HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-11-30-BOS-Packet-releasedSELEC T MEN'S MEETING Mo nday, No vember 30, 2015 Selec tmen Meeting Room 7:00 PM AGENDA PUBLIC COMMENTS Pub lic c o mments are allo wed fo r up to 10 minutes at the b eginning of eac h meeting. Eac h s p eaker is limited to 3 minutes for comment. Memb ers of the Board will neither c o mment no r respond , o ther than to as k q ues tions of clarific ation. Speakers are encouraged to notify the Selec tmen's Offic e at 781-698-4580 if they wis h to s peak during pub lic comment to assist the Chairman in managing meeting times. SELECTMAN CONCERNS AND LIAISON REPORTS TOWN MANAGER REPORT ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION 1.Mas s DOT Vid eo / Lexingto n High S s cho o l S tud ent Winners (5 min.)7:00 PM 2.Center Streetsc ap e P res entation (90 min.)7:05 PM a. Pres entatio n with Respons es to Bo ard Ques tions b. Proc es s for Making a Decision c . P lan fo r P ublic Outreac h ADJOURN 1.Approximate Ad jo urn Time 8:35 PM The next meeting of the S electmen is s c hed uled fo r Wednes d ay, Dec ember 2, 2015, at 6:00 p.m. in the Selec tmen Meeting Ro o m, 1625 Mas s ac hus etts Avenue. The Selec tmen als o have FY2017 Budget Pres entatio ns s ched uled for Friday, December 4, and Mo nday, Dec emb er 7. Both meetings will be held in the S electmen Meeting R o o m beginning at 8:30 a.m. Hearing Assistance Devices Available on Request All agenda time and the order of items are approximate and subject to change. AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: MassDOT Video / Lexington High Sschool Student Winners (5 min.) PRESENTER: Mic helle Cic c o lo ITEM NUMBER: I.1 SUMMARY: Lexington High s c ho o l s enio rs Katrina Chap ut and Lilly Rhyll won the Mas s ac hus etts Dep artment o f Trans p o rtation’s S afe S treets S mart Trips Video Contest. Safe Streets S mart Trips is a yearly vid eo c ontes t among Mas s achusetts s c hool d is tric ts p ut forward by Mas s DOT whic h c hallenges teenagers to pro d uc e vid eo s promoting safety in automobile, biking and p ed es trian travel. T he contest is an initiative within Mas sDOT ’s Massac hus etts Strategic Highway Safety P lan (SHSP), whic h aims to promote safety and health in travel. The s tud ents have been invited to attend your meeting to sho w their vid eo and b e rec o gnized . SUGGESTED MOTION: FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 11/30/2015 7:00 PM ATTACHMENTS: Des crip tion Typ e Email with Links to High School Winners Video and Story Backup Material Lexington Minuteman Article Cover Memo By Al Gentile agentile@wickedlocal.com November 15. 2015 6:18AM Two Lexington High School students win Safe Streets video challenge Print Page Lexington High school seniors Katrina Chaput and Lilly Rhyll won the Massachusetts Department of Transportation’s Safe Streets Smart Trips Video Contest. Safe Streets Smart Trips is a yearly video contest among Massachusetts school districts put forward by MassDOT which challenges teenagers to produce videos promoting safety in automobile, biking and pedestrian travel. The contest is an initiative within MassDOT’s Massachusetts Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP), which aims to promote safety and health in travel. “It was an opportunity to reach out to teens,” Rhyll, of Kitson Park Drive, said. “We’re the ones new to driving.” The award was presented at MassDOT’s Moving Together 2015 conference at the Boston Park Plaza Hotel on Nov. 4. Their video shows three students, one driving, one riding a bicycle, and one walking, waking up too late for their daily activities. Rushing to get to their destination, they follow all safety precautions including keeping their phone out of reach, waiting at crosswalks, and using a helmet. Chaput, of Simonds Road, said this was an opportunity to show her skills as she applies to Emerson and New York universities. “This is something I’m considering as my major going into college,” Chaput said. “This class has been a really good opportunity to make productions, and make content to show for those universities.” The video contest is open to all Massachusetts high school students and features two entry categories – a freshman/sophomore and a junior/senior. Students are asked to speak to one or both of the following statistics: one pedestrian is killed every five days and one bicyclist is killed every month; two pedestrians are hospitalized every day and one bicyclist is hospitalized every three days. A grand prize and runner-up will be selected in each category. “Safe and healthy transportation has always been of the utmost importance to MassDOT, which is why it is such a pleasure to award these students from Lexington High School as our junior/senior grand prize winners,” said MassDOT Secretary and CEO Stephanie Pollack