HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-10-07-COA-min Minutes of the Lexington Council on Aging Board October 7, 2015 Present: Nancy Adler, Harry MacKay, Camille Goodwin, Marion Kilson, Barbara Rediker, Betty Borghesani, Sophia Ho, Rich McDonough, Gerry Howell, Ellen Cameron Absent: Julie Shapiro Staff: Charlotte Rogers, Kelly Axtell, Sheila Butts The meeting was called to order at 3:05 1.Public Comments- a suggestion was made to think about the timing of our meeting as the last bus leaves the community center around 4:15-4:30 p.m. 2.Correction was made to the minutes of 9/2/15 paragraph 2. Remove Gary Fallicks name. He is remaining as a representative of Minuteman Services. Lou Conrad will be the new person replacing Barbara Ciampa. Lou will be treasurer & Gary is VP. Paragraph 4 should read FCOA gave $40,000 for new furniture at the Community Center & the Dana Home Fund gave $25,000. The changes were accepted as amended 3. Staff Reports Charlotte reported that it has been very busy. OWLL programs have started. The Window Pane Shop furniture has arrived & they are setting up. She asked everyone to stop by to see the changes. Technical & Building issues are still ongoing. The contractor has not yet released the building & there is a long punch list( audio, technical, HVAC system & the water fountains). Sheila Butts said there are weekly meetings to address the issues. Everyone needs patience & understanding. The goal is to have a good experience for all. th The OH for the Community Center is Saturday October 17. There is a meeting tomorrow to work out individual table etc. It is planned from 10-1. The formal ceremony will be from 10-10:30. After that there will be tours, tables with info, a COA table, & refreshments. The LexPress will run from 9:30-1:30 & will go to The Senior Villages & out of the town center. Nancy asked the COA Board members to help wherever they can. Charlotte mentioned that they are close to an agreement with Brook Haven to supply the senior meals (Monday, Wednesday & Friday) The contract is not st signed yet but she is hopeful for this to begin November 1. Kelly Axtell is back after 3 months leave. Everyone congratulated her on the birth of her son, Spencer. Kelly mentioned that the nurse Alicia is also back & is available on Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday for home wellness visits. The town program is free to all homebound seniors. The fuel assistance program is available as of November 1.You must apply with the staff. There is an intake form that must be filled out. Next week there will be an Essential Skills Program presented by the Carroll Center. This will be a 4-6 week skill building program on “How to live independently at home. This is for the legally blind & is free. The program will run from 9-1 on Wednesdays. It was mentioned that Hemali is at the MCOA Conference this week. Membership card are coming (key fob).There will be a bar code reader. There will be no charge for Lexington residents. Non resident fees were discussed but they are not finalized yet. Possible fees are Adults to age 59($50) youth ($25) & family($125), as well as over 60 non resident (one time fee $5). There will also be a cardio room fee at a later date. Charlotte asked the COA Board Members to give her their thoughts regarding fees for residents & non-residents. This would also involve meals. Due to Federal Funding meals must be open to all seniors wherever they reside. Ellen asked how the sign ups would be handled. Sheila indicated Lexington Residents get priority. Two weeks after non-residents can sign up & there may be an additional fee. Charlotte said this is in the newsletter. Sheila added that those with resident cards would be first. Marion added that other centers (Belmont, Natick, & Harwich) do not have a non resident fee or fee for the cardio room. She also indicated that the Director of Concord had said they had reached capacity & had to close some services to non residents. There was a comment from the public indicating that non residents are here a lot. Charlotte said we have reciprocity with some towns. It has been a problem. Nancy felt that the $5 fee should be for a year, not for life. Betty seconded the motion & the board agreed. There was an agreement that there is a need to consider a higher fee for the future. Nancy spoke about the COA Meet & Greet. She felt it was a great success (about 30 attendees). She asked the board members to bring new ideas to the November meeting on how to maximize the meet & greet program. A possible date in January was mentioned or a combined meeting in December with the FCOA. Nancy spoke on behalf of Jane & the FCOA saying that they are looking for collaboration to discuss new funding & ideas for the future of the Dana Home Fund. Harry MacKay spoke in regards to how the COA advocates & supports at the new Community Center. He said in order to do this there is a need to know how & by whom things are decided. In the past the board was responsible to advise the town manager. How is it done now? He indicated there is a concern of seniors over the loss of the Senior Center. There is a need to insure that the good things that were at Muzzey don’t get lost at the Community Center. Betty B indicated that the Community Advisory Board is not in place yet but hopefully will be soon. Charlotte R. indicated the structure is the same with the staff. The newsletter has been renamed the Community Center newsletter. Sheila B. said the recreation department was renamed the recreation division but that was done last February. She also stated that the website is incomplete & is being redone. Charlotte suggested a Power Point Presentation at a future meeting, if needed. Nancy A. asked everyone to bring their thoughts to the next meeting. She also Indicated that Minuteman Services will be giving a report at the November meeting. Charlotte R. suggested a change of meeting time to 2:30pm for future meetings to accommodate the bus schedule. All agreed to this change. No Liaison Reports Meeting was adjourned at 4:15pm. The next meeting will be Nov 4, 2015 at 2:30pm at the Community Center. Respectfully submitted, Camille Goodwin