HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-06-07-CONCOM-min OVS MOROVI" Off` OP a M PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES A,R,L,9,„ Conservation Commission L£XtNG110� Meering broadcasted by LexMedia AGENDA Monday,June 7, 2021, 6:30 p.m. Pursuant to Governor Baker's March 12, 2020 Order Suspending Certain Provisions of the Open Meeting Law, G.L. c. 30A, §18, and the Governor's March 15, 2020 and subsequent Orders imposing strict limitations on the number of people that may gather in one place, this meeting of the Lexington Conservation Commission will be conducted via remote participation to the greatest extent possible. No in-person attendance of members of the public will be permitted, but every effort will be made to ensure that the public can adequately access the proceedings in real time, via technological means. In the event that we are unable to do so, despite best efforts, we will post on the Town of Lexington website or through LexMedia an audio or video recording, transcript, or other comprehensive record of proceedings as soon as possible after the meeting. This Conservation Commission meeting was held remotely via Zoom, an online meeting platform. Public Participation via calling in or using your computer was encouraged. Commissioners Present: Kevin Beuttell, Alex Dohan, Philip Hamilton, Ruth Ladd, David Langseth, Holly Samuels and Duke Bitsko (arrived at 7:15 PM) Associate Members Present: Vinita Bose and Jason Hnatko Staff Present: Karen Mullins, Conservation Director and Meghan McNamara, Department Assistant 6:30 PM New Business/Pendine Matters John Wysocki to provide an update on use of wildlife camera at Willard's Woods (LUPA-28) Mr. John Wysocki, Lexington student,provided the Commission with video evidence and an update on his findings while using a wildlife camera at Willard's Woods during the winter and spring in 2021. Mr. Wysocki spotted turkey, raccoons, deer, and much more with the camera. 14 Village Circle update on enforcement order, violation of patio work without Conservation approval Mr. Dan Wells presented on behalf of the property owner who is looking for guidance on a restoration approach from the Commission. Mr. Wells estimates that the disturbed area is less than 50 feet from the stream and he confirmed the patio has not been constructed to be permeable. The Commission would like to be presented with a significant replanting plan with native species and invasive removal since this work is located within the inner riparian zone. 15 Volunteer Way - Ashok Patel, update on expansion of work limit and changes to the site within the 100-foot buffer zone Mr. Ashok Patel, property owner, and Mr. Tim Power, PVI Site Design, presented the Commission with an overview of the site conditions and work completed on site thus far. Comments from the Commission: — The wetland line appears to stop on the property line and seems unusual. — If the property has disturbed the one acre limit of threshold, the roof may require additional stormwater management if exceeded under the town stormwater bylaw. — Noticed regrading behind the shed and this is close to the 30-inch diameter trees. — If the property has exceeded the one acre disturbance threshold, the roof might require management and treatment in addition to what is being proposed. It is recommended that the property owner become familiar with the Lexington Stormwater Bylaw regulations and discuss with the Lexington Engineering Department. Mr. Power and Mr. Patel are to discuss a proposal and set a more realistic and accurate wetlands line to show they meet the standards or need to request a waiver. 