HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-06-14 SB Packet - Released SELECT BOARD MEETING Monday, June 14, 2021 C onducted by Remote P articipation� 6:30 PM AGENDA PUBLIC COMMENTS Public comments are allowed for up to 10 minutes at the beginning of each meeting. Each speaker is limited to 2 minute s fo r c o mment. Memb ers o f the B o ard will neither c o mment no r re s p o nd, o ther than to ask questions of clarif"ication. Speakers are encouraged to notify the Select Board's Office at 781-698- 45 80 if they wis h to s p eak during pub lic c o mment to as s is t the C hair in managing meeting times. TOWN MANAGER REPORT CONSENT AGENDA 1. Select Board Committee Appointment 2. Water and S ewer Adjustments 3. Approve and S ign P ro c lamation- Rec o gnition o f Harriet "Hattie" F els P ric e's 101 st Birthday 4. Acceptance of Deed for Luongo Farm Lane 5. Town Manager Committee Reappointment ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION l. Discuss Formation of Task Force to Research Adoption of Municipal Affordable 6:SSpm Housing Trust 2. Review Request for Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons on Wood Street 7:OSpm 3. Approve Submission of Statement of Interest for Lexington High School 7:15pm 4. Update on American Rescue Plan Act(ARPA) 7:25pm 5. Liquor License- Change of Manager- Lemon Grass, Inc. d/b/a Love at First Bite 7:40pm T hai Kitc hen& B ar 6. Liquor License- Change of Manager- Lixi Hospitality Lexington FB MGT, Inc. 7:45pm d/b/a Alo ft L exingto n 7. Application: Entertainment License- CFHP The Hangar, LLC d/b/a Revolution 7:SOpm Hall 8. LexS eeHer Update 7:SSpm 9. Review and Approve List of Potential Sites for Relocation of Hosmer House B:OSpm 10. Vote to Name Town Manager as Administrator for Muzzey Resales 8:20pm 11. Approve Fiscal Year 2022 Cost-Of-Living Adjustment for Non-Represented 8:25pm Employees 12. Review of S mall C ell P olicy 8:30pm 13. Discuss Remote Work Policy- Select Board Office Staff 8:45pm 14. C O VID-19 & Reopening Update B:SSpm • Strategies, Implementation, Community Response Actions and Reopening Efforts Related to C O VID-19 Guidelines and Directives 15. Update on Next Steps for Social Racial Equity Initiatives 9:OOpm SELECT BOARD MEMBER CONCERNS AND LIAISON REPORTS ADJOURN l. Anticipated Adjournment 9:15pm *as p er Executive O rder regarding remo te p artic ip atio n:http s://u�ww.mas s.gov/do c/op en-meeting- law-order-march-12-2020/download Membe�s of the public can view the meeting webina�f�om thei�compute�o�tablet by clicking on the following link at the time of the meeting: https://zoom.us/j/94316917181?pwd=ejdhQkZZWWNGUGR3Y3BKdXpYWWVjQT09 iP ho ne o ne-tap: +13126266799„94316917181# or+19294362866„94316917181# Telephone:+1 301 715 8592 or+1 312 626 6799 Web inar I D:943 1691 7181 Passcode:256553 The next regularly scheduled meeting of the S elect Board will be held on Monday, June 28, 2021 at 7:OOpm. T he lo c ation o f this meeting is T BA. Hea�ing Assistance Devices Available on Request � All agenda time and the o�de�of items a�e app�ximate and � � �,�„ subject to change. Recarded by LexMedia AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Select Board Committee Appointment PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: Jill Hai, S elec t B o ard C hair C.1 S UMMARY: The Select Board is being asked to appoint Jaclyn Anderson to the Ad Hoc Stone Building Feasibility/Re-Use C o mmittee to fill an unexp ired term. T he term is s et to exp ire up o n the c o mp letio n and p re s entatio n o f deliverables for the newly proposed purpose of the Stone Building. SUGGESTED MOTION: To appoint Jaclyn Anderson to the Ad Hoc Stone Building Feasibility/Re-Use Committee for a term set to expire upon the completion and presentation of deliverables for the newly proposed purpose of the Stone Building. Move to approve the consent. FOLLOW UP: S elect Board O ffice DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 6/14/2021 ATTACHMENTS: Description Type ����"� ��:�.:..�I���;���:���r��;���.����:���i���u:�4ry�ry,����������:�/1��,,,,�,.1�����:�:����r���:d;����q:�������r��,,,,,��m � � �::��.���-����� II���.;������. .�������°���:.�a�. ..,,.., ev,`�i. v ��. �„ ,.,x, y ,�.., u.. . ,...... .�,..�.. ,//�,: w^ yrv�.o.w m i�� rw. � ��c.f ,r� r.N��r, ���„�m �a ..,. ��� M r.� �., , J i 4 V� �� �.�i��.�� ��,�, ::,r�„�n,��r ✓r��.,�ui...�� ,: ��„�., � .h i ,'"�,;, ,.,..i. .�, M�mV F V . „ ,. a 1...�t k, ,..w , .e., v.,. �, ..�,. ; ..w. ... � , �;7�4°+b:�'�.,..4n r .,..,..�... �-0� .�',.� � d r.,.�:1 .�uG�1�.. � .,., .r..�) ,..M. k .r. Y rt.rw/ 4�..if ..�+N.n„�Y ..W��,o.�� 'W �'�r�� r .� ,�.. � ,,. .,. ,,,�,.9,J £� � e 4�.�,e r,.. ;,', ,,...J�r'!�7 . ,�;- . 2,.�"�d9..�,.,.. ,..7 ., S',.W.,.�. .f i �.�s.rawu,rv.� �� ,-„..� ,.����. 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F t� d� a 7V,. u� dk'�,'.�,eJ.ar�, r/'� � 'r r r � '�` �;J � k ���� , � �� � °� ,,, c. �� r ,� , r � � � a �� �.� 1 � { �'':�; r � k� s, .4, w ��� �`, � � ,� � ��� , ��s , � ,�,��A��r�i�,��.a ��,� R`��``� .., ����� �:.���.�� aa�l � Ar��dersan v 250 Massachusetts Ave, �exingtan, MA 02420 E[3U�ATIt�N University of Central Flarida,t�rlando, FL August 2ptJ5 M.A. in Educatiana!Leadership in Hr'gher Education/5tuden�Persannel University of�lorida,Gainesville, Fl� August 2��3 8.5. ►n P'U�J�IC R�'IptlQ175, Honors Program HIGHER EDUCATIt�N ADMINlSTRATIUIV EXPERIENCE �'rograrn Assistant, Undergraduate Pragrams August 2Q16-Present Pre-Prafessianal Advisar,Acadernic Advising�.Support June 2t�13—July 2�1f Simmons Univ+�rsity, Boston, MA • Implement e-Partfolio software and serve as systems administrator • C�versee develaprnent and upkeep af all curriculum warksheets for student advising • Complete special projects as needed for Pravost's C►ffic� • Advise Pre-Med/Health and Pre-Law students on caurse selectian and developing a competitive application profile • Plan events ar�d professional develapment rrvQrkshops • Serve on�he He�lth Advisory Comrnittee • Manage student files for professiar�al schQol applica�ians Assistant Directvr,Craduate Pragrams iJffice,School of Management April 2fJ1Q—.1une 2�13 Boston University, Bostan, MA ■ Advise MBA full-time and part-time students, inclu�ding a11 Public and Nc�nprofi�IVlar�agement studen�s ■ Plan and execute�ammencement � Co-caardinate Internatianal Student Orientatian ■ Serve as liaisan ta Public and Nonprofit Nlanagernent pragram ■ Parti�ipate in all �raduate Programs evertts,such as vrientatians and many co-curricular events ■ Manage transfer of credit pracess and applications ■ Support MBA Peer Mentoring Program ■ Coordinate administrative duties far BraZil and lndia Field Seminar ■ Track and audit students pursuing the Operatians and Technology Management concentratiar� Academic&Student Suppart Program Specialist, Callege af Pra�fessional Studies August 24Q7—March 2�1� Northeastern University, Bas�on, MA ■ Provided advising and student suppart for 15 academic programs ■ Advised nan-traditianal student papulations, such as irrternatianal students,adult students,and online students ■ Facilitated warkshvps about time management, career development and study skills ■ Advised students on federal regulations and�he 5�udent and Exchange Visitar Infarmatian System {SEVIS) ■ Planned faculty develapment warkshops ■ Created on-line orientatian and virtual cammunity far distance learning ■ Implement�d stud�n�appreciation events ■ Planned quarterly new student orientations ■ U pdated office webpage Student Affairs Caardinator and Registrar,College o�f Pharmacy May 20Q6—June 2tJ07 University of Florida�UF�,Gainesville, FL ■ Supervised a seniar secretary,a program assistant, and a studenfi assis�ant ■ Executed all registrar fur�ctions for over 1,204 students an four campuses ■ Coordinated commencernent,white caat ceremany,family day,orientation and leadership conference ■ (Jrganized clinical requirements, background checks, immunizations and drug-scr�en processes ■ aevelaped and balanced $85k office budget ■ Provided academic advising and studen�suppart services ■ Performed all registrar functions for the college Coordinator,Learning and 1n�eracting with Neur Knights�LINK)�irst-Year Experience May 2fJQ5—May 20Q5 University af�entral Flt�rida{UCF},Orlando, FL ■ Partnered with all university departments to bring educational programrr►ing ta first-year students ■ Developed mentaring prvgrams for retention risk students ■ Supervised twa graduate assistanfis,six student assistants, and 35 peer mer�tars ■ Implemented ten alternative spring break excursior�s for 1QQ particip�nts ■ Coardinated crisis management plan for displaced Hurricane I�atrina students ■ Managed$150k program budget Leadership&Media�raduate Assistant,Student Involvemerit ar�d Leadership August 20U3�-May 2�}Q5 Rollins Callege,Winter Park, FL ■ Advised�he Tomokan Yearbook and �eadership Educatian and Develapment{�EAD�Tearn ■ Initiated and planned the first Rollins Leadership Week ■ �oordinated twice-annual �nvalvement fair far clubs and arganizatians TEACHtNG EXP'ERIENCE tJutdoar Nature Classes far Toddlers,Tinkergarten Spring 2�17-Fall 2018 �irst Year Seminar,Simmans University Fa�l 2Q13 Graduate Programs and Advising lnformatian, �oston lJniversity April 2�10--June 2�13 Senior Project in �iberal Studies,iNT 4891, Northeastern University Winter 2Q1�,Spring 2G1Q Intraduction ta Liberal Studies,INT 4305, Nartheas�ern University Fall 20Q9,V1/inter 2Q09 First Year Florida,5�511�2, University af Florida Spring 2007, Fall 2C�q6 Leadership in a Changing Warld, University af Central Florida Spring 2Q05 ADDITlC1N�4,1.EXPERlENCES PTA VP of Events and Ravm Parent Coardinator, Bowman Schaal August 2U17-Preser�t �irl Scaut Leader and Service Unit Cifficer,Girl Scauts af Eastern MA August 2U17- Present Canversatian Partner, �lortheasterc� Universi�y Calobal Pathways Decem�er 2a�7--May 24�8 High Schoal�cholarship 5election Cammittee,.leffe�son Awards far Public Service March 2C�a� Barista and Shift Supervisor,Starbucks Coffee�campany April 2p44—September 24{�5 Student Mentaring Director, UF CJffice of�ammunity Service I�avember 2��4-August 2�a3 HCINfJRS AND AWARDS Appr+eciation Pin for Exemplary Service,Cir)Scouts USA, May 2Q19 Branze Award far LINK First-Year Experience, 2005 NASPA Exceller�ce Awards AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Water and Sewer Adjustments PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: Jill Hai, S elec t B o ard C hair C.2 S UMMARY: Adjustments of Water& S ewer charges recommended by W S AB ($ 9,663.29) SUGGESTED MOTION: To approve the above Water& S ewer Adjustments as recommended by W S AB on May 6, 2021. Move to approve the consent. FOLLOW UP: Treasurer/Collector DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 6/14/2021 ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � _ ��;�;�/���,°�n����,���a:n�����,����;�:���»�nr°����� ����:::���/�/`����`�,1 �I:���;,�����l�ll���.;������:��. FY2021 �p�� ADJUSTMENTS TO WATER/SEWER ta AS RECOMMENDED BY THE WATER AND SEWER ABATEMENT BOARD �� ' � PAGE l OF l `�, � WSAB MAY 6,ZOZi SEtECT BOARD JUNE 14,Z021 � � ����� � . � � �����,,,,,�,rv,�,.w�,� �$MM���,,,,�,�,,..n,��,�� � � $ M �,,,,,,,��,�wW�WW�w � ro,b�m��,����wo�����,� TO f L ET L EAK 0100113500 3 PAGµE ROAD 811 38 �?�"�7`.�� ������� 1000977 2020�ro�� �,,,,,,�wm,�����ry��ry,m �d���„����� � $ m����,���,� � � � � ���µ�w�w�M������������,��M��� ��,,,,�� ����LET LEAK 0100272700 248 WORTHEN,ROAD �� 587.31 '� ��"���,� ���(�.4�3 1003101 2020 TOIm ��M� ���� �w �, 0100049700 23 BYRON AVE $�474�89 $ � ��"�.�� � �,�}�c�.1? 979790 2020 TOILET LEAK-TABLED �� 0200503702 532 LOWELL STREET $ 1,513.72 � - � 1��1�«�`� �,MMM 986515 2020 IRRIGATION LEAK W�.«�����M���� ���������������.���p����o�� ��� ,,,,����M���������MM���,��' � ����������� ���� ���������� �������a���� ������ �,����� �����,�,� ���� � �����.� �o���� o���������������������o i w ��.�.����,��� � w ������������w �����,�,���,� ��o��o���dd������������ �m���w� mmmmow�ro�����,��� , ��,����,�a� : ��o���� �������mmmM�M�� �����n����������,�� �,�,���.�����,��,o��,,,��,,,,��.�����m��� „�o�m�,��������,� �������.mMM�����������������M������M����,�������MM�����,w $ {3,387,30) $ {6,275.99) ($9,663.29) �����a�a�m�������b����M� ��w���M��,����� ���a����� It is the recommendation of the Water an�d Sewer Abatement Board that wthe Town Collector�be authorized^�w���W��W�WVVVVV MMM��Po� VV�VVVVVVVVVVVVVV�� � ���� ,������ to waive interest that has accrued on !the bills included herein,unless stated here otherwise,from the due date of the bill until 30 calendar days after the dote of written notification to applicant of the Selectmen's action. �ommmm�m m��m,��w�,���oa�9�m�� �����M.. ������ro�w�mm������ �� �.�,M,� ���, ��tion�o�� �„�,m����M�.�������M���.w M����n,�.m ���w��.��..