Monday, October 26th 2015
7 P.M.
Parker Room, Town Office Building
1625 Massachusetts Avenue
Chair Philip Hamilton opened the meeting at 7:01pm in the Parker Room of the Town Office
Commissioners Present: Kevin Beuttell, Phil Hamilton, Alex Dohan, Dick Wolk, Joyce Miller,
and Duke Bitsko
Others Present: Karen Mullins, Conservation Administrator, Casey Hagerty, Conservation
Department Assistant
Pending Matters
RDA, Dunback Meadow
DET 15-25
Applicant: Greenway Corridor Committee
Owner: Town of Lexington Conservation
Project: Installation of memorial plaque and benches
Documents: Supporting letter from the Greenway Corridor Committee 10/26/2015
Mrs. Dohan recused herself from this hearing.
Comments and concerns from the commission:
Mr. Hamilton explained that another site visit was conducted.
Motion to issue a negative determination with conditions made by Mrs. Miller and Seconded by
Mr. Wolk. Vote: 6-0 in favor.
DEP File No. 201-1005, BL 962
NOI, 6o Hartwell Ave
Applicant: Solar City
Owner: Town of Lexington
Project: Solar PV Project
Steve Weihe- Weston and Sampson Engineering.
Documents: NOI Package 10/14/2015, Storm water Management 10/8/2015, Plans dated
10/14/2015, Addendum to plans dated 10/21/2015, Engineering report 10/26/2015
Mr. Weihe explained the proposed solar project at the Lexington town Compost Center on behalf
of Brightfields Solar City. He stated that the town would lease the land to Brightfields and the
town would benefit from the energy produced. Two sections of the project would consist of a
solar canopies. The upper canopy would have a rain management system while the lower canopy
would not have one. The third portion of the project would consist of a ground mounted system
on 7 acres of land. The units would be spaced apart and tilt towards the sun. He stated that there
would be a chain link fence around that section to adhere to electrical code. He explained that
storm water models have not been run. He said he does not expect an increase in runoff or
erosion. He said no work will be done in the riverfront area and it will all be done in previously
disturbed areas.
Comments and concerns from the Commission:
Mr. Hamilton entered the engineering report into the record.
The commission stated that there was some lack of clarity in the engineering report.
The commission expressed concern about the runoff from the structures after they are installed.
The commission raised concern about how the town operations at the facility will be impacted by
this project. They would have to do more with less available space. They stated that there is
concern the projects would start encroaching on the wetlands. Bruce Hascall, from the town
DPW, stated that the town DPW is working with the constraints of the project to try to keep
existing operations in place. Some of the operations will be moved to other parts of the site and
that the DPW is investing in a new windrow turner, which will allow the town's composting
operations to be performed in a smaller area.
The commission stated that they wanted to see a plan that indicated where current operations will
be located after installation of the solar arrays.
The commission stated that storm water treatment would be helpful in this situation.
Motion to continue the hearing to November 2, 2015 at the applicant's request made by Mrs.
Miller and seconded by Mr. Wolk. Vote: 6-0 in favor.
DEP File NO. 201-903, BL863
Amendment to Order of Conditions, 44 Hartwell Ave
Applicant/owner: Alexandria Realty Trust
Project: New entrance including ramp and stairs
David Kelly- Kelly Engineering Group
Documents: Amended Plans dated 10/9/2015, Engineering Review dated 10/26/2015
Mr. Kelly explained that the use for the building at 44 Hartwell has changed and a new entrance
has to be added to the back of the building. The proposed project would include a new stairway
and handicap ramp. The project would add 150 sq feet of impervious surface. He explained that
the area is in a flood plain and there would be a small compensatory storage area. They would be
filling less than a foot.
Comments and concerns from the commission:
Mr. Hamilton entered the engineering report into the record.
The commission stated that they want to see a plan that shows greater detail regarding the
compensatory storage area.
The commission wanted the contour lines shown on the plan.
The commission requested that the plans show how the increased impervious surface will affect
the storm water management system.
Motion to continue the hearing at the applicant's request to November 2nd 2015 made by Mrs.
Miller and seconded by Mr. Wolk. Vote: 6-0 in favor.
DEP File No. 201-1004, BL
NOI, 65 Winter Street
Applicant: Barons Custom Homes LLC
Owner: Anna E. Rogers
Project: Raze and rebuild existing single family home
DEP File No. 201-1003, BL
NOI, 63 Winter Street
Applicant: Barons Custom Homes LLC
Owner: Anna E. Rogers
Project: Raze and rebuild existing single family home
Rich Kirby- LEC Environmental
Documents: Revised proposed site plan 10/20/2015
Mr. Kirby explained that the requested changes were added to the plans. The grading behind the
house was changed to be more flat at 63 Winter Street. The removal of the satellite dish will be
removed in the same way that the barn will be removed. A layer of topsoil with a conservation
wetland mix will be used. The existing stonewall will be removed and the land will be sloped
down. He explained that a slight hump was added to the trench in the driveway and the filter
fabric was removed. The O and M plan was also modified per the commission's request and an
annual mowing program was put into place.
Questions and concerns from the commission:
The commission requested that replacement trees be added to planting plan within the 100ft
buffer zone.
Motion to close the hearing for 63 Winter Street made by Mrs. Miller and seconded by Mr.
Beuttell. Vote: 6-0 in favor.
Motion to close the hearing for 65 Winter Street made by Mrs. Miller and seconded by Mrs.
Dohan. Vote: 6-0 in favor.
DEP File No. 201-1002, BL
NOI, 139 Grove Street
Applicant: Douglas Orr
Project: Raze and rebuild Single Family home
Scott Smyers- Oxbow Associates and Doug Orr- owner/builder
Documents: Amended plan dated 10/21/2015
Mr. Smyers explained that all four corners of the lot were demarcated. He stated that the limit of
work line had been expanded and the geo-textile detail had been added as requested. The seeding
detail was also added to the plan. Mr. Orr explained that he spoke with the Building
Commissioner, Fred Lonardo, and he explained that the permit would not be accepted without a
structural report. He stated he is willing to risk having to come in front of the commission for an
amendment based on the engineers report at a later time.
Questions and comments from the commission:
The commission stated that they want the detail of the retaining wall added to the plan.
The commission stated that they want the engineering report before they make a decision.
The commission questioned whether the driveway swale would be sufficient for directing the
water towards the catch basin and infiltration trenches.
The commission stated that they would not need an engineering report if the retaining wall was
under four feet.
The commission requested that spot grades be shown on the drainage.
Motion to continue the hearing at the applicant's request to November 2, 2015 made by Mrs.
Dohan and seconded by Mr. Beuttell. Vote: 6-0 in favor.
Pending Matters
Motion to approve minutes with edits from September 21, 2015 made by Mr. Beuttell and
seconded by Mr. Bitsko. Vote: 6-0 in favor.
Motion to approve minutes with edits from September 28, 2015 made by Mrs. Dohan and
seconded by Mr. Beuttell. Vote: 6-0 in favor.
Site visits were scheduled for November 2, 2015.
The commission discussed the annual report and the scheduled the group picture.
Mr. Hamilton reported that the Stewards' Open House this past weekend was a great success and
was a very impressive accomplishment.
Motion to adjourn made by Mrs. Miller and seconded by Mrs. Dohan. Vote 6-0 in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Casey Hagerty
Conservation Department Assistant
Approved: 11/30/2015