HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-05-13-LHRC-min Town of Lexington, Human Rights Committee Meeting Thursday, May 13, 2021 Virtual 9:00a.m.-10:47a.m Present: Committee Members: Monami D. Roy [MDR] (Chair), Tanya Gisolfi [TG] (Vice Chair), Stephanie Hsu [SH] (Clerk), Fuang-Ping Huang [FH], Cleveland Coats [CC],Melissa Interess [MI] (Town Manager's Office Member/Human Services Department), James E. Barry Jr. [JB] (Police Department), Scott Bokun [SB] (School Committee Member) Meeting called to order at 9:04 AM, Quorum was present at 9:04 AM 1. Welcome 2. New Police Station— Doug Lucente (Select Board, Vice Chair), Joe Pato (Select Board) — The Select Board requested a meeting to listen to community concerns and feedback regarding the Lexington police department, specifically asking 3 questions: I)Have you been part of feedback and outreach and what was your experience?; 2) What has been your experience with the LPD, if any, good or bad?; 3) Do you have concerns with the current police department operations that might impact how we build a new station? The Select Board goal is to offer a second round of feedback opportunities and put together a report on what they have learned and report back to the entire Select Board. Committee members feedback included that several members met with Carmen Ortiz. Committee concerns voiced that the Ortiz report isn't as deep as it could be and that some voices were heard over others. Committee members noted that retired Chief Corr deserved and received a lot of positive feedback regarding police community liaisons and that the liaisons are very appreciated. Mental health training of our police in another positive aspect sets them apart from other communities. Members reported there is a larger concern from the community around transparency and how the police operate in town and community concern that there may be an element of what supremacy withing the LPD. Committee member noted they have heard from several black families that they would like their child's first interaction with the police to be a positive one. More community/police interaction would go a long way to making citizens feel more comfortable. Committee member noted they did not see where or if the report addressed how the police interact with schools, particularly where incidences occur with students. Have families who have had experiences with the police when they have been called to the schools because of a mental health breakdown of their child been asked for their input and have the schools been asked about the aftermath of these incidents and how it has affected not only the child/family involved, but other students? Committee member would like more information on how the police interact with the schools in these traumatic situations, and how can we make it less traumatic for all the children involved. Members discussed the need for a police station as a separate issue from transparency and the day-to-day management of our police, and noted that police and staff deserve a safe building. Committee members suggested a space within the new building that is set aside for community training and that offers community outreach and connects the community with the police in a positive way, i.e. self-defense classes. In keeping with Committee focus on human and civil rights Committee would also like to insure there be gender neutral bathrooms/lockerrooms both in the public and department spaces? Public Comments included community member (Bob Pressman) who shared his concerns about the report and his review of all the documents. A member of the Policing workgroup stated that their principal finding was the lack of data or access to data. 3. Minutes — SB - Motion to accept November 5, 2020, and December 10, 2020, minutes; MDR— Second; Passed 4. Housekeeping for Remaining Meetings and Future Events —LHRC is planning for only one meeting in June (June 10, 202 1) with elections in August not September. No Hate November planning will start in June. Human Services reported that all events for Mental Health Month are underway. For more information go to www,lexin�t nra. ov/mentalealt . Human Services is also working on Conversations on Community Standards, which includes a program on Civil Public Discourse. Committee member requested that we invite Bob Pressman be given time on the agenda to present his findings on policing in Lexington. LPD liaison will be changing to Lieutenant Chris Barry. 5. Race Amity Day— Clarke Middle School has contributed art from their project on Human Rights and we have a song from the 5th grade choruses, Nothing More, and are working on collecting other songs and stories from the community. 6. My American Story— CALex— My American Story, May 26, 2021 at 7:30pm. 7. Chair Report 8. Unexpected Items Not Reasonably Anticipated in Advance 9. Public Comments For Items Not on the Agenda 10. Confirm Next Meeting Date and Time — June 10, 2021, at 9am TG Motion to adjourn; JB — Second; passed Documents • Chair Report • Anderson Kreiger Review of Lexington Police Department Policies and Practices