�. �, N������ n�������������� WATER SEINER TOTAL ($3,387.30) ($6,275.99) ($9,663.29) ���� ��� � ��� �� �I � � DIRECTOR OF PUBl.fC WORKS SELECT BOARD JUNE l4,2021 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approve and Sign Proclamation- Recognition of Harriet "Hattie" Fels Price's 1 O l st Birthday PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: Jill Hai, S elec t B o ard C hair C.3 S UMMARY: T he S elect B o ard is b eing asked to approve and s ign a pro c lamation in rec o gnition o f Harriet "Hattie" F els Price's 101st birthday. Ms. Price has been a resident of Lexington for the past 18+years. SUGGESTED MOTION: To approve and sign a proclamation in recognition of Harriet"Hattie" F els Price's 101 st birthday. Move to approve the consent. FOLLOW UP: S elect Board O ffice DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 6/14/2021 ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � :��D��� ����a����:&&�::..���a��:�����.��"����1�=���°u������� ��������.�����r�c���1�=���°�;��;�������-.������ ��������:�:� Il���:�m��� �� ������� ���"� �,.,,��,, ��' o�'�` ` � ,��,� � n �" � ��'u i�h ��, ��i „�VO��rr� °�� '� rm���li �D�l� Dt �.Pxil�gtDl�' �'�/Y/Y��•/V►/YV��/Y ¢d�WTM pq � "a i�;, �; / '��qJ '� ��v���,� .m��, � � �°: '�'������� SELECT BOARD OFFICE ���������°�� ���«< PRO CLAMATI ON Whereas: Harriet Fels Price, known to her friends and family as "Hattie", celebrated her 101 st birthday on June 5, 2021; and Whe�eas: Hattie was born in upstate New York, and at the end of World War II, married William "Bill" Carl Fels. The couple resided in New York and Vermont to support Bill's career in academia, enj oying college campus life at Cooper Union, Columbia University and Bennington College, where he was appointed President; and Whereas: the couple raised two children - Tom and Ana. Upon Bill's death, Hattie attended and graduated from Goddard, and subsequently worked at Harvard and Radcliffe Colleges. She married Don Price, a Harvard professor in 1971 and continued to take in classes, concerts, lectures, work with a number of volunteer groups and make trips abroad. Over much of her life she also pursued art in various forms; and Whereas: Hattie has been calling the Town of Lexington home since July 10, 2002; and Whereas: Hattie remains in touch with friends and family, enjoys music,books and politics. NOW, THEREFORE, WE, THE SELECT BOARD of the Town of Lexington, Massachusetts, do hereby recognize: Ha��iet "Hattie" Fels Price on the occasion of her One Hundred First birthday on June 5, 2021 and wish her well on this auspicious occasion. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have set our hands and caused the seal of Lexington to be affixed herewith on the 14th day of June. JILL I.HAI,CHAIR JOSEPH N.PATO SUZANNE E.BARRY DOUGLAS M.LUCENTE MARK D.SANDEEN AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Acceptance of Deed for Luongo Farm Lane PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: Jill Hai, S elec t B o ard C hair C.4 S UMMARY: Town Meeting voted under Article 31 of the 2021 Annual Town Meeting to accept Luongo F arm Lane. The final step in the Town process is for the Select Board to vote to accept the deeds. T he B o ard is b eing as ked to ac c ep t the Luo ngo F arm L ane d eed at this meeting. SUGGESTED MOTION: With resp ec t to the fo llo wing p arc el o f land in L exingto n, Mas s ac hus etts (the"P rop erty"): The roadway known as Luongo Farm Lane as shown as "LUONGO FARM LANE (50' WIDE)"on the p lan entitled "Luongo F arm Lane S treet Ac c eptanc e P lan Lo c ated in Lexington, Mas s achus etts (Middles ex County)", dated January 21, 2021 prepared by Meridian Associates (the"Plan"). To approve and accept the Deed of the Property from Eugene R. Luongo and Jeanne S. Luongo, not individually but as Trustees of Pleasant Street Realty Trust, said Deed being substantially in the form presented at the B o ard's June 14, 2021 meeting, with final c hange s to b e mad e b y the To wn Manager in c o ns ultatio n with town counsel; and To autho rize the To wn Manager to take all ac tio ns reas o nab ly nec es s ary, in the judgment o f the To wn Manager, to effec tuate the ac quis itio n o f the P ro p erty. FOLLOW UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 6/14/2021 ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � �...;���������;�:����:�.µ�:�i�]�.�a���:;���a�a�� �:������� II�.��,������.�. � I[a:��,P� �I:����,���;��� ���.:������. � ����a;��"�����°��'�:��"��"���,�.��Ia, ��JIC�:::4�,,,�(::...��r�������w���^��,���a �:�:uL�;��:���: I[�.:���������. Quitclaim Deed Eugene R. Luongo and Jeanne S. Luongo, not individually but as Trustees of Pleasant Street Realty Trust, under Declaration of Trust dated July 14, 2003, recorded with Middlesex South District Registry of Deeds, Book 41789, Page 487, for consideration paid and in full consideration of One ($1.00) dollar, grant to the Town of Lexington, acting by and through it Select Board, a municipal corporation with an address of Town Office Building, 1625 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington, Massachusetts 02420, With QUITCLAIM COVENANTS, A perpetual right of way and easement for all purposes for which streets and ways are customarily used in the Town of Lexington in the roadway known as Luongo Farm Lane as shown as "LUONGO FARM LANE (50' WIDE)"on the plan entitled "Luongo Farm Lane Street Acceptance Plan Located in Lexington, Massachusetts (Middlesex County)", dated January 21, 2021 prepared by Meridian Associates (the "Plan") to be recorded herewith, said way being more particularly described as follows: Southwesterly by Pleasant Street as shown on Plan hereinafter mentioned, Ninety Eight and 00/100 (98.00) feet: Northwesterly by Lot 1 as shown on said Plan, Thirty-Five and 5 5/100 (3 5.5 5) feet; Eighteen and 00/100 (18.64) feet; Twenty-Two and 62/100 (22.62) feet; and Thirty-seven and 35/100 (37.35) feet; Northwesterly by Lot 2 on shown on said Plan, Sixty-Two and 65/100 (62.65) feet; Thirty-Nine and 62/100 (39.62) feet; Twenty-Six and 67/100 (26.67) feet; and Five and 54/100 (5.54) feet; Westerly and Northerly On a curve by Lot 3 as shown on said Plan, One Hundred Twenty- Two and 18/100 (122.18) feet; Northerly On a curve by Lot 4 as shown on said Plan, Eighty-One and 57/100 (81.57) feet; Easterly and Southeasterly On a curve by Lot 5 as shown on said Plan, Thirty-Nine and 70/100 (3 9.70), Fifty-Four and 98/100 (54.98) feet, Eighteen and 3 3/100 (18.3 3) feet, Thirteen and 00/100 (13.00) feet; Southeasterly By Lot 6 as shown on said Plan, Seventy-Five and 61/100 (75.61) feet and Forty-Eight and 32/100 (48.32) feet; Southeasterly Easterly By Lot 7 as shown on said Plan, Fifty-One and 6 8/100, Eighteen and 00/100 (51.68) feet, Eighteen and 00/100 (18.00) feet, Seven and 3 7/100 (7.3 7) feet; and Thirty-Five and 02/100 (3 5.02) Feet to the point of beginning. The premises are hereby conveyed subj ect to and with the benefit of easements, restrictions, covenants and agreements of record insofar as the same are now in force and applicable. No Massachusetts Excise Stamps are affixed hereto as the consideration is such that none are required by law. The undersigned hereby certify that they are all of the Trustees of said Pleasant Street Realty Trust; that said Trust has not been terminated and is in full force and effect; that the Declaration of Trust establishing said Trust has not been amended; and that all of the beneficiaries of said Trust have authorized and directed the execution and delivery of this Deed by the undersigned. Meaning and intended to convey a portion of the premises deeded to Grantor at Book 41833, Page 104 and Book 41833, Page 105. See also Subdivision Plan for Luongo Farm Lane recorded as Plan No. 1007 of 2004. SIGNA T URES ON FOLL O WING PA GE Witness our hands and seals this day of June, 2021. Eugene R. Luongo, Trustee Jeanne S. Luongo, Trustee COMMONVVEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX On this day of June, 2021, before me, the undersigned Notary Public, personally appeared Eugene R. Luongo and Jeanne S. Luongo, Trustees as aforesaid, proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification, which were Massachusetts Driver's Licenses, to be the persons whose names are signed on the preceding or attached document, and acknowledged to me that they signed said document voluntarily for its stated purpose. Notary Public: My Commission Expires: ACCEPTANCE OF DEED The Town of Lexington, acting by and through its Select Board, hereby accepts the foregoing Deed from Eugene R. Luongo and Jeanne S. Luongo, not individually but as Trustees of Pleasant Street Realty Trust, pursuant to the vote taken under Article 31 of the Annual Town Meeting held on , and the vote of the Select Board taken on February 8, 2021, copies of which are recorded herewith. TOWN OF LEXINGTON By its Select Board James J. Malloy, Town Manager Hereunto Duly Authorized COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX On this day of , 2021, before me, the undersigned notary public,personally appeared James J. Malloy, Town Manager of the Town of Lexington, proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identi�ication, which was personal knowledge, to be the person whose name is signed on the preceding or attached document and acknowledged to me that he signed it voluntarily for its stated purpose as the Town Manager of the Town of Lexington, a municipal corporation, before me. Notary Public: My Commission Expires: � �, �, v 5 ,,, v N �j5 O `v r� � o � V J I_ � T/'�^' �f-�� Z\ ` � � �i �� W w � " �,�MAN o� `r'6' �' �j � �i� ���r' �''J = o�v,g�����=d ,,'� P � 6 ,�`� w . �-�r� u Od�dl'lIN/ x " co E"i ti �J[�][�v„�� �- 0 -- w c� � n � � F-i^s�w � o �K q 'j� ^� �,._' �+�-, � � �� '�v Q„ � Z Q � o w "'+ 1,n �y� ��x�� E�" ' Q ���-;, q Q� o o .c�`n��..w o Q ^y� �C =�w,� � "� Q z r Q W d �� `�� W��4 \� \„� �F' -��,,�y ~�Qj�a�',� ''w'� � r, �m�� O N ��--�•(}� c° j° w� °�,�a � � ���i� O"'�I� p I"� w ° � _ � � � � �'h � a 4 .'`-- _O b ck ti z��S �"""r'"^1 O �» .. J z ti� Wo�o W � �+" ^ti Wv�� �W�� ,v/� ��' a �,�, r� �-� ,.,� a �W FS"�oo°p Q' ro � W"5.�w <�'C""�I q L O wor..W �w w'`� � V o ���-.,{� a r, w��H�� Fa`Q Q�W z� U=�� D�r. �� q �"C`y �r/1`�N`,'°j� ^" � cn�"'¢ Q� 1� Qr l'� V 1 w�.-.! 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U') 1 � �?�"'�- `•v � � ���`v �� � X 6 JJ �� US,��j,� i,� >� v� `'� �Q cn �O ��.`�'`f.� W 7�- ` `' b`q� `�i'��'?.`i �Q] 4. �i.``�� d�u O� �5 Q �26'� �a p d b o� z� ���* z� 5 CERTIFICATE OF VOTE OF THE LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD This is to certify that at a duly called public meeting of the Lexington Select Board on June 14,2021,the Board voted as follows with respect to the following parcel of land in Lexington, Massachusetts (the "Property"): The roadway known as Luongo Farm Lane as shown as "LUONGO FARM LANE (50' WIDE)"on the plan entitled "Luongo Farm Lane Street Acceptance Plan Located in Lexington, Massachusetts(Middlesex County)",dated January 21,2021 prepared by Meridian Associates(the "Plan"). VOTED: To approve and accept the Deed of the Property from Eugene R. Luongo and Jeanne S. Luongo, not individually but as Trustees of Pleasant Street Realty Trust, said Deed being substantially in the form presented at the Board's June 14, 2021 meeting,with final changes to be made by the Town Manager in consultation with town counsel; and VOTED: To authorize the Town Manager to take all actions reasonably necessary, in the judgment of the Town Manager, to effectuate the acquisition of the Property. [Signatu�e Page Follows� Nathalie Rice Town Clerk COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS MIDDLESEX, SS. On this day of , 2021 before me, the undersigned notary public, personally appeared Nathalie Rice, Town Clerk of the Town of Lexington, proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification, which was personal knowledge, to be the person whose name is signed on the preceding or attached document, and who swore or affirmed to me that the contents of the document are accurate to the best of her knowledge and belief. Notary Public My commission expires: 2 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Town Manager Committee Reappointment PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: Jill Hai, S elec t B o ard C hair C.5 S UMMARY: Attached p leas e find Deb orah Hankins's app lic ation for reapp o intment to the Youth C ommis s ion. SUGGESTED MOTION: To c onfirm the Town Manager's app o intment o f Deb orah Hankins to the Youth C ommis s ion. Move to approve the consent. FOLLOW UP: Town Manager's Office DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 6/14/2021 ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � �11-�pe����;���.:��;���� �:.;������l�lllc��l���:a� TOWN OF LEXINGTON APPLICATION FOR REAPPOINTMENT FOR BOARD/COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP Board/Committee • • • . Lexi n ton Youth Com m ission o f Intere st. g Full Name: Debra Hankins Preferred Title (please circle):Mr./Ms./Mrs./Other M rs. . 294 Lowell Street Home Addre s s. Length of Residence • . 36 ears at the above res�dence ln L xin t n � e go . . Ad m i n istrative Assistant Current Occupatlon. . 251 Waltham Street Lexin ton MA Work Address. , g . . 