in a press statement. Michael Verseckes, a press representative for MassDOT, said Moving Together is part of a larger effort by the department to promote safe and clean travel throughout the state. “It’s a forward-looking program that comprises a whole bunch of transportation-related facets that relates to travel itself,” Verseckes said. Verseckes said the video contest hopes to help make all travel in Massachusetts safer. In their class with visual arts teacher Mary Pappas, Rhyll and Chaput were given the assignment with the knowledge it would be submitted to the MassDOT contest. Follow Al Gentile on Twitter: @LexReporter http://lexington.wickedlocal.com/article/20151115/NEWS/151117384 Print Page Page 1 of 1Two Lexington High School students win Safe Streets video challenge - Gate House 11/25/2015http://lexington.wickedlocal.com/article/20151115/NEWS/151117384?template=printart AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Center Streetscape Presentation (90 min.) PRESENTER: Kien Ho and Mike Was ielews ki o f the BETA Group and John Livs ey, Town Engineer ITEM NUMBER: I.2 SUMMARY: The Center Streets c ape will b e disc ussed. The dis c us sion will foc us o n res pons es to spec ific q uestio ns p revious ly as ked by the Bo ard . SUGGESTED MOTION: No mo tion sugges ted ; would like direc tion o n the des ign o f the Wo b urn Street at Mas s achusetts Avenue inters ectio n. FOLLOW-UP: Future pub lic meetings will be held o n this pro jec t. DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 11/30/2015 7:05 PM ATTACHMENTS: Des crip tion Typ e Center Streets cape pres entation Pres entation Lexington Town Center Streetscape Project Page 1 October 19, 2015 Battle Green Improvements/Town Center Streetscape Project Intersections of: Bedford Street @ Hancock Street / Harrington Road (Presented on October 19, 2015) Massachusetts Avenue @ Woburn Street / Winthrop Road / Fletcher Avenue Board of Selectmen Meeting November 30, 2015 Lexington Town Center Streetscape Project Page 2 October 19, 2015 Discussion Points I.Massachusetts Avenue @ Woburn Street/Winthrop Road/Fletcher Street 1)Address questions from previous Board meetings Lexington Town Center Streetscape Project Page 3 October 19, 2015 Lexington Center Streetscape Project Questions and Answers 1.In lieu of a traffic signal at Woburn Street, would it be feasible to add pedestrian crossing at locations such as the Police Station, bike path, Muzzey School? Cost ? Visual Impact ? Effectiveness? Also, should turning restrictions (eg. No left turn) be added on Winthrop? Yes, it is feasible to add pedestrian beacon systems such as the RRFB (Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon) at these locations, provided a full signal system is not proposed at the Woburn Street intersection. The cost is approximately $30K/crosswalk. For visual impact, the flashing Beacons are bright strobe lights. Solar power system is not recommended due to the visual impact. Research indicates that the RRFB is effective. A Left Turn restriction on Winthrop Road would yield little benefit as the turn volumes are small (5 to 10 vehicles during the peak commuting hours). 2. Clarify the cost of just the traffic signal vs. the other aspects of the project. Approximately $150K to $200K. 3.What data did BETA use that suggests that a traffic signal is called for ? •Traffic Data (Volumes and Crash) Collected in 2013, 2014 and 2015 •MUTCD Warrants •Pedestrian and Bicycle Data •Special Events Observations Lexington Town Center Streetscape Project Page 4 October 19, 2015 Image Source: Google Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFB) Lexington Town Center Streetscape Project Page 5 October 19, 2015 Lexington Center Streetscape Project Questions and Answers 4. What is the projected cost of the entire streetscape project? Approximately $8 million. 5. We are using 2008-2010 data for this study. Can DPW provide/use more current data? Current available data was expanded to 2013, 2014 and 2015. 6. Are we examining the neighborhood impact and potential for cut thru traffic? Yes, additional data were collected in 2014 and another consultant was hired to evaluate the potential impact. 7. Can we do a low cost test of: No left turn out of Winthrop? Yes, however, a Left Turn restriction on Winthrop Road would yield little benefit as the turn volumes are small (5 to 10 vehicles during the peak commuting hours). 