicles, school buses and other categories of vehicles that are appropriate to effectively capture all the vehicles in the inventory. Staff shall assess the suitability of electric vehicle options for each vehicle class,with respect to availability, range and load requirements and, any emergency response requirements, to determine practicability. When developing the transition plan, Staff shall evaluate emissions reductions, Total Life Cycle Cost as defined in the Sustainable Action Plan, including acquisition, operations, maintenance, emission fees, electric vehicle charging infrastructure, available grants, etc. The Town will develop a standardized calculation for determining life cycle costs for different classes of vehicles. The transition plan will prioritize replacing vehicles at the end of their expected useful life. 2 VVhere the Town contracts vehicle services, the Town will provide a preference for contracts and seek out companies for competitive bidding that offer the use of electric and/or fuel-efficient vehicles. 4. Purchase, lease or contracting of standard vehicles If the transition plan identifies that an EV is not commercially available or not suitable for a particular class of vehicles when replacement of a vehicle in that classification is required, a standard vehicle may be purchased. If purchasing a standard vehicle, the purchase should prioritize the most fuel-efficient model available and consider fuel-reduction and emissions-reduction technology, such as diesel particle filters, selective catalytic reduction systems, exhaust gas recirculation,NOx adsorbers, oxidation catalysts, anti-idling devices, etc. Where opportunities exist, particularly if grants and new technologies are or become available, the ToWn should pilot electric options for heavy-duty vehicles. 5. Evaluation of fleet and vehicle size The Town will procure vehicles and equipment of minimum size according to assessed needs. Specifically, the Town will ensure that purchase plans require vehicle class and model of the smallest size and weight appropriate for each vehicle's tasks. All positions requiring vehicle use shall be evaluated as to the required vehicle class size necessary to conduct the j ob. The Town will evaluate ways to reduce its fleet size. Departments will also investigate whether vehicles can be shared between departments. When retiring a vehicle from the fleet, the Town will evaluate whether replacement is necessary. 6. Electric vehicle charging Where possible, efforts will be made to install charging equipment at locations convenient for vehicle users to minimize operational inefficiencies. However, flexibility may be required of vehicle operators and Town staff to adjust procedures to accommodate charging locations. 7. Funding The initial purchase price of policy-compliant vehicles and equipment may be more expensive than standard vehicles in the initial years, while operating costs over the life of the vehicle Will be lower. Departments should estimate upfront investment required for vehicle purchases and budget accordingly in capital budget requests. The Town shall evaluate existing capital requests for vehicles and evaluate opportunities to fund additional upfront costs. The ToWn shall take advantage of grant funding to offset the upfront costs of electric vehicles and charging apparatus. 8. Monitoring and Reporting: Progress against the transition obj ectives for each vehicle class will be monitored and reported to the Select Board on an annual basis. As part of this report, staff will identify the best 3 commercially available technology options for each vehicle class and provide recommendations for adjustments to the obj ectives for each vehicle class. 9. Vehicle operation and maintenance Where applicable, the Town will use available resources to build awareness and educate its employees regarding responsible vehicle operation as detailed below. • Anti-Idling o Vehicle idling produces both excessive waste of fuel and air pollution. As a part of this policy the Town hereby recognizes the importance of enforcing the existing Anti-Idling Law, as allowed by M.G.L. Chapter 90 Section 16A. Additionally, Town staff should reduce idling as much as possible in vehicle operations. The Town will also incorporate anti-idling education into other public health and sustainability forums. • Reinforce operator awareness o The Town and its employees will encourage energy-saving driving habits (i.e. awareness of sudden acceleration or sudden stopping), and paying attention to the need for regular preventative maintenance of vehicles. • Reduce Vehicle Miles Travelled(VMTs) o The Town will reinforce employee awareness of vehicle miles travelled during work hours as well as for commuting, and will encourage alternate travel practices such as carpools, vanpools, bicycling, and walking. • Vehicle maintenance o A well-maintained vehicle will optimize fuel use and reduce air pollution. Preventative maintenance that ensures optimal vehicle operation shall be performed regularly for each vehicle. o Vehicles Will be inspected regularly and prior to extended use to ensure correct tire pressure, oil and coolant levels, and to identify possible signs of other fluid leaks. o The Town will dispose of hazardous materials such as waste oil, lubricants, antifreeze, and batteries safely through environmentally-responsible practices and in accordance with all applicable state and federal regulations. Questions/Enforcement The Sustainability Director shall be responsible for administering this Policy. This Policy shall be enforced by the Town Manager and or their designee. 4 � 4A i � � W � � fa � a� � a� � � � c� � V � � �U � � W O� � LA � � � � � w O � o � � O � .V N � N � � � 0 `� II � � � b�A .