7819100841 . Phone Number(s). Home. Work. Fax Number(s): . dhank1276 aol.com Email Addres s. The Lexington Youth Commission holds a very dear place in my heart. It is an honor and C omments: priviledge to be a part of this committee and be able to work with these young adults. Members of Town boards and committees, as defined by the Conflict of Interest Law, M.G.L. c. 268A, must abide by the standards of conduct as set forth by the Massachusetts State Ethics Commission. Within 30 days of appointment, and annually thereafter, committee members must acknowledge receipt of the Summary of the Conflicts of Interest Statute from the Town Clerk, and thereafter must provide documentation of biennial completion of the on-line training required by the Conflict of Interest Statute. The law places responsibility for acknowledging receipt of the summaries, and for completing the online training on the individual. You will be provided additional information by the Town Clerk pertaining to this law and recently enacted education and training requirements. Debra Hankins .6/7/21 Signature: Date. G:A02:B&C's Application AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Discuss Formation of Task Force to Research Adoption of Municipal Affordable Housing Trust PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: Carol Kowalski,Assistant Town Manager for Development I.1 S UMMARY: Attached please find the draft committee charge for the Affordable Housing Trust Study Committee. Carol Ko wals ki will b e at the S elec t B o ard meeting to p re s ent. SUGGESTED MOTION: FOLLOW UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 6/14/2021 6:SSpm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � ��u�����,��:�����a����.�:�����::"�l�����;� �.����,��° Il�;��r��:� Affordable Housin�Trust Study Committee Ref: I���� � � � �� � �r�� I,,, � �� ,,, � � III�� � � � Members: # Appointed by: The Select Board len�th of Term: Appointments Made: Meetin�Times: Up to twice monthly. Committee composition: Candidates may include a real estate lender, land use or real estate attorney, an affordable housing developer, housing advocate, planner, architect Committee Mission/Char�e: Assess Lexington's Housing Needs Identify Lexington affordable housing funding sources Determine whether an affordable housing trust can advance Lexington's housing Goals Consider and recommend roles and expected interaction between an Affordable Housing Trust and Lexington's existing housing entities(the Housing Authority, LexHab,the Housing Partnership Board,et al.) Consider and recommend roles and expected interaction between an Affordable Housing Trust and the CPC. ��� ���°��� ����� iiii��iii���iiii�����iii��liii��I� ����°� � �� IIII� ��°��IIII ��w����������� ���������'� � III� Develop a draft bylaw for an Affordable Housing Trust to recommend to the Select Board for a fall 2022 Town Meeting or 2023 Annual Town Meeting warrant article. ��� ����� ��� ��� ���� ��������iii���iiii �� �� ���� � � 9,� Prior to serving as a member of this Committee,appointees are required to: 1.Acknowledge receipt of the Summary of the Conflict of Interest Statute. Further,to continue to serve on the Committee the member must acknowledge annually receipt of the summary of the Conflict of Interest Statute. Said summary will be provided by and acknowledged by the Town Clerk. 2. Provide evidence to the Town Clerk that the appointee has completed the on-line training requirement required by the Conflict of Interest Statute. Further,to continue to serve on the Committee,the member must acknowledge every two years completion of the on-line training requirement. AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Review Request for Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons on Wood Street PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: S heila P age,As s istant P lanning Director I.2 S UMMARY: Attach is a MBTA presentation from the Transportation S afety Group's April 28, 2021 public meeting and a memo requesting S elect Board approval for the installation of 3 Rectangular Rapid F lashing Beacon pedestrian activated crosswalks on Wood Street plus sidewalk work to accommodate the bus boardings. MB TA is p aying fo r the c o s t o f ins tallatio n and will b e d o ing the wo rk. Engineering s taff and T S G have reviewed the p lans and are in agreement with the p rop o s als. T here are very few p eop le c ro s s ing b ut it is a b o nus fo r the neighb o rho o d and enhanc es o ne the wall�ing ro utes to Has tings. T here will b e s o me required maintenance which the town will be responsible. The MBTA is anxious for Town approval in order to proceed with 100% design and plans construction for late summer. S heila P age,A s s is tant P lanning D irec to r will b e in attend anc e to re s p o nd to any que s tio ns the B o ard may have. SUGGESTED MOTION: Move to approve the Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons on Wood Street as per the proposal from the MBTA. FOLLOW UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 6/14/2021 7:OSpm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � ���������;������c����,,,,,��u�i�r���1�1�������`��. �����b���:��f��������� � ��,�����,;�����,�.�������������������:���������� �::����;��.��:� Il�a�:������. � �II����� �:���r���II���� INI����i� '°�;i,� <��„�� _ • , �i�ir������� iyi�l°i � ����� f� �u��, ,�4Y� � ' ��„ ;JIN��������� 1�� �IG' uu� u�j� �4 � y,�� �,� � �° „� �,� i� � � �1' M��� 'rr� �umu ,;�,, �J �ri �iu��* ; o,iu���i� J�l� � , � Y ` � °�r i' � �� ���, � `. � � ��i� �, cr + ,� ����� ��������� �I)�� � i� ��I�w��ll:.. I0�: v, �f�W I��' I��'� ����. I�"'. ` �< ��,, U���a i� i��u��� I� r Y��.J� � u�gq,,, � �1% �ii� pl��[ � r �� � w i�° " � Ihi ��� �� I���� � ��� , �m �� �,. ��� ��� � II�IIIIIJ�� � � P' �� ����� �n ����.� � � r� �� fu I � w�'� � � �,. 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IIVV i i I�,�1..� I i i, {�V. i � i n i/ i�lll I� � .�{i�! �-4�.�,,,iti�I VV ���.,; Ili I°Ii��I�,i�i�.IliY�i�l�...�� ����„vvl I�,,��„I�41I,�'�f�,t �IVr� vl�,��� i����i0lllli ,I�I �I�iV ���..i���.Il�u�uuNo..r�u� O i 1��9�1 I �I, s p �, � i, H C7 � H � Z O U � a W F- O Z wdLb�b-OZOZ'8lunf�PaUold'6mP'ZZL98£Z98 Z�uol6uixal Zb'ZZLBLA\101d\�MO\OH\sdo1S�1!�oudU6IH\Z01�3�wals,(Ssn9V18WZb'ZZLBIA\6ua�:� ��,�,����� TOWN OF LEXINGTON �;���,.� �.���� ��� PLANNING OFFICE ���� � � F . -� �,���� �. ,��� �� �;. Y� ��;. ���� °° �� �� � �.� �o�� , ��� � � �� � G � �� , � � �. ��� ��j ������ �,� �C�� 1625 Massachusetts Avenue '`����, �; � ���7��� Lexin ton Massachusetts 02420 Amanda Loomis AICP Plannin Director � � ,�� g > > > g �� �� ���" . . � ''�` ���° ��`� 781-698-4560 Sheila Page,Asslstant Planning Director , � .r�.���., ���°�� ��� ������ ��w � ����������C�,���������a����m �v Molly Belanger,Planner � °� �" � `�� � . . �,.�'�' ��IF�,.�r." � ._::��..._, . �v�................�....._�x�� �cr���.m��v������ Lori Kaufman,Department Assistant Date: May 14,2021 rev June 8,2021 To: Jim Malloy; Town Manager Cc: Kim Katzenback,Executive Clerk Select Board John Livsey,Town Engineer Carol Kowalski,Assistant Town Manager Michael McLean,Interim Chief of Police Fr: Transportation Safety Group - Sheila Page,Assistant Planning Director RE: MBTA Proposes Crosswalk Enhancements on Wood Street. The MBTA,through their Plan fo�Accessible Inf�ast�uctu�e program(PATI),has proposed several bus stop accessibility and safety improvements throughout Town.Most are minor adjustments that make stops more accessible. However,MBTA proposes more significant improvements that may warrant the Select Board's approval. The MBTA is proposing three Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon(RRFB) pedestrian activated yellow flashing lights at three proposed crosswalks across Wood Street. �Vood(a�,Patterson: 0 The existing inbound/southbound stop south of Fairview is currently at the curb/road edge. There are no pedestrian accommodations to cross Wood Street. The MBTA proposes to add approx. 30 feet of 5-foot- wide sidewalk and an 8-foot-wide landing; a new crosswalk across Fairview to a new crosswalk with an RRFB across Wood Street plus a few upgrades on the existing Patterson St. crosswalk. This RRFB is in a good location for sightlines and will provide access for the MBTA riders and resident access to the National Park trails. According to the 2018 MBTA Rider Survey,the paired stops accommodated 4 riders. The resident at 66 Wood has requested that the stop be moved to in front of 76 Wood Street. While this would eliminate the need for the Fairview sidewalk. The MBTA prefers to stop after the intersection for safety purposes. The stop currently exists in front of 66 V�ood. The resident at 76 Wood Street did not attend the meeting nor did they provide comment Wood(a�,Woodpark Circle � The existing inbound and outbound stops are just off the curb. There are no pedestrian accommodations to cross Wood Street. The MBTA proposes to add approx. 50 feet of 5-foot-wide sidewalk and an 8-foot wide landing on the inbound side, a new crossWalk with an RRFB across Wood Street and a landing pad on the existing sidewalk on the outbound side. As of the 2018 MBTA Rider Survey there was only one rider at this stop. Sightlines are just barely the 1 minimum of what is appropriate. TSG considered eliminating this stop because of low ridership. There are over 30 homes on Woodpark Circle that could benefit from this bus stop with a safer crossing. Wood(cr�,Conesto�a/Chestnut The existing inbound and outbound stops are currently at the curb. There are no pedestrian accommodations to cross Wood Street. The MBTA proposes to add approx. 60 feet of 5-foot wide sidewalk with an 8-foot wide landing from Chestnut to a new crosswalk with an RRFB across Wood Street as well as a new crosswalk across Conestoga on the inbound side and a landing pad in the existing sidewalk on the outbound side. This stop accommodated 2 riders during the 2018 survey. Wood(cr�,Lincoln Labs/Bates The MBTA proposes to move the outbound/northbound stop approx. 150 feet north to avoid the guardrail and avoid stopping on the curve. They also propose to move inbound stop out onto Wood Street rather than on the driveway. Sidewalk improvements are proposed on both sides of Wood Street. The crosswalk and bus shelter will be relocated. 24 riders used this paired stop during the 2018 survey. Each crosswall�whether lighted or not will have advanced signing and double sided yellow green crosswalk signs. TSG and MBTA held a virtual public meeting on April 28,2021 to provide information and receive feedback. A few residents attended and were generally supportive. We also received comments through email. People were concerned that the lights would be flashing at all times—They would only be activated by a push button and would run for approximately 60 seconds. A few abutters asked if the work would only be in the right-of-way. The proposed work is in the right-of-way. Abutters will be noti�ed ahead of the planned construction. There Was one resident Who wanted time to move some of his shrubs out of the Way. Staff reviewed each stop with the MBTA. They were very accommodating of our review. This is a signi�cant pedestrian improvement on a busy street. If the Town agrees to these improvements,through an MOA,the town would be responsible for plowing,maintenance and the electrical cost. Typically the Town installs an RRFB where many people cross and safety is an issue,whereas MBTA is proposing RRFB where very few cross with the idea that crossing conditions are not ideal and RRFB's can create a safer environment. While crosswalks are not for traffic calming their existence can help to calm traffic. But,too many signs and crossings can"fatigue"drivers. TSG has no obj ections to all three RRFB's but TSG is also ok with making the Woodpark crosswalk a regular signed crosswalk. MBTA is asking for approval to move forward with 100% design of the Wood Street improvements with construction anticipated late summer/early fall. 2 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approve Submission of Statement of Interest for Lexington High School PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: Dr. Julie Hackett, S up erintendent o f Schools I.3 S UMMARY: Attac hed p leas e find the S tatement o f Intere s t L etter to the M S B A fro m D r. Julie H ac kett, S up erintend ent o f S cho o ls. Dr. Hackett will pres ent at the S elect B o ard meeting. SUGGESTED MOTION: Resolved: Having convened in an open meeting on June 14, 2021, prior to the SOI submission closing date, the S elect Board of Lexington Massachusetts, in accordance with its charter, by-laws, and ordinances, has vo ted to autho rize the S up erintend ent to s ub mit to the M as s ac hus etts S c ho 01 B uild ing Autho rity the S tatement of Interest Form dated June 16, 2021 , for the Lexington High School located at 251 Waltham Street which describes and explains the following deficiencies and the priority category(s) for which an application may be submitted to the Massachusetts School Building Authority in the future: PRIORITIES 2. T he eliminatio n o f exis ting s evere o verc ro wd ing 3. T he p reventio n o f the lo s s o f ac c red itatio n 4. T he p reventio n o f s evere o verc ro wd ing exp ec ted to re s ult fro m inc reas ed enro llments 5. Rep lac ement, renovation or mo dernization o f s cho 01 fac ility systems, such as ro o fs, windows, b o ilers, heating and ventilatio n s ys tems, to inc reas e energy c o ns ervatio n and dec reas e energy-related c o s ts in a s c ho 01 fac ility 7. Rep lac ement o f or addition to ob s o lete buildings in order to provide for a full range o f programs cons istent with s tate and ap p ro ved lo c al requirements and hereby further specifically acknowledges that by submitting this S tatement of Interest F orm, the M as s ac hus etts S c ho 01 B uild ing Autho rity in no way guarantee s the ac c ep tanc e o r the ap p ro val o f an app lic ation, the awarding o f a grant or any other funding c ommitment from the Mas s achus etts S cho 01 Building Authority, or c ommits the Town o f Lexington to filing an applic ation for funding with the Mas s achus etts S chool Building Authority. S chool Building Authority. FOLLOW UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 6/14/2021 7:15pm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � ���:�����I:� ���� �:����;�����.