7:29 PM Conservation Plan Modification/Insignificant Plan Change Request: 4 Maguire Road, ViewPoint Cloud Permit# CPM-21-9, DEP4201-1201, CNOI-20-28 Mr. Joseph Piccirilli, HighPoint Engineering, confirmed for the Commission that there is an overall net decrease in impervious surface and the proposal has received a favorable engineering report from the Lexington Engineering Department. On a motion by Mr. Langseth and seconded by Ms. Ladd, the Commission voted 7-0 by roll call vote to approve this as an Insignificant Plan Change. Record of vote as follows: Kevin Beuttell—Aye Duke Bitsko —Aye Alex Dohan—Aye Ruth Ladd—Aye David Langseth—Aye Holly Samuels —Aye Phil Hamilton—Aye 7:32 PM New Public Meetings/Hearings ViewPoint Cloud Permit# CN0I-21-21, DEP#201-#### Notice of Intent: 95 Hayden Avenue Applicant: Town of Lexington Engineering Property Owner: 95 Hayden LLC, c/o Hobbs Brook Management, LLC Project: wastewater pump station upgrades Documentation Submitted.- - ubmitted:— "Existing Conditions and Demolition Plan" Drawing C-5, "Pump Station Site Layout Plan and Profile Hayden Avenue" C-6, "Hayden Ave Pump Station Existing Conditions and Demolition and Modifications Plan" C-8, "Erosion Control Notes and Details" C-10; Prepared for: Town of Lexington DPW; Prepared by: Wright-Pierce; Stamped and signed by: Kevin M. Olson, PE Civil No. 36482; Date: 5/21/2021; — "Notice of Intent Application" and attachments; Prepared by: Wetlands & Land Management, Inc.; Prepared for: Town of Lexington Engineering; Date: May 2021; Date Notice of Intent signed: 5/14/2021; — "Hayden Avenue Pump Station Site Layout Plan and Profile"; Drawing C-6; Prepared by: Wright-Pierce; Date: 5/21/2021; Mr. William Manuell, Wetlands and Land Management, Inc., and Mr. Marc Moccio and Mr. Derek Costa, Wright-Pierce (civil engineers), presented before the Commission. Request to add various conditions regarding stockpiling being tarped at end of work day and additional erosion controls around the perimeter of the stockpile area. Very tight work area. Questions and Comments from the Commission: — How do you plan to control and/or eliminate the Japanese knotweed? — Will you be using a biodegradable blanket on the steep slopes? — What is in the existing control box? Concerned about an oil release. Responses from the Representatives: — The work should begin around mid July to mid August, however the most realistic start date is Winter or Spring 2022. — The Japanese knotweed can run 4-5 feet deep and can look into excavating that far down to control the spread of the invasive species. — Any slope steeper than a 3:1 ratio will have an erosion control blanket in place. — Will be re-foaming and seeding almost everything within the erosion control. — The project team believes the control box contains electrical connections and infrastructure. Ms. Jamie O'Connell, Cambridge Water Department, was in attendance to ask the project team questions and ensure the pump station meets drinking water regulations as the tributary next to the pump station helps feed the Hobbs Brook Reservoir, and a portion of the project is within an area designated as an Outstanding Resource Water. Ms. O'Connell asked what the power source for the generator will be and if any liquid fuel will be stored, and Mr. Moccio responded that the power source is natural gas and no liquid fuel will be stored. Ms. O'Connell asked if there is an alarm station in the pump room and Mr. Moccio responded yes and that they are in all the stations in town. Mr. Bitsko and Mr. Beuttell both recused themselves due to involvement with the Cambridge Water Department. On a motion by Mr. Langseth and seconded by Ms. Samuels, the Commission voted 5-0 by roll call vote to continue the hearing to the June 21, 2021 meeting at the applicant's request. Record of vote as follows: Alex Dohan—Aye Ruth Ladd—Aye David Langseth—Aye Holly Samuels —Aye Phil Hamilton—Aye 7:52 PM ViewPoint Cloud Permit# CN0I-21-22, DEP#201-1225 Notice of Intent: 0 Adams Street (Map 69, Lot 100B) and North Street Conservation Area Applicant: Town of Lexington Engineering Property Owner: Town of Lexington Project: wastewater pump station upgrades Documentation Submitted.