� i � L N � O � O '+J w co � � � a o � � O �+ M ca N � � O N � U � � � V � � � U � � G� Q � _ �� f6 � " � '� a� � c.� � Q V � > � � � �' o 0 � 'i i i i W � �M W 0 � � � � � � J � � �J 2 2 � � � � �' �i � � � U � w � Q � � W u1 O O u� I� O u� O O I� O O � s o0 0 � � � o �o o m �n � �o �° � � oo �n � rn � � �n o �n � o � � oo � ri � �o �n � � �n ri o � � � � � � � � � � � � � � °� o � �n � rn �n � o 0 0 �n � � � � O u1 � � O �O O N � M u� O o � o � � �n c� �o 00 0 � m � � � � � rl rl N O t� I_f) N rl O Q M r—I r—I Lf') c—I -(./)- -�!)- �./)- i./)- i./)- -(./)- -(./)- -(/)- -(./)- -(.!)- c/'� L � � � � I� O }' � � }, p O cn � = U U � N � � � � � � c.�i> > c�n (� � � � � i � � � } � U 0 � � � � � � � � � � � � U � � � � � -� � _ � o _ � c� _ "' � O a� � � � � U � � � � � �f6 � � �fa � � � � .� � �fQ V Q �7 � � � � � n � � � �7 a Q � AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approve Affordable Housing Study Committee Charge PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: Carol Kowalski,Assistant Town Manager for Development I.5 S UMMARY: Attac hed p leas e find redline and c lean vers io ns with the S elec t B o ard memb er's c o mments inc o rp o rated fro m the p rio r draft. SUGGESTED MOTION: Move to approve the Affordable Housing Study Committee Charge as attached and dated 8/19/21. FOLLOW UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 8/23/2021 7:45pm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � �f��,�c�����7�� �.:�:��r�� Il���m�� � G;��,;��ur� �.�����,��1�11������� � ��:�„��:������������;��c���c� ���������II������:� Affordable Housin�Study Committee Revised �9 21 Ref: ���� � � � �� � �r�� � �r � � � III��' � � � � Members: 5 Appointed by: Select Board , � � :� � � �. :� � :���� .::�� .�� �� Le n�t h of Te r m.T h re e e a rs���,iii������u iii���liii� ,��w,��°��iiii������I� �iiii����� �����'� �iiii I iiii iiii�� iii��� ������ iiii�r I�� ��,� �� ������ �III��������iii����' Y � �'� � /l ror+r.iw�rwtinM�c ftA�r�a• ��: Meetin�Times: Up to twice monthly. Committee composition: ���������Iiaison of the Select Board. Other T e Committee s a e composed o ive mem ers, p us a �����iii�� �° � � �� ����may include individuals with experience in real estate lending or finance, land use iiii�ii����i�'Ip���l 1����iiii"°� � or real estate law,-real estate development, affordable housing development, housing advocacy, Iannin racial e uit accessibilit sustainabilit resilienc or architecture. ��°� ��� iii�iii��iiii�������� iii��°�����°�°�I���iiii�°���� , , , / , p g q Y Y Y Y �����I I ���II����u� � ������iiii�iii� ������� ��µ����������liii�w Staff support: Land Use Health & Development Department and the Regional Housing Services Office Committee Mission/Char�e: The Committee will work in two phases: • Phase 1 to brin a ro osal to ����°� IIII��°����iii�u�� �� Town Meetin to ado t a Munici al Affordable I g p p g p p Housing Trust; • Phase 2 to develop a proposal for a Housing Development Corporation. Phase 1: Review Lexin ton's Housin needs as detailed in the�����������������Com rehensive Plan U date �����������������������' g g p p � � ��°���i��°i�,°°���I�����iii�u� ���� the re orts of the S ecial Permit Residential Develo ment Ad-Hoc Committee the � , p p p � Community Preservation Committee, and data from Lexington's housing groups and other relevant sources. Identify Lexington affordable housing funding sources �� ������r ���� ������°��°� �� etermine whether an affordable housin trust can advance Lexin ton's housin Goals. IIII g g g Consider and recommend roles and expected interaction between an Affordable Housing Trust and Lexington's existing housing entities(the Housing Authority, LexHab,the Housing Partnership Board,et al.) and potential future entity, i.e., a non-profit Housing Development Corporation. Consider and recommend roles and expected interaction between an Affordable Housing Trust and the Community Preservation Committee. � „ „�� w „ „ , � � .� � „„ „ , �„ „ „ � � „� � „ „„ „�� � � �� � � ��Ili� �„ ....� .....� � ...��� ��„„...�m� ....� .. �„ ' .. .�� � „ : :� „��'.. �°„'w „ �", �� .. i �� .. � � i I �,� IIII����III��I��IIII IIII� � ���III����� ���IIII��� III������IIII�I�IIII���„.III������� �w��������IIII�I� ��"�� � ���� m��� I���� ������IIII�� �III��I ������������ ����I�"��IIII�����IIII IIII� IIII�"������III�IIII�� � � � . � �� ����IIII"��� ���� �� �C������������ Deve I o a wa rra nt a rt i c I e ���iii�w �� iii��� I������ ���������iiii iii�� � to a d o t M G L �,��� �,� "���� .�.������� iii��� !� � �� p � p ,� ���������� ��������w Develop a draft bylaw for a ��� �,,��°����;,°�iii�,��,����1 Affordable Housing Trust to recommend to the Select Board ��, �����i����iiii"��� ������ �'��� s Deve I on a d raft Dec I a rat i o n of Tru st�r���iiii����iii�� �w���°�iii��'���h����I��� ����������iiii iiii���� �iiii�����. N 'u�� �� Phase 2: Analyze and evaluate the costs and opportunities, benefits and risks of creating a non-profit, non- governmental Housing Development Corporation, including a recommendation on whether such non- profit Housing Development Corporation would help Lexington produce affordable housing more quickly, efficiently and economically than is currently being produced by the Town or by private developers, and whether a Housing Development Corporation would ultimately replace LexHab.The committee may also recommend suggested initial staffing, operating budget, and annual fundraising plan. Develop the organization's draft bylaws and articles of organization. Committee term:This committee will terminate the sooner of the conclusion of its work through Phase 2, or by December 31, 2024 unless further extended by the Select Board. Prior to serving as a member of this Committee,appointees are required to: 1.Acknowledge receipt of the Summary of the Conflict of Interest Statute. Further, to continue to serve on the Committee the member must acknowledge annually receipt of the summary of the Conflict of Interest Statute. Said summary will be provided by and acknowledged by the Town Clerk. 