HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-12-02-PB-min PLANNING BOARD MINUTES MEETING OF DECEMBER 2, 2020 Minutes of the Lexington Planning Board Held on December 2, 2020, Virtual Meeting per Governor Baker's Order at 7:00 pm Present: Robert Creech, Chair; Robert Peters, Vice-Chair; Ginna Johnson, Clerk; Richard Canale; Charles Hornig; Michael Leon, Associate). Also present was Amanda Loomis, Planning Director, and Molly Belanger, Town Planner. Robert Creech, Chair, read the agenda into the record, introduced members of the Planning Board and Planning Department Staff, and called the meeting to order on Wednesday, December 2, 2020. Mr. Creech read the following statement relative to the recent outbreak of COVID-19. Good evening. Consistent with Governor Baker's Executive Order of March 12, 2020, suspending specific provisions of MGL. c. 30A, §18 due to the current State of Emergency in the Commonwealth due to the outbreak of COVID-19, this meeting of the Lexington Planning Board is being conducted remotely. In-person attendance is not permitted at this time. Every effort will be made to ensure that the public can adequately access real-time proceedings via technological means. In the event access cannot be provided, an audio or video recording of this meeting will be available for review on the Town of Lexington website or through LexMedia as soon as possible after the meeting. For this meeting, the Lexington Planning Board is convening by video conference via Zoom. Specific information for remote participation by the public can be found on the Planning Office’s web page. Please note that this meeting is being recorded. At this time, I will provide a brief review of the meeting proceedings. 1. For each public hearing, the Planning Board will request a presentation from the Applicant or petitioner, followed by an opportunity for the Planning Board to ask questions or provide comments. Then the floor will be open for public comments. 2. All comments during public participation need to be limited to 2 minutes or less and must be respectful. 3. When the time comes for public participation, if you are dialing in, you may use *6 to mute or unmute yourself and *9 to raise or lower your hand. 4. If at any time during the meeting you have a question, please use the Q&A feature, and staff will respond. 1. Development Administration a. Hobbs Brook Site Sensitive Special Permit Residential Development Surety/Security Release Ginna Johnson recused herself from the discussion. Michael Leon, Associate Planning Board member, joined the discussion. Bob Creech, Creech requested an update from Jeff Rhuda. Mr. Rhuda provided a brief review of the Assistant Planning Director’s letter. Mr. Creech questioned Mr. Rhuda about the waste on- site. Mr. Rhuda noted that he would work with the Assistant Planning Director to resolve any outstanding items. Mr. Creech requested comments from the Planning Board. The following comments were provided. Page 2 Minutes for the Meeting of December 2, 2020  Richard Canale stated that he traversed the trail and that the trail is not kept in the best state. Mr. Canale questioned if the state of the trail was as expected. Mr. Rhuda stated that the Homeowner’s Association owns the trail.  Charles Hornig stated his concerns relative to the stormwater management system. Mr. Rhuda reviewed the Assistant Planning Director’s letter (December 2, 2020). Mr. Hornig noted that the retaining wall has slumped, in addition to four (4) outstanding items. Mr. Hornig requested clarification from staff as to whether the stormwater was fully functioning.  Michael Leon referenced the December 2, 2020 memo and a recent site visit. Mr. Leon questioned if there was a performance bond held by the Conservation Commission. Mr. Leon stated that he assumed that the impervious surface reductions were accomplished and requested confirmation of such an effort.  Robert Peters stated that he concurred with his fellow Planning Board members and would want to ensure the retaining wall is Charles Hornig moved that the Planning Board release the Hobb Brook project's remaining surety conditioned on the Planning Director's agreement that the stormwater facilities are in proper working condition. Mr. Canale added to the motion the removal of the silt fence on Lincoln Street and adding stone dust to the path. Richard Canale seconded the motion. The Planning Board voted in favor of the motion 5-0-0 (roll call: Charles Hornig – yes; Richard Canale – yes; Robert Peters – yes; Michael Leon – yes; Bob Creech – yes). MOTION PASSED b. Subdivision Approval Not Required (ANR): 25 Somerset Road Bob Creech, Chair, provided a brief review of the proposed Approval Not Requested (ANR). Ginna Johnson rejoined the public meeting, and Michael Leon exited the public meeting. Mr. Creech requested comments from the Planning Board. The following comments were provided.  