HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-11-19-AC-min 11/19/15 AC Minutes Minutes Town of Lexington Appropriation Committee November19, 2015 : Town OfficeBuilding, Selectmen’s MeetingRoom,7:30p.m. : Glenn Parker, Chair; John Bartenstein, Vice Chair and Secretary; Kate Colburn; Alan Levine;Beth Masterman;Richard Neumeier;Rob Addelson (non-voting, ex officio) Members Absent:Mollie Garberg; Eric Michelson; Andrei Radulescu-Banu Others Present: Margaret Coppe, School Committee; Elaine Ashton, Town Meeting member The meetingwas calledto order at 7:39p.m. Minutes: 1.A motion was made and seconded to accept the minutes for November 5, 2015, as amended. The motion passed. Vote: 6-0 Major Town Capital Projects and Related Financing Plans: 2.Mr. Parker reported that key staff members have been working with the chairs plus one member from critical committees in an effort to define an educationally acceptable and financially responsible approach to addressing the school capacity issues and thebuilding deficiencies that exist in some of the schoolfacilities. There wasgeneral agreementamong those in this working groupthat a capital plan for an amount over $200million to replace and/or upgrade schools and public safety facilitieswould be considered unpalatablebythe taxpayer. Ms. Coppe shared financial data that identifies a $147,298,000 capital plan that provides relief for the most immediate demands in the schools butcompromises some of the school system’s goals for the optimal education environmentand does notfullyaddress potential long-term continued enrollment growth.The School Committee is unanimously supporting this plan. The School Committee is also hiring a consultant to assist in developing redistricting plans for September 2016 that will maximize the use of existing space. There was discussion about the tradeoffs and specifics associated with the proposaland the procedural sequencing. Mr. Addelson reported that he is building a new financial model based on the School Committee’s recommendations. It was noted that this proposal includes funding to upgrade the heating, ventilation,and air conditioning systems at Diamond Middle School and Lexington High School. This proposal also includes the rebuilding of Hastings Elementary School (Hastings). Ms. Colburn suggested that if the Town purchases property on Pelham Road, as is now anticipated, the school capacity shortfall might be better addressed by building a new school on Pelham Road and postponing the Hastings project. After discussion, it was generally agreed that this approach might be considered if the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA) rejects Lexington’s request forfinancial assistance, but the Hastings facility has significant building deficiencies and the Town has been pursuing MSBA assistance for Hastings for two years. MSBA will likely providea preliminary indication of its interest in the Hastings projectbyearly 2016. 1 11/19/15 AC Minutes Committee Report to Special Town Meeting(STM)#1: 3.Mr. Parker asked for written comments on a draft report that he has prepared and will be distributing electronically. The goal will be to approve the report at this Committee’sNovember 30meetingand to distribute it publicly on December 1, one day prior to the December 2 reconvening of STM #1.It is anticipatedthat STM#1 will be immediately adjournedagain, allowing timethat evening for aTown Meeting Members Association (TMMA) information session, and reconvene on Monday, December 7. Although motions for the Articles are not yet available, current information is as follows: Article 2: Appropriate for School Facilities Capital Projects: Consistent with the School Committee’s recommendationsdiscussedabove, funds wouldbe requested for the creation of design documents for renovations at Diamond and Clarke Middle Schools, preliminary design documents for new construction at Hastings that would be compatible with MSBA requirements, and design documents and construction costs fora total of six modular classrooms to be split evenly amongBridge, Bowman and Fiske Elementary Schools. Article 3: Land Purchase and Improvements –20Pelham Road: It is anticipated that this article will be indefinitely postponed. Article 4: Appropriate for Engineering Study -20 Pelham Road: It is anticipated that this article will be indefinitely postponed. The Committee adjournedat 9:10p.m. The documentsused at the meeting arelistedbelow. Respectfully submitted, Sara Arnold Recording Secretary Approved November 30, 2015 Exhibit 1.Agenda,posted by Glenn Parker, Chair 2.Multiple School Project Costs Worksheet, updated November 18, 2015 2