2. Provide evidence to the Town Clerk that the appointee has completed the on-line training requirement required by the Conflict of Interest Statute. Further,to continue to serve on the Committee,the member must acknowledge every two years completion of the on-line training requirement. Affordable Housing Study Committee Revised 8/19/21 Ref: �„� � � (� �� �� �� I,,, �,,, �� ,,, � �� III�� �� � � � Members: 5 Appointed by: Select Board Length of Term:Three years or until completion and filing report with the Select Board. Meetin�Times: Up to twice monthly. Committee composition: The Committee shall be composed of five members, plus a non-voting liaison of the Select Board. Other members may include individuals with experience in real estate lending or finance, land use or real estate law, real estate development,affordable housing development, housing advocacy, planning, racial equity, accessibility, sustainability/resiliency,or architecture. The Committee members shall elect aChairandViceChair. Staff support: Land Use Health & Development Department and the Regional Housing Services Office Committee Mission/Char�e: The Committee will work in two phases: • Phase 1 to bring a proposal to Select Board and Town Meeting to adopt a Municipal Affordable Housing Trust; • Phase 2 to develop a proposal for a Housing Development Corporation. Phase 1: Review Lexington's Housing needs as detailed in the current Comprehensive Plan Update (expected completion 2021),the reports of the Special Permit Residential Development Ad-Hoc Committee,the Community Preservation Committee, and data from Lexington's housing groups and other relevant sources. Identify Lexington affordable housing funding sources Evaluate and determine whether an affordable housing trust can advance Lexington's housing Goals. Consider and recommend roles and expected interaction between an Affordable Housing Trust and Lexington's existing housing entities(the Housing Authority, LexHab,the Housing Partnership Board,et al.) and potential future entity, i.e., a non-profit Housing Development Corporation. Consider and recommend roles and expected interaction between an Affordable Housing Trust and the Community Preservation Committee. Present findings,work and recommended actions to the Select Board in advance of drafting materials for Town Meeting Develop a warrant article for Town Meeting to adopt MGL �,��� �,� ���� (� ��,� Develop a draft bylaw for a Municipal Affordable Housing Trust to recommend to the Select Board by June 30, 2022. Develop a draft Declaration of Trust for an Affordable Housing Trust. Phase 2: Analyze and evaluate the costs and opportunities, benefits and risks of creating a non-profit, non- governmental Housing Development Corporation, including a recommendation on whether such non- profit Housing Development Corporation would help Lexington produce affordable housing more quickly, efficiently and economically than is currently being produced by the Town or by private developers,and whether a Housing Development Corporation would ultimately replace LexHab.The committee may also recommend suggested initial staffing, operating budget,and annual fundraising plan. Develop the organization's draft bylaws and articles of organization. Committee term:This committee will terminate the sooner of the conclusion of its work through Phase 2, or by December 31, 2024 unless further extended by the Select Board. Prior to serving as a member of this Committee,appointees are required to: 1.Acknowledge receipt of the Summary of the Conflict of Interest Statute. Further,to continue to serve on the Committee the member must acknowledge annually receipt of the summary of the Conflict of Interest Statute. Said summary will be provided by and acknowledged by the Town Clerk. 2. Provide evidence to the Town Clerk that the appointee has completed the on-line training requirement required by the Conflict of Interest Statute. Further,to continue to serve on the Committee,the member must acknowledge every two years completion of the on-line training requirement. 8/18/2021 General Law-Part I,Title VII,Chapter 44,Section 55C Part I ADMINISTRATION OF THE GOVERNMENT Title vII CITIES, TO�►�NS AND DISTRICTS Cha ter 44 MUNICIPAL FINANCE p SeCtion 55C MUNICIPAL AFFORDABLE HOUSING TRUST FUND S ection 5 5 C. a Notwithstandin section 5 3 or an other eneral or g Y g s ecial law to the contra , a cit or town that acce ts this section ma p rY Y p Y establish a trust to be known as the Munici al Affordable Housin Trust p g Fund, in this section called the trust. The u ose of the trust is to rovide p � p for the creation and reservation of affordable housin in munici alities p g p for the benefit of low and moderate income households and for the fundin of communit housin , as defined in and in accordance with the g Y g rovisions of cha ter 44B. Acce tance shall be b ma'orit vote of the p p p y J Y munici al le islative bod under section 4 of cha ter 4. p g Y p b There shall be a board of trustees, in this section called the board, which shall include no less than 5 trustees, includin the chief executive g of�icer, as de�ined b section 7 of cha ter 4, of the cit or town, but Y p Y where the chief executive officer is a multi-member bod , that bod shall Y Y desi nate a minimum of 1 of its members to serve on the board. Trustees g shall be a ointed in a cit b the ma or or b the cit mana er in a Plan pp Y Y Y Y y g D or Plan E munici alit , sub'ect in either case, to con�irmation b the p Y J Y cit council, and in a town b the board of selectmen, shall serve for a Y y