Ginna Johnson stated her concerns regarding the grading but understood that this Approval Not Required endorsement.  Richard Canale and Robert Peters stated that they did not have any comments.  Charles Hornig agrees that it requires an endorsement but noted that the proposed Approval Not Required (ANR) Planning of Land does not meet the Zoning Bylaw.  Mr. Creech stated that he did not have any comments. Charles Hornig moved that the Planning Board endorse the Plan of Land for 25 Somerset Road. Richard Canale seconded the motion. The Planning Board voted in favor of the motion 5-0-0 (roll call: Charles Hornig – yes; Richard Canale – yes; Robert Peters – yes; Ginna Johnson – yes; Bob Creech – yes). MOTION PASSED c. Subdivision Approval Not Required (ANR): 3 Minute Man Lane and 23 Battle Green Road Bob Creech, Chair, requested comments from the Planning Board. The following comments were provided. Minutes for the Meeting of December 2, 2020 Page 3  Charles Hornig stated that one of the lots appears to be about six (6) inches short of qualifying for an Approval Not Required (ANR) endorsement. Molly Belanger provided a brief review of the reduction.  Ginna Johnson stated that she did not have any comments.  Richard Canale and Robert Peters stated that they were reviewing Mr. Hornig’s comments. Ms. Belanger provided clarification regarding page 4 of the Application. The Planning Board discussed the proposed Plan of Land and whether it could be endorsed based on the limited frontage amount. Charles Hornig moved that the Planning Board determine that the Plan of Land at 3 Minute Man Lane and 23 Battle Green Road shows a subdivision subject to the Subdivision Control Law. Richard Canale seconded the motion. The Planning Board voted in favor of the motion 5-0-0 (roll call: Charles Hornig – yes; Richard Canale – yes; Ginna Johnson – yes; Robert Peters – yes; Bob Creech – yes). MOTION PASSED d. Street Adequacy Determination (SAD): 57 Woburn Street/19 Cottage Street Bob Creech, Chair, and Molly Belanger provided a brief review of the proposed Street Adequacy Determination, in that the road needs to be reconstructed. The Planning Board concurred with the recommendation as outlined in the Planning Office Staff letter. Charles Hornig moved that the Planning Board determine that Cottage Street is not currently of adequate grade and construction but will be if improvements are made as outlined in the staff memo. Ginna Johnson seconded the motion. The Planning Board voted in favor of the motion 5-0-0 (roll call: Ginna Johnson – yes; Richard Canale – yes; Charles Hornig – yes; Robert Peters – yes; Bob Creech – yes). MOTION PASSED 2. Board Administration a. Consideration for possible 2021 ATM zoning petition – Section 6.2.7 – clarifying language for Historic Preservation Incentives Bob Creech, Chair, opened the discussion regarding the potential zoning petition for Section 6.2.7 of the Lexington Zoning Bylaw. Mr. Creech requested comments from the Planning Board. The following comments were made.  Richard Canale stated that he did not have any comments.  Charles Hornig stated that he previously spent time reviewing and drafting amendments to Section 6.2.7. Mr. Hornig questioned what the proposed Citizen Petition would solve. Mr. Creech allowed Collin Smith, Citizen Petitioner. Mr. Smith provided the background for the proposed Zoning Bylaw amendment, which was based on recent efforts about the Hosmer House. Mr. Hornig requested further clarification as to what specific goals the proposal was intending to address. Mr. Smith and Mr. Hornig discussed the proposed zoning amendments. The Planning Board continued to provide comments. Page 4 Minutes for the Meeting of December 2, 2020  Robert Peters stated that Mr. Smith’s presentation is well-founded and would support the change. Mr. Peters noted that maybe the Planning Board should look at further amendments to the Zoning Bylaw.  Richard Canale stated that he agreed with Mr. Peters and Mr. Hornig. Mr. Canale noted that if they could look at the entire section, that would be great, but this effort may be a useful bandaid.  