- - ubmitted:— "North Street Existing Conditions and Demolition Plan" C-2, "North Street Pump Station Grading Plan" C-4, "North Street Pump Station Demolition and Modifications Plan" C-7, "Erosion Control Notes and Details" C-10, "Floodplain Compensatory Plan" C-1 l; Prepared for: Town of Lexington DPW; Prepared by: Wright-Pierce; Stamped and signed by: Kevin M. Olson, PE Civil No. 36482; Date: 5/21/2021; — "Landscape Restoration & Site Plantings"; Sheet Ll; Prepared by: RS Leonard Landscape Architecture; Stamped and signed by: Regina S. Leonard, RLA No. 4346; Date: 5/11/2021; — "Site Plantings Pallette" and "Restoration Plantings Pallette"; Prepared by: RS Leonard and Wright-Pierce; Date: 5/5/2021; — "Notice of Intent Application" and attachments; Prepared by: Wetlands & Land Management, Inc.; Prepared for: Town of Lexington Engineering; Date: May 2021; Date Notice of Intent signed: 5/14/2021; — "North Street Pump Station Site Layout Plan and Profiles"; Drawing C-3; Prepared by: Wright-Pierce; Date: 5/21/2021; Mr. William Manuell, Wetlands and Land Management, Inc., and Mr. Marc Moccio and Mr. Derek Costa, Wright-Pierce (civil engineers), presented before the Commission. Questions and Comments from the Commission: — What is an appropriate restoration plan? Difficult to evaluate when there isn't a numerical value to judge against. Please quantify what is being removed and what is being replaced. — This is a very dangerous intersection. Is there a strategy for a proposed crossing for pedestrians and bicyclists? Responses from the Representative: — There is an existing crosswalk and no more being planned than to maintain the crossing. Can look into this. — Need to elevate the control panel and the pad to get out of the flood zone and that is where the filling is occurring. — About 88 cubic yards of flood storage. Devised a plan that creates 139 cubic yards of compensatory flood storage all within a foot by foot increment, creating an extra 50 cubic yards. — Will work from the Adams Street side as much as possible to lower the disturbance within resource areas. On a motion by Mr. Langseth and seconded by Ms. Ladd, the Commission voted 7-0 by roll call vote to continue the hearing to the June 21, 2021 meeting at the applicant's request. Record of vote as follows: Kevin Beuttell—Aye Duke Bitsko —Aye Alex Dohan—Aye Ruth Ladd—Aye David Langseth—Aye Holly Samuels —Aye Phil Hamilton—Aye 8:13 PM ViewPoint Cloud Permit#CDOA-21-6 Request for Determination of Applicability: 453 Concord Avenue (Cotting School) Applicant/Property Owner: The Cotting School c/o Bridget Irish Project: replacement of the athletic field turf carpet and installation of a chain-link fence within the 100-foot buffer zone to Bordering Vegetated Wetlands, the 200-foot Riverfront Area, and areas of Conservation Easements Documentation Submitted: — "The Cotting School Turf Field Replacement" complete planset; Topographic Survey Sheet I, II, III, IV, V, Site Preparation, Layout and Materials Plan, and Details; Prepared for: The Cotting School; Prepared by: Activitas, Inc.; Date: 5/19/2021; — Memorandum; From: Activitas, Inc.; To: Conservation Commission; RE: Request for Determination of Applicability Narrative; Date: 5/19/2021; — Photographs of site; Not dated; — WPA Form 1 Request for Determination of Applicability application; Prepared by: Megan Buczynski, Activitas, Inc.; Prepared for: The Cotting School c/o Bridget Irish; Signed by Applicant and Representative on 5/19/2021; Ms. Megan Buczynski, Activitas, presented before the Commission. The Applicant is proposing to replace the 13 year old turf field by removing the top surface, carpet and in-fill and keep the pad that is underneath. The Applicant is also requesting to install a 4-foot high chain link fence to replace the net fence that is currently in place, and added that all work can be done on the turf side of the fence to avoid unnecessary disturbance. The in-fill is organic material and could be composted at the end of its life. Mr. Bitsko asked if the proposed chain link fence will have a bottom rail and whether it could be raised a few inches high for animals. Ms. Buczynski responded that the fence does