https://malegislature.gov/Laws/GeneralLaws/Partl/TitleVll/Chapter44/Section55C 1/5 8/18/2021 General Law-Part I,Title VII,Chapter 44,Section 55C term not to exceed 2 ears, and are desi nated as ublic a ents for Y g p g u oses of the constitution of the commonwealth. Nothin in this p � g subsection shall revent a board of selectmen from a ointin the town p pp g mana er or town admini strator as a memb er or chair o f the b o ard, with or g without the ower to vote. p c The owers of the board, all of which shall be carried on in p furtheranc e o f the u o s e s s et forth in thi s act, shall include the p � followin owers, but a cit or town ma , b ordinance or b -law, omit gp Y Y Y Y or modif an of these owers and ma rant to the board additional Y Y p Yg p owers consistent with this section: 1 to acce t and receive real ro ert , ersonal ro ert or mone , b p p p Yp p p y y Y i ft, rant, c ontribution, devi s e or trans fer from an ers on, firm, g g Yp co oration or other ublic or rivate entit , includin but not limited to � p p Y g mone , rants of funds or other ro ert tendered to the trust in Yg p p Y connection with an ordinance or b -law or an eneral or s ecial law or Y Y Yg p an other source, includin mone from cha ter 44B; rovided, however, Y g Y p p that an such mone received from cha ter 44B shall be used exclusivel y y p Y for communit housin and shall remain sub'ect to all the rules, Y g J re ulations and limitations of that cha ter when ex ended b the trust, g p p Y and such funds shall be accounted for se aratel b the trust; and p y y rovided further, that at the end of each �iscal ear, the trust shall ensure p Y that all ex enditures of funds received from said cha ter 44B are re orted p p p to the communit reservation committee of the cit or town for Yp Y inclusion in the communit reservation initiatives re ort, form CP-3, to Yp p the de artment of revenue; p 2 to urchase and retain real or ersonal ro ert , includin without p p p p Y g restriction investments that ield a hi h rate of income or no income; Y g https://malegislature.gov/Laws/GeneralLaws/Partl/TitleVll/Chapter44/Section55C 2/5 8/18/2021 General Law-Part I,Title VII,Chapter 44,Section 55C 3 to sell, lease, exchan e, transfer or conve an ersonal, mixed, or g Y Yp real ro ert at ublic auction or b rivate contract for such p p Y p Yp consideration and on such terms as to credit or otherwise, and to make such contracts and enter into such undertakin relative to trust ro ert as g p p Y the board deems advisable notwithstandin the len th of an such lease g g Y or contract; 4 to execute, acknowled e and deliver deeds, assi nments, transfers, g g led es, leases covenants contracts, romisso notes, releases, rant p g � � p �`Y g a reements and other instruments sealed or unsealed, necessa , ro er or g rY p p incident to an transaction in which the board en a es for the Y gg accom lishment of the u oses of the trust; p p � 5 to em lo advi s ors and a ents, such as ac c ountants, a rai s ers and p Y g pp law ers as the board deems necessar ; y y 6 to a reasonable com ensation and ex enses to all advisors and pY p p a ents and to a ortion such com ensation between income and rinci al g pp p p p as the board deems advisable; 7 to a ortion recei ts and char es between incomes and rinci al as pp p g p p the board deems advisable, to amortize remiums and establish sinkin p g funds for such u ose, and to create reserves for de reciation de letion p � p p or otherwise; 8 to artici ate in an reor anization, reca italization, mer er or similar p p Y g p g transactions; and to ive roxies or owers of attorne with or without g p p Y ower of substitution to vote an securities or certificates of interest; and p Y to consent to an contract, lease, mort a e, urchase or sale of ro ert , Y g g p p p Y b or between an co oration and an other co oration or erson; Y Y � Y � p https://malegislature.gov/Laws/GeneralLaws/Partl/TitleVll/Chapter44/Section55C 3/5 8/18/2021 General Law-Part I,Title VII,Chapter 44,Section 55C 9 to de osit an securit with an rotective reor anization committee, p Y Y Yp g and to dele ate to such committee such owers and authorit with g p Y relation thereto as the board ma deem ro er and to a , out of trust Y p p pY ro ert , such ortion of ex enses and com ensation of such committee p p Y p p p as the board ma deem necessar and a ro riate; Y Y pp p 10 to c arr ro ert for ac c ountin u o s e s other than ac ui s iti on date Yp p Y gp � q values; 11 to borrow mone on such terms and conditions and from such Y sources as the board deems advisable, to mort a e and led e trust assets g g p g as collateral; 12 to make distributions or divisions of rinci al in kind; p p 13 to com rise, attribute, defend, enforce, release, settle or otherwise p ad'ust claims in favor or a ainst the trust, includin claims for taxes, and J g g to ac c e t an ro ert , e ither in total or arti al s ati s facti on o f an p Yp p Y p Y indebtedness or other obli ation, and sub'ect to the rovisions of this act, g J p to c ontinue to ho ld the s ame for such erio d o f time as the b o ard ma p Y deem a ro riate; pp p 14 to mana e or im rove real ro ert ; and to abandon an ro ert g p p p Y Yp p Y which the board determined not to be worth retainin ; g 15 to hold all or art of the trust ro ert uninvested for such u oses p p p Y p � and for such time as the board ma deem a ro riate; and Y pp p 16 to extend the time for a ment of an obli ation to the trust. pY Y g d Notwithstandin an eneral or s ecial law to the contra , all g Y g p rY mone s aid to the trust in accordance with an zonin ordinance or b - Y p Y g Y law, exaction fee, or rivate contributions shall be aid directl into the p p Y trust and need not be a ro riated or acce ted and a roved into the pp p p pp https://malegislature.gov/Laws/GeneralLaws/Partl/TitleVll/Chapter44/Section55C 