� I[��������w„�,�. � ���:�]II�f���,.�:��� �I:::�-��;���:�� Il���:��ur����. Authorization to Submit a Statement of Interest to the MSBA Regarding Lexington High School Resolved: Having convened in an open meeting on June 14, 2021, prior to the SOI submission closing date, the Select Board of Lexinaton Massachusetts, in accordance with its charter, by-laws, and ordinances, has voted to authorize the Superintendent to submit to the Massachusetts School Building Authority the Statement of Interest Form dated June 16, 2021 , for the Lexington Hiqh School located at 251 Waltham Street which describes and explains the following deficiencies and the priority category(s) for which an application may be submitted to the Massachusetts School Building Authority in the future: PRIORITIES 2. The elimination of existing severe overcrowding 3. The prevention of the loss of accreditation 4. The prevention of severe overcrowding expected to result from increased enrollments 5. Replacement, renovation or modernization of school facility systems, such as roofs, windows, boilers, heating and ventilation systems, to increase energy conservation and decrease energy-related costs in a school facility 7. Replacement of or addition to obsolete buildings in order to provide for a full range of programs consistent with state and approved local requirements and hereby further specifically acknowledges that by submitting this Statement of Interest Form, the Massachusetts School Building Authority in no way guarantees the acceptance or the approval of an application, the awarding of a grant or any other funding commitment from the Massachusetts School Building Authority, or commits the Town of Lexington to filing an application for funding with the Massachusetts School Building Authority. School Building Authority. Jill I. Hai, Chair Date Lexington Select Board ~�� iu �n�„�i, iii u �I„abqu�, �,qv oimw A,u,nrip wu n,�u, nio� � i g' in�mal��" f ��! IµW+�'�7�,,. �4e0b�i�N IIIIIIIIIII� , ��n� ���wi tliuinmAA! �uivGndA1�� �nuuni0b qiumir�� "^�4mnmd�........ � wrm /} annn��nnnu, Mw�;md� . . � I ������. *'m�ii�uu/!/I� Julie L. Hackett, Ed.D. (781) 861-2580, ext. 68040 Superintendent of Schools ` ` � Fax: (781) 861-2560 J u ne 10, 2021 Dear Mr. Malloy and Select Board: I look forward to meeting with you to discuss the Lexington High School Statement of Interest. Per the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA), we are required to get authorization for the Superintendent to submit the Statement of Interest (SOI) from the Select Board and School Committee. For your information, you can access the MSBA's required vote language After both boards vote, a second set of authorizations from the Town Manager and the School Committee Chairperson are required in order to submit the SOI. We have coordinated these approvals for June 16, 2021. As a reminder, the SOI is due to the MSBAon June 25, 2021. A printed copy of the SOI can be obtained upon submission. We are continuing to develop the SOI, and we will be working on it right up until the deadline. For those interested, a copy of last year's submission can be found . A list of changes you can expect to see in the next submission are as follows: • Elimination of Priority#1: Replacement or renovation of a building which is structurally unsound or otherwise in a condition seriously jeopardizing the health and safety of school children, where no alternative exists. • More detailed information about the Master Education Plan • Refinements to the overall statement of interest • Specific references to the LPS Master Plan recently approved by the School Committee LPS 10-Year Master Plan In 2018, the School Committee developed a Master Planning Advisory Committee and this charge: (1) assess current capacity findings and identify options to align future school capacities with enrollment projections and educational program requirements; (2) develop recommendations for addressing capacity, including costs and timelines; and (3) prepare a final report and recommendations for the School Committee. I am pleased to inform you that the School Committee approved the LPS Master Plan and Master Planning Compendium at their May 25, 2021 meeting. Thanks to a team of dedicated community members who served on the Master Planning Advisory Committee including Select Board members, Joe Pato and Mark Sandeen we were able to deliver on that charge! The MPAC engaged in a collaborative process that took several years and lots of hard work, and they identified Lexington High School as the most critical priority of any LPS school building project in the next ten years. I have attached both plans that the MPAC helped develop, including the LPS Master Facilities Plan and the LPS Master Planning Compendium. In addition, I am attaching a recent School Committee presentation that provides an overview of our planning process, along with a School clip from a recent School Committee meeting featuring MSBA Executive Director, Jack McCarthy. Mr. McCarthy provides an interesting overview of the SOI Selection Process that members of the School Committee found quite helpful. • i i i -451 page document developed in collaboration with the Master Planning Advisory Committee and prepared by DiNisco Design • i i - 40 page document developed in collaboration with the Master Planning Advisory Committee and co-authored by the Superintendent of Schools and Director of Planning and Assessments • i - presentation to the School Committee on May 25, 2021 • MSBA Executive Director on the SOI Selection Process - Mr. Jack McCarthy visits the School Committee April 27, 2021 to demystify the SOI selection process We are proud of our collaborative master planning efforts with so many dedicated members of our community. I look forward to meeting with you soon, and I appreciate our continued partnership. Sincerely, , � ���� �� � Julie L. Hackett, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Update on American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: C aro lyn Ko sno ff,As s istant Town Manager for F inanc e I.4 S UMMARY: C aro lyn Ko s no ff,A s s is tant To wn Manager fo r F inanc e will p re s ent an o verview o f the Americ an R e s c ue P lan Act(ARPA) and the Town's funding and how we are appro aching the us e o f the funds. We are working on developing revenue lo s s estimates and then the S enior Management Team will undertake a brainstorming exerc is e to p ro vid e rec o mmend atio ns to the S elec t B o ard to c o ns id er. SUGGESTED MOTION: FOLLOW UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 6/14/2021 7:25pm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � �.�f���,��I���:�������la"��u��,������,,,,��������.:��::����� �������������,�.����. • ���,� � p ��� .��� �� � ,��„ � ���re" � �� ,`,m��"� � ��'���y� ��� � � �"��,�� pp ��pY ' ' � � � � l, I����uv�I�,m��;��,r������ �ry Uw,l '� � q,. y i bp�� )N � ��� M N rN� � „� �� Gq&N �ry�Y. � � N i jy�� � I �, � I i ��v,,, g. �: I � ' 1 �, ' ,. .; � u % � , , � � �, ;, ; i �. �� '0° < ��: .,t � �� �. 1 ��; N�� � /�� ���G�`u�� � ������ ,,,., ,,�.,,, ��� ��,r' `u�a V/ ���� ���� � � � °'�� �� °����������e���.�'�����1����r�'��� ��,���' �� � ��� � � O , �� � �� �� ,� '� � ��� � ���"� �'���p� �" � Q � � � �w . � _ ,� � ���,� ��� ���� � "��m�.,,�,�,�, ,�.-,�. 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T he p rop o s ed manager, Ap ic hat C huenp rap a s ub mitted a c urrent Alc o ho 1 Awarenes s Training C ertif'ic ate and c o mp leted the required C O R I c hec k. SUGGESTED MOTION: Motion to approve the application reflecting a Change of Manager to be Apichat Chuenprapa and issue a Common Victualler Liquor License for Lemon Grass, Inc. d/b/a Love at First Bite Thai Kitchen& Bar lo c ated at 1710 Mas s. Avenue reflec ting the s ame. FOLLOW UP: S elec t B o ard O ffic e DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 6/14/2021 7:40pm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � �������.��w,�:�d`�II�����,��,�°,��f�����c��,�d�c���,,,,,�.��������^���p���..���d�f ���,��������� II��������� �� The Commonwealth of Massaehusetts � -�.��M��:= Alcaholic.Beverages Contral Cvmmission ro�.F�._ . .�.�.._. � ��=-w� _ 9S Fourth Street,Suit`e 3, Chelsea,MA (I215�-2358 � �.�::.�.. W- -w:ro � www.mass.gov/abec � �' AMENDMENT-�han�e of Mana� Chan e of License Mana er ❑ q 9 1. BUSI N ESS ENTITY I N FORMATI(JN Entity Name lVlunicipality ABCC Li�ense�lumber Lemon Grass Inc Lexington �4421-RS-�612 2.�PP�ICATItJN CONTACT The application contact is the person wha should be contacted with any questions regarding this application. Name Title Email Phone Apichat Chuenprapa President chuenprapa.a@gmail.cam � �� � 3A. MANAGER INFC7RMATIC?N The individual that has been appointed tv manage and�ontrol af the licensed business and premises. Praposed Mana er Name A ichat Chuen ra a Date of Birth � �� � �,,� ����I�� �� 9 p P p Residential Address 22 Summer 5treet,Biddefard,ME 04005 Email �huenprapa.a@gmail.com Phone � �� � Please indicate how many hours per week Last-Approved License Manager you intend to be or►the ii�ensed premises � Warangtip Asci 3B.CITIZEI�SHIP BACKGR(JUND iNFtJRMATItJN Are you a U.S.�itizen?� �'Y�� ��a *Manager mus�be U.S.citizen If yes,attach one of the following as praof of citizenshi�p US Passpart,Vater's Certificate,Birth�ertificate ar Naturalizatian Papers. Have you ever been convicted af a state,federal,ar mili�a crime? rY C'`Yes C:I�a If yes,fill aut the table below and attach an affidavit providing the details of any and all convictions.Attach additional pages, ifi necessary, utilizing the farmat below. Date Municipality �harge Disposition 3�. EMPL(JYMENT INFORMATION Please provide your employment histary.Attach additianal pages,if necessary,utili2ing the format beiow. Start Date End Date Position Employer Supervisor Name �1/12/2�1� Present Presidenfi �emon Grass Inc Apichat Chuenprapa a7/2�14 Present lUlanager �ots af Eats Inc Kanitta Newton 3D.PRI(JR DISCIPLINARY ACTION Have yau held a beneficial or financial interest in,ar been the manager af,a license to sell alcoholic beverages that was subject ta disciplinary a�tion? �-Yes �":'Na If yes,please fill out the table.Attach additianal pages,if necessary,utilizing the format below. Date of Action Name of License State City Reasan for suspension,revacatian or cancellation 1 hereby swear urader rhe pains and penalries of perJury rhat the infarmation J have provided in this applicatian is true and accurate: m Manager's Signature r �' � �'�► aate 5/16/2�21 ��� � � APPLICANT'S STATEMENT �� pichat chuenprapa the: �sole ro rietor; � artner; �cor orate rinci al; � LLC/LLP mana er p p p p P p g Authorized Signatory Lemon Grass Inc of .