HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-09-09-SP-Results -329 (Warrant for State Primary—See WARRANT FILE) STATE PRIMARY—TUESDAY,SEPTEMBER 9,2014 In pursuance of the foregoing warrant the legal voters of the Town of Lexington met in their respective voting places in said Town of Lexington on Tuesday,September 9,2014-7:00 a.m.—8:00 p.m. The following places were designated as the voting places for the various precincts: Precinct One, School Administration Building;Precinct Two, Bowman School;Precinct Three, Clarke Middle School;Precinct Four,Bridge School; Precinct Five, School Administration Building; Precinct Six, Diamond Middle School; Precinct Seven, Estabrook School,Precinct Eight,Samuel Hadley Public Services Building;Precinct Nine,Hastings School. The election officers and Wardens of the various precincts were assigned for duty as follows: Precinct 1: Warden: Richard Pemberton[U];Clerk:Barry Sampson [U],Eileen G.McAlduff RU],Jeannette Cerulli[D], Richard Spillane[U],Edwina Spillane[U],Doris Pemberton[U],William J.Barrett[R],Verna Thayer[U], Carol Sampson[U]Adriana Forte[),Marion Barry[D]. Precinct 2: Warden: Rebecca Fagan Gorospe [U]; Clerks: Richard Eaton [U], Suzanne Hays jU]; Inspectors: Arline Bums[U],Marita Hartshorn[D],Robert Hartshorn[D], Katherine O'Sullivan[U],Claire Martin[U], Margaret Ouellette[0],Ann Anderson[D1,Robert Warshawer[U], Precinct 3: Warden:Shirley Rauson Frawley[D]; Clerk: Amy Rubin [U] Inspectors: Ann Canter[0], Carol.Daniels[], Maarib Bazzaz[I,Susan Alyn [D],Yolanda Grula [], Diane Biglow[1,William Frawley[D],Maria Griffin[U], Laura Welby[U],Faith Fenske[U], . Precinct 4: Warden: Linda Dixon [U]; Clerk: Jody Schott-Marcell []; Inspectors: Eleanor Smith [U], Beverly F.Aker[U],Gloria Curran[U],Anne Mary Dunn[U],Mary Tashjian[U],Elaine Quinlan[],Lorain Marquis[1, Dorothy Tutko[],Virginia Weinberger[]. Precinct 5: Warden: Marie Hill [U]; Clerks: Josephine Bailey [U], Christine Hill [0]; Inspectors: Linda Cohen[U],Joel Adler[U],.Judy Cooper[D], Lorraine Setterlund[U],Stephen Tauber[0],Arlene McGrath[], Gerald McGrath j],Yang Gao[1. Precinct 6: Warden:Ann Webster[U];Clerk:Mary Ellen Turner jU];Charles Price[U], Margaret Freeman [U], Charles Freeman [R], Joann Gschwendtner[U], E. Ashley Rooney [D], D. Peter Lund [R], Richard Bair [D], Susan Folger[1,Carol Snell[],Julie Miller[I,Patricia Costello[],Jane Halverson[]. • Precinct 7: Warden:Alice M.Pierce[D];Clerk:Margaret Bradley[D];Inspectors: Charlotte Ford[D],Mary Burnell[U], Barbara Mix[R],Jane Trudeau[D], Martha Wood[D], L.Susan Conway[],Jean Shanahan [],Robert Boucher[],Raya Gildor[],Elizabeth Golovchenko[]. Precinct 8: Warden: Chet Webster[U]; Clerk: Julie Sibert []; Inspectors: Ann Diamond [U], Elinor Bettencourt [R], Barbara L. Perrotta [D], Anthony Montagne [U], Anne O'Neill [U], Maureen Burns [U], Margaret Counts-Klebe[D],Francine Edwards[D]. Precinct 9: Warden: Shirley Ament-Bergey[DJ;Clerk:Michael Fenollosa ID];Inspectors: Dorothy Bolduc [U],Carole Scalise[R],Edgar Knudson[D],Harry Farrington[U],Louis Mule[U],Judith Mello[],Francine Stieglitz j], Edith Barbieri[],Sheilah Dreyer,Marilyn