8. Can we test a no right turn lane on Mass Ave at Waltham St. to see the impact on eastbound traffic? Yes, the test would consist of coning off the existing right-turn lane, counting traffic and observing the queuing on Mass Ave eastbound. The traffic signal head display and timing would be adjusted too. Lexington Town Center Streetscape Project Page 6 October 19, 2015 Lexington Center Streetscape Project Questions and Answers 9. Can the Battle Green portion of this study be brought up to the same level of design as the rest of the project? The Battle Green Project can be advanced and direction on the Harrington Road/Bedford Street intersection will help these efforts. If it is the desire of the Board to advance the Battle Green Project to the level of the Center Streetscape Project, we can hold the Center project and work toward advancement of the Battle Green Project until it reaches the 25% design level. 10. If a round-about is installed at Woburn, how close would it be to the Russell Square condos? Approximately 20 feet. The current offset ranges between 45’ and 75’ 11. Can the Town lower the speed limit in the Center to 20 -25 mph and also add speed monitoring signs? Would like a tutorial on establishing speed limits and what the 85th percentile means. All regulatory speed limits are under MassDOT jurisdiction. Regulatory speed limits are established based on a speed study and the 85 th percentile speed. The 85th percentile speed is the speed at or below which 85% of all vehicles are observed to travel under free flowing conditions. 12. How do the engineers decide where to locate crosswalks in the Center? Crosswalks are located based on the ability to provide a safe crossing and pedestrian desire lines. A pedestrian desire line is a path that represents pedestrian’s desired route between an origin point and a destination point. A good example is the crosswalk located on Mass Ave at Meriam Street. Lexington Town Center Streetscape Project Page 7 October 19, 2015 Massachusetts Avenue / Woburn Street / Winthrop Road Option 6 - Intersection With Roundabout = Proposed Land Taking Legend Right-of-Way (Typ.) 20’ CLEAR (Existing: 45’-75’) Lexington Town Center Streetscape Project Page 8 October 19, 2015 Crosswalk at Meriam Street Proposed Crosswalk Location Existing Crosswalk Location Lexington Town Center Streetscape Project Page 9 October 19, 2015 Lexington Center Streetscape Project Questions and Answers 13. Is it possible to get a waiver on the speed limit setting requirements ? No ! The Town is liable for any non-conformance design regulations. 14. Can we move the MBTA bus stop at Winthrop to closer to the Baptist church? MBTA bus stop locations are under the MBTA jurisdiction. Bus stop locations are based on ridership demand at the desire location and the spacing between stops. The locations shown in the plan were derived based on meetings with users. 15. Should we put the utilities underground as part of this project? What would be the cost? The estimated cost for undergrounding the 11 poles from Lexx Restaurant to the Woburn Street intersection (1,000 ft ) is approximately $2 million. 16. What does prep for signals without the actual final install entail? Can this be done with the proposed geometry? The traffic signal underground electrical conduits and cable pull boxes can be installed with the proposed geometry. The remaining traffic signal equipment could be installed at a later date. The proposed geometry without a traffic signal would create significant delays and queues on Woburn Street. A graphic display of the impact is shown in an upcoming slide. Lexington Town Center Streetscape Project Page 10 October 19, 2015 Lexington Center Streetscape Project Questions and Answers 17. Have we looked at the types of accident date (ie. Rear end vs side swipe, etc…) Yes! A detailed analysis of accident data was performed. 18. What is the wait time versus the queue under the different scenarios ? A summary of the delay times and queue lengths is provided on the next two slides. 19. Has a CO reduction calculation been done for the signals? If not, can it be done ? No, a CO analysis was not performed. CO can be calculated. The estimated cost to complete a CO analysis is approximate $10K. The CO reduction could be minimal based on the traffic analysis results between the existing and proposed signal conditions. Lexington Town Center Streetscape Project Page 11 October 19, 2015 Massachusetts Avenue / Woburn Street/Winthrop Road/Fletcher Avenue Delay Times and Vehicle Queues – AM Peak Hour LEGEND Vehicle Queue Length: Existing Conditions Proposed Geometry - No Signal Proposed Geometry - With Signal #s - ##’: # average seconds of delay per vehicle ## vehicle queue length (feet) Proposed Geometry – No Signal Queue Extends additional 1,170 feet further than shown Lexington Town Center Streetscape Project Page 12 October 19, 2015 Massachusetts Avenue / Woburn Street/Winthrop Road/Fletcher Avenue Delay Times and Vehicle Queues – PM Peak Hour LEGEND Vehicle Queue Length: Existing Conditions Proposed Geometry - No Signal Proposed Geometry - With Signal #s - ##’: # average seconds of delay per vehicle ## vehicle queue length (feet) Lexington Town Center Streetscape Project Page 13 October 19, 2015 Thank You!