4/5 8/18/2021 General Law-Part I,Title VII,Chapter 44,Section 55C trust. General revenues a ro riated into the trust become trust ro ert pp p p p Y and to be ex ended these funds need not be further a ro riated. All p pp p mone s remainin in the trust at the end o f an fi s c al e ar, whether or not Y g Y Y ex ended b the board within 1 ear of the date the were a ro riated p Y y y pp p into the trust, remain trust ro ert . p p Y e The trust is a ublic em lo er and the members of the board are p p Y ublic em lo ees for u oses of cha ter 25 8. p p Y p � p The trust shall be deemed a munici al a enc and the trustees s ecial p g Y p munici al em lo ees, for u oses of cha ter 268A. p p Y p � p The trust is exem t from cha ters 59 and 62, and from an other g p p Y rovisions concernin a ment of taxes based u on or measured b p gp Y p Y ro ert or income im osed b the commonwealth or an olitical p p Y p Y Yp subdivision thereof. h The books and records of the trust shall be audited annuall b an Y Y inde endent auditor in ac c ordanc e with ac c e te d ac c ountin racti c e s. p p gp i The trust is a overnmental bod for u oses of sections 23A, 23B g Y p � and 2 3 C o f cha ter 3 9. p ' The trust is a board of the cit or town for u oses of cha ter 3 OB Y p � p and section 15A of cha ter 40; but a reements and conve ances between p g Y the trust and a encies, boards, commissions, authorities, de artments and g p ublic instrumentalities of the cit or town shall be exem t from said p Y p cha ter 30B. p https://malegislature.gov/Laws/GeneralLaws/Partl/TitleVll/Chapter44/Section55C 5/5 Affordable Housing Study Committee Revised 8/19/21 Ref: �„� � � (� �� �� �� I,,, �,,, �� ,,, � �� III�� �� � � � Members: 5 Appointed by: Select Board Length of Term:Three years or until completion and filing report with the Select Board. Meetin�Times: Up to twice monthly. Committee composition: The Committee shall be composed of five members, plus a non-voting liaison of the Select Board. Other members may include individuals with experience in real estate lending or finance, land use or real estate law, real estate development,affordable housing development, housing advocacy, planning, racial equity, accessibility, sustainability/resiliency,or architecture. The Committee members shall elect aChairandViceChair. Staff support: Land Use Health & Development Department and the Regional Housing Services Office Committee Mission/Char�e: The Committee will work in two phases: • Phase 1 to bring a proposal to Select Board and Town Meeting to adopt a Municipal Affordable Housing Trust; • Phase 2 to develop a proposal for a Housing Development Corporation. Phase 1: Review Lexington's Housing needs as detailed in the current Comprehensive Plan Update (expected completion 2021),the reports of the Special Permit Residential Development Ad-Hoc Committee,the Community Preservation Committee, and data from Lexington's housing groups and other relevant sources. Identify Lexington affordable housing funding sources Evaluate and determine whether an affordable housing trust can advance Lexington's housing Goals. Consider and recommend roles and expected interaction between an Affordable Housing Trust and Lexington's existing housing entities(the Housing Authority, LexHab,the Housing Partnership Board,et al.) and potential future entity, i.e., a non-profit Housing Development Corporation. Consider and recommend roles and expected interaction between an Affordable Housing Trust and the Community Preservation Committee. Present findings,work and recommended actions to the Select Board in advance of drafting materials for Town Meeting Develop a warrant article for Town Meeting to adopt MGL �,��� �,� ���� (� �,� Develop a draft bylaw for a Municipal Affordable Housing Trust to recommend to the Select Board by June 30, 2022. Develop a draft Declaration of Trust for an Affordable Housing Trust. Phase 2: Analyze and evaluate the costs and opportunities, benefits and risks of creating a non-profit, non- governmental Housing Development Corporation, including a recommendation on whether such non- profit Housing Development Corporation would help Lexington produce affordable housing more quickly, efficiently and economically than is currently being produced by the Town or by private developers, and whether a Housing Development Corporation would ultimately replace LexHab.The committee may also recommend suggested initial staffing, operating budget,and annual fundraising plan. D iii�������iii��������� ������°��w�iii�°���r iiii����iii����'���������iiir°��iiii����w������ t h e o r a n i zat i o n's d raft b I aws a n d a rt i c I es of o r a n i zat i o n. IIII �� ' g Y g � � • Prior to serving as a member of this Committee,appointees are required to: 1.Acknowledge receipt of the Summary of the Conflict of Interest Statute. Further,to continue to serve on the Committee the member must acknowledge annually receipt of the summary of the Conflict of Interest Statute. Said summary will be provided by and acknowledged by the Town Clerk. 2. Provide evidence to the Town Clerk that the appointee has completed the on-line training requirement required by the Conflict of Interest Statute. Further,to continue to serve on the Committee,the member must acknowledge every two years completion of the on-line training requirement. AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Water and Sewer Abatement Appeal - 3 Patricia Terrace PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: Peter Zmuidzinas,Appellant I.6 S UMMARY: P eter Zmuidzinas, res ident o f 3 P atric ia Terrac e, will pres ent his app eal to the S elec t B o ard after b eing denied an ab atement fro m the Water S ewer Ab atement B o ard. C aro lyn Ko s no ff,A s s is tant To wn Manager fo r F inanc e and D ave P ins o nneault, D P W D irec to r will b e o n the meeting to answer any questions as well. SUGGESTED MOTION: FOLLOW UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 8/23/2021 B:OOpm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � If:�M�'����r��.