have a bottom rail and that she would prefer to not leave a gap since its purpose is to catch baseballs and soccer balls from the athletic field. Ms. Ladd added that it could be more beneficial that a snapping turtle not get onto the field via under the fence and that there is grass surrounding the fence to help animals travel around if necessary. On a motion by Mr. Langseth and seconded by Ms. Dohan, the Commission voted 7-0 by roll call vote to issue a Negative Determination with Conditions. Record of vote as follows: Kevin Beuttell—Aye Duke Bitsko —Aye Alex Dohan—Aye Ruth Ladd—Aye David Langseth—Aye Holly Samuels —Aye Phil Hamilton—Aye 8:26 PM Continued Public Meetings/Hearings Viewpoint Cloud Permit#AOOC-21-3, DEP#201-1138, BL# 1095 Request for Amendment to Order of Conditions: 11 Sherburne Road Applicant: 11 Sherburne Road, LLC Property Owner: 11 Sherburne Road LLC c/o DND Homes LLC Project: Increase in square footage of roof area and walkway, and increase in size of approved drainage system Previous Meeting Dates: 5/24/2021 Documentation Submitted: None *This hearing was continued from the 512412021 meeting to provide adequate and timely abutter notification. On a motion by Ms. Ladd and seconded by Ms. Dohan, the Commission voted 7-0 by roll call vote to continue the hearing to the June 21, 2021 meeting at the applicants request. Record of vote as follows: Kevin Beuttell—Aye Duke Bitsko —Aye Alex Dohan—Aye Ruth Ladd—Aye David Langseth—Aye Holly Samuels —Aye Phil Hamilton—Aye 8:28 PM ViewPoint Cloud Permit# CN0I-21-18, DEP#201-1223 Notice of Intent: 13 Hancock Avenue Applicant/Property Owner: Gillian Galen Project: construct an attached garage to an existing single-family dwelling, replace a wooden deck, and reconstruct and expand an existing driveway within the 100-foot Buffer Zone to BVW. Previous Meeting Date: 5/24/2021 Supplemental Documentation: — "Drainage Plan" 13 Hancock Avenue; Prepared by: Gala Simon Associates; Stamped and signed by: Alberto M. Gala, PE Civil No. 36434; Dated 4/29/2021 and revised 6/l/2021; — "Engineering Drainage Calculations for 13 Hancock Avenue"; Prepared by: Gala Simon Associates, Inc.; Dated: 4/12/2021 and revised through 6/2/2021; Richard Kirby, LEC Environmental and Al Gala, Project Engineer, presented before the Commission. Comments from the Commission: — Is there a proposed curb around the driveway? Response and Comments from the Representative: — There is not a proposed curb around the driveway. What you are seeing is a retaining wall. That is why the trees have to be removed - building the retaining wall will take out roughly half of the root system and have reason to think the trees will not survive. — The entire driveway will be constructed of porous pavers. For calculation purposes, Mr. Gala only took credit for a certain area of the driveway as porous. — The proposed garage does include roof overhangs. — Water going to the Swale on the side of the house is significantly reduced. On a motion by Ms. Dohan and seconded by Mr. Langseth, the Commission voted 7-0 by roll call vote to close the hearing. Record of vote as follows: Kevin Beuttell—Aye Duke Bitsko —Aye Alex Dohan—Aye Ruth Ladd—Aye David Langseth—Aye Holly Samuels —Aye Phil Hamilton—Aye 8:38 PM ViewPoint Cloud Permit# CN0I-21-19, DEP#201-1224 Notice of Intent: 609 Waltham Street Applicant/Property Owner: Shailesh Prajapati Project: construct a living space addition to an existing single-family dwelling and install a porous pavement driveway extending from Waltham Street to a detached barn. Portions of the proposed activities are located within the 100-foot Buffer Zone to BVW Previous Meeting Date: 5/24/2021 Supplemental Documentation: — "Drainage Plan"; 609 Waltham Street in Lexington, Massachusetts; dated May 3, 2021, prepared by Gala Simon Associates, Inc.; Revised: 6/2/2021; — "Engineering Drainage Calculations"; 609 Waltham Street, Lexington, Massachusetts; dated May 3, 2021; Prepared by Gala Simon Associates, Inc.; Revised: 6/2/2021; Mr. Richard