HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-12-10-Summit-PacketSummit 3 Board of Selectmen, School Committee, Appropriation Committee, Capital Expenditures Committee December 10, 2015 7:00 PM Public Services Building Cafeteria AGENDA 1.P ro p o s ed F Y17 Revenue Allo c atio n Mo d el 2.P reliminary F Y17 Capital Projec ts Review-Cap ital Exp end itures C o mmittee 3.Es tablish Date fo r Summit 4 4.Up d ate o n Minuteman Regio nal Agreement and Building R ec ons tructio n P ro ject Negotiations 5.Exec utive Session-Exemptio n 6: Update on 20 Pelham Road Purchas e Hearing Assistance Devices Available on Request All agenda time and the order of items are approximate and subject to change. AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Proposed FY17 Revenue Allocation Model PRESENTER: Carl F. Valente, Town Manager; Rob Ad d els o n, As s is tant Town Manager for F inance ITEM NUMBER: 1. SUMMARY: Staff will pres ent the p ro p o s ed F Y17 Revenue Allo catio n Mo d el. SUGGESTED MOTION: None FOLLOW-UP: None DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 12/10/2015 ATTACHMENTS: Des crip tion Typ e Revenue Allocation Model Exhibit 197,586,175$ (1)(92,060,316)$ (2)(33,578,271)$ (3)(1,514,000)$ (4)(5,532,537)$ (5)(13,500)$ (6)(25,806,849)$ (7)(200,000)$ (8)(688,130)$ (9)(675,952)$ (10)(225,000)$ (11)(6,417,558)$ (12)(900,000)$ (13)(9,993,116)$ (14)(10,981,827)$ (15)8,999,119$ Incremental Revenue (16)73.3% (17)26.7% (18) 6,594,007$ (19)2,405,112$ FY16 School Spending as % of FY16 general fund budget exclusive of Shared Expenses and Minuteman. FY16 Municipal Spending as % of FY16 general fund budget exclusive of Shared Expenses and Minuteman. School Share of incremental FY2017 revenue (7.2% increase over FY16 School Budget) Municipal Share of incremental FY2017 revenue (7.2% increase over FY16 Municipal Budget) Set-Aside for as yet identified needs - $983,261; Set-Aside for Unanticipated Current Fiscal Year Needs - $200,000; Set-Aside for Tax Levy Support of Community Center Program (Transfer to Article 5 )- $233,172; Capital Projects Stabilization Fund - $3,100,000; Cash Capital - $2,500,000; OPEB - $1,512,318; Street Improvement Program - $2,236,746; Building Envelope Program - $187,329; Senior Work-Off Program-$30,000. FY2017 Debt Service FY2017 Reserve Fund FY2017 Facilities Department Budget FY2017 Unemployment comp FY2017 Workers' comp FY2017 Property and Liability Insurance FY2017 Uninsured Lossess FY2017 Minuteman FY2017 Contributory Retirement FY2017 Non-Contributory Retirement FY2017 Benefits FY2017 Revenue Allocation Projected FY2017 Revenue FY2016 school budget FY2016 municipal budget Summit III - FY17 December 10, 2015 AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Preliminary FY17 Capital Projects Review-Capital Expenditures Committee PRESENTER: Jill Hai, Chairman, Capital Expend itures Co mmittee ITEM NUMBER: 2. SUMMARY: Jill Hai, Chairman o f the Capital Expend itures Committee, will present a high level o verview o f the Committee's p ers p ective regard ing F Y17 Capital projec ts. SUGGESTED MOTION: None FOLLOW-UP: CEC is sc hed uled to meet with the To wn Manager and Assistant To wn Manager for Financ e on December 15 to p ro vide a mo re detailed respons e to FY17 propos ed capital projec ts. DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 12/10/2015 AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Establish Date for Summit 4 PRESENTER: Carl F. Valente, Town Manager ITEM NUMBER: 3. SUMMARY: Summit 4 is p ro p o s ed for January 14, 2016. At that time the Town Manager's and Sup erintendent o f School p ro p o s ed operating b udget fo r F Y17 will be p res ented along with the To wn Manager's proposed FY17 Capital b udget. SUGGESTED MOTION: None FOLLOW-UP: None DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 12/10/2015 AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Update on Minuteman Regional Agreement and Building Reconstruction Project Negotiations PRESENTER: Jo e Pato ITEM NUMBER: 4. SUMMARY: Mr. Pato will provid e an up d ate o n the Minuteman R egional Agreement and Building Rec o nstruc tion Projec t Nego tiatio ns. SUGGESTED MOTION: FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 12/10/2015 AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Executive Session-Exemption 6: Update on 20 Pelham Road Purchase PRESENTER: Jo e Pato, Chairman, Board o f S electmen ITEM NUMBER: 5. SUMMARY: Sugges ted motio n fo r Exec utive Session: Move that th e Boa rd of S electmen, School Committee, Approp ria tion C ommittee and Capital Expen d itu res Committee g o into Executive S ession to consider the p u rch a se, exch a n g e, lease or va lue of real p roperty, 2 0 Pelh a m Roa d , a nd to recon ven e in Open S ession only to a d journ . Further, that as Ch a irman, I d eclare that an open meeting ma y have a detrimen tal effect on the n eg otia tin g position of th e Town . SUGGESTED MOTION: None FOLLOW-UP: Town Manager will continue nego tiatio ns with Armenian Sisters for the purc has e o f the Pelham Ro ad prop erty. DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 12/10/2015