HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-10-10-LBAC-min APPROVED MEETING MINUTES Committee Name: Lexington Bicycle Advisory Committee Date, Time and Location of Meeting: October 10, 2015, 7 pm, Cary Library Members Present : Peggy Enders (Chair), Laurel Carpenter, John Frey, George Gagliardi, Mike Tabaczynski, Marita Hartshorn, Sandra Shaw (Recreation Liaison) Members Absent : Bob Dangel, Carolyn Levi, Bob Hausslein Others Present : Jennifer Merlot Review September Meeting Minutes : The September minutes were approved as corrected. Bicycle-Pedestrian Committee? : Peggy met with David Kucharsky and Suzie Barry regarding the possibility of combining the Sidewalk Committee with the Bicycle Advisory Committee to form a Bike/Ped committee. Peggy briefed Suzie on the Committee’s mission, accomplishments and relationship to other committees and the town and voiced the Committee’s position with respect to the need for Town staff support if such a committee were to be formed. Bikeway Paving, Closures, Detours (update): A number of detour options were provided to Bikeway users while the Bedford Street to Bedford town line was being repaved. Jennifer developed great messaging for users; Peggy had large signs printed and posted them at the various detour points. As of now, the paving is complete, but there are berms along the newly paved path that are quite steep; the edges need to be filled. Arterial Bike Accommodations: Peggy reported on the September 25 meeting with John Livsey, Jennifer Melot and others to review the status of bicycle accommodations on recently paved town roadways and the Bikeway. The results of that meeting were summarized in a document shared with the Committee and include a number of roadways that were repaved several years ago. Peggy said that the DPW plans to request a budget for on-going bike striping (sharrows, bike lanes, etc.) at the spring Town Meeting. Laurel Carpenter suggested that such documents be made more public and transparent and that the process allow for more input on priorities. th New England Bike/Walk Summit : Laurel distributed the program for the Sept 24 event. She attended Engineering and Design Done Right Parts 1 and 2 and Greater Connectivity for Greater Utility. She noted that many people are working hard to improve bicycle/pedestrian accommodations. Master Plan for Bikeway Signage : Peggy reported on the meeting held on September 24 with the Toole Design Group to launch the “master plan” phase for Bikeway signage. Mike, Jennifer, Richard Canale, Bob Hausslein and Bob Dangel attended with Peggy, John Livsey and David Kucharsky. She said that Toole Design will consider the preliminary recommendations for signage and locations developed by Bob Dangel and that John Livsey was open to the possibility of including interpretive signs, kiosks, and trailhead markers in the request to Town Meeting. However, the scope for Toole’s work does not include these amenities and would have to be budgeted separately. Mass Ave Corridor Project and Upcoming Meetings : The next hearing on the East Mass th Ave. Roadway and Sidewalk plan will be on October 14 at Lexington High School; the session is being hosted by the Board of Selectmen. Peggy urged members to keep participate actively in these discussions and to attend the upcoming meeting. She asked members to help her craft a statement from the Committee that all members could agree to. A motion was made by Marita to approve the statement, “The Bicycle Advisory Committee is unanimous in its support of the proposed bicycle accommodations and bicycle lanes as part of the plan for the East Mass Ave Corridor project.” Mike seconded the motion. All members voted in the affirmative. Liaison Reports : Sandra Shaw mentioned the upcoming Community Center Open House. Peggy said she was asked to hold a bike corral for the Open House and asked for volunteers to staff it. Other business : Peggy and John are on the ad hoc Grain Mill Alley committee; the proposed design features a node at the Bikeway that includes a bench, bike racks, and an information kiosk. Marita suggested a three-sided structure with sides for Bicycling; Conservation and ACROSS Lexington; Town resources and events. The committee discussed how many bike parking spaces ought to be provided (“as many as can fit”), the idea of providing a map of all bike parking in the Town center (or all over town), whether seating should be provided. The meeting was adjourned at 8:35. Record of the Discussions of the Friends of Lexington Bikeways Bikeway Counts for CTPS: The counts were done on two beautiful days, a Tuesday during commuter hours and all day on a Saturday. The number of users was impressive but not record breaking. We will send the results to the town and to the Central Transportation Planning Staff. A National Bike and Pedestrian Count takes place very September. Next year we should participate in this count as well. Farmers’ Market Bike Corral : Times have been arranged by Peggy for the Corral on Tuesday, October 13rh. Other Business : Peggy, Laurel, and Jennifer plan to attend the Moving Together Conference. Marita Hartshorn, Recorder Peggy Enders, Editor Items Distributed: Bicycle Accommodations on Lexington Arterials Bikeway Counts Information about the Intersection Project. New England Bike-Walk Summit Program