Fenollosa[],Angela Marcucci[I. The election officers were sworn to the faithful performance of their duties. The polls were declared open in each precinct at seven o'clock A.M.and remained open until eight o'clock P.M.,at which time,after due notice,the polls were declared closed. The total number of registered voters in each precinct eligible to vote as of August 20,2014 is as follows: Registered Voters Precinct Total Registered Democrat Republican Unenrolled Other Voters 1 2051 820 174 1050 7 2 2500 1012 209 1271 8 3 2076 813 190 1065 8 4 2434 997 216 1215 6 5 2572 940 270 1357 5 6 2445 920 289 1232 4 7 2369 869 226 1266 8 • 8 2328 870 213 1237 8 • 9 2396 844 242 1304 6 Total 21,171 8085 2029 10997 60 Recap sheets were delivered to the Town Clerk at the Town Office Building. 25%of the registered voters cast their vote. 330September 9,2014 State Primary,cont..,. The Town Clerk canvassed the results: Pot 1 Pct 2 Pct 3 Pct 4 Pct 5 Pct 6 Pct 7 Pct 8 Pct 9 Total Total Ballots Processed 15 39 55 38 45 40 35 23 30 320 Absentees Voted In-Person 3 23 11 18 19 _ 22 21 5 19 141 Specially Qualified Processed 1 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 6 Specially Qualified Return& 1 2 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 5 Count Total Ballots Returned& 14 33 47 32 40 ' 38 32 23 29 288 Counted _ Ballots Rejected/Late/Not 1 6 8 6 5 2 3 0 1 32 Returned :1. PRECINCT SUMMARY PCT 1 PCT 2 PCT 3 PCT 4 PCT 5 PCT 6 PCT 7 PCT 8 PCT 9 TOTAL Total Registered Voters 2051 2500 2076 2434 2572 2445 2369 2328 2396 21171 Total Votes 451 735 577 687 541 610 648 541 580 5370 Democratic _ 412 677 526 609 483 527 577 483 492 4786 Republican 39 58 51 78 58 83 71 58 88 584 Total Votes/Registered Voters 22% 29% 28% 28% 21% 25% 27% 23% 24% 25% DEMOCRATIC PARTY Pct 1 Pct 2 Pot 3 Pet 4 Pet 5 Pct 6 Pct 7 Pct 8 Pet 9 TOTAL Total Reg Voters _ 2051 2500 2076 2434 2572 2445 2369 2328 2396 21171 Total Votes 412 677 526 609 483 527 577 483 492 4786 Percent(Total Votes/Total Voters) 20% 27% 25% 25% 19°A 22% 24% 21% 21% 23% Total Registered Democrats 820 1012 813 997 940 920 869 870 844 8085 Percent(Total Votes/ Total Party) 50% . 67% 65% 61% 51% 57% 66% 56% 58% 59% JPet Pett Pct3 Pct4 Pct5 Pct6 Pet I Pct8 Pct9 TOTAL SENATOR IN CONGRESS i EDWARD J.MARKEY 348 567 446 510 415 432 470 391 423 4002 ,i BLANKS 63 106 79 —94 56 64 104 91 67 766 e ALL OTHERS 1 4 1 . 5 0 1 3 1 2 18 GOVERNOR DONALD M.BERWICK 103 217 210 198 127 137 164 156 157 - 1469 MARTHA COAKLEY 149 204 132 157 168 141 187 143 174 1455 STEVEN GROSSMAN 159 250 179 244 187 245 219 176 153 1812 BLANKS 1 6 4 10 0 4 7 8 8 48 ALL OTHERS • 0 0 1 0 1 0 _ 0 0 0 2 LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR LELAND CHEUNG 165 246 193 203 192 192 276 169 172 1828 STEPHEN J.KERRIGAN 122 153 127 170 127 152 125 138 155 1269 MICHAEL E.LAKE 44 98 92 96 63 69 63 53 62 640 , BLANKS 81 179 114 140 101 114 113 103 103 1048 ALL OTHERS 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 ATTORNEY GENERAL ' MAURA HEALEY 262 413 316 387 270 319 354 262 290 2893 WARREN E.TOLMAN 139 217 186 194 191 185 201 169 178 1660 • . BLANKS 11 47 24 28 22 23 22 