��.. ��� Name of the Entity/Corporation hereby submit this application (hereinafter the"Application"),to the local licensing authority(the"LLA")and the Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission (the"ABCC"and together with the LLA collectively the"Licensing Authorities")for approval. I do hereby declare under the pains and penalties of perjury that I have personal knowledge of the information submitted in the Application, and as such affirm that all statements and representations therein are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I further submit the following to be true and accurate: (1) I understand that each representation in this Application is material to the Licensing Authorities'decision on the Application and that the Licensing Authorities will rely on each and every answer in the Application and accompanying documents in reaching its decision; (2) I state that the location and description of the proposed licensed premises are in compliance with state and local laws and regulations; (3) I understand that while the Application is pending, I must notify the Licensing Authorities of any change in the information submitted therein. I understand that failure to give such notice to the Licensing Authorities may result in disapproval of the Application; (4) I understand that upon approval of the Application, I must notify the Licensing Authorities of any change in the ownership as approved by the Licensing Authorities. I understand that failure to give such notice to the Licensing Authorities may result in sanctions including revocation of any license for which this Application is submitted; (5) I understand that the licensee will be bound by the statements and representations made in the Application,including, but not limited to the identity of persons with an ownership or financial interest in the license; (6) I understand that all statements and representations made become conditions of the license; (7) I understand that any physical alterations to or changes to the size of the area used for the sale, delivery, storage,or consumption of alcoholic beverages, must be reported to the Licensing Authorities and may require the prior approval of the Licensing Authorities; (8) I understand that the licensee's failure to operate the licensed premises in accordance with the statements and representations made in the Application may result in sanctions, including the revocation of any license for which the Application was submitted; and (9) I understand that any false statement or misrepresentation will constitute cause for disapproval of the Application or sanctions including revocation of any license for which this Application is submitted. (10) I confirm that the applicant corporation and each individual listed in the ownership section of the application is in good standing with the Massachusetts Department of Revenue and has complied with all laws of the Commonwealth relating to taxes, reporting of employees and contractors,and withholding and remitting of child support. Si nature: - • Date: OS/16/2021 � 1 Title: President , CtJRPt�RATE Vt�TE The Board of Directars or LLC Managers of Lemon Grass Inc Entity Name duly voted to apply to the �icensing Autharity of �e�ingtan and the c�ty/Town Commonwealth of Massachusetts Aicahalic geverages Control Cammission on os/16/2021 Date of M eet i ng For the following transactions (Check al1 that apply�: Q Change of Manager � Other "VCJTED:Ta authorize pichat�huenprapa �Jame afi Person ta sign the application submitted and to execute on the Entity's behalfi,any necessary papers and do all things required to have fihe application granted." "VC}TE D: To a p poi nt pichat Chuenprapa Name af Liquor License Manager as its manager ofi recard, ar�d hereby grant him ar her with full autharity and cantrol of the premises described in the license and authority and control ofi the conduct c�f all business therein as the licensee itself could in any way have and exercise if it were a natural person residing in the�ommonwealth af Massachusetts." For Corpvrations�NLY A true copy atfiest, - A true copy�ttest, � � �� � � Corparate (Jfficer/��C Manager Signature , Corporat�an Clerk s 5�gnature �� , � �� ��-�`��� �`���~ �Print Namey �Print Name� AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Liquor License - Change of Manager - Li� Hospitality Le�ngton FB MGT, Inc. d/b/a Aloft Lexington PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: Jill Hai, S elec t B o ard C hair I.6 S UMMARY: All the necessary paperwork to request approval for a Change of Manager on the All-Alcoholic Innholder Liquor License for LiYi Hospitality Lexington FB MGT, Inc. d/b/a Aloft Lexington has been submitted. T he prop o s ed manager, P atric ia Ell�ins submitted a current Alc oho 1 Awarenes s Training C ertific ate and c o mp leted the required C O R I c hec k. SUGGESTED MOTION: Motion to approve the application reflecting a Change of Manager to be Patricia Ell�ins and issue an All- Alcoholic Innholder Liquor License for Lixi Hospitality Lexington FB MGT, Inc. d/b/a Aloft Lexington located at 727 Marrett Road—A reflecting the same. FOLLOW UP: S elect Board O ffice DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 6/14/2021 7:45pm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � ��"�����������Il���a��.��� �h.�:��f���:��.��������,,�::����:���� ��,������: �����:���;�.�:� II��Qr�����K�� �� T'he Commonwealth of'11lassachusetts - - Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission 95 Fourt�h Street,Suite 3, Chelsea,MA 021 SO-2358 www.mass.gov/abcc AMENDMENT-Chan�e of Mana� ,r han e o icense Man er � C a f L ag 1. BUSINESS ENTITY INFORMATION Entity Name Municipality ABCC License Lixi Hospitality Lexington FB MGT,Inc. I Lexington Number 00032-�IT-0612 i , �_APPLICATION C�NTA� � l The application contact is the person who should be contacted with any questions regarding this application. Name Title Email Phone ����� Daniel C.Johnston Attomey DUohnston�sherin.can 617-64�2066 _. . _ A.MANAGER INFORMATION �The individual that has been appointed to manage and control of the licensed business and premises. � . � �� . �. � � Proposed Manager Name Patricia Elldns Date of Birth - SSN _ . � Residential Address 10 Brookshire Road,Worcester,Massachusetts 01609 Email patricia.elklnsC�lixigroup.com Phone 781-761-1734 Please indicate how many hours per week � Last-Approved License Manager Har1 Ja i you intend to be on the licensed premises � 99 36.CITIZENSHIP BAC GROUND INFORMATION Are you a U.S.Citizen?'� �i�Yes (� No *Manager rnust be U.S.citizen If yes,attach one of the followin as proof of citizenship US Passport,Voter's Certificate,Birth Certificate or Naturalization Papers. Have you ever been convicted o�a state,federal,or military crime? C'Yes �No If yes,fill out the table below and attach an affidavit providing the details of any and all convictions.Attach additional pages, if necessary,utilizing the format below. Date Municipality Charge Disposition II i _ ._ .m.. .. m_.� 3C.EM PL�YMENT INFORMATION Please provide your employment history.Attach additional pages, if necessary, utilizing the format below. Start Da������ te End Date ' Position Employer Supervisor Name , 10/2018 Present General Manager L'ai Hospital�ty Lexington Michael Percacclo � r `+ + . , � /J �� �%����„ (�� ����lrl� ����/�E/'�T � �`�J �` �' I� ,'1 Mo ��'� �,�''� � �r iwI u.�,. �� 1 I � � + � � 3D.PRIOR DISCI PLI NA RY ACTION � ���� � Have you held a beneficial or financial interest in,or been the manager of,a license to sell alcoho�c beverages that was subj :o disciplinary action? �,yes (i No �Yes,please fill out the table.Attach additional pages,if ne�essary,utilizing the format below. Date of Action Name of License State City Reason for suspension,revocation or cancellation ; � � _ � !hereby swear under ihe poins�and ��������'��^� ,thot ihe,�'�formation I hove provided in ihis npplrcation is true ond occuraie: , I M� � f .id' ���Y A � a.. . �e-.,�,.. . � .. , . .. Manage�s Signature� .�,� �'' Date � � _ , __ --- . - - - - �__ __�__ ._ .�__ ,._ ._ om... _.__.._____.. , �.... . . � � APPII�ANT'S STATEMENT .� .a�. . �� onv the: sale proprietor; � partner; ''� corporate principal; � L�C/LLP rnar�ager Christopher C.B Authorized Signatary Lixi Hospitality I.exington�B MGT,inc. of Name of the Enti�y/Corporatian hereby submit this applicatian(hereinafter the"Applicatian"j,to the#acal licensing authority(the"LLA"}and the Alcohalic 8everages Controi Cammissian(the"ABCC"and together with the LLA collectively the"�icensing Authorities")for apprava�. I do hereby declare und�r the pains and penalties of perjury that I have persana!knawledge af the infarmatian submitted in the Application,an�as such affirm that afl statements and representations thereirt are true�o the best af my knawiec�ge and belief. I further submit the foilawing tc�be true and accurate: �1} I understand that each representation in this Applicatian is material to the i.icensing Authat�ities`decision on the Applicatian a�nd that the L�censing Authc�rities w�ll reiy on each and every answer in the application and accompanying documents in reaching its clecision; (2} I state that the locatian and descriptian c►f the proposed licensed prernises are in compliance with state and locaf laws and regulations; �3} 1 understand that while the Appl�cation is pending,I must natify the�icensing Authoriti�s of any change in the inforrnatic�n submi�ted therein. 1 understand that failure to give such notice to the Licensing Authcrrities may result in disap�roval af the Application; (4} 1 understand that upan appraval 4f the Applicatic�n,I must notify the Li�censing Authorities of any ch�nge in the �wnership as approved by the Licensing Authorities. I understand that failure ta give such notice to the �icensing Autharities may result rn sanctians including revocation af any iicense fc�r which this Application is submitted; (5} I understand that the licensee will be baund by the staternents and representatic�ns made in the Application, including, but not limi�ed to the identity of persons with an awnership or financial interes�t in the li�ense; (6� I understand that all statements and representa�ians made become conditians of the�icense; �7) I understand that any physical alterations ta or changes�o the size c�f the area used fot�the sale,delivery, storage,r�r consumption af aicohalic beverages,must be reported to the L�censing Authorities and may require the prior appraval of the�icensing Authorities; (8) i understand that the licensee`s failure to operate the licensed premises in accordance with the statements and r�epresentatians made in the Applicatic+n may resul�in sanctions,includ`rng the revacation of any license�Far which the Application was submitted;and {�) I understand that any false staternent ar misrepresent�tion will constitute cause for disapprova!af the App�ication or sanctions includir�g revcacatian of any license far which this Applicatic�n is submitted. �1n) I canfirm that the appli�ant c4rporation and ea�ch individual listed in the c►wnership sectian of the�ppti+�ation is in gaod standing with the Massachusetts Department of Revenue and has complied with al�laws of the Camrnc�r�wealth relating to taxes,reparting of e� ���..�nd contractars,and withholding and remitting of child support. -�..._. � , ,y � Signature: Date: �.;.�.,,� -. M,,r..�_ Title: :Dirr�';.#or �CJRP'+C�RATE VC7TE .._ ..._ Th��3r��rd of Directars a►r LLC Man ;�ci Nospi�al�tjr t.euinc�on FB M+,c E1",Irrc. agers of �ntity Name duly voted ta apply to the Eic�nsing Authority of ��c�ngton and�he City/Town , Commor�w�alth af Massachusetts al�oh�lic Beverages Control Commission on Ma�y 6,2021 Date Qf Meeting For th�following tr�r�s��tions {Check�II�h�t�pp1Y�: ;x Cha�r�ge�o�Manager �(Jther .. _ .„ „VC�TED:To�uthorize �h�stapherC.Bono . _ I�ame of Person to sign tl�e applica�ion submitted and to execute an the Entity's behalf,any necessary papers and d�a al{�hings required ta have the applicat�on�ranted.,` ... . . __ „V{JTEp:T�►�ppoint �Patr�cia Elkins Name of Liquor License Manager as its man�ger of recard, and �ereby grant him ar her with full authority and c�ntra�l af the premises described in the license�nd authority and contral af the canduct of al! business therein as the iicensee �tself could in any way have and exercise if it were a natural persan residing in the Cr�mrnanwealth of Massachusetts." For Carporations C�NLY A true copy attes�, /�true r',�--�--r-�. � Carparate fJffiicer/LLC Manager Signature � �'"' Carpor�tion Clerk`s�'rgrr'� re � (Print Name� �Prin� N�rne} AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Application: Entertainment License - CFHP The Hangar, LLC d/b/a Revolution Hall PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: Jill Hai, S elec t B o ard C hair I.7 S UMMARY: CFHP The Hangar, LLC d/b/a Revolution Hall, 3 Maguire Road, has submitted an application requesting approval for an Entertainment Lic ens e for the purp o s e o f a c onc ert event on S aturday, June 26, 2021. T he live mus ic al p erfo rmanc e s will take p lac e in the b us ine s s p arking lo t at 3 Maguire R o ad fro m 12:OOp m to 8:OOp m. T he F ire and P o lic e Dep artments have met with the app lic ant and revieWed the event for any requirements related to their res p ec tive d ep artments (no F ire P ermits o r p o lic e d etails are nec es s ary). B o th F ire and P o lic e have no c o nc erns. The Building Department has no concerns, but did inform Revolution Hall that the S tage C ompany must obtain a permit for the stage. SUGGESTED MOTION: Move to approve an Entertainment License for CFHP The Hangar, LLC d/b/a Revolution Hall, 3 Maguire Ro ad for the purp o s e o f providing live mus ic al p erformanc es for p atrons o f the c onc ert event to take p lac e on S aturday, June 26, 2021 from 12:OOpm to 8:OOpm in the p arking lot o f 3 Maguire Ro ad. FOLLOW UP: S elect Board O ffice DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 6/14/2021 7:SOpm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � ����������,�m`�:����:..::�C����,,,,, ��mw������r.����;���������uf����r����������������:,����.,m�����a��; �����I���f� I[��,�w�°��� � ���A�����,��c����..:JIC���,,,,, I��:�������I��::�������1�....�m���,���������`���������u���4��.�������u���������,����A ���;���� II�:�.�������.�. Eve nt Ove rvi ew -Saturday, June 26t". 