�.��:��������:�:��������������������:� �:����;�����:� II:��:��w�°���.�. SELECTBOARD MEETING AUGUST 23R�,2021 PETER ZMUIDZINAS 3 PATRICIA TERRACE-APPEAL OF WATER/SEWER CHARGES ABATEMENT APPEAL REQUEST WATER/SEWER BILL: 11/25/2020 REPORTING PERIOD: 03/26/2020 - 09/08/2020 REPORTED USAGE: 113 HCF CHARGES IN QUESTION: WATER $726.70 SEWER: $1,592.12 TOTAL: $2,318.82 BASIS FOR APPEAL Based on the Town's WSAB published Policies and Procedures Water/Sewer Usage Charges(as approved by the Select Board September 21, 2020),there is clear basis for approving an abatement of the charges shown above and beyond the interest only abatement decision taken in February 2020.The WSAB document states that"each application will be considered on its own set of facts"as they relate to the WSAB's guidelines for abatement decisions.When considering the unique set of facts of our situation,there are two compelling bases within the WSAB's guidelines for approving an abatement: 1) Billing Error Abatement: The town's billings for 3 Patricia Terrace are interlinked with Arlington,as our water/sewer services are linked to Arlington's system,not Lexington's. Based on review with town staff of the billing agreement between the town and Arlington, I believe the town has clearly overcharged us for the reported usage in a manner that does not reflect actual costs incurred by the town. See attached analysis. 2) Leak Abatement Methodology: No cause has been established for the large overage in reported usage. In absence of a definitive cause for the reported usage, I believe both our long record of consistent water usage/conversation and the town's long record of inetering issues/abatements suggest that the application of the leak abatement methodology is a fair and reasonable basis for abatement. See attached analysis. ABATEMENT REQUESTED We request that the town reconsider its original February decision.We request an abatement amount that is fair and reasonable to both the town and to us as town residents. The amount of abatement should include (a) accurate/actual costs basis to the town,and (b) in absence of established cause for reported usage,a reasonable estimation of likely usage based on our usage history. ABATEMENT REQUEST HISTORY We have followed the town's outlined policies for applying for abatement,worked with town staff clarifying aspects of the abatement request and town policies and guidelines. Below outlined is the abatement request history: GOOD FAITH PAYMENT $380.00 ABATEMENT APPLICATION: 01/2021 ABATEMENT DECISION (02/21): INTEREST ONLY LEAK INSPETION (R.P. DOMININGS PLUMBING): 03/01/2021 INSPECTION: (DYE TEST ON TOILET) NO LEAK INSPECTION: (VIEW ALL FIXTURES) NO EVIDENCE OF LEAKS COST INCURRED: $150.00 TOWN INSPECTION/METER REPLACEMENT 03/05/2021 INSPECTION: (DYE TEST ON TOILET) NO LEAK INSPECTION: (VIEW ALL FIXTURES) NO EVIDENCE OF LEAKS METER REPLACEMENT: 03/05/21 TOWN METER TEST 03/21 INFORMATION REQUESTS/DISCUSSIONS WITH TOWN STAFF ON-GOING ABATEMENT DECISION HISTORY(10 YEAR OF WSAB MEETING MINUTES) BASIS OF WATER/SWER AGREEMENT WITH TOWN OF ARLINGTON SELECTBOARD MEETING AUGUST 23RD,2021 PETER ZMUIDZINAS 3 PATRICIA TERRACE-APPEAL OF WATER/SEWER CHARGES BASIS OF APPEAL 1:BILLING ERROR(OVERCHARGE) Based on discussion with Town Staff,below I applied my understanding of the agreement between Arlington and Lexington for billing basis for our property,which,while within Town limits,is connected to Arlington's Water/Sewer system.In this specific instance,the method apparently results in a significant difference(overcharge)to us;the charge does not accurately reflect actual costs incurred by either Arlington or Lexington: 1.Lexington reports customer readings to Arlington on a quarterly basis. 2.Arlington invoices Lexington based on Arlington's tiered retail rates on a quarterly basis.Arlington includes quarterly administrative charges. 3.Lexington separately reads our meter on a semi-annual basis. 4.Lexington charges customer on a semi-annual basis based on Lexington's tiered retail rates. Note:Absent the acutal exchange of invoices and payments between towns,I have estimated Arlingtons'charges normalizing to a semi-annual basis. ARLINGTON(lccf=1 HCF)TIERED RATES FY 2020(quarterly) water sewer Tier 1(0-15ccf� $5.36 ccf $6.42 ccf Tier 2(16-30ccf� $5.73 ccf $6.85 ccf Tier 3(>30cc� $6.96 ccf $8.31 ccf ARLINGTON(lccf=1 HCF)TIERED RATES LEXINGTON(lccf=1 HCF)TIERED RATES FY 2020(semi-annual) FY 2020(semi-annual) water sewer water sewer Tier 1(0-30ccf� $5.36 ccf $6.42 ccf Tier 1(0-40hc� $4.40 ccf $8.34 ccf Tier 2(31-60ccf� $5.73 ccf $6.85 ccf Tier 2(41-80hcf� $6.59 ccf $13.61 ccf Tier 3(>60cc� $6.96 ccf $8.31 ccf Tier 3(>80hcf� $8.70 ccf $21.64 ccf ARLINGTON TO LEXINGTON CHARGES-ESTIMATED SEMI-AIVNUAL LEXINGTON TO CUSTOMER CHARGES-ACTUAL BILLING USAGE TIER AMOUNT USAGE TIER AMOUNT water 30 HCF $5.36 $160.80 water 40 HCF 4.40 $176.00 30 HCF $5.73 $171.90 40 HCF 6.59 $263.60 53 HCF $6.96 $368.88 33 HCF 8.70 $287.10 113 HCF $701.58 113 HCF $726.70 sewer 30 HCF $6.42 $192.60 sewer 40 HCF 8.34 $333.60 30 HCF $6.85 $205.50 40 HCF 13.61 $544.40 53 HCF $8.31 $440.43 33 HCF 21.64 $714.12 113 HCF $838.53 113 HCF $1,592.12 subtotal $353.40 administrative charge $13.42 per qtr $26.84 total $1,566.95 total $2,318.82 LEXINGTOIV NET REVENUE(CUSTOMER CHARGE-TOWN COST) Lexington Charges to Customer $2,318.82 Arlington Estimated Charges to Lexington $1,566.95 Lexington Net Revenue(overcharge to customer) PETER ZMUIDZINAS 3 PATRICIA TERRACE-APPEAL OF WATER/SEWER CHARGES BASIS OF APPEAL 2:LEAK ABATEMENT METHODOLOGY 1.Neither the town nor we,the customer, have been able to establish a cause for the reported usage. 