Ginna Johnson stated that more attention to present the loss of cultural resources would be great. Ms. Johnson requested clarification on the proposed language. Mr. Creech recognized members of the public. Members of the public provided support for Mr. Smith’s efforts, in addition to their experiences with the Zoning Bylaw. The Planning Board discussed its potential support for this effort. b. Review of Lexington 20/20 Vision Survey Robert Peters provided the background for the 20/20 Vision Survey and requested the Planning Board provide a review of the survey. Bob Creech, Chair, requested comments from the Planning Board. The following comments were provided.  Richard Canale provided a review of the outreach for the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Canale further stated the need for the question to address impacts, including transportation, housing, economics, etc.  Ginna Johnson stated that numbers 36 get to the trade-offs. Ms. Johnson referenced her time on Vision 20/20 and provided choices that were required to be made.  Charles Hornig did not provide comments at this time.  Mr. Creech provided a review of the amendments. Mr. Creech requested an extension of time. c. Discussion of Housing & Discussion of ATM 2020-2 Article 8: Systematic Racism Resolution Bob Creech, Chair, requested that Richard Canale start the conversation regarding housing. The Planning Board took a three (3) minute break. The Planning Board restarted the meeting at 8:30 pm. Mr. Canale stated that the Housing and Systemic Racism agenda items were intertwined. Mr. Canale shared his screen, which included language from the Special Town Meeting 2020-2, Article 8 – Systemic Racism Resolution (Citizen Petition), Table 3: Sample Development Characteristics and Transportation Impacts. Mr. Canale referenced the housing and potential redevelopment of the Hartwell area. Mr. Creech questioned how the Planning Board goes about creating housing within the Town. Mr. Canale provided an overview as to how to increase housing options by 400 to 500 additional units. Robert Peters discussed Hartwell and commercial development, which includes a review of lots that were shovel ready. Ginna Johnson stated that the Planning Board needs to ask the right questions and that the Planning Board should form a subcommittee that would explore housing options in light of Minutes for the Meeting of December 2, 2020 Page 5 climate resolutions and racism. Ms. Johnson referenced the need to increase public outreach efforts, housing diversity, and housing inclusion in Hartwell. Charles Hornig referenced the 1924 Town Report, which discouraged cheap housing in Lexington. Mr. Hornig discussed housing and how it should be incorporated throughout Town rather than concentrated in Hartwell. Mr. Canale referenced three (3) areas for housing within Lexington (Hartwell, Special Permit Residential Development (SPRD), and along bus routes). Mr. Canale further stated the need for planning and identification of actual numbers of housing needed. The Planning Board discussed their opinions on these proposals. Michael Leon stated that Lexington has a regional housing responsibility. The Planning Board further has a leadership responsibility to identify where housing and change should take place. Mr. Leon noted that the Planning Board could not only focus on housing in Hartwell. Mr. Creech referenced the exclusion of specific populations in Lexington. Ms. Johnson responded to the various statements made by previous Planning Board comments. The Planning Board discussed housing, minorities, and systemic racism in depth. Mr. Creech opened the floor for public comments. Public comments were provided relative to how to fight systemic racism, in addition to the examples provided. d. Consideration of possible 2021 ATM zoning articles Ms. Loomis provided a brief review of the Planning Board's expected list of potential zoning articles for the Annual Town Meeting of 2021. The Planning Board briefly discussed the request. e. Board Member & Staff Updates  Richard Canale stated his concerns about the lack of public participation during the Hartwell Innovation Park (HIP) public sessions. f. Upcoming Meeting and Anticipated Schedule The Planning Board briefly discussed their upcoming on schedule for the next several months. Adjournment Bob Creech moved that the Planning Board adjourn the meeting of December 2, 2020. Richard Canale seconded the motion. The Planning Board voted in favor of the motion 5-0-0 MOTION PASSED Meeting adjourned Ginna Johnson, Clerk of the Planning Board