12-8 -12 family friendly bands on a flow -30-40-m i n ute sets -Stage for social distancing between guests and bands provided -No alcohol served in parking lot -Free standing or lawn seating only -No seating will be added -Signs will be posted to prohibit alcohol in parking lot -No concession stands or food trucks, any food and beverage provided will be consumed inside the restaurant and provided by craft food halls -Current bathrooms to be used -6 extra garbage cans will be added to keep area clean -Community event to bring families a fun activity on a Saturday, introducing bands that haven't played in over a year and are volunteering their time to bring event to Lexington -have spoken to surrounding office buildings,there is no concern as the event is on a Saturday -We have spoken with police and fire and no concerns were expressed, but they are informed of the events details -Maintaining governor bakers orders for covid regulations -event will be over before the 10 db ordinance is in effect -Tent is not requested, if it rains the event will be cancelled i u ,�� yl,;,� iuiu�iul ,'i���j�//��rp ip l�l//�����v�i�„i � r � pi ,y,� �1 ���� �� l�� ,,;� ,;� , // // � �///// � l�� � ' � „i/°i'%�;;�%��� � ��n f�����ff 1,�; f�� ,»�,°,�� �/� //� � ����� �� �rr,, /,� r;�i� ;,� �i�/ � ' I � �� ���;< �1 �/,/ i,�/� ,/�/ �//i � /�� % ; � , � ,y., ,r %�, � i ' , , o /i „ � �, ��f,�� i �, ,/ �f , i � „; �, � //// , i/�, / � � i �, ,, , / � � , ; , / ,, � ; � . � - � , / � , , . � � , � , i i � . i, , , °�,, � / ,, � . ,. .., , ,..../� �, � �i . . i�, / / i 1 � � J �, �,, / , � f io /� / if ,, �. / , i �� // s�" / � I �/, � � �� � �� r� ( �/� � � , _ :� / /�/ ��! 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SUGGESTED MOTION: FOLLOW UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 6/14/2021 7:5Spm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � �f...,�������;��[�:�:�:����amm���� ���� �I����;�����J ���������. „; � r ii��'1 1 ^�inqig��v�� ��,�m� ron� ��� � ��� �1 % I YVi m �I�� i� f i � y �i /��/ ���f ��((�9U i � d „. % '., /�fl � ��� �. I/�%ha� iRY�%��%J � //� �� q/f��. i�� p� ,' � ��.�'� l r v/��j i �l� r� l,� � �1� y� ����f u� q�`���� r,�� r I�G � iJ� 1� � �ril y' V �/ �i f y�/ '��11 J', "�� ��m ��� i�ryr f� ��r , 1.� ���� �� � �n` �� - ”�l � i/// i � .I �%%��l M'VIr d1D `. '�f„ ��> ;��y�p�� ��� ��� �G� "�r � ��'r �i �Im���)r y. �/, ii.� �% �� �; r&�� G� P ' ,� ,,, / �r 1, fl �,"� V P�JC �j � o ..., t � u, , i �� ,l� f�f 1� 1r'i,� �� � °����� ,t 4� � � �((����f�i�j��,`� ��"' ii�-�V,� ���� A��,�„��,�V„"'��/�� 1»> 1 i/��' � j`��/f/� 1 a�i�ic�I�(�^��d N�tl�u'� ar �1�r[ ?� i i,: y�/ ✓'!J ;//ii ��������" �'�J���P!�'Y'�fi'���p �'j��rt�( �� ���f ��� ti „%//� �,'��Nu�w�u"0����'� �` �'IV�f�,9QJ� p�w�I', � � �, G ,1i i�� ���� � � �'�� �Vs�;�/ � v"�� „ ,, v �i �� ,u�� , � ���o�� � ,� s�� <��� ,�� � ���� f � � ( � r � �/�� � ti, 1 /�� ��/ f %i/ // /: � �a ',��`j�� , � � i�,; % Il �i�/ �� f/ f�%�//f�> ` � , / , f�i�� � //' �I C fl� l�� ,. i°;1� ;'f ., ����i /�II, II!IIII���"�Il�i�ull I �II i�7pd��II��I���� � 0 ��= i „ � fo,f"' ,,�� � �jj� �i�i � p�f��fP,,,., � �l� ,"� , �f�j�� '��j �E� / f�. 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I�'; /1 ,i %��;/// i� ,ii� i r� '�'�l�� a/%�%� �""`;'"/ � � /��p � �I � ,��€ l�/iii, % ��U� � �//� ��%/`//: �i;% ,, � ii� '` ��,��� , f ii%�% �mr �����, «««��,� '�i�/ir�ii �y� AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Review and Approve List of Potential Sites for Relocation of Hosmer House PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: Jim Malloy, Town Manager I.9 S UMMARY: As the Board is aware from previous discussions, we developed a listing of properties that the Town owned and that were p o tential s ite s to relo c ate the H o s mer H o us e and thro ugh zo ning, c o ns ervatio n and o ther p arc els that were not appropriate due to us e, which reduc ed the availab le town-owned p arc els to 26 p otential s ites. In addition to these 26 sites is the property that was offered as a potential site by the property owner of 41 Hancock Street. These 26 potential sites were reviewed by the Historic Districts Commission(HDC) and the Historic Commission(HC) for appropriateness. Many of these were not appropriate to relocate the house due to d is tanc e, neighb o rho o d qualitie s and fo r c o ns is tenc y in the typ e o f neighb o rho o d ho us ing. F ro m the o riginal list of 26, the HDC and HC eliminated all but 41 Hancock. They also both included 3 Harrington as their highest priority. Although the Bo ard previous ly cons idered the Harrington s ite, the HD C and HC is rec ommending the Bo ard cons ider this prop erty for the next step. T he next s tep as we had d is c us s ed p revio us ly was to s end a no tic e to ab utters and to ho ld a p ub lic hearing to hear any concerns from nearby residents to any site. I have attached a sample 100, 250 and 500 foot abutters map s for the Board's information on how many neighboring properties would be captured by thes e distanc es (the Board had previously discus s ed 500 feet). Once the Board confirms what the scope would be for the abutters, we will send notice and set a date. SUGGESTED MOTION: Mo ve to ap p ro ve mo ving fo rward with the fo llo wing p ro p ertie s fo r the p o tential s ite fo r the relo c atio n o f the Ho smer Hous e:4l Hancock St�eet and/or 3 Ha��ington Road. FOLLOW UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 6/14/2021 B:OSpm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � ������fi�������=�1��:��;�;���� �:.������°�Il�f����� � �������������1������r����� �:.:�:����� II����� � ��.��.��.�°��c���u����.�,������� �����;� IC����m���� Town of Lexington, MA June 10, 2021 100 foot abutters ����� `' "_. `;., � °-�M ulW�iuuiu . r°�; ���������������� �; p� J �. � ��. ,, �.��Cd���� � 11 . � rrt., �,�������� � ���J �t „� �� . .� � � � �� � ` � � � ' �J�sqm��lln�d���ll6�l�lmlll�� � ` , �� � `�� 'iii�ii�i����u�i �� � �� � ; ��� ���� i l ,, � ; . � , .� _ ,; „ Y �� M�"�.�� .� ,t, ��� :.� �„Y p�� , r�� � � � F f. ....,, ww�"�` �p F� „" �m,_,� �° � �, � ��� .��� ° _ JLC�� �� .��..,.,� �' , , � ��u-�I°������"�� ���� � � �.. � .. ,, ,��`�' �,��!���,�� �„ � ��lra �;�i^�,`-1���191���rv,p�� ,.,���,..,., � r,y..�� �,q���� i:: �"�-�° � i � uu���",�� ��r� V..i:,,�,.i, �wa�rA ,.,,,.�,,., i � �1^i.A;Y"t"�'�� Y��� ^ ,..��,.,.n. 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MAP FOR REFERENCE ONLY NOT A LEGAL DOCUMENT Town of Lexington,MA makes no claims and no warranties, expressed or implied,concerning the validity or accuracy of the G IS data presented on this map. Geometry updated 5/30/2019 Data updated 5/30/2019 Town of Lexington, MA June 10, 2021 Hosmer - 500 foot abutters ,��, ���� ,,�� ,;f � -��, �» ; , , . . , , � , , , � ��� °� ��, <-���� ��, ����� �. ,, � ` ° „' � , -, i ,," � � v { " ; u � `, � � � ' � � � � ��� � � � i� , ' � ,. , s �r ��� � � � ,� ���� a� ; .�� � �" � �, � ,��. � , �. , , ���, � _ � o� ` J , �f 0 s t d ,�„ ' p��u, - =. . , � ,. ��` ,� � �' �'y � � �� .-. � �o �; � �, � , , � �, � � �� ' „��� ' �� � � � �� e � V� � � � " , �. � ,. � '� ; �t �� �- ,, � �� � �,,. , �� , , � � ��', r �. , �,, � _ �. ��� _ ,, � � �� � ' �;i ,, _ �� ��� 1� , ;, �., . � ��1�u� � �� � �� � ��"�� ; ��.,i ���,�, ��,����. � `�� �'�"'^ , �,, �� �,.,,�. �,� ������ �'� �� �""� 1�"���° �(�` n ��''�� �y� �� , �,� ,.a , �,, „ � ,�,. �� ���� � � ; .,. ,� , � � ��� . , � � � � � ��;��, ��� �` � �' �, ��� ,` ' ; � ��� � �� ,�� �� � ""��;�� �� ��, ��„ ,�����,� � � � ��� ,���i� °�� � ;�'� �,� �'�� "�'�; � �� �� � ' ° �� � ' : �,��,�� ;., �,�� ����� '�'�,�`�� :;� � �� ��� �� � �� � �� � � � � � �� � � � �� `� ��� ,� '�, �� � � � ����� � � �� � �� � e. � �� � � �� ������. ��� �� � ,., �,��I���� � �`�� ` � ��� ���� ���' ���� ,�� �" � � � ° � � � � � ,°�' .�� ee. _�... , em ��' �� � , � � ` � � ��� �-�� � a ,,�,. ; �� �i��� ��� � � �� ������� �� �� ��� � ��� � . 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Geometry updated 5/30/2019 Data updated 5/30/2019 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Vote to Name Town Manager as Administrator for Muzzey Resales PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: Jim Malloy, Town Manager I.10 S UMMARY: In 1984, LexHAB was designated as the Muzzey Administrator by the Board of Selectmen. Pat Nelson has b een the C hief overs eer and she will b e retiring s o on from her many years o f s ervic e to LexHAB. LexHAB has asked if the Select Board would consider designating the Town Manager as the Muzzey Administrator, who will contract with the Regional Housing Services Office(RHSO)to undertake the work. Ms. Liz Rust indic ated the RH S O has p erformed s imilar functions for other munic ip alities. T he Muzzey Adminis trato r o vers ee s the Muzzey verific atio ns to mo nito r and enfo rc e the re s tric tio ns c o ntained in the Deed when properties are sold. SUGGESTED MOTION: Move to appoint the Town Manager as the Muzzey Administrator for resales. FOLLOW UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 6/14/2021 8:20pm AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approve Fiscal Year 2022 Cost-Of-Living Adjustment for Non-Represented Employees PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: Jim Malloy, Town Manager I.11 S UMMARY: A vote is requested for this agenda item. The Town Manager and HR Director are recommending a 2 percent cost-of-living adjustment for non- represented employees for fiscal year 2022. T his amo unt is c o ns is tent with s ettled c o llec tive b argaining agreements and the B o ard's o verall guid anc e fo r s ettlements fo r F Y2021. SUGGESTED MOTION: Move to approve a 2 percent cost-of-living adjustment for non-represented employees for fiscal year 2022, effective July 1, 2021 FOLLOW UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 6/14/2021 8:25pm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � �f���d;��fi`��..�C'����]�����-�fi�` �..����� II�����:� July 1, 2021 COLA list NON -UNION Positions Department Office Manager Assessing Executive Assistant to the Board of Selectmen Select Board Municipal Assistant Select Board Recording Secretary Select Board Administrative Assistant Finance Assistant Town Manager for Finance/Com ptroller Finance Budget Officer Finance Director of Purchasing Finance Town Accountant Finance CEC Recording Secretary Finance Fire Chief Fire Office Manager- Fire Department Fire Human Services Director Human Services Office Manager- Human Services Human Services Veterans Services Officer Human Services Veterans Services District Director Human Services Director of Innovation and Technology Information Technology Alternate Inspectors Land Use, Health and Development Assistant Town Manager for Land Use, Health & Development Land Use, Health and Development Office Manager- Land Use Land Use, Health and Development Visitor's Center Manager Land Use, Health and Development Visitor's Center Assistant Manager Land Use, Health and Development Substitute Temporary Library Employees Library High School Library Pages Library Library Director Library Assistant Library Director Library Office Manager- Library Library Part-Time less than 8 hrs/biwkly Library Employees Library Part-time less than 8 hrs/biwkly Library Employees Library Cadets Police Office Manager- Police Department Police Parking Lot Attendants Police Per-Diem Public Safety Dispatchers Police Police Chief Police Administrative Assistants Public Facilities Office Manager Public Facilities Assistant Director of Public Facilities Public Facilities Assistant to the Project Manager Public Facilities Audiovisual Technician Public Facilities Director of Public Facilities Public Facilities Facilities Engineer Public Facilities Facilities Superintendent Public Facilities LHS Facility Manager Public Facilities Project Manager Public Facilities Superintendent of Custodial Services Public Facilities PBC Recording Secretary Public Facilities DPW Sidewalk Cleaning Attendants Public Works Office Manager- Public Works Public Works Per Diem Engineering Assistant Public Works 1 Public Works Director Public Works Manager of Operations Public Works Seasonal Compost Attendant Public Works Recreation and Community Programs Director Recreation and Community Programs Administrative Manager Recreation and Community Programs Certified Recreation Specialist Recreation and Community Programs Benefits Coordinator Town Manager's Office Deputy Town Manager Town Manager's Office Human Resources Assistant Town Manager's Office Human Resources Director Town Manager's Office Administrative Assistant- Human Resources Town Manager's Office Office Manager-Special Events Coordinator Town Manager's Office Parking Hearing Officer Town Manager's Office Town Manager Town Manager's Office Public Information Officer Town Manager's Office Sustainability Director Town Manager's Office 2 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Review of Small Cell Policy PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: Doug Lucente& Mark S andeen, S elect Board Members I.12 S UMMARY: T he R eview o f S mall C ell P o lic y item will no lo nger b e taken up at the meeting o n Mo nd ay, June 14, 2021. The item will now be added to an agenda in the near future. SUGGESTED MOTION: FOLLOW UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 6/14/2021 8:3 Op m AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Discuss Remote Work Policy - Select Board Office Staff PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: Board Discussion I.13 S UMMARY: Select Board to discuss Remote Work Policy as it relates to the Select Board Office staff for occasional or ro utine remo te wo rk. SUGGESTED MOTION: FOLLOW UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 6/14/2021 8:45pm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � �I"a:����°�c�fi"�(�u��:��a��������f-����r�����:M ����°�s:�'�����-�° �����d���;���� II�,�����,�. � ��I��������fi�`.