31 24 232 ALL OTHERS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 , SECRETARY OF STATE WILLIAM FRANCIS GALVIN 329 496 393 436 373 388 440 346 375 3576 BLANKS 83 181 133 171 110 139 135 136 115 1203 • ALL OTHERS 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 1 2 7 TREASURER THOMAS P.CONROY 133 201 174 214 169 165 182 146 160 1541 BARRY R.FINEGOLD 102 111 87 116 89 118 127 104 85 942 DEBORAH B,GOLDERG 117 221 176 177 149 170 180 150 163 1503 BLANKS 59 144 88 99 79 74 88 83 84 798 ALL OTHERS 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 331 September 9,2014 State Primary, cont.... Pct 1 Pct 2 Pct 3 Pct 4 Pet 5 Pet 8 Pct 7 Pct 8 Pet 9 Total AUDITOR SUZANNE M.BUMP 267 417 354 373 319 330 373 305 329 3087 BLANKS 124 258 171 235 164 196 201 177 162 1688 ALL OTHERS 1 2 1 1 0 1 3 1 1 11 REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS-Fifth District _ KATHERINE M.CLARK 273 448 373 407 310 362 375 331 332 3211 SHELDON SCHWARTZ 108 145 113 139 130 122 146 97 104 1104 BLANKS 31 84 40 62 43 43 56 54 56 469 ALL OTHERS 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 I I • COUNCILLOR-Third District MARILYN M,PETITTO DEVANEY 158 230 184 177 175 171 209 169 186 1659 J CHARLES N.SHAPIRO 147 231 216 237 189 205 217 168 175 1786 BLANKS 106 215 126 195 119 150 - 151 146 _ 131 1339 ALL OTHERS _ 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 , 0 0 2 SENATOR IN GENERAL COURT-Fourth Middlesex District(1,2,4-7) KENNETH J.DONNELLY 302 434 1!i'.t "' 394 327 349 398 �.!.q°`IlOrw.I°' 2204 110 241 Id?1'h_...''ir' 214 156 ' 1111 :L' 11L,.N.§ 1075 0 2 ':ilii r ).'. 1 0 0 ��i.^I;' is if1..;, 6 SENATOR IN GENERAL COURT-Third Middlesex District(3,8,9) MICHAEL J.BARRETT ' t I,iL JAI.}t 400 M11-�ljrdt l Ii°i1:i14i ' 1 „'. � (,I;% C..,. 380 357 1117 BLANKS ),':!10 ' 125 IM 4:',t.;'1 4 J7 ttii II ,,;'X%1 122 132 374 ALL OTHERS ,.I.1!i *I 1 I1,d.P':, '',ON.,.',-;I iAtiiV'li 1? 'l1 3 5 REPRESENTATIVE IN GENERAL COURT-Fifteenth Middlesex District JAY R,KAUFMAN 327 544 428 487 390 437 480 405 413 3911 BLANKS 84 132 _ 97120 93 _ 88 95 77 79 865 ALL OTHERS 1 1 1^ 2 0 2 2 1 0 10 DISTRICT ATTORNEY-Northern District MARIAN T,RYAN 244 393 334 _ 345 283 331^ 364 281 283 2858 1 MICHAEL A,SULLIVAN 110 153 110 134 130 109 128 121 127 1117 BLANKS 58 131 82 130 70 87 50 81 • 81 810 ALL OTHERS 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 1 1 REGISTER OF PROBATE-Middlesex County TARA E. DeCRISTOFARO 268 383 322 337 310 302 351 280 320 2873 BLANKS 143 294 203 269 173 225 226 202 172 1907 ALL OTHERS1 0 1 3 0 0 0 1 0 6 REPUBLICAN PARTY Pct 1 Pet 2 Pct 3 Pct 4 Pct 5 Pct 6 Pet 7 Pet 8 Pet 9 TOTAL Total Req Voters 2051 2500 2076 2434 2572 2445 2369 2328 2396 21171 Total Votes 39 58 _ 51 78 58 83 71 58 88 584 Percent(Total Votes/Total Voters) 2% 2% 2% 3% 2% 3% 3% 2% 4% 3% Total Registered Republican 174 209 190 216 270 289 226 213 242 2029 Percent(Total Votes/Total Party) 22% 28% 27% 36% 21% 29% 31% 27% 36% 29% Pct 1 Pet 2 I Pet 3 Pct 4 Pct 5 Pct 6 Pct 7 Pct 8 I Pct 9 TOTAL SENATOR IN CONGRESS _ BRIAN J.HERR 32 40 29 57 46 60 50 46 60 420 BLANKS 7 18 22 21 12 23 20 12 28 163 "-"' ALL OTHERS 