Kirby, LEC Environmental, and Mr. Al Gala, Project Engineer, presented before the Commission. Mr. Kirby informed the Commission that the proposed addition has been reduced to outside of the 50-foot buffer zone, the driveway is proposed closer to the garage, grading close to the tree is minimal, and tree protection has been added. During the previous meeting, questions were raised regarding the proximity of the infiltration system to the foundation. Mr. Kirby stated that Mr. Gala eliminated that system and instead added a cultec chamber to the other system so it is a larger sized system next to the barn. The Applicant requested to keep the grape vines behind the barn area and offered to limit maintenance to only access the area and through non-chemical means. Ms. Samuels asked how the steep slope is proposed to be stabilized and Mr. Kirby responded that the area will be regraded as a three to one slope and should be easy to stabilize. On a motion by Mr. Langseth and seconded by Ms. Samuels, the Commission voted 7-0 by roll call vote to close the hearing. Record of vote as follows: Kevin Beuttell—Aye Duke Bitsko —Aye Alex Dohan—Aye Ruth Ladd—Aye David Langseth—Aye Holly Samuels —Aye Phil Hamilton—Aye 8:48 PM ViewPoint Cloud Permit# CN0I-21-20, DEP#201-#### Notice of Intent: 75 Concord Avenue Applicant/Property Owner: American Towers LLC Project: to perform a boardwalk repair, fence installation and vegetation maintenance around the AM radio tower site within the 100-foot Buffer Zone to Bordering Vegetated Wetlands Previous Meeting Date: 5/24/2021 *Applicant has requested a Continuance to the 612112021 meeting On a motion by Ms. Dohan and seconded by Ms. Samuels, the Commission voted 7-0 by roll call vote to continue the hearing to the June 21, 2021 meeting at the applicant's request. Record of vote as follows: Kevin Beuttell—Aye Duke Bitsko —Aye Alex Dohan—Aye Ruth Ladd—Aye David Langseth—Aye Holly Samuels —Aye Phil Hamilton—Aye 8:49 PM New Business/Pendine Matters, Continued Enforcement order compliance: 91 Woburn Street restoration On a motion by Ms. Ladd and seconded by Ms. Samuels, the Commission voted 7-0 by roll call vote to close out the enforcement order. Record of vote as follows: Kevin Beuttell—Aye Duke Bitsko —Aye Alex Dohan—Aye Ruth Ladd—Aye David Langseth—Aye Holly Samuels —Aye Phil Hamilton—Aye 8:51 PM Request for Certificate of Compliance: 137 Wood Street, ViewPoint Cloud# COC-21-12, DEP4201-1178, CNOI-20-5 On a motion by Ms. Ladd and seconded by Ms. Dohan, the Commission vote 7-0 by roll call vote to issue the Certificate of Compliance. Record of vote as follows: Kevin Beuttell—Aye Duke Bitsko —Aye Alex Dohan—Aye Ruth Ladd—Aye David Langseth—Aye Holly Samuels —Aye Phil Hamilton—Aye 8:49 PM (2:21:40 for LexMedia Recording) Update on FY 2022 Special Town Meeting CPA requests: Meadowbrook Due Diligence and Parker Meadow ADA Improvements Supplemental Requests Ms. Mullins stated that these requests are allowed to be submitted for the Fall Town Meeting, and is also requesting to submit the supplemental information so as not to significantly delay the project or increase the costs as they will continue to rise. Schedule site visits for 6/21/2021 Meeting The site visits will take place on Monday, June 14Th, 2021 at 5:00 PM Reports: Bike Advisory, Community Gardens, Community Preservation Committee, Greenway Corridor Committee, Land Acquisition, Land Management, Land Steward Directors, and Tree Committee, HIP Working Group The water valve was located at the new Native Plant Nursery. This will make it possible to water the plants more easily at that location. On a motion by Mr. Langseth and seconded by Ms. Ladd, the Commission voted 7-0 by roll call vote to adjourn the meeting at 9:02 PM Record of vote as follows: Kevin Beuttell—Aye Duke Bitsko —Aye Alex Dohan—Aye Ruth Ladd—Aye David Langseth—Aye Holly Samuels —Aye Phil Hamilton—Aye Respectfully Submitted, Meghan McNamara Conservation Department Assistant Approved: 6/21/2021 Archived: 6/22/2021