��������������������� ������:��.�������������1������p����������� �����;������ II��,�����,� �� �� �:. ,',���`.�.�-��.~�..�"�,� ��� ����; � � f t . '��� .. ....... � 't r 4 �l. ,i'�' :J'�.. 5; � d'". �."+ {, f +� �' � 4{I 1�� � � � I��'� 11� ... 1 �.. '�tiJ K'� .�r��� '°�'.i y C.)u« � ��� � � ��� � � � ;� ,� ��;Am�"', f,f��,/ � `` " , ,. ��'��,�'�� ,!� �: \ � . !",f " ... ` ,,� ,..,�" ..�...,....__��.�.�... r � � This Remote Work policy was developed as the result of the COVID-19 pandemic which has had a significant impact on how the Town conducts business and serves the public.The Town,similar to many private businesses and entities has had to rethink how it operates following the sudden shift of entire departments to remote work as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and Governor Baker's public emergency declaration. That coupled with the fact that many Town employees continue to grapple with the effects of the pandemic, including limited access to childcare,the coordination of homeschooling,and the need to care for sick/homebound loved ones, has led to the development of a Remote Work Policy. Work-from-home or remote work policies are traditionallyviewed as a strategyto provide more flexibilityor a work-life balance options for employees. However,the Town believes that moving forward and post- COVID-19, providing a remote work option,when possible, can increase employee productivity and satisfaction, help recruit and retain talent,save employees hours spent commuting, address office space needs and significantly reduce the Town's workforce carbon footprint. �� � � This policy establishes guidelines for administering and evaluating remote work requests or assignments.The option to work remotely allows employees to work from home or another location on a full, part-time, or intermittent basis. It is expected that most remote work arrangements will permit one or two days of remote work on a weekly basis and not every employee will have the ability to work remotely due to their specific job responsibilities or work productivity.The ability to work remotely is not an entitlement or benefit of employment. It is an alternative means of ineeting the needs of the Town outside of the office. In some cases,employees may be mandated to work remotely to ensure continuity of operations in the event of an emergency such as inclement weather,a pandemic,a lack of available space,or under other extenuating circumstances. While remote work provides some flexibility in an employee's schedule,the remote work arrangement is not designed to be a substitute or replacement for childcare. Remote Work Policy 1/2021 1 The option to work remotely requires the approval of the employee's Department Head,the Human Resources Director, and the Town Manager or his/her designee. All employees who are eligible to work remotely must read this Remote Work policy and complete the application and agreement forms in advance. Participation in the remote work arrangement will not alter the employee's terms or conditions of employment with the Town, except for those specifically addressed as part of a Remote Work Agreement. Any decision regarding the eligibility to work remotely shall be at the sole discretion of the Town and shall not be grievable. � � ��� � � An employee may request,or a Department Head may initiate a discussion about a remote work arrangement. Eligibility to work remotely on a consistent or routine basis is contingent on job responsibilities (rather than job title),type of position (supervisory or public facing),work habits,and work schedule.There are some positions eligible for remote working that have been formerly identified in advance by the Senior Management Team. (See attachment A). Employees may also request a short-term remote working arrangement for circumstances such as family or medical leave with the consent of the employee's health care provider, if appropriate. Moreover,jobs acceptable for remote work are those that can be performed without diminishing the quality of work, level of services provided, and without disrupting productivity.This policy does not apply to introductory/probationary, seasonal,or temporary employees. ����������� � �,,,�� ,,,�������������,,,� �i����� • Occasional remote work requests are approved on a case-by-case basis, are intermittent, and are not regularly scheduled.Approval by a Department Head must be documented. For example,this type of remote work arrangement may be appropriate when a supervisor or Department head assigns a specific task or project to an employee who is likely to be more productive and efficient at home without workplace distractions. � �,,,��,�����,,,,,,�m ��,,, �,����������„�,,,,,,,,� ��„���iii��� • Routine remote work arrangements are for ongoing purposes, include both full and part- time requests,and must be supported by a written agreement that specifies the requirements and details of the arrangement. Routine part-time remote working arrangements must be approved by a Department Head, Human Resources Director,and the Town Manager or his/her designee.The arrangement can last for a defined period or can continue indefinitely with regular review. Remote Work Policy 1/2021 2 r r ��;;;;;��� ���,,,�� �������,,,,,, �„�� �,� ��,,,���„���,���ii�ii��� � �„���,,,,,,�������„�,��,��� �,�����. „��� �������iii����,����, „ ,,, , „ , ����������������������������������������������������� „� v�„����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 1. An employee interested in working remotely must first initiate a discussion with their Department Head to determine eligibility. 2. If the Department Head is supportive of the request to work remotely,the employee must submit the Remote Work application to the Human Resources Department. 3. The request will be elevated by HR staff,the Department Head, and Town Manager(or his/her designee)for approval. 4. If approved,the employee will be required to read and agree to this Remote Work Policy and the Technical Guidelines and submit confirmation of this to Human Resources 5. Prior to starting their remote work assignment,the employee will be required to complete the Remote Work Survey to help the Town gather data and evaluate the program. 6. After all paperwork is complete and the survey has been submitted,the employee can begin their remote work assignment. ��,��� �����tl������ ����������� ,,,� �� �,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, � ��� i���� ��� �,,,,���m„��������� � ��� ,���i����°��������,�� „� ,,, ,,,,, „ ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,�„����������������������������������������������������������� u ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Each Department Head is responsible for evaluating and approving remote work requests.The arrangement is intended to benefit the Town and its employees without putting an undue burden or added expense on other employees, individual departments, or the services provided by the Town. Department Heads should contact the Human Resources Director or the Deputy Town Manager with any questions. 1. When evaluating a remote work request,the Department Head should consider whether the employee has a record of satisfactory performance(evaluation) in the workplace,and has demonstrated the ability to: • Prioritize work to meet deadlines • Accomplish job duties with minimal supervision • Communicate effectively with clients,stakeholders, supervisors, and team members • Manage time effectively; and that • Operational demands are unaffected and met without an impact to overtime or to other employees. 2. After evaluating the employee's request to work remotely, if you support the request, please ensure your employee making the request reads the policy and completes the appropriate paperwork and survey. 3. Set clear expectations with your staff by creating a communication plan and regularly checking in.Audit non-exempt employee time records regularly to confirm compliance and accuracy. Remote Work Policy 1/2021 3 4. An initial review of the remote work plan should take place at two weeks and again at one month. After the first month,the manager should review the remote work plan with the employee at least quarterly to discuss the success/shortcomings of the arrangement and to make any necessary adjustments based on those reviews. �I � Each department head reserves the right to cancel, modify, or suspend a work-from-home assignment as necessary,to address planned or unplanned short-term and long-term employee absences,emergencies, and vacations.This also includes mandatory meetings,trainings, or other work assignments. � Employees working remotely are required to comply with all Town policies and regulations that would apply if the employee were at their normal worksite. Employees working remotely are expected to be actively working during the agreed upon hours of work and must be available to communicate in a timely fashion via email,telephone or any other means of virtual communication.The employee may not hold any business meetings with internal or external clients,citizens or colleagues at their remote work site and may not conduct any unauthorized external (non-work)during their remote work schedule. Daily contact between the employee and Department Head may be necessary to verify that the employee is actively working as well as to resolve any problems that may arise. Employees working remotely may require more frequent interaction and communication between the employee and their Department Head and other employees.Communication must be at a level consistent with employees working at the office or in a manner and frequency appropriate for the job and the individuals involved.Supervisors and/or Department Heads may require employees to provide reports or updates of work performed or accomplished while working remotely. � � � � ��� ��������� �� It is the responsibility of employee working remotely to track and record their time correctly. An employee may be asked to provide evidence or regular updates to their supervisor or Department Head. Employees who are classified as non-exempt under the Fair Labor Standards Act must obtain advance approval from their Department Head prior to working in excess of their scheduled hours per day or per workweek, including overtime hours. Non-exempt employees should be able to access time- tracking systems remotely. If not, it is incumbent upon the Department Head and employee to consider and agree on how time will be tracked remotely. Remote Work Policy 1/2021 4 Employees who are classified as exempt continue to be required to work the number of hours needed to accomplish their assigned duties. Participation in a remote work plan does not limit the number of hours that an exempt employee must work to accomplish those responsibilities. All employees on a remote work plan will be required to take leave to accommodate personal business at their home or sick leave if the employee is unable to work remotely due to illness. While remote work provides some flexibility in an employee's schedule,the remote work arrangement is not designed to be a substitute or replacement for childcare. �,����, �,,,,,I�f�'�� III I����� �"�����III��;; ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������, The employee is responsible for setting up or establishing a suitable work environment for purposes of working remotely.The area should be free from obvious safety hazards and suitable for the type of work being performed by the employee. The Town will not be responsible for costs associated with the setup of the employee's home office,such as remodeling,furniture or lighting, nor for repairs or modifications to the home office space. ��,,,,, , �I���I� ����������������������������� � '�� � ,,, s ,a,� ������������������������������������°��������������������� ,,,, ��II��""� ������������������������������������������������������� ��„�� The Department Head, in coordination with the IT department staff,will determine the equipment needs for each employee on a case-by-case basis and in accordance with the Town's standard policies and procedures. Equipment supplied by the Town is to be used for work purposes only and may not be used by anyone other than the employee. The employee understands that all Town-issued equipment issued to the employee as part of the remote work arrangement remains the property of the Town at all times. • IT staff will work with employees to ensure they have the proper equipment, access to email,the Town's network, and remote communication tools available to them working from home. • Employees must sign an inventory of all Town