2.Without definite cause,town staff and WSAB were unable to categorize and recommend an abatement basis. 3.Based on discussion with town staff,leak investigation,meter replacement,review of 10 years of WSAB abatement hearings,review of 19 years of our own usage,we believe it is at least as likely,if not more likely,that the reported usage is inaccurate as opposed to attributable to an unnoticed increase in usage,undetected leaks,or other causes. 4.Outlined below are considerations why a 4-fold increase in usage over our average usage is highly unlikely,wildly inconsistent with our usage record and possibly inaccurate. 5.Leak abatement methodology as applicable to our reported usage is outlined below.This method,in our view,is applicable to this situation because it balances customer and town responsibilities.Application in this instance is also consitent with the town goals of promoting water conservation and customer due dilligence. CONSIDERATIONS IN METER REPORTED USAGE-113 HCF 1.Customer's 19 year average usage 29 HCF 2.Total Bathrooms in House 1 3.Irrigation System No 4.Evidence of Leaks-Customer hired plumber None 5.Evidence of Leaks-Town Water Department None 6.Change in number of plbg.fixtures during reporting period 0 7.Change in occupants/use patterns during reporting period None 8.Previous metering charges abated. Yes LEAK ABATEMENT METHODOLOGY(WSAB EXAMPLE) LEAK ABATEMENT METHODOLOGY(3 PATRICIA TERRACE) a usage being contested(HCF) 200 a usage being contested(HCF) 113 average usage from same billing cycle(three average usage from same billing cycle(three b years'worth) 40 b years'worth)* 28 c excess usage 160 c excess usage 85 d total billed at water and sewer tiered rates 40 d total billed at water and sewer tiered rates e total billed at water and sewer wholesale rates 160 e total billed at water and sewer wholesale rates *Average Usage(3 years worth)3 Patricia Terrace 11/12/19 27 11/20/18 28 10/27/17 30 Average 28 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Battle Green Use Request - Le�ngton Minute Men Participation in Celebration of Life Event in Honor of Dan H. Fenn, Jr. PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: D o ug Luc ente, S elec t B o ard Vic e- C hair I.7 S UMMARY: T he L exingto n Minute Men, Inc. have reques ted p ermis s io n to us e the B attle G reen o n S aturd ay, S ep temb er 18, 2021 from 2:30pm to 3:3 Opm for their p articip ation in a c elebration o f life event in memory o f Dan H. F enn, Jr., c o ns is ting o f: 5 to 10 L MM Mus ket C o mp any Memb ers p arad ing o nto the B attle G reen fro m F irs t P aris h C hurc h, firing up to three mus ket vo lleys in s alute, and marc hing o ff o f the B attle G reen to return to F irs t P aris h C hurc h. T he to tal time o n the G reen wo uld b e ap p ro ximately 20 minute s within the 2:3 Op m to 3:3 Op m timeframe. T he c eleb ratio n o f life event its elf will take p lac e o n the gro und s o f F irs t P aris h C hurc h. The P olice Department, Department of Public Works, and the F ire Department have no objections to this request. SUGGESTED MOTION: Move to approve the request from Lexington Minute Men, Inc. to use the Battle Green on S aturday, S ep temb er 18, 2021 fo r ap p ro ximately 20 minute s within the timeframe o f 2:3 Op m to 3:3 Op m fo r the p urp o s e o f firing three mus ket vo lleys in s alute as p art o f a c eleb ratio n o f life event in memo ry o f D an H. F enn, Jr. FOLLOW UP: Select Board Office DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 8/23/2021 8:20pm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � �.�1��1�::��,JII.�1:��1��.�.��-�����;�a����a�.���;c�p�������:�"����:.:��,��,������d,�����c���f.���'��f°,�r�a���::�����:���A���.� ����������:� I[������� 1f^���A�������a,,,,,�f.��������.����� ��������, [�,,r� � �.���c��������J�:���;����..:�°�������(����a:���.��,��:���f�.�� �I::����-���q,m� Il��;a��������. ��;,�''�'��°�,�� r r �� w..�. ..,�A ° � ���� �� ����� �� ��♦ ����� ° ��� � g ' `� � � ` � �r� POST OFFICE BOX 1775 LEXINGTON MASSACHUSETTS 02420 l'�� � � ��T ,���,�, ���, ����� ,,� -�;e�"}�,' ' � : CAPTAIN COMMANDING DAVID KEMPER �, �� ,��. ;��°�fl�� �' ,yr, ,ti�;, ��,^� w°f���,>�� ��,�� �,, '����N � ,���w������,m;�, '����_�fl�;� Select Board Town of Lexington 1625 Massachusetts Avenue Lexington, MA 02420 Dear Select Board, The Lexington Minute Men have been invited to participate in a memorial service for Dan Fenn on Saturday, September 18th.The LMM is not organizing the event,but we will be guests at the memorial service that will be held on the grounds of the First parish Church. At a designated time during the service, the LMM Musket Company will march from the grounds of the First Parish Church to the Battle Green. Once on the Green, the Musket Company will fire 3 volleys in salute as part of the memorial service. The exact timing of the 3 musket volleys will be determined by the timing of the ceremony but the expectation is that the volleys would be fired between 2:30—3:30 PM. Once, the 3 volleys have been fired, the Musket Company will march off the Green and rej oin the ceremony. The parading onto the Green and the firing of the 3 volleys, should take no more than 20 minutes to complete. The only time the Musket Company will be on the Green is when they are going through the commands of firing the 3 volleys. At all other times during the ceremony, the LMM will be on the grounds of the First Parish Church. I would like to ask permission for 5 to 10 members of the Lexington Minute Men to fire up to 3 volleys in salute of Dan Fenn as part of that participation. The Lexington Minute Men will make every effort to follow Federal and State guidelines remaining in effect that are related to the Covid-19 pandemic. We look forward to working with the Town of Lexington to participate in this memorial service. If there is any additional information you require from me,please let me know. Sincerely, Kevin Collins Adjutant, Lexington Minute Men "Stand�your�round�—�on't fi're unless fired�upon; But if they mean to have a war.Get it 6egin heye." -%.prill9, 1775— Captain�ay�er .,�.....,�.....