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 GOVERNOR CHARLES D.BAKER 32 51 37 61 47 66 55 44 61 454 ' MARK R.FISHER6 7 13 17 10 15 15 14 26 123 BLANKS 1 0 10 1 2 1 0 1 7 ALL OTHERS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 i I — LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR KARYN E.POLITO 36 42 36 62 53_ 67 55 49 68 468 BLANKS3 16 15 16 5 16 16 • 9 20 116 ALL OTHERS0 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 0 0 0 332 September 9,2014 State,Primary,cont.... Pct 1 Pct 2 Pct 3 Pct 4 Pct 5 Pct 6 r Pot 7 1 Pct 8 Pct 9 1 Total ATTORNEY GENERAL JOHN B.MILLER 34 39 34 59 49 63 52 46 62 438 BLANKS 5 18 17 19 9 20 15 12 25 143 ALL OTHERS 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 3 SECRETARY OF STATE DAVID D'ARCANGELO 30 38 31 55 45 57 51 46 58 411 LBLANKS 9 20 20 23 13 29 19 12 30 172 ALL OTHERS 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 TREASURER MICHAEL JAMES I HEFFERNAN 32 39 31 56 47 60 49 43 61 418 BLANKS 7 19 20 22 11 23 21 15 27 165 ALL OTHERS 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 AUDITOR PATRICIA 5.SAINT AUE1N 30 37 29 55 41 56 44 39 59 390 BLANKS 9 21 22 23 17 2726 19 29 193 ALL OTHERS 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 1 0 0 1 REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS-Fifth District BLANKS 39 58 51 76 57 81 70 56 87 577 ALL OTHERS 0 0 0 2 1 2 1 0 1 7 COUNCILLOR-Third District BLANKS 39 57 47 77 58 83 70 58 66 575 ALL OTHERS _ 0 1 4 1 0 0 1 0 2 9 SENATOR IN GENERAL COURT-Fourth Middlesex District(1,2,4-7) BLANKS 39 58 )1t I r 3 75 58 83 .Ir 382 ALL OTHERS 0 0 i'''J I;1 3 0 0 2 1r-?.'1',11 ii1, 5 SENATOR IN GENERAL COURT-Third Middlesex District(3,8,9) SANDI MARTINEZ 0:!1,,',04k4 32 'I r''q11 ff,'I 0 IW1 i II iL'ii7i*". 44 62 138 BLANKS 'Il,i ( 1 ',';61;';'j SII. y� 19 ! -11;'iIW 0 w{ 1 1 ,,41 lH''' ','‘5'I 14 26 59 __ ALL OTHERS i n•( 141 i�,�� I..�1�: 0 ,' 4�i 1 I itl�ryF7,4 i'1 n i11�:y i� ' 0 0 0 REPRESENTATIVE IN GENERAL COURT-Fifteenth Middlesex District BLANKS 39 58 51 77 58 83 69 58 87 580 ALL OTHERS 0 0 0 1 3 0 2 0 1 4 DISTRICT ATTORNEY-Northern District BLANKS 39 58 51 76 58 78 70 58 87 575 ALL OTHERS 0_ 0- 0 20 5 1 0 1 0 REGISTER OF PROBATE-Middlesex County JOHN W.LAMBERT,SR. 30 33 29 42 41 51 45 40 53 364 BLANKS 9 25 22 36 17 32 26 18 35 220 ALL OTHERS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A true copy. / Attest: 611-44-GL/h '`, 74, Donna M.Hooper,Town Clerk Deborah N. Mauger, 38 Liberty Ave, resigned as Selectman effective -- July July 13, 2014. Ms. Manger's unexpired term ends March 2016. Mary Ann Stewart, 24 Rawson Ave, resigned as a member of the School Committee effective August 14, 2014. Ms. Stewart's unexpired term ends March 2015. At their meeting of July 14, 2014 the Selectmen voted to schedule a special Town Election to fill the Selectman vacancy for Tuesday, November 4, 2014, the same date as the 2014 State Election. At their meeting of August 2R, 2014 the Selectmen voted to include the School Committee-vacancy-On the ballot of the Special Town Election scheduled for Tuesday, November 4, 2014, in combination with the 2014 State Election.