property received and agree to take appropriate action to protect items from damage and theft. Employees shall report any damage to or theft of Town-issued property to their supervisor immediately,and in all cases within one(1)work day. • The Town accepts no responsibility for damage or repairs to employee-owned equipment. � Upon the end of the remote work assignment or termination of employment, all Town property will be promptly returned, unless other arrangements have been made. � Consistent with the Town's expectation of information security for employees who have a physical presence working at the office,employees working remotely will be expected to ensure the protection of confidential information accessible while working from home. As such,the employee must sign out of their remote connection and/or Town-owned computer when not at their computer to ensure the security and the Remote Work Policy 1/2021 5 integrity of the Town's network. Any information that is considered confidential or protected will not be removed from Town premises unless expressly approved in advance by a supervisor or Senior Manager. The employee is also expected to adhere to all Town policies concerning information security and technology use. �„������������� ��������������@�������������������������'���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������M�� � ����� �,�,������� ��� Employees are expected to maintain a home workspace that is free from safety hazards and other dangers to the employee and Town-issued equipment. Employees working remotely are covered by workers'compensation for job-related injuries that occur in the course and scope of employment. When the employee is working from home,workers'compensation does not cover injuries that are not job related and the Town assumes no liability for injuries to the employee or others occurring in the employee's home work space outside the agreed-upon work hours. Further,the Town is not liable for loss,destruction, or personal injury that may occur in or to the employee's home and/or non-employee property.This includes family members,visitors,or others that become injured within or around the employee's home. Employees are responsible for the timely reporting of workers' compensation injuries. � � Unless otherwise agreed due to changes in responsibilities or hours worked, an employee's compensation, benefits,work status,and work responsibilities will not change due to working from home. �,,,, �� ��� ��III Illm�"�i�� Vacation or sick time leave used on a scheduled remote workday will be administered under the same provisions as leave used on days an employee would otherwise be in the office. �� � An employee's remote working assignment is at the sole discretion of the Town. The Town reserves the right to modify or terminate such agreement with ten (10)days' notice, at any time for any reason. As such, no Town employee is entitled to or guaranteed the opportunity to work remotely. The Town further reserves the right to terminate an employee's remote work arrangement with ten (10)days' notice in the event that the employee fails to maintain satisfactory performance as determined by the employee's supervisor and/or Department Head.The Town will not be held responsible for costs,damages, or losses resulting from termination of an employee's participation in the remote working program.The Remote Work Agreement is not a contract of employment and may not be construed as such. Remote Work Policy 1/2021 6 �� � i � i,,,,,, Employees who work remotely or plan to work remotely are responsible for: • Ensuring that a high level of public service is maintained,and that abuses of this policy do not occur. • Initiating a written request if they are interested in entering into a remote work agreement. • Reporting to their immediate supervisor as early as possible if they are unable to work on a remote work day. • Establishing and maintaining an adequate,safe and ergonomic workspace in their home. • Maintaining appropriate care and security of any Town equipment used at the employee's home. Employees who work remotely from home are subject to the same internal Town policies regarding the use of Town provided equipment(hardware and software)and services as that of employees at the centrally located worksite. Employees shall return all Town provided equipment within 14 days after the completion of their remote work agreement. Employees are responsible for maintenance and repair of their personally owned equipment. • Maintaining the confidentiality of Town information and documents, preventing unauthorized access to any Town system or information, and disposing of work related documents in a manner that will not jeopardize the interests of the Town. • Any injuries to third parties and/or members of the employee's family on the employee's premises during the employee's telecommuting work period. • Abiding by all of the terms of Town of Lexington's Remote Work Policy. Department Directors or Division Heads are responsible for: • Reviewing employee requests for working remotely and making recommendation for approval or denial to the Town Manager. • Ensuring that a high level of public service is maintained,and that abuses of this policy do not occur. • Communicating to the employee performance expectations and monitoring accomplishment of those expectations. • Abiding by all of the terms of Town of Lexington's Remote Work Policy. • Monitoring policy use to ensure that the policy is being applied consistently. Remote Work Policy 1/2021 7 Town Manager is responsible for: • Reviewing employee requests and recommendations from Department Directors or Division Heads for remote work and either approving or denying the requests. If an employee's request is denied, a reason must be provided to the employee. • Providing written notice granting or denying requests and written notice for termination of agreements to employees. For more information or questions please contact the Town's Human Resources Director. Remote Work Policy 1/2021 8 Town of Lexington Remote Work Application &Agreement This form must be completed for remote work requests and will serve as the agreement between the employee and the Town once approved. The first three sections are to be completed by the employee. Section IV is for the department director or division head to complete and Section V is for the Town Manager to complete. Section I: Employee Information Name: Department/Division: Direct Supervisor: Union (is applicable): Date of Request: Section II: Remote Work Information: This Agreement Will Run: Start Date: End Date: Reason for Remote Work Request: Normal Work Schedule: Remote Work Schedule: How Will You Report Your Time? Designate Work Location: Remote Work Equipment: Equipment Emplo ee Notes Department Director Notes ❑Computer/ ❑Laptop ❑Monitor ❑Printer ❑Phone ❑Other: Req u i red softwa re/syste m s: Employee Notes Department Director Notes ❑VPN ❑MUNIS ❑Other: Remote Work Plan: Work you will perForm while working remote (use area below or attach work plan) and how it will be quantified: Method of communication while working remotely: ❑Phone—phone number: ❑Email—email address: ❑Text—phone number: ❑Other: Section III: Employee Acknowledgements: ❑ I have read and will follow: ❑ The Remote Work Policy ❑ Technology Use Policy ❑ I understand and agree that working remotely is a privilege, not a right, and is not subject to the grievance process. ❑ I understand and agree that I am responsible for maintaining the safety and security of Town equipment, supplies and information while working remotely. ❑ I understand and agree that I must comply with all procedures designed to protect sensitive Town information, including information that is confidential, private, personal, or otherwise sensitive while working remotely. ❑ I understand and agree that remote work is not a substitute for dependent care. ❑ I acknowledge that my designated remote work workspace complies with all health and safety requirements. ❑ I agree to accurately record and submit the hours I work while working remotely. ❑ I understand and agree that I may be required to come into the office on a regularly scheduled remote working day when my department requires me to do so. ❑ I understand and agree that my department is not required, beyond what is requested in this form, to provide me with any equipment or supplies I may need while working remotely. ❑ I understand and agree that I must be available to my department, colleagues and members of the public via phone or email during my assigned work hours. ❑ I understand and agree that I will participate in reviews as outlined below. ❑ I have discussed this application with my department director or division manager. I agree to comply with all terms and conditions in this remote work application and agreement. ❑ I understand and agree that my remote work agreement can be terminated for a business reason at any time. Employee Signature Print Name Date Section IV: Department Director or Division Manager Review and Approval: Name: Title: Additional Conditions/Comments: ❑I have reviewed and approve this remote work application and agreement Date: Review Schedule: Please include dates of review, as applicable, (as part of application process)and notes (to be completed at later date. Notes should be sent to HR to be included with original application)from that review. Period of Review Insert Date Period of Review Insert Date After 15 Days After 210 Days After 30 Days After 240 Days After 90 Days After 270 Days After 120 Days After 300 Days After 150 Days After 330 Days After 180 Days After 360 Days Review of Expenses for remote work and funding sources: Item Cost Funding Source Section V: Town Manager Approval: I have reviewed the application and recommendation of the Department Director or Division head and: ❑Approve this application as ❑Approve this application with ❑Deny this application for the presented the modifications outlined reasons outlined below below Mod ifications/Comments: Signature: Print Name: Date: If approved, please forward a copy to: • Applicant • Department Director or Division Head • Original application to Human Resources (for inclusion in the employees personnel file) • IT Department If denied, please forward a copy to: • Applicant • Department Director or Division Head • Original application to Human Resources AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: C OVID-19 & Reopening Update PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: Jim Malloy, Town Manager I.14 S UMMARY: SUGGESTED MOTION: FOLLOW UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 6/14/2021 8:5 Sp m ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � �..��r���,��������::���I�C.�������a�,�c����`�,,,,,:�:��:�;�I �..������1�11������ � f�;�������,,,,,����.��:����a�:��; �a:����u� ����r�� � �� �......�. � ..�.,. :�� � . � .. . ....� � � .. ::, �� � m; � .. � :.... „ � . .. � �� � �� .. .: . �. �, ° �.. .. � _ � f..,., ....... ..... �:: :� � : � � ...... .:: .. �� : � . � � :'° . � . �,M�..... � .., . .. �� � `: :�,���. � .:. .. . >�M�.. � � .. . � . � . : _ " , M ..... -/° � , . ..... � � . . .. . .. : � .. : .. . � ���� . . . � � .. .. .. . 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As the Board is aware,the Governor's rescission of the Emergency Order,which allowed public meetings to be held remotely expires on June 15 which has generated a lot of questions about meetings scheduled next week. As of now, meetings are being posted as either in person or virtual, but we are planning on having to hold in person meetings starting next week. We will plan on opening the building for any members of the public and for Board/Committee members to enter the building when there are public meetings only through July 15. Town departments will not be open to the public between June 15 and July 15 and the building will only be unlocked during those times when a public meeting is being held. • Town staff continue to work on site 50%and remote 50%, although more staff are working in the office as they become vaccinated. We are planning 100%on site by July 1 and next week the Senior Management Team will have a discussion on re-opening. • The link to the Town's dashboard on the Town's website can be viewed here: ��� m � ,s���� ii � I m� ir� ir�� � ir ir���ii ir� � � �� �- �- � �� � � �� � l � i�.., • I am planning on continuing these updates through the month of June and then simply building in a shorter update on the pandemic as part of the weekly update that I provide to the Board. A�e/Race Ethnicity: Lexington residents are above the state/national average with 69%fully vaccinated and 80%of residents that have had 1 shot. Please note the State did not update their website Thursday evening,so there is some data missing. This will be updated on Monday and included in the Select Board meeting agenda packet. � �� .�,.. .. � r:::.:v' � ... .. .. �... � �',. .. �� , ......,. m; .. � ..����.. '�' � . . , .. . .. 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SUGGESTED MOTION: FOLLOW UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 6/14/2021 9:OOpm