��...,�.....W.....�.....,�.....,�.....��...,�.....W.....�.....,�.....,�.....��...,�.....a.....�.....,�.....,�.....��...,�.....a.....�.....,�.....,�.....��...,�.....a.....�.....,�.....,�.....,�.....,�.....a.....�.....,�.....,�.....,�.....,�.....a.....�.....�.....,�.....,�.....�.....a.....�.....�.....,�.....,�.....�.....a.....�.....�.....,�.....,�.....�.....,�.....�.....�.....,�.....,�.....�.....,�.... � � ..��.d6.:.A wf.d6.:.A��i _dA.:d d'@ -d6.;.A����wf� .. � . .�._�...d .�. . . . ...6 �. . _.d...d ��. ....6 ...6. . - �.t�.�.�:���v�� ���r �v ���r��.�;�.�� ���.:h�.��v I��v������� l_�, ��l_� ,� � '1�h� �������r�� ��� �.r��. �������.�;����� h�.�������� �.�.���;,��. �r� �.�����.�.r��� ��t�a th� �.:��.� ���;h� 'I���r�. ��.-I��:��r��t���� �.�h�.��;�� l_����l_�� �.� �.������ � , .�.r��r �tla������ ����.� �.��;�v�t��� r��t��������;�� ���h����t� ��y th���������.t������ �r����. �r���;h� ��.th���r��������.:�� ��� �;h� �.t�;���:������ ���th� ���� ������� ���������r�� ��;� h���;,��r �.r��. �h��h �.�r���;�����.�r� £��������;h�.r� ����h����, �.�� �.����� , ��th�������.��.�;������ �� ���;����� �;h�����, ��������;���;h tla� �.�;� �� �;h� �.�� � �h�.�� �;,�.��� ����� �����, l_, - ��r���;����� �., �f��..��� ������f �����.�.� �.�.� ���������.�� ���.������������. ��� �����������. ���� �������..���� t����h����, ����t������ �r����� ���.�r��, ���.����.� �r��t��.�����t, ���th�� �v���th�.t ��� �.��� ���.r��, ��, " �.�;�;�� �:������ �����.��;�������; 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As the Bo ard is aware, this will require a full RF P pro c es s, award by the S elect Bo ard and then p ermitting thro ugh the Z B A(irregularity o f the lo t) as p er S ec tio n 6.2 o f the Z o ning B ylaws. SUGGESTED MOTION: vote to authorize the Town Manager to issue an RFP for potential relocation of the Hosmer House(by others) to 41 Hanc o ck S treet. FOLLOW UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 8/23/2021 8:25pm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � �11��f:l��:��f���,����,�:���,������ �.����°���IC��r��.� � ��.�f�a(a"'���:��� �.:�.���b,�. II������ Town of Lexington, MA April 28, 2021 41 Hancock � � � , � ��e �- �. tn t � � �� �"�"�"��"' � e ��� n,. � :� p������� � �, .��. � ������. �.�1,�:���.� - �� ,,���,� " � �'"` �,� � - . � �� � �� �� ��� � ���� �p r �, �,y � � , � ,�. � � � � , � �" �.�.r , �� � � .,�� �,. �, ���;>"�� � � � l,� �,; ; �ai � �» � , r��, am �� ii ���� f� ��" ���� �, �,�„ � �� � �:� ;:�a'� �i,�-�L�1 �"� �„ , �,pk�,,. �^ � �4 � M. , �� „ � �-� � ��a��,� � ui �� � �������������� ,��ati� � �� ..R.„ � � .,.�r �� h�H �n� �� -" f -, .y�d ,��.�� ���� „�w��= ��.. � � �r'� i� `""�--, � �. _ �a ar�� �„ � r�,�`"'�n � � N����� �'�� � ,, �1�`�^���� `�u � w-�" �' ��o� � �'��M �%,, .. � �, �� , -� �,. ���� �,' t � �� _....A.,,,-" w. � �� ,�r, I�� �I � �� �� �������"� � �' �� ���-��� �° � � �� �� �, �� � � — � � � 1 tt � ,��� �� � ��'�°." �,� ���� i,�� a�� �r�,� r�������; . _ � c � 1. ��� � �" ���. „� � - m e � �t ������ �„����__�_� e_e ���,� �� �_e_e_ ,�J - ,��,�"�'� ����� �� a������1��1�111�i� ��,_ �"��i�� �-��.� � ,�.. � � - �, , � ���� � i ���ry 4� ��„�� '� '�I ` 5����� ;�� ���� �„�„. � h,- e.,� � � �� ����� �� s, �, N �h t _ ��. � � ���� � �1 � �� � � ���� � m�i�� �������� �����n, ��,�� �fi,� e ��-�e , �, , -� � � _ �., �. , P _ ,�„ a ,� �,,,� ".,. , .„7�; }�I � � � ""�. r:�� d �� �,. �m w�p � ' i ,, �,�a auy ;, �f ��h N � 8�„,-x .�"�� -:,,., _, p� _ � �.� �,��jp �� ���� � . w � °' u� � � u I�uI i � yp�" �""I �� ��v�� �m-'i (���}�r„�� ��.��, ���-�� �`"��i '"�� I�����VIIIV �M'�a��� �' �,:3�� I V s� _ r, � . .. ���������� "'� ' � ;. ��e,�� ,�°� , I � ����� ��' '� � �.,y ���-����;�, � , d�, ; �, �� � ����� — �, ��� �;r�, I -„ � � �;� ��—���� ; � �,: �� ,� ����,�� ,- �ti�ti����s� ��� �� �� ��,1�1�� ���''� � �� � �� � ` ,� ���,�i��� �� � � ,�� ����� �� � � °�' ° �' n {�;, � i ,�� ; �„��u�N��!�N���Ilq�l�l� . �dl ��;,,�„r,���.� ti �,; ,��,;�I�,� ; � ��"" �,� ��, ����.�� e� 5-�-1�.� , ii ` '�� ��x� � � �� ��.� � , I� � ,�, �, i ` �� ��-���y� � ��� i �' „��, ,.,�a �'. �, � �.'��.,���- �.;� ��,.'�'r� �� � �;` � 0 � �4�a ;� �"�''.� �' � s % II �^' g�" �' 111���' � � .. .i °��� �,, ,r �, ; � �'p,.�`r '�"`;' '���,� ���p �•�a"r� �. �� � � .tl �� .,; ` �" � � ,, � ,�, ` ` �� �n��� ��� � . ; ����� � � ��� m� w�� ���,�,��� � „ ,' �;� � ��� �� �.,�r �1�� � � , �, „� �� � � ' � �� . 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MAP FOR REFERENCE ONLY NOT A LEGAL DOCUMENT Town of Lexington,MA makes no claims and no warranties, expressed or implied,concerning the validity or accuracy of the G IS data presented on this map. Geometry updated 5/30/2019 Data updated 5/30/2019 � r' � �3��� � �� � � � r O O'"° I I �:z�Z\��o`�'U o o�Z q � � C�2 � I I mU m�z�0.��J Q q �mo" � q � r� � 'n' C��W C4.�J Q ~ � � �W . � ( � � O � �p�z j h � � F�r�•--�i Q w w � r� � � O g �n�"i,.i v�m C T� �..J E'" Q�`''�' '"'� Z � h � i"�¢w�`� C Q�+� �C'�O O � V W W� C 7�,� W � � � q � ��W q q o �i�Tr�� �v.�� a W � Z 'y z � � �- W �� j ¢N20�J E.,� �r��I Q`�! qr^..�W ,,� c� � � �` � �a�u a `�1�,1 �1�E� J o� �w W z w g �- � o� ; z�w�z Z � ��Q+w ,,,`'�„ q �--Z �w,zza� Z � °ti� �a a �zwv�5` � �� �N w� oJ_.,Q� v� � � wce� w w q��0.m c.� � a, J o W �u �w o � ��� �n co°p q 4°,g w w a Gj •-� zw�ZZwwwO ��wOo �.�� Q�Na g5�?� N �� q ��(� w . 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